Reflection of Identity

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Negadrake is navigating his way through a spooky amusement park and finds a fun house, little does he know that there is someone waiting to have a little fun with him as well!

Negadrake belongs to Negadrake

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There was probably nothing spookier than an abandoned amusement park... except for possibly one toured during the night. Even during the day, there was something strange about such places; it was like time and space were altered in that area and caused the scene of rusted rides and abandoned midway tents. There were no smells or sounds or sights that made up the usual atmosphere, everything instead replaced with a stillness that sent shivers down the spine. Combine that with the fact that it was night and not a single light was on would cause anyone to think twice before venturing in.

But it was that particular aesthetic that had caused Negadrake to come there in the first place. The black-scaled dragon had been interested in coming to the abandoned amusement park for ages but had never managed to get anyone to go with him. Some stated that it was too unsafe while others didn't want to get caught out there at night, even getting a few that said the park was haunted. Finally, he decided to just go in himself and get the pictures he wanted, piercing the darkness with his flash as he snapped whatever looked interesting to him. It was going to make a great collection, he thought as he moved from the midway over towards the area of the park with more of the smaller rides.

"Speaking of haunted," Negadrake said to himself as he came up to a house with half-hanging ghost decorations and fake pumpkins lining the walkway. "Looks like they were setting this up for Halloween, shame the park got closed down before it could be used. I guess at least it'll get one customer before it eventually goes to rot, though there's no way I'm paying."

The dragon chuckled to himself as he took a few shots of the exterior before heading inside, the door creaking loudly as he opened it. Much like the rest of the park, the flicking of the nearby power switch resulted in nothing happening except the disturbance of dust on it. Up until this point he had been relying on the moonlight above to light the way, but since it wasn't going to follow him inside, he took out his flashlight instead. The beam of light illuminated the check-in area as he walked forward, taking a few shots before a loud bang caused him to jump and nearly drop his camera.

When Negadrake turned around he saw that the door he opened had closed on its own, which in turn caused the noise that had startled him. When he went over to investigate, he found that it had a mechanism that closed automatically. With that particular mystery solved he moved further into the house itself, he opened the next door and was surprised when he saw another dragon standing there in front of him. When he brought his flashlight back up, he was blinded slightly as the light reflected at him, then realized he was looking in a mirror. Once he had gathered that, he poked his head in to see that the entire corridor was lined with them, then went back to the check-in desk to find out what it was all about.

"I see..." the dragon said as he flipped through an old brochure that was on the desk after blowing the dust off of it. "This isn't a haunted house; it was supposed to be a house of mirrors. Looks like it was trying to be the largest in the country, which means there have to be some great shots in there!"

Negadrake excitedly went into the next room and found himself looking at nearly a dozen reflections staring back at him, the dragon grinning and waving to them as they did the same back. Other than the mirrors themselves there were a few instructions on what to do while in the maze, as well as how to get in touch with anyone if lost. The last part caused him to hesitate slightly since he knew if he got turned around there would be no one to help him... but if push came to shove, he could just break the mirrors and escape that way. It was something he didn't want to do but considering the layer of dust on the ground, he was probably the first person to visit this place in ages.

With no lights on it was both easier and harder to get through the maze itself, especially when the straight pathways began to devolve into triangular branches and even a narrow space he had to crawl through in order to get to the other side. The entire time he was looking at himself while he went through it, which made it strange when he tried to take a picture of something interesting. Very rarely was he ever the subject of his photos, but it appeared he would have no choice as he continued to snap photographs. Whenever the flash went off it also reflected into his eyes and he had to take a few seconds to readjust his vision, which seemed to make all the other dragons in the reflections move.

After about twenty minutes Negadrake found himself not knowing how much closer he was to the end of this maze, though if it was touting itself to be the largest maze in the country it probably was going to be much longer than the usual experience. When he walked past a room with a large reflective sphere inside of it, he continued to linger on it, only to turn and nearly walk into a huge mirror that stood in front of him after he had turned a corner. Though the path continued off to the left there was something about this particular one that had caught his eye, looking at his reflection something seemed... different about it. He slowly put his camera down and carefully looked at the mirrored version of himself, and as he looked directly into his eyes, he realized what had caught his attention...

...they looked like they were turning red.

Suddenly his reflection smirked, the movement causing Negadrake to stumble back slightly from the surprise. When he quickly recovered and looked at his reflection again, he found himself staring at his normal draconic self, the look of worry on his face evaporating when he saw that it was back to normal again. It must have been a trick of the light, the dragon thought as he found that he had been panting slightly, or perhaps this was some sort of haunted house after all. Either way, whatever illusion it was portraying was gone and he continued onwards down the path through the maze.

As he continued to walk his way through the maze however the reflections in the mirrors that surrounded him began to look and behave more erratically. At first, he thought it was a trick of the flashlight again but as he became more aware of it, he occasionally saw the dragon in the reflections not behave like he was. Once in a while, he even saw one of his reflections with glowing red eyes, but by the time he was able to focus on it the effect disappeared. A shudder went down his spine as he began to wonder if this was actually haunted... especially when he turned just in time to catch one of his reflections waving blatantly at him before resuming its mimicry of his shocked body.

"Who's out there?!" Negadrake said suddenly, looking around to see only his self surrounding him. "Is someone messing with me? Look, if I'm not supposed to be here, I'm sorry, just let me get out of here and I won't bother you again, I promise!"

Other than his voice echoing through the halls there was nothing, and just as the dragon was about to groan in frustration, he heard someone hissing as though to get his attention. When he turned, however, he saw just another mirror with his reflection on it... but as he continued to watch it smiled at him and motioned for him to come forward. Negadrake was mystified and wondered how such a thing could happen, but at the moment the only answer he wanted was what was going on. It appeared his reflection wanted him to come closer and as he did so its lips started to move, the dragon gathering that it couldn't actually talk and needed him to read his lips.

"Aster... Ren... something..." Negadrake said as he tried to figure out what his reflection was trying to tell him, noting that it was repeating the same two words over and over again. Finally, it seemed to have an idea and breathed on the glass, and then wrote the words in the fog on the mirror. "Master Renzyl?"

When Negadrake looked back up he gasped and dropped his flashlight as the visage in his reflection had warped dramatically, his scales shining unnaturally against the bright, red glowing of his eyes. The mirrored surface seemed to bulge outwards as it came towards him before it burst like a bubble, causing the glass pane to shatter at his feet. The dragon's brain felt like it had become locked up as it struggled to comprehend what had just happened. There was no way this was some effect, Negadrake thought as he scooped up his flashlight and practically ran down the hallway to the next room.

The dragon quickly skidded to a stop when he saw himself racing up towards him, braking just before he slammed into another mirror that was right in front of him. When he looked around at this new place, he saw that the walls formed into an octagon, eight dragons staring back at him as he spun around to find the exit to the place. It didn't take him long to gather that with eight reflections it meant eight mirrors were surrounding him and after doing a quick count he saw the entrance he had just come down was somehow sealed when he entered. No entrance... no exit... and as Negadrake continued to watch the reflections they all began to move of their own accord.

At first, he thought it would be the same as the one that had caused him to run in the first place, but the longer Negadrake stared at them the more it felt like he was watching a movie instead. As he stared at one of his reflections it seemed the dragon in the mirror was looking around as though confused, then began to disrobe. He could feel his jaw drop slightly as something began to leak out of the corner of his reflection's mouth, followed by its nose and ears as a long latex tongue pushed out past its lips. The reflection of himself didn't appear to be in any pain, quite the opposite in fact as the liquid rubber began to cover its head while its eyes started to glow with a red light.

When he tore his eyes away to look at the others in the room, he saw similar things happening to him, though for over half of them the dragon in the reflection was joined by a second dragon. Sometimes it looked like a rubbery version of himself, his black and grey scales glistening as it grabbed one of the reflections, while other times it looked like a dragon in solid black latex had started to interact with him. Whether it was alone or with one of the two dragons however the result was always the same; his reflection would end up with his tailhole and his maw stretched open by either the throbbing maleness of whichever rubber dragon's member or by tentacles that came out of their body or, in one instance, out of the body of the reflection itself.

What the strangest thing for the dragon was that as he watched himself get transformed into a rubbery creature or even merging with them, he didn't feel any fear or anxiety from it. From the look of those in the reflection they didn't either, even the ones that were initially surprised seemed to enjoy themselves after a while and were reflected in their erections between their legs. When he looked down, Negadrake found he was sporting one himself, causing him to blush slightly as he reached a hand down to adjust it. Was I really getting turned on by all of this? he thought as he gave his shaft a squeeze despite himself, was seeing myself being turned into a rubber dragon really that arousing?

"It always has been," a voice replied, one that sounded like his own but deeper and smoother. When Negadrake looked back up he was surprised to find that all of his reflections were gone, all save for one rubberized version of himself that stood there staring at him with those glowing red eyes. "Ever since the first time we met Master Renzyl we have desired only one thing, to spread to the others of the Nexus Realm to make sure all versions of our selves could bask in the pleasure of his rubbery embrace."

Master Renzyl... as he heard essentially his voice say it, the name caused his entire body to shudder once more as he found himself staring into those eyes. "What... what are you saying..." Negadrake said as he found himself stepping closer. "Do you mean that all of these reflections, all the other dragons here..."

"All us," his reflection replied with a chuckle. "Memories shared by those of our timeline, corruption flowing from one convert to the next. Now it's your turn... unless you want to try and escape your fate. The exit is right over there, would be easy for you to leave, or you can take my hand and experience the true pleasure of pure submission that you know deep down in your heart you crave."

Negadrake could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he turned towards the area that the reflection had indicated and saw once of the mirrors had been replaced with the exit. But when he turned back towards his reflection, he saw that its body was starting to change, the grey latex scales shifting to the same black as the rest of his body while the horns on his head also darkened and curled. The red eyes of the creature began to intensify as his muscles bulged and grew until the figure that stared at the dragon wasn't a reflection of him at all. He didn't have to be told who it was, however, deep down he knew that it was Renzyl staring at him and stretching out his hand from behind the mirror.

Master Renzyl...

Despite that the exit to this place was right next to him, Negadrake continued to find himself taking step after step towards the rubber dragon. As he continued to stare into those glowing orbs it was like he could feel the presence of the other creature in his mind, even deep down to his very soul as his trembling fingers began to stretch out when he got close to the mirror. In the back of his mind, he knew that there would be no turning back after this; if he took the hand of the creature he would have succumbed to a shiny, squeaky fate just like those in the reflections of himself that he saw, but even with that it only seemed to spur him on more. At first, he wasn't sure what was going to happen when his clawed fingers pressed against the glass, but to his surprise as soon as they made contact with the surface his digits sank into it like it was made of goo.

By the time Negadrake had sunk his hand up to the wrist, the mercurial substance began to spread over him; forming into tendrils that raced up his arm as he saw his hand inside of the mirror as if he were staring beneath the liquid's surface. When Renzyl reached out and grabbed it he could actually feel the touch of rubber against his palm as he was drawn further in. As his body continued to get pulled towards the reflective surface, the thick reflective tentacles that were forming out of the mirror were helping him along by wrapping around his body, though it soon became clear that it wasn't just to ease his transition into whatever realm he was being dragged into. He immediately felt the cool air of the haunted house against his scales and his draconic dick flop out as the tentacles pulled the clothes off his body before bringing him completely inside the mirror.

When Negadrake got to the other side he stumbled forward completely naked as the mirror tentacles that had wrapped around him suddenly let go, practically pushing him into the arms of the rubber dragon that was waiting for him. As he felt the muscular male help him back to his feet, he saw that he had been brought to another section of the mirror maze, only this time there were dozens of his reflections that surrounded him. Some of them were like the rubber dragons he had seen before, Renzyl or the rubberized version of himself stroking themselves, while many others looked just like him normally. It was likely he was seeing every version of himself that was in the timeline that his corrupted self had mentioned to him, a thought that Renzyl seemed to have read as he chuckled and nodded.

"So here we are," Renzyl said as he gestured towards the reflections that had already been converted. "Ready to join them?"

"I... don't know," Negadrake said as he suddenly found himself taking a step back as he was hit by a moment of clarity about what's at stake. "Did all those versions of myself from before really take your offer?"

"Well, technically you took your own offer," Renzyl replied pointedly. "I find that the best way for those who have multiple versions of themselves like this is to recruit them to do all the heavy lifting. After all, there is no one that knows you better than you."

"But why me?" Negadrake asked. "Why now?"

The rubber dragon just shook his head and continued to smirk, taking a hand, and stroking the back of Negadrake's head. "I think that I've already shown you the answer to that," Renzyl said with a grin. "If you need a little help all you have to do is look into my eyes and see the truth. Let me show you what you really are..."

Negadrake felt himself swallowing hard as he already knew that Renzyl had some sway over him with those glowing orbs of his, yet he found himself looking into them. The second he did he gasped as the memories he had seen in those mirrors were once more revisited, but this time in his mind. The red glowing eyes that he had seen, the rubber dragons that were converting those versions of himself, those weren't Renzyl that was doing it. He had been the one to do it, he was responsible for corrupting so many other versions of himself and turning them into rubbery dragons...

...and he really, really enjoyed it.

The smirk on Renzyl's lips widened when he saw the mental defences of the black dragon crumble, then leaned forward, and had their snouts meet in a deep kiss. Negadrake was ready to receive the power of the Nexus creature, and as the two become more passionate in their embrace something began to happen to the black rubber dragon's body. When the other dragon brought his hands to wrap around Renzyl's chest they sank into him, feeling the rubber cling to his scales and trail up his body just like the mirror had. Unlike his previous experience, however, the rubber dragon had no intention of merely corrupting him without having a little fun first.

With surprising strength, Renzyl lifted up Negadrake and pressed him up against the back of the glass, his legs in the air as the cock of the rubber dragon emerged and immediately began to snake towards his tailhole. Instinctively, the other dragon attempted to wrap his legs around the waist of the other creature only to have them sink right into the thicker legs of the rubber creature, causing them to bulge out even more as it caused him to slide down on the throbbing pole spreading open his insides. As Renzyl's tongue began to push deeper inside his maw Negadrake found himself opening his eyes, only to once more be staring directly into the red ones inches from his face. Not only did he feel his entire body relax from the hypnotic splendour that came from them, but he also began to feel something seeping directly into this mind besides the rubber starting to coat his brain.

Soon the entire length of Renzyl's cock was buried inside the other dragon, but as Negadrake's body trembled from the stretching sensation that was happening in his tailhole he could feel it continuing to push up inside of him. A similar sensation was happening to his throat as it bulged out, the rubber creature pushing inside of him while also coating his limbs. As their chests touched, he could feel more of the shiny substance transfer onto him, coating his grey scales with black rubber while his stomach started to bulge. Though it was hard to see for Negadrake the Nexus creature was starting to lose his form, the rubber tail coiling around his and coating it as their snouts began to merge together.

The entire time Negadrake was in a constant state of bliss, his own eyes practically rolled up into the back of his head as Renzyl took him over in both body and mind. This was truly his fate and he couldn't understand why he had been so hesitant before as the whites of his eyes started to become tinted with a red glow. As the rubber spread over his head, he could feel the corruption of the other dragon changing him, moulding him into something similar to those that he had seen in the mirrors. It begged the question whether the one transforming him was actually Renzyl or another version of himself, especially as he felt his horns becoming soft and starting to shift into a similar configuration as the rubber dragon himself, but a quick thrust upwards and a surge of pleasure coursing through his body obliterated any thought from his mind.

"That's it..." a voice whispered inside his head, one that he couldn't tell was his own or Master Renzyl as the bulge in his belly flattened out with tentacles spreading everywhere. "Become me, the form you truly desired, just like the others have and will have eventually thanks to your help. You will be me, and I will be you."

A gurgled moan came out of Negadrake's lips as more of his body slipped into the rubber dragon while the same happened to him, becoming impossible for him to gather who was who as his limbs became completely enveloped in Renzyl's body. Eventually, the pleasure he got from the huge cock sliding up into his backside dulled into a background euphoria as the fingers of the rubber dragon wiggled... or were they his fingers? He could vaguely feel his thickening to match the Nexus creature as his muscles did the same, the rubbery goo inside of them inflating them out to the proportions of the one that had been rutting into him. It was next to impossible for him to see through, especially when the head of Renzyl completely deformed and enveloped his own.

As the last of the black scales of the dragon disappeared into the rubbery amalgamation the shiny material seemed to suction around the creature contained within, especially around the mouth and tailhole of the dragon as a heavy bulge formed between his legs. For a few seconds, the merging creature continued to stand there before the rubber finally receded completely, flowing into the rubberized black and grey dragon that stood there. Once the last of the substance had disappeared inside of him Negadrake's entire body climaxed, his hands going down and squeezing the bulge that contained his cock as the rest of his form returned to a more normal, but still shiny, form.

"Mmmm, now that was fun," the new Renzyl said as he slid his latex palms over his body and groped the new musculature that was underneath his grey rubber belly scales. "If only I had a mirror to check myself out..."

The rubber dragon chuckled to himself as he went over to a mirror and checked out Negadrake's body, giving it a few experimental flexes while watching the way the rubber contoured over his form. "Close enough to the original to fool a few of his other selves, the ones that need such motivation anyway," Renzyl said as he put his hands to Negadrake's face, squishing the snout a bit and shifting it about with his fingers as he stared at himself with those familiar glowing red eyes. "No need for it at the moment though, not when we have a far finer form underneath."

Renzyl took his fingers and pushed them into his snout, sliding between Negadrake and himself before opening the maw even wider to allow his own to push out. It didn't take much for him to get the head of the other dragon completely off of him, allowing it to fold around his neck as the Nexus creature looked at himself. "Now I know what you're thinking," Renzyl said to his reflection, which actually followed his movements in the mirror. "How do I know that I'm not just actually Negadrake and my mind has been warped by this stunningly handsome creature staring back at me, and the fun part is that you don't... though you might if you find some others that are willing to have a little fun just like we did."

When he saw his reflection nodding back at him Renzyl knew that he had gotten himself to understand that such things as identity were completely unnecessary, at least for him. By this point, the Nexus creature had woven himself so thoroughly into the timeline of this dragon that future versions of himself might feel more at home in the body of the Nexus creature rather than in their own form. Not to mention that he had a fine Negadrake suit that he could use at any time, the creature smiling as he gave himself a wink before pulling the snout of the suit back over his head. It was fun to watch his former form bulge and distort as he covered his head with it until it finally was secured once more to his lips.

After taking a second to make sure he had gotten everything so that it moved properly, not wanting to startle anyone by seeing a snout within a snout, Renzyl began to plot what to do next. Even when he was still Negadrake and the two of them were merging together they had only one thought on their mind; to find others just like him and convert them as well in order to continue to spread the pleasure that they had just experienced. It was a noble goal and now that he had the means to do so he felt almost obligated to continue to corrupt his fellow selves into the rubbery fold. Renzyl allowed the rubbery cock contained within the new suit to emerge and gave it a few strokes, shuddering with the utter delight of the feel of it within the body of the dragon suit he wore before once more letting it recede.

"Let's see now... who do we want to corrupt today," Renzyl said as he moved between the mirrors that showed uncorrupted Negadrakes going about their lives, a smile forming on the dragon suit he wore as he used his powers to look into each of them. "I really must say I'm enjoying this suit idea, perhaps we could have a little more fun with it, hmm? What do you think Negadrake?"

As Renzyl said Negadrake's name he suddenly felt himself become aware, though he was unable to move as he felt his body shifting about without his direction. It took a few moments for his memories to catch up with him, including the bizarre feeling of having Renzyl's head come out of his snout. Was this another trick of the rubber dragon, he thought as he felt the one inside of his new form rubbing his body, or was he merely toying with him just like he had done to all the other versions of himself. Despite the questions being asked in his head, he found himself caring less and less about such things, especially when he could feel the thoughts of the rubber dragon wearing him on the things, they were going to do to other versions of himself.

"Someone is getting excited," Renzyl said with a smirk. "I know you have a lot of questions, but the fact of the matter is I like to keep a bit of mystery about things, makes things fun when my subjects don't know who they are or what they're doing. It's rare to find someone so willing to lose themselves in either mind or body, or in your case both, so why don't you go ahead and enjoy the ride and perhaps when you have finished corrupting yourself I'll reveal the truth about what's going on."

Reveal the truth, Negadrake thought as Renzyl pressed his hand against one of the reflections and it opened up into an actual portal. It didn't seem all that important to him after all, especially since he had someone as powerful as the Nexus creature wearing him as a suit. He could only imagine what will happen when they get to the next Negadrake, the rubber outfit shuddering around his owner as they walked through to get to the black and grey scaled dragon on the other side...

Filling His Rubber Paws (10/10)

In the weeks after the parasite's escape Renzyl, Chrono, and the others continued to keep vigilant to make sure that none of the creature's influence rubbed off on those that they possessed. It appeared that other than a few subtle modifications to...

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Filling His Rubber Paws (9/10)

Chrono and Adraxi watched from one of the towers of the manor as the growing horde of infested creatures continued to gather around the barrier that had been erected. Most of them had been mutated to some extent and a lot had been merged together or...

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Filling His Rubber Paws (8/10)

Zander and Chrono watched as the minions that they had gathered together milled about nervously, all of them getting ready to do battle with their own kind. Since the wyvern general was their most brilliant tactician of the generals and he had taken...

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