Kitsune on Campus Chapter 1

Story by RaineDiam on SoFurry

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#1 of Kitsune on Campus

Kitsune on Campus

The trip to Trabel University was a long one. Many hours were spent on the road in a cramped little car with nothing but the radio to keep him company were slowly driving the black fennec mad. When he saw the sign finally pointing to his campus he let out a long sigh of relief as the journey was finally over.

He was young by the looks of things, 25 to be exact. A little late for college but his home life had prevented him from doing what he wanted. His parents split and he moved out so now he could pursue his own personal goals instead of spending all his time breaking up fights and cleaning up after their messes.

Emerald eyes scanned the parking lot as he saw countless other students going about their daily routines and paid little notice to him. He liked it that way. Ridley was very bright and even in high school he was outcast, not just because of his multiple tails, something of a rarity, but because of his cognitive capabilities. At least he wouldn't be spending time with most of them.

Trabel was a rather prestigious school with a long history of success and Ridley had placed into their honors program. His classes would have him in with other people like himself. This had him somewhat excited but at the same time he was a very timid man. He didn't much like meeting new people as most just annoyed him.

Ridley found a parking place and shut the engine off just sitting there for a moment, taking in what he could see of the campus. Pretty cobblestone walkways marked the paths between the buildings and between them were grassy parks with large trees and even a pond in the center. Students ran about between classes and chatted under the shade of the trees. All in all the campus was a very active place.

Taking off his sunglasses the fennec looked about even more and a small smile crossed his face as he rubbed the long scar over his right eye. A relic of the past. Slowly he opened the door and stepped out into the sun letting the spring breeze flow through his fur and past his large ears. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breath while stretching out his full five foot seven inches.

Taking only the papers the school had given him he followed their instructions to the dormitories pushing past students without a second glance. He didn't want to get into an embarrassing situation where his social awkwardness would come into play. He did notice the second glances at his tails though. He had seven of them waving behind him as he walked along the cobblestone. Such a thing was incredibly rare.

He stopped for a moment as he saw a statue of a man in a robe with a large hat over his head and a cloth hanging in front of his eyes. He smiled slightly as he looked to the inscription and nodded, 'Masatoshi Oginawa, united in cause the seven were led into the darkness by the blind.'

Ridley smiled a little more as he spoke softly, "I'll make you proud..."

The statue was of his great grandfather who was around during the cataclysm. A man that disappeared throughout history only to reappear hundreds of years later at a key time. Ridley had a lot to live up to carrying the last name he did.

He stayed a few moments as he had the spare time. Shaking his head he smiled remembering the one time he had met the man in his life.

He was much younger, seven when he really thought about the age or maybe it was eight. Memories that far back were getting a little harder to see. He had just been out riding his new bike when he returned home and saw a new car in the driveway. Stepping inside he saw an old man in a rather traditional looking black and gold Japanese kimono.

The man was about the same height as Ridley now when the fennec really thought about it. He was clearly family as those large ears were something of a family trademark. He was black just like Ridley but when the man turned to look at the youngster what struck the young fennec was the completely white eyes.

Ridley smirked slightly as he remembered how scared he had been. He'd never seen someone that was blind before. The man had reached out and touched Ridley's face feeling his fear and chuckling softly he spoke, "Don't be afraid little Ridley. No harm will come to you."

"He's just a little old fashioned kiddo. It sorta grows on ya," Said a feminine voice from elsewhere in the room. He turned his gaze to see a white fennec of nine tails sitting on the couch and smiling at him. She looked much younger than the black one and shared the same eyes as Ridley.

The child remained silent and still as the old man turned back to the rest of the house quiet now. It was the woman that broke the silence with a soft laugh, "Kind of a timid little youngster ain't ya? You have no idea who we are do you?"

The little fennec nodded slowly but didn't speak.

"I see. Well I'm Rukan Hisashi, and this is Masatoshi Oginawa. We are your great grandparents," replied the woman with a kind smile as she patted the seat next to her.

The memory faded away from Ridley's mind's eye as he snapped back to the present and nodded a few times putting his paw on the statue's foot he spoke softly, "I won't let you down..."

Continuing on his way Ridley found the path to the Dragon dormitories and slipped inside quietly. He walked to the bulletin board and saw his name next to that of his room mate's. Ridley Diam and Clayton Masters on floor 4 room D.

With a nod the fennec was off again walking up the stairs to the fourth floor. He had to push past a few students but most were waiting for the elevator like Ridley had planned. He walked down the hall finding the room marked D and opened the door.

The carnal scene he was shown made him gasp and shut the door quickly. He had to blink a few times to try and get the tangle of bodies out of his head. He could still smell the heavy musk of the act he had mistakenly been a viewer to in the humid air that left the room. The sound of rustling and shouts in the room told him the participants knew they had been caught and it wasn't long before the door opened and a rabbit girl in a cheerleaders' uniform pushed past the fennec with a frown.

Ridley watched her leave and quirked a brow as he turned to look back into the messy dorm room and saw a rather large white tiger starring at him with piercing blue eyes. Clayton Masters was a titan of a man standing at nearly seven feet tall. His body rippled with muscle as he stood with only a pair of boxer shorts on.

The fennec swallowed hard made into a dwarf by the sheer size of the man in front of him and felt the urge to run as he spoke, "You ever hear of knocking blackie?"

"Y...Yeah sorry about that... I... I am your room mate Ridley Diam," replied the nervous canine.

Clayton quirked a brow and tilted his head to the side, "Diam... I know that name," said the tiger tapping his chin a few times and when nothing came to mind he shrugged.

The fennec closed his eyes and clenched his paws as he knew he was now rooming with someone thick in the head. Everyone knew that name. He reached behind himself and fiddled with his long black pony tail, a nervous habit.

"Well whatever. Welcome to the bachelor's pad then Ridley. It can get a little rowdy in here so... yeah," Said the tiger as he offered one of his paws the the desert fox.

Ridley took the hand having it dwarf his own and grit his teeth as it's grip nearly crushed the life out of the poor appendage, "P... Pleased to meet you Mr. Masters."

The tiger laughed a few times before speaking, "You're kinda timid but at least you ain't a human. Buddy of mine got stuck with one of them last year."

Ridley frowned a little at the racist comment before nodding, "Y...Yeah I guess that would be strange... Umm... So I have to get my things."

"Oh I'll help you take your stuff up here," Said the Tiger enthusiastically pushing past the fennec and heading for the elevator.

The little canine was nearly shaking in his bones at the idea of having this man as his room mate. He could snuff the life out of the small canine with just an arm. Ridley followed after and together they passed by the statue of Masatoshi and to the parking lot. The car only had a single trunk in the back seat which had all of Ridley's things inside.

The fennec gave the trunk a tug and was a little surprised when it didn't budge. He remembered then that he had to get help from his Uncle Narwith to put it in. Clayton laughed slightly and reached in hefting the trunk onto his massive shoulder, "Get you some muscle blackie. From behind you look like a girl."

The Tiger was right in that, Ridley's frame was incredibly feminine. The comment made the fennec look terribly embarrassed as this simply was the natural shape for his kind both male and female, lean and lithe, built for speed not strength.

Ridley and Clayton made their way back to the dorms and setting the trunk down on the bed that hadn't been sullied earlier Clayton smirked slightly, "So what's your major then?'

"Genetics actually. I want to find the origin of the familiaris virus and how it was able to do different things in different generations. Cause different mutations allowing it to appear as if it was evolution's hand," Said Ridley. He realized by the slack jaw of the tiger he had said something he shouldn't have.

"Great! They bunked me up with a geek! God Damnit! You're not gonna be a total buzz kill are you," Asked the Tiger with a deep frown.

Ridley shook his head quickly, "I tend to keep to myself. I don't think you need to worry about it."

The tiger nodded slowly and smirked, "Well at least I know who to go to when I need my homework done."

The fennec grit his teeth and folded his ears back with a soft sigh, "Clayton I'm not going to do your work for you."

"pfft... total buzz kill just like I thought see you around blackie. Gotta hunt down a rabbit," Said the Tiger with a smirk.

Ridley let out a sigh of relief as the tiger left. He started to unpack his books and clothing putting them away neatly before cleaning up his side of the small dorm room. It would take a while for him to get used to bunking with someone else. Especially a thick headed jock like Clayton. He chuckled softly to himself as he remembered high school. At least he didn't have to bunk with them back then.

The drive had been long and exhausting and classes didn't start for another two days. Ridley laid back on his bed and smiled as one of those marks on his to do list in life was checked, go back to school.

It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep.

"What are you doing here," Asked the familiar feminine voice of his mother. She was a fennec as well just like his great grandparents. Everything was hazy at the edges as he felt so much smaller than normal.

He saw his mother, tan and white like the traditional animal. She was looking out the front door at a black member of the same species. His red eyes made Ridley's heart beat faster out of fear. He had never seen such an evil looking thing.

"I wanted to see my grandson," Replied the man in a rather normal voice. Ridley half expected something of a rasp from something as dark as that.

His mother shook her head quickly and frowned, "He doesn't need to meet you monster..."

"Diana please... I'm not that monster anymore. Raiden is gone," Replied the man pleading with the woman.

She frowned deeper as she shook her head slowly, "Sure he is. You know I don't believe your story. I never did undying monster."

"Diana what's going on," Came the masculine sound of Ridley's father. He stepped into the haze appearing like a ghost out of the fog. A white feline and canine mix. It was a strange look as his multiple tails waved behind him covered in silver spots.

"Dad? What are you doing here," Asked the man curiously much more at ease than the woman.

The black fennec spoke softly, "I wanted to see my grandson Kele..."

Ridley shook the sleep from his head as he felt a cool breeze against his fur. Opening his eyes he saw the morning was just breaking above him. It took him a few moments to realize that the ceiling that should be there wasn't. He froze feeling his bed shaking slightly and his eyes went wide.

Turning his head he saw that his matress was now in a row boat in the middle of the campus pond and many students were looking out at him laughing. Ridley sighed and put his paw on his face with a frown. How old was Clayton anyway? Such childish pranks were below him.

It took a few moments for the kitsune to get his balance but then when he sat up he saw he was completely in the buff as well. He looked surprised and quickly reached to cover up himself though there was no way to hide both his crotch and the bright red mark left on his chest.

His ears folded back as he thought about the situation. Clayton probably didn't even realize the importance of the symbol. It had skipped a generation but it was obvious in the center of the fennec's chest, the red skull his grandfather bore during the cataclysm, the mark of the undying. Much like a scarlet letter it followed him through life and ensured his lack of friends.

Already campus security was out in their own boat to recover the student. Ridley frowned as the security officer saw the mark on his chest and seemed to hesitate for a moment. With a sigh Ridley got himself up and deftly leapt into the other boat where he was greeted with a blanket.

"Happens to one every semester," Said one of the officers as he handed Ridley a cup of coffee and shook his head. They motored back to the docks and helped the fennec off the boat.

"Thanks guys... I think I'll be requesting a relocation soon," said Ridley as he smiled to his rescuers.

The first officer, a white wolf nodded and spoke softly, "Keep that mark covered up then... I'm sure you don't want anyone to know about that. Worse for them to see that then the family jewels buddy."

the fennec folded his ears back and nodded, "It's not like it was my choice you know..."

The second officer, a human male of middle age with a shadow on his face suggesting he hadn't shaved today, or he was just always that scruffy. nodded giving the first a smack on the back of the head, "Yeah we know... Some of us just hold to old superstitions... Ain't seen a kitsune around here before though. Been a long time since any have shown themselves after the cataclysm."

Ridley nodded slowly and frowned, "We keep to ourselves... only a few of us left after what that monster Raiden did..."

"So does that mark mean... you know," asked the wolf curiously.

Ridley looked to the water and nodded, "I was 16..."

The accident happened so fast it was hard to put things in order. Ridley sat behind the wheel of his car bleeding from where he had hit his head. His eyes were wide with shock and his heart racing as he replayed the events over and over in his head. The headlights, they just swerved right into his lane right at the last second.

He felt pressure against his chest and hip soon coming to the realization that all the blood was rushing to his head. Reaching up he unbuckled the seat belt after fighting with it for some time and fell onto the roof of the car with a groan. He crawled out the shattered window only to see a rather large and angry looking black dragon in front of him.

He swallowed hard seeing the reptilian creature and he couldn't react as it threw a punch directly at his face. The second was a claw tearing into his flesh and leaving a bleeding gash over his right eyebrow and cheekbone just barely missing the eye itself.

Falling to the street Ridley felt the hard scales hit him about the face a few more times before he was kicked hard in the side and he could hear the loud crack of a rib breaking. He could smell blood and alcohol in the night air as he had the tar beat out of him. The dragon finally let him go stepping back and snarling.

Slowly the fennec found his way to his feet holding his side only to see the Dragon getting back into his truck and the tires screech. The impact wasn't as painful as it should have been. He felt himself flying through the air and it was like his entire world melted away into a dark desert. Looking about Ridley tried to figure out what was happening.

It took some wandering before he encountered what looked like a dark version of himself. A monster seemingly born of the darkness itself. The thing threw it's arm out and a baton fell into it's inky hand. It started to unfold into a great scythe.

"Since then... It's been that way... It's when the mark showed up as well," said Ridley finishing his story for the officers. They nodded slowly in shock as all three coffee cups had been emptied in the telling of the story.

"So like... you go to that dark place every time you should have died," Asked the human curiously.

Ridley just nodded before looking to the sky and seeing the sun was rising he frowned, "I had better make sure nothing has happened to my stuff... and talk to the dean about a reassignment."

"Oh Mr. Semling... good luck with that man. That guy is missing a few screws," Replied the wolf with a chuckle.

Ridley nodded slowly, "after what happened to his grandfather during the cataclysm one can expect the family to be a little... quirky."

The fennec waved to the officers as he clutched the blanket close and ran through the campus ignoring the jeers of the students as he made his way to the Dragon dorms. The mark of the dragon was emblazoned rather stunningly over the dorms catching the early light. It sparkled in it's silver glory. He pushed through the doors and ran for the elevator.

It wasn't long before he was at the room and he pushed the door open only to find his things all over the room. He sighed kicking the door closed behind him packing up the trunk again after throwing on a pair of black jeans and a white T shirt. He brushed out his hair and tied it back up in the pony tail when Clayton arrived.

"Enjoy your peaceful boat ride blackie," smirked the tiger as he folded his arms across his chest.

Ridley stood up with a sigh and rolled his eyes, "Grow up..."

Clayton laughed softly and smirked, "Whatever..."

Ridley sighed and rubbed his temples for a moment before heading for the door and brushing past the feline, "Don't worry... I'm just gonna get a dorm reassignment and we can put this behind us."

"yeah sure whatever. See you around blackie," replied the feline with a smirk.

Kitsune on Campus: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The walk to the administration office was like torture to the young man. Everyone knew it was he who had be stranded out in the water that morning. Some students were sympathetic calling Clayton a jerk for what he did but they were few and...

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The desert was cruel this time of the year. Not to say at any other time it was unforgiving but during the hottest months it became a waste where anyone who stepped into it was more likely to die than survive. These were the months...

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Alkaid lazily took a puff from his hookah rubbing his chin slowly with a grin. Qab was falling right into his hands. Perhaps now was the time to seal the deal? The gray fox pondered for a while longer enjoying his smoke until one of...

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