Carlos Loves Chocolate

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Carlos loves chocolate almost as much as he loves Adrian, and with a little magical assistance from his boyfriend, the bunny will be able to enjoy the sweet treat of a lifetime.

This story was written for Serling as part of his top tier Patreon reward for August 2018. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, food related TF and soft vore. :3

Carlos Loves Chocolate

Adrian knew that if there were two things in this world his boyfriend loved more than anything else, they were him... and chocolate. Thus, as the rabbit uttered the final words of the incantation and stepped out of the magical circle carefully drawn upon the woodwork of his apartment's spare bedroom floor, he grinned. He licked his lips, shivering slightly at the rich, sweet taste that greeted him upon doing so, and slipped out into the hallway beyond. His footsteps were soft and yet eager as he hurried along the hallway to the bedroom, the apartment dark at this late hour of the night. As he slipped through the bedroom door though, the rabbit's shadowy form could see the shape of his lover lying in bed.


He whispered gently as he slowly began to move across the room, illuminated solely by the shaft of street-lamp light shining in through a gap in the drapes.

"Carlos, w-wake up, hun..."

His body shook as he saw the other rabbit start to stir, as Carlos lifted his head from the pillows and turned his gorgeous, slightly plump figure over to lie upon his back as he peered out bleary-eyed into the darkness.

"Adrian? Wha- what time is it? Are you only just coming to bed? Is everything okay?"

His voice was heavy with both concern and fatigue. Carlos hadn't eaten dinner that prior evening, not due to a lack of desire but because in a rare moment of thoughtlessness Adrian had apparently eaten the leftovers which his boyfriend had been saving for that very meal. He had gone to bed ravenous and lacking in energy, and quite frankly the last thing he wanted now was to be roused mid-way through the night and forced to try and ignore that hunger once again before settling back to sleep. And yet, it seemed that food was precisely what Adrian wanted to ensure was on his mind.

"Everything's great. I was just thinking... would you like a snack? Y-you... you must be starving. I feel so bad about dinner."

Carlos groaned, and idly rubbed his slightly rounded stomach, bare as the rest of his body though from the waist down he was still covered by sheets. He frowned into the darkness, able to see the outline of his lover thanks to the small amount of light breaching the room, but only able to make out the dark silhouette of the usually white and caramel patched rabbit.

"I'm hungry, yeah. But... it's late at night. If I eat now I'll end up wired and won't be able to sleep. C'mon. Please, just come to bed, sweetie."

The sandy furred rabbit pulled back the sheets and patted the bed next to him, so comfortable around Adrian that he didn't for a moment think about the fact that he was exposing his naked body before the other bunny, just wanting to feel his boyfriend's warm body and soft fur against his to help lure him back to sleep. Rather than seeing Adrian scramble up onto the bed and crawl over towards him though, Carlos heard the other rabbit giggle and watched as instead he began to circle around the bed to Carlos' own side. His nose wrinkled for a moment, and he sniffed at the air, eyes widening a little as he encountered an unmistakably rich scent. His cheeks flushed, and he sighed softly, happily to his lover.

"Oh, Adrian. You brought me chocolate. Please tell me you didn't go out to the shops at this time just for that. God, you're too sweet."

His stomach gurgled audibly, and Carlos blushed deeper as he heard the other bunny giggle once again.

"You have no idea how sweet I am."

There was something about Adrian's words in that moment. Something playful and knowing all at once. The rabbit now standing beside the bed reached out a hand towards Carlos, and stroked his sandy, golden furred lover's cheek. Once again Carlos' nose twitched as his olfactory senses flared with the rich, creamy scent of milk chocolate. Was it on Adrian's hand? On his fingers? He gasped as the other bunny's hand withdrew from his cheek, only to brush its fingertips across his lips. He shuddered and murmured in excitement and hunger all rolled into one at that tender act. That tender, intimate action which set his stomach alive with renewed, desperate cravings for food as he tasted chocolate on the rabbit's smooth fingertips. His tongue flicked out, tasting yet more chocolate. God, it was like Adrian's fingers were coated it in. Greedily he took one into his muzzle and suckled upon it intimately, trying to get all the sweet, rich, perfectly delectable chocolate off of his lover's fur and into his growling belly. To his surprise though, the taste didn't fade. The amount of chocolate coating Adrian's finger seemed substantial enough to require more than just a cursory slurp to get rid of it, and thus curious to see just what sort of a mess Adrian had gotten himself into in order to deliver this seductive late night treat to his boyfriend, Carlos reached out with one of his own hands and turned on the lamp which sat upon the bedside cabinet close by to them both.

The light flashed on, and after wincing and blinking for a few moments to allow his eyes to grow accustomed to the sudden brightness, Carlos gasped. He let the finger in his muzzle fall away, and just stared, awe-struck, as Adrian was revealed to him in all his glory.

"Oh. O-oh my... my god..."

It was no surprise, no news to Carlos that his lover was gifted. Talented in arcane, mystical arts which all of the rabbit's education and life experience prior to meeting Adrian told him should have been a total impossibility. But, since starting to date Adrian and the two of them falling so madly, wonderfully in love with one another, he had seen things. Experienced things that should have been impossible, but were not for the man he adored. Objects conjured out of thin air. Feelings spawned, extended, enhanced by a few words and some carefully applied body paint. Glimpses at a whole world that existed within the bounds of the one in which Carlos himself had been raised, but hidden to protect its wonders from the threats of civilisation at large. But... this? This was new to Carlos, and every bit as incredible as if he was learning of the existence of magic all over again.

Adrian was chocolate.

He wasn't just coloured like chocolate, or coated in chocolate, or had magically engineered his fur and flesh to taste like chocolate. From his ear tips to his toes and including the hand upon which Carlos had just been suckling, Adrian was made of living, mobile, sapient milk chocolate.

The chocolate rabbit smiled at his still flesh and blood lover, and reached out the hand which had been in Carlos' muzzle just a few moments before once again.

"I've been planning this for weeks. I'm sorry I had to deny you dinner tonight, but... I wanted you to have room for dessert."

Carlos' eyes bulged once again, and a strained whimper of confusion escaped his lips.

"D-dessert? Adrian, I... I can't. What you're saying. If I... if I did that. You'd be... I mean... oh god, your finger. I..."

He stared down at the hand brushing itself teasingly against his face even now, and grabbed it by the wrist as he stared at the finger he had been suckling upon. It was still fully functional and still more than recognisable as a finger, but the detail, the fine markings upon its rich chocolate surface that were obviously made to look like individual and intricate lines of fur were blurred and indistinct where he had suckled upon and softened the chocolate. Carlos stared up at his lover in horror, knowing that he had done that. That he had damaged and consumed a part of Adrian, however small and relatively insignificant.

The chocolate rabbit however just giggled and shook his head in warm reassurance. His other hand reached out and stroked through Carlos' tufted headfur before gently, lovingly caressing the other bunny's ears as he murmured soothingly.

"It's magic, Carlos. I wouldn't do this if it harmed me. I wouldn't do this if it could put you in a position where you could do me the slightest injury, because I know that you'd never agree to it. This body, it... it's me, but, it's not mine. My body is... elsewhere. An extra-dimensional pocket. This one replaced it. The magic transformed me, transferred my consciousness here and built this form for me. There's a circle in the spare room, and at dawn tomorrow my body will re-appear in it, and my mind will be right back there with it. Whatever's left of this body at that point... it'll just be a shell. A statue. A big ol' chocolate treat to be finished off at our leisure. But, until then, Carlos..."

For the first time since they'd gone to bed together, waiting until Carlos was asleep before slipping out from the sheets to begin the ritual, Adrian leaned forward over the bed and gently kissed the man he loved upon the lips. He smiled as he saw Carlos' eyes widen at the wonderful familiarity of that kiss, not to mention the delicious flavour of milk chocolate upon his lips once again. He saw his lover blush, and saw within Carlos' eyes an awareness of what he was being asked to do. What he was being offered the chance to experience. He was tempted, there was no denying it. Tempted because of both his love for Adrian, and of course his love for chocolate. All he needed was a little more coaxing. A little more pushing in the right direction.

"Until then, I'm here to do whatever you want to do with me. I'm here to sate your hunger... perhaps in more ways than one. And with every lick, every taste, every bite you take, I promise you from the bottom of my heart, Carlos... all you'll do is make me want to sate that sweet tooth of yours even more."

The two rabbits peered into one another's eyes, Carlos' own a pale green while Adrian's normally blue hues were of course a deep, chocolate brown just like the rest of his living chocolate form. For a moment, even Adrian wasn't sure if he had gone a touch too far; pushed Carlos' comfort with sharing in and playing around with his magical abilities just a little further than was sensible. But then he saw a shiver run through his lover's body, a shiver not of concern or outright fear, but one of desire as something, some fantasy no doubt floated through Carlos' mind. A split-second later, Adrian squealed with laughter as Carlos wrapped his arms around the gorgeous, luxuriously rich chocolate rabbit, and both bunnies cried out in joy as Adrian toppled forward onto the bed, rich chocolate flavour filling Carlos' muzzle as he began to lick playfully but shamelessly at his sweet, edible lover's face.

"God, I... I can't believe you did this for me. I can't believe this is possible."

Carlos moaned as he rolled over and pinned Adrian beneath him, their naked bodies grinding against one another as with every kiss, every lick, every touch they found themselves transitioning from sincere and intimate conversation to more wild, frenzied passion. He grunted happily as he felt the chocolate rabbit's arms and legs wrap around him, every bit as strong and sturdy as ever despite their new form. And yet, as they kissed, as they ground themselves together and trembled in building passion and pleasure against the man they loved, both rabbits soon couldn't help but notice a new sensation building up between their bodies. A warm stickiness which sent the smell of chocolate surging more potently than ever though the air, and which made Carlos cry out in surprise once again as he pulled back ever so slightly from Adrian's embrace to peer down at the handsome, ever so edible magic rabbit.

His torso, normally a pale, sandy gold in its fur tone, was stained with rich chocolate brown. Conversely the front of Adrian's body looked much the same as the finger upon which Carlos had been suckling earlier, still very much solid and recognisable as the form it was supposed to be, but undeniably with the very upper layers of its chocolate form having been somewhat distorted. Somewhat melted by the heat of Carlos' form lying against him.

"O-oh, Adrian. You're already starting to melt. Oh god, i-if we... if we keep doing this..."

He whimpered nervously, but gasped and moaned helplessly once again as the chocolate rabbit's arms reached up, encircled his neck and dragged him back down into Adrian's embrace. Once again their lips met, and as Adrian's chocolate tongue teased against Carlos' own and tantalised the flesh and blood bunny's taste buds, Carlos couldn't help but hungrily revel in that flavour as they kissed and clung to one another once again. When finally their lips parted, Carlos breathless while Adrian seemed to not require oxygen at all, the chocolate bunny murmured to his lover as Carlos panted and shuddered astride him.

"If we keep doing this, I'm gonna melt. So... you'd better make use of me while I'm solid enough to share myself with you. I know you want to, Carlos. You love chocolate so much, and you can tell already, can't you? You can tell by the licking, the tasting that you've already had. I'm the richest, most delicious and luxurious chocolate you've ever known. One bite of me will make your head spin. One nibble, and you'll want another, and another... and... well, before long you're gonna be ever so glad that magical chocolate doesn't fill you up like the real thing."

Carlos' eyes widened even more than they already were, and he shuddered once again as he lay astride the other grinning, deliciously appetising bunny.

"I-it... it won't fill me up?"

Adrian grinned and shook his head.

"Not a bit. You'll be hungry for more. And more. And more. I won't get too sickly sweet. I won't make you put on a single pound. All the rewards, none of the downsides. Hell, if you wanted to... you could eat every last drop of me, and all that you'd have to remember it by would be your own memories. The tastes, the textures, the pleasure of a whole night of chocolate gluttony."

He could see the lust building in Carlos' eyes by that point. The building hunger which was both sexual and genuinely gastronomic all at once. All Carlos needed was a tiny push. A little extra incentive to get him to do what his more primal, lust driven mind was already no doubt compelling him to do. And thankfully for Adrian, he had the perfect and genuine motivation to offer his lover.

"Oh, a-and... did I mention? I can't feel pain in this form. Just pleasure. So... every bite you take, every last little nibble... all it'll do is make me feel so, so good."

Adrian cried out with laughter and glee as Carlos moaned, and immediately dragged himself a little further up the length of the chocolate rabbit's body so that they were no longer face to face, and instead the flesh and blood male found himself peering directly at the tips of Adrian's solid, upright chocolate ears. Clear as day Adrian heard Carlos moan under his breath...

"J-just a nibble. Just to t-test it out..."

...and then, before he could even utter another word of fond assurance to his lover, he felt Carlos' teeth close around the very tip of his left ear. He felt them apply a little pressure. A little more. He trembled and let loose a longing, eager moan of encouragement, and cried out in genuine elation as with a gentle snapping of crisp, firm chocolate giving way, Carlos did indeed bite off the tip of his ear and take it into his muzzle. He heard the flesh and blood rabbit taste it. Heard him chew on it, swallow once, then again, and again as he savoured and relished the full intensity of the rich milk chocolate. He heard a ragged gasp of pleasure escape Carlos' lips, followed by a more audible moan.

"O-oh god."

A moment later, Adrian giggled and moaned as he felt the teeth return and take another nibble. Then another. And another.

"Oh god."

Carlos moaned again, louder, more overwhelmed this time.

"S-so good. It tastes so... so fucking good."

Adrian felt a hand around the base of his ear, and he let loose an uncontrolled wail of pleasure as in one swift motion Carlos snapped it off and stuffed it greedily into his muzzle, biting it down to more manageable chunks and wolfing it down like if he didn't it might be stolen back away from him.

"Adrian. Oh god, hun. I... I'm..."

Carlos crawled his way back down the chocolate rabbit's body, the heat of his trembling form against Adrian already beginning to stain the sheets of their beautiful bed with trickles of rich chocolate from the front of the rabbit's torso. He ran his hands down that chest, through the melty chocolate, and greedily brought them to his face to lick clean. Soon his face was buried in Adrian's chest, licking, nibbling, whimpering as he kept staring up at Adrian's blissed out face as though worried at any moment the chocolate bunny's obvious pleasure might turn to pain. When it didn't though, indeed when Adrian wrapped his hands around the back of Carlos' head and urged him on in his increasingly helpless feasting, the other rabbit let loose a strangled cry of confession.

"Adrian! P-please, I... d-don't tempt me. Or, I'm gonna do it. I swear, I... I'll eat you. Every last little bite of you, sweetie."

Giggling, Adrian wiggled his chocolate eyebrows at his lover.

"Tempt you?"

He licked his lips, and kissed Carlos just long enough to leave a sheen of sweet melted chocolate upon the other bunny's lips, which of course was hungrily, eagerly licked clean.

"If I wanted to tempt you, hun... I wouldn't just be urging you to taste me more where I'm melting. If I wanted to really get you going, and make sure you couldn't resist..."

Carlos knew where this was going, and he whimpered loudly but made no effort whatsoever to stop Adrian from telling him whatever the chocolate bunny was about to say.

"If I wanted to get you so worked up and so wild that you'd not stop until there wasn't a single morsel of me left that you could scrape off the sheets or out of your own fur... I'd tell you this."

He craned his neck up to whisper directly into Carlos' ear, and at the same time wrapped his hands around the flesh and blood bunny's midsection, squeezing playfully at Carlos' ass while rocking his own hips upward, grinding their erect shafts, flesh and chocolate respectively, against one another.

"I know your absolute favourite treat is chocolate crème. And Carlos... o-oh, my sweet Carlos. I have a chocolate crème centre. Eat me up and you'll get the sweetest treat of all, or..."

His hips rocked harder, and he moaned into his wide eyed, trembling, blushing boyfriend's ears once again.

"...or suck on my cock, and you can get at the sweet chocolate crème right now."

Carlos pulled back from Adrian's embrace, trembling, panting, eyes bulging. For another moment Adrian thought he had gone too far, made this whole evening too much, too kinky in its magical perfection for his lover to handle. He felt Carlos scramble off him, and watched as the naked, chocolate stained bunny stared down at his entirely chocolate form. He watched Carlos looking him up and down, and moaned, rocking his hips and bucking into the air as the flesh and blood bunny's eyes fixated upon his crotch and his perfectly formed chocolate cock and balls. As he stared, a dribble of a paler brown creamy substance trickled from the rabbit's tip, and with one trembling fingertip Carlos reached out, swiped it up, and brought it to his lips.

He tasted it. His eyes bulged, then grew heavy lidded as he groaned.

It was delicious.

No, not just delicious.

It was the best fucking thing he'd ever tasted in his life. And even though he knew that putting the other bunny's chocolate cock in his mouth would mean warming it, melting it with every moment he spent suckling, the idea of getting more of that chocolate crème... more, and more and more and more of it, was too intoxicating for the hungry rabbit to bear.

"O-oh god, yes!"

Adrian wailed as Carlos lunged forward once more and buried his face in the chocolate rabbit's crotch, engulfing his cock and beginning to bob and slurp at it while one hand began to grope at Adrian's balls. Stroking, squeezing, beginning to warm and melt them just like the chocolate bunny's cock. He pumped his hips up against Carlos' eagerly suckling maw, and gave a delirious whimper of bliss as the first droplets of his chocolate crème pre-cum drizzled out onto Carlos' tongue and the rabbit immediately redoubled his efforts, starting to slurp and work the chocolate bunny's cock with such force Adrian could already feel its length and girth beginning to erode away under the heat and the pressure of Carlos' lips and hungrily working tongue.

"Yes! Yes! O-oh, suck me... e-eat me up! Ohh god, Carlos! Aaahh, yes!"


As dawn's first light shone in through the eastern facing window of the apartment's guest bedroom, the magic circle inscribed onto the floor began to glow. The scent of rich chocolate filled the air for a moment, and then in a brilliant, instantaneous flash, a figure stood naked and steaming slightly within the circle's embrace.

The glow faded soon after, and with a moan of mixed relief and sorrow as he realised that the spell had worked, but was now over, Adrian stumbled forth from the magic circle and back fully into the mortal realm. He looked down at his body, white and caramel speckled fur spotlessly clean and looking as though he had just come out of a long, soothing bath with how fluffy and shiny it was. He blushed as he glanced at his crotch and saw his cock already swelling as memories of that night and everything he had felt until dawn drew him back here raced through his head, and his eyes widened as his legs began to rush him out of that spare room and down the corridor towards the bedroom which he shared with the man of his dreams.

Bursting into the bedroom with one hand already on his swollen cock, Adrian grinned at what greeted him.

Lying upon the bed, a bed stained and dripping with melted chocolate that had long since saturated the sheets and even the upper portion of the mattress, was Carlos. The golden furred rabbit was no longer quite so golden, instead his fur primarily matted down against his body by thick brown chocolate in a state of varied amounts of dryness, much of it still glistening and liquid thanks to the heat radiating off his body. The only parts of his body not brown were the backs of his legs, his feet, a few spots on his back where Adrian's arms had never encircled him, and of course the whitish streaks mingled into the chocolate upon his belly. Streaks which betrayed the fun Carlos had shared with his lover throughout the night, and which even now were threatening to be added to as he held his own once more erect, chocolate stained cock in one chocolatey hand while clutching the semi-melted remains of an arm in the other, the only part of Adrian's former chocolate self which yet remained unconsumed. He wasn't looking at the arm though, even as he held it to his chest and nibbled on its fingertips hungrily. He was looking past the bed to where Adrian was standing in the doorway, joyous, relieved and yet filled with a desperate longing, almost sorry that it was dawn already and that their night of indulgence was at an end.

Except... Adrian had no intention of their night being at an end, just because that one spell of his had ended.

He approached the bed, his lover, the scent of chocolate thick in the air and noticeable, wonderfully appealing to him in a way it couldn't have been when he was that chocolate. Scrambling up onto the chocolate stained bed to join his lover, the caramel and white patched rabbit beamed as he straddled Carlos. As he placed a hand over the paw clutching at his former chocolate body's arm, leaned in close, and kissed Carlos deeply on the lips before murmuring to him for the first time in hours. For the first time since in the midst of their second wild bout of love-making, with Carlos' cock buried in his dripping, melting ass long after the rabbit had consumed his cock, the hungry rabbit had begun to nibble, to bite, and finally to greedily eat his moaning, wailing, happily giggling chocolate face.

"Thank you."

Adrian murmured to the man he loved, seeing Carlos' eyes bulge in confusion at the idea that he should be thanked after everything Adrian had shared with him.

"Thank you for trusting me. F-for believing me when I told you I'd be safe, that I'd love it. Thank you for eating me."

He kissed Carlos again, the chocolate stained rabbit's face flushing crimson as he tried to return that kiss only for Adrian to pull away and begin to crawl back down the length of his body.

"N-now... please, finish the job."

Adrian nodded to the arm clutched in Carlos' tender grasp, licking his lips playfully as he crawled his way down to the other bunny's erect, twitching cock.

"Eat up your treat. Show me there isn't a single bit of me you'd leave untasted. A-and... and in return..."

He kissed the tip of Carlos' sweet, chocolate covered cock, and flicked his tongue out across its underside as his lover took another bite of Adrian's former chocolate arm, moaning and drizzling salty-sweet pre-cum over his boyfriend's lips. Adrian gurgled happily.

"...and, oh god, hun... I'll taste you a little more in return."

By Jeeves

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