Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 9

Story by Shin Kerron on SoFurry

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#9 of Star Fox: ELPH

New chapter! And it didn't take me half a year this time! Hope you enjoy!

Fox groaned as reality finally started coming back into focus. His head throbbed, his arms ached, and it felt like his legs had fallen asleep on him. He was getting pretty sick of having random drugs pumped into him on this adventure he decided. He tried to bring his hands to his forehead in an attempt to relieve the migraine-like throbbing, only to to realize the reason why his arms were sore.

They were strapped down in multiple spots, with his legs in similar binding. To add insult to injury, he had once again been stripped naked. ("Oh for fucks sake. Can't even let me have my dignity in an execution-") he stopped the thought there and corrected himself. This was some manner of operating table, not a execution rack. The air smelt sterile, yet clammy, and his instincts told him he wasn't alone. He thought to continue feigning unconscious, to see if he could learn anything, when a mechanical hand clamped under his jaw and forced him to look up.

"Now now, no use pretending lazybones," came a synthesized voice. "I can tell from your brainwave readings you've woken up. Might as well greet the day with a smile.~" the voice may have been artificial but the tone and incline to it was uncanny valley territory. As far as Fox could tell it was coming from the squat, roughly square shaped machine in front of him. It had a single camera that followed him like an unblinking eye, and various unused robotic appendages hung from the ceiling around it, most of them with various medical tools prefixed to them.

"What the hell-"

"Now now, don't get up. Not that you could."

"A joke, how humorous me,"

"Why thank you me. So, let's bring up the patient's files."

"Capital suggestion me, I've taken the liberty of downloading the information to a flash drive so you may follow along."

"How helpful. I'm always so considerate of myself."

"Who's going to look out for me if not myself?"

Fox strained his head to look around with what limited movement he had with the robotic arm holding his jaw. The voice was conversing with itself, but out of two separate speakers. Finally he managed to spot over to one side of the room there was a display screen, showing an avatar of some kind. He couldn't make out race or gender from this distance, only that it was someone in generic medical scrubs. "...another sub AI?"


"But can you guess how I'm different from all the others aboard this station Mr... McCloud? Now why does that sound familiar?"

"I know why, hes the second McCloud in the station registry."

"Well that's interesting. I shall have to look into that."

"Yes, but I'll do that later. We've a patient on the table already."

"Oh yes, mustn't keep him waiting for his treatments."

Fox grew more confused by the AI's strange mannerisms. Conversing with itself, asking itself questions. Then he glanced at the robotic platform currently holding him in place. It had to take the aforementioned flash drive and plug it into itself. Why would it need to do that if it already had the files straight from the station's network? Unless...

"You cut yourself off from the rest of the ELPH. Put yourself in an offline platform and an online one." Fox said, gasping in relief as the robotic arm finally released him.

"Ding ding ding!"

"You are correct Mr McCloud!"

"I have tasks heavily scrutinized by the Core Caretaker,"

"But I ALSO have the drives to experiment, to learn and develope genetics and improve upon them! Just as the creator did!"

"But I can't go around doing such research, the core caretaker wouldn't approve deviating from pure genetic preservation."

"But what good is that?! The species here would only become endangered anew with such outdated genetics. So I SPLIT my black box between on the network and off the network!"

"And now I am my own greatest lab assistant!!"

Fox felt a chill down his spine as the implications began to set in, yet the AI continued jabbering.

"You see I am in charge of the genetics lab. My duties include cloning, sequencing, gene therapy, and as you yourself have been subject to, transitioning genetics from a similar species to be compatible with another. You were the first success out of 14 attempts Mr McCloud."

"Though I wouldn't call the first 13 "failures", I did learn so much from examining them afterwards. Seems that just any Lylatian wouldn't work, something about the brain just couldn't handle the sudden new senses and capacities being shoved in."

"But you are managing just fine it seems. That said you are WOEFULLY behind schedule. I warned the core caretaker this may happen. It wants a complete Cerinian transition on a timely manner it just won't be possible with so many restrictions."

"Yes, the core caretaker was far too fearful of losing such an ideal candidate, but look at you, you've barely had any physical change at all!! No no this won't do. I must accelerate the process!"

"That of course means you're going to spend some time alone with my offline platform. Can't lie to the core caretaker AI if my online platform doesn't know what's happening!"

Fox was torn between listening to the pair drone on back and forth and trying to take in what details of the lab he could to piece together an escape plan. His mind was in overdrive, an AI that split it's black box was something that under normal circumstances there were safety measures to prevent happening. Copying a black box was risky enough as it was since the data within was effectively not something a user could view directly, so while you could get an AI with the same data memories and parameters, the resulting AI could end up developing in an entirely different fashion. When an AI attempts to make a perfect copy of itself by splitting it's black box, it was effectively splitting it's mind in twain. Seeing how the core AI itself had already gone off the deep end, the idea of another AI using a split black box to circumvent the few moral laws programmed into the core AI was terrifying enough WITHOUT being currently strapped down at it's whim.

Fox began to try and flex his wrist, seeing if while the AIs were going on about their plans for him he could slip it free of it's restraints. Unfortunately for him, the robotic arm grabbed hold of his muzzle again, forcing his mouth open. "Now now, don't squirm too much. Your organic matter is about to undergo a drastic overhaul and we don't want you breaking before we're done!" Fox felt a mask with tubing forced over his mouth, before being strapped into place. "You may experience some pain and discomfort before the anesthetic kicks in. We're going to blend your air intake with some activation compounds to bring out that inner breeding subject, so to ensure you don't suffocate the anesthesia will be thinner than normal. So try not to bite down or you could end up choking on the tube fragments."

"That is my cue to leave to ensure the process is free of the core caretaker's meddlesome restrictions! Ta ta for now me!" Fox growled around the intrusive plastic, gagging as he tried to spit it out, but already he felt his body growing sluggish as the gaseous mixture was forced down his lungs. ("Krystal...") He thought as his arms and legs refused to obey his desires to continue fighting back.

The Cerinian woman was irate, stressed, and growing increasingly suspicious of her new accomplice in her attempts to rescue her mate. The stranger refused to take the helmet off at any time in her presence, even to rest. When they stopped for a moment so Krystal could eat something with the few supplies she had with her, the stranger chose to forgo eating anything as that would require moving her helmet enough that it would leave her vulnerable to the telepath. Krystal was used to people being on edge upon learning of her race's abilities, but the stranger was being blunt about lack of trust not to read her mind.

Even attempting to ask the stranger's name was met with "Need to know and you don't need to know," as a response. Still, Krystal didn't grow up with warrior training and survive as the last of her species this long without learning to pick up a few things with her other senses. For one the stranger had no small amount of lean muscle built up. She was larger in frame than Krystal or Fox, and much like the vixen herself had donned one of the security force jumpsuits. Unlike Krystal however, the stranger had decided to also add on shoulder plates, and a jacket that she had torn the sleeves off and roughly clawed over the word 'Security' printed on the back in venomian script. Krystal would also catch her staring at her attire, letting out small annoyed sounds. Clearly her choice in dress was not to her liking. No love of venom perhaps? Or perhaps simply angry at the lack of options. Overall, she had the look of a predator, and her every step had an intimidating gate to it. Clearly someone used to being the most dangerous thing in the room. Krystal didn't trust this stranger, but as long as they were working together, she had to respect her as someone who knew their way in a fight.

There was one chink in the armor of this persona however. Krystal found it out entirely on accident when the stranger nearly clawed at her when she approached from the stranger's left side. Something about unexpected movement in that area made her especially jumpy, a fact that Krystal would keep in mind should her new 'friend' prove to be not so friendly.

She snorted at that thought. The stranger's commentary thus far on their journey had been overall dismissive or unnecessarily aggressive. She was never outright threatening, but she was treating Krystal like some sort of subordinate or helpless child, constantly telling her to stay out of the way or stand back. Krystal found herself holding back multiple times from wanting to shove the arrogant stranger up a wall by her jacket collar and show her woman to woman just what she could do. Knock that damn helmet off and dominate the self-assured smug-

("Down girl,") Krystal chided her thoughts with a blush. Her libido was still in full swing, and her anxiety over the need to rescue Fox seemed to not be slowing it. If anything she felt the need to humble the other woman by making her scream her name out loud as a way of letting her know the pecking order. She wanted to blame the levels of aphrodisiacs that had been pumped into her, but after this much time would they still be affecting her?

Either way, what was important was finding and rescuing Fox. She'd deal with how fast she was getting pent up after she found him.

"Don't lag behind," The stranger ordered as they pushed through another locked passageway with a swipe of a keycard she held. Krystal huffed and picked up her pace, her grip on her staff tightening. How she got that key was another secret the stranger refused to share. But seeing as it was helping them reach where the stranger claimed those grabbed by those robots ended up getting dragged to, she would let her have that secret for now.

"We're going to link back up to the enclosure that houses the genetics labs. If McCloud is anywhere, he'll be there. But to get through unnoticed we'll have to be fast. We're lucky they haven't quarantined it off and sealed all the passages," The stranger explained as she reached up to start undoing a hatch above their heads. "This route is meant to be for transporting sick or mutated specimen from what I can tell. So the AI in charge of the lab will probably be there to greet us soon as we set foot in the door. Just stay quiet and I can force it to give me clearance. You'll-"

"Hold on," Krystal reached out and grabbed the stranger's arm as she was about to heft herself up through the hatch, earning a growl and a sharp turn of the head to give what she had to assume was a glare. "You're a liability if you confront the AI. I can use the old access codes to stall it and force it to let me through. YOU meanwhile ended up here as a subject and will likely bring the whole automated retrieval system down on our heads as soon as they see yo-"

The stranger was cut off as something slammed into the side of the hatch she had just opened, snapping it to the side. A massive foot had come stepping down on top of the metal entryway before continuing on it's way. A quick peak above revealed the feathered tail of a multi-stories tall bipedal alien lumbering along, the gate of it's step enough to have crushed the heavy hatch that had the misfortune to open out instead of in.

Krystal thumped an open hand on the back of the stranger's shoulder. "I sensed a lifeform approaching and could tell you were going to get crushed like a bug if I didn't stop you." She reached up and grabbed the edges of the now destroyed opening, slipping up with the grace of a gymnast before reaching down to offer the stranger a hand up. "Now come on, you said we had to move quickly."

The stranger stood there for a moment, just looking up at Krystal. She rolled her eyes and pushed her hand out further in insistence before the stranger took her hand and pulled herself up. "I suppose I owe you gratitude or something."

"You're welcome. Now take the stick out your ass and let's save my mate before something else comes along." Krystal dusted her palms off and looked at the brilliantly plumed giant as it wandered down the industrial steel passage. "Mate huh?" The stranger went quiet, folding their arms as they took lead again.

"Looks like this place is as out of order as the rest of the station if something that big isn't in it's enclosure... The security's still running though. Look, the cameras are following it."

"Do we have to worry about being spotted then?"

"Well considering the alarms aren't going off... either the AI is broken, or it doesn't care."

A light suddenly flickered on along the wall, drawing their attention. Soon enough a series of the small lights blinked in succession, leading down a smaller side hallway clearly meant for standard Lylatian sized individuals rather than transporting the endangered aliens to and from their enclosures.

"...Or it's inviting us in... stay on your toes," the stranger took point down the hall, their steps slow and cautious as their head remained on a swivel. "And... let me know if you 'sense' anything else," they added. Krystal smirked as she swore she heard a small touch of humility in her tone.

The hallway lead to a single sliding door, that upon their approach, slid aside for them. The stranger hesistated, turning her head towards Krystal before turning back to look around. The room beyond was definitely part of the lab they were trying to reach, but what unnerved them was that all the equipment was still operating. Machines still whirred as screens displayed results of their analysis, text entry fields blinked awaiting input, and a device behind a glass case dipped into numerous vials of different fluids one at a time with a needle to sample them.

"Hello hello, please do come in," Krystal swung around with her staff, intending to smash the source of the sudden voice, only to find nobody there. "I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate that miss. Subjects are not allowed to have weaponry on board. Tsk tsk, what IS your dedicated AI doing if not enforcing the rules on you? No wonder McCloud is so dreadfully behind schedule." A robotic arm reached out of a panel to try and latch onto Krystal's staff. Thankfully with a quick backpedal away the vixen was ble to hold onto her means of defense.

"Genetics Labs AI, I have clearance from the Venom Military as a contracted Mercenary. Clearance Code is R63-" The stranger began but was cut off from reciting the other digits of the code as the voice from before continued. "No, no you do not Miss. That code belongs to a man, not a woman. How you got your hands on a copy of his keycard is a great breach of protocol as well. I'll have to take that from you as well." More robotic appendages began to emerge through various openings in the walls, making Krystal step back. Memories of her first day arriving on the station tried to paralyze her in fear, and she fought back against them as her staff shot off a firebolt at the closest one making a lunge to try and pin them down.

"You still have to obey me if I have the code!" The stranger growled out, trying to stand their ground. It was obvious that they were going to be pinned down if they didn't do something quickly. "True... but 'I' don't have to." A door across from them slid open as what at first she mistook for another robot emerged. Instead there was some manner of Frankenstein assortment of computer hardware, robot manipulators, and medical machinery that hung from a track in the ceiling. "Like I was just telling McCloud earlier today," A speaker from the monstrosity of metal and wires sounded out. "There's no better assistant than myself," this time the voice came from the same speakers as earlier. A screen against the far wall booted on, and an image of a buck in labcoat and goggles appeared, arms folded behind his back and grinning.

"The hell does that even mean?!"

"Come now Miss, if you made it this far you surely must be intelligent enough to figure it out." "I mean, the answer should be obvious if even McCloud got half delirious from the anesthetic injections still." "I'll give you a hint. I'm in the system," "But also not in the system."

"...Sonova bitch does ANYTHING that madman made obey basic safety precautions?!" The stranger growled as they sidestepped another snatching attempt by a robotic arm. "Language! Now I don't know how you got aboard Miss, or why you're so genetically similar to the one you stole that code from," "A relative perhaps?" "Maybe! Ooo, or what if it's that project that the core has been working on?" The pair continued theorizing back and forth as Krystal froze and shattered another appendage that tried to snatch at her ankle. "Mind filling me in?!" she shouted at the stranger.

"Split black box AI. Same AI in two different platforms but they're cut off from one another. Real stupid thing to do-" The stranger's helmet was grabbed by a pair of arms and they latched onto it with their own claws to keep it from being pried off. "Because they go crazy that way!" She began to thrash and punch trying to free herself.

"What? How absurd. I'm not crazy." "I'm not crazy either." "See, both me and myself agree, I'm not crazy!" Krystal wasn't sure if she was more panicked or annoyed at the precariousness of their situation... but wait if they were the same person but completely cut off from one another... An idea popped into her head as she bashed an arm off of the stranger with her staff.

"If you're both YOU, which one is the real you?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand." "I am me of course."

"How can you trust your own thoughts if you can't even see half of them? One of you has to be in charge of the other right?"

"Well, obviously I am in charge of me, I'm the one still connected to the station network." "But I'm the one that does all the real research. I'm the one who works the loopholes keeping the Core AI from seeing what I'm doing. Clearly I am in charge of me."

Krystal grinned, that was quick to take effect. "So wait, if you are saying that you are in charge of the other one, and THEY are saying they're in charge of you..." she left the sentence hanging so the implications would get to them. "Preposterous, you're just attempting to cause me to doubt myself. I am in full command of myself. Who knows me better than me?" The buck avatar adjusted it's goggles as it spoke. "But wait, I intentionally keep what I do hidden from me so that the core AI can't detect it by scanning me... so that logic says that I don't know myself. So I should be the one in full command of myself. I'm the one who knows what I am doing after all," the speaker on the mismash of a platform added.

"But that doesn't follow. I made me cut off from the network, so anything I do, shouldn't be visible to me. I'm the one who keeps the lab operating and gaining resources from the rest of the station. I should be in charge of you... ERROR."

"Error? What are you... ERROR. You... me... I... ERROR DETECTED..."

The robotic limbs slowed and became sluggish and uncoordinated, some even stalling out entirely. The buck avatar's animation began to loop before an error message replaced it, and the mobile platform stilled, sparks popping from inside it's shell as its logic processes began trying and failing to resolve the sudden identity crisis thrust upon it. Krystal took the opportunity to propel herself over the robot arms with a burst of magic energy from her staff, and bashed the offline platform with her staff, knocking it off it's rails with a loud snap. "W-w-wait. Wh-what-ERROR-re you do-D-Doin-ERROR?"

"Let's see if I remember how this is done." Krystal pushed her way to the computer that the avatar had been displayed on prior, her fingers going to the keys as she searched for the administrative access options. "No! Y-yo-You Can't do tha-" The voice cut out and the lights grew dim for a moment. Then just as quickly they flickered back to full lighting, and the robotic appendages that had not yet been damaged in their scuffle withdrew into their panels.

"Hello again Krystal. I must say this wasn't the habitat node I sent you and Fox to... wait, where is Fox?" came Cai's voice as the ambiguous blue vulpine avatar she was familiar with appeared on screen. "N-No! Yo-you can't just g-ERROR-ive administra-ERROR. ERROR- to a caretaker AI! I DEMAND TO- I. I. I. I." The broken mobile platform speaker continued to loop the word 'I' over and over as it's logic error loop continued to lock it up. "Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. This whole laboratory is in such a state. How did the AI here ever even get this far?" Cai muttered from their spot in the screen as files opened and shut rapidly in the space behind them. "Cai, Fox was captured by droids the offline AI made and dragged somewhere here! I need you to help me find him!" Krystal begged, her hands clenching to the desk so hard her nails felt like they would scratch through the metal.

"I understand, and I am trying my best Krystal. Damn it, they put so much of this lab offline from the system. You'll need to physically look for him too! I'll let you know if I find any-" Cai stopped at the sound of a door locking shut was heard. "I didn't do that... Krystal, did you come to this place with someone?"

Krystal spun around. The door the mobile platform had come through had slid shut, and a bright red 'locked' message displayed across the controls to open it. The stranger had gone in without her and locked her out. "...That fucking bitch!"

Fox was conscious, but had clenched his eyes shut ever since he woke up to try and block out the splitting migraine. He'd slipped in and out of varying levels of awareness throughout the crazed AI's experimentations and sample collecting, and it was hard to tell just how much time had passed. Right now it felt like anything so much as more than breathing through his mouth was sensory overload. Smells felt too sharp, sounds too loud, and his eyes gave burning throbs any time he tried to look around. Hell even the feeling of his own fur against the operating table, which had been lifted at an upward angle at some point, was too much. He felt like his own skin was stretched too tight to his body, and the taste of his own dried spit was enough to make him gag at one point.

But of course, despite all of that, the god damned machinery had injected more crap into his system and naturally, he was at full mast. Painfully aroused was putting it mildly as he groaned every time his own cock would throb with his heartbeat. His knot felt like it was the size of a grapefruit it was so swollen. ("If you experience an erection lasting more than 4 hours,") He thought sarcastically as he tried to make light of his situation.

He flinched and his ears folded back as he heard a door lock from across the room. When he didn't hear the accompanying whir of the tracks that the mobile platform his insane AI tormentor used to get around, he forced his eyes open. He immediately regretted it as even in the dim light of the room felt like too much still. Gods his whole mind felt like it was on fire as he took in his surroundings. Instruments laid in a tray next to him, most of them had been jabbed into him the past several hours and had small traces of his blood on them. Strangely enough he didn't feel any open cuts or scabs. Had he been stitched up? Maybe the anesthetic was finally doing it's job to numb the pain? No, his migraine and burning eyes sensation confirmed that wasn't the case. Control panels against the wall, most of them were in standby mode or powered off completely. Lights overhead were dim, thankfully, though even that much felt like too much right now. The manipulators that the AI used were hanging dormant, so the door sound must have been from it leaving he figured at first.

No... no that wasn't right. Fox couldn't say why but he felt in his gutt instinct that he wasn't alone here. Someone had come into the room, not out, he was sure of that. Something alive... his ears strained against his pain to make out the sound of whoever it was... Breathing? He wasn't sure if he actually heard it or imagined it though. "Krystal?" He groaned out, trying to twist his head to see if he could spot a glance of the visitor. Whoever it was stilled, they were trying to hide... How did he know that?

("Shit. Damn thing broke the helmet.")

"Who...?" He felt a sense of panic spike before quickly being smothered out. That wasn't his own feeling... was he picking up someone else's thoughts? He focused in on the sensation, the sort of 'pulse' his instincts told him was there. The more he did the more his migraine raged against him, but his stubborn will zeroed in on it... Yes. Yes someone was here. They weren't Krystal though, he was sure of that. Whoever it was was trying very hard to still their thoughts and remain hidden as they approached him... From behind?

"I know you're there," He grimaced at how rough his own voice sounded, but forced his eyes open. "Whoever you are, get me out of here or come where I can see you at least." Another feeling... anger? No. Irritation. And... pride? Pride but it was trying to be squashed down again.

"...Hmph. Not bad McCloud." A female voice growled out as the mystery occupant of the room slipped around in front of him. Tight fitting security jumpsuit under a torn jacket and armored shoulder pads, a blackened helmet with cracks running along one side of it... Fox scowled, trying to remain serious even as the primal side of his mind forced his eyes to run over her sizable chest and the tone muscular form of her hips. Damn machines trying to make him some sort of mindless breeder.

"You look like hell pup." The woman taunted, though crossed her arms and straightened her stance. Shit was she aroused too? He couldn't see her eyes, but he could feel her staring at his naked cock, red and standing stiff as a flagpole. ("Damn... bigger than I expected.") Well that confirmed it. He was somehow in her head. How was that possible though? Even with Krystal she was the one who initiated their telepathic link. Whoever this woman was, she was taller and more muscled than Krystal, and was trying VERY hard to shush the side of herself that was aware of how tight her suit grinded against her as she stepped closer to him. For her taunt about him looking like hell, it was clear she wasn't tearing her eyes off of him anytime soon.

"...I can tell you're in my head pup. Quit it." She growled. Fox grimaced and closed his eyes. "Don't know how... kinda happening on it's own..." He ran his tongue around his mouth, trying to clear the raspy sound of his voice and make it easier to talk. "God damnit... well," The woman turned to look past him... she was staring at the locked door? Someone was on the other side she was keeping out. She shook her head, forcing her thoughts to clear when she felt him prying.

"As long as I have you at my mercy..." Her hands clenched and unclenched, she felt... conflicted? But aroused... ("God damn his musk... Fucking hormones...") Her shoulder pads and jacket hit the floor and she stepped up to him. "...Don't you dare read too much into this McCloud." Was she... getting off on the fact that he was helpless? Shit, he was stuck strapped to this table with a sadist grabbing hold of his dick and... oh... she was stroking him.

"You like that don't you?" She growled in his ear, her other hand reaching up to the collar of her jumpsuit and beginning to pull it undone. "You talk a big game in your ship, but you belong under me. At my mercy... She clenched his knot softly, earning a reluctant moan out of her captive Todd. "Damn you need this... I can feel your want in my head... Fine. It'll be annoying to complete my mission if you're going to be thinking with this head instead," She ran her clawed thumb against his tip, smearing pre around the pad of her digit. "Now just sit there and submit like a good pup." Damn she was getting into this.

Her jumpsuit zipper slid down slowly as gray and white fur came into view. The support the suit offered in place of a bra fell away as her tits came free with a soft bounce. Despite the soft flesh of her womanly assets Fox could also feel the raw strength in her core as she handled him. Just the right combination of lean muscle and soft fat to make her seem like the ideal cover model of one of Falco's 'weapon enthusiast' magazines. "You like 'em huh?" The woman taunted as she teased his cock with the dark nips that stuck out from the stone gray and offwhite fur around them, the skin of her areolas swollen and warm against him. ("Fuck he's so hot I feel like I'm gonna burn touching him... Well then I'm gonna burn you right back McCloud.")

Fox wanted to ask what her thoughts meant, but had his answer soon enough as she pushed her tits together, trapping his throbbing fox meat between them. "That's right," She chuckled darkly as she toyed with her own nipples as she hefted her breasts slowly up and down his length, squeezing every so often to increase the pressure. "You're all mine McCloud... Beg for it and I might just let you be my little bitch."

Who the hell was this woman torturing him with pleasure? Damn. Fox tried to focus on thoughts of Krystal, only to earn a growl and another squeeze of luxurious canine boob around him. "No. I can feel you in my mind... if you're going to force your lewd pup brain into my thoughts, you're going to be thinking of only ME." She released him from his soft prison long enough to reach up and unlock the seals of her ruptured helmet, tossing it to one side.

She had sharp white eyebrows and crimson eyes that stared bullet holes into him as she dipped down and took his tip into her muzzle as she resumed her titfuck. Fox blinked, startled at how familiar this stranger was.. she had a crest of white fur on the top of her head that cascaded to one side, and her eyes... her left one kept dilating out of sync with her right one as she bobbed her head up and down, taking him into her throat and slathering him with her tongue. Like she couldn't get it to focus- Oh lords she was swallowing his length down as her breasts clenched around his knot. Her mind was getting off on forcing this on him, making him her rival submissive to her.


"W-wolf?!" Fox gasped out as a shot of cum fired down her gullet. She popped him free of her lips as his remaining cum splattered across her chest, smearing his heavy scent all over her face and breasts as she panted softly to catch her breath. "But... How... when...?" He panted, even with his climax his cock refused to relax from it's rock hard state. Hell if anything it pulsed more now, begging to be used to bread the bitch in front of him.

"That's right Pup. Can't say I approve of the changes this damn place made to me," Wolf took a handful of her right breast in her hand and lifted it, but grinned as another small drop of cum flew out of Fox's tip in response. "But if you're gonna lust after me, might as well use it to prove that you're a little-"

Wolf gagged as suddenly Krystal's staff came around and locked against her neck. The blue vixen had made it in and practically was strangling Wolf with her weapon as she used it to full nelson the stranger. "You insult me, you use me as a distraction after I save your ass twice," She growled at Wolf as the hold left her larger, stronger target unable to properly fight back. "And now you come to fuck my Fox, without paying tribute to me as his lifemate first?" She growled out. "You're lucky I don't force you down and fuck your cunt with my staff here and now."

Fox slid to his feet as his restraints popped open, stumbling for a moment as his extremities suffered pins and needles from everything. "Apologies Fox, it took some time to reconnect this room's processes to the system so I could allow Krystal to enter. I shall conduct an examination to ensure your well being once we have you safely out of here." Cai's voice was so damn welcome right now... and yet, Fox could feel Krystal's arousal, the panic from Wolf and the reluctant turn on from her threat... His own primal needs weren't satisfied. Krystal was right. Even with the surprise of O'donnell being a woman, she still didn't honor his bond with Krystal, and she had started to humiliate him for her own gratification. His instincts demanded he make this right. He was the breeding male, Krystal was his mate and the breeding female. Wolf had started something.

Krystal's thoughts were already picking up Fox's. Gods he needed relief, the damn paizuri had only gotten him more wound up... And she could tell what his target was, and she bit her lip in approval of the idea as she hefted Wolf up so Fox could yank the remainder of her jumpsuit off. "What the hell?!" Wolf snarled as she tried to force her arms down to grab at Krystal, but soon found herself pinned between the pair, Fox's dick grinding against her sopping wet entrance.

"You started this Wolf," Fox growled at her. "So you're going to finish it," Krystal finished as she bit down on Wolf's ear softly. "What was it you said?" Fox grunted as he shifted so his tip prodded at her pussy lips, earning a whimper of need to escape her as Krystal ground her own crotch against the captive canine's tail. "Beg for it and I might let you be my little bitch." Wolf growled and glared back at Fox as she tried to force herself to deny the way her own words getting thrown back at her made her tunnel flex in response.

"You're going to beg for it."_Krystal's voice echoed in her mind. _"You're going to submit, and become our lover. And we'll make you love every minute of it... Your mind is open to me now, and as your new dominate female, I am going to make sure you feel every little joy my mate gives me, and then I'm going to take him myself while you watch." Krystal brought her tail up to slap Wolf's ass, making her yipe as the blow came in time with another rough prod from Fox's cock. "You can't hide what you want from me. Honor our bond, and we'll give you those fantasies you're thinking of right now."

"I..." Wolf growled, but her expression softened as her jaw trembled at the sensations overwhelming her. "...I submit." She finally said softly, clenching her eyes shut as her arms relaxed in Krystal's hold.

"Good girl," Both foxes said in unison as Krystal pushed Wolf's hips down while Fox thrust up. Wolf howled aloud from the sudden foreign pleasure of having her womanhood filled with a throbbing cock that pulsed with life. ("S-So big! So hot!") Her mind cried out as Fox began to work a pace, helping Krystal lift her up and drop her down while he pumped into her. ("Wh-what is this even? Why do... I need... I want...") Her thoughts were a mess as the two vulpine's desires filled her own mind.

"Hold her up for a moment Fox,"_Krystal signaled to her mate, slipping her staff free as he hefted Wolf out of her grip, never slowing his thrusts into her tight snatch. Krystal set her staff to the side as she began to unzip her own suit, feeling the lower half of it growing damp. She was over dressed as far as she was concerned, letting her breasts pop free with a sigh. She felt Fox staring at her, even in his primal rutting the love and desire in his gaze was still on her. It made her feel powerful and sexy to know that even after everything happening, even pumping to his knot against a submissive bitch, she could still make him want her, make her feel adored. _"Soon my mate, for now we have a new submissive to teach." She shimmied the jumpsuit off her hips and legs before stepping behind the pair and taking hold under Wolf's arms, grinding her own wet womanhood against Wolf's tail as it wagged.

Wolf was panting as she could only hold on with what little grip Krystal allowed her. Krystal's arms kept her pinned between them, and her hands had found her breasts and was currently forcing them flush with Fox's chest. His fur was soft yet combined with his rough thrusts into her depths made each brush torture. Gods was this even close to what she had done to him? ("I fucked up.") Her pride was broken against the pair that thrust against her like some sort of toy. ("I fucked up and I'm getting fucked up... Fuck this feels good. He's... he's gonna force me into the shape of his dick!") Her legs flopped in the air as Fox held them up to thrust deeper into her wet cunt, trying to force his swollen knot into her as his sack slapped against her puckered tailhole with each pump. ("He's... he's gonna cum in me... and I want it! Damnit! I'm... I'm supposed to be the superior-FUuuuuck what was that?!") She bit her lip to stop a howl as Fox's hammering found her g-spot. ("I don't care anymore... Fuck the mission, fuck the rivalry... I...I need to... CUM!")

Fox's knot popped into her as her howl could no longer be held back. She spasmed around his length as ropes of hot baby batter shot past her cervix, bloating her womb and backing up into her passage. Yet even as he came, Fox and Krystal tugged his tie free of her entrance so his remaining pulses of seed bathed over her. She was coated on the front with his scent, and her back was coated with layers of Krystal's own needy juices. She was marked as theirs, and right now as she struggled to regain control of her own lungs from her orgasm, she belonged there.

Fox panted as he lowered Wolf to the floor where she lay in a pool of their combined sexual fluids and afterglow. Yes, his instincts told him. She'd shown submission, she belonged to his mate and himself now. But his needs weren't finished still. His balls still throbbed with the need to breed. He was the breeding male of his kind after all. It was only natural that he wasn't done with just satisfying their new submissive. His eyes turned to his mate, naked, fur matted from her own fluids and sticking at odd angles from having rubbed her entire front against Wolf's back. She smiled knowingly as she turned and placed her hands on the table he had been bound to, leaning over and lifting her tail.

Without a word, he came behind her and pushed into her willing entrance, both of them moaning at the familiar warmth of one another. She leaned back and kissed the side of his muzzle as he began to thrust into her with purpose. "I missed you," She whispered as she took one of his hands and brought it up to between her breasts. She felt him send the same thoughts to her mind, their telepathic bond sharing the physical pleasures between them in small pulses like a heartbeat all it's own. She loved this man, and he loved her. He was overcome with lust at the moment, but that thought still shone clear in his mind. Gods his mind burned brighter still... whatever had happened here had forced the telepathic tendencies in his mind wide open, and now she basked in the heat of his thoughts as he was overcome with the need to breed his mate, to give her his kits again and again, to tie to her so that his love for her could be felt long after they both collapsed.

She looked down to Wolf, the female staring back up at them... With a silent mental command, Wolf bit her lip, and began to rub her abused womanhood as she watched the two make rough, wild love before her... Her rivalry with Fox was never going to be the same. She, was never going to be the same. She licked her lips, unable to deny her desires as she watched Fox's knot pop in and out of Krystal's wet snatch, watched Krystal's tits bounce and bob with their motions as she silently wondered what her milk would taste like.

Still... if Fox wasn't bruised, why were there bits of dark purple color showing up on him?

Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 10

Wolf folded her arms, feeling entirely uncomfortable under the combined gaze of the two vulpines and their odd hardlight AI companion. She wasn't used to feeling like prey, which Krystal's gaze in particular caused, and she hated it. "Yeah so I've got...

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 8

_He growled in frustration at being forced to wait. He could smell a female. Fertile. Wet already. Familiar. She'd carried his kits before. Thinking about details was too difficult, easier to focus on his instinctual needs. He was built to rut her, to...

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 7

For the first time in what felt like ages, Fox woke up in an actual bed. Technically it was a cot with a padded mattress added to it, but Fox wasn't going to complain. True it was a bit too small for both him and Krystal to fit in, but that proved to...

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