Demands of the Supply

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Ronuk is a mercenary for a space station, doing tasks that the security forces of the station didn't have time for or didn't want to bother with. When the bull is given a standard mission to try to find some crew mates that had left their ship and disappeared he didn't expect to run into an old foe...

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As was usual for the space station the atrium that ran around the entire length of its primary habitation ring was packed with aliens moving to one destination or the other. Since it had to accommodate creatures both big and small a flow was often established where those that were bigger would walk and those that needed to go in the same direction would have to follow carefully in their wake and hope that they would get close to their destination. That made Ronuk glad that he was one of those that could blaze his own trail as he stood head and shoulders above most that were there. The bull did have to be careful where he put down his thick hooves as he found the place he was looking for and had to exit the walkway, smirking slightly when he looked back and saw those that were following him scatter.

The shop that Ronuk was heading towards wasn't a shop at all, at least not for him. It was the space station's equivalent to an independent security force where jobs that the actual guard couldn't deal with were shunted towards. Essentially if it wasn't about to blow up the station or cause everyone to die of some strange alien virus it would be shunted to their location where they could get their problem solved for a price. Most of the time it was extra security detail or just adding a bit of muscle so show off someone's influence, but once in a while they dealt with actual cases as well from drug smuggling to kidnappings and once in a while a murder or two.

Of course having a mercenary guild in plain sight didn't exactly breed trust and safety in the general populace, which is why Ronuk smelt coffee as soon as he walked into the shop. "Morning Sal..." Ronuk said as he went up to the counter and took one of the baked goods out of the case. "Did you finally figure out the perfect batter ratio for these biscuits or can I still kill someone if I throw it hard enough at them?"

"Watch your muzzle or I'll have you playing barista while I go out on the mission," the ornary stallion said as he reached over and grabbed it with his cybernetic arm and gently put it back in the display case. "And it's a scone, not a biscuit you heathen." The bull chuckled and scratched his short hair as he watched the equine go back to the tea was making before bringing it and an electronic file with him. "Your next job, hot off the presses."

Ronuk nodded and, after ordering something just to snicker as he watched his boss make it for him, took the file and his breakfast towards one of booths in the back. It was a missing person job, a cargo freighter that was using the station as a refueling point had let their entire crew off so they could have a good time and when everyone came back they found they were three short. That was twenty-four hours ago and they hadn't been able to get in contact with them yet, but after the initial investigation from the station security team they couldn't determine whether something happened to them or it was merely job abandonment which meant they weren't going to do anything about it. It was a good job, big shipping companies usually meant big payouts since they're willing to pay more in order to expedite service.

"Seems pretty straight-forward," Sal stated, Ronuk looking up as the horse sat down opposite him. "Go in, find the strays, round them up, then payday."

"Last time we had a straight-forward job Hansfield nearly got thrown out of an airlock," Ronuk replied as he continued to flip through the personnel reports of those that he was looking for. "They do look pretty prime to be castoffs, no family tying them down and nothing other than the company... probably got offered a better job on another rig and decided to bail on their contract."

"If that's true then you need to hurry," the stallion replied, blowing on his beverage to cool it down before sipping it. "We don't have the authority to lock down freighters and that means that any second now they could be slipping onto another ship and blasting off into the deep reaches of space. Good luck Ronuk, you're going to need it."

"Yeah yeah..." Ronuk replied as he stood up and went to the back marked employees only. "I think I smell your scones burning." Though he was just kidding he watched the grizzled stallion veteren immediately go over to where he had been baking minutes before. As he shook his head he got up and went back into the employee room where he would change into his uniform... which definitely didn't include an apron.

About an hour and two shuttle rides later the bull found himself in the entertainment district that was adjacent to the stellar shipping yards, a place that was infamously known as the Rat Hole. It wasn't the first time that Ronuk had found himself looking through the place as he put a hand against his broken horn. He had come prepared this time as he adjusted the body armor he wore over his muscular frame, taking a second to adjust himself between the legs and repositioning the plastisteel plates that protected his body. Once everything was where it needed to be he sighed and made his way into the Rat Hole to see if he could get a lead on his missing people.

The air here was stale and reeked of contaminants that couldn't quite be filtered out from the shared air system between the docks and the district. Though it was nothing dangerous it made Ronuk have the taste of metal in his mouth as he began to scour the area. Most wouldn't give him the time of day while others would take one look at his picture and tell him either they never saw them or they did and for the right price would remember where they were. That often lead nowhere on both accounts but he was just seeing if he could get lucky before he got to the location where the star sailors were seen last.

To say that the bar was a hole in the wall would have shined a bad light on holes in walls, Ronuk thought to himself as he pushed on the partially broken door to get inside. Immediately he was greeted with the sound of bad bootleg synth music and smell of stale alcohol as he came in and went straight to the bar where he set his rather large sword on the table. "Well hello to you too, sir," the alien wolf said after he stopped looking at the weapon and back up at the bull. "I'd ask what you're drinking but I have the feeling that's not why you're here."

"Very observant," Ronuk replied as he glanced around the bar to see if his disturbance caused anyone to shift about or panic. "I'm looking for a couple of people that didn't turn up after a night of fun and frivolity. His pals said they came here looking for something to score quick and cheap, though they didn't say exactly what that something was."

"Lots of people come here looking for lots of different things, sir," the alien wolf responded.

"Yeah, well let me show you the pictures first and then-" the bull paused when he saw something that was wrapped around the bartender's neck. At first he thought that it was a standard collar, a rather common accessory that one would find on people around the station, but what piqued his attention was the eye in the middle of it. It had a reptilian pupil in the middle of an otherwise purple sclera and at first he thought it was just some sort of display or other piece of technology... until it seemed to look straight at him.

He found himself unable to take his own eyes off of it as he started to lean in closer until he heard the alien lupine clear his throat and bring his attention back to him. "You said that you have pictures you need to show me sir?" the bartender asked, Ronuk nodding and handing over the data disk that contained them. "Hmmm... you know, I think I may have seen one of these three actually going up to talk to my boss."

"That's great," Ronuk replied gruffly as he tried not to maintain eye contact with the strange piece of apparel once more. "I'm going to need to speak to your boss so-"

"Come with me," the bartender said with a grin as he started to lead the bull without so much as a prompt. As he followed him into a door with the words employees only scratched into the metal there was something off about the whole situation that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Normally he would have to press a lot harder to talk to anyone in the Rat Hole, most preferring to keep some semblance of privacy rather than helping the authorities, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ronuk grunted slightly as he squeezed his larger frame up the rather narrow stairwell, having to go up sideways just to prevent himself from getting stuck. He had already broken one horn, he thought to himself, he wasn't going to crack off the other one in this place if he could help it. The wolf had gone first and stood there on top of the stairs with a small smirk on his face as he commented not to worry about the paint he was likely scratching with his armor. The bull just snorted and pulled himself up the rest of the way until he finally popped out in the larger hallway that ended with a window on one side and a simple metal door that the wolf went through first.

When the mercenary got inside he was surprised by what he found; unlike the bar below the office was rather richly furnished, something that Ronuk would have never expected to walk into in the Rat Hole. What really caught his eye though as he moved forward was what looked like bondage equipment behind glass cases, all if it moving and shifting about while staring at him with eyes similar to the one he saw on the collar of the alien wolf. "It can't be..." he said as he looked around. "This looks like... bio-bondage, but not only is it illegal but the only ones that used it were-"

"The Sskausa..." both Ronuk and the wolf turned when they heard the smooth voice of the creature that had walked into the office from a different door. The bull's eyes widened as he watched the snake creature grin at him while moving over to the desk and sitting down at the chair behind hit. "That's... impossible... you're supposed to have gone extinct!"

"Well they certainly gave it their best effort," the cobra man said as he put his elbows on the desk and gave him a fanged grin before looking at the alien wolf. "Good work slave, you may go downstairs now and make sure we're not disturbed."

"Yes Master Erillas," the wolf replied with a deep bow. "Thank you Master."

The bartender left and the bull found himself alone with the snake creature who was busy pouring a drink in two glasses. "Now onto you Ronuk," the Ssakusa said as he slowly pushed one of the recently-filled tumblers towards him, his snout curling up in a smirk as Ronuk gave him a stunned look. "Oh, my dear bull, did you honestly think that I wouldn't know one of your little group was going to come to try and look for the three that we took a few nights ago? In fact you could say... I was counting on it, now sit down and have your drink with me while we hash out the details."

"Details?" Ronuk asked, feeling his body paralyzed despite the fact that he knew he was in danger.

"Of your servitude," Erillas explained. "If we can do this civically than I'm sure we can give you preferential treatment, or..." the Sskausa gestured to some of the bio-bondage that was currently pressed up against the glass as if going towards him. "Well, I'm sure you can use your imagination."

Ronuk's mind reeled as he looked at the multi-hued skin of the serpentine creature, feeling himself blink several times as though that would somehow make him disappear. Everything in his mind told him this was impossible; the Sskausa were an alien species that had abilities and technology that made them particularly useful in one thing... the slave trade. When their powers were deemed too dangerous after a few of them overstepped their bounds the were declared outlaws and hunted across the galaxy. After a rather long and brutal campaign the powers that be declared that the Sskausa threat had been systematically destroyed, but that apparently was a lie as the bull found himself stepping forward and sitting down despite himself.

"How in the twelve systems does a Sskausa set up shop in the heart of space station like this?" Ronuk asked, making sure not to make eye contact with the creature since he heard that was how they enslaved people specifically. "Every security station in the galaxy knows to look out for you considering the threat you pose to people. I find it hard to believe that you've managed to get your trade back up and running here."

"My my, aren't you the willful one," Erillas stated as he sipped his drink. "Most sitting in your position would be drooling on themselves and clinging to my every command, I think I like that. As for your inclination you would be surprised how many people missed having us in the business and how many powerful people enjoy having one of our slaves to tend to their every need."

There was a low syllabent hissing that went with the way that the Sskausa spoke and Ronuk knew that even without staring into their eyes the creature was getting a hypnotic hold on him, feeling his thoughts begin to slow with every second that he continued to sit there. As he turned his gaze away he saw that one of the walls was actually windows that looked down into the club. It was no doubt to help Erillas pick out his next victims after his slave bartender screened them to make sure they wouldn't be missed. He also realized that there was a potential opportunity to escape if he was fast enough, especially since his noted that he couldn't even bring himself to think of attacking the creature.

When Erillas turned his back to grab something out of a nearby drawer Ronuk made his move, drawing his sword and pushing himself out of the seat and towards the pane of glass. With two quick motions he had cut an x-pattern into the pane before the rest of his body connected with it and caused it to shatter. His hooves hit the dance floor with a loud crack as he looked at the alien bartender before sheathing his sword and making a run out of the bar and back into the Rat Hole. As he did the Sskausa didn't even move from his desk, his swirling eyes looking from the newly created hole in his wall back over to the display cases with the bio-bondage... one of which was now empty.

Ronuk continued to run until he made sure that he was away from the bar and that he wasn't followed, finally ducking into an empty building that used to a drug den before a random sweep cleaned it out. Though he wasn't sure just how far the tendrils of influence the Sskausa reached he couldn't count on anyone at the moment. He knew the secret that they were still around which meant that he would be a target, the creature likely pulling at all the resources he could in order to bring him back in. If Ronuk could just get a message to the office he would be able to warn the others of the slavers in their midst but one of the supposed perks of the Rat Hole was that most communication devices didn't work in the area due to the interference from the docs.

Once the bull had calmed himself down he began to look through the place for anything that he might be able to use to defend himself or to help evade capture. It appeared the raid squad was pretty through in its sweep and found nothing but garbage really. As he began to move over to the door that led to the back room however something else began to take his attention. At first it felt like someone had pushed against his armored bodysuit, but as the confused bull turned around he once more found himself alone.

He continued to stand there in the dead silence of the room for a few more seconds just to be sure there was nothing around him before moving again. He hardly got two steps though before he definitely felt something pushing against his back, only now it was between his suit and his fur! Ronuk started to panic as he felt tentacles continuing to slither down his back, pushing its way underneath the fabric as it pulled down something behind him. With no way to get at it all he could do was try to claw at the appendages attempting to slither around him, but with the combination of the suit and some sort of goo that they're excreting there was no way to stop them.

"Damnit!" Ronuk shouted as he pressed a button on his bodysuit to quickly cause the synthetic armor to fall away from his body. It was only for the top part of the suit but it was more than enough to see what was happening to him as a shiny rubber tentacle began to slither around his sides and wrap across his washboard abs. Very quickly Ronuk realized he had made a mistake as the creature, free from the confines of its tight prison, quickly adjusted itself as more tentacles wrapped around him. He attempted to reach back and try and grab the epicenter of the rubbery things but as he did two of them wrapped around his wrist and pulled it backwards, straightening it out before binding his wrist near his waist.

Though the warrior was far from week Ronuk found himself quickly fighting a losing battle against the piece of bio-technology. Two more of the tentacles began to wrap around the bicep of his still free arm as he finally saw where it had come from. It was a bright green color that was the same as the collar that the alien wore and when he looked down at it the thing stared back with a single ominous eye. The strange creature pulled itself to the middle of his chest, taking his arm when he attempted to grab it and pulling it back, before planting itself there like a flag. The bull wasn't about to give up though even as he felt the four rubbery tentacles on his arms weave around themselves to form into a pair of arm binders that rendered him completely immobile.

The bull stumbled slightly as the piece of bio-bondage made him squirm slightly, combined with the fact that he could no longer use his arms made it hard for him to even stand up much less walk. Ronuk huffed and flexed his arms to try and pull the tentacles apart but it was no use, whatever this thing was had a firm anchor onto his chest and as more began to push their way out it was clear that it wasn't done yet. Already he had four of the larger ones against his shoulders and sides like some bizarre sort of x-harness and as he watched a wider, flatter one slowly lowered its way down his abs and past his treasure trail to his groin. It was then as he looked down at the bodysuit still covering his lower body that he had something that he didn't expect... a tent in the fabric.

It must of been part of the ooze that the thing secreted, Ronuk thought to himself as he made his way to the door. He remembered vaguely that one of the ways that Sskausa kept their prey in check was through the use of arousal and pleasure as part of their biotech arsenal. It made sense, their slaves were no good to them if they died so why not use their own bodies against them? Either way as the thick ooze soaked into his fur he could feel the tentacle stretch the end of itself into a flat petal that slid its way underneath his belt.

Ronuk grunted once more as the rubbery flesh of the creature continued to caress his body even as he attempted to escape it, especially as it cupped around his groin seemed to suction around his cock. He managed to make it a few more feet before finally falling to his knees as whatever had completely encased his groin was now tickling and teasing the sensitive flesh. It took all of his willpower not to fall forwards, the bull knowing that if he fell to his side he probably wouldn't be able to get back up as his muscles twitched from the stimulation. One small ray of hope for him though was his sword was still on his back... if he could just unsheath it and use the blade to cut the bio-bondage wrapped around his arms he could possibly get himself loose.

It took a few seconds for Ronuk to get the focus he needed, especially as he felt the same tentacle that had formed a rubbery sack around his junk was now stretching once more and sliding up his taint towards his tailhole. He flexed his fingers and bent down as low as he could without falling to try and shake the blade out of its sheath. At first nothing seemed to happen, but as he continued to lean and thrust forward he could feel the weight begin to shift. Just as he began to feel the hilt on his neck though he also felt something brush against him that caused him to freeze, his eyes widening as someone hovering above him pulled the sword out the rest of the way and tossed it to the side with a loud clanging noise.

"Careful..." the voice of Erillas hissed into Ronuk's ear as the bull felt his entire body shuddered from the sound. "You don't want to cut yourself, that would reduce your value considerably."

"You..." Ronuk grimaced as he looked up to see the Sskausa smirking down at him. "How did you... find..."

The bull realized too late that when he had brought up his head his gaze had looked right into the colorful eyes of the creature staring down at him. The effect of the creature that he had felt in the office now blasted into his brain a hundred-fold to the point where every attempt to have a thought was like running through mud. He wasn't sure how being mentally enslaved was going to feel like but he didn't expect it to be so... pleasant. It was like he was staring into the eyes of a trusted friend he didn't realize he had, or a lover that he had forgotten right up until that moment.

There were no more words that needed to be exchanged between the two as Erillas continued to keep eye contact with the other male while his hands slowly glided down the thick shoulders and beefy pectorals of the bull. An almost drunken grin began to spread over his muzzle as he felt those fingers stroke against every contour of his muscle, and though he didn't hear it come out of the cobra snake's muzzle he swore he could hear him still hissing and telling him that this was the way it was supposed to be. Soon even when Ronuk blinked he could still see those captivating, swirling colors of those eyes as mental tendrils rooted themselves deep into his mind while the Sskausa's fingers went forward and finally undid his pants.

"I realize that with the mental fortitude that this is going to be a rather temporary situation for you," Erillas explained as he pulled down the rest of the armored bodysuit to reveal the outline of the bull's cock in the rubbery embrace of the bio-bondage gear that had enwrapped him. "But seeing how I can't make eye contact with you the entire time that we're walking back to my processing facility and I can't bind your legs we're going to have to go with a slightly more... inventive solution. Of course what I have in mind for you is also going to have you making a lot of unwanted noise, so I'm going to need to add a few more pieces to your gear before we leave."

"Whatever you say..." Ronuk replied in his dazed state. "Master..."

The response put a smile on the Sskausa's face as he leaned back and took something out of his bag and brought it up to the bull's face. Ronuk vaguely recognized it as another piece of bio-bondage, this one he held in his hands as the sides of it opened like a flower to reveal the glistening rubber insides. It only took a few seconds for whatever it was to be pushed forward and the mask clamped over his muzzle. Normally he would have struggled and thrashed around as the edges of the hood slid itself over his head.

In his lust-drunk stupor he hadn't seen the wiggling phallic tentacle that was inside the snout of the strange organic gas mask but Ronuk could definitely feel it as it pushed its way into his maw. As the creature began to undulate and suction itself over his head it continued to spread open the lips of his muzzle, which was the same time where the tentacle that he had forgotten about between his legs decided to dart upwards and push past that ring of muscle there. That was too much pleasure for the bull to take at once and his large frame hit the floor with a dull thud while his body squirmed. His hooves scraped against the ground as his eye-contact, and trance, with the Sskausa was broken.

Even as Ronuk found himself coming back to his senses he was in even worse shape than before, especially as his bound body was being stimulated by the tentacle in his tailhole. It expertly managed to massage his insides to the point where his mind and body were bristling in pure pleasure. There was nothing he could do at this point as the Sskausa took out one more thing from the pack that he had brought and put it against his neck while he writhed. Even though he knew it was probably a collar similar to the one that the wolf in the bar wore he didn't care, especially when the Sskausa stroked his cock through the bio-bondage.

"Looks like my little muscle bull is getting himself very riled up," Erillas cooed as he continued to stroke along his entire body. "Of course if you are able to orgasm then you might get clear-headed enough so you can start plotting some sort of escape. That's why you're not going to be getting any relief until I have you where I need you."

Ronuk wriggled and groaned in response, which only prompted the tentacle inside his muzzle to pump in and out of his maw a little faster to prompt him to suck it. He felt the organic rubber thickening around his groin and not only tightened around him but also seemed to swell and pad around it. His erection began to soften despite his arousal skyrocketing from everything that the bio-bondage was doing to him. The bull knew he should have probably orgasmed by now from the stretching he was getting between his cheeks but even as he began to hump into the air with his restrained arms against his back there was nothing he could do to get relief.

When his entire back was arched into the air that was when he opened his eyes and saw the Sskausa staring at him once more and felt the intense fires of lust being stoked in him start to taper. Soon he was able to think straight enough to hear the cobra tell him to get up, but when he failed to do so the pleasure was once more ramped up to eleven. It didn't take long for Ronuk to realize that he was being conditioned but there was little he could do but follow the lead of the other creature, which turned out to be quite literal as he saw a leash attached to the collar merged with his neck while he was pulled up to his feet. Very slowly he got used to walking in his compromised state he looked around to see if anyone in the Rat Hole was out and could help him, and though he saw a few eyes staring down at him there was no one that made any move to help.

"You see now the futility of your actions..." Erillas stated as he paraded the bound bull down the street while the tentacles in his maw and tailhole continued to stuff him with just enough pleasure to keep his mind buzzing. "I own this place and everything in it, just like I own you. Now come along, I have something very... special in mind for you."

Ronuk wasn't on the streets of Rat Hole for long, the Sskausa taking him into an area that appeared to be a large cargo overflow bay that hadn't been used in ages. With his body completely bound by the bio-bondage save fore his legs there was little he could do other than follow Erillas into the building. Even with the original trance from the snake-creature wearing off he still still found himself a prisoner to the pleasure that the strange creatures wiggling on his body gave him, keeping him in control with expertly-timed bursts of stimulation when he even tried to think about how he could escape. Between the throbbing tentacles in his maw and tailhole and the ones on his chest and around his arms he was so blissed out that he hardly realized that he and the Sskausa had gotten to a freight elevator.

"When the purges that you talked about had taken place we as a species realized that we had gotten overzealous with our business practices," Erillas stated as he pushed the button and the bull felt the metal platform he was on start to go downwards. "So we took our entire operation underground, so to speak, and operate in the shadows. It was probably for the best since it's far easier to conduct a trade that so-called civilized alien races condemn, yet prove to be our most active customers. Of course with our bio-bondage being so easily recognized as you demonstrated in my office we've also to get more clever with the way we... packaged our products."

Behind the lenses of the bio-bondage mask Ronuk's eyes widened with what he saw. There was nearly a dozen other Sskausa in the lower storage bay that had been completely converted into what looked like a large research lab. Once the elevator had come to a stop Erillas once more started to move, Ronuk feeling the tug on his leash to prompt him to go forward as he continued to examine his surroundings. Vats and containers took up a large section with tubes and hoses that led to platforms and glass cylinders, which not all were vacant.

The bull watched as he saw an alien creature that resembled a species of anthro cheetah, except that it had scales instead of fur and very large draconic feet and a tail. As he continued to look he realized that the creature was still growing, it's muzzle pushing out from feline to a more streamlined, longer shape as his tongue pushed its way out past his lips. Though their body was heavily mutated Ronuk guessed that it was the same alien cheetah that he had been looking for as he saw one of the Sskausa guiding their still stretching feet up and guided them to his cock. Almost immediately he saw the dexterous feet paws wrap around the sensitive flesh and stroke it as another of the snake creatures adjusted the visor on their head.

Ronuk would have kept watching if the Sskausa leading him hadn't gotten his attention, the bull turning his head to see another with a cobra hood staring at both of them. "I didn't expect to see you down here so soon Erillas," the other Sskausa said before looking Ronuk over. "Considering we've filled our latest order I take it this is going to be for your special project?"

"Indeed," Erillas replied simply before gesturing over to the dragon-cheetah hybrid. "I also see that our last one is almost ready to be shipped out as well, I take it those huge feet were part of the design requirements?"

"Oh yes," the other Sskausa said with a smirk. "We thought it was a bit strange considering the client didn't seem interested in paws, so we think that this slave is a gift to someone else. We're currently running a pool to see if we can't figure out who it might be."

Ronuk couldn't help but shake his head slightly as he heard the two so casually talking about who was about to own the one on that table, a creature they modified to some specification like a spaceship or something like that. Was that his fate as well, to be sold off as a slave where someone will use him for whatever reason they see fit? Would he be transformed so heavily into something else that no one would recognize who he was, and was that the point? The two Sskausa continued to talk for a while longer while the bull mused before Erillas started moving once more and bringing the bull with him.

They had gone all the way to the back of the loading bay where there was one pod that looked more sophisticated than the others. This one not only was connected by a series of tubes that were connected to the top and bottom of it. Once they were there the Sskausa led Ronuk up into the platform, a brief resistance welling up in the lust-stricken bull as he attempted to pull away only to have every piece of bio-bondage on his body push into him and practically make him collapse from the sheer euphoria. If it wasn't for the organic rubber pressed against his cock he would have immediately shot his load, instead he found himself falling to one knee as Erillas walked up to him and lifted his snout to once more make eye contact with him and immediately Ronuk felt himself falling under the cobra's enthrallment once more.

"That's a good boy," Erillas hissed in delight as his hands stroked the bio-bondage mask that covered Ronuk's head before peeling it away, revealing the bull's face once more as the tentacle that had been practically lodged in his throat was pulled out. "Now I have a very different set up I need to put you in before we get to the fun part, which means that you will need to listen very closely and be very obedient. You think you can do that my big, strong warrior?"

Ronuk found himself nodding even before the Sskausa finished what he was saying, almost gleefully going up to the platform once he had been mentally reassured. With the mask off the bull could see and hear everything including the restraints that came out from the floor and ceiling of the tube as the tentacles that had bound his arms retreated. As the metal clamped down around his thick ankles first he could feel the metal adjust to his size as Erillas continued to stand and watch. He felt his chest swell with pride as his body was put on display for the Sskausa as his recently freed hands were once more restrained before the robotic arms they were attached to pulled them up.

That feeling of serenity continued to affect Ronuk's mind even after Erillas broke their eye contact and moved over to a large steel bin. All the bull could think about was making the cobra happy as he remained suspended, hoping that whatever task that was about to be set upon him he could do as best as possible. As the minutes ticked by however and Erillas stared at a nearby computer monitor the effects of the hypnotic eyes began to wear off once more. Whether the Sskausa didn't realize it or was doing it on purpose the mercenary began to feel his own thoughts surge forward and when he saw his wrists and ankles cuffed he began to try and pull himself out of them.

"Let me out of this!" Ronuk said as he continued to struggle while keeping his head away from the one that could easily put him under again.

"You know, it's always funny when I hear demands from the supply," Erillas teased.

"I am not your supply!" Ronuk shot back. "You're never going to get away with this; the others may not have any attachments but once the guild finds out that I'm missing they're going to tear this station apart looking for me! Even if you ship me halfway across the galaxy they won't rest-"

Ronuk stopped his rant when he heard the Sskausa giggling, then outright laughing after the bull turned to look at him incredulously. "Oh, my dear Ronuk," Erillas managed to say once he had stopped laughing, though the smirk on his snout seemed to grow even wider. "How in the stars did you think that I knew you were coming to see me, or how I knew so much about you already? And did you really think that a massive corporation would really care that three of their crew went missing enough to spend the money on mercenaries when they employee hundreds on those large cargo freighters?"

The bull could feel the blood in his veins turn to ice at the insinuation. "You are lying..." Ronuk stated as confidently as he could. "There's no way that they would turn one of their own into you."

"I think you should know by now how charismatic I can be when it comes to talking to people to get what I want plus how enticing having a slave to do whatever you want is," Erillas replied as he went over and pressed on the bio-bondage on the bull's chest to cause the tentacles to retreat completely off of his body. "Of course to be fair if they hadn't gone with our little arrangement then we would have just taken the entire guild by enthralling those that we had met with, so when it came between that and sacrificing just one in order to not only keep their power but also gain our resources they made quite the smart move." The Sskausa backed away once he had removed the chest plate as Ronuk tried to make a lunge for him only to be stopped by the restraints as the cobra smirked. "By the way, who mistakes a scone for a biscuit anyway when they're clearly two different types of baked good?"

The snarl that had been on Ronuk's lips quickly turned into a gasp as he remembered the conversation he had with his guild leader right before he came down to the Rat Hole. While his brain still rebelled and said it couldn't be possible there was no way the Sskausa would know what that conversation could have been unless he was in communication with the stallion. Erillas wasn't lying, his own guild betrayed him to be a slave for this creature. Erillas continued to stand there and watch as the bull continued to thrash and fight until he had practically exhausted himself and hung limply against his bindings.

"Well that was dramatic at least," Erillas said before putting the chest plate bio-bondage back into the steel case before pulling something else out. "By the way, in case you were wondering that one you passed by on your way here is for that horse. You can make fun of him for that later if you remember... but enough chat, let's get you suited up!"

Erillas came over to Ronuk holding something that looked similar to the collar that was still around the bull's neck, but as the Sskausa bent down it was clear that it wasn't going there. Instead he could feel the bio-bondage wrap around his waist as his throbbing cock practially jumped into full erection. "My goodness, I forgot that I had left you in that state," Erillas observed as Ronuk practically had to grit his teeth as the residual pleasure from being teased without release on the trip there came back with full force. "Well as much as I would like to have some fun with you this will actually aid in your conversion, so you're just going to have to be denied for a little longer..."

Ronuk attempted to ask what that meant between his panting breaths before he felt the two ends of the organic material merge together against the small of his back and he felt dozens of small tendrils begin to snake down his groin and between his legs. HIs body shuddered in the restraints as he looked down to see that the tendrils were a shiny silver as they formed around his waist like some sort of bizarre pair of briefs. What really caused him to shake at the knees however was that several of the strands snaked over his erection, teasing the sensitive flesh as they formed into a solid sheath. Though he was hard as steel the Sskausa quickly changed that by looking into his eyes once more and telling him to get soft, which as he immediately did so he could feel it get pulled into the slit before disappearing behind the silver pouch that hugged his groin.

"There we go," Erillas hissed as he put a hand against the bulge that had formed, causing Ronuk to practically buck forward against it. "This particular piece of bio-bondage still means you can't get off, but now it's much easier for me to access it when someone wants to have fun. How cruel of a master I would be if I didn't allow my slave to get a little relief now and again?"

"Your... slave..." Ronuk managed to form the words even as those scintillating hues of those serpentine eyes filled his mind. "I'm... yours..."

"Indeed you are," Erillas smirked as he took something else and reached up to put them against his eyes. "Part of the reason I even took your little guild's deal is I needed someone to help with security while we continue our operation here, plus a little eye candy around the office doesn't hurt either. Of course I am a Sskausa of... peculiar tastes, which not only is the perfect time to experiment with our new system but make something for me as well."

Though Ronuk was completely under the spell of the Sskausa once more he could hear what Erillas with crystal clarity as he explained that the lenses he had just put over his eyes would continue to keep him under a low level of hypnotic enthrallment. Though it wouldn't nearly be as potent as looking into the cobra man's eyes it would keep him in line, though at the moment the bull couldn't understand why he would ever want to disobey his master. As the bull continued to squirm with pleasure from the alien briefs he was wearing and the swirling colors from the lenses the Sskausa went back to the case and began to unpack a number of items. From what Ronuk could see it looked like plates similar to the body armor that he had been wearing, though the bright coloration, tentacles, and eyes on them quickly revealed that it was not normal protection.

Erillas continued to coo that he has to make sure his big, buff bodyguard slave would be protected as he took two of the pieces and put them on Ronuk's forearms. Almost immediately he could feel the tendrils sliding around his lower arms as they attached snuggly to his pale fur, making him look like he had on some sort of heavy plating like certain alien dragon or other scaled creatures. The Sskausa did the same thing to his upper arms, his thighs, and his shins and each time he looked down at the eyes staring back at him it seemed to reinforce his place. It was like the cobra wasn't just changing him... his new master was creating him, building him up as he felt a surge of pleasurable sensation when the chestplate suctioned to his body while a similar sensation happened to his back.

With the collar still on his body Ronuk hardly recognized himself from the waist down, looking like some sort of strange knight with only small bits of his fur showing aside from his head. Erillas gave him one more pat on the head before going back and revealing a mask similar to the one that he had been given on the way here, complete with an eye right in the middle of where his would be, except this one didn't appear to have a tentacle attached to it that would go down his throat. With the potency of the Sskausa's enthrallment wearing off Ronuk was able to shake his head slightly, but with all the tentacles from the armor criss-crossing his body there was little he could do but let it get put on his head.

This design for the mask was even more like a gas mask than the last one that was more of a hood; it had several vents that looked like ridges on his muzzle as the organic material slid around his cheeks and around the back of his head until only his horns were exposed. The lenses that had been keeping him in his light trance merged with the material of the eyeholes while the edges seemed to push their way over his lips and against his teeth. For a few seconds the bio-bondage sealed his mouth completely until Erillas said a command words and felt himself able to separate his jaws once more. As Ronuk squirmed while he felt tiny tendrils pushing into his nostrils and ears he suddenly became aware of the Sskausa shoving what felt like a ball in his mouth.

"These I am particularly proud of," Erillas explained as he took two more of the spongy orbs and put one in each of his hands before standing up and kissing the bull on the nose. "You are to hold onto those until the process is complete, you understand?" Even without making direct eye contact Ronuk found himself nodding, earning another pat on the head as the mask pressed against his head from all sides. "Perfect, I do believe that we are ready now for the final step in this little process..."

Once the final piece had been put into place Erillas stepped back and took a look at his handiwork with a grin on his face. "How lovely," the Sskausa said before going over to the computer he had been working on and typing in various commands. "Of course there's no way that I could let you out like that without someone growing curious or recognizing the bio-bondage on your body. That means you're going to need to be disguised from head to toe and I know just how to do it."

Suddenly Ronuk found himself surrounded by glass that slid down from the top and completely encased him, followed by a shift of pressure all around him. Even with the lenses pressed to him by the mask he began to feel anxiety and nervousness shadowing even the pleasure that was still being fed to him by the bio-bondage. He could hear some sort of computer voice announcing something but it was muffled by the glass he was surrounded, but he was more concerned by the sound of something opening beneath him. Though it was hard to turn around in his restrained state he saw one of the metal tubes that was connected to the platform he stood on begin to shudder as though something was coming from the vat on the wall straight towards him.

The bull could feel his entire body tense as he saw the metal plate underneath his hooves reveal dozens of holes, Ronuk squeezing his eyes shut as it rattled from whatever was about to burst through. After a few seconds the movement stopped and he felt something thick and viscous push against his feet that caused him to stop bracing himself and look down. He gasped slightly when it looked like oil or tar was being pumped into the tube, though the shiny surface only rose a few inches from the floor before it seemed to stop. Even though it was no longer filling though the liquid didn't stop going up his body, in fact it began to defy gravity as he felt it continue to creep up past his hooves and begin to flow over his legs.

"I told you that this was going to be something very new," Erillas said, causing Ronuk to look up from his assimilation to the Sskausa standing in front of the tube while the mask feed the creature's words directly into his mind. "What is coating you is a latex-based organic nano-polymer that will not only bond to you but also to the bio-bondage that you are currently covered with. Once it permanently fuses with you not only will it look like your body or just another spacesuit but since I control them and they'll be a part of you I will completely own your body just like I'll soon own your mind."

Fuses to his body... as Ronuk looked back down at the rubber rolling up his legs he could feel it assimilating his fur as well as the tendrils that had wrapped through it. It didn't take long for the strange substance to reach up to his knees and when it did get there it did look like he was wearing his bodysuit once more, save for the coating being skintight and glistening with an unnatural luster. He also saw the restraints that had bound his lower body were now completely disengaged, though his limbs felt like they were made of lead as the muscle underneath thickened before his very eyes.

"The fun part about that substance is that I infused a bit of a DNA cocktail directly into the latex that is transforming you," Erillas continued on. "But I'll leave that part as a surprise. I've been jawing on long enough however, you have training to undertake and a new body to get used to while I gather the data on the project."

Even though the Sskausa turned away from at that moment Ronuk could still hear the voice of the Sskausa echoing through his head, though now it was like he was hissing directly into his ear while still saying things into his mind. As the rubber reached his groin and merged with the bio-bondage around his maleness it began to tell him what a good slave he was going to be and how being a rubber bull drone serving his master is the pinnacle of his existence. Ronuk tried to shut them out and think of his independence and being a member of the mercenaries, but then that just brought up the betrayal he had experienced which the bio-bondage gas mask feeding into his mind used against him. Even his companions knew that he was suited for a live of servitude to his master, the thing around his head said as he felt the rubber pushing not only up his waist but inside his tailhole as well.

Unlike the last experience where he had a tentacle spreading him open the rubber seemed to be coating his insides, something that the voice whispering in his head said was so that he could be of better service to his master while the transformation progressed. As he began to think more of the Sskausa his entire body shuddered while he felt a gentle stretch on his spine, the bull tail that he had thickening and lengthening into something more reptilian... no, into a Sskausa tail complete with a tip that opened. It will be useful for him in case he needed to protect his master... Ronuk wondering whether that was his own thought or that of the mask as the rubber quickly traveled up his abs.

Since his body was already quite muscular it appeared there was little the latex had to do to his body shape save for a bit of shifting, Ronuk groaning around the ball that had been stuffed into his maw while his body changed underneath the shiny surface. It felt so good... the bull had no means to fight such exquisite bliss as the transformative substance being pumped over his body reached his shoulders and began to spread onto his arms. The restraints on his arms popped away as it oozed over bio-bondage and bull flesh alike, forming it into a suit of armor that perfectly accentuated his physique as it reached over his forearms and down to his fingers. As he felt the rubber slowing down while assimilating the collar around his neck it also spread over the orbs that Master Erillas had told him to hold onto...

The fleshy spheres seemed to melt into his hands as the rubber assimilated into them, but as they did he felt the surreal sensation of his fingers beginning to stretch. It was like someone was pulling on them and causing them to lengthen while the latex between each one began to knit together. Once more the feeling of pleasure cascaded through his body as his hands merged with the Sskausa biotech, his new tentacle sliding through the manacles that had been holding it and flailing about in the air. Ronuk's eyes widened when he saw it was able to bend all the way backwards and slither across his arm and around his body until the mutation reverted and he had his own hand once more while his other limb underwent a similar transformation.

Finally the rubber reached its head, and with the climax of his transformation also came the release that he had been desiring ever since he had first fallen under the spell of the Sskausa that had captured him. His silver rubber cock pushed its way out of the bulge formed by the bio-bondage briefs he wore and began to throb hard as the rubber slid up over his jaw and around the back of his head. As the substance oozed over his teeth he suddenly realized that there was another orb lodged in his mouth, but even when he tried to push it out with his tongue the rubber had already coated it and he found it sink in deep. He practically cracked the glass of the containment tube he was in as the biotech merged with the appendage just like his hands, the transforming bull drone grunting and groaning as he felt his rubberized tongue thicken before another rubber one grew next to it followed by another until he had three tentacle tongues all pushing their way out of his maw.

Just like with his hands his tongue did eventually revert to normal, but not before the bull practically fell over from the force of his orgasm while the tentacles in the opening of his gas mask continued to squirm. There were more words being said to him but they were meaningless to him, everything was besides the pleasure he felt and the serpentine creature that made it possible. As the biotech rubber infiltrated his brain it had already been converted to that of the bull drone that Erillas had always wanted, Ronuk ready and proud to serve the Sskausa that had given him such divine purpose in life.

Eventually the glass slid up once again, taking a little longer than before with all the spiderweb cracks in it as the Sskausa eagerly went up to inspect his work. To him the glistening rubber bull was his masterpiece, a perfect blend of guardian and sheer sexual prowess that was his and his alone. "You are... beautiful..." Erillas said as he ran his hands over the impossibly smooth skin of the bull, watching as the bio-bondage armor that he had given the bull melt away into his form to reveal the muscular latex body underneath save for the gas mask and briefs. "To whom do you serve drone?"

"I... serve you Master Erillas," the bull replied, the Sskausa grinning slightly at the slight momentary hesitation. "I am yours to command."

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to hear something like that," Erillas replied. "Still a little mental conditioning to go but with you being a warrior to start you should fill your role as my guardian quite well. Now let's see how your... other training is working out for you."

Ronuk didn't need any additional commands to figure out what the Sskausa wanted, the burly bull kneeling down where the cobra's cock had already risen completely. The bull eagerly moved forward to engulf it, sliding his rubber tongue around the smooth flesh as he felt Erillas practically fall forward while grabbing onto his latex-covered horns. Out of the corner of his lens-covered eye the rubber bull drone could see other Sskausa starting to move towards them, but a quick hiss from Erillas sent them all scrambling back. It was clear who owned this drone, Ronuk continuing to suck as he decided to put his new tentacle tongues to good use...

Several days later Erillas sat in front of the recently repaired window of his club, looking down at the patrons that danced and drank without a care in the world. In the Sskausa's hand was an invoice for several slaves that needed to be filled soon, though the cobra was finding it a bit hard to concentrate as he looked down. "Ngggh... of all the times for it to get busy..." Erillas lamented as he took his hands and put them against the rubber tentacles that were wrapped around his chest, motioning for the bull that sat beneath him to let go. "I suppose it is time to pay the bills."

"Yes Master Erillas," Ronuk said simply, the rubber bull drone watching as the Sskausa pulled himself off the thick silver rubber cock he had been sliding up and down on. "Do you wish for me to accompany you or to stay in the office?"

"Come with me of course," Erillas replied with a smirk as he watched the bull's form shift, the armor plating pushing back out of his body as the Sskausa went over to his desk. "Since you're complete conversion into my drone though I do have one little gift I would like to give my slave, a token of your past life as you go into your future."

Ronuk stood and saw the Sskausa with a very long blade, one that the rubber bull drone vaguely recognized as the one that he had carried before his conversion. As he went over and pulled it out of his sheath he saw that there had been an engraving etched into the metal. "This blade and its owner is property of Master Erillas," Ronuk read before attaching it to his back while Erillas put the familiar leash on his disguised bio-collar. "This drone appreciates Master's gift, I will use it to serve you well."

"I know you will," Erillas stated before rubbing his fingers over the gas mask and sealed the lips. "Let's go my drone, we have plenty of supply out there... all we have to do is harvest it."

Making the Grade

Mortimer sighed as packed up his things in his dorm, the human sitting the cardboard box on top of the others that he had put on the cheap bed that had served as his for the few months. He had been attempting to get his Master's Degree and then roll...

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Ergo the Hive Begins

Bheni sighed as he got into the hotel room, putting his coat away as soon as he got inside. He had been away from Danny and his homestead for nearly a week now traveling with work and it was getting to be tiresome. While his company made sure to foot...

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Spreading the Goo Word (4/4)

The march back towards the temple of Aktor was longer then Sol would have liked; the combination of so many new members plus bringing along someone that wasn't a rubber panther greatly hindered their progress. For the most part those that he had...

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