First Time with a Gryphon: Between Worlds

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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When an anthro marten accidentally ends up stranded on another planet, she attracts the attention of a hermaphrodite gryphon in an alternate universe to her own...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Character © respective owners

First Time with a Gryphon

Between Worlds

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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The sable marten sighed, flung back over her floating sofa, the design reminiscent of times long gone by, although the fact that it didn't need to actually touch the floor anymore with the advances in science and technology was something that allowed the in-house cleaning system to operate more efficiently. Her fur was darker than the brown of pine martens, black for the most part but struck through with the lightest of brown highlights when the hairs were parted so that the light hit it just right. Many had complimented Ulrica on that but the sable marten was fonder of the striking white underbelly that stood out from the darker fur, her hair falling lightly over her forehead and down the back of her neck, half black and half white. In a way, it reminded her of what she was looking for out there, the balance and two sides between everything that had ever been and would ever come to be.

Her home was small but modern, a pod of a house set apart from others with a tube connecting the walkways before them, for the atmosphere was not always habitable to furry-kind, which was unfortunate, considering that it was Ulrica's home. The marten had taken her time decorating her little abode though, not seeing much reason to expand, though the purple-blue walls and sparkling accents made her think of the stars on planets that she had not even been to as yet, setting the need for adventure alight in her heart all over again. Maybe that was why she didn't come home very often. For all the right reasons, it made her want to leave if only to see what was out there that she had not yet discovered.

Ulrica enjoyed her position in the galaxy, although it did become boring for her when she returned to her home base of the fertile planet that they had moved to after Earth had become overpopulated so long ago, preferring to be out exploring distant reaches and reporting back. There was much to be delved into and she was just the adventurer to do it, the creamy-white of her chest standing out as she sighed and tinkered with the teleporter.

"If I could just get you working," she muttered, brow furrowed. "All of this would be so much easier..."

A lot was wrapped up in that teleporter for her, something that only furs with a great deal of money to their names seemed at all able to afford, although that was, sometimes, just how it was in the world. Whereas she was an adventurer she was not, by any means, a treasure-hunter, even though that could have very well have made her much more money than she had. Anything she did find of value she took greater pleasure in donating to museums and collections where they would be prized and taken care of, although it did lead to a few financial problems on her part.

Still, the teleporter would be useful to bring goods back from her travels as not everything would fit inside her spacecraft and something a little more accessible to her would open up fresh avenues. She still had reports to make and studies to conclude and not everything could be done in a single trip. Having the transporter would make it, at the very least, a little easier to come back and forth in the blink of an eye, her matter breaking down and reforming in the location of the second half of it, which, of course, would be left at her home while she travelled.

Alas, she should have, perhaps, taken the transporter to someone a little more skilled with such technology, her fingers tingling as Ulrica gasped, trying to pull away. The little machine had burst to life already though, whirring and grinding, the more mundane parts of the mechanism needing a good oiling. Yet a location had been set already, or so it seemed, bursting forth in a shower of silver sparks, the sable marten's shriek resounding through the room as she was ripped away to another place and time entirely.

Hurtling through the vortex, Ulrica gaped soundlessly as she was taken out of her timeline to another world - something that she had not even known was possible and the reality of which would only come to light later on. Colours and beams of light shot through her, breaking down her body as she twisted and turned, left to spiral through the in-between world that the transporter had brought her to, darkness hurtling towards her rather than her racing towards it.

Something squeezed her chest - and then she was out, tumbling head over heels with her thick tail slapping the backs of her legs, squealing as she went face-first into a pile of old leaves that had half turned to mulch. The ground was wet and she scrambled up instantly, regretting her decision the moment her stomach churned, threatening to deposit her last meal on the ground before her.


Yet being dumped in a strange time was not the strangest thing that had happened to the marten in her lifetime, although she did very much wish that transporting her body did not leave her feeling so wobbly. Staggering, she tried to make her legs move in an orderly fashion but only succeeded in dropping to her knees in what seemed to be woodland, although it was colder than any time that she had lately been in, preferring warmer climates where she could be a little lazier with not needing her body to keep herself warm. Even in some times she clipped and shaved her fur down to be more comfortable, though that was also, in part a fashion choice of her time that she was not taking on at that very moment.

She cursed under her breath, though her fur fluffed up, her natural body already working to protect her from the cold. It was less of a damp chill but a drier one, the leaves only damp where the heat of the ground itself, surely on the edge of the hardest part of winter, had kept them warm enough to rot. Wiping off her muzzle, she looked at the transporter, the blinking lights that should have meant something to her and yet were foreign in that moment, pursing her lips.

"Damn it..."

It was not the first time she'd been stranded but the rescue feature seemed to be working, switched on and set to automatically determine her coordinates: not a bad little piece of kit, even if she did say so herself. Her clothes had been set for home, however, simply cut in a skin-tight pair of leggings and a vest-top that both allowed her freedom of movement but not all that much warmth. On the contrary, they compressed her fur flat so that she could not fluff it up in a natural way, reducing her capacity to keep herself warm as she grumbled and checked her pockets. There was not much there in the way of anything helpful and, frankly, Ulrica didn't know why she'd thought there may have been.

Either way, shelter was her first priority, needing something over her head to protect her from harsher elements than she was most recently used to. It was difficult in twilight to see just where she was but the ground sloped up beneath her hind paws so she thought she might have been on the lower slopes of a mountain, though there was no telling what terrain lay further afield. A rocky overhang offered her the best sort of shelter that she was going to get for the night and she huddled up into herself with a few tree branches laid up against the overhang, which was high enough for her to comfortably stand under it, to keep out the rising wind.

It was going to be a long first night for her in a world that she did not understand.

Whereas the transporter did not appear to be damaged, it was apparent too that something was not quite right with it as, no matter what she did, she couldn't get it to sync back up to the home unit back at home base. Days passed and she found a better cave to take up a temporary home in, though it was higher up, though thankfully empty after that badger had chased her from a different one. She'd thought that badgers lived in sets underground but that one had clearly found a more comfortable home where she'd tried to move in!

Still, she was good at anything that came to light in the realm of surviving in hazardous conditions, carving a spear and using her hunting skills calmly and quietly, her mischievous nature simmered down solely as she didn't have much time for it there. Ulrica could only think of survival up there, after all, scouring the local area for resources, setting up rabbit snares and fish traps just to ensure that her belly was filled. It was not the right season for berries as the birds and other wildlife had already had them all but she could dig up roots and boil nettle tea over a fire, rudimentary tools easily carved as long as she didn't need too many of them for they took some time to make.

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However, the fact that she was stranded did not escape her and Ulrica spent her evenings in meditation, trying to calm herself, to soothe her nerves. It was no planet that she was familiar with even though she could be thankful enough that the resources were plentiful, combing through her thoughts every night until they lay still and quiet, allowing her to go about her business without interrupt. That was all she could hope for, after all, the entrance to her cave covered with tightly-drawn animal hides, layered too with animal fat, the warmth within lingering in the flickering, dancing flames of the fire. A chimney had been made at the back where she laid the fire, although it was one of the coldest areas and she had had to put on the back burner the idea of creating a chimney hatch so she could better keep out the cold air. There was simply not time for everything when one was roughing it.

Days passed and then weeks, though the sable marten would have been foolish to expect that she could live there forever without attracting attention. But the attention that she drew to herself was hardly what she expected, bathing in the stream quickly and efficiently with a refreshing wash that she'd made from leaves, mashed into a cleansing scrub of sorts. It was the best she had at her disposal but did nothing to cover up her softly musky marten scent, as was the nature of her species.

She didn't know she was being watched. Maybe it was the world she was living in or maybe Ulrica's senses were becoming duller but she never saw the eyes in the undergrowth, the gryphon hunkered down low with her tail flicking back and forth lightly, calculatingly. She was not the typical kind of gryphon with the hind of a feline and the front half of a bird of prey but was a shade more unique than that, her back end rising "muskily" in the tease of a skunk, complete with the striped tail and all. It was all she could do to stop that thick, luscious tail stirring up the bushes, rustling leaves, and alerting Ulrica to her presence, a name that she only knew the marten bore because it was one of the things that she muttered to herself. The gryphon clicked her black beak together, the edges rattling and tapping lightly. Did she think she would forget her name? She, after all, knew who she was and that was Nalu, Nalu the feral gryphon, her yellow eyes sharp and wicked with a cresting fall of white hair peaking atop her head, her avian side that of a crow. A crow and a skunk should never have been apart and so she liked to say that that was how her form had come to be, the two complementing one another as she watched the marten's body shiver and twist within the cold, rinsing water.

It was strange, very strange to Nalu, for the marten was, indeed, an anthro and not a feral - something that the grow-gryphon had never seen before. From the first moment that she'd found Ulrica, drawn there by a strange scent on the lower slopes of the mountain that she saw as hers within a larger territory, she'd known that she was interested in her and where there was little to threaten Nalu's survival, one would have been well within their rights to say that she had more time on her claws than most.

Nalu was relentless, following Ulrica back to her cave, though that was not the best spot in which to watch her, for the fall of animal hides covering the door, lesser creatures that were of no interest to a gryphon, kept her secluded from view. That was, supposedly, the point of them but the gryphon paced over the stone, careful where she walked so that she would not leave footprints, only disposing of a stray feather here and there. A feather was one thing: the anthro marten would think that it came from a crow. Her prints, on the other hand, would be much larger than the ones Ulrica made when she went barefoot, raising suspicion instantly.

The other gryphons in her little flock scoffed at her for being so interested in a creature that only had two legs but, like some others, Nalu was not just a female and was more than merely interested in one that differed from the norms of their world, however one chose to see them. For the marten's musk brought a rise of need to Nalu's loins, the male part of her hermaphroditic anatomy swelling, her sheath plumping out as her shaft begged entry into the open air. Her balls were moderately sized and tucked up close between her hind legs beneath the folds of her pussy, her fluff covering most of it so that anyone that wondered at what was between her legs would have surely put it down to a shadow. That was, of course, if they didn't know better. She made no pretence of hiding who she truly was but neither did she have to put it completely out there when she didn't want to. At the end of the day, it was something that was completely her choice.

However, there was something else that was her choice even as she whittled away at the choice of another, smirking and clacking her beak as she spread her legs and urinated around Ulrica's home. Of course, the sable marten would not know that it was her releasing a musky stream, filtering into the rich, fertile soil, though she also took care to scent mark the trees too, using the scent glands under her tail to enrich them with her aroma. Some said that skunks stank but, to the right creatures, the aroma was irresistible, an aphrodisiac of the finest form, and Nalu had an inkling of an idea that she could know something there.

And, so, she waited, returning night after night, following the marten during the day. Barely sleeping, Nalu's lust rose, grinding and slapping her cock into her stomach as she tried to restrain herself, for it would have been simply too easy to burst into Ulrica's home and sweep her away. No, no: that would have been too crude, too crass, for her. She had to take it slowly, allow the marten to become infatuated with her scent, first of all, a slow creep that would render Ulrica lost to her before the marten even knew exactly what was happening.

The marten could not help but respond, tossing and turning in her makeshift sleeping quarters, though she didn't like sleeping under furs all that much. It felt too much like anthro fur but she had to survive somehow and she could not afford to be squeamish under such circumstances by any means. Yet her paw crept between her thighs, nose twitching in that daydream-like state on the edge of sleep, whimpering as her clit practically throbbed and leapt to her touch.

How long had it been since she had been pleased? Ulrica panted, moaning lightly, fingering her pussy, sliding one digit inside. Oh, of course, it had only been herself doing the pleasing when it came to such matters of the body, for she was still a virgin, but there had seemed to be so many other things to explore in life that the boring act of reproduction simply hadn't cut it for her. Just what was that to matter to her when she could hop right on over into another galaxy to see what was on offer there, as busy as a fur of her age, in her early twenties, could have possibly have been in her world. Maybe it was the fact that Ulrica's world had slowed there, forced into a sort of self-isolation, no one else even to talk to or tease out her attention, that she was drawn more into herself, sexual needs flowing softly to the surface.

At least, that was what she thought. The truth of the matter was that she was being driven mad, slowly and pleasurably, but a skunk-gryphon's pleasant reek, her need swelling. It was not such a bad thing to experience, in all honesty, biting her lip and even moaning out loud as she plundered her pussy with a driving jab of her fingers. Rough, so very rough, but there didn't seem to be all that much of a need to be particularly gentle when Ulrica most certainly knew and understood the needs of her body, bringing herself to multiple orgasms through the dark of her night. Groaning, she lapped off the sticky and tart juices from her fingers, even lewdly sucking off each digit, unable to help herself as it did not stop not even that first night, more and more lusts searing through her as time passed.

It was relentless and she couldn't help herself, getting onto all fours and moaning out the names of those that she had thought, at least in part, were rather on the good looking side. She didn't know what she wanted from a lover but she knew that she wanted pleasure, squealing and grunting, throwing caution to the wind as she could not have honestly said that she'd seen a large predator in the area since she'd taken up residence there, trying to fix the transporter. What Ulrica didn't know, of course, was that Nalu was scaring them away, leaving her to enjoy the lustful pleasures of orgasm after orgasm in the dark of the night, hips humping and grinding, the firelight casting dancing, jagged shadows across the wall.

Outside, Nalu swallowed her snarls and spent a load of cum into the grass, leaving an extra-large dose of her musk and scent behind that night, the closest to the entrance to her Ulrica's tent that she had dared to get as yet. She had to have her, sometime, sometime very soon, but the marten was a luscious creature, a pleasurable chase that made even Nalu want to see what could come of such things, as much as her balls churned and ached to relieved far more often than she was. There was a delight too to being kept on the edge, even though that still was very much within her control, the gryphoness a dominant sort that liked to take top position, despite her inexperience. She'd had some partners, of course, but no one would have said that she was the sort of lover that pushed out all the stops, bringing a lustful companion into a new era of sexual pleasure.

That would come in time, however, and one only needed the right partner in love and in life to get there. She had to swallow her keens though as she pleased herself and even ground her pussy down into a moss-covered stump, leaving more and more of her musk behind, her scent glands opening, allowing her thickly scented oil to ooze out more and more. The more aroused Nalu became the more of her scent she allowed forth, within her control and out of it too at the same time, her need the sort of thing that refilled itself in mere moments.

As it ramped up, Ulrica moved outside her cave, barely able to reach the hides that framed the front before collapsing to her knees. A cold breeze caressed her fur but she hardly had any suitable clothes to wear out there aside from what she could fashion from furs and hides, her fur bare at that particular time. With her legs spread and her backside rocking back, she gave the gryphon a prime view of her dripping pussy, juices practically slopping out of her as she tried to contain herself, although, of course, that was something that she would never have been able to do even if she had been aware of what Nalu was doing, that she even existed.

"Yes... Oh, fuck, yes..."

She swore, cursing fluently, her travels as an adventurer having given her quite a colourful vocabulary. As sweet as Ulrica was, no one would have denied just how fluently she could swear like sailors of olden times, moaning and grunting, letting her need take her body. It didn't matter that she was out there in the open for there was nothing and no one there that could hurt her, her cries rising more and more as she rocked her hips, humping and growling at thin air while her fingers rammed into her pussy. Her thumb even coyly slipped into the musky pucker of the hole tucked up under her tail, although that was mostly a pleasure that she had not yet explored, as explosive as penetration there, however slender, could make her orgasms.

Groaning, Nalu hunkered down in the bushes, panting heavily, although the gryphoness needn't have worried that the sable marten would hear her. Ulrica was far too caught up in her lust and pleasure to care about any rustling in the bushes, the gryphon flattening her stomach down to the ground as much as possible, trapping the smooth, pink flesh of her cock between the grass and her fur, the most stimulation she could get. She sucked in what she could greedily through her nares, the little curves of what mammals called nostrils in her beak, eyes half-lidded and shimmering, need rising. There was nothing, nothing at all, that could have held Nalu back right then and there as the marten howled out through her orgasm, bucking and grinding her hips madly, a creature possessed.

If she was possessed, it was but the spirit of lust that had crept into her soul, Ulrica moaning more and more loudly, louder even than she ever had before. Nothing she did could bring her body back under her control, her black and white hair a tousled mess around her face as she flipped onto her back, shoulders braced against the ground and hips rising into a bridge. The lewd, wet slap of her fingers driving into her pussy filled the air, though that noise was only overcome by a throaty grunt as she swept her thumb tantalisingly across her clit at the same time.

And then everything changed, irrevocably, forever. Nalu stepped from the bushes, a darker slice of darkness taking shape in the dead of the night, for there were no stars to light the way beneath the pine trees. All there was to give them light was the smouldering embers of Ulrica's fire, the sable marten snarling and rolling onto her knees with all the energy and strength she had left in her body, though her inner thighs were, very clearly, still a thick mess of arousal.

For a moment, all she could do was stare at the feral gryphon - a feral! They didn't have ferals like that back where she came from but the gryphoness seemed oddly familiar to her, the shape of such a beak appearing to have been drawn from something and someone that she saw daily. But who could that be? Could she even trust her thoughts? It was harder than ever to think straight as Nalu stepped closer, her pink tongue flicking out to lash along the side of her beak, eyes glittering even in the darkness with her mane lusciously clinging to her neck in a seductive tangle.

Nalu didn't have to say anything, a smirk in her eyes while her beak could not form the shape of the expression, bracing her legs and releasing more and more of her scent, her tail raised to show off her balls and the slit of her pussy. If Ulrica may have had any questions about the two genders that she boldly commanded for herself, they were swept away by such a view but the marten was helpless to do anything but let her paws creep straight back between her thighs. It was quite as if they were drawn there by a magnet, two opposing forces attracting one another powerfully, unable to resist one another in a truly equal fashion.

"I think I can help you...with that need," Nalu hissed, rasping out her words in what she had intended to be a purr. "So needy... So hot... Do you care not to shed that fur coat of yours?"

Of course, her manner of courtship was lost on Ulrica, though the marten still moaned, bucking her hips and squirting through yet another orgasm. She had to have something, had to get that itch within her scratched, licking her lips and even flicking her nose up over her lightly damp nose so that she could better take in the scents, understanding them more. It was too late to take her time and sift through the so very many aromas offered to her wriggling nostrils, however, the tightening grip of need deep within her belly hardly dissuaded by one measly orgasm.

No... She thought dimly. She needed something more than that, the gryphon's musk, for she could recognise that at least, forcing her into heat. She needed it, a rampant rod of breeding flesh hanging tantalisingly beneath Nalu's stomach, though she did not, as yet, know the name of the gryphon that was both gryphon drake and gryphon hen. Ulrica nipped at her lip, drawing a bead of blood, though the stringently metallic taste was lost in a wave of saliva, licking her lips over and over again as she drooled for all that the hermaphroditic gryphoness had to offer her.

Nalu was not yet done, however, spreading her legs for Ulrica, the marten hypnotised, crawling closer, hardly aware of what she was doing. Pumping and rocking her hindquarters, Nalu groaned deep in the back of her throat, begging the marten to do all she could, that tiny, sweet muzzle teasing closer and closer, promising so much if only she would put that tongue to use.

"Little one..." She crooned, though Nalu was more breathless than she would have liked to admit, head spinning faintly. "Why don't you have a taste?"

Ulrica nodded, her body moving without the open thought and consent of her mind, though that hardly seemed to matter anymore. All she saw was the gryphoness' pussy and balls hanging down, her cock before them, folds puckering and pushing out in a twitch and a wink as she moaned and released a hot stream of urine. It was more alluring than it had any right to be, although Ulrica would not have said that she had any inclination to watersports, merely the scent of it exciting her, making her pussy clench down as if her body simply could not resist the lure of being filled and pleased with such delight laid right out before her for the taking.


It was a moan, just a moan, but the moment that rich stream trickled off she had her muzzle shoved up into the gryphoness' pussy, slurping and licking, though there was still the treat of her balls and cock to come. Ulrica fumbled, as a virgin to that pleasure and act of giving too, though what she lacked in skill she more than made up for in enthusiasm, audibly slurping and lapping as she ran her tongue all the way up over the gryphoness' balls to the slit of her pussy, even daring to tease her tongue inside.

It was hard to say just how much Ulrica was in control of her body at that time and actively consenting but, even if it had been more darkly intended, she could not have found it in herself to care. The larger feral growled and dug her claws into the mossy, peaty forest floor, the edges of her feathers off-set by a crimson glow from the dying embers, everything about her screaming her need. As much as she delved lusciously into the gryphoness' cunny though, she had to have the masculine part of her more, nuzzling down to that heated, thick length that she only wanted shoved deeply up inside her cunny right there and then.

Nalu grunted and hung her head, muscles tense, straining and shaking devoutly in a failed attempt at, just barely, containing her need. Of course, that was not to be, rocking her hips and snarling out loud as that tiny, soft tongue caressed the head of her cock, sending her body into tingles of rapture. She moaned and rolled her hips, though her back could only round so much with her feral anatomy, her hind end strong and hips dipping to tease her cock into that small, hot mouth that she wanted so badly.

Yet Ulrica knew too that there was something that her body craved and she scurried out on shaky paws and knees, tail lifted, barely able to keep it down. Her mind was foggy and she panted heavily, back arched, her backside thrust up. Yes! Why couldn't the gryphon see what she needed? The skunk's thick aroma flooded the air and she edged over Ulrica, the marten squirming and whimpering, begging her incoherently to fuck her, to mount her, to plough her full, even though she did not quite feel that she was able to put words to her sounds of need.

So close, so very close... Nalu chirped and churred softly, a sound that was something like a purr but not quite there, a carnal sound that could only have come from one of her kind. Though she had to get it, get what she needed, the tip of the gryphon's cock teasing up against her pussy-lips, her folds soft and flushed with blood, plump and ready to be bred.

Ulrica tensed. She had not even known that that could happen to one of her species but it did. For the moment that the gryphon's shaft begged for entry, her body reacted in a primitive fashion, openly displaying its need in a heated stream of urine. It splattered down readily as her bladder forced it out - she hadn't even realised that she'd had to relieve herself! - and Ulrica gasped out loud. There was no shame present in relieving herself in such a manner, of course, though the gryphon did draw back slightly with a hiss and fluffing-up of feathers, wings half-mantled over her back.

"I didn't know you were quite like me, Ulrica..."

What that meant and just how the gryphoness knew her name were two things that were beyond Ulrica's comprehension, moaning over and over. But she didn't need to know for how long the gryphon had been stalking her, listening to her talk, hanging on her every word as she tried to find her life out there. Dropping shakily to an elbow, she managed to get the paw of her opposite arm down between her legs, spreading her folds, a little urine trickling over her paw - but she wasn't going to worry about something like that. It was crude and she was ready, panting heavily, her body straining to show its readiness even as she infused the air with her scent too.

Nalu would not have been able to resist her right there and then even if she had not been committed to breeding the marten full of a clutch of eggs. At least, that was what she thought martens laid in her mind, though the fruits of their sexual lust were only to be seen at a later date. The gryphon's cock bore a soft knot at the base that was yet to inflate, waiting to lock them together so that not a single drop of seed would escape, balls churning lightly with need, though that could be fulfilled in only a moment if Nalu dared take it.

And, oh, how she did, keening out her triumph shrilly to all who cared to hear it, spearing her cock deeply up into the marten's pussy, deflowering her well and truly in a single, driving stroke of her cock. It was harder than she expected to stretch out the smaller mammal, Nalu grunting and clawing at the ground as her nares took in all of the pheromones in that thickly laden stream of urine, head spinning in the best of ways.

Never before had she had a partner that did to her what Ulrica did and she hissed like a basilisk as she rammed into her, her feral needs coming above all else in the heat of the moment. Whereas she would not harm the sable marten, she would take what she needed too, snarling and snapping, blind with lust as need overcame her, jabbing and thrusting, forcing the marten to take every last inch of her shaft. Her pussy stretched around the hot length of gryphon-meat, pushing deep, but Nalu still had to drive in forcefully, encouraged on by Ulrica's moans. Of course, she had no true intent to hurt the sable marten and would have stopped if there was a need too, though it would surely have taken a huge effort that even the gryphoness was not quite sure she had in her.

That, however, proved to be unnecessary as Ulrica's moans filled the clearing, eyes half-lidded, seeing only the red glow of the embers, something warm to lock herself into in the moment. It felt as if those embers were searing through her at that very moment, warming her from the inside out, though a cold sweat, the air cooling it instantly, was not the best of things, the under layer of her fur damp where her sweat glands were located, paws curling into the moss. As much as the marten strove to brace herself, each powerful thrust of the gryphon scooted her a little across the clearing, only a couple of inches at a time, though she tried to part her legs even more, display her most intimate of vulnerabilities all for the gryphoness' pleasure.

Hers too? Ulrica's head swam, floating and drifting, pussy clenching down devoutly. Yes, yes... Her pleasure was a given, her first penetration the sweetest that she could ever have imagined, their musky aromas twisting and winding into one another until they became one new scent altogether. Whereas there was a lingering prick of bitter urine in the air, the thick musk and tantalising pheromones were more alluring to both of them, the great, big shuddering breaths that they dragged in sending more and more swirling into their lungs. Ulrica's chest dropped to the forest floor, not caring how her breasts pressed into the muck, groaning deep in the back of her throat as her skin tingled, thrust into orgasm before she was even strictly ready for it.

But she didn't have to be ready to ride out those waves like skirting the rings of a new planet, entering the atmosphere with that bubble and flow of turbulence that always made her stomach leap into her throat. All she had to do was moan and moan, let that cock plough her full, juices slopping messily down her thighs, though how much of that was hers and how much was the gryphon's pre-cum she could not have said. The marten panted heavily, rasping out her pleasure, trying to squeeze down around that shaft but failing utterly with how tightly she was already stretched.

Nalu should have been able to hold out for longer than that but it was the marten's thrusts and the clench of her pussy that did it for her, barely letting Ulrica ride out her high before she rounded her hindquarters and slammed in with ever-greater urgency. On and on - she couldn't stop it! All the gryphon knew was her balls aching to cum, tightening and pulling - and then releasing in a jet of cum that she had not even truly known she had in her.

It flowed freely into the marten's pussy, surely impregnating her. That was one thing with the gryphons, that their genetic make-up was such that they could impregnate a wider range of species. Nalu was simply a little more unique than those that merely had feline hindquarters, her range shifted from the usual creatures that gryphons may have taken up as other species mates or simply sexual partners there. Her skunk tail floated up, releasing even more of her thick aroma, more than enough to send Ulrica into another huffing, moaning orgasm, hips shifting and wriggling back even as Nalu, a little belatedly, tried to squeeze her swollen knot into her.

Alas, she simply could not for she had not driven so deeply as to lock them together before it had swollen and, as far gone as she was, she didn't want to break the little marten either. Thus she was forced to draw back, flanks heaving and wings dragging down to the ground on either side of her body in raw exhaustion, spending the last spurts of her orgasm over Ulrica's back-end, painting her in her cream where it stood out in stark definition against her black fur. Soaking in and trickling down her legs, her cunny strained, gaping, oozing cum, Ulrica's head lifting with her eyes still alight with lust.


Nalu grunted. She wanted more? A little more with her senses than she had been before climax, she curiously allowed the marten to slip beneath her, lapping and swirling her tongue around the gryphon's cock, exploring the mixed taste of their juices. She must have liked what she tasted as she moaned and even tried to draw that thick length into her mouth, cheeks bulging and lips smeared with cum as she tried to force herself past the natural limits of her body.

The gryphoness shuddered, head rolling back, beak parted. Maybe that kind of deep-throat would come later with a touch of something more to aid the penetration, though Nalu did not need that for her pleasure to be spent. Even then, she lusted for more, her cock remaining hard and throbbing, even jerking with the contraction of her belly-muscles, trying to slap up against her own stomach in evidence of her need.

Yet Ulrica was lost in lust and more, clambering over the gryphon as Nalu lay, obligingly, on her back. The marten's breath came in short, harsh gasps, more like pants, though that wasn't going to stop her from sinking. Instinct took over, knowing what to do even though she was not the most seamless about it, taking a couple of tries to find the right angle as she squatted over the gryphoness. With her musk wound sweetly around her, Ulrica gripped Nalu's shaft and pointed it at her pussy, wriggling her hips until the tip caught and she could let her legs quiver down, trembling, while she controlled her descent, the burn intensifying.


A moan like that had never before come from her lips but Ulrica knew, faintly, that she would cry out like that again and again with Nalu to breed her, to cover her body with her own. She was more in control on top but there was no real question as to which of them was the more dominant party in their equation, Ulrica's cunny strained viciously wide as, even then, sparks of pleasure shot through her, tingling down to the very tips of her fingers. Orgasm after orgasm pounded through her body as she was forced to take it, riding the gryphon's cock as Nalu's hind legs curled up towards her body, offering the smaller marten a little more support in case she did waver backwards off-balance.

Yet Ulrica surprised even Nalu, the gryphon grunting and snapping her beak, straining to contain her lust, though that was more difficult than she could have expected as the marten's pussy swallowed up her cock. The thick length ploughed deep and Ulrica rode her as if her first fuck was her last one, head thrown back and breasts lifted, her back arched beautifully. The tremble in her legs did not seem to bother Ulrica in the slightest as she slammed her hips down, riding Nalu as hard and as fast as her body would let her, hind paws braced into the forest floor for the best leverage she could hope to glean right there and then.

However, what neither of them realised was happening was the transporter and the rescue-retrieval function blinking to life within the cave and Ulrica's rudimentary tent. Whereas she had not managed to fix it as yet, the device was still active in part, sending off their coordinates as someone else took care of business at the other end - someone who was, indeed, a little more skilled with that manner of technology than Ulrica was.

Yet they would not have stopped even if they'd realised what was happening, Nalu crying out as her aching cock tingled on the edge of orgasm. Sensations blurred together as she tried to rock her hips up but was pleasantly forced to remain still on the bottom for fear of knocking Ulrica off and bringing a swift close to their lustful play. Still, there was nothing better than a hot pussy wrapped around her cock (unless she was afforded the delight of sliding up under someone's tail) and she keened out shrilly as she lunged over the edge, her throbbing knot still outside Ulrica's pussy.

That knot was too thick, surely, too full, to push inside the marten but the gryphoness' breath caught as Ulrica pushed down against it, grunting and straining, trying to take every last inch that Nalu had to offer. A visible bulge pressed up against her lower abdomen as she forced her body to comply, lust twisting her mind, Ulrica's chest heaving, the marten lost to pleasure. There was no pain in the act for her but the incredible strain should have put her off even as more, biting the inside of her cheek and bearing down and down and down as the heady slop of cum and her arousal slickened the meat of that knot more and more and more.

Yet Ulrica did not let off, driven mad with lust as yet another orgasm crashed through her, the passion inside her swelling and swelling, perhaps even threatening to lift her up and away as if she had the wings of a gryphon too. But she was locked down to the ground and moaning out loud, soon to be locked into something all the more alluring too if her lithe, fit body had anything to say about it.

Nalu tensed, barely able to believe her eyes, but she had a prime view as Ulrica sank more and more, grinding and bucking her hips, intent on taking that knot to the exclusion of all else. Nothing else existed for her even as the teleporter in the cave beeped and beeped, her swimming, grunting and pushing, letting her folds part more and more around the fat ball of her knot. She had to take it, wanting more, and Nalu panted on the edge of her third orgasm, for there was nothing that would make a gryphon cum like a fountain more than another taking their knot.

And then it was in, perhaps having softened just a little, enough for Ulrica to do what had, before, seemed impossible. The sable marten's shriek of delight was as raw and as ragged as ever, her juices slickening Nalu's length but her flow of orgasmic pleasure had nowhere to go - much less the gryphon's cum as she burst into climax yet again. The gryphoness keened and writhed, nearly tipping Ulrica off, but there was no way for her to hold back as the marten's pussy was forced to take every drop of cum, the flow spurting and flooding her pussy as her womb strained to contain it.

The marten's belly bulged lightly with more than just the light indent of Nalu's cock and she moaned, head back, lost in passion. It didn't matter where she was at that moment, only that she had the pleasure that her instincts said that she had to have, so very full, full to the brim of her being. Licking her lips salaciously, she came to her senses enough to giggle, sunk all the way down on the gryphon's cock so that she was practically sitting on her stomach, the bold rise of the gryphon's chest drawing her eye.

So strong... Wondrously, Ulrica leaned forward to better run her paws over it, shaky in the afterglow, though she could still admire the gryphon's body as she squeezed her legs around Nalu as much as she should. The feral was a beast of a creature yet there was more to her than Ulrica was yet to know, the whirring beep frantically catching her attention somewhere behind her.

But as soon as she turned to try to source the strange sound, a blinding flash of light zipped through the gap at the door of the "tent" covering the cave entrance, her body ripped away, back to where she'd come from. The only problem with that was, the rescue sequence in effect, that Nalu was locked into her with that grossly swollen knot, their bodies one in a lustful moment, dragged along with her to a time and place that was foreign to a gryphon like Nalu.

The gryphoness tried to cry out but had no breath to do so, the world gone, the forest gone - everything gone. Yet there was no room for fear in her heart with Ulrica there, the marten affording her some sort of comfort as they were torn from such a reality that another was born, colours and shapes all twisting into one another until they arrived back on solid ground.

Nalu gulped, guts heaving, head rolling back onto what she would later learn was called a carpet, something soft floating beside her head. But there was little time to take in the cave (well, she'd call it a "room" later when she learned the name for it) as a large pair of black-furred paws paced up beside her head, a decidedly skunk-like aroma clinging to them, though it only intensified as Nalu's eyes travelled up those legs.

Looking down at a creature that was her image but in feral form, the anthro version of Nalu from Ulrica's home world gasped and took a step back, her eyes wide. But seeing herself there was not the strangest thing of all as her best friend squirmed on what could only be the shaft of another, the two of them seemingly ripped from carnal bliss as, sheepishly, Ulrica shot her a look.

"Couldn't you have at least knocked first?"

The anthro Nalu raised her eyebrows, clicking her beak sharply.

"No thanks for rescuing you then? Do you have any idea how long you've been gone?"

But there was little sense left in Ulrica's mind to care about that, cheeks and neck hot with embarrassment but a grin stretching her lips wider and wider as she collapsed down over Nalu's body. She may have been caught in the act but, with her virginity sweetly taken, what better way to arrive home? And now she knew just where from her knew Nalu the feral, though it had not been as evident in the dark with the heady flavour of the gryphon's musk tickling at the back of her throat. Ulrica smiled, a giggle bubbling up.

She knew Nalu from...Nalu. And that was something too that would take a fair side of explaining!

Maybe some fun too...

I threw the ring away

**I threw the ring away** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ** ** I threw the ring away. It was unique, different, silver and gold twisted together with three small, clear stones. It came in a small, green box with a sparkle effect...

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Thicker: Chapter Eleven

**Thicker** **Chapter Eleven** ** ** **944** Gehart could not tell Khen that he'd lost his job. On top of everything else, it had simply proved to be too much, saying instead that he was taking time off to spend with his buck and to work on...

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