The Seeker, Chapter 30

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 30

By William W. Kelso

I looked around the room carefully. 'Mistress, I called in my mind, this doesn't look right!'

'What do you mean Pet?' Mistress Vulva replied via their mind link.

'I'm supposed to be going after some dude in a big mansion, right?' I said.

'Yes Pet, he's a big drug dealer and lives in a hacienda.' Vulva replied.

'He lives in the end of a what??' I asked.

'HA-CI-EN-DA Pet, Vulva said, you're in Mexico, it's a big fancy house like a mansion or villa.'

'Well, I think the pentagram operator goofed, I said, this is definitely NOT a hacienda, it looks like a regular house or something, it's kind of a dump. It has wallpaper with bunnies on it.'

About this time I suddenly realized I wasn't alone as I noticed a shadow in a doorway, and blinked my eyes as someone suddenly turned on the lights. I don't know who was more startled, me or the little kid. He looked at me, and I looked at him; then I said "Hi there, my name is Pet, what's yours?" and smiled; which was a big mistake, and he disappeared down the hall with a loud scream, which startled me and I hit my head on the ceiling, bit my tongue, and gave a bellow of pain, "OWOOOOOHISSSSS!!". I am SO good at first impressions. Scaring little kids, way to go you big dummy!

"¡Mamá, mamá! ¡Hay un monstruo grande en la sala!"

Oh, just great, I thought. I looked for an exit, but the door and a couple of small windows were the only things available. The windows were out, and the door would be tight fit, but I figured I could just barely squeeze through, so started for it. And came face to face with one of the fattest humans I'd ever seen.

"Oh, UGLY!" I hissed.

"AAAIIIIEEEEEE, the fat woman shrieked, "El Diablo!" Then she whipped out a huge freakin crucifix and started waving it in my face, and yelled "¡Hágale mi lovelies! ¡Defienda a la mamá!" And about fifteen Chihuahua's came pouring into the room and attacked me! "Rar, rar! Yap, yap, raf, raf, grrrrr!!"

'PET! Vulva said, what the HELL are you doing? What's that noise!?!'

'Not now Mistress, BUSY!' I replied.

"Knock it off lady! I'm just doing my job!" I roared as she waved the crucifix at me. She was a true believer, and that faith gave her power over me. The cross was starting to make my scales burn; and I don't mean with fire, with the Light of Heaven. If she hadn't believed I could have taken the cross away from her and stuck it up her nose, unless you believe it's just a hunk of wood or metal. It's not the object; it's the faith that makes them deadly to demonkind. Then she started praying!

Oh, HELL no! "Lemme alone!" I screeched as the burning got worse. Man, this SUCKS, I thought, as I started to panic. "Grrr, raf! raf! Yap! Row-wow-wow!" "Get OFF of me! I bellowed, HISSSSS, LEGGO!"

Time to leave, exit dragon, stage right! So I made my own exit through the wall, and ran shrieking into the night pursued by a pack of yapping Chihuahua's and psalms being screamed in Spanish that washed over me like boiling water. The little ankle biters were brave, I'll give them that, and persistent too. One followed me for over a mile until I finally raised my leg and shook it off, and it ran yapping back the way we'd come, probably to get the rest of the pack, I thought, so started trotting a little faster. Being a quadruped I can cover ground pretty fast. I could have killed them easily, but just didn't have the heart to do it. They were just doing their job. I was so shook up I even forgot I could fly for awhile. Stupid fat woman and her hairy rats.

'Mistress, I called, don't let the pentagram operator get away, I'm going to have a little talk with him I get back home.'

'You leave him alone, Pet! Vulva replied, the coordinates were correct. It's not his fault. Now, what the HELL happened, and where are you now?'

'Mistress, stop laughing, it's NOT funny!' I hissed in indignation a few minutes later after I'd told her about my run-in with the pack of demonic Chihuahua's, 'I was outnumbered and they were really vicious!'

Hiss, hiss, hissss, Vulva snickered, poor Pet, he never gets a break! And it WAS funnier then HELL! She told the pentagram operator why she was laughing, and the poor Imp fell over he was bleating so hard. She knew the story of Pet's most recent exploits would soon be all over the domain.

'I'm sorry Pet, you handled the situation nicely, running away was the right thing to do. Now, where ARE you?'

Yeah, I thought, I'm good at running away. How's the old saying go? "Those that fight and run away, don't get shot at for the rest of the day", or something like that. It's one of the rules from the 'Creed of the Craven Coward', which I helped write. As to where I was, I had NO idea, I'd been lost ever since I materialized in the fat ladies living room. I stopped and looked around, and I was definitely in a desert. There were rocks and sand, cactuses, and I could hear things scurrying around. Then off in the distance I saw the beacon designating my target, it looked like a red searchlight shining up into the sky. Only I; or other demonkind, can see it. It marked an evil corrupt soul who was overdue in Hell, and I'd come to collect. I'm a repo demon. If someone who made a deal with a demonkind and sold their soul doesn't show up on collection day, well, we don't get mad, they just send me to rip their soul out of their body and drag it down to Hell. It's stupid of them to try to avoid payment, we always get them eventually, I mean, do they think we just forget and go 'oh well, no big deal'? And the longer they make their Master or Mistress wait the worse it is for them; and Hell's pretty bad to start with. Show up at the appointed time and you might get a break, maybe, well, probably not, OK, never. But still, trying to avoid your fate just makes it that much worse. And if you turn yourself in you get to keep your body, which makes you more 'valuable', but if you don't, well, I get to rip your soul out of your body. Ouch. But then again, at least it gives me something to do. I don't mind what I do at all anymore; I consider it a community service, kind of like a garbage collector. Don't feel sorry for the souls I drag down to Hell, they belong there, and they wouldn't feel sorry for you.

'I'm in a desert Mistress, I said, kind of reminds me of home a little bit, except for the plants. And I see the beacon; it's not that far away.'

'Good Pet, you go get him, this is a bad one!'

'YES Mistress!' I replied, my eyes glowing brighter. My Mistress had spoken, and I would obey.

My target's name was Ricardo Montalban; and I know what you're thinking, but this creep was not THE Ricardo Montalban, that guy went to Heaven. The one I was after was the exact opposite, as in a total dirt bag, and it was an insult he even had that name so far as I was concerned. He'd started out his criminal career when he was thirteen by prostituting his own sister, then got into the drug trade and murdered his way to the top, with a little help from a certain demon. He made Jack the Ripper; who is actually rather charming in a scary kind of way, look like a wannabe. He liked to kill with a knife, and take his time. He was supposed to 'turn himself in' a week ago as his hundred years was up, but of course was a no-show. So his Master Lord Gack had gotten tired of waiting; demonkind are not long on patience, and hired you know who. Why they think they can get away I'll never understand.

The hacienda was defended like an army base, but it didn't do him any good. In order to keep as 'low a profile' as possible I landed on the roof, scared the Hell out of a couple of guards; who were smart enough to jump off before I threw them, and locating my target I tore a hole in the ceiling, bullets bouncing off my scales, and dropped down into a hallway; incinerated a couple of guards who weren't smart and contested my passage, left burning paw prints in the lovely shag carpet, tore a couple heavy wooden doors off their hinges, and found him. I wasn't impressed.

He was a big overweight pig of a man, and I'd caught him with his dick hanging out, literally. He was butt naked, and so was the young girl; the very young girl, tied to the bed nude and spread eagle. He screamed and ran around to the other side of the bed, and as I passed it I looked at the girl. She couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen at best and her terrified face was wet with tears, and she was covered in bruises and had bite marks on her breasts. I gave a low hissing snarl of utter rage, puffs of flame shooting from my nostrils. I have a thing about rape; I'd had it done to me once; had been raped almost to death. I was going to enjoy this very much, oh indeed my goodness yes.

They always offer me money and power, drugs, 'anything I want'. Idiots, I'm a Seeker, we can't be bribed. Besides, no mortal has anything we want, except their souls, and we already owned those. Then of course he tried to shoot me, idiot, and he even waved a large crucifix in my face, but he was far beyond the protection of Heaven or redemption, he'd forfeited his soul long ago. And I didn't stick it up his nose, I stuck it somewhere else. Normally I'm pretty fast, despite what I am I don't like to give, or cause, unnecessary pain, considering where I'm taking the souls I collect though that's a pretty small kindness. But I took my time with this one, at one time the things I did to him would have appalled and sickened me, but I haven't been human for a long time and Hell rubs off on you. We were undisturbed; I guess his screams and the sight of the piles of ash and bone that had been the two stupid guards pretty much convinced any other curious guards that staying the Hell away was the better; and smarter, part of valor. He didn't have any Chihuahua's either.

But before I really went to work on him I went over to the bed, leaving him trying to crawl with broken kneecaps and elbows, and using my claws sliced the heavy ropes from around the terrified girls wrists and ankles, then I pointed at the door, and said '¡Vaya!', and believe me she did, but to my gratification she said "Gracias" first. What a nice polite little girl.

Then I went back to the business at hand. He lasted quite awhile, he was a big strong man, and I kept him alive for a long time. Part of his deal with Lord Gack was to be hard to kill, which was why he hadn't been killed during his rise to power in the drug trade, which worked to his disadvantage now because he WANTED to die. But I wasn't going to let him, at least not for a while anyway.

'Pet, Mistress Vulva asked, what's taking so long?'

'He was raping a little girl Mistress.' I replied as I worked on the mewling lump of meat lying on the floor.

'Oh, he was, was he? Vulva said, well then, you have fun Pet. But don't take too long, I don't want you running around in Tijuana during the day, you'll scare the tourists.'

'Yes Mistress' I replied, as the thing on the floor stopped making noises, it didn't have a tongue anymore, the screams had been getting annoying. I bent back over, blood dripping from my razor sharp claws, my flaming drool burning his skin where it dripped on it.

By the time I was done he looked like a rather poorly done vivisection, I'm afraid I wasn't very exact when I skinned, emasculated, and disemboweled him, and made a big mess. And the penis and balls in his mouth weren't anatomically correct I'm afraid, but still, most of the pieces were still identifiable so they'd be able to put him back together for the funeral, closed casket of course. Or maybe they'd just feed him to the Chihuahua's, I doubt he had many friends. I'd pull his soul almost all the way out, wait a minute, then stick it back in and do it again and again, but finally even I couldn't keep him alive any longer, so I snagged his soul as it left his body parts, and it looked like a pig with leprosy, I didn't even want to touch it was so foul. Like the picture of Dorian Gray a soul reflects the evils it has committed. The body may be young and beautiful, but not the soul.

'I'm ready Mistress', I finally called. I exited the way I'd come, and no one tried to stop me this time, maybe it was all the blood and intestines hanging from my claws as I burst through the ceiling and flew into the night. And when the pentagram opened up I flew through it and roared in happiness as I went home. I flew through the burning skies of Hell and delivered the squealing slobbering soul to its Master, a large insect like demon Lord from the 11th Level of Hell. It chattered in delight as it fed the screaming soul into its gnashing maw using its large serrated mandibles. The ex-drug dealer would spend eternity being digested in the demons belly. Good riddance, I thought.

The insect demon finished it's 'meal' with a happy clatter of its mandible, and said, "Ahhh, I've waited for this one for years! Delicious! You have done well Seeker, tell your Mistress I am pleased."

"Yes Lord Gack" I replied, bowed, and then winged my way for home, My Mistress's domain, the only home I've ever had. As I flew I thought about what I'd done, and decided I didn't really have a problem with it. It made me sad because it made me realize just how much less human I was becoming. I used to be human once long ago, but the longer one is a demonkind the more of that humanity slowly vanishes forever. It's part of being damned.

I landed in front of the domain's portal, and folding my wings entered the dark tunnel. I didn't even say Hi to the guards, and they looked at one another questioningly. Usually the Mistress's familiar was cheerful to the point of being annoying. As I entered the office I just went to my asbestos rug and lay down with a weary sign. I still had blood on my claws and tried to wipe it off, but just smeared it around, so gave up.

Vulva looked up as Pet entered her office, his head hanging low as he went to his corner and basically collapsed onto his rug. She knew that look; something was bothering the usually happy-go-lucky dragon. Getting up she went to him, and holding his head pressed her face against his, and looking into his flaming eyes; eyes that burned with something other than then just fire when he looked at her, said,

"What's the matter Pet, was it a bad one? Lord Gack called, he was very pleased, you did a first rate job my brave little Seeker."

"Mistress, I sighed, Am I evil?"

"Well of course you're evil Pet, Vulva said, you're a demon!"

"No Mistress, am I EVIL?" I asked again.

Ohhhh, Vulva realized, suddenly understanding. She licked his snout, and said, "No Pet, not in the way you mean."

Demonkind are evil from the mere fact that they ARE demonkind, but there are other kinds of evil. A mortal can be just as evil as the evilest demonkind who ever existed; and demonkind can be compassionate and show kindness and mercy. But as a general rule they're pretty rotten, but not Pet, Vulva thought. Never Pet. Or she hoped he never became that kind of EVIL, if he did he wouldn't, well, be Pet anymore.

"Thank you Mistress" I hissed softly, and then crooned as she stroked my snout and scratched the base of my horns. She knows all the good spots. I love her so.

"Pet, Vulva said, you're a mess! Let's go to the bath grotto, would you like that? I don't know about you, but I need a massage."

"Oh goody!" I hissed happily. She was right too, I had drug dealer all over me.

As we headed down the tunnels to the bathing grotto I asked, "Mistress, what's going on with that Absolute Baldy guy?"

"You mean Absalom Baldric?" Vulva hissed.

"Yeah, him." I said. I'd hauled him down to Hell to have a little 'talk' with some of the bigwigs about those stupid Chaosists who were running around like butt monkey's trying to set the Old Gods free, those whose names must never be spoken; probably because no one can pronounce them, I thought. Most of them sound like someone hurling, and when you do get them right you end up spitting all over everybody. I liked the guy though; he was part demon and had class. And was well hung, which My Mistress liked, she does appreciate large male genitalia, she's a real connoisseur.

"He's at Great Lord Ba'al's Fortress of Doom right now in a closed meeting with the Great Lord, Prince Gaap, and other VID's. (Very Important Demonkind).

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"No it doesn't Pet." Vulva said.

"Yeah Mistress, you're right, it probably sucks." I said. Better him then me.

As we entered the bathing grotto the Imp attendants had a brief fight over who got stuck with waiting on us, mainly because of me. One of the newest ones, a cow Imp that I liked, got stuck with the job, but didn't mind. She's not very bright; she's a cow, but she likes me for some reason. Like I said, she's no t very bright. I got her the cushy bath attendant job; she was just too nice for anything else. Some creatures just don't belong here. She scratched my snout, and My Mistress watched in amusement as I hissed in pleasure. I don't let just ANYbody scratch my snout, usually if something tries it they end up missing a finger or two. Then I headed for the sulfur pool to find a convoy to torpedo, it was time to play U-Boat captain. Many of the bathers wisely got up and went elsewhere when I cannon-balled into the boiling sulfur with a loud bellowing "YEE-HAWIISSS!" But there were usually a few who didn't know me very well, or thought I'd spare them my rather irritating attentions, poor unsuspecting fools!

"PET, Vulva hissed, you leave the guests alone!"

Too late, I thought, as I nipped a big lizard demoness on her lovely scaly butt, which got the desired results.

"PET!" Vulva screeched, as a large demoness ran past her hissing loudly in anger, holding her butt.

'Kopfsprung springt! Laufen Sie schweigsam!' I thought as I made my getaway at flank speed. 'Laden Sie alle Rohre nach!'

'Auf Periskop!' I thought after waiting awhile, and I slowly stuck just enough of my head out of the thick molten sulfur to take a look around.

"GOTCHA!" Vulva shrieked, as she landed on Pet.

'Ach im Himmel! Jabos! Alarm! Notfallkopfsprung!' I thought, but it was too late, she'd caught me on the surface. And it was ON! I wasn't going down without a fight! Secure all hatches, prepare to repel boarders! No prisoners! But I made her pay for her dastardly sneak attack!

Vulva spit sulfur out of her mouth as she dragged Pet over to the hot boiling water spring. He'd put up quite a fight, and she's had to sit on him for quite awhile to get him to give up. That usually calmed him down as he thought he was drowning, he'd never quite accepted he didn't have to breathe anymore, no lungs. She grabbed his tail with both hands, and spinning around heaved him into the spring with a huge splash.

"Hey!" yelled a couple of bathing demonkind as the tidal wave washed over them, but when they saw who'd chucked the dragon into the pool they muttered "Sorry Mistress's" and left in a hurry. One did not question the actions of the Demi-Demoness who owned your ass. At least most didn't, but there were always a few really stupid ones. Pet usually got to explain the error of their ways to them.

Vulva dived in after Pet to wash the sulfur off her own body; both of them were completely covered in the thick fluid. As they cleaned off another Vulva realized just how big he was getting. When she'd first gotten him; by seducing him and changing him into a demon; as he never tired of reminding her, she'd been larger then he was and he hadn't even been able to talk in his new form. Now he weighed over 1000 pounds and was bigger than she was now, almost twice as big, which was deceiving as being what he was he was a lot denser than your average demonkind, so it was mainly weight difference instead of size. She probably weighed around 350 pounds, give or take a few. One day he'd get too big to mate with her; at least with his penis, but he'd still be able to use his tongue on her. But still she didn't look forward to that day as he was one of the best lovers she'd ever had, and she knew he'd be heartbroken, he so loved to give her 'massages', and he was so very good at it. But fortunately that wouldn't be for awhile yet, she could still accommodate him, speaking of which.

After they finished cleaning one another Vulva dozed for awhile, Pet lying on his back with his head out of the pool sound asleep as her head rested on his chest, one of his front legs draped around her. She looked at his open mouth full of horrendous fangs, his long forked tongue lolling out, and listened to his faint wheezing snores. It always amazed her how such a fearsome creature could look so...gentle. He pulled his tongue in, made some smacking noises, and then it lolled back out as the snores resumed. She ran a clawed hand gently over his belly bands, and wondered how she could care so much for another being what she was, if someone had told her that just a few years ago she'd have laughed in their face. She ran her hand a little lower and stroked the folds of his cloaca. Since his balls were internal, and his penis retracted into his body, it would be hard for non-demonkind to tell his sex, but demonkind didn't have any problems with that, scent alone was enough. She kept stroking his vent, hissing as felt it growing soft and her own lust grew, and Pet made a happy noise and smacked his jaws again with soft clacks, still sound asleep. Vulva hissed in affection, the big lazy goof! She wondered how long it would take him to wake up. As the head of his penis begin to emerge she teased it with the tip of her tongue, and his nether tongue came snaking out of his penis and entwined with her own tongue. It never ceased to amaze her what he could do; even subconsciously, with the amazing organ. Sometimes; as she let it slide inside her mouth, she suspected it had a mind of its own. Which was nice. She pulled it farther into her mouth, followed by several inches of his cock, and started to suck and stroke the shaft, and rubbed her breasts against his hot body as she kneaded the now evident bulge of his testicles as they swelled in preparation for mating, they were huge and he never ran dry.

I was having an absolutely wonderful dream, I dreamed My Mistress was giving me a fantastic blow job, and suddenly woke up with a start and she WAS giving me a fantastic blow job!

"Mistress!? I, what...uuurrraaawwwrrrr!" I gasped, oh WOW!

It is a really interesting; and quite nice, experience to wake up with a beautiful female sucking your cock, I highly recommend it. After my initial surprise I gave a moan of pleasure and laid back against the side of the pool and let her do whatever she wanted to do. I really didn't have much of a choice; my cock was in the mouth of a demoness with fangs that could do a pretty good job of making me a soprano if I made the wrong move, so she was in charge. Her tail was whipping slowly back and forth, so when it came within range I grabbed it and started to gently suck on the tip. My Mistress froze for a second, then gave a happy; somewhat muffled, hiss. She adjusted her position to give me more tail to suck on (man that sounds kinky!), and I sucked in another foot of that lovely appendage. I'm a real tail demon, and I don't mean a butt; well, those are nice too though. The tip of a demoness's tail can give her a very similar sensation to an erect penis, but when she cums she does it with her vagina, and a demon comes with his cock if his tail is stimulated the right way. It's a tricky 'art form', but I'm good at it. I do have SOME talents.

Vulva hissed in pleasure as Pet started to suck on her tail, the feel of his tongue wrapped around it and his fangs rubbing the scales was wonderful. She was a real lover of tail sex, and he was the best. She shifted again and started rubbing her sex against his belly bands as she straddled him, her labial lips rubbing and spreading out against the slick hot scales leaving them a wet smear of her sexual fluids. She gave a deep grunt of pleasure, if he kept sucking her tail she was going to cum! He did, and she did, and as her pussy quivered and her juices stained Pets scales he came as well; and Vulva eagerly sucked his cock and swallowed his molten cum while he gave a bellowing roar that made every demonkind within hearing range smile in envy.


Lisa paused, smiled, and then started walking again. She'd just gotten back from Master Vulkreb's domain and would recognize that bellow anywhere, Pet was getting laid. It was truly amazing, even by demonic standards, just how randy that dragon was. He'd once fucked a dozen sex-starved fire salamanders; who had 'raped' him, under the table. And speaking of Randy, he was sitting behind the computer in Mistress Vulva's office. She smiled at the goat-lizard demon, and he smiled back showing his own fangs.

"Hi Randy, where's the Mistress?"

"Where do you think?" Randy bleated in amusement.

Remembering the roar of sexual ecstasy she'd just heard Lisa giggled, she should have known! Pet and the Mistress, what a pair!

"It's nice to have you back Lisa, Randy said, how are things going at Master Vulkrebs?"

"Oh, not bad, that thing with Varna and the computer is downright weird though; I'm going to need help on this one. I have to be careful; don't want to screw up her programming, or whatever she has now for a 'mind'." Lisa moved around behind Randy and looked over his shoulder at the computer curiously. What you doing?

"Oh, just routine boring stuff, beats the Pits though." Randy replied.

Lisa shuddered at the thought of the breeding pits, she's almost ended up there when she was still human, and Randy; who had also once been human, had been one of the 'animal husbandry' supervisors who arranged the breeding of animals with human females. Ugghhh, she thought, just because I'm a demoness now doesn't mean I like it. She'd been given a 'tour' once, and the sights she'd seen still gave her nightmares. She knew Randy felt pretty much the same way, and he'd had to work there! Ugghhh.

"Where's the plant?" She asked, she didn't see him anywhere in the office. He wasn't really a plant, just a rather strange kind of demon that looked something like a plant, kind of like a weeping willow with lots of tentacles instead of branches. He couldn't talk, but was a gentle creature and had been her first lover; and still was one, after she became a demoness. She'd missed him, Hell, she'd missed Vulva and her whole strange 'family', of which she was glad to be a member.

"Him? Randy said, he caught a feral female Devourer and the Mistress gave him some time off to 'tame' her so she won't eat everything in sight. They were really getting into it; it was love at first sight I think."

Well good for him! Lisa thought, the poor dear really did need to find a mate. Most devourer's were little more than animals, and being an intelligent one must have been hard on him as he'd been human once too, thousands of years ago. She wished she knew his story, but he couldn't talk or write. She hoped he'd still have time for her though, what he could do with those tentacles, oh! She leaned closer to Randy, her full firm breasts resting on his shoulders, and leaning over licked his muzzle.

"I missed you too." She hissed throatily, and licked his ear.

Randy hissed back as his own long forked tongue found one of Lisa's breasts and the forked tips caressed her hardening nipple.

"I missed you too." He hissed in lust, his penis already hardening.

Hmmm, Lisa thought, let me help with that. She slid around the chair and got under the desk, and fondling his large balls began to tongue and lick his cock, and he gripped the edge of the desk giving deep grunts and bleats of pleasure. She looked at his semi-human cock, the shape basically human except for a more pointed tip, and the size of course. Like all demons he was very well endowed, even more so then usual being one of Vulva's 'pets'. As she licked the throbbing organ; enjoying the taste of his pre, it still amazed her as to what had happened to her. A year or so ago if anyone had told the young virgin rich brat she'd one day be in Hell giving blow jobs to demons she'd had slapped their face, but being a demoness herself did put the act in an entirely different context. She LOVED to suck off a demon, but in return expected him to eat her pussy, and they were always so eager to return the favor! She no longer had any inhibitions of any kind, and like most demoness's couldn't get enough.

Randy gave a bleat of pleasure as the bat-demoness sucked and licked his cock, her clawed hands expertly fondling his balls; she certainly knew what male's liked! He really liked her, maybe because she; like himself, had been human once too, so they could relate to one another, though his memories of that previous life were faint and fading like a half remembered dream. Thankfully so, if a changeling thought too much about what had happened to them, well, it was possible to go quite insane even for a demonkind. But the sex helped, it was the one thing that made eternal damnation bearable, if not downright enjoyable at times. She swallowed a few more inches of his cock, and he rolled his eyes up in his head, oh MAN! The bat lady really knew what she was doing, she'd almost swallowed all of his cock! And he was getting close!

"Mmm, that was very nice Pet", Vulva said, as she licked the happily panting dragon's snout. Then she turned around; positioned herself, and lowered herself onto his still rampant erection. They weren't finished yet, on no, not by any means. It took a lot to satisfy either of them, and together, well, she thought as his lovely hardness stretched her sex and slid deeply into it, we make one Hell of a team. Then, grunting in pleasure, she rode his cock while he whipped his head back and forth snarling in ecstasy, flaming drool slinging from his tongue and fangs. she moaned as she slid up and down his shaft with deep grunts of pleasure. When his tongue found her nipples she grunted even louder.

I had my eyes squeezed closed from the intense pleasure, the multiple sets of lips in My Mistress's vagina stroking and tightening, then loosening, against my cock as she moved up and down, my nether tongue busy inside of her pussy and womb, licking, caressing, exploring that wonderful tunnel of flesh that could give so much pleasure and such intense ecstasy. I can taste with it, and My Mistress is delicious. It was depraved, bestial, demonic, and wonderful beyond imagining. Finally I couldn't stand it, and reaching up I grabbed her around her waist and pulled her down, and as I hilted she screeched and I roared as we both climaxed, and she collapsed forward onto to my chest, and hissed softly, "I love you too Pet." as she licked my snout. Yes, demonkind can love, and I crooned as I licked her face.

Randy was so...distracted, that he didn't notice at first when Mistress Vulva and Pet walked into the office, his sole attention was on the soft lips and mouth sucking his aching cock, the hands gently squeezing his throbbing balls. Lisa gave another suck and Randy came with a loud squeal of ecstasy, which startled Pet who gave a loud hiss, and with a loud 'thud' Lisa; startled by Pet's loud hiss, said, "OWWW, what the FUCK!?!" as she hit her head on the bottom of the desk, Randy's cock, still spurting, slid from her mouth and drenched her face in thick sticky cum. Luckily she didn't bite down.

"AHHHHHHH!" Randy bleated, and then he said "Sorry Mistress!! I didn't see you come in, Baa-aaaa!"

"Hello Randy, are you doing what I think you're doing?" Vulva hissed in amusement. "Who is that sucking your cock?"

I stuck my head under the desk, and said "Hi Lisa!! Is Lydia with you?" I added hopefully.

"Sorry Mistress!" Randy said, standing up so Lisa could scoot out from under the desk.

"No apologizes necessary Randy, Vulva said, I like to see my slaves enjoying themselves. Lisa dear, so good to see you! Come here!"

Lisa squealed in pleasure as Vulva gave her a very intimate 'kiss' as they rubbed their muzzles and breasts together, both their tongues quite busy as they kissed and licked Randy's sweet cum off Lisa's snout. The demi-demoness had been good to her, and she was truly fond of her. She knew she was one very lucky little demoness, it could have been much...worse for her.

"It's good to see you too Mistress, Lisa said. I'm sorry Pet, but Lydia is still taking care of her hatchlings, but she's planning on paying a visit soon. She told me to tell you she misses you, a lot."

Darn, I thought, and went over and lay down in the corner on my rug. I missed my mate!

"How are things at brother dears?" Vulva asked.

"Pretty much the same Mistress, Lisa said, that's one reason I came home for a visit. I'm going to need help on this one; I can use computers, but can't really program them. We need a REAL expert. Oh, and your brother says Hi."

"Yeah, I'll just bet he did, Vulva snorted. I don't really know what to do about Varna's, um...problem though. I mean, you and Randy are about the only demonkind I know who really know a lot about computers. And we can't trust Hellit-Packard, if they found out about Varna they'd freak."

"Are any of your acolyte's computer programmers, Lisa asked, I mean, a mortal might be able to help us."

"That, Vulva hissed, is a very good idea! Next time they summon me I'll have to ask if they; or anyone they know, can find out what the HELL happened to Varna. But for now I need to get freshened up, I'll be in my room if anything needs me."

"Want me to give you a massage Mistress?" I asked, eyes glowing.

"PET! Vulva hissed in amusement, what do you think we just did?"

"Foreplay?" I hissed.

"Oh Pet, Vulva hissed as she gave him a 'kiss', you're an insatiable beast! But not right now, I have to do a few things, and need to take care of a few personal things first. But later...."

I watched as she left the office, my eyes on her lovely hindquarters, her tail swishing erotically. Does she have ANY idea what effect that has on a demon; on any male for that matter, I wondered? Then I snorted, silly me, of course she does! So I went back to my rug and plopped down again, I was looking forward to 'later', very much.

Lisa gave Randy a hug from behind, and whispered 'my turn' in one of his ears, and he bleated in anticipation.

I watched as Lisa hopped up on the edge of the desk and lay on her back, and Randy was soon busy as she kicked and squealed, his head bobbing between her spread legs. The public sex didn't bother me, not at all, anymore then it might bother a dog if it saw humans mating. I watched with mild interest, but that was all. Demonkind have no real concept of 'modesty' since we're part animal and run around butt naked all the time, except for the weirdoes who wear clothes. We fuck a lot, and don't care where we do it. In fact a really good show often gets polite applause; we love to see other demonkind getting their brains fucked out. I blinked as Lisa gave a high pitched, almost super-sonic squeal as she climaxed, and Randy lifted his head smacking his lips, and then mounted her and started energetically fucking her, both hissing and grunting in pleasure. Their sounds of pleasure; and the regular meaty slaps of his thighs against hers, helped me to fall into a deep sleep, full of My Mistress and what 'later' would bring.

Just as Randy finally orgasmed; Lisa clawing at his back as she climaxed as well, the computer chimed for attention, priority hmail. After they had cleaned one another off, which was the polite thing to do, plus it was a pleasurable sexual act as well; Randy sat back down in the chair again, Lisa still lying on the desk moaning quietly, and checked the incoming hmail. He read it twice, blinked, and read it again. This has got to be a joke, he thought, and one in rather poor taste. But he double checked, and it was the real deal. Holy Crap, he thought. He looked over at Pet, and then gave Lisa a nudge and pointed at the screen, holding a finger to his lips. Lisa read the hmail and gave a muffled squeal.

"Randy, this can't be right!" She hissed quietly.

"It's real; I double checked, Randy replied. We have to tell the Mistress right away."

"But, but, she'll, I know how she feels about him! How CAN they?" Lisa whispered.

"I know, Randy replied, but we have to, I'll do it."

"No, Lisa said, let me."

A few minutes later Lisa entered the office again with Mistress Vulva close behind her. This had better NOT be a stupid joke, Vulva thought. Practical jokes were fine; demonkind love them, but there was a limit, not to mention good taste. There were some things you just didn't joke about, not even a demonkind.

Vulva slid into the chair as Randy vacated it; only he and Lisa had permission to sit in her fancy; extremely uncomfortable, chair as it was a status symbol, and then only when doing their jobs, or getting blow jobs. She read the hmail, read it again, and then screeched,

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" and jumping up, ran out of the office and down the tunnel, shouting over her shoulder, "I'll be at Great Lord Butthead's Fortress, you're in charge until I get back, do NOT let Pet follow me!"

"Wha.., RAAARRRGGGG! I snarled as I heard My Mistress yell, but she was already gone as I looked around sleepily."

"Mistress...?" I asked.

"She had to run an important errand Pet, Lisa said, she said to tell you to stay here and guard the office."

"Oh, OK." I replied, and settled back down. I didn't notice the looks Randy and Lisa gave one another.

Vulva flapped through the air as fast as she could, she hadn't even bothered to bring an escort. She doubted anything would give her a hard time though; an escort was more for prestige. Like HELL, they will, she thought.

Vulva could see the Great Lord's fortress long before she reached it, the huge towering edifice of obsidian black stone jutting from the floor of the desert, but she knew it was even larger then it looked as it had miles of tunnels beneath it, how many no one knew, not even Great Lord Ba'al. She landed in front of the huge main portal and banged on it, producing hollow echoing booms.

A viewing slit opened and glowing eyes looked out as her as she kept banging on the huge doors, and a voice said,

"Enough already, I heard you!" Then the great portals slowly swung open and a huge forty foot tall behemoth roared, "Who dares to petition for an audience with the Great Lord Ba'al!?!"

"Stuff it Grebs, Vulva hissed as she strode past him, I'm NOT in the mood, where's the boss?"

"I, uh, hey?! Do you have an appointment?" The startled demon asked.

"Nope, snarled Vulva, but I just made one. And never mind, I'll find him myself! He can't hide from ME!"

The huge guardian looked at the even huger fire drakes and other members of the guard detail, but they just looked back at him and shrugged. He had no idea what to do, and since he was in charge they weren't about to do anything without orders. Besides, it was just Mistress Vulva, everything knew her, and quite a few had mated with her before. Finally Grebs said "Wait here, don't NO one get in while I'm gone!" and took off after Vulva at a trot. The others looked at one another and rolled their eyes, THIS should be interesting!

Vulva stormed through the halls of the Fortress, snarling at anyone or anything that got in her way, and none were stupid enough to make anything out her rudeness, they knew a pissed off demoness when they saw one. She walked right past the Major Domo and through the portals into Great Lord Ba'al's audience chamber without a glance, and he was too shocked to do anything for a moment. She took flight and flew up the ramp and landed in front of Ba'al's huge ornate desk, and putting her hands on it leaned over and snarled in his face, tail lashing.

Great Lord Ba'al had looked up as Mistress Vulva swept into his throne room like a force of nature, and with a wave of his hand called off the fire drakes and other bodyguards that had moved to intercept her. He'd been expecting this, and didn't really blame her. As her snarling muzzle drooled saliva on his chest fur he just stared back at her impassively.

"Hey!, said a demon who had been petitioning Great Lord Ba'al, I was here first you bitch!" Vulva's only answer was to pick him up by his neck and throw him off the platform where he landed in a heap of bones and dead; and not quite dead, Imps and other denizens of Hell who had incurred Great Lord Ba'al's displeasure for one reason or another. Then she returned her attention to Great Lord Ba'al.

Vulva, tail lashing, hissed deeply, and said "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!!?!!"

"Now, now, Ba'al replied, do calm yourself lovely lady."


"Mistress Vulva, Ba'al said softly, I will forgive you this breach of etiquette as you are understandably upset, but unless you calm down I will have to remind you of your place."


With a roar Ba'al leaped over the huge desk and grabbed Vulva, who was too startled to do much at first, but as she realized his intentions she started snarling and struggling, but he was far more powerful then she was. Soon he had her bent over the desk and she shrieked in rage as he pinned her, and then mounted her and started fucking her brutally as he raped her.

Ba'al grunted in pleasure as he raped Vulva, he knew it was really the only way to calm her down, or at least subdue her, and it felt SO good as well. He always enjoyed mating with her, and a brutal rape was always most enjoyable. He bit the back of her neck as he lunged into her, snarling as she squealed and writhed, the other demonkind present watching appreciatively. He motioned to the guards, and several other males who had been waiting to see him, and they approached, rampant and ready. Soon Vulva's snarls of rage faded into ones of grudging pleasure, and her struggles slowed as she began to moan in pleasure. He took her quickly, and gave a deep grunt of pleasure as he came, his cum filling her to overflowing. The others would get sloppy seconds.

Vulva fought back as best she could, but DAMN him, it felt so good, the pleasure made more intense by her initial resistance and rage. When he bit the back of her neck she gave a guttural hiss of pleasure, and positioned herself so she could enjoy the rape more, she did appreciate a good brutal fuck, and Ba'al was an expert. But DAMN him for making her enjoy it so much! "Ugggggghhhh!" She shrieked as his cum pumped into her triggering her own orgasm. Oh yeah, this was nice!

With a grunt Ba'al pulled out, and his place was immediately filled by a rather large lizard demon, and Vulva shrieked again as the new male mounted her, but it was a shriek of pleasure. Ba'al walked behind his desk and sat down, watching as the lizard humped Vulva, her muzzle drooling as she hissed in pleasure. He lifted her chin as she grunted in pleasure, and said,

"Well Mistress Vulva, are you more inclined to listen to reason now, like a civilized demonkind?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Uggh, Vulva moaned, Yes Great Lord, I, I, ahhhhiiisssss, beg forgiveness for my rude entrance. Ohhh, ugghhhhh!"

"Granted, Ba'al said. I cannot blame you for being understandably upset, but it is not my doing, my orders come from...another."

"But, but, ugghhisssss!" Vulva gasped as the lizard came, triggering her own second orgasm. Then she squealed as another demon mounted her as the lovely gang rape continued. The Great Lord does indeed know how to handle females, she had to admit. There was no better way to subdue or calm down a demoness then fucking the Hell out of her, they appreciated it so. "Great Lord, Please, ahhhh-ugghh, you can't! Not that! HISSSS!! He can't, you know, ugghhhh, what might happen! Ahhhhh, send me instead!"

"I'm truly sorry, Ba'al said, but he was requested by name. It seems he's attracted the attention of higher ups, both here and higher up. He is the only one they will accept."

"Ugggghhh! Vulva gasped as the demon started fucking her harder and faster, boy he was big! "But surely you, ugghhh-oohhhhh, jest! It must, ugghh, be a mistake! He's not a diplomat! I, ahhhhh, he wouldn't even know, UGGHHH, what to do!! He'd be too, grunt, terrified! AAHHIEEE-UGGHHH!"

Ba'al watched as the demon dismounted from Mistress Vulva, another taking his place, and then the new demon pulled her from the desk and forced her onto all fours, and another demon forced his penis into her mouth. They both coordinated their thrusts, grunting and hissing in pleasure. He smiled at the other half dozen demons eagerly awaiting their own turns, he did like to see his staff enjoying themselves, and she was a great fuck. He knew she was enjoying it just as much; if not more, then they were. Sex demoness's, he thought fondly, without them Hell would be a lot worse.

"Since you have your mouth full Mistress Vulva; Ba'al said in amusement, I will take this opportunity to explain things to you. Due to the ongoing confrontations and problems with the Chaosists it has been decided it's time for Hell and Heaven, to, um, cooperate on this dire matter. Archangel Raphael has requested your Seeker to be the official representative of Hell at a meeting of Heaven's Security Council. He wouldn't be my choice, believe me, but they were adamant. It would seem he is 'acceptable' for some reason; perhaps because he has turned down redemption and been personally involved with two partial incursions of the Old Ones into the mortal realm, I guess the rest of us are too vile to besmirch Heaven's perfection with our foul presence, so if they want him, they got him, and hopefully he'll do to Heaven what he did to the 9th Level of Hell and blow the place up. Did you really think I didn't know about that little 'incident'? But since it turned out for the better I overlooked it, at least it got the sewers working again."

"Ummppfff, Mmmmm, UGGHH!" Vulva said, finding it impossible to talk with a two foot cock in your mouth and down your throat. She was being serviced by three demons now, one lying under her, one behind her, and the one who's huge cock she was sucking. "UGHMF, ugh, ugh, UGGGHHH!" She squealed as the three cocks exploded, cum drenching her hindquarters and crotch.

"Good, Great Lord Ba'al said, I'm glad you understand the situation. I knew you'd see it my way with a little...persuasion."

Vulva swallowed the cum being pumped down her throat, and as the cock slid from her mouth; and before the next eagerly waiting one could fill it, managed to say,

"Urrg, Please Great Lord, don't make him do this, you know how he is, he won't know what to do! I, ummggggg, plzzz, mmmm, slurp, slurp!" She finished as another pre-slick cock was shoved into her mouth.

"I am truly sorry, Ba'al said; and he was, but I think you underestimate our scaly little friend, there is more to him than meets the eye. Believe me, I argued most vehemently against sending him, mainly because I am worried of the very possible fact he may start a war with heaven, but powers far great then I have spoken, and we slaves must obey. Besides he is a DEMON, and a good one, he has yet to fail in a mission. So give him some credit where it is due. Now I have other matters to attend to, you may go when my minions have finished with you, or you are finished with them, whichever may be the case. Have your Seeker report to Heaven's Embassy no later than the day after tomorrow."

Vulva; helpless as the three demons fucked her, could only stare as Great Lord Ba'al left through the doors to his private chambers. Even she would not dare enter them without permission though she knew them well, as did most female slaves under Ba'al's rule. She looked at the growing line of demons waiting their turn, and with a groan of pleasure settled down to enjoy the wonderful gang rape, she hadn't had this many males service her in quite some time. It took over four hours, and she was staggering; but very pleased, when she left the fortress and took wing for home.

Vulva stopped on her flight home to get cleaned up, her fur was matted with large gooey clumps of cum. She bathed in a natural hot springs, first in water, then sulfur, then water again. A small group of pleasure slugs were grazing nearby as they ate their normal diet of moss and lichen; or small plants, and she could see the bodies of some mortals they'd swallowed over the years writhing in sexual ecstasy inside their rubbery translucent bodies. The slugs 'lovers' became part of the slug, literally, they became a kind of sexual organ designed for nonstop sexual pleasure, for both the slug and the mortal. Some had been inside the slugs for thousands of years being constantly fucked in every orifice the whole time, cumming constantly. So far as Vulva was concerned it beat some of the other fates they could have suffered.

She went up to one of the slugs, and recognized it as having once been human. It had been man who'd been transformed by a former acolyte of Vulva's, who was now the slug's 'lover', her body clearly visible inside the slug as she squirmed in eternal mindless ecstasy. "Hello Vivian, Vulva said, enjoying Hell?" She gently rubbed the slugs soft rubbery head, and it extruded a couple of its tongue/tentacles to see if she was another possible 'lover', but when it recognized her as a demonkind the exploring tongues just caressed her lovingly, the slug squealing softly in pleasure as she scratched the base of its eyestalks. She thought the large purple colored creature with a pattern of scales outlined in red was beautiful, a gentle giant.

"What am I going to do? She asked it, I can't ask Pet to do this, he won't understand. Why can't they get someone else?"

The slug, as if sensing her distress, turned its head towards her and lipped her with its huge flabby 'lips', revealing its slobbering maw and the tentacle/tongues writhing inside. Somewhere deep in its primitive mind it recognized her as a friend, and some more tentacles snaked out and joined the others as they caressed her body.

"Urrrgggllleeee?" It slobbered.

"Stop that, Vulva hissed, I just had a bath! You're getting me all gooey again." Then she laid her head against the warm flank of the slug and cried, appalled at herself but unable to stop. Oh Pet, she thought, can you ever forgive me?

The slug, sensing her distress, kept gently caressing her, softly mewling in concern that its friend was so unhappy. Finally she gave it a kiss between its slowly waving eyestalks, and took flight for home. The slug watched her until she disappeared from sight, then rejoined the 'herd' and started grazing again, content and happy to have had a visitor.

Vulva landed in front of her domain, and folding her wings stalked past the portal guards who knew better then to draw notice to themselves when the Mistress was in that kind of mood. They just opened the portals and tried to blend in to the background. She went to her office, and as she entered, said,

"Everybody out! Not you, Pet!"

When My Mistress got back I started to get up to great her, but when she told everyone to get lost but me I lay back down again. I tried to think if I'd done anything bad, but other than mooching the urinal cakes supply I'd been pretty good lately, so I was kind of worried about why she was in such a solemn mood. I'd seen her happy, angry, depressed, really angry, and royally pissed off, but this was new. I looked at her nervously, anything new worried me.

"Pet, Vulva said, my bedroom, now." And disappeared down the hall to her private quarters.

With a concerned hiss I got up and followed, normally an order to go to her bathroom either preceded bedtime, and/or a 'massage' as she liked a good fuck to end the day, and come to think of it so did I. But I had a feeling this was different. So I was a little bit slower than normal as I followed her, and stuck my head around the side of the door cautiously. She was sitting on the side of the bed, and motioned for me come to her. So with a happy hiss I did, and she scratched all my itchy spots, she knows them all, and I hissed in pleasure. I tried to stick my head between her legs, but to my surprise she closed them tighter and gently pushed my head away.

"Not now Pet, Vulva said as she kept scratching the base of his horns. Damn it, why did he have to be so happy all of the time. "Pet, you know I love you, don't you? And that I would never send you to do anything really dangerous?"

I gave a squeal of pleasure, I knew she loved me, but she so seldom actually said so. She hated to admit it; and never did in public, not that I minded, I mean I knew, and that was all that counted as far as I was concerned.

"Of course Mistress, I hissed, and I love you too." Then pushed my head against her legs again and crooned happily. I was so lucky!

"Pet, Vulva said, I just came from Great Lord Ba'al's Fortress. He has a mission for you, a very special one."

"Do I have to go get the Pope or something?" I asked.

"No Pet, Vulva hissed softly, but almost as bad, you have to go to Heaven."

I giggled and gave a snort of amusement, "Hiss, hiss, hiss, that's a good one Mistress, go to Heaven! Hiss, hiss, hisss!"

Vulva grabbed his head and looked directly into his eyes, "Pet, she said, you have to go to Heaven as Hell's envoy, to testify about the Chaosists."

By Dis, she's serious! I realized with shock. "But, but Mistress, if I go to Heaven I'll cease to exist, the Light of Heaven will dissipate me!" I hissed in horror.

"No it won't Pet, Vulva said, you'll be given special dispensation, a kind of diplomatic immunity, and nothing can harm you while you're there."

"But, but Mistress, I hissed in distress, what if they won't let me come back? What if they take me away from you!? I don't want to go!!"

He's more concerned about me, Vulva realized in amazement, and gave Pet a long slow kiss and stroked his scaly snout, "I don't want you to go either, and neither does Great Lord Ba'al. I'd go myself if they'd let me, but we have been ordered and must obey."

"I won't go! I hissed, I'll go hide somewhere, maybe in the new domain's caverns, they'll never find me! I can sneak out and visit you sometimes!"

"Pet, Vulva said softly, you have to go. Of all Hell's demonkind you were selected, it's a great...honor."

"Like HELL it is! I hissed, if they think it's such a great honor let THEM go! Mistress, I wailed, what if they won't let me come home, you're all I have! Please don't send me away!"

Vulva hugged Pet while he wailed; giving hissing squeals she'd only heard him make when he was utterly terrified. She realized with a start he was crying, molten tears running in slow trails from his burning eyes, and she licked them off and hugged him closer. Damn them, she thought.

"Pet, Vulva said; trying to hold back her own tears, I won't make you do this, but I'll ask you. Please, do it for me, for both of us my little jelly bean, my brave, brave, little dragon."

I looked in her eyes as she licked the tears from my muzzle, and for the first time saw just how much she truly loved me in them, and realized how hard it was for her to ask me to do this. To a mortal a demonkind's reptilian eyes may appear to be cold and emotionless, but not to a fellow demonkind. She's really scared, and worried about me, I realized. No one else ever has been. I pulled myself together, stopped wailing, and said,

"I hear and obey My Mistress; I'll do my best to make you proud of me. And don't call me that!"

Vulva did cry then, she couldn't help it, and hugged Pet while he licked her tears and made little worried sounds. She kissed the tip of his snout, and said,

"Pet, I want you to make love to me."

And I did, I held the animal part of me at bay and made long slow love to My Mistress more as a man then a beast for once, and it was wonderful. She lay on the edge of the bed, and I straddled her with my front legs and mounted her, thrusting slowly and gently, running my tongue over her breasts until her pulled my head up to her muzzle and we kissed passionately. She held the sides of my head and pressed her muzzle against my snout, our tongues entwined as we looked into one another eyes and saw much more than just the flickering flames of Hell reflected in them. In a way I'm a part of her as she took part of my soul and gave me part of hers when she 'created' me, so we have a bond few share. She wrapped her legs around my waist as best she could; I was so big now, and arched herself as I thrust into her, both of us grunting and hissing in pleasure. And I drew our coupling out longer than I ever had before until her sounds became frantic and pleading, and throwing back my head I gave a loud bellow of sheer ecstasy as I violently orgasmed, and My Mistress shrieked as she clawed at my hard scales, her hooves drumming on my sides as she writhed and bucked as I poured my cum into her. Then I lowered my head and gently licked her muzzle, crooning my love, and she hugged me and licked me back like she'd never let me go, and I was happier then I'd ever been in my life, either as human or demon.

It was very seldom that one coupling could satisfy either of us, but I had serviced her for hours; bringing us both to the edge again and again, having to use every ounce of my skill and experience to keep the beast at bay. But we were both spent and completely satisfied as I lay on the bed; curled protectively around her, as we slept away the long night. And when I woke up the next morning and she was still snuggled up next to me, her arms wrapped around me, I couldn't help it and gave a roar of exuberant joy. Which of course scared the crap out of her and she smacked me, but made it up to me by giving me another lovely kiss, and French kissing has NOTHING on demonic kissing! Believe you me I know, an how! And we spent that day; and night, making long slow love to one another, but as lovers, not Mistress and slave.

When it was time to leave the next day Lisa, Randy, Babs, Bernie, and some of the other demonkind came to wish me well, and Lisa even cried a little, she's so sweet. I looked at their bestial faces, muzzles filled with fangs, forked tongues flicking in and out, bright beautiful reptilian eyes flickering with the fires of Hell, and I saw only good friends who were worried about me. I nuzzled each one, and we gave each other friendly licks. My family, the only one I'd ever had. I hoped this wouldn't be the last time I'd ever see them.

As we winged our way to Great Lord Ba'al's Fortress of Doom and all around creep joint My Mistress called to me.

"Pet, Great Lord Ba'al will tell you what he wants you to do. I know you'll be scared, but remember we're counting on you, all of Hell is.

"Yes Mistress." I called back, and Hell can go screw itself as far as I was concerned. I was doing this for My Mistress, and Great Lord Ba'al too as I did respect him and realized that part of me viewed him as a kind of fucked-up father figure. Boy am I screwed up, I thought. But still, I looked up to him more than I ever had to any other male, human or demon. He was a harsh task Master and quick to punish those who incurred his displeasure, but had never treated me unfairly and backed up his minions. You HAD to respect that.

We landed, and as we approached the great portals they opened, and the guardian demon didn't even challenge us, and was quite respectful, to both of us. As we walked through the large echoing corridors I realized there were a lot more demonkind then I'd ever seen here before, not that I hung around a lot. As we passed I heard some saying stuff like,

"Are they really sending him to Heaven, how horrible!" "Yes, that's him!" "He'd kind of small." Hmmpph, I thought, bet mine's bigger than yours! And others things I overheard made me prance just a little bit. "He's a hunk!" "I've heard he's a fantastic fuck!" "Mmm, love his mane!" "Have to look him up...later."

We reached the audience hall way too soon for me, and after the major domo announced us in his thundering voice; for a small guy he has great lungs, we prostrated ourselves and crawled up the ramp. For once I wasn't totally paralyzed, scared shitless yes, paralyzed, not entirely. A little numb maybe. We were about half way there when Great Lord Ba'al's booming voice said, "Rise and approach my throne." Which kind of caught us by surprise, and our nervously fidgeting tails got tangled as we folded our wings and got up, causing Vulva to give a soft squeal of pleasure as they rubbed together.

"Pet, stop that! No tail sex, not now!" Vulva hissed softly.

"But Mistress, I didn't..., oh, never mind!" I whispered back.

"IF, you are quite through." Came Great Lord's Ba'al's impressive voice, a hint of amusement in it.

Yipe! I thought, and when we reached the top of the ramp I threw myself on the ground, my wings over my head, trembling.

"Always so respectful, Great Lord Ba'al murmured, how nice. Now get up, both of you, and attend me."

He stood up and beckoned, we looked at one another, and followed our Lord and Master obediently. He led us into his private chambers, and of course My Mistress had been there before when she shared his bed, but I craned my head and looked around curiously. Then I stepped on a living rug, and it bit my paw.

"OWWOOOOO!! SNORT! I screeched, and bit my tongue. AHHHIIEEEE!! HISSSSS!" I bellowed, hopping around trying to get the rug to let go, and holding my poor abused tongue at the same time. "OWOOOO!"

"PET, WHAT THE FUCK!" Vulva screeched.

"Thuh wug bid mle, end I bid muh tong!" I whined.

Great Lord Ba'al snickered, and said, "Sorry about the rug, they don't like it when you step on them."

Stupid mean rug thingie, I thought, as I finally kicked it off, and it flew away snapping its jaws. I mean, what IS the point in having a rug if you can't WALK on the damn thing! After that I kept my eye out for anymore 'rugs'. Great Lord Ba'al's 'rugs' are the living skins of demonkind he had skinned for displeasing him, or just because he was in a bad mood that afternoon. Oh, they grow new skins eventually, but their old ones never quite die, thought they're not really alive in the normal sense. And you think YOU'RE confused?? I have to LIVE here! And the first time I saw someone walking around that had been skinned I totally freaked out, it took My Mistress a week to get me to come out from under the bed.

Great Lord Ba'al; ever the gentledemon with the ladies, pulled out a chair for Mistress Vulva and poured her a drink. Slaves get the floor and like it, which was just fine by me. I'm not built for chairs anyway. To my great; and delighted, surprise Great Lord Ba'al filled a large basin with green sulfur tea with a nice garnish of crushed brimstone and set it on the floor for me, and I lapped at it happily while My Mistress gently stroked my head. I could get used to this!

"Pet, Great Lord Ba'al said, has Mistress Vulva told you what is required of you, what you must do?"

"Yes Great Lord, I replied. But Great Lord, what do I DO in Heaven??"

"That is largely up to you, Ba'al said, but basically you just tell them what you have seen, and know, about the Chaosists and the Old Ones. Just answer their questions to the best of your ability. And you will be given a, um, diplomatic pouch to take with you."

"Um, no disrespect Great Lord, I hissed, but it's not going to blow up in, um, you know whose face, is it?"

"PET!" Vulva hissed in horror.

Great Lord Ba'al blinked in surprise, then snickered, and finally unable to hold it in broke into a loud booming laugh.

I'm toast, I thought, wonder how I'll look as a rug, or set of matching luggage.

"That, Great Lord Ba'al chuckled, is the BEST idea I've heard in a thousand years! The very idea, how FUNNY that would be! I'd love to see HIS face if I did that! But no, unfortunately not, the pouch just contains other reports on the activities of the Chaosists. Blow up, priceless! What till the gang hears THAT one!"

Vulva almost fainted in relief, she was SO going to have a little talk with her little socially inept miscreant as to what you did and did NOT say in front of a Demon Lord, whether he liked you or not!

"Come, Ba'al said, it is time for you to leave on your, um, trip. We must go to a special embassy, it has the only connection between Heaven and Hell. We will reach it through a special portal; we cannot do so unless we have their permission.

Gee, I wonder why, I thought. Heaven has an embassy in Hell, and we have one in Heaven, go figure. Boy would that job suck!

Almost as if he was reading my somewhat irreverent thoughts Great Lord Ba'al said, "The embassies are merely a special pentagram, one that opens in both Heaven and Hell, we maintain no permanent staff of any kind, nor do they. This is strictly used for only the most important and delicate missions. Since you will be there on official business the usual dangers to one of our kind will not affect you, that is unless you break the rules or cause any angelic being harm, then the Light of Heaven will become deadly again."

I shuddered at that thought, I've felt the Light of Heaven, and did NOT want a repeat of that painful experience. There are few things that can hurt a demon, but that was right at the top.

We walked down stairs and tunnels, going ever downward, and eventually we came to a large door made of hellgold and sealed with more wards and spells then I'd ever seen. It took Great Lord Ba'al five minutes to remove them all before the portal would open, then he took out a great big really old key and opened the lock. We entered and the room was bare except for a large pentagram in the center of the floor, and it looked unlike any other pentagram I'd ever seen, it felt wrong somehow, and I hissed uneasily and backed up.

"Yes, you would do well to be wary. Great Lord Ba'al said, if you did not have leave to enter this pentagram then when you arrived at your destination you would burst into dust and dissipate almost instantly. This is a direct link to Heaven."

Thanks for the pep talk I thought, eyeing the pentagram in fear. He was right, it would be deadly to us, at least normally, and even Great Lord Ba'al and My Mistress stayed well away from the edge.

"Now enter the pentagram, and I will activate it." Great Lord Ba'al said.

My Mistress gave me a slow lick on the end of my snout, her eyes glistening, and said softly, "You come back to me, promise?"

I crooned and rubbed my head against her ample chest, and replied, "Neither Heaven nor Hell can keep me from your side My Mistress. Just let them try and stop me."

Great Lord Ba'al smiled, approving of the little demons bravado. As the Seeker tentatively stepped into the pentagram; like he was entering a hot bath, he smiled again and said,

"Seeker, make your Mistress and your Lord proud of you."

"Yes Great Lord Ba'al" I replied respectfully, and waved at My Mistress. And was suddenly someplace else.

Slowly I un-wrapped my wings from around my body and folded them, then looked around. For a few seconds I wasn't even sure I'd gone anywhere, it still looked like I was in a large room with stone walls, but then I realized whereas the floor of the room in Hell had been polished black stone, the floor in this room was white. I heard a noise, and looked up to see a large heavy portal opening, and Raphael walked in, flanked by two angels with what looked like fancy power lances. I figured they were angels; they looked like really beautiful mortals, but had bird wings. I recognized Raphael; I'd met him a couple of times, and figured we were friends, kind of.

I looked at him and the 'honor guard', and said, "Hi Raphael, am I a guest or a prisoner, what's with the artillery?"

"Sorry, Raphael said, never can be too careful. Hell, you know." He gestured to the other two angels, and they bowed and left. "Better?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied, and sniffed nervously at the edge of the pentagram. I still wasn't too keen about this whole Heaven thing.

"You can come out now, Raphael said, nothing will happen to you. I promise on my honor."

Good enough for me, I thought, and stepped across the edge with my eyes tightly closed. When nothing happened I opened one, and then the other.

Raphael was looking at me with an amused expression, "See?" he said.

"Yeah, I replied, well, Heaven you know." At which he laughed.

I handed him the 'diplomatic pouch', which was smoking from my body heat, and he took it carefully, looking at it somewhat distrustfully.

"It's not going to blow up in my face, is it?" He asked, and then frowned when I gave a screech of demonic laughter.

"Sorry, I hissed, I suggested that very idea to Great Lord Ba'al, but he wouldn't go for it."

Raphael chuckled, and said "He wouldn't huh, old Dougie is getting soft."

No he's not, I thought. Then I lowered my head and took a closer look at the floor, white marble with veins of gold, classy. I licked it, mmm, bet it tastes good, I thought. Probably make me sick though, it was a little rich.

"Come with me envoy." Raphael said.

I snorted, "Call me Pet." I said.

He smiled again, "Very well, please come with me, Pet."

We walked up a ramp, still stone walls and white marble floor, and so far I really wasn't all that impressed. Did they live in holes in the ground too?? I mean, where were the clouds? And it was cool too, so I ramped up my body heat a little, I don't like cool.

As we walked I said, "What's the deal Raphael, why the He...sorry, heck did you ask for me? You know I'm, well, not that, um, sophisticated."

"Because you turned down redemption not once, but twice. He replied, no demonkind has ever done that before. Some of my brethren were curious, and wanted to, um, meet you personally. I don't think they quite believe me."

Boy are they going to be disappointed, I thought. "But you're an angel, I said, you don't lie! Couldn't you smite them, or something?"

He smiled, and said, "No, I don't lie, but sometimes they find the truth rather hard to believe. And while the idea of smiting some of my fellows may be appealing, it's not allowed."

Yeah, I thought, they save the smiting for us. And I had to cross my eyes when I tried to think about 'find the truth rather hard to believe' deal, I mean, the truth is the truth, right? It made my brain hurt.

Then we exited the tunnel, and I stopped and stared. Wow. We had entered a great hallway, but it looked more like a cathedral. I couldn't even see the roof, if it had one. The walls were fluted grayish-white stone with carved pillars and arches that didn't seem to support anything as they disappeared into; you got it, clouds. Every so often there were fancy stained windows with sunlight streaming in, and at first I dodged around those beams until I figured out they wouldn't hurt me. At least there wasn't any singing or choirs or anything, I hate that kind of stuff. I was impressed.

At first we didn't see very many angels or other members of the 'Heavenly host', and I got the impression this part of Heaven wasn't used all that much. But there wasn't any dust or debris like there would have been in Hell; we're slobs, everything was spic and span, squeaky clean. Seemed like a lot of wasted effort to me. We came to another heavy portal, and Raphael gave a rather irritated sounding,

"Ah-hem!" and tapped his foot.

"Sorry" said a disembodied voice, making me jump, as the heavy portals slowly swung open.

"Who, what, was that?" I hissed.

"Portal guardian, Raphael said, must have been asleep."

Hmmpphhh, I thought, in Hell he'd have been skinned for sleeping on duty! So far I wasn't much impressed by their security. But then I guess if the very light would kill any trespassers they didn't have much to worry about.

I stopped again on the other side of the portal, and sat down and stared. I was impressed, but kind of disappointed, at the same time. Heaven was beautiful, I guess you'd call it that, but it looked a lot like earth, but without the weeds, bugs, and other garbage. It looked like a great big park, with rather fragile looking building scattered around randomly. And it was bright! My nictitating membranes snapped down over my eyes, in addition to protecting them from blowing sand they also act as sunglasses of a sort. Now I could see without squinting in the glare. I realized Raphael had kept on walking, so I hurried to catch up. He was still wearing his business suit and looked like a very handsome man with silver hair, but as I watched he blurred, and when I could see him again he had large wings and was wearing a kind of toga. Well, they got that part right, I thought, angels run around in bathrobes. But no halo, which kind of disappointed me a little bit.

"It will be quicker if we fly to your quarters from here, he said, snapping his wings open and flexing them. But first we have to, er, check you in and register you at the Hall of Records."

"Lead the way." I hissed.

He gracefully took flight, and after a short running start to get some lift under my own wings I followed. I was bigger the he was, but he was more graceful. Bet I could out fly him on speed though, I thought. From the sky Heaven looked even more like some huge perfectly manicured park. We flew through wispy clouds, and looking up I couldn't see the sun, the light just came from everywhere. Looking down I saw a quilt of paths and roads, groves of trees, gardens, mazes, buildings, ponds, and pretty much normal looking stuff, but everything was perfect. And there were angels and other beings scattered around...where the others animals?? I couldn't tell. And there were angels in the air too, and some came closer to take a look. It got annoying really quickly, especially the stupid Cherubs.

"By our Lord, what IS that with you, Raphael?" Was the normal question. Hey, I'm right here! I thought. Of course his reply was "Just a demon." which was pretty funny considering the results it got. Then a big flock of what I thought at first were birds showed up, and little squeaky children's voices called out,

"Rafe, what's that big ugly thing you're with?" "Ewww!" "Man, its butt ugly, what IS it?"

I did a double take; it was a bunch of naked little babies with wings! It was hard to tell if they were boys or girls, but they were anatomically correct. I knew what they were, Cherubs! And some had little bows and arrows, which I eyed distrustfully.

"Can we shoot it, Rafe?" "Can we, huh, come on, please!" They squealed.

"NO, Raphael said, he is an envoy."

With "Aw man's!" and other ruder comments the flock of little naked flying babies peeled away and disappeared into a grove of trees.

"That, I said, was kind of disturbing."

"They're harmless, Raphael said, but can be annoying I must admit. Ah, here we are! Follow me."

Well, yeah, I thought, like what else am I gonna do? I'm certainly not going sightseeing on my own. Not this little dragon, I had a feeling I wouldn't be very welcome around here. I had a vision of myself being chased by villagers with burning torches.

We landed in front of a building that looked more, I don't know, functional then most of the rest. I had to sign a big ledger; I drew a smiley face with fangs, and then they had me hold a board with my name and business on it; it said "Pet, Hell's Envoy", while they took a picture. I felt like I was being booked. They didn't seem exactly thrilled to see me either, but were polite enough. Then we took flight again, and after a short hop landed at what was to be my 'home away from home'. At least it wasn't a cage.

"And here we are, Raphael said, these will be your quarters while you're our guest."

Wow, I thought, my 'quarters' were a large fancy building; I guess you'd call it a villa or something, surrounded by elaborate gardens and perfectly maintained grounds. It was really nice, but way more then I'd expected, or needed. Frankly I would have preferred a nice cave, with maybe a lava flow or two.

"It's, um, kind of big." I said.

"Let me show you around." Raphael said.

"Please do, I replied, otherwise I have a feeling I'll get lost."

Raphael chuckled, and said, "Yes, I admit it is rather extravagant, but we like to impress visitors."

Well, I thought, you're definitely doing that! I was one impressed little dragon, let me tell you! The place looked even bigger on the inside; I guess that's possible in Heaven. But I felt intimidated too; I was scared I was going to break something. There were really pretty statues on pedestals, painting on the walls; of scenes in Hell that I recognized no less!, fancy carpets; thankfully fire proof, and other nice stuff. Then he led me into a kind of foyer, and there was a table with several plates of; oh joy, brimstone cookies and urinal cakes!! Top grade stuff too, not the generic type. And there was a great big samovar full of green sulfur tea! Oh yummy! I thought, as I started stuffing my snout. Then I suddenly thought of something, I was being awfully rude! I turned to Raphael, my cheeks bulging with cookies, and said,

"Ahm sworry, u wantf sum?" spitting crumbs all over the place.

"Ah, no thanks, I'm good." He replied.

"Ah u sur, der gud!" I hissed, more crumbs flying everywhere.

Then all of a sudden a little angel appeared from nowhere, swept up the crumbs into a solid gold dustpan, said "Slob!" and disappeared.

"Wud duh FUG wuz dat!?!" I choked out, more crumbs flying through the air.

The little angel reappeared, swept up the new mess, said "SLOB!!" again, and disappeared.

"That, Raphael, said, was one of the staff. They like the place nice and clean."

Cool! I thought, and spit more crumbs on the floor.

The angel appeared, swept up the crumbs, and said "Knock it off! Don't you know what silverware and napkins are for!?" And disappeared again.

Guess not, I thought, and spit more crumbs on the floor. Then I hissed in delight when the little angel; now really pissed off, showed up again. This was going to be fun! Then I caught Raphael looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sworry" I said meekly. But just wait till he's gone, I thought.

"Well, if you're through with your, um, snack I'll show you the rest of the place." He said.

I held up a finger, wait one! I grabbed the samovar, took the top off, and drained it in a one big swallow, then burped. By Dis, that was good!

"OK, I said, I'm done. That was good stuff!"

He raised his eyebrow again, which was neat, and then turned to leave the room and I followed. But first I stuffed my snout with urinal cakes, then used the tip of my tail to knock a tray of cookies onto the floor, and heard a loud "SLOB!!", and hissing in amusement hurried to catch up with Raphael.

He showed me a 'bathroom' which was just a small room with pure white sand on the floor, which was perfect for me. It was even raked! Then we came to a bathing grotto and I just stood with my jaws open. It had a boiling sulfur pool, boiling mud pool, and a hot spring. It was really nice; add a fire salamander or two and it would be perfect. I looked around hopefully, but no such luck. What do they do for sex, I wondered?

"Well, he said, I hope you like your quarters. If you need anything just ask, one of the staff will appear to help you. Now I have to go and let the council know you've arrived. They'll want to see you in a day or two."

"Thanks, I said, it's really nice. I really don't need this much though. A rug in a corner would be fine."

"You're too modest, he replied, this is the standard quarters for an envoy from Hell, I'm afraid it's all there is for a demonkind."

"Its fine, I said, just a little overwhelming, but I'll be OK. Can I look around?"

"Of course, Raphael said, you're a guest. But if you're not sure about something just ask someone."

After he left I was too scared to leave the bathing grotto for awhile, but when I stuck my head out the door and nothing attacked me I decided it was OK, so went to snoop around. I'm good at that.

The 'villa' was really huge, and I wandered around in the halls for awhile. It was really nice too, but BORING. No screaming in the distance, no terrified Imps stampeding down the halls at irregular intervals, but worst of all, no females! No nobody, I was all alone, guess nobody wanted to hang out with the demon. Then I remembered what Raphael had told me, and said out loud,

"Oh staaaaaf!"

A little angel appeared out of nowhere, and said, "Oh, it's you, what do you want envoy?"

"Well, let me see, hmmmm." I said, while he tapped his foot impatiently.

"How's about some more munchies?" I said.

"The table in the foyer is always full, and if you don't see something you want just let us know." He said.

Nice, I thought. "OK, good, now what do you do for action around here?"

He seemed a little confused, "You mean games? We can get you anything you want, even an MP-3 or X-Box if you want."

"Nooo, I said, I mean action, you know, girls!" Wink,wink.

He looked even more confused now, "Well, I can have one of the girls wait on you."

I don't think he understands, I realized. "No, I mean how do I get some action, how do I get LAID already!?" I hissed.

"You mean SEX?" He asked, appalled.

"BINGO! I hissed, where's the nooky?

"PERVERT!" He shrieked, and disappeared.

"HEY!" I roared, get back here you pansy! You're supposed to give me anything I want, and I want to get laid!"

Another angel appeared, older and more distinguished looking. He frowned at me, and said, "Demon, you are in Heaven now, there are some things that are NOT talked about here; at least with strangers, and while I understand your...needs, while you are here you will remain celibate, it is not possible for you to have sex while you are here, do you understand?"

"Yes sir." I hissed meekly. What a bummer, and you call this Heaven??

He lightened up a little bit, and said, "Look, I know more about demonkind then some of the lesser and younger angels, so can sympathize to some extent. But that is one thing, one sin you cannot indulge in while in Heaven unless you are married in the Eyes of the Lord. Otherwise we'll do our best to make your stay as comfortable as possible."

After he left I moped around for awhile. No females?? I'd go crazy, or crazier! And jacking off was out of the question, my scaly palms made that not an option; it would be like using extra coarse sand paper. Ouch, no way. This place sucks, I thought, what a dump! No sex, what do they DO?

I eventually found the munchies room again, and pigged out. And got yelled at for being a slob a lot, but tough! I'm an animal, I don't HAVE good table manners, and the napkins were delicious! So was the silverware. And they really got pissed when I ate the fingers off a solid gold statue of some angel dude. After awhile I wandered outside, much to the relief of the staff. They were getting tired of following me around and cleaning up after me, that and making sure I didn't eat the decorations. I can't help it if I'm a slob. I couldn't win, in Heaven I was a slob, in Hell they thought I was a clean freak. So I was in a really bad mood, and it didn't any better after the cherubs found me.

I found myself in a really beautiful garden, but when I tried to sniff some flowers they all closed. How rude, I thought, I just wanted to smell them! I wasn't going to eat them or anything, I just eat minerals. But as I neared any flowering plants they all closed before I got there. It made me feel really sad, I wasn't THAT bad! And there were some animals too, deer and rabbits, dogs, and birds, and they all fled at the sight of me which really hurt my feelings. I just wanted to be friendly! All but the cherubs, they followed me calling me names and shooting little arrows at me that just bounced off of my scales and it was really annoying. Everything else fled. That's right, I thought, run away from the mean old dragon! Jerks! There was another barrage of arrows, and I'd had enough.

"RAAWWRRRRR! I roared, Lemme alone you little shits, get the HELL away from me!"

Then I walked around a bush, and there was someone sitting on a bench under a tree, and a bunch of animals ran off, but he stayed. I was in a really bad mood, so snarled,

"What's the matter, aren't you terrified of the mean old demon dragon, hisssss??"

"Should I be?" He asked.

I sat down with a sigh. "No, I'm sorry, I said, but everything else is. Guess they think I'm going to eat them or something."

"Can you blame them? He said, you are rather, um, intimidating. Look at it from their point of view. What would happen if an angel showed up in a park in Hell?"

"Well, there aren't any parks in Hell, I replied, at least not that I know of, but I know what you mean. I'm just lonely; no one wants to talk to me."

"I'm talking to you?" he said with a big smile.

"Well, yeah, I guess you are, but I can leave if you want, you were here first." I said in surprise, and took a closer look at him. He didn't look like the other angels I'd seen, in fact he was kind of, well, plain. He didn't have wings, and was wearing a brown robe and had a funny haircut that left a circle of hair around the side of his head, but bald on top. I thought it was silly looking. I narrowed my eyes, and said,

"You're not an angel!"

"No, he said, not exactly. I'm a Saint. I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm St. Francis, it's nice to meet you demon."

"Just call me Pet", I said, and added "Hey, I know you! You're that sissy guy!"

He laughed, and said, "St. Francis OF Assisi, it was my home town."

"Never been there, I said, I'm sure it's very nice."

"It is, he said wistfully, I wish I could visit more often. Come, join me if you want, I would appreciate the company."

"Are you sure? I asked hesitantly, I mean, I'll leave if you want, I AM a demon."

"Even better, he said, I'm sure our conversation will be fascinating."

All of a sudden another barrage of little arrows bounced off my scales, and I gave a loud shriek, "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE CREEPS!"

St. Francis frowned, and called out, "Chirrup, attend me!" And one of the cherubs flew down and hovered in front of him.

"Yes St. Francis?" It said respectfully.

"I am ashamed of you and your brethren; this demon is our guest and is NOT to be tormented; do you understand?? Doing so brings dishonor on all of us!"

"I'm sorry St. Francis. You're right." The cherub said, and they flew off with a chorus of "We're sorry's".

"I apologize for that, St. Francis said, they're really just children you know, they didn't mean any harm.

"It's OK, I said, I probably overreacted, they weren't hurting me or anything, just driving me crazy."

"Yes, they will do that." He chuckled.

"Soooo, I said, what do you do around here for fun?"

"Well, we could go to one of the choir meetings, visit the library, go for a walk in the gardens, there's lots to do."

"Er, no thanks." I hissed. Boooring! That was the problem with the place; everything they thought was fun would bore me to death. If there was anything you could say about Hell, it was seldom boring.

"I've heard about you, St. Francis said, did you really turn down redemption?'

"Yep." I replied.

"But why?" he asked, genuine wonder in his voice.

I looked at him, and he smiled at me. I liked him, he didn't judge me. "Have you ever loved something, somebody, with every ounce of your heart and soul?" I asked.

"Of course, he smiled, everyone here does."

"Sorry, stupid question, I said, but at least you kind of know what I mean. I love My Mistress; she's the only one who's ever cared for me."

"But didn't she damn you, turn you into a beast, and drag you down to Hell?" He asked quietly.

"Of course, I said, it's what she does. But first she took away the pain and gave me more agonizing pleasure then I'd ever thought possible. And she takes care of me and puts up with me; Heaven knows why, and if I get in trouble she comes and saves my scaly butt. She's always there for me, and I love her, and she loves me though she doesn't like to admit it that often. I am content to be her slave for so long as she wants me. Without her Heaven would be, well, Hell."

"Well, St. Francis said, I guess I can understand in a way. Love comes in many strange forms, and is the most powerful of all emotions. I am glad you are happy with your lot."

"Thank you", I said with a sniff.

"What is wrong?" He asked in concern.

I hung my head, and said sadly, "I miss her; I don't like to leave her side even for a few minutes. She needs me to protect her. I hate it here, I want to go home!" I hissed. Then, appalled, I started to cry!

St. Francis got up, and walking over he gently stroked my head while I longed for home, and other animals crept up and lay down at his feet or sat on his shoulders. He was the patron saint of animals, and they all love him, so in a warped kind of way he was my patron saint as well. And I could see why they loved him; he was a kind gentle person and accepted you just as you were; even a creature of Hell, with no judgments or condemnations. Finally I pulled myself together, and said,

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"For listening, for being there, for caring even for something like me." I hissed.

"It's what I do." He said with a smile.

"And you do it very well." I replied, which seemed to please him.

We sat there for awhile longer, not saying anything, and it was nice, I didn't feel lonely anymore. But of course it didn't last. With a flurry of wings an angel arrived, and said,

"Oh, hello St. Francis, sorry to interrupt, but I'm here for the demon, they want to see him now."

"I hope we can meet again." St. Francis said, as I got up and spread my wings.

"Me too." I replied, and meant it. Then I took flight and followed the angel, and St. Francis waved at me for a long time.

I followed her; it was a girl, or female, or whatever you call a female angel, and she took me to a really impressive building, I guess a palace was the closest I could get to describing it. We landed in a courtyard, and another angel wearing fancy armor and carrying a power lance led me through some double doors, down a long corridor, and through another set of doors. Somewhere a choir was singing. I walked up a short flight of stairs and found myself on a kind of raised dais, and it was surrounded by a kind of amphitheater with curved benches, and it was almost filled with angels. Talk about feeling intimidated, it reminded me more of a cross between a courtroom and a Roman coliseum than anything else. I felt like a piece of dog doo they'd found on the bottom of their sandals; or whatever they wore on their feet, from the way they were looking at me. Well, excuse me for existing, I thought.

"So, this foul thing is the demon about which we've heard so much, certainly doesn't look like much." A loud thunderous voice said.

"Now, now Michael, Raphael said, he is a guest, be polite."

The angel Michael just gave a loud "Hmmpphhhfff!" in response. Like Raphael he looked like a beautiful mortal, but he wore armor that showed use and I figured I'd better keep my wiseassing to a minimum; this guy looked like he had NO sense of humor and was probably constipated too. I was sure he'd just love a chance to dance on my face.

Another angel stood up, and said, "I bid our guest welcome, if he can help shed some more light on the problem with the Chaosists and their foul gods then he is indeed worthy of our respect Michael!"

Thank you! I thought.

They proceeded to ask me all sorts of questions, but they were fairly simple and to the point, and I had no real problem answering them. They asked me to describe what I'd seen, what the 'Old One' had looked like, how we'd managed to drive them back; which got some appreciative nods, and all sorts of other details I'd never have thought about.

"Definitely Cthulhu", one angel said. Another said, "Not necessarily, it could have been Sporg, or even Proteus in one of his manifestations." They argued a little and talked back and forth, pretty much ignoring me, so I just sat there. Being ignored was just fine with me.

Finally Raphael got the head angels attention, "Um, Gabriel." And pointed at me.

"I am sorry, Gabriel said, we have been rude to our guest. We have much to discuss, you have given us much to think about. Please remain available as we may want to ask some more questions. But for now, please followed this attendant to a place where you will be more comfortable."

I gave a low bow, and as I followed the attendant heard one angel whisper, "For a demon he's quite polite". Yeah, I thought, I can be a good little demon when I want to be, bite me Michael.

I was led to a small room, and to my delight found another table full of goodies waiting for me. But seeing as where I was I decided to keep up the 'good little demon' act and was careful not to slobber all over everything or wreck the joint. I even used the napkins to wipe my snout off, but had to be quick or they'd catch on fire. I was called back twice more to answer a few more specific questions, and once to look at some very disturbing; even to me, drawings of...things.

"That's the guy!" I said, pointing at one.

"Then it was Cthulhu, an angel said, The Lord help us if IT gets loose! This is as serious as we feared. The lesser ones we; or Hell, could handle. But if he gets out he'll bring all the rest with him."

"Excuse me." I said.

The angels looked at me in surprise, I guess they'd forgotten I was there again, and it was the first time I'd spoken up on my own.

"Beast, you will remain quiet unless spoken to first!" Michael thundered.

"Michael! Gabriel said, quit being such a killjoy! Very well demon, what is it you want?"

"I don't get this, I said, I mean, why are YOU guys worried about this Chalulu thing anyway?"

"Cthulhu" an angel corrected me.

"Whatever! I hissed, Mr. Butt Ugly then; which got some snickers, I mean, no offense, but your Lord MADE it too, right? Why can't he just like, snap his fingers, and Mr. Gruesome goes bye-bye for good?"

"He is YOUR LORD GOD TOO!" Michael roared, and I cringed at the mention of the "G" word with a capital, demonkind can't say it, and it hurts us just to hear it. But of course I couldn't keep my snout shut.

"Not from MY point of view!" I hissed.

"BLASPHEMY" Michael roared, and taking flight landed in front of me on the dais. He drew a sword, and the blade was blazing energy. "I will enjoy teaching you your place you disgusting thing!"

But I wasn't backing down. OK, I thought, bring it on! I crouched and hissed, flaming drool slobbering from my fangs as my body ignited with a loud 'whoosh' of flames, my tail barb razor sharp as I lashed my tail back and forth, my fighting spines raised. If he wanted a fight, I'd give him one! I might get chopped up into little pieces, but I'd wipe that sneer off his face first!

Suddenly Raphael landed between us, and said, "Gabriel, I am disgusted by your callous and rude behavior, this demon came of his own free will and has provided us with valuable information. He is our GUEST and under the protection of our Lord and the Peace of Heaven, and you have been nothing but a cad, rude and obnoxious. You will stand down and APOLOGIZE to him! NOW!"

Wow, I thought, hadn't expected that! Go Rafe!

"APOLOGIZE! Michael roared, I will never stoop so low as to apologize to this, this abomination! It is sacrilege that this foul thing is even here in this sacred place!"

"This stops NOW!" Gabriel said in a loud booming voice. Michael, you are out of order and overstepping your bounds!"

"It is my trust to defend Heaven against all invaders, Michael said, I am the commander of Heaven's Armies!"

"Yes you are, Gabriel said, but I am head of this council, and you will do as I say in the Lord's name! Your devotion is not questioned, only your judgment in this case. You let your hatred blind you, if not you would recognize that this demon is NO threat!"

"You and this council may wish to treat with demons, Michael replied, but I will have nothing to do with such blasphemy!" And with a great flap of his wings he left, followed by a few other angels.

Good riddance, I thought, what a butthead.

"Sorry about that." Raphael said.

"No biggee, I hissed, we have jerks like that in Hell, think they're better then everything else. We usually just gang up on them and beat the snot out of them, unless they're a Great Lord or something."

"Well, he should know better, Gabriel said. Just because he's been fighting demonkind for thousands of years doesn't give him the right to act as he did, at least not in this place. We will have a talk with him after he has calmed down. For now we are through with you, you may go in peace."

So I bowed, and followed Raphael off the dais and out of the room. I should have known the little incident wasn't over with; I never get off that easy. As I left the audience hall I came to a sudden stop and hissed as Michael stepped out from a side corridor and blocked my way.

"This is not over yet, demon!" He said.

"What is your problem? I hissed, I don't even KNOW you!"

"Michael, Raphael said. Stop this NOW! He is under the protection of the Peace of Heaven!"

"He is an unnatural abomination; his very existence is a perversion against nature!" Michael snarled, then he pointed at me, and said, "You reek of Hell foul beast!"

I took a quick sniff under my front leg, hey, I'm not THAT bad, I thought, so I don't take a lot of baths! I'm an animal! "Look who's talking about perversions, I hissed, at least we don't have a bunch of naked babies flying around shooting arrows at people!"

"You may have forgotten your duty, Michael said, but I have not forgotten MINE! DIE FOUL CREATURE!" And he swung his sword at my head.

But I wasn't there, I can move pretty fast when I'm motivated. As his arm swept by I bit it, hard, and drew blood, and raked my claws over his chest at the same time, but they just drew sparks across his breastplate. I added a tail slap, but he dodged it nimbly.

"STOP THIS INSANITY NOW!" Raphael bellowed in anger.

I'M just defending myself, you make HIM stop it! I thought, dodging another blow from the sword, damn this guy is fast! I got in a good tail slap as he reeled back recovering from his blow, but it didn't do anything except make him stagger for a second. I ignited my fire flux, as far as I was concerned this was no holds barred now. When he came at me again I darted my head forward and blasted him, and he disappeared in a ball of Hell fire. That'll take care of him, I thought. But I stayed on the defense just in case, which was a good thing. He came staggering out of the ball of fire with a roar of rage, and other then being singed and very pissed off he was fine. I just managed to block his blow with my arm, and his sword cut to the bone, and I gave a screech of pain.

"Yes demon! He gloated, feel my wrath! Next I shall remove your head!"

No way, I thought, and snaked my tail between his legs, and he went down with a crash and angry yell. And I was on him in a second, trying to get my jaws around his throat as I hissed in rage and pain, snarling and snapping at his face. He'd wanted a fight, and by big "L", he'd gotten what he wanted! He plunged a dagger into my chest, and I roared in pain. It's lucky I don't have a heart, or at least what most people would think a heart is supposed to be, but it still hurt like HELL! I bit his arm and shook it violently, and he dropped the dagger, and grabbed me around my neck with his free hand and started choking me. I just ignored it; I don't breathe; no lungs either. I clawed at his chest and stomach with my hind legs, but that damn armor turned my claws. We were both covered in blood now, both angelic and demonic, and we grappled, feathers floating in the air. With a roar I tore at him again, but he threw me off, and as he started to get up I sank my fangs into his gluteus maximus; in other words his butt, and he let out a bellow that made my ears hurt, but I held on and gnawed on him, no way was I letting go, this guy was nuts!

Suddenly I shrieked as a blast of power hit me, and I was thrown off of him when a second blast followed the first. I looked up and it was Raphael! He was holding a power lance he'd taken from a guard and pointing at me. Traitor! I thought.

"About time Raphael, Michael said, as he started to get up, blast him again and I'll finish him off."

"I think not, Raphael said, and blasted Michael!"

Whoa! I thought.

Raphael stepped up to Michael, who though stunned was still conscious, and pointing the power lance in his face, said, "I should blast you again, you have disgraced yourself! He was under MY protection AND the Peace of Heaven, and you violated that trust and Peace! I only blasted him to save YOU! He had you, fair and square! NOW, you will take your friends and get the HELL out of here before I let him have you again to finish what he started!"

Michael was too stunned to do anything, and a couple of his followers helped him to stagger away dripping blood all over the place. I just lay where I was gasping from the pain as I came down from my demonic rage and recovered from the power blasts. It took awhile, and at first I snapped at anyone who came close. But finally I was calm enough to reason with.

"I am sorry about that, that IDIOT! Raphael said, but he will be disciplined for this horrible breach of etiquette. But what about you, are you badly injured my friend?"

I started to say something witty, and not very polite, but paused. He'd called me 'friend'. So I just hissed, and said, "I've been better, but I've been a lot worse too. I'll be OK. And, thank you."

"Oh, I'm only sorry I couldn't act sooner, but you two were really into it and I couldn't get a good shot. That was quite a fight; maybe that will teach him not to underestimate an opponent. It was he I saved, not you."

I couldn't help but preen a little bit, I HAD kicked his butt pretty good, but it sure hadn't been one sided, I thought as I licked my arm. The wounds were healing, but much slower the normal, and burned. Then he popped my bubble a little.

"You're lucky though, in this place he couldn't use his powers, only his physical weapons. But still, you did well. He'll be sore for awhile, his pride hurt worse than anything. He has seldom been bested, and certainly never by a lesser demon. Now come, we have to get out of here. Can you fly?"

"Yes, I hissed, my wings are fine. But why do we have to leave? I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Yes, and no, Raphael said. Your actions were certainly justified, but you DID break the Peace of Heaven, and I'm sure some will call for your status as envoy to be revoked on those grounds. I doubt they will succeed, but if they do, well, you know."

I swallowed nervously, yeah; I knew all right, the Light of Heaven, poof! With a howl I started running around in a circle panicking. Finally I stopped when I realized Raphael was staring at me with his mouth open.

"Why are you doing that?" He asked.

"Sorry, I said, I just do that when I don't know what else to do."

"Well, he said, guess I can't blame you. Your mission has been pretty much accomplished though, I doubt there is any more pertinent information you can give us. Tell Ba'al this; that Heaven will reach an accord with Hell as to the best action to take against the Chaosists and the Old Ones, uniting our forces if necessary. But now you have to get out of here, go back to Hell. It would be best, there you will be beyond the reach of Michael and those who would do you harm no matter your status. It is a disgrace, and I'm sorry."

"Not your fault, I said as I followed him out the door. And I want to go home anyway, no offense, but this place sucks, and it's BORING."

First we went back to my 'quarters' so I could get cleaned up and rest a little bit. A nice snack and good soak in the boiling sulfur did wonders. By then my wounds were healing nicely, and I felt a lot better. When we arrived the whole place was in an uproar as word of my 'disagreement' with Michael had spread. The older angel in charge of the staff was indignant, appalled that an envoy had been attacked!

"The very idea, he said in genuine anger, that Michael has always been a hothead! On behalf of my staff I apologize for his atrocious act!" And the rest of the staff nodded in agreement.

I was kind of touched, I'd been such a slob and everything, and had enjoyed messing with them. So I thanked them for the 'fantastic goodies' and 'lovely quarters' which made them all smile, and made me feel pretty good too. Then it was time to get the Hell out of Dodge, and Raphael and I took flight for the building containing the pentagram to Hell.

When we arrived there was a small contingent of armed and armored angels waiting for us. We saw them before we arrived, and Raphael said,

"This could mean trouble; you wait until I find out what's going on." So I circled and watched while he landed and talked to the angel in charge. Then he took flight and came back and I dropped lower to meet him.

"We're in luck, he said, it's a honor guard of sorts, here to make sure no one impedes our way, Gabriel sent them. And this, he said, as he handed me a large pouch. This contains documents only for the eyes of Great Lord Ba'al, it has the seal of the council on it, but tell him he may open it without harm."

"It won't blow up, will it?" I asked, and he laughed.

As we walked through the hall towards the pentagram chamber he said, "It's a shame you couldn't stay longer, I wanted to show you some of the sights."

I just snorted, and said, "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't belong here, you know that. Everybody is better off with me back where I belong, I know I certainly am! No offense, but I'll feel safer in Hell."

He chuckled, and said, "Well, I can't say I blame you."

"Do me a favor, I said, tell St. Francis thanks, and that I'm sorry we can't have another talk."

"For what?" He asked.

"He'll know. I replied, oh, and tell Michael next time I won't hold back."

"Very well, he said, I'll do as you ask; it will be worth it just to see the look on Michael's face!"

"Yeah, I'll bet it would!" I hissed in amusement.

Then we reached the chamber, and he undid the wards and spells on the great door and we stepped inside.

"Say Hi to Dougie for me." Raphael said as I stepped into the pentagram.

"Nu-uh, NO way!" I hissed, and he laughed as he activated the pentagram and sent me back where I belonged.

I un-wrapped my wings and looked around, yup, I was home. I watched as the door to the chamber opened, and Great Lord Ba'al and My Mistress walked in.

"You're early, Great Lord Ba'al said, what happened?"

Vulva shrieked when she saw the partially healed wounds on Pets chest and arm. "Great Lord, they have abused him!! He is injured!"

Ba'al's eyes narrowed; and he realized Vulva was right. The Seeker limped a little and favored a front leg, and he could see another wound on his chest bands, and he felt a great rage growing inside of him.

"HOW DARE THEY !" Ba'al roared as he took on his true form, and Vulva and the Seeker both prostrated themselves in terror. "I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!"

I just lay there with my wings over my head, when he's on a roll it's best to just play dead and hope he forgets about you. But no such luck.

"TELL ME!! Ba'al roared, WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?!"

"Some jerk named Michael, Great Lord." I answered.


"Um, er, Great Lord?" I asked.

"WHAT!?!" he roared, and I almost passed out.

"Um, I won." I meekly said.

"What??" Ba'al asked in a much lower voice, not quite sure he'd heard right.

"I won the fight, Great Lord, I said, I kicked the snot out of him. He started it, I ended it, and I bit his ass."

"You bit his ass?" Ba'al said.

"Yes, Great Lord, Raphael had to blast me twice to get me off of him, but I took a big chunk out of his butt first. Here, Raphael gave me this for you." And I held the diplomatic pouch out from under my wings and waved it around.

Ba'al took the pouch almost absent mindedly. "You really bit his ass?" he asked in an amused tone of voice.

"Big chunk, Great Lord, I replied, he tasted terrible."

"Good, well done, Ba'al said as he returned to his lesser form. Bet it will be ages before he lives THAT down!"

"And before he can sit down, Great Lord." I said.

Vulva raised her head and looked around, and was relieved to see Great Lord Ba'al seemed to be pleased. She was too, so Michael had tangled with Pet and got his butt kicked; or in this case bit, serves the big bully right!

"Rise you two, Ba'al said. While this little excursion to Heaven did not turn out exactly as I had anticipated, still it could have been much worse. Bit his ass, you say? How delightful! Come, we will go to my quarters, I need to examine the contents of the pouch, and I'm sure Pet would like some refreshment and a rest after his ordeal. Bit his ass! Wait till the guys hear about this one! I love it!"

Given leave to rise Vulva ran to Pet and examined his wounds; licking the one on his arm while he rubbed his head against her legs and crooned, and felt a horrible rage of her own. Stupid angels! Why couldn't they have left him alone! He was only doing what they'd asked! Even demonkind had more integrity then that, they knew how to keep an oath! If a demonkind had attacked a visiting angelic envoy unprovoked Great Lord Ba'al would soon have a new rug.

She smells so good, I thought as I pressed my head against My Mistress's warm furry legs, her tongue gently licking the gash on my arm. I hissed and crooned, so glad to be home, to be back by her side where I belonged. As Great Lord Ba'al left the chamber we followed, and I stared at My Mistress's swaying hindquarters, her tail weaving sensuously from side to side as I followed her. And I felt my lust growing, an aching burning need. It had been almost two days since I'd coupled with a female, and she was the most desirable female of them all to both the intelligent me, and the demonic me. As we reached Great Lord Ba'al's dining room I could no longer hold back, and the demonic beast took over.

With a bellow of lust I leaped on My Mistress from behind, forcing her forward onto all fours. I hooked a leg under her tail and pushed it out of the way, and with a roar of ecstasy I mounted her and started brutally servicing her, and hissing I bit her on the back of her neck to make sure she knew who was dominant. Then I fucked her long and hard as I raped her, taking her like an animal.

"PET, what the FUCK!?!" Vulva screeched as he attacked her, and it was so sudden and unexpected she didn't have time to resist, "UGGGGHHHH!" She shrieked as she felt his penis lunge into her, "Pet, no, what are...ah, ah, ooohhhhhhh!" She gasped as he bit her neck, snarling menacingly, and she felt his nether tongue slide into her as well. "PET, I, I, UGGHHHH, oh, oh, UGGGHHH!! PET!, Pet, ohhhh, don't stop! UGGHHH, YESSSSS!! DON'T, UGH, STOP!"

Yes Mistress, I thought, and I didn't, not for a very long time.

Great Lord Ba'al had turned at the sudden disturbance, but when he saw what was happening he didn't say a thing, he just smiled. He sat down at the huge dining table to enjoy the show. As he watched the two roaring shrieking demonkind as they mated it didn't take him long to realize this was going to take awhile, and while he didn't mind sloppy seconds he didn't want to wait that long, so he keyed the intercom on his desk, and said,

"Bernie, it's the boss, grab as many of the boys as you can, and a few females, and meet me in my quarters. Gang bang, Mistress Vulva, all nighter. And he smiled as the enthusiastic reply came. "I hear and obey Great Lord!"

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 31

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 31 By William W. Kelso "Ooooh", Vulva moaned, what did I DO last night? She raised her head and realized she was lying in a bed that wasn't hers, in-between, Pet and Great Lord Ba'al???...

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The Magician's Hat

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Magician's Hat By William W. Kelso Tammy ran a sweat soaked kerchief over her face and gave a sigh of relief. It was finally over; the estate sale had taken four long days. Her crazy grand-uncle's crap...

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The Gates of Hell, Chapter 8, Marrie, Part 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Many thanks to Kora for the basic idea and uniformvixen for the art. The Gates of Hell, Chapter 8, Marrie, Part 1 By William W. Kelso With a loud crash of thunder the violent thunder storm came to an...

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