The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 2 - Protector

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#18 of The Twelve Talismans

All right here is the next series of the Twelve Talismans. I hope you enjoy it. I wasn't going to, but then I had a good idea. I hashed it out a bit with Draegwolf, who came up with some good ideas as well. I haven't played the games for a long time, so it's basically a Spyro world I assembled from research on YouTube and Wikipedia. Odds are, between a dozen Spyro games out there, I missed something somewhere.

The chapters in the Dimensional Travel series are edited by Circeus ( Apologies for not crediting the first chapter :p


The Twelve Talismans:

Dimensional Travels

Chapter 2 -- Protector

"Now back away from the eggs... slowly." Spyro hissed from the top of his boulder. He had no ideas how these four got past the dragons at the front of the cave, but he had seen the red furred fox messing with the eggs, and he couldn't allow that.

"All right, all right... let's calm down." Gatomon held out her paws palms out. They were in this guy's lair, and as far as he knew, a threat to his eggs.

"Yeah, this was all just a misunderstanding." Gomamon backed off as well, glancing over to the female digimon. Maybe this would stop before it got out of hand.

"Blue Blaster!" Gabumon suddenly fired a blast of energy at the newcomer. He was holding Vulpix, whose fur was still crackling with energy from the sneak attack. His face was a mask of contorted anger.

The dragon flapped his wings and flew back to land atop the rock, the gusts sending stone chips flying. "Egg thieves!" He shouted, opening maw to reveal lightning that forked forward into an arc.

"Gabumon!" Gomamon felt a lightning bolt snake by his head. He could feel his fur sparking a bit from the near miss.

"The bastard hurt Vulpix!" Gabumon snarled, his lip curled up. "Blue Blaster!" He fired again, strafing the area with blue fire. He held Vulpix tightly in his arms as he continued to fire again and again.

"Gabumon! Sto- Ugh!" Gomamon was interrupted by a head butt from the purple dragon whose curved horns smacked him in the side. The seal rolled across the floor until his head made a sickening thump as it collided with the wall.

"Alright, that's enough!" Gatomon came down, and grabbed the dragon's head, bringing him in a head lock. "I don't care who or where we are, but you are going to stop hurting my friends!"

"Get off of me!" Spyro choked. This feline was a lot stronger than he had expected.

"You are going to calm down, dragon boy... you're outgunned and outclassed..." The feline restrained him with ease, but she heard the flapping of wings. Large wings.

"Maybe so..." Spyro grinned. "But what makes you think those eggs are mine?"

Gabumon looked up. A dragon, no four huge dragons, were flying in from the cave entrance. "Oh no." He held onto Vulpix tightly.

"Guardians! They are after the eggs!" The smaller dragon shouted right before slumping down in a heap, struck unconscious with a single skillful blow to the back of the head from Gatomon.

"We've got to get out of..." She began, but had to duck and roll a blaze of flame from a red-orange dragon that strafed half the cave. She stopped next to Gomamon. Gabumon was firing back at some blue ice dragon. His attacks only drew token flinches from the dragon. Gatomon grabbed Gomamon, barely dodging the blast of lightning that came next.

I am the one outgunned now...

She hissed a bit. Her agility was top notch, but right now she had her hands tied by Gomamon, and Gabumon also had to protect Vulpix.

I need help...

The seal moaned and stirred lightly in her arms.

Wait... What about the tiger symbol?

She ricocheted off the wall and kicking another electric dragon in the head, knocking him back.

It split that Felecia into two... Could it do the same to me?

The feline narrowly dodged a spiked tail ball from the green dragon. It sent giant cracks up the stone wall.

Well, if I don't try now I might not get the chance ever again.

She tapped the spot where the tiger picture was, making the symbol glow. She somehow held her claw on it even as she dodged claws and energy blasts, keeping pressure on it and willing its power to flow through her. She could feel it doing so, pulling her body at the seams. When she rebounded off the wall again, one Gatomon landed on the tip of a stalagmite jutting from the ground and a second one on the stone floor, holding Gomamon tightly in her paws.

The one on the stalagmite smiled happily. "Oh yeah! That feels SO good!" Dark Gatomon cracked her neck. "Such a huge weight off my shoulders!" Her fur was a deep grey, her eyes red, and the edges of her ears tinged the same. "Man, was it time to let loose a bit!"

The other feline ran across the floor as fast as her legs could carry her, even as that blue dragon chased her. "Gatomon! We need to help our friends!" She shouted. Her fur remained white, but the stripes on her tail and the tip of her ears had turned a sunshine shade of yellow.

"Who said I can't do both?!" The dark feline darted off like lightning, ricocheting off the walls again and again. The four giant dragons tried to fire, shooting out bolts of fire and ice and everything else they, but they were huge and in each other's way, and at the same time trying hard not to damage their brood. That all gave Dark Gatomon a great advantage and bounced off the head of the electric dragon with no problem, slamming it head down against the stone floor. With a mid-air flip, she kicked off the ceiling and punched the blue ice dragon hard in the face. "Oh man..." She giggled gleefully as she hit the orangish dragon square in the gut with both paws, causing him to double over. "This brings back such memories!" She landed on the ground and the green dragon tried to eat her in one gulp. His jaws snapped on air as she did a somersault back toward the entrance of the cave. "Well, gentle--... err... gentledragons... I see my friends have escaped while you played whack-a-kitty. So, I'd like to thank you for the great time!"

She waved her paw and flicking her claws at the four angry giant dragons. "Toodles!" And with that she bounded out of the cave before the others could give chase.


"Ahhh that was fun!" The grey Gatomon cranked her head again. "Five-to-one! Dragons! Against me! What a rush!" She laughed a bit, her red tinged ears bouncing as she twirled in a little circle.

"Gatomon!" Gabumon looked to the grey-furred, red-eyed feline, then back to the white with yellow-tipped ears one. "Err... I mean."

"Call me Dark." Dark Gatomon batted her eyelashes at Gabumon, then gestured behind herself with a flick of the claw. "And the wimpy one Light. That sounds as good as anything else, I figure."

"Well, Dark, this isn't a game!" Gabumon placed Vulpix next to Gomamon, both of them still out cold, but apparently fine otherwise.

"Are you kidding? That was way awesome... better than sex!" Dark Gatomon purred as she looked to her good twin. "Well, of course I might be biased on that point. I kinda lack a good comparison sample, what with us never having sex or anything." She rubbed her chin a bit, hoping to have gotten the pronouns right. Splitting into two was a touch confusing.

"Dark! That's, um, not a very appropriate topic..." Light Gatomon spoke up softly.

"Oh bitch, bitch, bitch." Dark Gatomon placed her paws on her hips mockingly. "Why don't you ever relax, enjoy yourself a bit!" She smiled and twirled in a circle. "Be honest. We enjoy fighting. And we are so good at it."

"We-- We only fight when we have to." Light Gatomon spoke up. "It's not right to do it just bec--"

"Oh come on, you goody-two shoes." Dark Gatomon smiled at her twin before looking to Gabumon. "God, you have any idea how annoying it is to have her in me as my conscience? Depressed and constantly brooding... Too afraid to ever let loose or enjoy myself... herself... ourselves? Pronouns become a bitch when you're like this!"

"Dark! Stop that before you say something you'll, err, we'll regret!" The other feline snapped sharply. She was the most positive aspects of Gatomon, but she could still get angry.

"Oh please, you know the real reason she's angry at Gomamon?" Dark Gatomon smiled at Gabumon.

"Dark!" Her twin shouted. She realized what the other was talking about. "Don't, please!" she demanded.

"She was going to break up with V-mon... maybe not that night, but she intended to. At some point." Dark Gatomon went on. "He's too shy, and rather wishy washy... he could barely hold our paw without breaking into a sweat. And Patamon, well... I am not sure if he was really interested in me... I think he wanted to believe he was interested in me. If you get my drift..."

"Stop you!" Light Gatomon placed her paws over her lips. Just because these were things she did not like about the other two Digimon didn't mean she wanted to say them out to everybody!

"Oh but that night at the movie heater..." Dark Gatomon purred, sensually running her paws over her body. "V-mon turned into a different mon... Brave, forward, confident... and he took us right there in that fountain... Oh man..."

"Gatomon..." Light Gatomon teared up a bit. She was still ashamed to have let things go so far when she could tell something was amiss. And worse, she was ashamed at having enjoyed it so much.

"Err... Gato... Dark... maybe you should..." Gabumon finally intervened. He was, to be entirely honest, somewhat interested in the details, but he respected his friend's privacy.

"Do you know what we, well, I did when I got back home that night? I grabbed a dildo, and fucked myself raw with it. And I screamed V-mon's name all along... I knew it wasn't him, but whoever it was, they'd actually made me feel like a real woman..." She smiled at her good counterpart, who was fighting back tears.

"He... he tricked us... somehow... pretended he was V-mon..." Light Gatomon rubbed her eyes.

"Yet we decided we didn't care at all, didn't we?" Dark Gatomon purred softly. "We knew, somehow, that V-mon wasn't Veemon. And yet we didn't care... We just wanted to get a piece of cock..." She grinned ear to ear, her face inches from Light Gatomon's...


The dark feline fell back on her ass, blood trickling lightly from her nose. She reached up and touched it with her paw and looked at the red liquid on her claw. "Huh." She laughed a bit. "Who knew you had it in you?"

Light Gatomon stared at her clenched, unsteadily shaking fist. "I... I didn't mean..." She looked away, shaking. She had lashed out of pure anger. Dark Gatomon just liked to push her buttons, and she knew exactly how to do that. She was cut from the same cloth after all. Light Gatomon stuttered a bit more then walked a couple yards away and huddled on herself, giving a light sniff.

"Gatomon!" The lizard called after the feline. "Gato--! Dark Gatomon! That was mean!" he shouted at the grey furred feline.

"Boo hoo. I just said an inconvenient truth that needed to be told." She reached under Gabumon's pelt to grab the four headed dragon statue. "Now you watch over these three and I'll go find where the next power is."

"We shouldn't split..." Gabumon began. He glanced back at the good feline while the bad one turned around. "If we encounter anybody else with Vulpix and Gomamon still helpless..."

"Oh fuck that." She dismissed him with a wave of her paw. Swearing didn't bother her in the slightest. "I am the strongest, and the stealthiest. And I am going to find out who or what has the power. The fastest I do it, the fastest they'll be safe."

"Why are you in such a ru--" Gabumon tried to interject, but Dark Gatomon had made her mind and there was no changing it.

"Hey, we need to get out of this world, right? And from the looks of it, we need that magic power Gomamon used to have." The feline smiled. "We'll get him to absorb it, and hopefully, we'll get back to our world."

"At least wait till--" the lizard continued.

She sighed in annoyance. "I'll be quick!" She cut him as she took off, following the glowing head of the statue, back the very same way they'd came.


Dark Gatomon purred softly as she made it to the entrance of the cave. She was having the time of her life: no guilt, no conscience, no second thoughts. It was a great feeling to simply enjoy a daring little adventure. The four giant dragons soon came out of the cave and took flight. Searching the area for her and her friends perhaps? She hid under a small rocky overhang.

MMmmm that purple little guy must be staying inside. I'm not seeing him here.

For a moment she considered fighting them again, if only for sport, but she had more important things to do than enjoy another fight. Instead she simply held out the statue at them, checking whether any of them caused it to react.

"Nope... nope..." Dark Gatomon mumbled as she checked them all out, not getting any reaction. The statue stubbornly pointed into the cave. "Looks like the power is still inside." She grinned as she grabbed the statue with her tail and bounded inside as soon as the coast was clear.

Besides the eggs, there was but one occupant left in the cave. "Man." Spyro rubbed his head, feeling the bump on the back. "That was one strong cat." He didn't notice the grey furred feline sneaking in, the shadows working to her advantage. The whole thing was even made easier thanks to the her new fur colour. She scurried up the wall with ease and hardly the lightest noise. Soon she was right behind the dragon, barely ten feet away.

Now, if she had been her whole self she would not have attempted this alone, at least she would tried to subdue the dragon from behind quickly and painlessly. But for Dark Gatomon, that was far too boring.

"Yoo hoo!" She waved with one paw, the other clamped firmly on the rock.

The purple dragon whirled around, his wings extending. "Who... you!" He shouted at the sight of the feline perched above. He recognized her despite the different colours. "Well... I think it is you?" He snorted dual flame jets from his nostrils. "But whoever you are, you stay right there."

"Yeah right... not going to happen." Dark Gatomon leapt off the wall with perfect grace. "Besides, I am here for some fun."

"Rrrrr..." The dragon growled, and exhaled balls of fire from his muzzle, significantly raising the temperature of the cave.

"Come on now!" The feline did a series of flips as the projectiles slammed into the stone wall, leaving behind a series of scorch marks from the dragon's failed attempts at hitting the rapidly moving target. "Lead your target!"

"Stay still!" He shouted back as he flapped his wings and took flight, gliding over: sustained flight was hard on the younger dragons. He opened his mouth and switched attacks to send bolts of lightning in large arcs as he fired at his opponent.

"Better, but hard to control I see." Dark Gatomon grinned as she rolled on the ground, using the rocks for cover. Her fur stood up a bit from residual static electricity.

"You are really getting annoying!" The dragon landed on all fours in front of her. He had decided to revert to hand to hand... or claw to claw so to speak. He lashed out with his front claws first, then swiped with his wings in a strong arc.

"Hmm, a variety of ranged attacks. And skilled at close combat too!" The digimon ducked the wing as it sailed over her and twisted to the side, avoiding the claws. She suddenly cuffed the dragon on the face, just enough to send him tumbling head over heels. "Not nearly as good as me, of course. But still a nice effort!" Spyro felt his head spin a bit, but he got to his feet. His opponent just did a little jump back, standing next to the eggs. "Maybe one day you can learn to protect these right."

Spyro growled. This cat was just playing with him! "I'll stop you... I'll..." His eyes began to glow, a dragon symbol appearing in both of them. He opened his mouth for yet another fire attack, but something in his belly burned hotter and stronger than he ever felt before. It came out in a blast of energy ten times more powerful than anything he had ever produced before. The dragon was thrown back by the force of the blast, the entire cavern lighting up like a fireworks display.

"Whoa!" Dark Gatomon only narrowly dodged this one, the mere force of the blast passing by her sending her skidding on her butt on the stone floor. The wall behind the pile of eggs exploded, giant black cracks radiating from the crater.

"Uhhh..." Spyro shook his head. That was not what he was expecting. "What was..." His eyes went wide. A stalactite over a cluster of eggs made an ominous cracking sound before breaking off. "NO!" He screamed, watching in horror as the rock fell. He didn't know what to do... another blast might just bring down this entire side of the cave... "No, please..." he rushed forward, unsure what to do. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.

"Uhhh!" Dark Gatomon seemingly appeared in the middle of the eggs, catching the stalactite sideways. Even though it was ten times her size, she handled it well, bending her knees slightly to fling it across the cave, barely five feet from the stunned dragon. "Ahhh, yeah, that works the old quads!" she said with a small wince, stretching and making her back crack lightly.

Spyro just stood there for a second, taking a moment to register what happened. "You saved the eggs?"

Dark Gatomon just cranked her arm around, as if to get rid of a crank. "Well yeah, I'm not evil. I was just looking for a good fight."

"So... wait, you're not after the eggs?" Spyro was still tense, but he was afraid to call on his power for fear of, well, whatever that attack of his was.

"Why would I? I prefer fish myself." The Digimon grinned.

Spyro gave the grey furred feline a bit of a cockeyed look. "You're really weird, you know that?"

"Hey, you attacked my friend first." Dark Gatomon waved a finger at the dragon. "We didn't even want to be here. We just got zapped by some random magic, or something." She closed in on him, running a finger over Spyro's chin. "Although, I must say, you gave me quite the workout."

"Man, what is up with you?" Spyro asked in shock as the feline dragged that claw over his scales.

"Oh? So you want the full crash course?" The grey feline smiled. "All right. I am a being made from digital information... a form of energy." She went on. "My companion, the horny little seal, somehow got a bunch of magic powers. We fought some dragon... Not one of your dragons, another one. You wouldn't believe how many dragons are involved. Anyway, my seal buddy managed to lose his powers across, from the looks of it, a bunch of dimensions ... and seems like you, my dear, are the proud owner of one of said magic powers."

"Ah I get it." Spyro nodded. "You're totally insane."

"I'm not done just yet." Gatomon waved her finger again. "Anyway, the first power we got back splits you into two... But not identical twins. One gets all the morals, the conscience, and so on."

"And you are the other one I take it?" Spyro answered, not really believing it.

"Mmmm hmm." She nodded with a light purr "I'd say I am unrestrained ambition and desire. You can not believe how good this feels! My full self is so prim and proper... Always afraid to act even the least bit wild any more." She paused before adding an explanation. "That's an even longer story involving a vampire digimon and years of servitude, ending up with me almost killing my now best friend. Depressing stuff."

"Yeah, sure... Can you leave now?" Spyro sighed a bit. He didn't feel like dealing with this grey furred feline anymore.

"Well if you want." Dark Gatomon held up her paws and shrugged. "I was going to ask if you wanted to fuck a bit... but that's cool." She walked back toward the cave's entrance, humming softly as her tail swished back and forth.

"Wait, what?" Spyro did a classic double take.

"I wanted to screw. Fuck. Fornicate." The cat continued to walk away, ranting. "I mean I had a good fight, sure... But you would not believe how few chances I've had to screw... one time in a few thousand years! I mean, jeeze!"

"B... but..." Spyro stuttered a bit. He followed a few steps behind, unsure how to react.

"Well if you're not interested, it's cool." Dark Gatomon was taking her time, not looking a bit. "I mean... I could do Gomamon. Still a bit angry at the seal though... not angry enough not to fuck him... at least how I am now... Gabumon? Yeah, sure he'd agree... Vulpix is not really my type, not into females... but any port in a storm..."

"You want to... have sex?" Spyro stuttered up a bit, like so many male being hit on. "With me?"

"Man, aren't you a slow one." Dark Gatomon whirled around once the dragon had caught up. "How much more blunt do I need to be?" Dark Gatomon dropped to her knees, pretending to beg. Please, oh please, fuck this little pussy cat hard, you big hunk of dragon meat..."

The young whelping was, to say the least, thoroughly overwhelmed. This feline was, for lack of a better word, utterly bonkers. As any logical male mind knows, getting physically involved with a crazy chick is a Bad with bold capital B idea. Of course, like most males confronted with an actual crazy, horny chick, Spyro was now thinking with his penis, a penis which was already swelling inside his armour plating. "You're... serious?"

"Oh for fuck's sake. You are almost more trouble than you are worth, you know?" The digimon stood back up. She was taller than Spyro, but only because he went on all fours. She spread her legs a bit, and grabbed those two yellow curved horns on the top of the dragon's head. "Is this forward enough?" She was stronger than him and easily shoved that purple snout right into her cunt.

"Gah!" Spyro grunted as the scent of horny female filled his nostrils. He struggled for a split second out of instinct at being forced forward, but soon the aroma got to him. His tail began slowly swaying back and forth. He was quite young in dragon years, so he had not taken a mate yet. He was curious, sure, and there was Cynder, a dark purple dragon with multiple white horns. A skilled fighter of his age who he had a crush on, but right now, her privates weren't those his snout was pushed into. Those of a horny cat were.

"Oh come on, boy! Do I need to draw you a damn map?" Dark Gatomon thrust her crotch forward some more. "Give me a good licking. Stick that dragon tongue deep inside of me. Have a taste of the pussy!" She could not help but resort to the pussy jokes, if only because her good counterpart would never do that.

It didn't immediately dawn on Spyro what was expected of him. Again, being a young virgin, he didn't know too much about sex. In fact, all he'd eve heard about was mounting. So he listened to the girl and stuck out his tongue. Dragons like him had a long reptilian tongue coming to a pointed tip. Plus his maw was nice and warm from all the fire he was usually throwing around. He gave a single lick, more an experimental taste than anything. It didn't taste much like anything he might have expected, to be perfectly honest he had expected it to taste somewhat like piss. Dark Gatomon had a strong, sort of salty taste, which was not at all unpleasant to the dragon having his first truly sexual experience.

"Rrrrr..." Dark Gatomon's tail snaked back behind her, whipping back and forth as she enjoyed herself. The dragon was new to this, but he had such a wonderful muzzle... "Good... Yeah... right at the top there... That's the clitoris. Lick it! That will drive the girls wild... Well the mammalian ones at least... Rrrrrrrrr!" She purred happily as the dragon licked over that sweet little spot. "Yeah that's the way... give it a good suck..." She continued to instruct the dragon in the fine art of orally pleasing a female as she felt her orgasm approach. "Oh yeah... I'm getting close... Keep it up..." The feline purred louder as the tongue reached deep inside her snatch; she was getting wetter and wetter to the point where she was just dripping with pussy cream. She moved Spyro's head by his horns, guiding him a bit so that he would hit all the right spots. The tongue went inside of her once more, the purple nose pressing hard again her clit and... "Oh... I think you got it... got it..." The grey cat shuddered as he got everything just right. "Fuck yeah dragon boy! Eat me out! Yeaaaahhhh!" The digimon let out a series of purrs and loud moans as she had her orgasm; only the second one she had ever had which didn't involve her own paw or a toy. She panted as she let go of the horns, slowly coming down from her high and greatly enjoying it.

The dragon just stood there, muzzle covered in juices and not sure what had just happened. He licked his lips once, the taste of cat still heavy. "Ummm..." he panted, twitching a bit. He was incredibly turned on now, and he barely noticing how his cock had come out of its hiding place. It stuck out between his yellow belly plating, a good six inches of dragon love.

"Mmm yeah..." Dark Gatomon purred a bit, rubbing one of her nipples a bit. They were hard and sticking out of her grey chest fur, the only other physical hint at her femininity. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, err. But..." He twisted around a bit, trying to look at his privates, so horny right it made him shift uneasily on his feet back and forth. He was only finding out now how, being a quadruped, he was not built for masturbation.

"Aw... You're horny?" The feline purred as she went over to his side. "Come on, lift a leg... let me get a good look." Spyro blushed a bit before raising his back left leg like a dog taking a piss. His cock was a purple scaly thing with a rather pointed head. "Mm not bad... rather cute..." The digimon reached forward and wrapped her paw firmly around it, getting a happy groan and a drip of precum out of the dragon. "Whoa, whoa... hold on... If you want really to make the females happy, you got to hold it in..." She leaned over, and licked up a horn as she moved the paw up and down in strong strokes. "Man you are so pent up...isn't there a special little dragoness in your life?"

Spyro nodded as he felt his cock twitch in the paw. "Uhhh... kind of..."

"Mmm well why don't you tell me about her?" Dark Gatomon continued to lick up and down his face. "What's her name?"

"Cyn... Cynder..." The purple dragon thumped his tail on the ground as he felt the orgasm build up in him. "But... we're... just friends..."

"MMMmmm, here's a little fact for you... Girls want it almost as much as you do..." She continued her paw job on the dragon, who was eagerly thrusting into her grip. "A touch here, a lick there, a bit of self-confidence... will go miles..." The grey furry digimon continued to lick and kiss Spyro on the side of the face. "Imagine her... under you... your nice scaly cock pushing into that lovely cunt of hers... I bet she's a virgin just like you... and oh so tight..."

"Oh man... Oh man..." Spyro felt himself ready to blow.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Hold back right there!" Dark Gatomon slowed down on her treatment. "I know you want to fuck that dragon girl of yours, but you don't want to mount her and blow your wad on the spot... You want to do it more than once... Right?"

"Uhhh... yeah..." Spyro could not help but be turned on, not just by the strong paw moving up and down his cock, but the dirty talk from the digimon.

"Then hold back... Learn how to hold it in. Keep that dragon cock hard as a rock as long as possible so you can pound that female reptile till she screams your name." Dark Gatomon felt her paw get slippery with pre, so she began stroking harder and harder, whispering more dirty thoughts into the dragon's ear. "You can feel her... Cynder getting hotter on your giant dragon dick. Her pussy like a wet vice..." The paw moved up the scaly shaft again. It paw was strong enough to crush rocks, but she applied just enough pressure to give the purple dragon the most pleasurable experience he had ever had.

"Yes... yes..." Spyro did his best to hold back, but he was fast approaching the point of no return. He felt something building inside of him, in his balls, in his belly.

"She's getting closer, closer to climaxing..." Dark Gatomon blew hot air into the purple ear hole. "And all of a sudden... Her body tenses, shuddering around your cock... and..."

"Gah!" Spyro's body tensed as he had his first ever orgasm. He came nice and hard, shooting jizz on his yellow chest. But at the same time, the pounding of his heart and the rush of hormones was enough to set off the dragon magic buried deep inside of him. He opened his muzzle wide in orgasmic bliss, and a blast of energy shot out of it, and out through the mouth of the cave. The combustion energy flew away to the heavens, a giant signal for all to see.

The feline giggled softly as her paw soon was covered by hot white jizz. "Not a bad load!" She commenter, bringing it to her lips and licking softly. She looked to the sky at the yellow streak of energy still hanging in the sky before it slowly began to fade away. "Though I admit, the one from your mouth was much more impressive... Must have been visible seen from miles away..." She paused for a moment. "Which will probably bring your friends right back... So I best get out of here." The feline sighed for a bit. "But I do need you to come with me... I need that new power of yours..."


Light Gatomon had finally come out of her silence, though she was stil upset at herself. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lose my temper... But... but..."

Gabumon had her arm around the white feline, rubbing along her back. "It's okay; she wanted to get you angry..." Vulpix was awake too, and lightly nuzzling Gatomon's feet. Her red body was nice and warm as the two tried to comfort the good twin.

"But... these are secrets..." The feline turned to look at him, her eyes swollen from fighting back tears. Her yellow tinged ears drooped in shame. "Gabumon, please... Please don't tell Gomamon... I mean..."

"Oh, I'm sure he won't..." Dark Gatomon appeared on the ledge with a grin, her grey and red tail moving back and forth to some unseen rhythm. "Though I think you should tell him anyway... I mean..."

"Don't start." Gabumon warned as he got up. Then he noticed that purple dragon was with her. the yellow lizard tensed up, Vulpix getting to her feet as well as her fur began to spark with red hot embers.

"Guys! Chill." The dark feline hopped down from the higher rock ledge. "He's here to give up the power. Willingly."

"Really?" Gabumon arched an eyebrow a bit, still suspicious. Vulpix let out a low "vulllll" that sounded like a growl.

"Yeah, I don't really want this power." Spyro confrimed, looking straight at the chubby yellow digimon and the multi-tailed foxes. "I don't think I can control it... and it almost made me to do something I would never have forgiven myself."

"Whatever..." Dark Gatomon smiled as she went down to Gomamon, who was soundly asleep, the bump on his head now barely noticeable under the red mohawk. "Yo! Gomamon! Wakey, wakey!"

"You should wake him nicely... He was hurt..." Light Gatomon spoke up again. She was always worried about other people, being pretty much made entirely out of conscience and morality.

"Bah." The grey furred feline moved down, grabbed the seal's crotch and gave a good squeeze. "Wake up!"

"GEeeyahhh!" Gomamon came to with a startle, his flippers going right to his nuts. "For FUCK'S sake!" He rolled on the ground back and forth, clutching his balls as both Spyro and Gabumon grimaced in sympathetic pain.

"Dark!" The yellow eared Gatomon spoke up; her paws clasped over her mouth in horror. "That was mean!"

"Meh, he'll get over it." Her dark twin got down on one knee, and tapped a claw on Gomamon's forehead. "How're you doing?"

"Fuck... that hurt!!" Gomamon winced hard. It was then that he noticed for the first time that the feline had dark grey fur with a red striped tail. It took him another moment to figure that Gatomon somehow used the tiger power to split herself in two.

"That'll pass... Eventually. Now get up." Dark Gatomon bluntly ordered him. She then pointed to Spyro, who still had a painful look on his face. He had felt that strong paw on his shaft, he would hate to know what it'd be like to have it crushing his dragon balls. "Spyro here has generously agreed to give up the power." The feline explained.

"Really?" Gomamon asked as he managed to flip over on his white belly.

"Yeah..." Spyro was about to start explaining when he was interrupted.

"He feels bad; power too much, yaddah yaddah yaddah..." Dark Gatomon said mockingly. "Can we please hurry up? I'd like to get back to our dimension as soon as possible."

The seal looked nervously at the dark-furred feline. He didn't want to upset this Gatomon, especially since he knew personally how his dark self had really no restrains... "Sure man, whatever." He smiled nervously as he came forward.

"So how does this work?" Spyro asked the seal. He was a bit apprehensive. This day had only gone further down the rabbit hole ever since these people had popped up in his cave.

"Well, hopefully I just have to look you in the eyes..." Gomamon started to say.

"You tell me I have beautiful eyes and I am leaving right now." Spyro smirked, Gomamon now barely a few inches away from him.

"Sorry to disappoint, but you're not really my type." Gomamon retorted, staring hard into the dragon's eyes. He felt the magic start to burn in the back of his head. "Now if you got any cute female dragons around..." Gomamon's eyes began to glow white as he talked.

"Yeah, let's not go there." Spyro grinned as he felt his own eyes start to burn a bit. He could feel an odd sort of energy drain from him. The white energy flowed out of his eyes and into the smaller seal's.

Gomamon felt a bit of a rush from the energy transfer. After several long seconds, the white energy trail between the two cut itself off. The seal blinked several times to clear the spots before looking as the glowing form of a dragon appeared on the back of his flipper. "All right... I got two..." Gomamon waited for a second. True to form, the newest picture on his flipper began to glow white, then start to spark. "And now this again..." he grimaced as the magic began to burn up. It had not been a pleasant experience the first time, and he didn't look forward to it this, let alone ten more times. The magical energy turned into white lightning that loudly crackled all around them, then there was another blinding flash of light and they were all gone.

Only Spyro was left there, blinking and still not sure what the hell all of this had been about. He looked around a few times, as if to make sure they were indeed completely gone. "I am going back to my cave... and forgetting this day ever happened..."


"Ugh." Gomamon blinked several times. His stomach was still doing flips as his senses cleared. He raised his head slowly. They were in a city. Not a big one though. Most of the buildings were only a few stories tall, and mostly brick. "New world."

Gabumon lay face down on the cement sidewalk. He put his hands on the ground and slowly pushed himself up. "A city this time?" He leaned against a lamp post, watching as Vulpix unsteadily got to her feet.

"Yup, looks safe..." Gatomon's vertigo slowly went away. "Huh, nice city... seems clean..." She looked down the street. There was a much larger building at the end of the block. It was surrounded by a brick wall, and two giant statues flanked the gate; one was a duck, and the other a rabbit, both anthropomorphic. The characters wore robes and mortar boards. Across the building was a giant sign that read "Acme Looniversity."

"Looniversity?" The feline asked aloud.

"Well... things can't get any more loony." Gomamon made a bit of a bad pun. "Can they?"


"Uh, uh, uh! Oh yeah!" Cynder screamed in orgasmic joy as Spyro fucked her like a wild beast, long and hard. The thin, big chested quadruped dragon's wings spread wide as she shuddered in absolute bliss. She felt a rush of warmth inside and knew that her mate must have cummed to. It was an absolutely wonderful experience, and her first ever. She knew she would want more. Her partner hopped off her back, that dragon cock sliding out of her cummy cunt. "Oh man... Spyro... that was, was, just great." She turned and looked back to Spyro, who had an equally happy grin on his face. "Where'd you learn how to please a girl like that?"

Spyro smiled a bit and shrugged lightly. "Well, a little pussy told me."

Well that was my next in my Twelve Talisman series! I tried to get the Spyro character right. Any suggestions for what other worlds to use, give me a message. Or email me at [email protected] with comments, suggestions, and so on.

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 3 - Senor Gato

And the next one in my series! A fun one, and as Gatomon said, surreal. This will be a two-parter in this world, simply because it was getting so long! The chapters in the Dimensional Travel series are edited by Circeus...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 1 - Succubus

All right here is the next series of the Twelve Talismans. I hope you enjoy it. I wasn't going to, but then I had a good idea. I hashed it out a bit with Draegwolf, who came up with some good ideas as well. This is semi based on the cartoon show....

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 15 - Dragon's Bane

I've decided to make two seasons for the twelve talismans, since it is so popular. And I am going to include a character or two from Jackie Chan Adventures. :) I came up with something to keep the series fresh, or at least I like to think so. Tell me...

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