FlounderAway: Rescue Seas
The dragons were ambushed and Virkoal had fallen prey to a wing injury. Can the dragons find somebody to pull it out and stop the bleeding? Who had attacked them?
FlounderAway: Rescue Sea
Virkoal aroused and opened her eyes. Yawning while her wings were folded behind her and she got up onto her feet that she looked around upon her surroundings. Quiet and peaceful was the place she was in. Forest trees swayed in one directions as the birds chirped in the near and far distance away from her. Where she was at was upon the clearing. A small opening plains surrounded by forest trees. Nothing was to her sides and no body behind her. However, in front was a strange green scaled dragoness who was humming vivid and quiet. Virkoal frowned. Her heart pounded against her chest. She was worried that she would make the dragoness hurt by her departing from the clearing to go find her friends and teammates who seemingly had dropped her off here. But remained standing in one position was long enough indeed for the dragoness to turn her head over. Meeting the eyes of Virkoal and smiled, drifting her way towards her while she wore a brighten grin smile.
She walked over to Virkoal who was uncomfortable with her. Yet she seemed friendly for some reason alone. Shaking that thought away, Virkoal asked her out of the blue. But silenced her mouth after spill what was on her mind. The dragoness giggled in response and spoke out in a whisper, low enough for the silver dragon to hear.
"You are in the forest. Upon a remote island where your strange male friends had left you."
"Strange? Male?" Virkoal answered as her eyes widened. She had wondered what the dragoness had done to them. Virkoal frowned in later silence, closed her eyes before asking again. "What do you mean they are strange male friends?" "They came in without hesitation and disturbed the silence about. However, they are fine for now at least." She started, then changed the conversation afterwards. Throwing Virkoal a question of her own in anticipated answer of what she had wanted from her. "Why are you here? Virkoal? Upon this particular island..."
Virkoal sealed her mouth. Her wings spread and her tail flickered out in thought. As her stomach growled, the silver dragon pondered for a pause of a second before answering, "For rest. We are on our way towards the north where the kingdom's dragons are currently residing." The mention of the kingdom's dragons had sparked light upon the dragoness' eyes as her mouth opened suddenly and she stepped back. Removing the twinkle and lowering her eyelids down to a narrow, the dragoness responded back. In a tone that Virkoal had never heard of at all.
"They are alive?" She asked. Virkoal shrugged her shoulders, "I do not know. I hope it to be so I could ask something that was upon my mind." "About the kingdom's emptiness I presume?" "no." Virkoal interrupted her with a shake of her head, "No. About the murder of the king." Something muttered underneath the breath of the dragoness. Her narrowed eyes turned into a scowl as she turned away and growled. Facing her backside to Virkoal, she wondered what was upon her mind. Virkoal break the ice between them and got up onto her feet again. Stepped forth to her side and wrapped a wing around her body. In a curious thought, she spoke her mind. "What is it? Is something a matter?" But the dragoness spoke nothing and glanced her eyes towards her then to the injured wing. Remembering her deal with the pirates, she cough and waltz away. Removing herself from the blanket of a wing from another dragon as she walked over to the other end of the clearing and continued her duty. Virkoal, however, pondered in deep thought and frowned. Walking forth towards her and flopped down looking up upon the dragon and whatever she was doing.
The smell of roast beef filled Virkoal's snout as her stomach growled louder. She had never knew she was hungry until now. As her lips parted, The dragoness responded back to her "It is almost ready." "Who are you?" Virkoal asked suddenly, a second question followed from the first. Upon which the dragon froze and glanced at her. Worried eyes were planted into Virkoal's as she met her sorrowful gaze amongst the silence surrounding them. It was short however and the silence departed from both when the dragon responded, quickly and low voice. "Gavlox."
"The gardener dragoness?" Virkoal asked, a nod escaped from Gavlox. Her eyes were opened wide as she gasped in surprise, taking a step back away from her. Her breathing increased until she was huffing and puffing at times. And quickly asked the following question afterwards recovering hopefully from the shock that came. "Then... What happened to the king? Where is my mother?" Question after question was spit out from her mouth. Aiming directly onto Gavlox who said nothing back but kept silent as she threw meat at her face and pulled out the other from her pot.
"Eat up." She ordered. Virkoal started protested but her stomach growled in response silencing her while she pouted and frowned. Eyes becoming sad and her wings dropped low folding behind her as she obeyed. In the short following silence came the shredding, tearing of the meat by the dragons as they chew filling their bellies with the food provided. In amongst the time also, Gavlox stopped temporarily and explained,
'The king was dead. And chaos followed behind it. Yet no one knew who or what was the killer. Everyone was just shocked to see him lifeless upon the throne. Zawan blamed Ajiro and me for the plotting killing citing the low wages and the bad positions we were placed in. However, while I refused; Ajiro did not and instead fled from the room. Bumping into someone later on. When she came back, tears still upon her eyes, both me and Zawan was surprise to see Kesir appear before our very eyes. She too was surprise by the killing. But Zawan shouted at her, pinning her for the death of the king. In response, Kesir did the same and soon an argument broke out between them with the remaining dragons on the sidelines taking sides.'
"Did any of you took sides?" Virkoal asked suddenly, watching Gavlox shook her head and looked away. Answering her question with a shaken 'no', Virkoal nodded in amusement and continued eating. A signal given to Gavlox to continue which she did.
'Anyway. With the siblings fighting one another with threats and talks. Ajiro and me decided to take Zawan out. For upon that time, there were shouts and screams coming from outside our home. All the buildings shook vibrated vividly as if there was an earthquake happening around the time. Our home was also amongst those shaken. We had screamed and shouted for one another; taking arms and claws and ran down and out of the building. Taking flight suddenly into the skies... However, we got lost and so split up amongst ourselves afterwards. But to the thoughts of Kesir, the last we had seen of her was taken away by Neriax who came by seconds later and a fox of whom we never had known of.
I sometimes wonder...' Gavlox frowned, 'If the fox was behind it all.'
Silence again fell once more as VIrkoal had finished eating both their meals, much to the shock of Gavlox who chuckled. Virkoal got up and smiled faintly. Nodding in thanks for a meal and the slight information that she had needed to proceed, departed from her and left for the forest. However she never need to get that far. For her friends, the pirate dragons had came by walking in a group. Tzico, Xenao and Leonar were talking to themselves leaving Nor and Shinron to start their conversation with the dragoness who nodded confidently. For with her wing healed, Virkoal and the pirate dragons left the island and flee north once again. On a resumed journey in hopes of getting the pieces together for the whereabouts of her missing mother.