Story: Operation: Creamsicle- Good Ending

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#8 of The Legend of Rift: Lusty Adventures

A/N: Hello all! Today we have a story Requested by Cineraceus. This is an immediate follow-up to "Learning Their Place" . This lemon contains instances of anal, gay smut, cuckolding, slit penetration, threesomes, gender-shifting, and more. I hope you all enjoy.

Timeline: Days after Learning Their Place

Canon Level: Completely Canon


Sithris © Sithris

Rift © Rifty

Kara © Rifty

Cineraceus © Cineraceus

Story by: Rifty

Note: This is the "Good Ending" version of the story. If you would like to see the "Bad Ending," select it from the chapters list and Control + F "the paw moved away."

"There he is! Get him!"

Black and silver flew past an unsuspecting gryphon, followed by a dozen more of the feathered creatures. One squawked as a large fireball hit it, burning into charcoal. Another reached forward, swiping a gash into the kind leg of the dragon being chased.

A yelp escaped the drake as the injured leg gave out, sending him rolling to the ground as the group of angry avians surrounded him. He quickly took note of his position, and how far his destination was. How did Rift say to use it... oh, I remember now!

He closed his eyes in focus, not noticing the ouroboros infinity symbol beginning to glow the same blood red as the spines running back. Red eyes shot open and wings flung out, creating a flash of light that blinded the crowd of attackers. His strength was failing, and he quickly dashed past them, hoping he could accomplish his objective before the angry birds regained their sight and followed the trail of blood running from his many wounds.

A cave formed in his vision and desperate hope filled his chest. Carmine knew I wasn't the right drake for a stealth mission, the fucking asshole. He limped inside and sighed in relief as he caught sight of a bright red Falcon.

His body gave out once he reached a small desk at the end, scribbling a small note with his ink-dipped prehensile tail. Failing to contain a roar of pain, he rolled the note up and tied it to the bird's leg. A squawk of concern filled his ears and he looked up to his companion.

"Get that to Terrador, and avoid Carmine. I'm depending on you Felcrin, hurry!"

The falcon screeched in understanding, turning around and flying out of a small exit at the end of the cave.

The drake was barely conscious when the group of gryphons found him, breathing shallow and forced. With a small smirk, he raised a paw and displayed his middle claw. His action was not taken lightly, one gryphon knocking him out with a heavy kick to the head.

"Ugh, it still feels like I'm gravid..." Rift frowned as he rolled onto his wobbly paws. He looked like his normal self at first, but upon further inspection, one could see the prominent bulge in his belly.

"You didn't seem to mind when you were begging for his eggs." Kara chuckled, still snuggled up to their still-unconscious third mate. Her own belly was slightly rounded too, but significantly less than the two males she married. "Maybe I should go see that shopkeeper that made those gender potions, see if he's got one for you to get knocked up.

"Hahaha, Very funny." The fire drake grouched, blushing as the thought wasn't unappealing. He checked himself for any bodily fluids before deciding his scales were fine. "Just know if you end up with an egg, Virul is paying hatchling support."

"I'd like to see you try to force him, especially when you'd have to come out publicly and explain that a dragon twice your size was stuffing your slit while you acted like my sister in heat." The white dragoness grinned and poked her tongue out. Her paw softly stroking the back of the black drake seemingly to nuzzle closer to her slit.

"Looks like someone is feeling frisky this morning." Rift smirked, wanting more than anything to stay and join in on the inevitable fun. "If I didn't have to get to Warfang, I'd love to join in. Just don't try to wear each other out."

With a small little blep from the wind dragoness, the fire drake took flight, rounded belly forcing a few extra steps to get into the air.

"Are you fucking serious?" Rift growled in a mix of disbelief and irritation. He hated trials almost as much as he hated turkeys. Currently, his attention was aimed at a mole handcuffed in front of him and the other Guardians.

"You heard me." The Earth Guardian, Terrador, sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "As strange as it is, it was still an offence."

"Right, Mister... Fezhat..." The fire drake looked down at the parchment, eye twitching. "Your coworker called you weird... So you dropped a cannon through his house? How the hell did you even manage to do that."

"I um... was really mad." The furred muzzle of the mole lowered, earning a groan from the orange dragon.

"Sigh, I don't even know what to think of that." Rift noticed the look of guilt on the furred beast. "You are to pay the repair damages and attend anger management for a month. Next time is prison. Get out of here."

The large doors opened to let him out, just as a hawk flew through, landing in front of Terrador. He grunted in surprise and pulled a note from it's leg. Scanning the parchment, his face grew worried, looking over to Rift.

"Captain Cineraceus has been captured during his recon assignment. One of us will need to go free him, and take out his captors."

"May I recommend Master Rift?" Volteer piped up. He smirked mischievously, noticing the gaping maw of his orange companion. "Considering their past, and their similar combat style, both should be able to take out that stronghold."

"Agreed, he's the youngest of us, so he can take more punishment than our aging bodies can." Cyril chuckled, enjoying the torment of the hot-headed drake. "Plus you're looking like you could use some time away from the city."

"Indeed, maybe get back into shape a bit." Terrador looked down at Rift, noticing a softness to his belly. "You could do with some... physical activity."

"Why the hell do I always get dragged into this? Why couldn't any of you do it? I do have my family to take care of." Rift ranted, feeling targeted by his colleagues.

"We understand your frustration, but we have a good reason for this occasion." Volteer defended himself and his friends. "You see, your successful efforts in easing restrictions for us Guardians mean that we can take care of some... personal needs."

"So what you're saying is that you're sending me out alone, with no help, so you three can go and get laid? I thought you guys were simply fucking each other."

"Just because we enjoy the comfort of each other's tailholes doesn't mean we don't desire the warmth of a dragoness! Besides, Ignitus was our main relief." Cyril blurted out in defense, earning a tail-slap to the back of his head from the Earth Guardian.

"Right, something about my coworkers I didn't need to know." Rift grunted as he stood, walking away from the three drake's. "I'll do it, but you three owe me. Back in a week."

"You see I've been through a valley with a derg I call Pest, it felt good to get out of the cave. In the valley, you need to savour your day. Cause the Pest will pounce you and slurp at your face." Black hips swayed left to right, their owner giggling at his silly song.

It was the middle of the next day, and Sithris was feeling a bit under-informed. His orange mate had simply told him that they were heading out for a few days on a mission. Concern grew when he noticed the serious expression on Rift's face.

"Hon, I need to know what we're doing so I can help you with whatever we're doing."

"Sigh, we got an emergency message from one of our Generals saying that he's been captured. Cineraceus; you haven't seen him before. He got sent out on his mission during Carmine's time as Guardian." Rift spoke softly, tail tip twitching with nervous energy.

"Right, so we have to go get him. And judging by how you've been acting, you have history." The electric dragon unfurled his wing, wrapping it around his mate. He held in a chuckle, unable to look away from the cowboy hat on the Fire Guardian.

"You could say that..." Rift nervously pawed at the ground, remembering what happened the last time he saw the massive drake. "He's actually my pupil. He came to Warfang right after I returned from my Guardian Trials, needing help to control his fire element."

"That's... some new info." Sithris pondered, tapping a claw to his chin. "But if he's your pupil, shouldn't you be excited to see him?"

"I didn't say we were friends. In fact, he challenged my Guardianship the moment he met me." The fire drake growled softly. "He's like Keltin; superiority complex, but not corrupt enough to be a lost cause. And he was obsessed with my ass..."

Sithris blinked in surprise, chuckling softly. "Yeah, cause you're such against it. Just a few days ago, you were begging to get knocked up."

"Things have changed since then!" Rift snapped, quickly catching himself and sighing. "Sorry hon, I didn't mean to snap like that. Cin is a case of someone who could be better, but let's his ego run things. And he's also not against using dark magic."

"I see, I remember how you first reacted to my Warp..." Sithris shivered, recalling his... Other side breaking his mate's neck and costing him three months and a country's worth of essentia. "But you now have scales on your scar and don't have your constant fainting from it."

"Which was caused by another corrupted dragon." Rift glanced at the orange scales that sat where his chest plated were once busted. "It definitely beats gushing blood everywhere, but it does make it a target."

Sithris burst into laughter, patting his husband's head. "Bright orange and silver? Hon, the only way you could make yourself even more of a target would be to shout out that you're coming. But it does turn any attention away from me to be stealthy. Is that why I'm here?"

"Well, partially that." A blush formed on the fire drake's cheeks. "I also wanted to spend time with you and Kara, but she was busy with her sister. I don't like being away from you two."

"Aww, my sweet Pest." Sithris smiled tenderly and kissed Rift's cheek. "I'd happily go on a suicide rescue mission with you. I brought you some cheese too, if that will cheer you up."

Rift's head perked.

"I thought so, lemme grab some." The goggle dragon grinned mischievously as he opened his satchel, quickly finding a slightly cool package, and a small bottle. With a quick turn of the cap, he tipped the bottle, a single tiny pill landing in his paw.

Moving to the package, the black dragon opened it, revealing a large block of cheese. He smirked and cut out a chunk, pushing the pill inside of it. After putting everything away, he held up the piece of cheddar, dropping it into his mate's waiting maw.

"You know, you make even me seem normal, dope." Sithris rolled his eyes as his mate swallowed the cheese without chewing. "You won't eat anything living unless you cook it to near-carbon, but you'll gulp down cheese without chewing. I pity any kobold that sets their eyes on you."

"They creep me out. I don't like the idea of anyone worshipping me or trying to climb in my maw." Rift shivered at the thought. "Actually, the worshipping part would be like a dream to Cyn, who I imagine is in that stronghold."

"That was pretty convenient of the writer..." Sithris stopped in his tracks, eyes bulging at the sheer scale of the walled fort. "There's no way."

"Oh, but there is a way you sexy derp." Rift winked at his mate as a massive grin formed. "With stealth, your specialty."

"Exactly, my specialty." Sithris stared at his mate in confusion. "Which is kinda not something that a bright orange and silver drake, such as yourself, is adept at."

"You are entirely right, but what if I stood out here and caught their attention, while you snuck in and got Cin?" The fire drake could barely contain his excitement, having been unable to have a real fight since he had exiled Carmine. There was also a faint tingling in between his legs, surely just a reaction to his eagerness.

"That is a horrible idea and you should be ashamed." The electric dragon sighed, slowly lowering his trademark goggles to cover his eyes. "And I should be ashamed for loving it. Do something very pesky, and I'll take that as a signal to get in."

With a short walk, Rift stood at the base of the fort, multiple gryphons getting in defensive positions and hissing. The front doors opened and another stepped out. He was taller than the guards, and wore silver armour.

"I am Captain Fuzzybritch. State your business lizard. And don't try anything funny, I have several guards on the wall with ballistas aimed at your horrific face."

"The only thing funny is your name, but I appreciate the warm welcome nonetheless. I also feel the ballistas are a bit overkill too. I've already had a hole put in me before and I have to say, not a fan." Rift held up a paw. "I'm the Guardian of Fire, and I'm simply here to collect my badly-behaved pupil."

"As much as I wish to just hand him over so I can be rid of him, I can't." The Captain sighed sadly. "He was spying on the fort for over a year, very non-discreetly might I add. He also impregnated my wife. Unfortunately, that means he is awaiting execution. He is to be castrated, gagged with it, and then bound while we feast on his struggling corpse."

"Well, that doesn't sound very nice. You should have invited me to watch." The Guardian closed his eyes and felt warmth building throughout his body, confident even the ballista guards were within range. "But unfortunately for you, I need to take him home."

Captain Fuzzybritch stepped back in a panic. "Open-"

Rift opened his maw and released a large wall of fire, instantly roasting the ballistas to ash, and the guards to chicken. He smirked as dozens of the guards inside rushed out to attack. His tail spade whipped across the ground, sharpening it for the wave of angry birds approaching.

Sithris winced as he watched his mate toss the first few gryphons like they were nothing, before the numbers forced a more physical approach. I swear, if he gets injured from being an idiot, I'm going to fuck this other dragon. He shook his head, moving quietly through the front entrance.

The area inside the walls were full of dozens of buildings and tents, with spikes in the ground holding up decapitated dragon heads. The black drake shivered, never seeing his kind treated with such brutality. He kept in the shadows, quite easily avoiding detection by even more gryphons sprinting towards the gate.

His target was clear once he reached the center, a dark stone building surrounded by glowing purple crystals. He knew they were filled with darkness, and quickly sapped away all the energy from a normal dragon. Thankfully for him however, his own exposure to corruption made them completely useless. With quick swipes, each one was shattered, and anyone inside would be safe to exit the prison.

He was not expecting what he found once he pushed the door open.

"Good girl, you're taking it very well."

Sithris stared, mouth agape as the large drake before him was plunging deep into a squawking gryphoness, her guard armour messily spread around them. Beside the two, a second gryphoness laid on her back, belly round and gaping vent drooling seed. She glanced at the smaller dragon, only able to let out a small squawk in her daze.

"I wondered if anyone was going to show up. I'll finish up here and then we can go. Until then, have a sit and enjoy the show." The bigger dragon didn't even give the visitor a glance, choosing instead to double the roughness of his thrusts.

"We can't be too long, but I won't complain about a show." Sithris settled onto his hind legs, taking in the sights and scents of the dominant dragon breeding his hen. He wondered what a gryphoness would feel like wrapped around his members, keeping him warm as he made her squeal. That thought was quick to push his growing shafts from their slit, twitching from arousal.

"I'm Cineraceus by the way. Feel free to join in if you want, but she's a bit stretched." He pointed his tail to the already seeded gryphoness, her vent and tailhole too wide for the younger drake.

"I'm Sithris, you seem to be significantly larger than me, so I'm not sure I'd feel anything beside seed. I'm also not sure my partner would appreciate it. I thank you for the invitation though."

He was answered with a roar as the larger drake hilted himself inside of the now squealing avian. The feathered belly of the hen grew massive, seed claiming her womb, guaranteeing a hatchling in the future. Cineraceus lifted a paw, the little gryphoness blacking out from the mating.

Several minutes passed before he made any movements. Two loud pops filled the cell as the hen was set gently on the ground. He shook himself, feeling his endowment receding back into his slit.

"Oh my, what are the Guardians thinking? Sending such a cutie all on his lonesome out to 'rescue' such a magnificent specimen. I could see Carmine doing it just to be a dickless slit-licker, but I couldn't imagine the other three putting something so innocent in harm's way." Cineraceus coed at the smaller dragon, red eyes admiring the slender black curves down to the pert rump. He couldn't help but lick his lips in lustful hunger.

"Few things; one, the other three know next to nothing about me. Two; Carmine is gone. He lost a fight and got banished. And three..." He winced as a loud explosion threatened to blow out his eardrums. "We should get out of here in case Rift needs help."

"Cheddar is here!?" Cineraceus' eyes gleamed with excitement. He gave a bow to the barely-conscious gryphoness' and eagerly strutted towards the door. "You should have said that from the start! Let's go check on my little princess!"

And they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming...

Dozens upon dozens of lifeless gryphons lay dead upon the scorched ground. Even more crowded around the orange dragon as they clawed and pecked as they slowly gained the upper hand. Rift growled as one peck punctured a hole in his wing membrane.

What are they doing in there? Having a fuck!? Having a damn cup of tea?

His flame-coated tail slashed through another enemy, only for another to take its place. Small wounds covered his body. He was nearing his limits.


All the gryphons stopped to look for the source of the voice. Meanwhile, Rift sighed and shook his head. An eye twitched as his former-student neared.

Ancestors, just kill me now, and make it for good this time.

The four-legged avians squawked with fear in their eyes as the large drake landed by the smaller one. They looked to their comrades and all took a step back. But then a third dragon landed, a small black one.

"Seeing as you all couldn't handle a single dragon, do you really think three of them will better your odds?" Sithris shook his head in disappointment. "I'm giving you all one chance to turn around and return to your day. Should you choose not to move along, we will be forced to revoke your existence."

Beaks turned from side to side, birds seeming to debate mentally. Finally, all of them nodded silently, turning to walk away. Once the massive gates slammed shut, Cineraceus smirked down at his former teacher.

"You're looking a little soft, Princess."

Sithris blinked as instantly, an orange tail slammed with massive force against the legs of the large drake, knocking him down. His mate jumped on top of Cineraceus, snarling with his tail-spade pressed to his throat. Uh oh...

"Don't you EVER call me that again or so help me, I will rip your throat out and shove it up your ass! You are so damn lucky Sithy and I came to get you or you'd be swinging like a fucking piñata. Now that I think about it, I would've paid to see that."

"Actually hon, I don't think he actually needed to be rescued" Sithris interrupted. "He was being well taken care of by a few of the prison guards, in the reproductive sense."

"Why am I not surprised?" Rift sighed in defeat, stepping away from the large drake. "If you spent half the time training that you do fucking anything that moves, you would have been able to be the temporary Fire Guardian instead of Carmine."

Orange paws began moving away. "Both of you, follow me." Little had he known, his muscle mass had shrunk.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's big, but I've seen bigger." Sithris looked around in curiosity, admiring the sheer scale of the icy cave the three had decided to occupy. "It's not as cozy as the one Rift and I live in."

"Well if you prefer cozy, you are very welcome underneath me, my Ebony Gem." Cineraceus lifted a paw, exposing his slowly growing member. He could smell heat in the air.

"Fuck off Cin." Rift growled in distaste, quickly grabbing Sithris with his wing. His voice was slightly higher. "He's mine."

"So my sense of smell is right, you two are mates." The ouroboros dragon chuckled deeply, flopping over casually so his endowment was exposed. A quick glance told him that the small electric dragon was interested. "I had hoped that I would claim you first, dear Cheddar. Oh well, mateship is not an inconvenience to me."

"You try it, and I'll melt your slit shut." Blue eyes narrowed as Rift shallowly panted. "I think I'm gonna lay down, I feel off."

Sithris kissed his mate gently, stroking his back until he heard the light purring of his changing mate.

"I haven't seen him for over a year, but I know for a fact that he smelled of a male and was better built back then." Cineraceus looked over at the other black male. "Was this your doing, little one?"

"Sure is." The electric dragon grinned mischievously. He stood up and padded to the large drake. "I had expected us to be home before the enchantment could take effect, a bit of payback for how he first mated me. But I guess this just opens more possibilities."

"Why don't you tell me about it over some... mutual fun." The large drake smirked, fully rolling onto his back, revealing two massive shafts slick with pre.

"Don't mind if I do."

"Mmrf, that's it you little minx. Put that silver tongue to use."

Hmm... What was that?

"I see why Cheddar was so reluctant to share. You are quite the catch."

That's quite enough!

Blue eyes shot open as Rift's mouth hung low. Had he been too accepting towards casual pleasures? His gut screamed that to be the case.

Rift knew Cineraceus would mate anyone if given the chance. He also knew Sithris was open to almost anything. But the two mating with each other? That was beyond the boundaries.

Sithris' eyes were shut in concentration, maw focused on trying to take a shaft far bigger than what was reasonable. It was easily as thick as the electric dragon's neck, yet he seemed to work it down with sheer desire to test his own stretchiness. Generous amounts of saliva and pre leaked from the black muzzle, only to get smeared under his jaw by a second shaft, equal in size and shape, but prehensile.

Blue eyes looked lower, locking onto his mate's own erect shafts, a pool of seed below. A loud gurgle brought his eyes back to Sithris' face, and the pulsating shafts the electric dragon had been servicing. They were close.

A low rumble escaped Cineraceus as he grasped the drake's horns and thrusted hard, his top member hilting his companion's maw. Oh how he had longed for a creature that was this enthusiastic to have their throat obscenely stretched by his godly members. He was pleased with the result, and decided the drake deserved a reward.

What could only be guessed as gallons of seed pumped directly into the stomach of the smaller dragon, as well as the lower shaft coating his front in potent seed. Within moments, the seed in his maw had become too much, gushing from his mouth to help with painting him white. Moans reverberated from Sithris, his twin members spurting several more jets of seed.

I've never seen him cum from giving oral...

"Easy now my Ebony Gem." The large drake pet the smaller dragon's head, gently removing the shaft from his throat. "That was by far the best head I've ever had, you should be proud."

"I'm g-glad. I just wish my throat wasn't feeling so empty now." Sithris panted, eyes opening to show a slight haze. "That seed is interesting. It seems to have some addictive properties to it. I better enjoy it sparingly."

"You can have as much as you like whenever you want. I never tire, so feel free to have a drink." Cineraceus grinned mischievously. "Ahh, it seems the fire of my life has awoken from her slumber. Enjoy the show, my Queen?"

"Get the HELL away from MY mate!" Rift shouted at his former pupil. "And I told you not to call me that."

"Relax hon, he hasn't done anything that I didn't start." Sithris lifted his tail, revealing the gaping tailhole glazed with seed. "The thought of getting back at you for our first time got me in the mood, and Cin simply offered to keep me company until you woke up."

"Getting back at me for our fir-" Rift's eyes widened as he noticed the higher pitch of a female's voice escaping from his maw. Quickly, he- no, she looked at her body, finding her muscles had faded, but her rump was still as round as before. "How did-"

"It was only fair for you to take a turn as a dragoness, hon." Sithris reasoned, pulling out a piece of cheese from his satchel. "You're too addicted to cheese to think anything about it, so I spiked that last cube I gave you. Kara figured since you loved being rutted more than topping, I should give you the body of one. It's not permanent as long as you don't get gravid, which I brought a pill for as well.

"That would have been fine if HE wasn't here." The fire dragoness pointed at Cineraceus. "I don't want him in any part of this."

"Tch Tch Tch, calm yourself hon." Black paws sauntered to the female, eyes hazy. He pressed his snout against Rift's. "You let Abraxas fill me. It's only fair that I let Cineraceus do the same to you."

"The difference though was that you two were friends." The orange dragoness whimpered timidly. "Cin is everything I hate in a dra-mmrf!"

Sithris cut his mate off with a kiss. His silver tongue licked the orange lips, immediately being accepted into the fire dragoness' maw. His tongue carried the taste and musk of the large drake. He felt glee when the female moaned.

Her mind panicked initially, picking up the strangeness of her husband's eyes. But it was quickly overshadowed by the passionate kiss and the flavour being introduced to her maw. A burning heat, hotter than her body normally was, ignited all through her. It was unbearable, and she whined in need as her vent puffed and grew slick. The dragoness' mind flipped, her heat taking over. Her eyes shot open, haze spreading from her mate.

"Hon, I need you to mate me, PLEASE!"

"No." Cineraceus grinned in anticipation, his eyes glowing. "I am going to mate you. And Sithris will do as I say. Am I clear Cheddar?"

Had her mind been clear, she would have tried to castrate the massive dragon. But the Influence inflicted on her mate and herself, combined with the burning heat, all she wanted was to be filled beyond reason.

"I am yours to breed, my King."

"You have no idea." The large drake chuckled, stepping over the mates. "Just how long I've waited for you to say that."

"Would you care for me to assist you?" Sithris looked up at him, feeling his own rational mind slip behind the overpowering lust. "I can do most anything you desire, Master."

"You have done well, my Ebony Gem." Cineraceus lowered his paw to pat the black dragon's head. "I currently have nothing for you to do, so just step back, and enjoy your mate becoming a hen."

As soon as Sithris stepped away to watch, the large dragon quickly knocked the Fire Guardian onto her back, licking her face before slowly dragging his appendage down her belly scutes. Her needy whimpers and heavy breaths were music to his ears. He licked his lips as his eyes locked on to the treasure he has been waiting too long for.

Rift's belly scutes started from the top of her throat down to about a third of her tail, including the honeypot between her legs. The plating down there however was very soft, nearly as delicate as the flesh inside. The usual discreet silver lips had become engorged, puffing out slightly and gaining a slight red tint. In the middle, the lips squelched as feminine juices generously soaked her groin.

The spicy scent called the dominant drake in for a taste. As his slippery tongue flicked over the soaked vent, a feminine gasp echoed throughout the cave. Cineraceus grinned, pinpointing the flavour of the dragoness he had control of.

"Maybe I should have called you Cheesecake, my Princess. I must say you taste quite delicious. In fact..."

The orange hen squeaked as the large drake spread open her vent with two toes, exposing the sensitive flesh within. He admired the small opening for only a moment, before setting to work. His tongue wasted no time in sliding it's way through the slick tunnel, finding the insides of the dragoness to be as hot as he had expected for a Fire Guardian.

Rift's eyes rolled back into her head, not bothering to control the moans that continuously flew from her maw. She'd had her slit played with once before, but the lack of her own shaft changed the experience. She could feel her new organs operating at hyper-speed, making her aware that her current body was ready to create life.

Cineraceus took his time exploring his latest conquest, feeling and tasting every inch of her vent. He had crushed on the Guardian since he first met her. And now, she was shivering under his glorious tongue. Each time her tunnel clenched, he would plunge more of his taster within, rewarding her with more pleasure as jets of her juices squirted into his maw.

Heh, she's close...

A yelp of bliss exploded from her maw. Her eyes clenched along with her legs and inner muscles, milking the godly tongue for all it was worth. Gushes of her feminine cum pulsed into his expecting mouth. Orgasm after orgasm wracked her mind and body as the drake constantly barraged her insides with thrusts and licks, refusing to ease up until he was sure she was on the edge of passing out.

Cineraceus pulled back to clean away the remaining flavour of her vent from his face, satisfaction filling his chest as she heaved from lustful exhaustion. His eyes turned up to Sithris, the electric dragon panting with pent up desire, shafts pulsating with a need to fill a tight hole. Soon, little one...

"Sithy, I need that pill." Cineraceus growled dominantly, pointing to the satchel the smaller drake carried everywhere. "We're going to have some fun."

"Yes, Master." Sithris quickly dashed to the canvas bag, spending a few moments throwing various objects out before pulling out a small container. He padded over to the large drake and set it in his paw. "It's chewable. As long as you give her that before you finish, she'll be safe."

The container was even smaller in Cineraceus' paw. It was thin and cylindrical, with a tiny white pill at the bottom. He looked up with a mischievous smirk.

"My Ebony Gem. I don't wish for you to miss out on our activities." He pointed over to the recovering dragoness. "Why don't you go lay on your mate, and we'll all have fun. I will warn you though, keep your shafts out from her vent. That is mine."

The electric drake gave an eager nod and clambered onto his mate. She tried to give him a loving smile, but both were too lustful to think about more than the big drake behind them. Cineraceus placed one paw down on the black dragon's flank, using the other to set the container down beside him.

"I don't really do gentle, but I'll start slow for you two. Are you ready?" Orange and black scales beneath him nodded in immediate agreement. He smirked and aligned his shafts with both vents. "Then so be it."

"Ungh! Oh my, that's different." Sithris grunted, experiencing his first slit penetration. He was no stranger to his tailhole being filled, but the front opening had a much more intense feeling. "I can see why this is popular among dragons. I thought you were massive before, but- Mmrf, this takes the cake."

Rift on the other hand, was speechless. The massive member in her vent was the same size and shape as the one her mate was taking, but it lacked the prehensile ability to twist and rub across her g-spot. The first penetration was enough to push her to an intense orgasm.

Cineraceus smirked, taking pride in the pleasure of his conquests, and the fact that there was still three-quarters of his shafts yet to breach their lower lips. Once both had relaxed, he pushed another quarter in. His Ebony Gem seemed to take it like an eager hatchling eating a steak. His Princess writhed in small whimpers and gasps.

The shaft was already at the entrance to her womb, stroking it gently to relax it. She looked up to the large dragon, voice almost betraying just how needy she was. "Both of us, please."

"As my Princess commands."

Large black hips thrusted with a grunt, finding themselves flush against two rumps. A male voice broke into a surprised yelp, while the female squealed in excitement. Cineraceus was spoiled for choice.

Rift's womb had been well-breached, showing as a round bulge under her belly scutes. She thought back to Virul, remembering just how good she felt as a male being stuffed with a thick member. The addition of a womb being stretched magnified that feeling. There were actual consequences this time, and it only made her more eager.

Hips rolled, a few inches sliding in and out of the two slick vents. Cineraceus' ego only grew as the two groaned underneath him. His plentiful pre aided in keeping the male lubricated as he stretched him, and the female's own fluids keeping the other member slick.

Sithris, for all the new pleasures he was receiving, clenched his tailhole instinctively. He had only a short while ago had it gaped open by those monstrous organs, but he was already looking forward to having it full of dragon meat again. Maybe after he knocks up Rift. Wait, where did that come from?

Cineraceus worked another quarter of his shaft in, revelling in the varied flesh twitching around him. The top shaft was being nearly held in place from the tight and formerly virgin male-slit, while the lower member was being enveloped by almost unbearably heated muscles. Such a shame these two aren't mine...

Shivers of pleasure ran throughout Rift's body. The shaft in her walls were speeding up, more and more pushing past her cervix and warping her womb around her. She should have been concerned, but the logical part of her mind told her that her mate would prevent anything from going to far, while the majority of her mind grew more aroused as her husband's eyes showed that he was also losing himself to the pleasure.

As Cineraceus sped up, his shafts had finally enveloped themselves in the tiny dragons, before sliding out and back in. His desires however were slowly building up. Two hungry hens under him were looking ripe for seeding.

"Oh god, this is a completely different full!" Sithris shouted involuntarily, his shafts beginning to thicken, knots enlarging. The twin spires bobbed underneath him, each time slapping against the groin of his mate.

"Cin, please keep going." Riften begged, blue hazy eyes tearing from the overload of pleasure. "You can do with me whatever you want, just don't stop!"

"Heh, I can give you plenty more runs, but I think you two are at your limits." The large drake picked up the container holding the pill. "Now enjoy yourselves."

He growled as he hunched his back and thrusted fast and deep, a snarl forming on his face as his own knots inflated and bashed against both vents. The knowledge of fucking his crush and their mate was resulting In his own limits nearing. The firm bulbs of flesh squelched against the vents, lubricating them for the finale.

"Both of you, eyes open." Cineraceus commanded, smiling as both obediently listened. He opened the container and took the tiny pill in his talons. He held it over Rift's open and panting maw. For just a split second, blue eyes and black alike widened, realizing the dragon above was in full control of their future.

"Maybe I'll make you mine in the future, my Ebony Gem and Princess."

The tiny pill fell from his talons, landing on the waiting tongue of the female. She quickly chewed it up and swallowed, the fast acting medication preventing her eggs from meeting the genetics of a virile drake. She locked onto her mate's eyes, both feeling a bit of clarity as they pressed their maws together.

Cineraceus grunted in victory as both knots locked in their respective holes with a loud pop. The fleshy tunnels clenched fully around them as his two conquests shot into orgasm. Their roars of euphoria muffled each other as they shared their mutual peaks in each other's loving arms.

"GRAHH!" Cineraceus' own orgasm shook the cave, emptying his plentiful loads of seed inside the two dragons under him. His wings curled around them, holding them tight. His maw locked around Sithris' neck, instinct demanding a mating bite.

Pulse after pulse filled the male and female, enlarging both bellies. They groaned in satisfied bliss, finally releasing each other's maws. The two mates snuggled together, the warmth of seed in their bellies lulling them to sleep.

"Heh, they're adorable." Cineraceus smiled warmly. He couldn't help though but feel a twinge of sadness as his crush happily snuggled her mate. "I just wish you weren't already taken, my Queen. Nonetheless, This will not be the last time you and I enjoy some time together. Glad to have you back Guardian."

"So let me get this straight, you were captured, because you were mating with the wife of their General?" Cyril looked horrified as he looked from the desk down at the rescued black drake. "And you only did that so you could mate with the prison guards?"

"More or less." Cineraceus smirked smugly. "I had already bred most of the hens, and was planning to have them assist me in mating the males into submission. That was until Rift fried half of them so crispy that the State of Kentucky wanted to sell them in buckets."

"That is horrible, disgusting, disrespectful, and... and.." Volteer was tripping on his own words, trying to force down the arousal that was slowly peeking from his vent. "So typically you."

"We had only followed Former-Master Carmine's order for that mission in hopes that you would gain the self-control to not breed everything, but it seems you are unable to be sent alone on missions." The green head of Terrador sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "You are to be under Master Rift's mentorship once again until you can prove that you can keep your... Loins... out of trouble. Which reminds me, where is Master Rift?"

Cineraceus smirked as he thought back to carrying the two drakes back to their home, watching the white dragoness they married lick their slits clean of his seed. The orange and black dragons would be quite round for a few days, along with the dragoness he filled upon their return. He'd be back very soon.

"Rift had a long fight, he's gonna rest for a few days."

Story: Learning Their Place

"Just the dragon I was waiting for. I'm gonna have some fun with you." Sithris froze, eyes wide and nervous. _How did I not notice him? I've been out-stealthed...__ _ "With my training, I've acquired abilities that some may find......

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Story: A Heroine in Need

"Warfang, the Great City of Dragons. It had been created a millennia ago after the Fire Guardian of the time, Ignia, came to a truce with the moles, ending their war. Why, my very own Ancestors placed the first cobblestone." A short mole gleamed with...

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Story: A Taste of what he wants (Artwork by Sithris)

Drip... Drip... Drip... Small droplets of seed beaded and dripped from the two silvery shafts above the orange dragon's face, each thrust from the much larger shaft above them forcing more out. They throbbed with each powerful thrust, almost...

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