Becoming a Good Boy, Part Three

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#112 of Transformation Stories

First: Previous:

After proving that he can behave himself as Fletcher for a longer period of time, Anthony decides that he wants to spend time with some other people in his new body, and Jason abides the idea in this third part of the ongoing series!

That Sunday afternoon ends up being a rather wholesome event, as Fletcher becomes the canine mascot for his favorite football team. His human emotions are put aside, but his intelligence remains as he cheers on the team along with his friends, getting even more excitement out of the game as a dog than he would have as a human being!

The exhaustion of such a busy weekend leaves Anthony to fall asleep as Fletcher, and awaken without remembering how he got into that body in the first place...and creates a bit of comical nudity when he realizes that he's late for work.


Commissions are closed. Check back August 3rd for the next batch!

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Getting used to a new body was full of challenges that were unique to the act itself, but for Anthony, that just wasn't good enough.

After his first week with the new bodysuit, he was beginning to feel comfortable in it for long tracts of time, so much so that he actually felt better in the lycra than out of it. The way the material held to his body generated such a sense of comfort that it was like an infinite embrace, and knowing that he was no longer beholden to the rules and laws of the outside world when he wore it was a liberation that he struggled to put into words.

He also struggled to get out of bed when he forgot he was wearing the realistic costume; the difference in his physicality left him stumbling as he tried to stand up like a human being, but fell forward on all fours and thumped against the floor, instead.

"Wha...huh? Anthony?!" Jason stirred awake, having slept under the covers while Anthony, still resting as Fletcher, slept atop them. "Dude, are you okay? That sounded really painful."

Though his face took the brunt of the force, Anthony, still trying to stand as Fletcher, didn't seem too damaged by it. Staying on all fours from the start meant that he was closer to the floor when he fell, and on standing upright, he merely shook his head from side to side in a rapid twist, shaking out the cobwebs like a sleepy canine was wont to do.

His ears tossed from side to side in an adorable flop, until they perked to the sound of Jason's concern. Looking back at him, Fletcher began to approach, but he felt hands poking at the effectively invisible seams on the neck of the costume, and as Anthony's face was revealed, his sense of balance was made worse than ever. "Yeah, I...I'm okay, Jason. Sorry about that."

"Still working out the kinks in your coordination?" Jason asked. "I think that's the first spill that you've had all weekend."

Anthony took the challenge of becoming a full blown canine in stride, prompting his own challenge for himself: he wanted to spend a whole weekend in the suit, without so much as lifting the neck of the lycra and revealing an inch of his humanity. Thanks to the way it accommodated his every bodily need, he was doing a fantastic job at staying inside of it, save for the occasional checkup by Jason.

He would have made it all the way through Sunday morning, if not for the tumble that he'd just taken.

"I was really starting to make some headway with my coordination. I guess...I guess I just forgot who I was for a minute," Anthony claimed. "Like, I knew I was still Fletcher, but I was still dreaming as myself? Does that make sense?"

"Pretty sure there's a lot of people who would argue that nothing about this scenario makes sense, but I'm cool with it."

Anthony scowled. "That was not the comforting answer I hoped for."

"Sorry. I know that's probably a really weird sensation...dreaming in one body and waking up in another, but I guess I wouldn't know anything about it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"A little miffed at myself for getting another break," Anthony admitted. "I was so close to making it through the weekend without one."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with pacing yourself. This is all completely new stuff, and...sorry, but I'm gonna check on you if I'm worried."

At that, Anthony couldn't help a warm smile. The entire experience was catered to his enjoyment thus far, and even when he was concerned, Jason was willing to put those worries aside to help Anthony enjoy the most immersive experience possible.

He still had trouble believing just how lucky he was to have such a caring boyfriend.

"I suppose you don't mind if I try and finish the weekend out, then? I think I can still make it through Sunday night if I just give it my best shot."

There wasn't as much challenge in wearing the suit, now that Anthony was getting used to it. He still wasn't completely there, of course, but the longer than he sat in it, even with the head unfastened, the less sensitive his skin became to the sensation of having something on it; his mind was accepting the trick that it was simply the outermost surface of his body, and keeping the head on both literally and figuratively helped to seal the illusion in place.

"If you really think you're up for it, I suppose I don't mind...I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into. You'll have to take the thing off sooner or later."

Anthony did his best not to frown at that prospect. "I guess I do, but that's all the more reason to spend the weekend in it, if I can."

"Fair enough. What shall we do with the rest of the day, then?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure that the church up the street is pet friendly..."

Jason rolled his eyes. "We are not doing that," he said, immediately shooting the idea down. "I'd much rather we go do something fun with our day, if you're gonna go to the trouble of being suited up the whole time."

Anthony thought he had a counter argument ready, but he didn't expect Jason to pull the head back over so soon. The moment that the seal was completed again, he fell back into the mindset of the canine that he was mimicking, but the human part of his brain was already starting to wonder how much of his performance was mimicry, and how much of it was an authentic part of who he was.

The line was only blurred further by Jason looking out the window and seeing the glorious sunshine of another clear, crisp day.

"How about we go for another run, boy? I know you had fun with that yesterday!"

His hips were starting to wiggle, even before his tail picked up in a quick, natural wag. The completed costume was so great at imitating the features of a dog that for a moment, as Jason watched his boyfriend squirm about with happiness, he forgot that he was talking to a human being, underneath all the lycra and fur.

The lines were getting blurred for both parties as Jason started fishing through his dresser for his own workout gear, knowing he'd need at least one extra layer, even with the added sunshine.

"Let's go a little bit further today," Jason suggested, as he pulled a tight, gripping long-sleeve over his head. "I bet you'd just love to go run around in the fields for a bit."


Jason never could have guessed that Fletcher would take so quickly to being a dog, or that he'd have such a natural reaction to being one in the great outdoors.

As much as he was happy about the fact that his boyfriend enjoyed the new suit, his biggest point of pride so far was how easily and willingly he could get Fletcher out of the house, and into some much-needed sunlight.

"Just another quarter mile to the field," Jason said, his voice hurried by the pace of his own breathing. He was in plenty good enough shape to make it to the field without getting properly winded, but there were a lot of stops along the way that created a challenge for him, as well: Fletcher was constantly moving aside on the leash and dragging him toward small, flowerless bushes and the bases of trees as the snow began to clear, revealing all kinds of new sights and smells for the eager canine.

Jason wasn't sure that Fletcher would actually have all of the senses of a canine, in addition to the appearance...but as far as he could tell, under the suit, Anthony was getting the full experience of being a husky in the early days of spring.

"You know, every time you stop, it takes us a little bit longer to get there..."

The quiet, rapid snff-snff-snff of the canine's snout was one of only a few sounds that reached Jason's ears in the quiet atmosphere of the nature trail. Fur rustling through recently thawed leaves came thereafter, and the pitter-patter of his own steps as he tried to keep jogging drowned it all out, just enough that Fletcher turned back to the path ahead.

It was almost humorous to Jason to see Fletcher behaving so naturally.

"Eh...I guess it's all part of the experience for you, isn't it?" he mentioned, as they came upon the edge of the tree line and the opening of the clearing. The nature preserve wasn't a massive space by any stretch, but there was more than enough room for a well-trained dog to run around in the grass and get some much-needed exercise.

What used to look like nothing more than an open field and some mostly dead grass to Anthony appeared as a wide, open canvas full of endless possibilities to Fletcher.

I know I've walked over this field a hundred times...maybe more, Fletcher thought. I've seen every blade of grass, poked at every tree, sat on every bench...but there's something so different about it, now! It's like I've missed an entire side of the world!

Fletcher nearly choked himself as he tried to dash forward, only to feel the tug of the leash against his neck. "I know that there's no law against running off the leash out here, but do me a favor and try to behave, okay? I can only explain so much before people will start asking questions..."

The husky worried that his master might make him do a trick in order to be let off the leash, and immediately thereafter, he wondered how such a thought would cross his mind in the first place; Jason was his boyfriend , not his owner.

Whatever they were to each other, Jason respected Fletcher too much to make him beg to be released, or to earn his way out.

He simply unclasped the chain from the leash and watched as that new, greater freedom dawned on the canine; it was as if a sixth sense had been bequeathed to him, and the world was just waiting for him to go out and test that new ability on it.

"Go on," Jason offered, as he saw Fletcher looking back over his shoulder in hesitation. "Just try to stay inside the tree line, okay? I don't want to lose sight of you out here."

There was still enough of a human in that headspace to understand what Jason was saying, but that same humanity created a lack of belief that anything could feel so liberating.

The first step was such a thrill that he wondered how it would be possible to top it, but eager paws didn't wait for his mind to dwell on that thought. He trotted happily out toward the middle of the field without an ounce of hesitation, and wave after wave of delight filled his heart as he stood in the center of the slowly melting snow.

Just walking to the spot was a joyous occasion, as he showed off just how well he'd learned to walk in his new form and posture, but standing there, he felt the crosswinds of the open field brushing through his fur and stroking over the tips of his ears. Sounds that he never would have captured as a human, and scents that he never would have smelled teased his heightened senses and left him with endless possibilities to chase down...but he _would_chase them all down, given enough time.

Canine exuberance quickly overwhelmed any exhaustion he might have felt. His hind legs planted, his backside gave a subtle wiggle, and just like that, Fletcher was bolting for the edge of the clearing, right as Jason looked up from his phone.

"...Oh. Shit."

Though there was still a human spirit inside of the suit, there was only a canine running for the trees and going after the most intriguing scent of them all, but he wasn't sure what the smell was. He only knew that he couldn't get it out of his head no matter how he tried, and he was too inexperienced to try dipping his muzzle in something else to get rid of the aroma and sensation.

Distraction came not in the form of learning, but in dumb luck, as a harvesting squirrel happened to catch sight of a charging husky...and decided that staying put was not in its best interests.

"W...Wait, Fletcher! Don't chase the damn squirrel!" Jason called out. He was surprised to see the husky ignoring him so blatantly, but he knew the effects the suit could have on the mentality of the person wearing it, as much as their physical appearance.

Even though Fletcher heard every word that Jason yelled at him, it didn't stop him from bolting in the other direction and chasing the tiny, fuzzy critter to the edge of the tree line. The words of caution registered in his ears, and they even settled into the back of his mind, but for some reason, there was a greater demand on Fletcher to chase the squirrel; he couldn't begin to explain why he wasn't listening, even when he might be punished for it later.

In an almost childlike fashion, he was too busy with pursuing his interests to be tethered to rules or suggestions.

Gotta catch that damn thing...I know I can catch it if I try a little harder!

Fletcher's determination would have been admirable, if he was putting it into his pace on the path: Jason was glad to see that a side effect of his time in the suit was his becoming more active and agile, and his mood had improved considerably.

That he was currently tearing across the field and leaving Jason in the dust was a problem, however...but knowing that he'd have trouble keeping up, he decided to keep his eyes on the squirrel as it ran up in the tree, rather than trying to keep his focus turned on Fletcher.

He was having trouble with the mental grasp of the suit, but the fact that he was behaving like a canine left him somewhat predictable.

Ha! Trapped you! Did you really think that you'd be able to get away from me?

Fletcher rushed all the way past the tree line and up into the thick of the forest, where the squirrel that he treated like a playmate finally came to a stop. The little beast rushed up the trunk of a tree and clung to a high, lengthy branch, far out of the reach of any leap that Fletcher could manage.

That didn't stop him from rushing up the side of the trunk and dragging his claws along the bark. He howled at the little creature as if he was pleading with it to come back down to him, but it only held on tighter to the thick, powerful branch, utterly refusing to come back down.

With the proper mind of a canine, Fletcher didn't understand why the squirrel wouldn't come back down for a chase, but in similar fashion, he whimpered a little bit before slumping back down from the trunk. Guess he's all done playing for the day, he thought, before he trotted back from the tree line on sorrowful paws.

His howling was loud and authentic enough that Jason was able to follow it with ease, and at the edge of the tree line, he was tapping his foot impatiently on the ground and giving Fletcher a very stern look.

"Think you've got all that out of your system, big guy?" Jason asked, keeping his arms crossed over his chest; he wanted to keep up a disappointed appearance, but the reality was that he was happy for his pup, seeing him so genuinely thrilled with what the suit was doing for him. "I don't mind letting you off the leash from time to time, but you need to learn a little restraint!"

The illusion that the suit cast upon their relationship was becoming more of a reality than a fantasy.

As he crept forward, Fletcher sat back on his haunches and did his best to look sad and pathetic, as if he was certain that he was going to be punished...and being cute was the only way to avoid it.

He knew his ploy was working when Jason's thinned lips began to crack, and in seconds, there was a cheeky grin settled on his face. "We'll keep working on it, I guess. If being out in the park is making you this happy, I can't possibly keep you away from it."

Fletcher bolted up from his backside and stood on all fours, swishing his tail about eagerly.

"But you might wanna work on your fake pout," Jason murmured. "Your tail's been wagging a little bit the whole time..."

As best as he could in his current state, Fletcher snickered. He still wasn't used to all of the ins and outs of the suit, or the fact that it picked up on his excitement at seeing Jason again, even when he was trying to look downtrodden. There was no hiding that mixed message when flattened ears showed off a slowly flickering tail.

"Until you get a better hold on those instincts, I think we'd better call it a day. Ready to head home and unwind for a bit?"

They'd gone further down the trail than Fletcher realized: he was having so much fun jogging along and collecting all the wonderful scents in the air that he didn't even notice what a great workout he was getting.

Much to his delight, he wasn't tired in the least. Trying to prove that he could be a good dog, Fletcher stayed in place until Jason clasped the hook onto the end of his leash again, and only started running when Jason set the pace in front of him.


After a quick shower and a little extra tidying of the living room, Jason was all set for one of his favorite Sunday traditions.

Fletcher was just given a quick rubdown and a thorough brush of his fur: that was all it took for him to look like he'd been to a professional groomer, and his tail was swishing with new vitality as he followed Jason around their apartment, knowing just what he was up to.

In his limited time living as Fletcher, Anthony hadn't been privy to seeing too many other people in his suit, but today, Jason told him that he could keep on wearing it, even though he was having company over. Getting to feel pets from other people felt like it might be a little bit of a weird concept, but the canine instincts at his heart were eager to know if any of those guys would be able to find a sweet spot behind his ear or under the side of his chin.

He wondered if all dogs had those kinds of thoughts before a large gathering was about to happen, but then again, they might not _know_that a lot of company was getting ready to come over, whereas he could still understand what Jason was prepping for.

Bowls of chips decorated the coffee table by their couch, the fridge was stocked to the brim with beer and soda, and a pizza was roasting in the oven...and there would be plenty more where that came from when he friends began barging through the front door.

"America's team my ass! Who's ready to watch the cowgirls get absolutely stomped?"

The great state of Wisconsin was home to some of the most loyal football fans in the world, and Packers fans didn't miss a Sunday of football, come hell or high water. Watching a game with a troop of them was more than just a viewing party: it was an experience, and one that Anthony was very familiar with...but for Fletcher, it would be his first.

Energy was radiating from the crew as they walked in the door together. It was palpable , so much that it put Fletcher's tail right back into a wag, moving so fast that it actually lifted further from his backside. He wasn't sure if they could see it, but he was grinning wide and watching as a trio of friends filed in, and Jason emerged with the pizza, still_piping_ hot from the oven.

Jason and Anthony were Packers fans, and they'd brought another one over in the form of Mike, who was almost as excited to meet the new dog as he was to watch the game.

Mike was trying to pull support for Green Bay from Jake, but the person who needed support the most was Alex: the lone Cowboys fan among the bunch was going to need more than a friendly shoulder to lean on in such a hostile place, but his team pulling out a victory would be a greater comfort than anything Jake was going to be able to provide him.

"There's no way the pack is gonna come up big against Dak," Alex tried to argue. "You guys can brag all you want, but you're gonna be the ones crying into your beer before this is over. I bet you turn the game off after just the first quarter!"

Plopping himself right on the corner of the couch and making himself comfortable there, Alex was the first one to be introduced to Fletcher: The husky took it upon himself to clear the animosity brewing in the air by jumping against Alex's thigh and smiling brightly at him, thinking it might be just what he needed to relax.

"So this is the new dog, eh? I think he's a Cowboys fan!" Alex argued, and almost immediately, he rested his hands on either side of Fletcher's face. Thick fingers worked through recently brushed fur and tickled the sensitive flesh underneath, drawing a quiet, happy rumble from the excitable canine. "Is he, he supposed to be up on the couch like this?"

"It's not a big deal," Jason claimed, "But you guys can shoo him to the floor in front of the couch if you want a place to sit."

"Now, I'd hate to do that," Alex replied. "He's such a big softy! Besides, I'm gonna need someone in my corner if I'm gonna make it through the afternoon."

"And I'd hate for this poor pup to get drafted into the most miserable fanbase in the entire NFL," Mike countered. He grabbed a beer from the kitchen before taking a spot in the middle of the wide, comfy couch, and seeing a new person, Fletcher turned and immediately sniffed at the shorter man, curious as to why he had such a different aroma than Alex. "See? He can already smell the winner!"

"...I don't think I'd trust a dog's sense of smell to pick a winning team," Alex argued.

Jake sat down next to Mike and left just enough room on the couch for Jason to come in and join them with the pizza. "I think he's a neutral party," he suggested. "Pretty sure he's just excited to have a crowd of people to spend the day with...I guess we've got something in common!"

You have no idea how excited I am! Fletcher thought. This is the most people we've ever had in our house before!

Of course, they'd had larger gatherings in their apartment before, but that was only something that Anthony knew. Fletcher was experiencing all of this for the first time, and in his excited nature, he couldn't help bumping into each of Jason's friends, nudging them with the end of his muzzle and becoming familiar with their scents.

His claws were sharp, but he kept them mostly to himself as a plethora of hands roamed over his head and neck, scratching and rubbing wherever they could reach. Beyond his control was the subtle crook of his head into the best touches: whenever someone found a sensitive spot behind his ear, he simply had to lean against it and push the friendly touch further, but no one complained about the way that he forced himself into the middle of things.

"I've never met a dog who was this into football," Jake commented. "It's like he's trying to watch the game while he steals all the attention!"

"He's probably got a little interest in the's a bunch of people in a small area," Jason explained. "It is kinda funny that he keeps on watching the screen like that, though."

There was just a hint of fear in Fletcher's heart before everyone arrived: if he screwed up, his secret might have been exposed, and he worried and wondered how he might be judged if anyone figured out that his reality was just Anthony, under an elaborate mask and disguise.

The entire time they had company over, he was so busy enjoying himself, climbing across laps and barking at the screen when everyone yelled that no one could have guessed the truth of the matter.

Perhaps the best of all was the eventual result of the game, and the overall result of the afternoon: Jason and Mike shared more than a few high-fives before the last touchdown was scored, and each time they did, Fletcher tried to jump up and join in: his reactions were a little _too_accurate to be coincidence, but no one looked into it as anything more than a dog trying to be involved with his human companions.

That level of mimicry wasn't uncommon in household canines, and while the first one left everyone a bit bewildered, consecutive times were met with greater exuberance, until Mike couldn't help taking a video of Fletcher's reaction when the Packers sealed the game with a late, overwhelming dagger of a touchdown.

"Dude, you seriously have the coolest dog I've ever met," Mike complimented, with Fletcher sitting by his side and panting rapidly with a rush of excitement. "I think he likes football even more than Jake does!"

"Considering I was just here for the pizza and beer, you're probably right," Jake agreed. "Still...Fletcher is pretty awesome. Did you enjoy having us over, boy?"

A palm resting between his ears and stroking his head would draw a positive reaction from Fletcher no matter what the question was, but in the back of his mind, he was thinking Yes, of course! That was great!

"Pretty sure he hasn't had this much fun since I brought him home," Jason explained, doing his best to keep up the lie with Fletcher; it had been tougher than he expected to fill in the gaps and details of taking in a foster husky, but in the suit, Anthony was doing such a great job of acting like a proper dog that no one thought to question his origins too much. "I bet he'd love to have the gang over again next weekend."

"Like I'm gonna watch another game with you guys," Alex huffed. "Hanging out with the dog was the best part of being here in the first place!"

With the score going heavily against Alex's favor, it was no surprise that his mood was rotten, but the consistently affectionate Fletcher didn't pick sides, even if Anthony was a Packers fan.

The comfort of feeling a canine rubbing into his side was enough to keep Alex from leaving in a completely rotten mood, but there was only so much that the affection of a pet could to do ease the sting of a brutal loss.

"Does that mean you'll be back next weekend?"

"Well, yeah," Alex confirmed. "They won't be playing the Cowboys next weekend, so we can root against someone else together."

Everyone shared a laugh at how quickly football alliances could change: it only took a week for friends to become enemies, and one more week for everything to go back to the way it was.

"Good," Jason replied with a full chuckle. "Much fun as it's been having you guys over, I think I'd better get the place cleaned up before Fletcher starts going after the leftovers. We'll see you in a week!"

Fletcher was visibly pouting at the concept of everyone leaving, and that was almost enough to blow his cover. "The poor guy wants us to stay, I think," Mike noted. "Does he speak English or something? We haven't even started moving to the door yet."

"He's...rather perceptive," Jason explained on the fly. "I think he's starting to get the point that the party is just about over."

"_Aww..._poor little guy," Mike leaned over and rested a palm on Fletcher's ear, giving his favorite spot a quick scratch. "We'll see you again soon, Fletcher. You be good until then, okay?"


After an early start to the day, a long run in the park, and a night filled with more affection than he'd ever gotten, Fletcher was eager to stay in his full, canine body as the sun set and bedtime came around.

Jason was still snuggled up to him under the covers as his Monday alarm went off, and with a full, clumsy paw, he tried to slap his smartphone to turn it off; his efforts knocked the device to the floor.

Oh, shit. I'm still in the suit, he thought, looking down at his paws through tired eyes. He rolled halfway out of the bed and tried to pick his phone up, but he couldn't manage to keep it from slipping through his claws over and over again, until the thumping of it against the floor stirred Jason from his own sleep.

"Anthony? Wh...what's that noise?" he asked, before feeling a tail waggle against his side. "Oh; that's right! You're still Fletcher!"

Jason was snickering at Anthony's struggles, at least, until the husky pointed to the screen of his phone.

The text "Business meeting in ten minutes" kept flashing across the screen, until Jason's sleepy gaze was able to read it clearly.

"Oh...that's a problem."

What followed was a quick yank at the seam of the lycra suit, and Jason doing all he could to free Anthony from inside of Fletcher's grasp. It seemed as though the husky was trying that much harder to stay on the outside that time, rather than in the back of Anthony's head...but the real world wasn't going to wait forever.

Rushing through a shower, tugging out the first dress shirt he could find and barely combing his hair was all that Anthony had time for, as he came to settle in front of the web cam on his laptop.

"Sorry about the mild delay there, guys! We uh, we...we ready to start this thing?"

His collar was disheveled, his tie was only partially tied, and his smile was nervous; someone was going to ask if he was okay, but he already had an excuse in mind.

"If you're actually ready to start, Anthony."

"Just slept through my alarm," he immediately explained. "I had a weekend like you wouldn't believe!"

Becoming a Good Boy, Part Four

Anthony always believed that he would adjust quickly to being a canine, if he ever had the chance to become one. It simply wasn't a realistic possibility, but he was getting to live out the next best thing, and with every day that passed, his mood...

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Pack Tactics: A Foxy Addition

If there was one golden rule to follow when it came to adventuring, it was surely this: **never** break away from the group. It only took a small gap for Serinthia to get separated from her friends as they marched their way through what they thought...

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Classroom Disruptions

Jon was staring at the lines on the paper of a college bound notebook. His eyes were glazed, and his pawtips were circled around the neck of a pencil. He absently tapped the tip of it against the soft pad, but he wasn't writing anything, even if his...

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