Broken by the Changelings: Part One

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#1 of Broken by the Changelings

When Arctic is off collecting herbs for his mistress, Fluttershy, the stallion could not have imagined just what was to happen to him as he is drawn in by the Changeling queen herself...

Nothing good.

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Character © respective owners

Broken by the Changelings

Part One

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

Arctic frowned as he walked along, nose to the ground, sniffing lightly. The Pegasus pony was not used to being so far from home - well, not unless he was attending events with his mistress in Canterlot or entertaining elsewhere - much less on his own. It left him with a disconcerting curl of discontent in the pit of his stomach, shuffling and re-shuffling his pale wings against his back as if that would give him the modicum of comfort that he could continue with.

Those that knew him knew that he was a quiet sort that liked to keep to himself, not taking too much on for himself. The stallion, after all, was kept busy by his mistress, one of the ponies who, before, had been the shyest in Ponyville, and Fluttershy most certainly knew how to whip him into shape. He smiled to himself, still sniffing, hunting down the herbs that she had asked him to gather. It was warmer out there than he had expected to be, sweat darkening his coat in stark patches, but he didn't care, not even as his dark blue mane soaked down into his neck, tail flattening over his rump.

It was alright as long as he was doing it for his mistress, yes. Arctic snuffled and coughed as he got a mouthful for dirt for his efforts, tail swishing in pony annoyance. She'd had a certain kind of look in her eye when she'd told him to go out and gather the herbs that had made him wonder what she was up to, although he had not liked to ask and press her, not with the tight collar around his neck still. She kept it on him at all times, although most ponies just thought that it was some kind of fashion statement, the two of them and those in the know understanding just what the butterfly-shaped tag (pink, of course) meant.

Yet the grassland was fading to a scrubbier terrain and he still hadn't found what she'd said she wanted him to bring back, some kind of aromatic herb that she had shown him the scent of beforehand. It was surely going to be used as some kind of aphrodisiac - something sexual, at least - and Arctic was not all that sure whether he wanted to be successful in his task, considering the applications of such things. Even if Zecora was investigating a new brew, he could rest assured that it was him that would be the guinea pig in such endeavours still.

But she was his mistress and his mistress always had to be pleased at all times, always at her hooves and service. Even then, Arctic's eyes fell half-lidded, wings softening against his back, tail flagging. He didn't like to expose that part of his anatomy all that often but Fluttershy often made him bandage the base of his tail (carefully, so as not to cut off the circulation) to ensure that her pet always had his very best assets on display. He was fortunate that she had not sent him off with a dildo shoved up there, lacking in pleasure to say the least and more than a little painful for long periods of time to say the worst. Arctic shivered. As humiliating as it was to be a pony-pet at her hooves, not all aspects of servitude appealed to him, especially considering old limitations of his body.

But that didn't matter as he hunted for her, the thick grass giving way to a scrubbier terrain that he was not sure at all was what he was looking for. In fact, it was kind of barren, the sort of place where ponies should really not have been venturing alone.

This can't be right...

_ _

Dragging the map that Fluttershy had given him from his saddlebags, he pressed his lips together and studied it. Yes, it did look like he'd gone off-course a little from the route she'd given him, though it looked like he should still have been in the area where the herbs could be found, which was something at least. But was it worth hanging about there to see what he could find before getting back on track? Musing, he rubbed a hoof under his chin, losing time and seconds as he waited too long for the right answer to strike him.

Maybe it was that moment of waiting that was his undoing. Maybe it was something else entirely. There was no real way to tell as events unfolded.


His head snapped up. That couldn't be! But the pony before him matched the voice of his very own Mistress Shy, her soft smile lighting up her eyes as she turned her head, letting a curl of her pink mane fall across her face so very lightly and gently. His jaw dropped but the Pegasus pony's legs buckled as quickly, dropping him to the ground like a stone through water, trembling and whimpering as he prostrated himself before her, front legs flung out on the ground.


He didn't dare say more than that, sweating nervously as she stood over him, a bulky, strong stallion reduced to nothing more than being her pony-pet as her shadow fell across his head. A gentle hoof turned his muzzle up to face a smiling face, though there was something different about it, something that had words catching in his throat that should have been so easy to let out, to pledge his complete and utter devotion to the mare and mistress who had turned his life around.

Had she done something different with her eyes?

Arctic swallowed, tongue working at the inside of his muzzle, head lifting a little more.

"Is something wrong, dear one?"

That could have been her, her words, and yet something was wrong, something pulling in his gut as the tag around his neck seemed to grow hotter and heavier, weighing him down and pulling him away.

"I... I..."

Yet the words he needed would not come, frozen in place as Fluttershy's smile fell, leaving the coldness in her eyes that had thrown him off to begin with.

"So, you saw through it. You should have run while you had the chance, little pony."

Yet it was too late for that as his mistress disappeared in a blaze of gear fire, leaving an exoskeleton in its wake. Arctic screamed (something that he would have been embarrassed about if there had actually been anypony there to hear him) and whipped around, springing up to flee, yet he was only caught in a fuzz of green magic, evil magic, the magic that belonged to the small drone changeling who had so boldly accosted him. His saddle-bags fell off as he was hefted up in the air and, flapping madly, Arctic through that he could have fought him off if not for the four more changelings with their tight, smirking, fanged faces that burst from the ground as if they had been burrowing there, simply lying in wait for him or somepony else to come along.

His world tilted and turned, their magic nowhere near as strong as that of a full-grown pony but, after all, they were drones and their magic and abilities were linked to how well they were fed. Arctic had a lot of time to think about that even as fear clawed at his heart, shouting and yelling, kicking out all the while, although not all that he screamed was at all intelligible.

"She'll come for me, you know! She knows I'm out here!"

"If you let me go, I won't tell anyone where you are!"

"Let me go and nothing bad will happen to you!"

Maybe they knew that he had nothing with which to back up his claims or maybe he just wasn't all that threatening to them. Either way, the changelings merely laughed and chattered amongst themselves, their coarse, rasping way of speaking harsh on his ears as Arctic pressed his hooves over them. As much as he twisted and fought, the notion of getting back to Mistress Shy enough to keep him going, to keep him fighting, they held him fast, sometimes carrying him upside down for a while just to keep him in check, blood rushing into his skull.

They took him underground and then the true horror of the hive that he had been walking over was revealed to him, a cavern and nest of tunnels that could only be escaped by one who knew where they were going. The maze would have been impossible to traverse otherwise and Arctic swallowed a groan, the light of the outside world fading behind him, nothing more than a distant memory as the changelings took him deeper and deeper.

Were they going to feed on him? Was it his love and devotion to Fluttershy that had made him a tasty treat? Had that drawn him to him before he'd even realised that there was something else, someone else, there with him? Would they let him go afterwards? All questions unspoken, although Arctic doubted very much that they would have even been answered if he had dared to speak a single one of them allowed.

He hadn't heard of changelings killing ponies but neither was that a question that he wanted to find the answer out to in all honesty. There were reports across Equestria about ponies going missing from time to time, the search parties sent out returning with nary a trace of them, lives broken and families distraught in their wake. Even if they were not taken by monsters that were a law unto the rulings of Equestria, there was a change, a small chance, that creatures like the changelings lay in wait, lurking in the shadows, lurking to capture, to feed, to wait in the wings for the opportune moment...

The changelings wings buzzed lightly, two half-flying, though their insectoid wings didn't seem able to carry them very far, having to rest and walk often even in their labyrinth of passageways. That gave the Pegasus a little hope, only a flicker but it was enough, enough to keep him going, enough to let him think that maybe there was a way out of the mess, the exit lying behind him, somewhere, yet it was there.

He had to find it.

Conserving his strength, his mind raced, striving to formulate a plan that changed every few seconds, his mind unable to settle on anything despite needing too, yet being captured by the changelings with the threat of being cocooned in their goo-pods, at the very least, looming over him was hardly something he could have prepared for. Who actually prepared for such disasters in Equestria when there were other ponies, namely his Mistress Shy, to look out for them and rescue them from all harm?

No one was looking out for Arctic. He trembled. His mistress could not have known, would never have sent him into danger. Should the worst happen, he knew that she would come looking for him, maybe even with her friends, and the wrath of her would send the changelings back into the pit of which they had crawled out from. Such creatures had no place in a world and a land like Equestria where harmony and lightness allowed nuances of pleasure unlike anything else to be explored - something that he loved and adored daily in his life with her, always at her hooves.

"I hear my dronesss..."

Her hiss sent a chill down his spine but Arctic was not about to be pushed aside, holding his head as high as he dared, eyes intent. He had to stay strong, had to show them that he was not to be trifled with, a pony with a mistress who made him strong, even if she was not there at that time. That was what made him strong, knowing that he was protecting her by ensuring she was away from harm, one thought colliding with the one that preceded it and none of them making all that much sense. But it didn't matter as his mind burbled and blabbed, stringing words together nonsensically just to stop his mind from breaking down entirely as he tried to plot, tried to plan, and yet still came up with nothing at all.

In a wider part of the passages, the air dropped a few degrees in temperature, Arctic shivering, though his discomfort was not solely due to their magic surrounding him, buzzing and fluttering weakly. It was in testament to their lack of strength that five had been needed to subdue him and were even struggling with that, panting heavily with their red, flickering lengths of tongue, snake-like in nature, lolling from between their wickedly curved fangs.

Puffing for breath, the drones dropped him on the floor in a puff of dust and he groaned as the pain of impact rang through him, his fetlock aching something terrible. Had they done that deliberately so that it was more difficult for him to run away? In all honesty, he just thought they hadn't been very careful with him and most likely would have been right on that count.

They backed away, allowing her space, the only one that mattered right then and there. Even Arctic did not have to look up to know who those long, black legs, sliced through with holes in her exoskeleton, belonged to, the terror of Equestria and one of many villains who had not succumbed to reformation as yet. She was supposed to have been turned to stone along with Tirek and Cozy Glow - Fluttershy had told him how it had happened, even though she'd made sure that he was protected and tucked away in her dungeon away from harm for the duration of that horror. She'd protected him, even if she'd told him the tale, though it was well-known too that the spell of stone-encasement did not last forever. Under certain circumstances, it could be broken, though he did not have a chance to think further on just how that could have happened (distracting his mind to soothe his trembling hooves) as she leaned down over him, a slender, forked tongue flickering out against his ear.

"What a fine morsel you have brought me..."

He trembled, not daring to look up, mind racing. Could he flee? Would she catch him? For there was only one horror in the entirety of Equestria that a voice like that could belong to and his heart pounded, blood roaring between his ears, tail clamped down over his hind end. It didn't do him any good in the moment and would not do him any good going forward either as his flanks shuddered with breath, dragging in all he could as he sweated anxiously.

Think, Arctic, think...

_ _

"A fine morsel..."

Her hoof caressed his mane and Arctic leapt him, his body making the decision for him as it leapt away, a squeal on his lips. He didn't have to think, only act, his mind fixed on Fluttershy and Fluttershy alone as he hurtled down the passageway, one grey-stoned wall looking just like the other. In some places, bare earth showed through and, even in a fit of abject desperation, he catalogued those patches, thinking that, maybe, just, maybe, he could remember his way if he kept them in mind. Like so much else at such a point of fear, it was useless, hopeless, but Arctic could only try.

"I'm coming for you, little pony..."

He still had not seen her, had not seen the changeling queen even though she'd touched him, stroked him. It had even been a tender touch, in a way, but hardly one that he ever again wanted to feel, whimpering as he fled, a shudder that ran through his whole body lending an extra spurt of speed to his hooves. Out, out - he had to get out! There was only out and there was only his mistress, his Mistress Shy, to come, what kept him going day in and day out.

A drone buzzed in front of him but were easily dodged, Arctic's heart leaping. They were tiring! It was not the drones that he had to fear, the bugs too weak to do him any harm, but the queen that hounded him on his hooves, stalking the labyrinth of her newest hive with a foreboding, ringing step.

"I'm coming for you..."

Arctic clenched his jaw, muscles burning, sprinting madly. Not if he had anything to say about it!

Fear leant him an extra dose of speed, flying down the passages as if he knew where he was going, thinking only of why he had to escape. That was all that could keep him going even as the weight of his bulkier, stallion body slowed him, though his strength too was something that could be used against him. The drones were much smaller than him, a little smaller too than even most ponies, and that gave him an advantage that was imperative in a battle that he had not even known he would be engaging in at that start of that day.

Her laugh rang through, impossibly close.


"Oh, little pony..."

She caught him in a tendril of magic, sweeping around his hooves and dragging him back before he'd even had the chance to draw another breath, eyes wide and wild, a squeal on his lips. Everything happened so smoothly that it was as if it was entirely of her design too, Arctic dangling in the air by his hooves, head down and mane flopping into his eyes so that he could not see even as he flailed, hooves flying everywhere. Laughing, Queen Chrysalis dangled him there with her magic, expending no effort at all, her green eyes shining with the sort of greed for pony-love that only a changeling could truly demonstrate aptly.

As much as Arctic snarled and thrashed, lashing out with his front hooves, she had him right where she wanted him, carrying him along with no effort, no effort at all. Where her drones had weakened, it swiftly became clear that they had been given what they had caught for Chrysalis to feed on, although it was sure too that the queen was not at her full strength. She was much larger than even Arctic, though did not dwarf him as much as she would a normal pony, skinny and lanky, her exoskeleton tucking in close around her waist and the green of her thorax. Unlike ponies, she did not have a coat of fur, not even being the queen, but she did have a sticky haze of a mane and tail that clung to her exoskeleton, draping over her as if she was being draped in the animal kingdom's spider web jewels of morning, when they laced the grass outside Fluttershy's cottage so prettily.

It was a strange through to have but her eyes were wide and wild and nothing like the ponies that Arctic was used to conversing with. Could a changeling even be talked to? It was hard to say with the hiss in her tone, though she was something in itself, the dominant changeling holding an air of authority that could not help but make a pony as submissive as Arctic was shiver, a ripple running through him with the most delicious of tremors.

It should not have been, not really, but the act of being controlled tickled all the right spots for him, even the wrap of the changeling's magic around him something that, shamefully, Arctic yearned to lean into. Fear and lust tangled together as Chrysalis cast an appraising look over him as if she was sizing him up for something more but what Arctic was really wondering was just what it would be like to be at her hooves.

Don't think like that!

_ _

He had a mistress but he could not help but be aroused by a dominant female, his biggest kink and, duly, his lifestyle too. Perhaps Fluttershy had broken him down so far that he could not help but be turned on by anyone that was dominant, going forward, rendering him useless for even helping himself in such a situation. Could he even be sure that he had tried to run from Chrysalis? Arctic swallowed a whimper, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. Maybe he'd wanted to be caught all along... Yet there was no way to tell.

They arrived in what Arctic could only assume was her chamber, a throne made from gnarled swathes of stone rising up dramatically from a tiered stage, seeming unfinished, a work in progress. Maybe they had not been at that hive for very long? Arctic didn't know whether or not that should have given him hope, his eyes fixed on Chrysalis' hind end, hating and loving everything in a moment where everything was twisted.

The changeling set him sort of the right way up, though her magic kept him stationary, panting heavily, eyes wide and wild with a rim of fear. She didn't pay her newest morsel, however, any mind as she called her drones to her, the five that had captured him at the front, although others appeared from her private chambers too, bringing the total up to ten, on Arctic's count. That must have been all that was left after she had been defeated and the majority of her drones transformed into a different kind of changeling under the leadership of Thorax. Arctic had even met him once - he was nice. But what Thorax was, Queen Chrysalis most certainly was not.

She paid him no mind, her drones crowding around as even her stern muzzle softened into something that could have, very faintly, resembled affection.

"I think you've found me a fine one, my dear drones, I am very pleased with you."

One of her drones (they all looked the same to Arctic), pressed up to her like a cat, rubbing his body up against hers as his wings fluttered. Again, Arctic supposed they were male, though there was little way for him to tell and he was hardly going to ask.

"Yes, such a good drone," she cooed, showing a softer side that he was, perhaps, not supposed to see, rubbing her drone's head as his eyes half-closed. "We will feed well... Did you catch this one for me because you saw what he had beneath him, hm? Did you?"

The sweetness in her tone took on a more lustful edge as her tongue snaked out against her maw, a hungry gaze locking on the pony held in the grip of her back. Chrysalis focused it around his torso as she kept him hovering there, just about high enough that his hooves could touch the ground without supporting his weight. He flailed and grunting, trying to heave himself away, though his efforts only made his nuts and fat sheath all the more obvious, as if he could have thought that it was possible to hide them in the first place.

"So ripe..." She hissed, pupils dilating with greed. "So round..."

Her hoof shot out and caressed his nuts, not even asking permission - as if Arctic could have possibly have expected her to! He squeaked and swallowed his fear, as useful as it was, trying to shrink back even in the hold of her magic. It was good, in a wrong sort of way, his breath coming in shorter and sharper pants, eyes half-closed, trying to take him away from the situation at hoof. It was not as if it was going to do him any good but his mind would go where it wanted to go, Chrysalis laughing cruelly as her hoof massaged his nuts, pumping and teasing, almost as if she knew just how he would react.


_ _

Her tail flicked and his heart leapt, hide tensing, as if he was anticipating the lash of the whip. It was foolish to expect as the changelings had no luxuries down there and neither did they need do as the drones crowded around, only allowing him a modicum of space out of respect for their queen, who he supposed always got to feed first at all times. The queen nuzzled his neck, brushing his fur with her fangs, and he shuddered, openly moaning, not knowing whether he should have or not and not really having any kind of choice in the matter.

What did he want? His sheath plumped out with his pony-cock, though it was the size of it that drew the eye, something that had been both a blessing and a curse during his adult life. Of course, he didn't need to work much anymore with Fluttershy taking over what jobs he did and didn't do (and finding more interesting ones usually for him too) but it could not be denied that he was packing far more than the average stallion under his belly, his hindquarters strongly rounded out with muscle just to support the weight of it.

Chrysalis appeared to appreciate that too, hissing and craning her neck for a better look, a glint in her eye, as she peered at the throbbing emergence of his cock. It wasn't out all the way as yet, just a peek, but it was enough to stoke something within her, to tell a tale that Arctic could not have spoken out loud if he'd been pressed to under any other circumstances at all. The massaging touch of her hoof bore down insistently and his breath caught in his throat, head trying to roll back as the grip of her magic closed all the more tightly and dominantly around him.

Don't stop...

_ _

Where had that come from? Arctic's neck grew hot, trying to turn away but her hoof caught him again, eyes blazing intently into his own. There was no denying the changeling queen what she wanted as she flickered her tongue out to lick his nose, a little taste of the delights of the feeding that was still to come. All the while, his balls ached, his body responding to her touch just as he had been conditioned, something that the queen could see even if she could not, as was the way with changelings, sense his emotions already. That was how she'd known when she'd sent her drones after him that he'd be perfect for the task she had in mind.

Arctic, however, did not know what the changeling Queen had in store for him, quailing before her, a sob on his lips that he could not hold back, panting and heaving, fear clawing at his soul. He could not stay, he had to run, had to do something, had to get away through some means. There was nothing for him there but sorrow and suffering and Chrysalis did not tolerate fools in her domain lightly either. She was the Queen and the ponies of Equestria had done nothing for her kind but shun them, their love locked away from changeling hooves.

But it was her time to take charge as she formed a whip out of magic, cackling as she paced around him, the perfect semen-store, something to hold her eggs, nothing more than an object to her. Arctic flinched as she tested the whip, which was like an elongated flogger, for it was never designed for the fun sort of play that he was interested in. It was for him to bow, to bend and to break, before her, knees quaking, fear ripping through.

Yet that was nothing in comparison to the line of pain streaking his back, the shriek leaping from his lips. Arctic barely had a moment in which to register the pain before it cracked again and again, laying down multiple lines and welts across his body. The tails of the lashes sped up as they wrapped around his hide and Chrysalis laughed out loud.

"See how weak you ponies are?" She taunted him, breaking him down, bending his knee, his whimpers music to her ears. "Fall before me - your one, true Queen!"

And on and on it went, Chrysalis changing her implement as it pleased her, a long, hard length of solidified sap acting as a tool of pain as she toyed with him, though he did not bend before her. Arctic was still in there, fighting and pushing, clenching his jaws, his arousal simmered down and ramped up at the same time. How many times had Mistress Shy beaten him? It had always been surrounded by something sexual and his body recognised that even then, panting and heaving, wings tucked in, trying to protect them at all costs, still caught up in the notion that he could escape, somehow. Little did he know that the changeling queen was more devastating than even he could have imagined. And there was no one there to save him as the blows rained down and down and down, his hide searing with lancing pain.

Grabbing his muzzle, Chrysalis forced him to turn his muzzle up to face her, ignoring his sobs. Her magic wiped the tears from his face, numbing him enough so that he could be coherent, for she would have him just as she wanted him for the fury of her lust that was still yet to come.

"Should I tell you why you're here, pony? Or should I let you find out for yourself? Oh, the decisions... There's too many of them in the lair of an evil queen. But each one is all the sweeter for it being mine to make!"

She was going to tell him anyway but the play on letting him think that he had a choice in the matter was too alluring still, Arctic's cock twitching and throbbing as more and more of it pulsed out. Pain was there, yes, but it was overruled by the dominance of her, one who was, truly, even more formidable than Fluttershy, tapping into every last bit of conditioning that had been locked into his soul. His cock was pushing out fully, now that the onslaught had stopped, whether he wanted to seal it softly away back within his sheath or not and the changeling queen hefted it up in one hoof, running the edge of her hoof down it as he grunted and tried not to groan, pushing down his lust even as it grew all the more obvious to her.

"Along with feeding on your lust for this...Fluttershy," Chrysalis said, hissing as if saying the pony's name left a foul taste in her mouth. "I have a brood of eggs ready to be fertilised. This is of the utmost importance to my hive and I, considering how that traitor Thorax took so many of my changelings away from me."

Her expression darkened and Arctic quivered, true fear swamping him as his lungs tightened, taking away even his ability to breathe. The pain lanced through, welts rising, sore and aching, sweat marking his hide. Was she going to take her anger out on him again? He wasn't responsible for anything, not even what Fluttershy had done before, though he would stand up before Fluttershy to the end of Equestria and back again. With a cruel creature like her, it would not have been unheard of in the slightest.

"Nevertheless, I have the chance to build a new hive - a better hive! And the seed of a pony just like you, Pegasus, is what I need to bring my clutch of sweet drones to life. For I only have the organs of a female for birthing and not the seed of male to fertilise them."

Chrysalis smiled, the light of it not reaching her eyes. It never did.

"You will do this for me. You don't have a choice."

Her saying that out loud brought a shiver to his hide, as much as he didn't want to show it, didn't want to show just how having every last nuance of control stripped from him made him shiver so wonderfully. It was almost like having Fluttershy there with him but Mistress Shy had never once before made him actually fear for his life, Chrysalis making him feel even smaller and more insignificant than she had. Yet Arctic was to be of the utmost importance to a changeling who saw him as her ticket back to creating a hive that she could be proud of, feeling on love, emotions rising up and leading her on into a new world of glory.

With the drones closing in, flanking him on all sides to ensure that he didn't even consider escaping, Arctic quailed, set down on his hooves and shaking terribly.

"P-please," he stuttered, even though he tried not to. "D-don't hurt me..."

To be continued in part two...

Milking the Stallion

**Iron Author** **Milking** ** ** **Milking the Stallion** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Nuidog_ _ _ _ _ Noir shuddered, his pale flanks heaving, pure white with a shimmering fall of a blond, near golden, mane...

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Thicker: Chapter Seven

**Thicker Chapter Seven** ** ** **622** At work, he could distract himself from his growing weight, teasing up more and more. The scales lied, he told himself, lying to himself even then. He had to look at himself, take his fitness into...

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