Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (1/4)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Dragon Heaven always attempts to create new attractions in order to bring in new people and entertain their patrons, this time expanding out into the public realm. Shawn, being the always eager participant, engages in a new round of experimentation to push the boundaries of their rubbery bodies.

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Shawn yawned and rolled over in his cage as best he could while he waited for one of the handlers to release him for the night, shifting slightly as he tried to get comfortable with his new appendages. It had been several days since he had been given the tour of the new wing of The Aviary and he was still recovering a little from all the fun he had gotten. After his time with Jiro and then his birthday he had decided to spend some time in good old-fashioned bondage, much to the delight of the rest of the club. Though some got to experience Shawn in his altered form there were quite a few who missed him, some even calling him their favorite dragon slave in the entire bar.

The result had been quite a bit of attention from the others to the point where the red and blue latex dragon was still shuddering slightly from all the stimulation. While he had not been center state that night, that honor belonging to a slave that had to retire from his position in the Aviary due to being relocated by his job, that certainly didn't stop him from getting his share of the action. Shawn was more than happy to have it, though as he played around with the other patrons in the club his mind had drifted back more than once to his experience with Jiro. There was just something about being in the body of a dragon, not like the one he was in now but in a form true to the mythical beasts of legend that sent a shiver down his spine whenever he thought about it.

As felt himself begin to grow aroused once more he heard movement that shook him of his fantasies, hearing someone walking over to his cage. He would have made a snarky comment that it was about time but his muzzle was currently in a full head harness that only exposed the front of his maw and his eyes. When the footsteps closer he realized that there were two sets instead of one and when the feet that was making the noises came closer he recognized who they belonged to immediately. He tilted his head up to see Tundra and Pyre both grinning down at him, Pyre swirling the keys that belonged to his locks around the fiery iridescent black rubber scales of his fingers.

"If it isn't a scenario as old as time," Pyre said as the icy and metallic blue dragon next to him crossed his arms across his chest. "Normally I'd take a few minutes and tease you about always seeming to get yourself into a situation like this but we have news that's going to take precedence of it. Now it may cause you to get a bit excited so I'm going to leave you in your cage while we tell you, but since the need for communication is paramount..."

Pyre leaned down and unlocked the muzzle around Shawn's face, though true to his word he left the rest of the heavy bondage gear on him as the red band blue latex creature took a second to move his formerly restrained mouth a bit before answering. "You know for having such urgent news you certainly take the long way around to get there," Shawn teased back as he shifted in his cage. "So what is so important that I have to still be restrained when we could be going back home and snuggling with Mitch and Conrad?"

"Well you know how since the club bought that building next to us there's been rumor that Dragon Heaven was expanding its services, making the lower levels into a place where humans and dragons can interact with one another so that humans don't have to feel apprehensive and we don't have to defile the sanctity of this place?" Pyre asked, Shawn giving him a look imploring him to get to the point. "Well I guess they just finished up remodeling the place downstairs to be a tavern for general mingling, and above that they're creating a place on the floor above that so that they can put some of their more exotic creations on display!"

The news did genuinely surprise Shawn; while there had been whispered around the Aviary that they might take a few slaves and put them on display for humans to see there hadn't been any real substance to them. Most humans still didn't know that some of their number, Shawn included, were actual rubber dragons and not just people wearing latex bodysuits and as far as he knew the higher ups still intend to keep it that way. To put themselves out like that, not just a place like a restaurant where curious humans can ask questions and interact but also show off creatures like some of the salves around here was a lot of exposure.

"Alright..." Shawn said, looking back and forth at the two as their grins grew even wider. "That is definitely very interesting, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure what I still had to be strapped down to hear that news."

"Oh, that's not the news that we knew you'd flip over," Pyre stated, tail whipping back and forth behind him. "One of the first things that they want to put in there is Jiro's feral dragons, and since you enjoyed your time as one so much they decided that you would be one of the two that they put in there for the grand opening!"

The sound of metal scraping against wood could be heard as Shawn's body jumped to the point where it lifted the cage slightly. "They want me to be a feral dragon again?" he stated excitedly, though when he realized he had done exactly what Pyre said he would do he tried to become more somber with a cough. "I mean, that's really great, I would be more than happy to help Dragon Heaven by transforming again. Being on display in public is going to be interesting but we've walked around enough in suit it shouldn't be too anxiety inducing... who did they say way going to be the other one?"

"Didn't tell us that," Pyre replied. "All they said was to see if you were in and if you were to bring you to the new wing that they haven't named yet. I think they're going to call it the Dragon Zoo."

"They are not going to call it the Dragon Zoo," Tundra replied simply as he snatched the keys from Pyre's hands and began to unlock Shawn.

"They might call it the Dragon Zoo," Pyre shot back, Shawn feeling freedom once more with each subsequent piece of bondage gear they took off of him before his body was free. "Anyway I know you wanted your snuggle time but if you're feeling up to it I know they were looking to give you the grand tour."

For Shawn going home was officially the last thing on his mind as the cage door opened and he pulled himself out, stretching his back before following the two through The Aviary. One of the nice things about their rubbery forms was the increased stamina and lack of cramping, even with being in a cage for most of the night the red and blue rubber dragon was more than able to move about freely. The two led him through the back of the Aviary to the door that connected Dragon Heaven to the building they had just purchased, which was one of the reasons the club had bought it in the first place. The rubber dragon that ran the shop waved at them as they passed through the bondage and equipment store that had previously been in the basement until it was moved up into a bigger space that could better service the Aviary.

Eventually the two got through the add-on and down several floors of space that was still under general construction and remodeling until they got to the second floor. Though they didn't go down there themselves they took a peek and saw a rather standard restaurant and bar with a slightly more medieval feel to it, no doubt to play on the fact that dragons would be manning it. When they went back up the stairs that connected the two floors they realized this cold also be turned into a small dining room or perhaps even a party space. Most of it was dominated by something that was hidden by a sheet that went from the floor to the ceiling as the three took a seat and waited for the others to arrive.

Eventually one of the doors near the sheet opened and a rubber dragon with deep black scales that seemed to absorb the light instead of reflect it walked in. "Well there you are Riven," Shawn said with a smile. "I was wondering why I didn't see you in the Aviary at all, here I thought you might have forgotten about me or something."

"Never in a million years," Riven replied. "In fact you might be seeing even more of me than before. Considering my unique suit and ability to work the magic behind the scenes they're transferring me from the Aviary to work this place, and if I enjoy it and do well it might turn into a full-time gig."

"That's amazing Riven," Pyre said as he hugged the other male. "You definitely deserve it with all the work you put in."

"Well it's not really work if you enjoy yourself," Riven stated with a chuckle. "While I'm going to miss talking and teasing all you fun slaves while getting you in and out of your gear, this is a great opportunity to expand into the public eye. I'm also very stoked that they chose Jiro's feral experimentation to be the first thing they exhibit, something that you were already a critical part of coming to fruition."

Shawn couldn't help but grin sheepishly at the praise. "Happy to do my part as well," he said before looking around the area. "By the way, who is the second dragon going to be? I was kind of wondering who else they were going to be able to talk into doing this crazy thing."

Riven looked around himself before holding up a finger and walking back into the area he had just come from. The three dragons just looked at one another and shrugged while they waited for the other one to return. When he did the black-scaled dragon was grinning from ear to ear as he brought out a white-scaled rubber dragon with green markings down his sides, leading the male by a leash attached to a collar. Even before Riven introduced the creature as Jiro all three knew who it was, both Shawn and Pyre's jaws dropping as Tundra let out a brief chuckle.

"No way..." Pyre said as they went up to him. "Jiro, what on earth made you turn yourself into a feral dragon and share the stage with Shawn?"

"I figured that this since is my creation I should be the one to enjoy the fruits of my labor how I see fit," Jiro replied with a smirk before turning to Shawn. "Since you seemed to greatly enjoy yourself and was one of the few that allowed me to bring you down as deep as you went, I thought it would only be fair to have you enjoy the experience as well. Not to mention the way you acted when you were a feral dragon makes me think that you are going to put on quite the show for all those interested."

Once more Shawn felt himself blushing with slight embarrassment as the others had a laugh at then, then went on to discuss exactly how everything was going to play out. Though Jiro's explanation certainly made sense it was hard for him to think of the scientist dragon as anything other than dominant. Already it was strange seeing him get led around like that by Riven, no doubt to help him get into the feral dragon mindset he was about to adopt, and he could only imagine what it's going to be like when he's right there next to him getting ordered around. Perhaps they wanted a slightly more dominant creature in the cage with him, Shawn thought to himself, maybe for when it was after hours and the general public had gone home... either was he was more than interested in watching Jiro taking orders from others.

Shawn was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Riven say they were going to tour the exhibit that would be his and Jiro's new home for a while. When they got to the other side of the display case he found out why Pyre had been intent on calling it a zoo as they saw the side of the room with a sheet covering a large opening that looked like something out of an exhibit, complete with glass panes and even an info panel. The rest of the area reminded him a bit like his house, the black rubber walls molded to look like the stone of his cave with glowing crystals acting as the illumination. Riven explained that the entire thing is temperature controlled and that the two caves in the back led to private rooms for Jiro and Shawn along with a private communal area, though Shawn and the others were distracted by something that he definitely didn't have in his house.

It was a huge pile of gold coins that was built up in the display area opposite the caves that led to the private rooms, taking up nearly a third of the room with a bunch of gemstones and other assorted treasures in it. Though it was all clearly fake the props had Shawn fooled for a second as he picked up a few of them and let them slip through his hands. Seeing it all there definitely flared up his draconic instincts though as the thought of a feral dragon sitting there on top of all that gold made him think back to his time as one. His body practically shuddered when he imagined that it would be like that again soon as he saw Pyre go over and fall backwards into it.

"They really couldn't help themselves, could they?" the black-scaled dragon said as he did a snow angel in the pile. "I would say something about stereotyping dragons but that would be way to easy." The others chuckled as he put a pile of coins and laid them directly over his crotch before posing seductively. "Hey Tundra, what do you think of this?"

"I think that's the reason why we're not allowed in the Pirate Bay adventure park anymore," Tundra stated, Pyre sticking out his tongue before getting back onto his feet.

Once they were finished with the main display area Riven showed them to the back rooms where they could have a bit of privacy, seeing a much more normal bed for them as well as a few other amenities. When Shawn tried it out he found it to be a bit firm and very big, which made sense to him given that it was made for his feral form. There were also a few other amenities as well that were specifically made to accommodate their lack of ability to handle things and larger size. The last thing that Riven showed them was a button that was on the side next to their bed, everyone watching as Jiro pressed it and a door that looked like boulders slid shut between the room and the display area.

"In case you need some... private time," Riven explained with a smirk. "Now we haven't quite finished the private common area but I imagine that it's going to be for more private parties and things of that nature. That's pretty much the grand tour, now comes everyone's favorite part as we go over the thrilling paperwork and rules that the higher-ups want for this new place."

"Oh?" Pyre perked up as they walked back into the dining area. "Did they think of a name yet for it?"

"They have," Riven said, Pyre's eyes lighting up. "It's not Dragon Zoo." The hopeful look of expectation immediately turned into a frown, the rubber dragon grumbling as he and Tundra sat down in a nearby table while Jiro and Shawn were placed in a different area before being delivered a stack of papers. Shawn's eyes widened slightly as he looked through it all, most of it being stuff that it looked like they had to declare in the terms of insurance as he went through and signed most of it.

"You know," Pyre chirped after wandering over to the pile of gold and messing with the coins. "For running what is at it's core a sex club for horny rubber dragons the higher-ups sure do love their paperwork."

"It's probably because they run a sex club for horny rubber dragons," Tundra stated.

"Touche," Pyre said, pointing at Tundra before looking back at Riven. "Speaking of such how is this whole thing with mingling with the public going to work? Considering there's no barrier between them and our two feral dragons I'm guessing that there are other precautions being put into place."

"Indeed there are," Jiro stated, wagging his pen in the air before signing his name again. "The feral formula has been tweaked to greatly reduce any spikes in libido as well as what I like to call the mind-numbing effects of it, so while it's still going to ramp up those instincts we aren't going to be, for lack of a better explanation, dumb and horny. We'll still be able to talk too and things of that nature, though I believe they want to keep that at a minimum. The effect is still going to be quite potent so don't expect Shawn and I to have lengthy, in-depth discussions on any particular topic and if our arousals spike it's going to be even moreso."

"We've also taken care of the public side of things and made both this area for adults only," Riven chimed in. "Thanks to the fact that we have a full bar we can easily make that the reason for why little Johnny can't come in instead of the fact he might see a rubber dragon dick. This place is also going to be cleaner in atmosphere than Dragon Heaven, though people up here are going to have certain liberties then they wouldn't have down here in the tavern. While all the specifics are still being ironed out for the public side of things I already have assurances that Jiro and Shawn will both be well taken care of, and speaking of which I know It's really late for you guys but they're currently running sample courses for the menu if you're hungry."

All four of the rubber dragons were fine with that and with the contract work out of the way Riven went down and brought food and drinks up for all of them. While they ate Jiro explained how his new and improved serum would work, the entire thing was in an auto-injector that once administered would send a potent chemical cocktail into their bodies that would alter their minds and bodies. Unlike when Shawn had spent a week getting conditioned this was fast acting in both regards, especially since Shawn had already been brought to that state once before. For Jiro it would probably take a little longer and his mental acuity would be higher but, in the end, once they took the serum they would both be feral dragons for the week and for every week that they continued to administer it to them.

Once they were done Jiro and Riven told Shawn to go home and get some rest, he was definitely going to need it to prepare for the grand opening as they did the same. With Shawn's mates already at home Pyre and Tundra offered him a ride to avoid having to catch the bus that wouldn't be running for at least a few more hours. As they got out of the club he had to shield his eyes from the sun that had already peeked up before being led to the parking lot where they had parked. Despite it getting close to the time most people have to work the roads were still relatively clear as Pyre drove them back to Shawn's den.

Though the two continued to talk about how awesome the setup looked and how it was going to be interesting to see the public reaction Shawn couldn't help but keep thinking about how it was going to feel to be a feral dragon again. Even during Jiro's first experiments that made him primarily reliant on instincts he could remember how horny it had made him to be so entirely reliant on another, being led around like some sort of pet on a leash with nothing he could do about it. It was like heavy bondage of the mind, while other techniques like hypnosis and such were good to get him into a certain mindset the process that the white-scaled dragon had come up with was nothing short of a vac-sack for his consciousness.

"Almost there," Pyre suddenly announced, bringing Shawn back to the present as he saw that they were turning up onto his street. "Not that I'm one to naysay watching you get all bound up and put out there on display but I wanted to make sure that you thought this through. Being out there in the public eye is definitely going to be a different experience, even with all the precautions that they're setting up there you're going to be a rubber dragon in a room full of humans."

"Yeah... I know It's going to be strange for sure," Shawn replied, his muzzle curling up into a slight grin. "But to be a feral dragon again I think I would allow them to chain me up in the middle of the town square. That feeling... I know that's not your guy's thing but if they ever make it so you only have to spend a few hours in that form I would highly recommend it."

Both Pyre and Tundra chuckled at Shawn, causing the red and blue latex dragon to grin sheepishly. "Well if there's one thing that we can count on is that you're always going to surprise us somehow," Pyre said while he pulled up into the driveway. "Anyway here you go, home sweet home. Normally we would pressure you to join your dragon pile but Tundra and I have things that we need to attend to, such as seeing the role that we might play in all this excitement. Tell Mitch and Conrad that we say hello."

Shawn nodded and thanked them for the ride, waving them off as they backed up into the street in order to in all likelihood head back towards Dragon Heaven. By this point the sun had completely exposed itself and made Shawn thankful that his windows were completely blacked out as he took out his keys and got inside his own familiar rubber cave. Though it had only been a few hours since the club closed he could already hear the voices of the other two rubber dragons that lived with him, meaning that they either had stayed up waiting for him or got up early to wait for him. Either way he walked into his living room and saw a bronze-scaled Western dragon and purple-scaled Eastern dragon both look up at him from where they had cuddled on his couch.

When Conrad offered to make him breakfast Shawn quickly declined and said that he had news that he needed to tell them, the two scooting over to let him in as he excitedly told them what he had been told. He saw their eyes go wide as he said that he was going to be a feral dragon again and everything that was happening with the expansion of the club. When he was done Mitch was practically clutching a pillow that was in the shape of gemstone while Conrad was a mixture of happiness that he got to see Shawn strutting his stuff and sadness that they couldn't join him. When they asked if there was a possibility for other slaves to get in on the action Shawn just shrugged but said it looked like this was kind of a trial period.

"Well it makes sense I guess," Conrad replied dejectedly, lying back on Mitch and causing the bronze dragon male to squeak slightly. "They were going to pick someone that went through the process before because they know how you're going to react. It's just disappointing that you won't be able to come home, I could think of a few things to do to a big feral dragon in the house."

"I can think of a few things that we can do right now," Mitch replied with a grin as he sank down onto the floor and pushed himself between the rubber legs of the other male, sliding his hands up Shawn's thighs. "Looks like we're going to have to enjoy you while we can, how long are you going to be gone?"

"I think they're going to test run it for ah!- about a week," Shawn explained, pausing when the bronze latex maw coaxed his cock out of its hiding place and began to suck on it. "At least that's how long the serum is supposed to last on us, and considering that Jiro is the other dragon that it's being used on he's probably pretty confident."

Conrad gave Shawn a surprised look as he grabbed took the red and blue dragon by the waist and pulled slid behind him on the couch while still keeping his head buried in Shawn's crotch. "I'll admit that I don't know Jiro very well but he doesn't seem like one to give up control like that to someone else," he stated as he directed his own hardening cock against Shawn's tailhole while reaching around and rubbing his pectorals. "Of course if this is something that he's been working on as long as you say it might make sense, after all if you really wanted to be a feral dragon and worked for years developing a way to do it then you'd probably find the first excuse to use it on yourself."

"I suppose you're right," Shawn replied, groaning slightly from the feel of their smooth bodies rubbing against one another as Conrad's thick cock pushed into him which caused his hips to push up and drive his own member down into Mitch's throat before he could continue. "Either way it's going to be quite the honor. I look forward to representing rubber dragons and Dragon Heaven."

"Mhmmm..." Conrad murmured, licking and kissing on the exposed neck of the rubber dragon in front of him before licking up to his ear fin. "You're going to break a lot of hearts though, people were just getting used to you being on stage again and now you're going to deny your presence once more."

"Ah... not quite yet..." Shawn gasped. "You... don't know... what they have planned... for tomorrow..."

Tales from Dragon Heaven - Feral Dragon Display (2/4)

The next night the entire club was filled with rubber dragons as usual, but instead of the usual music to get everything started off followed by the offering of the slaves of Dragon Heaven it appeared that there was something different happening...

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Extended Role (2/2)

Shawn wasn't sure how long he had been left in that storage closet, days? Months? Hours? Time didn't seem to really hold any more meaning for him; he no longer felt hungry or tired and it appeared whatever transformation he had undertaken eliminated...

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Extended Role (1/2)

Shawn walked through the Aviary, which was rather quiet given that it was the middle of the morning on a Tuesday. There was still one or two dragon slaves that were fully geared up, those that were feeling like being in bondage for the long haul or...

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