Achievement Unlocked

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Set in the Nexus Wars universe, a top contender in Renzyl's realm goes into a bounty game in order to try and make a few easy credits and finds himself outclassed by a fellow top dog from another realm.

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It was nighttime on the servers of Nexus War, one of the most popular free-to-play games that had ever hit the internet, and as usual the lobby of the Renzyl faction was bustling with activity. In the center of the digital town square hung the leaderboard with all ten factions listed on it, which after a successful series of raids by the heavier users their group was now in third place with Kirdos being first and, strangely enough, Jerkah being second. One such player went by the name Karashu, who played under the general Shadow and was one of the best stealth people they had. His avatar modifications showed his accomplishments; his entire reptilian body was sheathed in an aura of black mist and his entire body was covered with shiny black scales that could turn into a light-absorbing version with a flick of his fingers. He also had on his back one of the best sniper rifles in the game, one that not only took down players but upped their corruption bar as well as marked them for those who followed Sivilath.

As he passed through he got a number of accolades and nods from the others, recognizing a superior hunter that crossed their path. Though he wasn't in the top spot yet Karashu knew that he was getting close, particularly when it came to certain matches. He was also getting a lot of notoriety from being an unchanged, one of the few that had yet to get their corruption bar completely filled during any match. It was quite the achievement and one that he hoped to have for quite some time as he made his way to the social area.

"Well if it isn't the son of Shadow himself," a naga said with a grin as he entered into the bar area where a number of hardcore players like himself gathered. "I figured when they announced there was a bounty match announced that you'd materialize. How many you have in your harem now?"

Karashu just shrugged and got a drink, which doubled as a temporary health booster for the match the naga had mentioned. Bounty matches were one of the most sought after arena battle modes in the entire game, not only because you could score some serious coin going after the right people but those that were corrupted had to come over to your side and personally serve you. Karashu didn't believe it until he won his first match and corrupted two of Yavini's plant fox minions. The best part was afterwards they came to his place and had the best threesome ever, watching the two vulpines service him. It was one of the greatest things since he started playing and realized that he no longer saw himself or the other players as human in the real world and it caused him to immediately become a hunter.

"What's your bounty at now by the way?" the naga asked, the snake tapping on his chest and bringing up the menu to show an amount in the eight figure range. "Damn! You're going to have every corruptor on the field gunning for your scaly hide."

"Please, that's not even close to the highest number that's going to be participating in this," Karashu scoffed. "Speaking of participation, who are we playing? I didn't have a chance to check the roster yet."

"It's a tri-faction battle with us, Famjin, and Jerkah." The naga informed him as he drank as well.

"Jerkah's faction is in this one?" Karashu said with a grin. "Fantastic, maybe we can finally drop them down a peg or two. I can't believe those foodies managed to get to the top of the board."

"Well let's make sure they know where their proper place is," the naga replied with a grin as he picked up the multi-phase rocket launcher. "Beneath us."

The two gave each other a high five before they walked out of the bar back into the lobby proper where a group of heavily armed and armored individuals were walking to the gate that would teleport them to their destination. Unlike in most matches this was a free-for-all, which meant that while most people still had teammates to help them and their score would go to the faction total it was mostly for individual reward. That was just fine for Karashu, he liked matches that didn't depend on a team score and as he looked at the crowd getting ready to warp through he already saw a few corrupters that he shared bounties with before. When the ten second warning went off every rubber reptile there took out their weapons and got them ready while the crowd of people that gathered to watch in spectator mode cheered them on.

The second that timer hit zero the wispy spot that everyone stood in front of suddenly opened into a portal, which caused a mad rush as everyone began to rush into it. Though Karashu did the same he was in no rush, his tactic generally involved a lot of commotion to start happening in the field as he let the heavy hitters go in front. As soon as he passed through the portal to the other side he was immediately greeted with a torrent of rain from the black clouds overhead. The Famjin faction must have bought a field modifier to benefit them, Karashu thought to himself as he began to look through the storm, but that also meant that the area would be darker which would also positively affect shadow creatures like him.

After about half a minute of searching the area, which appeared to have taken the form of an abandoned amusement park in this match, he found a possible perch he could hang out in on the midway. At first he thought he might climb up the ferris wheel or rollercoaster but with the rain that would make shooting from a spot less than ideal. Instead he opted for the ticket booth; though it was ground level it was fairly close to their access portal and he still had a decent view of the field. By the time he jumped behind the counter the first explosions of the battle rocked the field, missiles and other heavy weapons launched from multiple angles careened through the sky before hitting their targets.

"Who am I going to take today..." Karashu said to himself as he adjusted the scope on his sniper rifle, his eyes piercing through the darkness to see the battlefield. He saw a few juicy bounties displayed as he scanned the field and when there was one or two that were near other corrupters he opened fire. The shadow projectiles streaked through the air before hitting their target, piercing through the water wall that the neoprene shark had erected and hitting its owner. When he fell back the ability faltered and the two followers of Siviliath pounced and corrupted the creature to their size.

Karashu took a moment to watch his already sizable account get richer with his share of the bounty from that creature, then went back to finding targets while he was still unseen by the other side. Unfortunately it appeared his hiding spot wasn't as good as he thought as he saw something coming towards him. "Well that's rather bold," the shadow lizardman said with a smirk as he aimed straight at the chocolate creature, one of Jerkah's faction with a sizable bounty. "Hope you like rubber."

After taking a second to aim Karashu fired, and his grin fell when he saw his bullet blow the head off the creature and reveal a hollow interior. "A chogolem?" he said in surprise as the rest of its body melted. It was the first time Karashu had seen one that advanced, normally he would easily spot the flaws that the sugary doppelgangers had but this one was near flawless. Of course he had a power of his own and as he drew in the power of the darkness around him he closed his eyes for a brief second...

...and when he opened them again he found himself in the shadow of one of the nearby midway tents, looking over at the shadow replica of himself still aiming his rifle. It was a rather devious special ability that he had, combined with the fact that Renzyl's faction had corruptive touch on their powers meant whoever had tried to deceive him would be in for a surprise if they tried to pounce on him to corrupt him. Of course that also meant he needed a new sniper nest, though as he looked around for somewhere else to perch something hit his nose that caused him to pause.

It was one of the most heavenly scents that he had ever experienced in his entire life, and the longer he stood there the more it consumed his focus. In the back of his mind he knew that this was a particularly powerful ability that Jerkah's corrupters had called scent trap, but even as he saw two creatures come towards him he knew he couldn't escape the need to continue to smell that delectable taste. "Well look at what we caught here," the muscular dark chocolate wolf said as he came up to the enthralled lizardman. "This is quite the bounty, don't you think?"

Next to him was a smaller creature, a sergal whose form seemed to shift as he stood there giving him a very amorphous feel to him. "Oh yes," the other creature replied as he looked him over. "I believe this is the one they call the son of Shadow, taking him off the field is going to cripple Renzyl's faction for sure. Hurry up and transport him, if we can get him back to the midway we'll have a lot more cover to convert him."

The wolf smirked and walked up to Karashu, placing his hands on his chest. Though the shadow creature tried to fight off the intoxicating scent in order to escape he knew even if he could shake off the remainder of the effect it would be too late. He groaned slightly as the dark chocolate began to coat over his rubber scales, spreading out and covering every inch of his chest. The wolf was obviously high level as he could feel it cover his shoulders and down his groin, and as the tendrils of the sweet substance work its way across his arms. Karashu could feel himself lose control of his limbs as the wolf continued to cover them while the chocolate on his chest hardened.

"There's no way you're going to get me back towards your gate," Karashu growled as the sweet substance began to coat up his neck. "Not with Famjin's faction out for your blood."

"That's where you're wrong," the chocolate fox said with a wink. "You see, we contacted the Famjin faction and worked out a deal, I'm afraid this is an ambush to take you down so the sharks can take your spot at number three."

Karashu growled as he thought back to the faction board and realized what the fox had said was true, Famjin's faction was currently fourth and with the midnight rewards about to come out being in third would give them more benefits for the next day. Before the shadow rubber lizardman could say anything though the chocolate wolf pressed his muzzle, feeling his tongue press inside before more of the sweet treat coated his mouth and tongue. Suddenly everything tasted like chocolate as their well-toned avatars ground up against one another, though for Karashu he had been rendered immobile by the candy coating that continued to cover him.

"Hurry up Caro!" the sergal hissed as he looked out from around the tent. "The other heavy hitters are getting crushed out there!"

The wolf frowned and broke the kiss, Karashu unable to close his muzzle as the chocolate crept through and covered his rubber scales. "How?" he growled. "With the rain modifier Famjin's squad and the chogolems from the other Kuraso followers should have been more than enough to hold back Renzyl's forces!"

"It looks like Famjin switched sides!" the sergal reported. "They're flanking out crews now!"

"Bloody sharks..." Caro growled. "Doesn't matter if we lose this battle now, we got our prize. Cover me, we need to convert him before the match is over."

As the wolf raised his paw Karashu focused and realized that while the two had imprisoned him so that they could move him back towards their lines the timer had been ticking down the entire time. If they couldn't completely corrupt him by the time the match was over it didn't count, they didn't get the bounty and Karashu had a new target next time. However the rain made it easier for the two to slip through the field and with most of the attention focused on the capturing of Jerkah's faction that were now pinned they found their way relatively clear. Those that did happen to stumble into their path were quickly taken care of by their advanced weapons, neither of them stopping to try and convert them as they took the captured lizardman deeper into the midway.

When they reached the food court of the amusement park, which in the back of Karashu's mind he realized would likely be where Jerkah's faction would pop out of, the rubber lizardman watched as latecomers to the raid continued to push their way through the portal to join the fight and save their brethren. For the rubber lizardman though his fate seemed to be sealed as he saw the sergal open his conversion menus. "You got a particular flavor that you like?" the sergal asked. "Cause I have gotten quite a few variants, but choose quick cause we haven't got all day."

Karashu knew that if the corrupter was a flavor that he particularly enjoyed it would increase the corruption potency, but at this point with him so far back behind enemy lines it didn't quite matter. When he said he preferred raspberry the sergal nodded and focused, his liquid body going from a shiny golden color to a creamy red. Despite trying to look noble about it all Karashu couldn't help but swallow hard as the two got ready to claim their bounty. Thanks to what he could only assert was a special modification to the chocolate shell his corruption meter had already started to fill, but the two were clearly not content enough to let that happen on its own.

As the rubber lizardman was brought down to all fours the corrupter took up his position behind him, Karashu able to feel his tail get raised up as the chocolate wolf that had entrapped him in the first place decided to help with the process. With a snap of the canine's fingers the candy shell broke, though at this point it had sapped enough of Karashu's hit points that he couldn't run even if he wanted to. Instead he felt something push up against his rear while the wolf continued to look at him with a smirk, that chocolate cock throbbing in front of the rubber lizard's face.

"First time?" The wolf asked sincerely, Karashu nodding. "It's not so bad, either you pay to get yourself back on your faction, your friends do it, or you decide to stick around if you like it enough. I used to be on Tarien's side for the longest time before the corrupter behind you converted me, now I can't think of a sweeter fate than this one."

When Karashu opened his muzzle to let out a sarcastic laugh he once more tasted chocolate, those this time it was from something far thicker than a tongue as that canine cock quickly sank into his muzzle. Almost immediately his corruption bar began to fill faster and Karashu could feel it coursing through his body. The shadow power, the tainted touch that he had from being in Renzyl's faction, was slowly disconnecting from him as a second cock pushed into his tailhole. Though the sergal was made entirely of a liquid, or cream in this case, the maleness that spread open his synthetic anal walls was surprisingly firm as it quickly pushed deep inside him.

"Wait wait wait!" the wolf said, causing the sergal to look up as well as Karashu while Caro opened a virtual menu and pressed something on this. "We got to transmit this, show all the guys on our side and the losers on Renzyl's faction our new trophy."

Karashu's eyes widened as he saw the floating orb of light appear in Caro's hands before it fluttered up into the air, recording the three of them as the lizardman let out a muffled grunt. While he had seen such videos hundreds of times before he never imagined that he would be the focus of one of them, especially not being spit-roasted by the two males. Normally recording in the middle of a battle meant that it was possible they lost their quarry but Karashu could feel the control slipping away from his avatar with every second that raspberry crème cock was buried inside of him. Once it appeared they were recording the chocolate wolf waved to the camera as he flexed backwards, not only showing off his physique but at the partially chocolate-covered latex lizardman that was orally impaled on his cock.

"What's up lizard losers!" Caro said as he took a free hand and pushed Karashu's muzzle down harder onto his dick, pushing he head into his latex throat as the sergal remained content to keep pounding him from behind. "We're here on the Bounty match against Renzyl and Famjin's factions and even though we were double-crossed we still managed to get out not empty-handed. The rubber shadow lizard that you see currently being double stuffed is your very own Son of Shadow, captured by Caro, myself, and the number one corrupter for Jerkah, Callifre!"

Callifre... Karashu's eyes widened as he realized he hadn't even looked at the other male after he had gotten captured. No wonder his scent trap was so potent, he thought as Caro continued to gloat while sliding in and out of his muzzle, he was ranked number one in Jerkah's faction and had a bounty on him that was at least nine, if not ten, figures. Somehow that made everything better, looking back to see the red sergal wink at him as he continued to be filled by his corruption. By the time the chocolate wolf had finished with his broadcast Karashu's corruption was nearly complete, his normally blank black latex eyes filling with red lines as the chocolate once more coated him from the head down.

As Karashu reached the top of his corruption bar he saw that his own cock, which had by this point begun to drip the same raspberry crème, throbbing with arousal at being sandwiched between the two. He knew it was the game doing this but he felt a connection to them, just like when he would have his own member root-deep in another faction member. He could see the look of lust glaze over their eyes as his rubber crawled over their skin, turning them to a rubber lizard. With Jerkah however they tended to keep their original forms and as he felt that lust fill him Karashu felt himself succumb to the whims of the powerful creatures that thrusted into his body.

"Looks like he's about ready to pop," Caro said as he terminated the transmission. "Only forty-five seconds left, you still want to go for it?"

Though Karashu couldn't tell what Callifre responded with the second his corruption bar was full the former latex lizard experienced two things, the first was that he felt a collar form around his neck that indicated he was the property of the two that corrupted him, and the second was a filling sensation from behind him. When he turned his head around he saw the sergal losing definition and at the same time the cock inside his tailhole seemed to push deeper into his form. It didn't take long for Karashu to figure out what power was about to be used on him, a rare treat indeed as his tailhole felt stretched to the limit.

As the crème sergal continued to shrink and lose definition Caro pulled his own member out of the new chocolate lizard's mouth. When the head of his dick slid out with a loud pop a torrent of liquid chocolate drooled out of his maw. Soon Karashu could taste raspberries as well as chocolate though and the crème began to leak out along with the thick syrup, and as he felt the sergal push out his stomach Karashu looked down to see the outline of the other male's head push against his chocolate scales. At this point Karashu was no longer of the son of Shadow or even a member of Renzyl's faction, he was just a submissive male that was being invaded by the sergal behind him as his stomach continued to stretch with the other creature's mass.

"I do love watching you take someone over," Caro grinned as he continued to stroke his own cock with one hand while holding his gun with the other to provide cover. At this point Karashu couldn't even speak, he just gurgled as more of the raspberry crème poured out of his mouth, then began to drip out of his nose and ears as well as the outline of the sergal's head pushed up his muscular chest and into his throat. Karashu already had lost the ability to do anything without Caro or Callifre ordering him, but now he had lost complete control of movement as he saw a pair of hands stretch out his arms from the inside while that head pushed its way up his neck with a pleasurable pressure that made Karashu climax right there.

As Karashu felt his skull stretch out and conform to the shape of the sergal's head Karashu couldn't even look around anymore, Callifre using his possession ability to take over everything. "Your body is a good fit," the sergal said through the chocolate lizardman's mouth as Karashu was forced to spectate. "It's a shame that I'll only be able to have it for thirty seconds or so, you going to watch Karashu or do you not want to watch the devastation that I'm about to wrought with your skills?"

Karashu decided that he was going to bow out of spectator mode, not wanting to see what sort of crazy shenanigans a skilled creature like Callifre was going to do with his abilities. As the chocolate lizardman took his sniper rifle and bounced up onto one of the tents the player blinked and looked around after he had logged off. He could see the entry portal into Nexus War flashing on his screen, waiting for him when he wanted to log back in once again. As he got up from his desk he could hear his phone blowing up with the Nexus War messaging app, no doubt from those in his faction after seeing the vid Caro posted or seeing that he had been corrupted.

None of that mattered though, at this point Karashu was more enamored with his new form as he looked at the mirror. It was the first time since he started playing the game that he had been anything but a rubber lizardman, and though he was still reptilian in nature the fact he was made of chocolate was bizarre. Whether his taste buds got used to it or it was part of the transformation he couldn't take the chocolate when his tongue was in his mouth, but when he gave his arm a lick he could taste it and shivered in pleasure when it reminded him of the thick cock of the chocolate wolf that gave him such a body. There was also something else that he heard that the Jerkah faction could do, something that he never thought he would would be able to try as he stuck his finger in his mouth...

When he bit down it didn't take much to sever the digit, immediately tasting raspberry crème on his tongue as he began to chew. As he pulled his hand away and looked at the missing digit he wondered what it looked like in the real world, did the game somehow change his physiology so he could do such a thing, or was it all in his mind and he was just a human pantomiming such a process? Either way it caused a surge of arousal as he watched the finger quickly grow back until his hand looked normal once again.

As he continued to look at himself he suddenly heard his phone ring once again, but this time it was something that he felt compelled to look at it. It was a text message that so many others had gotten before, a message with an address, but instead of his location that others would go to him it was the other way around. He quickly got dressed and walked out of his apartment, heading out into public and heading towards the location he was told to go. Along the way he saw a number of others in public, the transformed players of the game easily able to identify one another as they nod to one another. Usually he would be approached by more than one rubber creature that would want to gush over his latest win but in his changed state most thought he was just another member of Jerkah's faction.

It took him about an hour to get to the location in the suburbs outside of the city, knocking on the door. It didn't take long for the raspberry crème sergal to open the door, looking really odd in his human clothes as he stuck out his tongue. "Well if it isn't the son of Shadow," Callifre said with a smirk as he looped a finger around the collar that had materialized around his neck. "Come on in, Caro is at work but he says that we can start the fun without him."

The chocolate lizardman was nearly jerked inside and led to the bedroom, one of two that were in the small house that Callifre owned. He admitted that Caro was his roommate and that the two had actually met over the Nexus War game. When they got to his bedroom Karashu's jaw dropped open in amazement at the amount of artwork that was of Califre's actual avatar. There were even little statues of him around his rig, which the other creature said was from those that he has conquered over his duration for the game.

"Listen..." Callifre said as he had Karashu sit on the bed while the sergal bit his lip. "I don't know if you've checked your app recently but your friends have already posted the sizable amount we put for you to go back to Renzyl's faction. You know most people have to wait at least half the time limit before they get enough coin to do that, they must really want you back. All you have to do is press accept on your phone and you'll be back to your normal rubber lizard self."

Karashu fished out his phone and looked at the Nexus War app, seeing that what the sergal said was true. He couldn't believe how many people chipped in to get him back to Renzyl's faction. Perhaps they thought that he might turn to Jerkah's faction and they would suddenly have to deal with a sniper that was aimed at them instead of helping them. "You know I love Renzyl's faction and being a boss rubber shadow lizardman," Karashu said as he clicked off his phone and set it aside while grinning. "But I don't have to accept it quite yet, and until I do I believe I'm still your chocolate lizardman."

Callifre smiled and nearly pounced on him, the two locking lips as their tongues danced around one another. The two food creatures licked and sucked everyone on one another's bodies, enjoying the siilar but still slightly different tastes of one another's bodies. The sergal once more hooked his finger around the collar of the other male to get him on all fours. With the fact that he could go back to his dominant, uncorrupted self at any point he felt like he could enjoy himself a lot more, enjoying the sensation of being the submissive one for once as the sergal pushed his long cock inside his tailhole once more.

"You sure you don't want to stay like this for longer?" Callifre said as he began to thrust into him, his own hand sliding down to stroke his. "I'd take real good care of you in my harem and we could definitely use your skills."

Between grunts of pleasure Karashu managed to laugh and look back. "What, and deprive you of my presence as a hunter of your kind?" He asked as the sergal pushed as deep into the other male as possible. "You wish... better spend the money you got on my bounty quick because next time I'm going to see you wrapped in rubber. Caro too, both of you in my bed licking my cock is something I can't wait to see."

In response Callifre gave him an extra hard thrust, causing their conversation to end right there as a surge of pleasure rushed through the former latex lizardman's body. Though his mind was consumed by lust from his temporary owner plowing into him his mind was still clear enough for him to start his scheming, knowing that there were plenty out there that would love to split the bounty, as well as the cheeks, of the nefarious sergal. Alliances, other factions, everything would soon be at his disposal to sate his quest for vengeance...

As the two heard the door opened and they both turned their heads to hear Caro announcing his arrival Karashu licked his lips as he began to crave something else that the wolf had first...

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