Radasus vs Jeked 3

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#38 of Tik Tik and the Tournament of Pleasure

Radasus is outnumbered by the army of humonculi provided by the crafty Dr. Jeked. Will the adventurer kobold's skills help him overcome the numbers provided by the goblin?

Want to get your character in the Tournament of Pleasure? Just join my patreon at 20 dollars a month for one month and you'll have a character in the storyline!The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series starring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.Art: https://twitter.com/heckabunCharacter Designs: https://twitter.com/RadasusNailo and https://twitter.com/JazzyRe62476978Sprites: Radasus Nailo and https://www.deviantart.com/talentlessfiend

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Dr. Jeked sits upon a stool made of one of his many homunculi. At the same time, more of the goblins hold the canine kobold Radasus hostage, bound tightly by ropes. Radasus remains bound up, glancing around, his eyes catching onto the pink kobold on the stands.

Tik Tik watches Radasus, a bright smile on her face. Is her look one of admiration? Is it one of pity? He doesn't know, but what he does know is that he cannot keep her eyes off of her.

Tightly snug in his armor, the adventurous dogbold knows the feeling of safety in compressed space quite well. To be bound by ropes and squeezed by strong arms is a sensation quite strange and exhilarating to him. It's also a sensation that his opponent notices quite quickly, himself.

The feminine Jeked places a gloved hand between Radasus's legs. The canine kobold whines when he feels her touch brush up against his bulge. "Come on, dear, you know you want to enjoy this feeling," the goblin homunculus says. "Let the doctor take good care of you, and give up this fight. Don't you want to know all the pleasures that we can offer you?"

The real Jeked relaxes on his stool, crossing one leg over the other and dusting off some debris from his worn-out coat. "My dear, better to just get this over with, wouldn't you say?"

The female Jeked pouts, whimpering at that. "Oh, but I so want to play with this cute little puppy..." she says, gloved fingers pinching at his ear, rubbing the furred thing between index finger and thumb.

"You can do it, Rada," Tik Tik says, whispering to herself. "Go ahead and show you are a winner!"

Hanioc watches in silence, many eyes watching this battle without offering his usual commentary.

Radasus closes his eyes, feeling the gentle touches and the tight squeezes over his body. It doesn't feel as bad as he would have expected. And he didn't expect a tournament centered on sex to be so sexless. Is it really?

Many goblinoid hands work to keep him pinned against them as others unclasp that protective armor of his. Expert maneuvers work together to keep him from being able to escape. They free him of his protective outer layer, but also replace it with the hugs and snuggles and bindings that keep him down. Once released of his armor, the doggo kobold now has many hands over his body, patting at fur, rubbing at his belly, scratching behind his ears.

He murrs.

"Really, this is all it takes to win these things, then I suppose I have it in the bag," Jeked says, stretching out. His mouth opens in a cartoonishly loud yawn. "Just keep on petting him until he has no choice but to submit. That should be enough.

And so a half dozen goblins pile on Radasus, hugging and cuddling him, keeping their hands to places where their touch would be the warmest and the sincerest. They cuddle up against him, leaving him with only his eyes and ears uncovered, which allows him to watch Tik Tik.

Tik Tik's tail wags. She licks at her snout at the show before her and clutches at her chest. Just seeing her like that makes Rada's heart thump hard in his chest. How can he endure? What is the point?

It is a question he would have to find the answer to eventually because he can do nothing else but lay there and take it.

And enjoy it.

How long does the cuddle puddle last, exactly? Long enough for the audience to lose interest and disappear. It is also long enough for poor Tik Tik to nod off once or twice. Finally, it is long enough for the caresses and touches of Radasus's goblin opponents to slow down and stop, followed by the sounds of loud snoring.

Rada blinks and wriggles, popping the rest of his face free, only to see that Jeked himself is curled up on his stool, which itself lays on the ground, snoring away as well. The dog kobold glances to Hanioc, but the angel just watches. He wriggles himself out, popping out of the pile and inching his way back towards his sword. He grits his teeth, sawing away at the ropes binding him until they snap and crumple to the ground.

Jeked snorts upon feeling something sharp upon his throat. His eyes flutter open, only for him to freeze in place. He's down on the floor, lying on his back with Radasus's blade pressed against his flesh.

"Yield," Radasus says. He's back in his armor, shining and producing a heroic look to him.

"I... and they... and... what!?"

"I said, 'yield!" Radasus growls, baring his teeth.

Jeked grumbles a moment, but a soft press of steel gets him to yelp, "I yield. I yield!"

The other Jekeds stir, rubbing their eyes and yawning.

"Fat lot of good you all did. He was supposed to give up!"

Radasus pulls his sword back and sheathes it. "Well, it seems your heart wasn't in this competition. You found it beneath you, just like you found me. Because of that, you couldn't even stay awake during an assured victory. It's pathetic."

Jeked snarls and hops up. With a snap of Jeked's fingers, his homunculi gather up around him. "Well, we'll see about that. Failure in science is just another step towards the truth. I'll have the secrets, and if we face each other again, you'll not have such an easy victory!"

He and his entourage head off, leaving Radasus to be left with Hanioc and the sleeping Tik Tik.

"Congratulations, Radasus Nailo," Hanioc says. "You have won through unorthodox means. The divines may be looking for sexual prowess, but you have won with an endurance of a different sort today.

Radasus adjusts his leggings and coughs. "Yes, well, I can't say it was unpleasant, but... it was much better once people weren't looking."

"Your other opponents surely won't take you so easily," Hanioc says. "You'll need to be much more proactive."

"R... right!" he says, standing tall and saluting the angel. "Don't worry about that. I won't let my guard down again!"

"That, I look forward to seeing," The angel says, "And so will she." He nods towards Tik Tik.

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