Well Met By Moonlight (Complete story)

Story by A_Rhiannon on SoFurry

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#6 of Original Erotica

Thomas was only looking for his dinner in the moonlit forest. What he found instead was a pair of werewolves, pack-mates and lovers, who were quite interested in bringing the troubled vampire into their bed.

A "the world is shit, I might as well give out freebies" special, because I'm having a lousy day. This story was published in very, very, very rough draft form on Furaffinity years and years ago, and was polished up considerably and put on Amazon while I was experimenting with self-pub last year. Now the "nice" version is free for everybody!

If you're interested in the two prequel stories, both also featuring Thomas, they are still both on Amazon. But this was always intended to be a stand-alone, so that's entirely optional. :3

The Vampire's Return.

Storm Cat.

In any case, thanks for reading!

Posted using PostyBirb

Moonlight shone down from a cloudless sky as Thomas Harris walked through the winter forest. He moved slowly, scanning the trees and ruined houses around him. Most of the buildings were broken down and decrepit; the last time people had lived here had been over a hundred years ago. They might have stood longer in a different climate, but this was what was called a temperate rainforest, where the damp drove everything to rot, and the trees grew with incredible vigor. Towering giants sprouted out of what had been homes, while vines and shrubs tore down the walls that weren't held up by roots.

Once, this had been a thriving town, but it was now hardly recognizable as the work of human hands. A thick layer of snow further blurred and confused things, coating everything in a uniform blanket of white. Only the occasional unnatural right angle or patch of wall, freed from snow by a sheltering evergreen, or rising untouched above the drifts, made the place's past obvious.

Thomas was an odd sight as he moved slowly through the knee-deep snow. He was wearing sturdy boots, plain dark trousers, a plain white shirt, and a lightweight jacket. The frigid night should have had him bundled up in thick layers, but the cold didn't seem to touch him. His jet black hair was pulled back in a ponytail that fell halfway to his waist, and his fair skin was almost as pale as the snow around him. His face was young, unlined, looking no older than twenty-five. His eyes, piercing blue-gray, swept his surroundings, but his alertness had no trace of fear.

He was hunting.

The snow had slowed his pace, but made tracking easy, and he was hoping to chance on a set of deer tracks, if not the animal itself. He carried no gun, though. He didn't want to shoot the deer, oh no.

As he moved, his breath did not steam in the freezing air and his chest neither rose nor fell.

He needed to catch the deer alive in order to obtain what he needed from it, for he was a vampire.

Unfortunately, his hunt had proved entirely fruitless thus far. The night was still young, so he didn't despair. Still, he hadn't even found a track in the snow yet, which was more than a little frustrating. This was the deep forest; good country for deer, and for elk too. There should be plenty of prey about. So far, though, there was no sign anything larger than a fox lived in these woods.

Suddenly, a flicker of motion froze him in his tracks. The night was a confusion of moonlight and shadow, and even his supernatural vision couldn't immediately make out what it was. It moved again and he sighed as he recognized it. A wolf. Wolves had blood, true, but they were far too difficult and dangerous to hunt as he did, with his bare hands and the power of his mind. He was quite likely to be bitten, and he very much preferred to be the biter in these situations.

With a smile and a shake of his head, he prepared to move on, then paused. They didn't make good prey, but wolves were superb predators. Perhaps this one could lead him to what he sought. It was already out of sight, but it would leave tracks that he could follow.

Feeling better about his potential dinner, he set out along the wolf's trail.

Ian Christiansen bounded through the forest, enjoying the challenge of moving in the deep snow. He felt good. He had eaten well yesterday, so the success of tonight's hunt hardly mattered. It was good simply to be out in the woods, running beneath a moon that was waxing towards full. Unlike many werewolves, he loved the night of the full moon. He had never tried to deny or fight what he was. He was a wolf, and even when he fell far away from human thought, being a wolf was good.

He'd encountered humans who thought that werewolves were monsters while in wolf form. That was utterly ridiculous, of course. They were wolves in wolf form, and wolves were simply animals. No wolf, were or otherwise, would prey on humans if any other prey was available, even in these hard times. Not that you could ever convince most humans of that, of course. But that thought led to a bitter line of old memories, so he pushed it aside. He was feeling too good to let any worries get him down.

Between the trees, he glimpsed motion. For a moment he thought it was Justin Ackerman, his hunting partner, who should be moving somewhere nearby, seeking out his own meal.

This was not the other wolf.

As he froze and watched, it moved again, and he realized it was something human. He flattened himself against the ground and crept closer. The figure was tracking something through the snow, and Ian had a sudden strong suspicion that it was following Justin. The other werewolf always had run faster, so he was probably far ahead by now.

Then a hint of breeze brought the stranger's scent to him and he bristled. Not human, nor anything even remotely like human. It was a vampire. He bit back a low growl. He couldn't let the creature hear him and he couldn't let it stalk his partner!

Silently, he rushed across the space between them, hurdling brush that might have rustled underfoot and sending snow spraying up around him. With a silent snarl, he leaped at the vampire.

Thomas caught a flash of white teeth out of the corner of his eye, and twisted away with inhuman speed. It wasn't quite enough. The wolf's snapping jaws closed on air as he moved, but its body hammered into his, dropping him to the ground with two hundred pounds of wolf on his chest. Unfortunately for him he fell not on bare ground but on a tangle of fallen wood, and his head bounced off a branch. Many legends about vampires were lies, but this much was true: wooden weapons could harm him. Pain shot through him from the impact, and darkness followed it. He lay still, knocked unconscious and unbreathing, as the wolf picked itself up and snarled down at him.

He woke slowly to an awareness of throbbing pain, quickly supplemented by arguing voices, very nearby.

"...absolutely not. Back off

"Why not? It's a god-damned vampire, Justin!"

"You should listen to yourself! He is a person with a condition not unlike our own."

"That's different. You should know that. Werewolves mix the wolf and human, and neither of those are evil. Vampires aren't human at all." Thomas bit back a groan and considered sitting up. He didn't feel at all well, and he couldn't be sure if lying still and letting the argument play out would be better than getting up and joining in.

"Ian... You don't know that"

"I know a vampire killed Rachel." The first voice was very flat as he said that, the flatness of grief held tight within. Thomas winced. It couldn't have been him, but all the same... He was sure he had left people with that dead voice, that iron grief.

The second voice sighed deeply. "You don't know that either. I know how it looked, but you're still just assuming. I would think that after all the assumptions humans have made about us, you'd know better."

"He was hunting you," snapped the first voice. "I know that much, at least!"

Finally having something to add, Thomas opened his eyes and said, a little shakily, "Actually, I wasn't."

He saw two men standing over him. Neither was human. Both were, well, wolves. Wolves that stood upright, a melding of human and animal; swathed in fur, and with protruding canine faces and stubby hands that ended in claws, but humanoid, all the same. One very strongly resembled the animal he'd been following, a gray and white timber wolf with darker markings along its back and shoulders. The other was a little taller, and darker furred, but otherwise quite similar. Werewolves.

The lighter-furred one bent over him. "Are you all right?" That was the voice that had defended him, Justin, presumably.

Thomas slowly sat up, gingerly putting a hand to the side of his head. It was tender, and his hand came away bloody, but it didn't seem to have cracked the bone. However bad the wound, he'd heal eventually, but that didn't stop the aching in the moment. "I guess."

"Justin..." That was the darker-furred wolf, presumably Ian. His eyes were intense, pleading with his fellow canine.

Thomas stayed silent, wiping the blood on his fingers off on the snow. A hint of his own blood-scent hit him in the nose as he did, and his stomach twisted with hunger. He'd been ravenous before this, but the injury was demanding more of his energy, and now he felt positively hollow.

Justin gave Ian a quelling glare and turned back to Thomas. His eyes flicked down to the streak of blood on the snow. "You're hurt."

Thomas shook his head, and immediately regretted it. He groaned.

"If you weren't hunting Justin, then why were you stalking him?" said Ian, his voice still hard with suspicion.

Justin sighed. "Ian... Please don't."

"It's fine." Thomas considered trying to get up, then thought better of it. "I understand how it looks, but I wouldn't hunt a wolf with my bare hands, vampire or not. I was following your friend," he said, nodding towards Justin, "because I was hunting for some kind of prey animal, and doing a miserable job of it. I thought a wolf might be able to lead me to one. I need to feed, but only an idiot would try and feed from a wolf." He attempted a smile, hoping that humor might lighten the mood a bit. "They bite back."

Ian still looked darkly suspicious, but Justin chuckled. "Look, is there any way we can help you?" asked Justin.

Thomas shrugged. "I need blood," he said. "More so now that I have to heal." He immediately wished he hadn't said that, as Justin looked guilty.

"I'm sorry. Maybe... I mean, do you need a lot? I could donate some, perhaps?"

Thomas blinked. He'd hoped they might help him in his original aim, to find some kind of deer to feed from. He hadn't been attempting to ask for their blood at all.

"Justin! You can't possibly!" Ian looked shocked and enraged.

Justin growled at him. "And why not? I can afford to lose a little. It's our fault he's injured, you know. Have a bit of common decency, why don't you?"

"My decency was used up when Rachel died," snapped the other wolf.

"Ian..." Justin stopped just short of rolling his eyes. "You hardly knew her. She would have turned you down, you know that. Not to mention that this man had nothing to do with any of that, any more than you and I had to do with the Smith killings. You know, the reason we live out here, in the middle of nowhere?"

A bit of the anger finally went out of Ian and he sighed. "Fine, I get your point. You do whatever crazy thing you want to do to help this...person. I still don't trust him one bit." He turned his back on the pair with a snort of disgust. Justin just sighed again.

"I'm sorry," said Thomas.

"Sorry for what? Ian being an idiot is hardly your fault. Anyhow... I was asking, I think, if you needed much blood?"

"I can take quite a lot, but I don't need very much at all. Not enough to weaken, certainly not enough to kill. I don't... I don't like to kill. Not even animals." He suppressed a shudder. He had killed, in the past. He'd sworn never again, but he sometimes wondered what he'd do if his vow ever was tested. If Ian had insisted on killing him, would he have let it happen?

"You can go ahead and take what you need, then," said Justin. Thomas nodded, glad to have something else to think about. He sat up a little straighter as the wolf squatted down next to him. "What do I do?" he asked.

"Just give me your hand," said Thomas. This was odd. He'd seldom had anybody outright offer him their blood. In fact, it had been a very, very long time since he'd tasted anything but animal blood. He wondered briefly how werewolf blood would compare, then took the man's offered hand and lifted his wrist to his lips. He could smell a hint of blood-smell wafting through skin and fur, the one scent he was most attuned to in all the world. He could hear the wolf's heartbeat, and as he pressed his lips to the man's short-furred wrist he could feel Justin's pulse pounding against his lips. It was rapid, the wolf perhaps a bit more nervous than his calm demeanor suggested.

Not wanting to draw out that nervousness, Thomas bit down as quickly and cleanly as he could, his fangs cutting easily through the wolf's skin to reach the rich blood beneath.

As always, the first taste flooded his senses, hot and metallic and wonderful. Immediately on its heels came the touch of the wolf's mind. The bond of blood had formed between them, and they could sense each other's feelings, though it went no further than that; he could not tell what the werewolf was thinking.

Justin's mind felt human, but was layered with a bright intensity and rooted its thoughts firmly in the present. Wolves have little concept of the past, and live in an eternal "now." Justin, like the rest of his kind, had memories and a past like any human but was less inclined to live in it, and more inclined to enjoy present pleasures.

In this moment, Justin was simply enjoying being fed from, reveling in a shameless bloody hedonism. This was a bond that went both ways; Justin could sense him as much as he could sense the wolf, and all the sensation that was flowing out of Thomas now was the pleasure of tasting Justin's blood. This started a feedback loop, each of them feeling more pleasure as the other's pleasure grew, and Thomas very quickly lost control of his emotions. He had meant to keep this as impersonal as possible, to take what he needed, and give what pleasure he could, without bringing anything more into the bond, but now he couldn't. He moaned softly, raw delight at the taste of blood spilling over into something more erotic, and Justin echoed his moan.

"Justin..." Ian sounded worried, and that was enough to force Thomas to get a grip on himself. He couldn't completely fight down the arousal that surged through him, but he did let go of Justin's wrist. He hadn't taken more than a sip, but it was enough to leave him feeling better. He didn't want to lose himself and take too much, or draw the wolf into something that would shame them both later.

Thomas realized he was panting, his breath steaming in the winter night. This reaction to arousal was a holdover from his long-vanished humanity, the breaths unnecessary, but instinctual. He held his breath, trying to calm himself, and looked up at Justin. Ice-blue eyes met wolfish amber, and Thomas realized that Justin was panting as well. "I'm sorry," he said, flushing with embarrassment.

Justin laughed. "Don't be! That felt much better than I expected. And...uh... Much more interesting as well."

Thomas blushed even redder, the new blood in his system coloring his cheeks. "I didn't mean to... Er..." He felt completely off balance and tongue-tied, struggling to express his unwillingness to press his arousal and desire on someone who was likely not the least bit interested in him.

"It's fine," said Justin. "More than fine, in fact." Thomas started and realized that the wolf was still aroused. He then flushed crimson as he glanced downward and a hint of pink reminded him that Justin was, of course, entirely unclothed.

"What the hell are you two going on about?" Ian's abrasive, confused voice cut through the moment.

Justin laughed again. "What I am going on about is that getting bitten by a vampire feels pretty damn good. And I think my new friend here is going on about how he hadn't expected me to be gay."

Thomas somehow managed to blush even redder at the wolf's frankness. No, he definitely hadn't expected that. Hadn't realized it was the case, either. Now, though, he didn't need to feel guilty over pushing a man into feeling sexual pleasure. Or at least not as guilty. "Uh. Yeah, something like that," he managed. "Sorry."

"What's there to be sorry about? I enjoyed it." Thomas could still feel him, the bond lingering between them, and there was nothing but honesty and that continuing hedonistic pleasure coming from the wolf. Thomas relaxed a little.

"That's good," he said.

"You should try it!," said Justin to Ian.

"No. Fucking. Way." said Ian.

"Oh come on! If he were as dangerous as your stupid prejudice says he is, he'd have drunk me dry just now, when he had me right where he wanted me. He's fine, Ian. I can vouch for him. And since I can actually feel that he's still got a headache--which is weird, but also kinda interesting--that he could use a little more blood. Am I right?" He turned to Thomas expectantly.

"Well...yes," Thomas nodded hesitantly.

"There you go then," said Justin. "Come on, Ian. Trust me."

Ian sighed. "All right. I know you'll just badger me until I give in. So all right. Here." He stalked over, dropping down next to Thomas and thrusting out his hand.

Thomas took it slowly, and bent his head to bite down. He felt more than a little strange about it, since Ian wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but he did need more blood. Ian *had* said yes, after all.

Once again the initial rush of pleasure hit him, the taste of the wolf's blood electrifying and wonderful. The touch of his mind followed almost instantly. This mind might be less focused on the "now" than Justin's, but it was far more intense; a strong, vibrant, and aggressive personality coursed through it. For an instant Thomas was drawn back into his own past. The last time he had touched a mind with that intensity, its owner had done terrible, wonderful things to and with him.

Ian, however, was neither a psychopath nor a sadist, only iron-willed, and as pleasure spiraled up once more Thomas was able to dismiss the memory and simply savor the blood, enjoy the flood of delight, and let his arousal rise with it. Ian was a hedonist at heart, and Thomas could feel his suspicion and paranoia drop away, replaced with pleasure that escalated into arousal, more than matching Thomas'. A flash of curiosity pressed itself on their minds as Justin made his continued presence in the bond felt, as it flowed through Thomas into both of them. The wolves reached for each other's minds, with wonder at the closeness of this contact, mingled with familiarity--intimacy even. Thomas realized that they were not brothers as he had assumed, but lovers. Even as Thomas still fed from Ian's wrist, Justin leaned in and kissed Ian hard, passion flaring through the link.

Thomas shuddered. It felt so good... It had been so long, so very long... Not just since he had shared blood, but since he had had sex. What the two werewolves were doing and feeling had him incredibly aroused. He wanted to join them, to kiss them both, and do everything beyond.

He managed to cling to his self-control enough to draw back from Ian's wrist once he'd taken what he needed. He sat back, breathing hard again, fighting to get himself under control. The wolves broke off their kiss. They were both panting as well.

"You were right," said Ian. He glanced at Thomas. "I'm sorry."

Thomas shrugged. "It's good to be wary of vampires. Plenty of us deserve our reputations."

"But you obviously don't," said Justin. "You're a very nice vampire." He grinned. Thomas swallowed. He looked from one canine grin to the other, and could feel that they were both still aroused. Not that he needed to feel it, what with the naked truth right in front of him. His own reaction wasn't as obvious, but it was as strong. He licked his lips as the two continued to grin at him, feeling a sudden sympathy for rabbits and deer and all other prey. There was a certain thrill in that thought.

"It's cold out here, and not very comfortable," said Justin. "Would you like to come back to our den with us?" His emotions made it clear that there wouldn't be much rest there.

"We're practically strangers," Thomas said, a little hesitantly. "I'm not sure..."

Justin chuckled. "We know each other well enough to know what we want. If you're really not comfortable, though, that's all right."

Thomas hesitated. He was sure the wolves wouldn't force him into anything he didn't want, but what made him uncertain was realizing how much he really did want it. Was he only desiring them because it had been so long? Was he really attracted to them? Did it really matter? "Okay," he said suddenly. He got to his feet, wondering what he'd gotten himself into.

The wolves rose as well. They were both huge, towering over him. He was no more than average height, perhaps a touch shorter, but these two would have towered over even a tall man.

Then they shifted. He could see the muscles stretching and twisting as their arms lengthened, see their chests slowly deepen, their legs adapting and distorting. He could feel it too, through the lingering bond, and felt that it hurt. They were both used to the pain, so it was almost invigorating, like ice water on bare skin.

It didn't last long, and soon there were two enormous wolves racing through the trees, Thomas easily keeping pace. As they ran, the last of the bond faded, their hearts closing off from him and each other.

They ran for some time, eventually reaching a hill. The wolves didn't stop, even as it grew steeper and steeper, until they were scrambling over tumbled stones. Thomas was agile enough to keep up, but he had to use his hands to balance. He was very glad he didn't feel the cold. Soon the trees and rocks ended in a scree slope that lead up to a sheer cliff, in which a dark opening gaped; the mouth of a cave. Both wolves vanished into it, and Thomas followed.

Though from the outside the cave had looked rough and nondescript, inside the floor was flatter than a natural cave should be. It went back for some distance before opening up into a large chamber. A light glowed there, a small clay lamp of the sort that had been lighting humanity's way since the dawn of civilization. It faintly illuminated a simple but comfortable chamber whose main feature was a large bed. Thomas wondered for a moment how they'd gotten it in there.

Both wolves had changed back to their humanoid forms, though not all the way to human. It was much warmer here than out in the snow, but the wind still whistled in from the cave mouth, and Thomas was glad that the cold didn't touch him. He was sure he'd keep a fur coat on, if he had one.

"Welcome to our humble abode," said Justin. He dropped onto the bed with easy grace. There weren't any chairs, and for a moment Thomas contemplated sitting on the floor. In the same moment, he discarded the thought and perched on one corner of the bed. Ian threw himself down next to him in a boneless sprawl. Both wolves were very relaxed, putting Thomas at ease. He smiled, looking between them, and took a moment to appreciate what he saw.

They were both very muscular. Alike enough that they could have been brothers--though they were almost certainly not--they were both broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped, and though not overbuilt like weight-lifters, they had the look of true athletes. Which they were, of course. Only a wolf in in superb shape could survive in the wild in the heart of winter, and that physical conditioning had carried over into their more human forms.

"So now that you're here, why don't we get to know each other a bit?" said Justin.

Ian snorted. "I swear, talk is your favorite foreplay."

Justin just grinned toothily. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Justin. The rude one there is Ian."

"I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you." The pleasantry felt very odd under these circumstances, but it was true. It had been quite nice, if strange, to meet them.

"So, tell me all about yourself," said Justin.

"What did you want to know?" Thomas couldn't think of anything to start with.

"I'm curious about that... I don't even know what to call it. Telepathy? Empathy? I didn't know vampire bites could do that."

Thomas smiled, not quite showing his fangs. "There's a lot of half-truths out there about vampires. There aren't a lot of us, and we mostly try to pass unnoticed, so there aren't many chances for us to correct the record. You probably know how that goes."

"Hah." That was a bitter snort from Ian. "All too well."

"Why were you out hunting deer? Why not just feed from humans? Or hell, cows, horses, anything domesticated would be easier, right?"

Thomas shrugged. "Why do you two live out here? Why not just live among humans? That would be easier too, wouldn't it? My reasons are probably similar to yours."

"Oh." Justin's ears flattened against his skull, their expressiveness making up for his impassive canine face. "I... I think someday we'd like to try again, somewhere new. Right now, though... Right now it's easier to live alone for a while."


There was a long, uncomfortable silence as they all considered their troubled pasts. Justin shook himself, quite literally, and said, "Nevermind that nonsense. What about... I don't know. Tell me something interesting about yourself."

"I have never been bitten by another vampire," said Thomas, with a smile.

"More half-truths? I thought that you had to be bitten in order to be turned?"

Thomas chuckled. "Normally. You have to not only be bitten, but bite back. When a vampire takes your blood and you drink his from his own veins, you'll turn. I, however, was never bitten. I happen to be one of the original vampires, from when the Return happened. I wasn't turned, merely changed, in the twinkling of an eye, as the saying goes."

"But that was more than a hundred years ago!" burst out Ian.

"Indeed." Thomas' smile broadened, showing his fangs now. "I'm quite a bit older than either of you, however old you may be."

"Uh. Twenty-four," said Thomas. "And he's twenty-three," he gestured at Ian. "You're really more than a hundred years old?"

Ian flopped onto his back with a groan. "You two are just going to talk all night, aren't you?"

Justin smiled indulgently. "Not all night, no. Have a little patience. A hundred year old vampire must have a lot of fascinating things to say."

"I could have patience if I wanted to, but why would I?" He sat back up suddenly and leaned over Thomas' shoulder, stretching out his neck so that he could nip Justin's ear.

Justin flicked it, pulling it from Ian's teeth. "Ian," he said, his voice half complaint, half laugh.

Thomas was very, very aware of the warm, furry heat of Ian's body behind him. He had a strange urge to pet him, to dig his fingers into the wolf's thick coat.

Justin nipped again, growling softly as he bit his partner's ear. Ian made a little whining noise. He didn't flick his ear away this time, though. "Ian..." His tone was more pleading.

"Come on. We can learn the nice vampire's life story after we have our fun."

"Oh, all right. Er... If you don't mind, Thomas?"

"Ah no, not at all." Thomas hesitantly touched Ian, letting his hand rest on the wolf's thigh. The fur was indeed warm and soft against his fingers. He felt a little thrill of strange desire. He'd done many things in his life, but making love to a half-changed werewolf wasn't among them.

"It's a shame you don't have fur," said Ian, giving Justin's ear another nip. "I know it's a bit too cold for bare skin, but you're wearing far too much clothing."

Thomas laughed. "The cold doesn't bother us vampires. You don't see me wearing winter gear, do you?"

"Well then," said Ian with a faux-innocent grin, "mind if I do something about that?"

Thomas took a breath, more out of habit than necessity, and then let it out. He was really going to do this, wasn't he? He was going to screw a pair of werewolves--total strangers, too--just because they all wanted to. "No, I don't mind."

Ian tugged at Thomas' jacket, and he cooperated, pulling his arms from the sleeves as the wolf slipped it off. The shirt immediately followed, leaving Thomas bare-chested. He felt the chill of the cave against his skin, but it was a distant thing, a fact to be noted, not a discomfort to be felt.

While Ian had been removing his shirt, Justin had rolled off the bed into a crouch, and started pulling off Thomas' boots. Once his feet were bare, Thomas stood, and the wolf slid his hands up Thomas's legs and smoothly unbuttoned and pulled down his pants. The vampire swallowed and took another deep breath, nervousness still a faint flutter and twist in the pit of his stomach. That nervousness was swiftly shoved aside as the lupine pair turned up the heat. Justin didn't pause after removing Thomas' pants, but yanked down his undershorts, freeing his cock. It was not fully erect, but it was already well on its way. Thomas' body apparently had no problem with any of this.

Justin shifted his hand and cupped Thomas' cock, making Thomas grunt softly with pleasure. Ian stood up off the bed, and pulled Thomas back against him, wrapping strong furry arms around the now-naked vampire. Thomas could feel the heat of the wolf's arousal against his skin, and the pressure of the tall wolf's member against his back, well above waist level.

Thomas hadn't the time to consider size differences, though, as Justin bent down and nuzzled at Thomas' cock with his long, canine muzzle. A moment later his tongue darted out, curling all the way around Thomas' cock, a sensation unlike any he'd ever felt. He couldn't help but moan as his cock fully hardened in an instant.

Justin smiled and took it entirely into his muzzle, easily sinking down until Thomas could feel his nose, startlingly damp and cold, press against his stomach. Thomas moaned loudly. It had been so long! Already he felt his pleasure building, and he tried to fight against it. He didn't want to come so quickly.

Justin was making that unbearably hard, as he worked his tongue back and forth against Thomas' underside, driving Thomas to shudder and writhe against Ian. "God... God I'm so close..." He wanted to give Justin a chance to pull back if he wanted to, but if the wolf heard him, he showed no signs of caring. Indeed he intensified his efforts, starting to slide his muzzle back and forth. Thomas moaned loudly. The more the pleasure built, the harder it became to fight it, and the less he wanted to. At last, he gave in, arching back against Ian and crying out as he climaxed. Ian held him tightly, and Justin continued to suck and caress him, drinking Thomas' seed as it spurted into his muzzle.

Thomas sighed deeply, and slumped into Ian's arms. "It has been far, far too long," he said somewhat dazedly. "And that was very good."

Justin pulled back and grinned up at Thomas, licking a few stray white droplets from his muzzle. "Glad to oblige. I hope, though, that you don't mind returning the favor."

"Oh no," said Thomas. "I don't mind at all." Indeed a deep thrill ran through him at the thought. Getting head was good, but giving it... It was Thomas' near-secret, near-shame, that he was utterly and hopelessly a bottom. He would rather suck than be sucked a hundred times over. People he'd been with in the past usually expected him to top. The ancient, inhuman being, impossibly strong, impossibly powerful, taking his prey... That was what they often wanted from him. But this--being the prey, being the one taken, being the one giving pleasure --this was his deepest desire. Even so, as he came back to his senses and felt Ian's erection pressing against his back, he had a moment to think about size difference and wonder exactly how big the wolves were, and if he could manage it.

Justin rose, and climbed back onto the bed. He sprawled out on his back, and beckoned to Thomas. Ian let go of the vampire, and Thomas half-crawled, half-climbed onto the bed, kneeling between the wolf's spread legs. Tentatively, he reached out to caress the wolf's cock. It was as large and thick as the rest of him, but not quite human, tapering dog-like towards the tip. Thomas curled his fingers around the base and bent his head to lick the tip. He was trembling with anticipation. It had been an age since he'd had sex, but it had been so much longer since he'd last done this. Justin made a soft sound at the first touch of Thomas' tongue while Thomas himself moaned as he took the tip of the wolf's cock into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, closing his eyes to focus on the wolf's pleasure.

As soon as they had closed, Thomas's eyes flew wide, and he let out a muffled grunt as Ian knelt behind him and put his hands on the vampire's hips. After a moment, Thomas cooperated eagerly as the other wolf positioned him. He hadn't expected this, but he wasn't going to complain one bit.

He shuddered when he felt a slick, hot hardness press against his anus. He tried to keep licking at Justin, but it was increasingly difficult to do anything as Ian began to sink into him. The big wolf's tip slipped in easily, but his cock thickened as it went, and soon Thomas was having to fight to stay relaxed as the wolf stretched him further and further. He pulled back from Justin for a moment, afraid that as the discomfort grew into pain he might forget himself and bite down. Justin lifted his head and chuckled as he realized what was going on.

Thomas moaned as the wolf just kept pushing deeper. It hurt, and the pain was only growing worse, but still he wanted it. He pushed back, shuddering with pleasure and pain twisted together, until finally the wolf was hilted, deep. He'd never felt so full. He'd never felt such wonderful pain.

Ian's thrusts started slow, and Thomas moaned again. Gods, but it felt so good! He bent his head once more to Justin's cock, and as Ian took him slowly he sought to pleasure the other wolf. He curled his hand again around the base of the thick shaft, to stroke and caress where his tongue couldn't easily reach, and took the tip in his mouth, sucking and licking at it hungrily.

He felt the wolf's cock starting to swell under his touch, and for a moment tensed, thinking Justin was about to come. Then he realized. This was a knot, which dogs had to keep their mates pinned close to them, as, it seemed, did werewolves. He shivered. There was something very appealing, in a strange and possibly twisted way, about how animalistic the wolves were.

Ian's thrusts were coming harder, but shallower, and as Thomas felt something stretching him even more he realized that Ian's knot was also swelling, and the wolf would soon be tied to him. He let out a muffled groan at the thought. He tried to concentrate on pleasuring Justin, but the shifting pleasure behind him was driving him far beyond distraction. The wolf was hammering away at him now, each stroke painfully deep, but he was no longer pulling out at all, and Thomas could feel the massive knot filling him, rolling back and forth as the wolf took him.

Abruptly, Ian drove himself deeper than ever and shuddered, letting out a howl of pleasure. Thomas shivered as he felt the wolf climax. Hot canine seed spurted deep into him, and he moaned again, shaking with pleasure as it spilled out and filled him.

All too soon it was over, and Ian relaxed, but didn't withdraw. He couldn't. Thomas thrilled at the feeling of being tied with the wolf, but then focused on the task at hand and dove down onto Justin's cock. He had been licking and sucking at the tip while his hands caressed the slowly swelling base, but now he sank down, taking the wolf deeper.

Without a canine muzzle he couldn't take Justin as easily as Justin had taken him, and guarding the thick cock against his fangs meant he was constantly biting his lip, but still he was determined to take as much as he possibly could. He forced his head down and soon felt the wolf's thin tip pressing at the back of his throat. For a moment he started to gag... It had been so long, it was always hard to remember how to do this... But it began to come back to him, and he managed to sink a little further down, the wolf's cock pressing further and further back.

Justin let out a groan of pleasure. Spurred on by the sound, Thomas kept going, until he reached the swollen knot and could go no further. He rubbed his tongue against the underside of Justin's cock, his throat working around the tip as if he were trying to swallow the wolf entirely. He was rewarded with a shudder, a twitch and another low moan. He kept going, not sliding back and forth, but keeping his head steady and letting his throat and tongue work at the wolf, and knowing, by the size of his knot if nothing else, that he must be close.

Soon Thomas could feel that Justin was tensed beneath him, shuddering on the edge, and he redoubled his efforts, his tongue swirling over every spot it could reach as he sucked at the wolf. Finally he was rewarded with one last pulsating shudder, a huge hand pressed against the back of his head and a torrent of hot spunk pouring down his throat. He would have moaned if he could, but the cock that filled his throat kept him silent. All he could do was swallow, drinking it down as fast as it spurted out. With Ian still inside him he was in heaven, pinned between the two, giving pleasure to both. The bitter-salt taste of Justin's seed made him wince, but it was wonderful all the same, and he he kept going until the wolf was drained dry. Justin relaxed with a deep, contented sigh and let go of the vampire's head. Thomas swallowed one more time, then slowly pulled back and lifted his head to smile up at Justin. Justin reached back down and ruffled his hair. "You're pretty good at that."

Thomas smiled, feeling a flush of pleasure at the praise. "Thank you."

He glanced back over his shoulder at Ian, who grinned and wiggled his hips, making Thomas gasp. "We're going to be here for some time," said the wolf. "We should probably get comfortable." He wrapped his arms around Thomas' waist and lifted the smaller man easily, their hips still locked together. Justin scooted aside, and Ian laid them both down on the bed, nestling Thomas between the two wolves.

"Been a while since we had a third," said Justin. "It's a lot of fun though. You should stick around."

"Heh. I... I don't know." He considered. He had planned on moving on, but he had no actual commitments anywhere else... "I suppose I could stay for a day or two, at least," he said at last, not wanting to commit to any more than that.

"Good," said Justin.

"We can have a lot of fun in a day or two," said Ian, and both wolves grinned at him.

For a moment Thomas felt again like a prey animal, small and nervous and stuck between the two terrible beasts. Thus far, though, being trapped between the two of them had been heavenly. Maybe he would would stay longer. Maybe this thing could become something more than mere pleasure. Whatever it became, though, for now it was good enough.

"I'm sure we can," he agreed.


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Coffe and Free-Fall

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Fire and Ice

When the long spring first began to break the ice on the rivers of the outer world, I was born. I broke open the hard shell of my egg, cracking it as the rivers were cracking. Indeed the first sounds I heard were the breaking of the ice outside the...

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