Summoning by the Numbers

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Vritrax and Lorkos sneak into a dig site in order to check out a lead.

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It was night in the desert, the moon slowly starting to rise overhead to illuminate the ruins below that had once been abandoned by its people many centuries ago. Only recently has it come to see others walking its ancient paths once again, discovered at first by a group of lost backpackers it soon had all manner of activity buzzing around it. The find had been one of the first in many years since the desert that had been surrounding it had been tamed and a city allowed to flourish there. Had it not been for a bit of luck the ruins may have never seen the light of day again... or that two people in particular would be brought to it.

Vritrax and Lorkos had been friends ever since they were assigned to the same team many years ago. The two had worked on a number of sites such as this one before and each one had usually been the same; find the artifacts that were contained within and extract them for safekeeping before logging all the discoveries and eventually seeing if the area would be able to be opened for the public. On this particular night at this particular site, however, something else was happening that broke their usual pattern. As the light from the guard tower flickered from place to place it failed to notice the two that were skulking about in the shadows.

"Are you sure that we should be doing this?" Vritrax whispered as he and the black-furred wolf snuck their way through the security checkpoint that guarded the ancient burial site, ducking down behind one of the crumbling stone walls to avoid the eyes of the one up in the watchtower. "Why can't we just wait until the site opens to the public and then try it? If we get caught..."

"We're not going to get caught," Lorkos replied, trying to assure his eastern dragon friend as he peeked over the wall before ducking back down. "Plus if we wait until they go public with the site then we probably won't be able to get to the chamber anyway and they'll have much more security watching over it. Trust me, I've been working with these guys for a while now and I know that the reason they got so many feet on the ground is because they haven't installed any of the electronic countermeasures yet."

Though Vritrax nodded there was still a look of not being sure, but both had to stay quiet as they heard the crunching of boots come near the area where they hid. They waited nervously as the guard stayed near the area for a while as per the path that Lorkos knew they took and hoped that they wouldn't divert. After what felt like an eternity though the guard moved on and that was the que for the two to move into the physical sight itself. Once they were at the entrance the last security barrier between them and the sight was a metal gate guarded by a simple padlock, one that Vritrax quickly picked.

Once they heard the soft click of metal sliding against metal the two ducked inside and reattached the lock, then pulled themselves deeper into the darkness just as a beam of light came around the corner. They slowly continued to retreat until they could find a corner to duck behind as another guard came over and examined the gate, even pulling at the lock and chain a few times. The two remained as still as possible before the guard just shrugged to himself and continued back onto his usual route. Once more the two found themselves in the clear and they both gave sighs of relief before venturing further inside.

As they moved further into the stone hallway Vritrax carefully pulled out the old piece of parchment that was in the small backpack he carried and unrolled it. It was the entire reason that he and Lorkos were there in the first place, the grey-scaled dragon had found the scroll during the excavation of the site and when he translated it he was shocked to find that it described a means of summoning an avatar of the deity that this temple was created for. At first he thought it like a religious text or something of that nature but when he dug further into the history of the area he found that until a war that swept the entire continent obliterated this place it was actually one of the most prosperous during the time frame. It might have even survived the conflict had there not been reports of soldiers going missing in the area and they responded with nearly leveling the entire area.

"Look at this," Lorkos said, motioning for Vritrax to come over to the wall as he shined his flashlight on it to reveal a number of pictures of exotic and strange creatures with some ancient writing underneath. "Care to translate?"

"Let's see..." the dragon replied as he hovered a hand over the text. "Come forth, those who wish to summon the avatar of Athear. Prepare yourselves to... I think that's melt, no, bask... bask in the glory of his power."

"So they really took this Athear seriously," Lorkos replied as they turned to venture further into the temple. "Do you guys know what he was anyway?"

"The few texts we have of what his physical form is varies a bit," Vritrax explained as they pushed aside the hanging tarp so they could move into the unexplored section of the area. "So far what we've managed to piece together is a great serpent made of liquid that was blacker than a starless night. It's a bit strange, most times ancient races like this would worship things like the sun and water, if I didn't know any better I would assume that some grave evil took place here."

"How do we know it didn't?" Lorkos asked. "Didn't you say that they had sacrifices of some sort?"

The dragon nodded slightly before shaking his head. "I mean, there are names listed as those that were sacrificed to Athear but their names come up again in other texts," Vritrax stated. "They were typically referred to afterwards as champions or priests so I think it's more of a metaphorical sacrifice of their normal lives to serve a greater purpose... unless there is something metaphysical at work here. There's just no mention of any of the markers that usually indicate a more cult-like society other than what they worshipped."

The two continued to talk a bit about this civilization, but in their minds they thought about the reason that caused them to risk their jobs and possible prosecution to come down here. After the two had found the scroll they had both had a dream; both of them standing in the middle of a chamber standing in front of some celestial creature that looked like a mountain lion with feathery wings. It told them of the secret chamber and that the scroll was the key to unlocking it. It promised them power and desire, all they would have to do was release it and all of that and more would be at their fingertips.

It was a lot to gamble on, but when they met the next day and they found that their dreams were similar down to the letter they decided to take the risk. All of this led them to a stone wall at the end of one of the tunnels where there was a mural painted. Since they hadn't gotten this far in the excavation process yet neither had seen this before but as Lorkos kept the flashlight beam trained on it they saw the unmistakable visage of the creature from their dreams. Below it was a number of words in the ancient language, but as Vritrax translated them a frown crossed his face.

"It's all... gibberish," the dragon said as he scratched the hair on his head. "I may not be an expert in the language but I know enough that none of these sentences make any sense."

"Well, the creature did say that the scroll was the key," Lorkos replied. "Maybe it's a literal key, like one that you use to decipher a code."

Vritrax realized his lupine companion was absolutely correct, hastily unfurling the scroll once more and holding it up. As his eyes scrolled down the text he saw that the last sentence, which simply read JOIN US AS ONE had corresponding words on the wall. The dragon showed this to the wolf who took a second to rub the green tattoos on his arm before kneeling down and pressing on the ancient ink. When he pushed the word join it depressed slightly, leaving an indent where it had sunk in.

When Lorkos pushed the other three they both stepped back as they heard a click followed by a shudder, ancient mechanisms in the walls activating and pulling the large slab of stone upwards. The two looked on in awe as it revealed a circular room with a single feature in it, a pedestal shaped like a very large birdbath. That wasn't what shocked them though, what did was the fact that there was still water in it up to the very brim. They slowly made their way over to it and after giving it careful examination Lorkos took out a pencil and tapped the surface with it, both of them watching as the end of it sank in and sent ripples all the way across the otherwise still waters.

"Impossible..." Vritrax said as he looked into the reflective surface. "It doesn't look like its being fed by anything but if that was the case it should have evaporated centuries ago."

"Maybe this summoning thing is actually legit..." Lorkos replied. "Nothing we can do now but see, what's the first thing we have to do?"

"Well the only thing it says to do it place the scroll in the divine waters," Vritrax instructed, taking out the ancient sheet of paper and looking at it. "I just realized now that if this doesn't work that we've destroyed an ancient document for the off chance that we can actually summon the avatar of an ancient entity."

"It was alright right about the wall and the room," Lorkos pointed out. "Plus we already got this room out of it, if anything think of it as the cost of admission."

The dragon gave a nervous nod and gave one last look at the scroll before placing it gently on the surface. The ancient paper seemed to soak up the water instantly and for a few seconds they both thought that their fears had been brought to life, but then it drifted towards the middle before glowing script began to appear both in the air above it and on the paper itself. It was more instructions, the next step to summon the creature that they saw both in their dream and on the wall. It was a strange request though and had it not been asked by mysterious glowing script they would probably have second thoughts about doing it.

About five minutes later the dragon and wolf were once more standing in front of the font, both of them completely naked. Even though they were somewhat underground the cool air coming in from the outside gave them the occasional shiver as they really hoped that they wouldn't be caught now. They also wondered how this magical script was going to sense that they had done what was asked but as soon as they stood there with no clothes the words disappeared and then more took their place. This one was a little more complex, their instruction was for the two of them to stand on opposite ends of the scroll and to clasp the edge of the font with their fingers in the water.

"This is creepy..." Lorkos stated as Vritrax went to the other side. "How did it know there was two of us?"

"I don't know, magic?" Vritrax asked back while he went to where the bottom of the scroll was. "Only one way to find out..."

The two males gave each other a look before they slowly put their hands down, palms pressed against the cool stone as their fingers hovered over the water. They could see the digits trembling over the water as they took a second to think about what they were doing before finally plunging them in at the same time. The second they did that the glow on the scroll began to spread out along the entire surface of the water. They watched in wide-eyed anticipation as the middle of the font began to ripple as the glowing liquid began to defy gravity and push upwards while reshaping itself.

"It has been long since this portal to the realm of Athear has been open," a deep voice said as the head of a panther began to form from the surge of liquid, which looked thicker to the point of being gelatinous as it stretched its head to look at the two shocked males. "In exchange for my release once more into this world you two will be granted power and desire, not a creature here will be able to deny your majesty. Now, let us join as one..."

Before either of the two could ask what that meant the still growing pile of ooze, which now almost towered above them, lunged forward at Lorkos with his maw outstretched. The lupine let out a cry of shock and tried to jump backwards only to feel the soft pressure of the creature's jaw as it plunged itself deep around his body. It felt like he had just been surrounded by some sort of goo as he tried to pull away, only to find the grasp of the gelatinous creature surprisingly strong as his left arm became trapped in what would be the throat of the creature.

"Lorkos!" Vritrax shouted as he took his hands off the font to try and help his struggling friend, only to have the forming backside of the creature slam into him and cause him to get pulled back forward towards it once more. "Let go! We didn't want this!"

"Oh, you didn't now?" the voice replied, only this time it was in their heads as the maw of the goo creature continued to envelop around the torso of the wolf. "I don't quite think that is true, you see when you brought up that summoning scroll it projected me to all those in the area. You too happened to heed the call, which is why I visited you in the dream in the first place."

As Lorkos felt the thick ooze continued to envelop him he realized that this wasn't just a summoning, this was a trap! Now they were both caught in it, and as he felt a thick tentacle of goo that was the creature's tongue slide between his legs he saw his friend getting pulled further into the forming entity. At this point both of them were caught in the thick ooze that was creeping over their bodies and they could see that this goo creature, which was definitely a male from the cock that had grown between its legs, had a smile on his muzzle. Despite their predicament the two continued to struggle against their captor as the font beneath goo creature solidified into a solid surface.

Just as a tentacle of the goo began to slither up around the lupine's neck he felt something strange happening to him, feeling a tingling sensation as the gel soaked past his fur and into his skin. As his feet got lifted into the air from the creature lifting him the tentacle that was poking around his lips finally began to push inside of him. At first he attempted to keep his muzzle shut but the thick tentacle tongue had continued to slid up towards his tailhole while his cock was enveloped by the gooey upper jaw caused him to yelp. That gave the tentacle ample opportunity to push into his mouth, stretching him open just like his tailhole as the creature continued to use his gooey mouth to envelop him.

On the other side of the creature Vritrax was experiencing a similar sensation, except his draconic head was actively being pulled in through the flank of the goo and into his hindquarters. Like Lorkos his entire body was pulled up by the suction, more tentacles sliding around his body in order to continue to bring him into it. With his entire upper body engulfed the dragon feared most of all that he was going to suffocate but he felt something push their way into his mouth and nostrils and as the goo flooded his body it suddenly didn't seem to matter anymore. In fact a lot of things seemed to slide out of his mind; not only all the fear and terror of the current situation but also the worry and stress of everything in his life, replaced instead with pure pleasure that was suffusing into his draconic form.

"Now you see our power and desire," the creature said as Vritrax and Lorkos continued to disappear into the body of the beast, the translucent ooze starting to turn opaque. "Let me spread into you, feel the lust that comes with being a part of me. Soon we will be one... and then once we are one we will spread onto others and make them ours until all are like us..."

Even though the tentacles had melted back into the body that the two were becoming a part of the goo continued to spread over them, oozing over their forms while they were enveloped. The dragon and wolf were both starting to lose their grips, not only on their physicals forms but their thoughts as well. Though they continued to be able to think independently they could sense the thoughts of others... and felt the presence of an alien entity in both of their psyches. At this point the goo creature no longer had to speak to them, his thoughts were interwoven into theirs increasing effortlessness as their bodies continued to meld.

The goo creature itself had also solidified its form, the lion creature flapping the new appendages that had taken the form of goo wings. As the goo muzzle shrank back down the head of Lorkos could still be seen moving down its throat like he had been swallowed, a content smirk on its face as he felt the two creatures succumbing to his power. At this point there was nothing that they could do, the second that they completed the ritual they had sealed their fates. He could feel both their physical and mental selves beginning to blend together and it closed his eyes to savor the sensations...

For the front side Lorkos could only feel the air on his feet now as the rest of his body was completely enveloped, the goo stretched around his entire head as it continued to push the tentacle inside him. The tongue that had been in his tailhole had morphed into a very phallic shape while it pumped into his already stretched tailhole, though with every second that he was engulfed the harder it was to continue to recognize his desired shape. As he was suffused with heat and pleasure the goo swirled around him, especially his groin. The wolf bumped against something inside the creature as the intense pleasure around his cock spread out while remaining as intense as when he felt something sliding up and down it.

Lorkos felt the last of his body get sucked inside the last of him enveloped by the creature in the form of him shifting his gooey head and engulfing them with his muzzle. When that happened the last of him seemed to get cut off from the rest of the outside world as well, putting the lupine in a dream-like state as he continued to lose his sense of self through the goo creature. It was like... he could feel everything that the winged goo lion could feel while those thoughts continued to soak into his mind. One thing he noticed in particular was what was happening to his draconic friend as he continued to sink into the deep spiral of lust.

For Vritrax his pleasure was becoming more concentrated the longer that he was pulled in. As the head of his physical form melted more into the goo he felt his tail and his feet still twitching. The hindpaws of the gooey feline continued to shift to keep enveloping those appendages that were still sticking out as the dragon was pushed downwards between its legs. Every second that he moved forward the more that pleasure seemed to intensify and as the goo thinned around his eyes, or where he thought that his eyes were, it dawned on his lust-soaked mind why. His entire head had been pulled down into the semi-translucent cock of the creature and the ooze formed around him.

The dragon tried to gasp when he was pushed to the tip of the goo cock, but when he tried to gasp for breath the only thing that came out of his muzzle was more of the thick ooze that had enveloped him. As he shifted his body around he was greeted with a burst of pure pleasure, just like when he had stroked his own member. Even though he couldn't see himself in the mirror he suddenly found himself able to see through the lion's eyes, and what he saw caused him to gasp had he still had a muzzle to do so. He could vaguely see his draconic form shaped in the otherwise cock-like appendage and caught the last of his tail being sucked into the hindquarters of the beast that had assimilated them.

Vritrax couldn't believe this... not only that he had gotten turned into the beast's goo cock but how... right it felt. His semi-solid body practically trembled in pleasure as he continued to soak in the strange new feelings that his form was giving him, sensing that Lorkos was also able to do the same as well. They were one in the same now, merged together in the ooze of the creature that they had summoned. The goo creature continued to lay there and allow those that had merged with him to settle in a bit, occasionally feeling a foot of the dragon or the head of the wolf stretch out his semi-solid body before settling back into its blissful state.

"It has been so long since I had such a delightful pair of creatures," the winged lion said as he got up and hoped off of the now empty font, watching between his legs as the draconic goo cock retracted back into his body. "Especially two like that. A little feisty at first they settled in... don't you agree?"

The creature chuckled as he could feel the thoughts of the two respond with spikes of euphoria. Even though they were now one in the same, including being able to sense through the main creature's senses, there was enough independent thought between the two in order for him to continue to tease them. Especially Vritrax, feeling the draconic cock wiggle about inside of him, though if he wanted to he could switch the two out so that the wolf experienced the joy of such a pleasurable experience. But for the moment everything was fine exactly where it was as he left the summoning chamber...

Both Lorkos and Vritrax were no longer in control of their bodies anymore, though at this point neither of them had bodies anymore as the goo creature that had ensnared them started on the move once more. It didn't really matter to them anymore, feeling every sensation that their merged goo form felt as it moved forward. The entire time the winged lion continued to assimilate the information in their minds while at the same time they could sense exactly what the goo creature wanted. It was clear what they were going to do as the servant of Athear...

Meanwhile the two guards sat in front of the temple entrance, the two of them sharing a cigarette as they waited the last few minutes for their shifts to end. It had been a long, boring night just like most nights. They discussed what they were going to do after the other crew had come to replace them with the bar being one of the most prominent choices that they were thinking. As they talked they had their backs to the steel gate, which is shy they didn't notice as bright orange goo began to ooze its way through the spaces to the other side.

"When do you think they're going to get all the rest of the security features in here?" the fox asked as he took a drag of his cigarette before handing it back to the much larger bull. "I'm really getting tired of this night shift shit."

"Two weeks," the bull replied as he held the cigarette. "The advance team wants to finish the preliminary work before they start installing passive security everywhere. Want to make sure any possible treasures are extracted before then."

The vulpine just shrugged and sighed as he watched the bull take his drag, only for them both to stop when they saw something drip that caused the lit end to become extinguished. The bull looked at it curiously and saw the bright orange goo on the end of it, then slowly looked up along with his partner at what could have caused it. They both let out a gasp in surprise as they saw the goo feline grinning down at them before pouncing, landing on the bull and knocking him to the floor before reaching up and grabbing the fox with his forepaws. With most of the body weight already on the bigger male it was easy for him to grab onto the other male.

Though the winged goo cat would no longer be absorbing anyone the three of them had more than one way to spread their influence. As they oozed over the body of the bull with their lower body they pushed the fox over to the other side of the wall, stretching his midsection so he could pin him there. Both guards felt their clothing dissolving off of their bodies as the draconic cock slid along the chest of the bull that had managed to spin himself around. Their body was positively bristling with pleasure that rippled through their entire body as he took their tongue and plunged it into the maw of the fox.

They could watch the fox's eyes roll back into his head as orange goo began to leak out of his nostrils and eyes, already feeling the corruption seep into their latest converts. At the same time Vritrax had guided himself down into the mouth of the bovine to corrupt him that way. Both guards had quickly succumbed to their infectious corruption and the pleasure they not only got from that but also the stimulation from their mouths was delicious. Both Lorkos and Vritrax were already practically orgasming as they fulfilled their destiny of converting more over to them, watching the clothing of the guards already starting to slough off their body as fur turned to goo.

The first to change was the bull, as Vritrax oozed his sensitive body more into the bovine beneath them more of their divine form began to ooze out of the cock tenting his pants. Both the guards were leaking it at this point as their conversions were swift, eventually the trapped fox's pants fell off as well to reveal the spreading gel from his thickening cock while the bull's head was almost completely transformed to the point where Vritrax was bulging out his changing chest. It wasn't long before the winged goo feline was humping into a goo fox and goo bull, their body stifling the moans of pleasure as they took them body and soul. Once they were finished and pulled away from their creations they ordered them to go and take the guard post while they moved to the parking lot where they would grab those who were coming in the parking lot...

...for when the dawn came it would also be the dawn of a entirely new race of creatures, as well as the deity they served.

From Defeat Comes Victory (7/7)

As Vasran and Ark got back to the house the alien lizardman dismissed everyone else as he could tell that the vulpine was still intensely upset. "I didn't realize that he would be converting people in the same spot that Rove would be," the rubber...

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From Defeat Comes Victory (6/7)

Meanwhile Sabyn and Trent continued to pretend to study, looking out for good possible candidates that they could bring into the fold while Ark went off to do some reconnaissance. They had been there for hours but in looking for prime subjects that...

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From Defeat Comes Victory (5/7)

Vasran once more entered into the apartment and saw that it appeared the troublesome roommate had either left for the night or was in his bedroom sleeping, either way it was good for the disguised alien as he walked into the other room. He also noted a...

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