Troll Prevention System (1/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Set in the Nexus Wars universe someone attempts to ruin the fun of others by trolling the game, an action that those who actually enjoyed the experience didn't take too kindly too. The nexus creatures don't even have to step in however as the players are more than willing to take things into their own hands.

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Troy found himself laughing as sat at his computer, reading the rather long-winded letter he got as the reason for why he had gotten kicked off the public server of yet another game. Though there was a lot of precise wording it had boiled down to the fact that he had humiliated several other players after finding out about their loot quests and sabotaging them. The best part was he could have probably gotten away with it for another month if he hadn't spammed the system afterwards with their chat messages crying at him and calling him names. It had been a while since he had joined that server though and at that point he had also everything short of blowing up someone's caravan route right in front of them, which meant that it was time to move on find some better targets.

Once he had saved the letter to the folder where a pile of similar such documents resided he looked through the list of games that this particular alias hadn't been blocked from yet. Over the years of casing trouble on public multiplayer games he had amassed many such identifies; one of the nice things about the gaming platform all these games were hosted on was that all you needed was an e-mail address in order to get a new one. He had several that were so notorious that he couldn't even access any games with anymore and the only thing it was good for was to read the occasional hate mail that he was still sent to it.

As he scrolled through his list he frowned slightly; all of them he had managed to figure out ways of trolling, or griefing as some of them called it, where he would either remain virtually undetected for up to weeks or he would get caught so quickly that it wasn't even worth going through the character creation screen. He figured it had been a few months since he tried out a new game to annoy people on, which meant there were probably quite a few to choose from. Though after about half an hour he had a few potentials all of them were quite costly and he didn't want to pay for a game that he was probably going to only few a few tries worth of enjoyment out of.

That's when he happened upon a multiplayer game that not only fit the bill but was also rated as one of the top player experiences of all time. The reason it hadn't come up earlier in his search was because he tried to avoid higher popularity games since they often were from big name companies that could afford moderators and other means to prevent those like him who were set out to ruin people's good times. This one appeared to be from a company he had never heard of before and it was free, two things that were music to his ears. It was also VR compatible which gave him a chance to dust off the headset that he had bought and wound up never using.

"Alright Nexus Wars," Troy said with a smirk as he plugged himself in and got to the loading screen. "Ready or not, here I come."

The first minute or so was the boring lore that for some reason games felt the need to put into it, like people were really coming in for the story he thought to himself. Once he was done with that he got the main menu where they were advertising a new medieval combat zone that he once more promptly ignored. After that was the faction selection screen which Troy just picked at random. It wasn't like he was really there to play by their rules, he thought to himself as he saw the kitsune giving him a wink upon his selection.

Finally the screen went back and loaded into the game itself, Troy taking a few seconds to get used to the controls before moving forward. The lobby for this particular faction, which appeared have some sort of plant theme, was packed with avatars. Some of them had the same plant motif for their characters while others seemed to trend with vulpine characters, and more still that had both mixed together. When he looked down at himself he appeared to be a normal human, though he did find that there was an item in his inventory that gave him access to some sort of plant mine that had the capability of tangling up other players.

After exploring for a few minutes Troy figured that the best place to start some trouble was in the matches themselves. There appeared to be a fierce rivalry between the ten different factions that made up the game, all of them on a large board that hung above a train station that served as the entrance portal to the matches themselves. As he passed by to see what the games looked by there were even a few that cheered when one of the groups marked Kirdos went down from sixth to seventh. When he asked someone why that it the minotaur made out of wood informed him that Kirdos and Vavini have a particularly heated competition to see which one of the two was better.

That was it... Troy thought to himself, that was the way he was going to inflict some damage. When he looked at the schedule board he saw that there were quite a few of them and all had different little scenarios attached to them like king of the hill or domination. When he looked through the explanation of the games he found one called hardcore, and that was the one he wanted since it was one of the few that allowed friendly fire to happen. When he looked for a match-up with Kirdos on hardcore he found one that accepted all levels, he just had to wait about twenty minutes for it to happen.

Troy couldn't help but smile as he waited for his chance; not only did he want his team to lose but for it to be so bad that it caused his team to slip in rankings. While he wasn't sure if this would cause him to be ejected or not he had purposefully picked a burner account just to see how good this game was at finding people like him. If he successfully completed his task without being caught then he knew he could go farther, if he got kicked then he would go in with another account and try again. It was something he hadn't realized he had missed until that moment, trying to figure out that sweet spot for maximum carnage before the moderators caught wind of his plans.

Finally the time came for him to queue up and as he did he saw that those who were truly playing hardcore had shown up as well. Many of them were in some sort of body armor and didn't look remotely human, one of them being a green-furred kitsune with what looked like mushrooms growing over him that looked over in his direction as they waited. "Um... are you sure you want to do this mode to start?" the kitsune asked as he leaned over to Troy's direction. "Usually people tend to play the beginner missions first so they can get a hang of the game. If you get caught-"

"It's alright," Troy said dismissively. "I'm sure I can handle myself."

"Are you sure?" the kitsune said once more. "You know what happens if you-"

"Look, I already said that I know how to play," Troy interrupted once more, trying not to sound angry despite the repeated voice message. "I had a different account I had to delete because I got locked out and couldn't remember my password. Even though it looks like I'm starting from scratch I've already done this before."

The kitsune gave him a quizzical look and just nodded, leaving the human alone and moving over to another player to talk to. While Troy actually had no idea what he was doing it didn't matter, he looked up the basic moves he needed and that was all he wanted to know. Soon after his conversation the train pulled up and announced the game, people piling in until the car was full. Once it was it began to move again towards its destination, using the transition to load in the map they were about to play.

After a surprisingly short amount of time the doors opened and they found themselves in front of a huge yacht that was parked out in the ocean. "Oh, a boat level," Troy said to himself as he rolled his eyes. "That's a real original level, glad to see the developers at the top of their creative game. What's next, a military complex? Maybe a level on the moon?"

To his surprise Troy heard some snickering next to him and realized that his mic was hot even though he thought he had muted it. It was a good thing to learn at that moment so he didn't give away any of his plans, keeping silent the rest of the trip up to the map level. As they went there a plant fox that was supposed to be some sort of person in charge read off the objectives and that they needed a certain amount of points to win and all that usual stuff. As Troy got out his gun he checked his grenades and also that special plant mine he got, ready to fight for a completely different objective.

Once everyone was on deck the match started and Troy ran with the bulk of the others towards the middle where they would likely meet conflict. He didn't want to start doing things right from the word go, he learned the hard way that some games have a kick feature. Instead he had to make his little accidents as organic as possible, waiting for opportunities where a mistake could be attributed towards player error. He quickly found one such place as he was pinned near the back of the hall while two others had moved up front to return fire.

"Grenade out!" Troy shouted, trying not to snicker as he deliberately aimed for the ceiling on top and causing his device to land right between the two members of his own team. He could hear them swearing as they tried to duck out of the way, both of them taking heavy damage from it as they shouted at Troy to watch the hot tossing. He quickly apologized over the mic and moved on as the other side took advantage of the mistimed explosion to advance. Though he would have liked to poke at those two a little more he wanted to see all the ways he could screw over his own team before really provoking a strong reaction.

He eventually made his way up to the top deck where he heard more gunshots, this time finding one of the players from Kirdos and another from his own... but they weren't fighting one another. In fact it looked like the obsidian panther was getting a number of plant vines pushed into his body, several going into his mouth while others had curled around his backside where they were probably going... elsewhere. He had remembered hearing something about a corruption system, and with the bar filling above the panther's head this appeared to be it, but he had not expected something like that it. It appeared vines weren't the only thing about to be used either as the plant bull had his own cock out and ready to use it on the nearly completely corrupted player.

Even though the sight had shocked him it didn't stop Troy from continuing on his mission, in fact this seemed to be even better as he brought up his gun and shot the panther until he disappeared. He had learned from the grenade that friendly fire did get displayed on the screen, but he also gathered from that same ticker that it was far more points to corrupt another player than to just kill him. It was clear he was correct when the bull looked straight at him and practically bellowed, Troy once more just apologizing and giving the excuse he saw the panther and fired randomly. Whether or not the other player believed him didn't make any different, there was no proof to the contrary that he could be reported on as he began to duck back towards the stairs...

...only to feel something hit him in the back of the head that caused his entire body to freeze in place! "It's called a brain shroom," Troy heard the familiar voice of the kitsune behind him, seeing him appear in his vision a few seconds later as the bull moved over towards him. "Paralyses the player and drains intelligence for about a minute, makes people easier to corrupt. The freezing of your muscles happens first, and I suspect that shoon yur fund at erf raly herd tatink..."

As the words become more garbled in Troy's ears he began to feel something pushing their way into his ears and nostrils, shaking his head as a bright red mushroom grew on the top of his forehead while the roots pushed their way in. His thoughts started to feel like they were going through mud as he swore he could feel something growing and infesting his skull, like he actually had something on his head as the two watched with a smirk on his face. His eyes quickly became glassy and his jaw slackened, the kitsune snapping his fingers before taking something out of his bag. When he lit it somewhere in the back of Troy's mind recognized it as a purple flare that quickly began to produce a plume of similarly colored smoke while the two ran off back into the ship.

Though Troy's sense of time was severely warped due to not even being able to think straight it wasn't long before something walked up in front of him, his blurry vision making out a shape that his addled mind started to recognize as the effects of the mushroom began to wear off. "My my my, what do we have here..." Troy heard the creature say as his eyes started to focus better and he could see a feline shape in front of him. "A purple flare, someone has been a very naughty boy. Luckily for you I very much enjoy naughty boys, they are quite fun to break."

Troy still found himself unable to do much aside from flail about drunkenly, even when the mushroom fell off of his head it still took a few seconds for his senses to return to him. As his vision started to clear he began to see another mushroom shaped object in his image, this one a polished marble cock complete with blue gemstone stripes that throbbed in front of him. The still status affected player attempted to turn away but quickly found his mouth stuffed by the surprisingly soft organ. Though it wasn't the first time that he had participate in such an act, both on-line and in real life, it was the first time that it was attached to a white tiger statue and in the middle of a multiplayer shooting game.

As his vision became filled with the groin of the other male he began to feel his face harden... which was insane considering he didn't have any type of tactile relay in his headset. When he reached up to try and find out what was happening to him his fingers quickly grew stiff as well, hardening into useless digits as his arms quickly followed suit. Back in the game he could see a warning that he was being corrupted enter into his field of view but it appeared there was nothing he could do about it except hope to get rescued. At one point he thought that would happen as he saw a plant creature come up and raise his weapon, only to have him look down at the purple flare that was still lit and smirk before leaving.

It didn't take long before his corruption bar had become completely filled and his entire body felt like it had been turned to stone, his fingers unable to touch the controller as his avatar began to move. His screen flashed that he had been converted and that he had to wait until the end of the match, going black for a second before it started to follow the one that had somehow petrified him. There was only a few minutes left to the match but without being able to move that time felt like an eternity, Troy's mind racing as he attempted to figure how to get out of this situation. All of his plans involved movement though and there was nothing he could do until the one that did this too him somehow let him out.

Eventually the match ended and Troy saw that this side did in fact get beaten, though any joy that he could have taken from that was overshadowed by the fact that a game had somehow hijacked his body. The results remained on the screen for a few seconds before another screen flashed, this time telling him that because he had been converted he had to play for Kirdos' realm now. None of that really mattered, the second he was able to move again he was going to take the headset and literally rip it off of his face. He waited impatiently for the screen to bring him back to the lobby of whatever realm he was a part of, but when he was able to see again he saw not only the white marble tiger but a cheetah made out of black marble with diamonds for spots.

"So this is the one that you wanted to talk to me about Sigfried?" the cheetah asked as he leaned forward, Troy getting the strange feeling that the avatar was looking straight at him and not just his character.

"This is the one," the tiger replied with a smirk. "Happened to get lucky and be in the area when someone popped the purple flare, there was no way I was losing to Timber again."

"He may be more of a fan of them then you are," the cheetah said as he snapped his fingers and a tablet appeared in his hands, bringing it up to Troy's face before there was a flash of light and the feline brought it back to him. "I'll send it up to Haleon and see if he gets anything off the search; if he does then your request for full integration will be approved, if not then you're going to have to work within the system to have your fun." The tiger nodded and the cheetah tapped on the screen of the tablet while looking up at Troy. "Doesn't say much, does he?"

"Oh, I had him on mute," Sigfried replied. "Wanted to make sure you got the voice deactivation protocols in place so he couldn't squirm out of my grasp. Let's see what my new friend has to say."

Finally Troy felt able to move his lips and throat, though those were the only things that he was able to do as he began to let loose a string of profanity and vulgar slurs. He continued until he was out of breath, which made it hard to draw it back in since his chest was just as paralyzed as the rest of him. "Well isn't he a charming one," the cheetah stated simply. "I have the feeling that you might be in luck."

The tiger chuckled and once more Troy found his mouth frozen as the two continued to talk, mostly about the game and the current matches that Sigfried had been playing. The cheetah, whom the tiger identified as Chase, mentioned that he would like to get some games in himself but the hold on higher-ups being able to play was still in place. The entire time Troy felt himself growing more and more agitated as he found himself unable to do anything but stand there and listen to him as well as planning what he was going to do to get back at this game for wasting his time. Finally there was a beep from the tablet and Chase looked down at it before giving Sigfried a nod.

"Turns out this one has a very long history of being a bad sport," the cheetah said with a chuckle. "Authorization for full integration granted, have fun."

While Troy wasn't sure what that meant anything that could take away his ability to move wasn't good as he watched a collar materialize in the cheetah's hand before he handed it off to the tiger. The two gave each other another good-bye before the cheetah disappeared, leaving Troy alone with the tiger that had trapped him. The other male gave him a smirk and moved in to put the collar on him, telling him how much they were going to have together. As soon as Troy heard a click through his headset everything suddenly went dark and for a few seconds he couldn't feel anything, only in the next second to be jerked forward like he was in a car crash as blackness became a blinding white light.

Troy groaned and put his hand up to try and stop the light from hitting his eyes, and when he did he realized that he could move again. He immediately shot up and tried to take the headset off of him only for his fingers to repeatedly grab nothing but air. Panic began to rise in his chest as he attempted the verbal commands to stop the game, then when those failed he tried to reach for his controller to stop it that way. His frantic fumbling about stopped dead however when his hands touched the grass beneath him and he got the very surreal sensation of touching... actual grass.

"This can't be real..." Troy muttered to himself as he slowly stood up and looked around. "I must have hit my head or something, or a stroke. Or... or a rogue lightning bolt electrocuted me."

As Troy began to wander across the freshly manicured lawn everything felt so... real, even though he knew he was in a computer simulation. It reminded him of the one time he was able to try out a synapse pod, which turned out to be basically a metal sphere filled with jello, and when the game was plugged in he could feel his surroundings as well. But unless someone kidnapped him and put him in one there was no way he should feel the sun on his skin or the breeze on his face as he wandered from the yard to the cut stone walkway that led up to a building made out of stone. With no other cues to go on he wandered up there and found that it was actually an open air garden filled with statues and surrounded by columns.

When he saw a fire going in a pit that was surrounded by three statues he decided he needed to see if this place was real or not. As soon as he got close to it he could feel the heat from the flames, especially as he knelt down next to it. His hand trembled slightly as it hovered over the flickering orange light before he darted it forward and squeezed his eyes shut. When nothing happened he opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief as the flames licked harmlessly over his skin, indicating that he was actually in a simulation.

"I'd be careful if I were you," a voice called out from one of the entrances to the garden, Troy looking up to see the white marble tiger standing there with a grin on his face. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with fire?"

"You!" Troy shouted as he ran towards him, hands balled up into fists. "I'll kill you!" Just as he was about to get close the feline rose his hand and the human suddenly felt like he had just run into an invisible wall, cartwheeling backwards before falling into the grass.

"First of all you just saw yourself that there are no active pain protocols here," Sigfried said with a smirk as he went over to offer the fallen guy a hand up. "Second, even if there were pain protocols active I wonder about the thought process you had to go up and essentially punch a statue. The third thing you didn't know, which is that I own you and there's nothing you can do to me."

"Fuck you," Troy snarled as he batted away Sigfried's hand and got up himself, brushing off the plain white clothes that covered his body. "I don't know what weird shit you did to me but you have ten seconds to undo whatever it is you did and get me back, otherwise I'll-"

"You'll what, attempt to pay someone to DDoS me?" Sigfried replied, smirking as he watched the surprised look form on the human's face. "Maybe you'll blow up one of my warehouses even though we're on the same side, or try to kill me so that I can't complete a mission?" The stone feline sighed and looked around. "I took the liberty of reading up on you while you were being processed into this place and I have to say that as we stand here in the hall of legends of this game you don't deserve to lick their feet."

Troy just stood there stunned as the tiger had listed off the most recent things he had done in other games, stuff that he hadn't even gotten banned for yet. "What the hell is going on here?" Troy asked as he moved to the side of the tiger. "How did I get here? And what was that purple flare?"

"Finally starting to ask some good questions," Sigfried said, not even bothering to look at the enraged and confused human. "To get some context I'm going to answer them in the reverse order you asked me. The purple flare is how players signify to one another that a troll has infiltrated our game, something which we do not take very kindly too, and how you got here is that what you think is a simple multiplayer experience is actually a vehicle run my multi-dimensional creatures to serve as means of recruiting others and helping see which one of the best. And for my favorite question what is going on here is that you've had your essence sucked out of your perfectly preserved body and brought here because you're a really terrible human being and I'm here to make you less so."

As Sigfried continued to walk between the statues he left Troy to digest the information he had just been given. The only thing that remotely made sense to him was the purple flare marked griefers, but everything after that blew his mind. A game actually controlled by creatures from another dimension that somehow downloaded his soul? That sounded like something he read on those stupid conspiracy websites along with aliens abducting people or people summoning demons.

But he had already proven he was in a game, Troy thought to himself as he looked down at the fire. If this was a game then all he had to do was find the exit and maybe he could get back to his body. With the white marble tiger still having his back turned to him the human made a run for it in the opposite direction, only to get about fifty feet before he was once more yanked down to the ground by an invisible force. When he looked up he saw Sigfried holding a shimmering leash that led straight to his neck, Troy reaching up and feeling a smooth, seamless band of stone around his throat.

Sigfried rolled his eyes as he watched his new pet try to remove the collar from his body, watching the human struggle with every ounce of his strength to try and remove it. "I think you're going to find that a little harder to remove then you think considering its essentially magical," the tiger said after a few minutes, looking over Troy as he panted on the ground. "First rule of being my pet is that you remember that you are my pet; every time you forget that rule I'm going to give you a little time out to remind you. The second rule of being my pet is that I don't keep humans as pets."

As Troy looked up at the tiger in confusion he suddenly felt his entire body twitch, like an itch that he just couldn't scratch centered on his neck. As he reached up to scratch it he didn't feel human flesh, instead his nails scraped against smooth stone that transferred onto his fingertips. Troy gasped as he watched his nails turn to claws and his fingers turn to stone as the same sensation began to spread up to his face, feeling it puff out while the transformation also swept down his chest. He looked around frantically until he found a pool of water and when he knelt down his reflection revealed the partially transformed face of a feline, his mutated hands going up to his ears as he felt them stretch and migrate to the top of his head.

When the changing human tried to shout at Sigfried his words came out garbled as his tongue, which had also began to go from pink to the same white marbling, pressed strangely against his growing teeth. Soon the only thing human left on his head was his hair and his eyes, but that didn't last long as his eyes began to glimmer with a red light while the color bleached out of his hair while it lengthened down to his shoulders. This wasn't him, Troy tried to reassure him as he backed away from the pool only to hear his pants rip as his arms and legs thickened with muscle. As his feet began to contort into paws the marble coloration had covered every square inch of his increasingly muscular form save for where his stripes would be which had become a brilliant ruby like his eyes.

"I told you..." Sigfried whispered as Troy took the tatters of his pants and ripped them away to exposed his hard marble cock and to make room for the tail he felt stretching from his spine. "I don't have human pets." The ruby-striped marble tiger panted heavily as his body continued to twitch from his changes, moving his new paw feet in disbelief until he was lifted onto them. "Hopefully a fresh body means a fresh start, but for now I need to get you back so we can start doing your training and maybe if you're good we'll take care of that erection for you."

Troll Prevention System (2/2)

Once Sigfried and Troy had left the hall of fame, Sigfried more than once having to lead Troy out on his leash several times, the two made their way through the part of Nexus Wars that belonged to Kirdos. It was definitely very... artistic, Sigfried...

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The Forgotten God (2/2)

Teryx stood there stunned as the rubber sabrewolf shrugged. "I think I made myself pretty clear," Serathin stated simply. "I need a vessel to get out of the place and I can't think of a better one then a handsome rain dragon such as you, plus you can...

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The Forgotten God (1/2)

Teryx and Sparx sat in their hotel room, the air conditioner blowing in order to try and combat the heat outside as they packed up the equipment from their last mission. The rain dragon and hyena had been in the area for two weeks now, but it wasn't to...

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