Pressures of A Double Life (1/4)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A man sticks to a routine in order to control his daily life, going to the same places and eating the same foods and everything else. There is one secret though that he keeps from everyone else, one that he does to keep his urges under control. When someone has taken a special interest him from that life however it starts to leak into his well-structured routine.

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Milton sighed and looked at his watch as he waited for the bus, standing inside the small shelter as the rain came pouring down outside of it. The middle-aged man sighed as the bus that he had taken every day for work for the last few years was late once more. Though there was no one else standing there at the moment he continued to try and keep in what was his obvious displeasure of being made late despite always taking the earlier bus to avoid such a problem. When it finally did come he gave the bus driver a usual nod and proceeded back to his usual seat while the public transportation finally took him to his place of employment.

After four hours as a data processor Milton rose up promptly at noon and went down to the nearby sandwich shop for his break. Before he even got up to the counter he saw a white paper bag with his name on it, the man behind the counter handing to him while grabbing his card. It was a ritual that they had been doing since he had started working there and it was just the way that he liked it. He took the bag with his usual sandwich and sat down at his usual booth, starting to eat the chips that was packaged with it as someone else sat down in the side opposite of him.

"Let me guess..." the other guy said as he set down his own tray. "It's the same bag of chips and a sandwich that you've ordered ever since I met you here during lunch?"

Milton just nodded his head and continued to eat, not even glancing up at the younger male that worked at the same building he did but in different departments. About a year ago he introduced himself as Dennis and though it annoyed him that his usual peaceful lunch hour was disturbed eventually it became introduced into his routine. "You know that I like things a particular way," he retorted as Dennis began to dig into his roast beef sandwich. "There's nothing wrong with having a little routine in your life."

"But there is something wrong when your routine is your life," Dennis retorted after he swallowed. "You come into work at almost the same exact time every day, heat up the same oatmeal club, come down here and eat the same lunch, then leave at the exact time where I can only speculate is the exact same dinner and watching the same television before going to bed at the same time. Of course I wouldn't know since you never invite me or anyone else over or go out when we ask you too."

Even though Milton just shrugged while he continued to eat his sandwich he felt slightly annoyed that he kept getting asked that. Even though he knew that Dennis would no longer press the matter after that it was the same question that he asked at least once a week, and it was hard to keep telling him that he wasn't interested or pass it off. If it wasn't an office-mandated function Milton just wasn't there for any of the little office parties that he was invited to and he preferred it that way. Their lunch hour continued with Dennis mostly talking about stuff until it was time for them to go back to work. He was at least polite enough to wish his lunchtime companion a proper farewell before it was back to work doing the same thig he had been doing before.

Much like what Dennis had speculated before Milton did go home at the same usual time every night, taking the same bus back to his small apartment where he would eat a frozen dinner that he had stocked up in his fridge. But while he did watch television on Netflix he did usually do something else, something that no one knew he did and if anyone had ever figured out it would have mortified him. As he laid there with his drink next to him on the table he slowly browsed his way through a number of adult sites that catered primarily to rubber enthusiasts. It was his one dirty secret, seeing those men in women all bound up in tight rubber outfits and sometimes chatting with others who were into the same secret.

That was the only thing he would indulge in, Milton had to remind himself on more than once occasion as he saw a small prompt trying to lead him to one of the stores that sold the gear that caused his arousal to rise. He wouldn't think of doing something that drastic and actually going out and buying something, or going to one of those clubs that he had seen advertised on any one of those sites, it was just a little self-indulgence to satisfy an itch that needed scratching every once in a while. As he scrolled over some of the pictures he almost chuckled to himself at the thought of spending a late night out or something like that like the wild people he saw in those pictures. That just wasn't him, he continued to reason even as that tiny pang of feeling left out rose up again.

Just as he was about to sign off for the night and go to said bed he saw one last photo that caught his eye, that of a rather realistic rubber dragon outfit. Even though he had seen the clock tick over and that it was time for him to go to bed he allowed a tiny extra bit of time just to see what it was, maybe even favorite it so that tomorrow he could grab a closer look. When it came up on full screen though what he saw blew him away; either someone had taken a painstaking amount of time photoshopping or drawing this or someone had just been poured into a latex suit that had seamless draconic features to it. Either way it was almost a work of art at that point and when he looked down at the user profile and saw that this person was on-line.

This meant even more time that he was taking out of his schedule, the rational part of his mind told himself as his mouse button hovered over the button that would open a chat window with them. As the arrow drifted away however that second voice that was why he was even on a website like that in the first place informed him that he might not have a chance to talk to this person again. Did he really want to risk missing out on an opportunity to talk to someone that created something so cool just because he wanted to go to bed? Normally the answer was yes but for that brief moment he let the sudden spontaneity overwhelm him and for the first time in a long while let that second voice win.

As he introduced himself to the user on the other side of the chat, who merely went by the name rubber_nexdrake, he immediately started to wonder if he had made a mistake. No doubt this artist or model received hundreds of chat invites and the fact that he still had a link open at all was amazing. That first voice came back with a vengeance and told him how dumb he was for wasting his time trying to catch the eye of someone when he shouldn't really have been indulging in such things in the first place. Just as he was about to close his computer though in frustration at himself though the chat window suddenly came to life with an indicator that someone was typing on the other line.

"Well hello there," the line said on the chat window read. "Thank you so much for enjoying my picture and reaching out to me, it really means a lot. Do you like rubber in general or just my particular style?"

Even though it was just words on a screen Milton could almost imagine this person's voice, hearing a deep, sophisticate tone that oozed just the right amount of seduction without being over the top. "Well... it's not that I really like rubber per se," he tried to explain back, though he began to frown when he reread his lines after he had pressed enter and realized he needed to extrapolate. "I mean, I really did like your picture and was wondering how you managed to pull off an effect like that."

"That's the real me," the chatter on the other side of the conversation said, along with a wink emoji before continuing on. "You could say that I live for latex, it's a part of me in ways that I think few understand. Now I know you said you didn't really like rubber but I was wondering if you weren't just being the tiniest bit conservative on this estimate of yours?"

Once again Milton felt his fingers hesitate on the keys for more than a few seconds before he began to type on. "I enjoy seeing it but it's not my scene," he confessed. "I see all these pictures of people fully suited up and I know it's not me, I'm very much a look but don't touch kind of person."

"I don't believe you," came the swift reply, which shocked Milton slightly as he was about to come up with a quick retort before he saw more words appear on the screen. "The reason that I don't believe you is that you don't even really believe that yourself. Even without meeting you I can sense that there's more to you than meets the eye, something that might just need a little coaxing in order to come out."

"I don't know what you mean," Milton said, part of his mind telling him to just end the chat, block the guy, and go to bed but his eyes remained glued to the keyboard. "This is just a hobby of mine and I wanted to comment on how good your picture was, that's it."

For about a minute Milton waited to see if the one that he had contacted would respond, wondering the entire time if he had possibly come on a little too strong before the person on the other end finally typed something back. "I'm still not convinced that's what you really think," Milton read, almost hearing the chuckle in the text as he continued to read on. "And if what I believe about you is true what you're doing to yourself, deluding yourself like that, isn't healthy for you. I think that perhaps we should talk again later, for right now however you might want to catch that bedtime of yours before you freak yourself out too much for staying up too late."

Milton was about to shoot back that he didn't need to be told to go to bed when he looked down at the clock on his computer and realized that he was now half an hour over the time that he would have normally turned in for the night. He sighed and once more told the bizarre artist that he liked his work and then sighed off without even waiting for the other guy to say goodnight. With spending so long talking with the other user he rushed through the rest of his nightly routine so he didn't miss too much sleep, setting his phone alarm for a few minutes later in order to compensate for the later bedtime. While he was putting in the new time he was surprised to see that he had a new friend notification and saw the head of that rubber dragon picture as the icon staring back at him.

Though the confused male wondered how the artist managed to get his e-mail information so quickly or why he wanted to continue to talk to him he knew he had to get to sleep quickly. Even as he got himself into position his last-minute encounter lingered in his mind and he spent a longer than average time tossing and turning to get comfortable. He wished he had never clicked on that picture, he thought as he imagined how exhausted he was going to be for work, or talked to that artist. Eventually sleep did come to him, keeping his eyes closed until finally the darkness of sleep overtook him.

That night Milton dreamed, and though normally such things consisted of him being late to an important meeting or doing something embarrassing in front of his co-workers this time it was far different. He was still at his workplace but it was night and there was no one there. As he slowly made his way back to his cubicle he noticed that the light was on, something that caused him pause because he always turned his light off before he got up from his desk. His approach slowed as it quickly became apparent that someone was sitting in his seat as he looked inside his cubicle.

"What a rather drab and dreary life," the creature said as Milton gasped in shock, his eyes widening as the rubber dragon turned all the way around on his chair and those glowing red eyes glanced at the sparse décor on his walls. "I would have hoped you had at least brought a plant in here or something, I've seen dead people get buried with more stuff surrounding them than you have."

"But..." Milton started to say, though his brain lost track of what it had been after the first word as he continued to gawk. "How... who... what are you?"

"All very valid questions," the dragon replied with a chuckle as he stood up. "I think the more important question you should be asking though is who are you?" Milton looked at the creature in confusion as it gestured towards the cubicle around him. "Is this it... or it something else deep inside that just needs a little bubbling to the surface?"

Once more Milton found himself silent, but this time it wasn't from a lack of thought in his head. When he tried to form the necessary words he found his lips wouldn't separate, and as he brought his hands to his lips to try and figure out what was wrong all he found was unnaturally slick, smooth skin where his mouth should have been. Panic began to rise up in Milton as he scratched at it only to feel his efforts not only grow increasingly ineffective but also began to cause his pleasure levels to rise as it felt like latex was rubbing against latex. He pulled his hands away from his face and saw why, letting out a muffled gasp as he saw shiny black rubber covering his hands all the way up his wrist and continuing to spread.

The rubber dragon creature said nothing, instead just rocking back and forth in the chair as he watched the transforming human begin to try and pry the synthetic material off of his arms. Unfortunately for Milton it appeared his efforts only seemed to have the opposite effect and it wasn't long until the black substance was up to his arms. When he looked to see the creature staring at him he gathered that it was all his fault and tried to back away from him, only to stumble over his feet and tumble to the ground. Though the fall wasn't bad Milton heard a loud squeak and a sensation of lust spread through his body as he looked down to see what had tripped him.

Milton saw that his situation had quickly gone from bad to worse as he wiggled his toes and saw the rubber paws that had replace them follow his command. It appeared that the latex had covered his appendages all the way up to his knees, though his focus quickly rose higher when he saw it wasn't the only thing that had been coated on his lower body. Somehow his pants had disappeared and he saw that where his maleness had been was a bulge of black rubber that framed his hips like he was wearing some sort of strange speedo. When he reached down to try and pull it off he realized immediately it was a mistake as a surge of pleasure coursed through his entire body.

"I told you..." the rubber dragon chided as he looked over Milton while his hands pressed against his face that had started to swell and stretch outwards as the assimilating material started to cover it. "You can only keep things like that bottled up for so long before it starts to escape, particularly when you come across someone who's willing to open the jar for you..."

The next second Milton awoke and found himself sitting straight up and looking around, seeing his familiar bedroom even in the darkness that he preferred to sleep in. It took him a few seconds to get his bearings against after the surreal dream he had but he quickly realized that unlike with a nightmare or something of that nature he wasn't sweating or panting or anything like that, in fact it appeared his body was having quite a different reaction as he scowled at the tent in his sheets. "I'm not going to be dealing with you right now," he told himself as he sighed and turned over onto his side and laid down on the bed. "Just remember, tomorrow you're going to go back to your routine and all this is going to be just a distant and then soon forgotten memory."

But as the next day rolled around and he found his anxiety had only grown, partially from a less than restful sleep and mostly because he continued to look down at his phone and stare at the newest contact on his list. He wasn't even sure that he could talk to this person again after what he had experienced in the dream world, even though that sounded very silly to him. The rational part of his mind told him that he should just ignore it and go on with his tried and true routine. It gave him some comfort to do so, arriving at the bus stop at the usual time in order to get on and arrive at work.

As the day wore on however the man grew increasingly distracted by the thought of potentially talking to the one that had the rubber dragon suit. By the time lunch rolled around he hadn't even realized it, missing the time as when he looked down at the phone he saw that notification still on there. It was only a few minutes but when he went down to his usual sandwich place he saw that it was significant enough it had actually thrown off the people behind the counter. It was the same for Sam, how looked at him in slight shock as he sat down with his usual bagged lunch.

"I was about to send out the search parties for you," Dennis joked as Milton quickly unwrapped his sandwich and started eating to make up for the time he lost out. "Here I thought that I was going to hear that you were found dead in a ditch or something." When Milton didn't respond and just looked away the joking attitude left his friend and he looked at him more seriously. "Is... something wrong?"

The note of concern in Dennis' voice snapped Milton out of his introspection and he just shook his head. "No... no, nothing wrong," Milton quickly replied as he paused from eating. "Just something on my mind is all, wondering if I should keep doing something or abandon it completely. Shouldn't be a big decision but my mind keeps coming back to it and has been all day."

"Well, whatever it is you should keep doing it," Dennis suggested, which caused Milton to look at him in question. "We've been sitting here for years and I think this is the first time that you've actually opened up to me, if this is breaking you out of that shell you've put yourself in then it might be a good thing. Just my opinion though."

Though he tried not to show it the fact that Dennis had unnerved him with the response it was clear to Milton that he hadn't done a very good job as the other male sat back with a smirk. Milton just huffed and tried to continue to eat his sandwich but he found himself losing his appetite. He ended up wrapping the rest of his lunch and taking it with him back to his desk, putting it with his coat so he couldn't forget it. The rest of the day was even more in turmoil than the beginning of it, not only because of what Dennis had said but also because as the day was ending he knew that he would be tempted to do what he had been thinking about for most of the day.

When the day ended Milton found himself doing just that, sitting there with a drink in his hand as he looked at the screen of the laptop. Though he hadn't responded to nexdrake it appeared that they had sent him an attachment between the time that he had left work and when he went home. Though he knew he shouldn't open it since it would only spur him on even more he couldn't help himself, clicking on the link. What he saw almost caused him to spill the glass he was holding as his eyes widened and he instinctively leaned forward.

It was the same rubber dragon outfit from before but in a much more seductive pose, those rubber-covered muscles glistening in the light as he laid there looking with glowing red eyes. What drew his attention more though was the glistening black cock that had laid against his washboard abs, this time the pose making it front and center as he could feel his jaw drop at the sight of it. Milton felt his entire body tense up and he didn't know what to do about it except put the phone down and leave it there while he took the leftover lunch he had brought home and began to eat it. When he came back to where his phone was with food in hand he saw it buzz and instinctively he reached down to pick it up, turning it around to see that nexdrake had messaged him.

"I see you're enjoying my latest picture," the words on the text seemed to jump out on the text bubble. "I thought you might enjoy something a little more risqué to wet that growing appetite of yours."

There was a moment that Milton's fingers hovered over the keyboard of his screen before he finally typed out his response. "I was just curious on the link and forgot to close it out before I went and got my food for the evening."

"Sure, sure..." came the response, Milton able to hear the sarcasm even in the written words. "Do you happen to have a hand on something that's a foot long?" Though Milton could feel his cheeks burn from embarrassment he didn't have time to write up a proper response before another set of words came up on the screen. "In order to help you out on this little quest of self-discovery I've sent you a little care package that I think is going to help you along, if my timing is correct I think that you should be getting a ring any second now..."

Milton nearly jumped off his couch as when as soon he read the last few words the doorbell rang through his apartment. Once his heart stopped pounding in his chest he got up and made his way over to the door to open it. When he got there he saw a younger man with platinum-blond hair in a delivery outfit standing on the other side with a package in his hand. After he identified himself as the owner of the address the delivery guy gave him a piece of paper to sign and then handed him a box before quickly turning and leaving.

Once the door had been closed and secured Milton looked at the package that he had just been handed, seeing his address on the front of it with nothing in the return section. There was nothing else that indicated where the box had come from and what was inside it, and when Milton decided to take a chance and rip open the wrapping paper all he found underneath was plain white cardboard. There was only one strip of tape between him and whatever was inside of it and though part of him wanted to just chuck it in the bin and block nexdrake from talking to him ever again. A war brewed between his need to know what was inside and his desire to get back to his normal life... and eventually one side finally won out over the other as he took another bite of his sandwich.

The sound of tape being ripped off cardboard filled the air as he tore open the package, throwing away the paper packaging until he got to the bag that was inside. When he finally fished it out and opened it up he nearly dropped it in surprise. What he saw was a pair of shiny rubber briefs that looked like they covered little more than his bulge and maybe part of his butt. It reminded him of a speedo and glinted in the light when he finally did pull it out. He couldn't believe his eyes, had someone that he just met over the internet actually sent him something so lewd?

As Milton felt the rubber press against his fingers he marveled at the feel of it. He had never been so adventurous to go and buy anything like this himself, so to actually have a piece of it that was actually tangible felt... really good. It looked even better than anything he had ever seen on-line and when he looked at it he was surprised that he had even considered what he was about to do next. There was something about touching the pair of rubber briefs that seemed to be extremely liberating, just like what he imagined that those that he had lusted after on the internet felt.

Before he could figure out what to do he heard his phone ding with a notification that someone was calling him, Milton looking down at the screen to see nexdrake was attempting to call him. It was one thing to have this person send him photos and texts, but now this one was sending him underwear and attempting to call him. Common sense stated that he should just ignore the call, block the number, and then throw the rubber underwear in the trash. He continued to look at his phone as he stared at the profile picture that had showed up with the number, his thumb quivering over the red button for more than a few seconds as he willed himself to press it. Right before the call would have ended anyway however the digit seemed to betray him and move over to the green answer button and pressed that instead.

"I was wondering if you really were going to give me the cold shoulder," the voice on the other end said with a chuckle. "While it would have not been the first time I would have considered that to be a rare feat, especially given your proclivities. I daresay that I would have been quite disappointed."

Though Milton had started to formulate a plan on what he was going to say to this person all those thoughts went right out the window the second he heard the deep, rich sounds that came from the other end of the line. It was a voice unlike anything that he had ever heard before and it even managed to cause his jaw to drop from the sound of it. Almost instantly his mind went back to the picture that had first attracted him to the person in the first place, that rubber dragon-suited male leering at him like he knew that he was looking at him...

"Stay with me here for a second," the voice said suddenly, which snapped Milton back to the present. "You have plenty of time to fantasize later, why not give my gift of yours a try and see where it takes you?"

Milton couldn't believe what was happening, was he actually about to do something like this in his own living room at the whim of a complete stranger that had somehow found his address? Yet even as his mind thought of ways to tell this person to go screw himself his hands were already at work taking off the work clothing that he still had on. He didn't even realize that his routine was working against him as he should have already been out of them and into his comfortable clothes he used for lounging around his home. By the time he looked down and saw what he had done to himself he was standing completely naked from the waist down with the rubber briefs still in his hand and his maleness starting to twitch with arousal.

At this point Milton put the phone down on the edge of the couch, not realizing that he had put it on speaker phone as he looked at the shiny material once more in his hands. Nexdrake was saying something but he was no longer listening as all his attention turned to the shiny underwear. It was something that he had lusted after before... but by putting them on he would no longer be able to say that it was just something he looked at and wasn't really into. Of course, his brain rationalized, if he did put them on and felt nothing from it then it would confirm that was actually the case and he could put the whole thing to rest.

In the end curiosity won out and he found himself sliding on the briefs, the material stretching around his body as he pulled it up. Though he had been hoping that he would be immediately sliding them off in revulsion the second the rubber cupped up against his cock it took every fiber of his being not to press his hand up against it while he adjusted the strap. He did let out a moan despite himself from the sensation of latex against skin and when he heard the voice on the phone chuckle he suddenly felt himself flushed with embarrassment. Before he could turn and explain himself he saw that nexdrake had already hung up on the call, leaving him with a message telling him to just enjoy himself and get used to the feeling.

Milton felt himself reading the same message over and over again a few times, his eyes occasionally flitting back to that icon. He had already felt very uncomfortable with deviating so far from his routine with this character and that he had let himself get sucked into the dialogue with this stranger, but strangely it wasn't as angering as he knew it should have been. In fact as the seconds ticked by the acceptance of the warming rubber against his thighs and groin grew to the point where he had forgotten about it in lieu of other activities. By the time he had gotten into bed he was still wearing them and didn't even realize it, save for a hand idly drifting down and giving his latex-clad package a squeeze before heading to bed.

Pressures of A Double Life (2/4)

When Milton awoke once more he found that his usual wake up time had not happened, instead when he looked at the clock next to his bed he saw that it was around three in the morning. Given the fact that at this point in his life he usually woke up at...

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Garment Wearing Instructions

It was a Friday night and Simon was ready to party, especially since he had just gotten his new bad-ass werewolf costume in the mail before Halloween. It was one that had been used on a movie set before or something and had been let go for surprisingly...

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Drone Classification System (2/2)

"That's quite the amazing story," Felicia said. "To think that Sabredrones had the ability to get promoted like that... and that there seems to be a hierarchy in the system other than just the overlord and the drones." "It was quite the honor," Newlyn...

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