Bugging Out (2/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Bugging Out

Dathmoth was a planet that was ugly, scarred, and barren in all regards. There was no reason that anyone would want anything to do with such an inhospitable place... until a new sonar technique that had been developed showed the presence of Falchorite, an invaluable substance that would cause a company to spend an insurmountable amount in order to try and dig it up. The mining crew is eager to get off, but what they don't know is that there was something else that was trying to get off the planet as well.

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Samson grumbled to himself as he came out of the cantina, feeling the alcohol he had flooded his system with doing its job as he stumbled out into the hallway. Ever since he had been told that their crew had no chance of getting the bonus for hitting the Falchorite deposit because of Malachi's injury he had been in the bar. Had the skinny twig of a miner not been in the infirmary he would have likely gone there to have words, but with nothing to vent his anger one he decided to drown it in drink instead. But due to company policy there was only so much he could drink before he was cut off and when that happened he was just angry and drunk now.

The veteran miner stumbled his way back to the dormitories, slipping slightly as he went through the hallway. He grumbled that some idiot spilled his drink as he continued to move back to his room, though in his drunken stupor he didn't realize that it was a bright purple in color with a gooey consistency. None of that mattered to him, all he cared about was getting back to his room so that he could sleep off his buzz. It was something that the janitorial staff would take care of, he thought to himself grumpily as he finally got to his room.

It took him more than a few tries in order to attempt to get the code into the door, and when he finally did he felt himself stumble forward and fell inside to the darkness. For a few seconds the drunken male thought that he had just fell on his own but then he felt a pair of hands reach under his arm pits and hoist him back onto his feet. "What the hell?!" he shouted as he shifted his body weight to take a swing at his would-be assailant, only to have his punch caught by a familiar face. "Johnny?"

The other miner said nothing, just leaned in and kissed Samson right on the lips. While it had surprised the male it wouldn't be the first time that something like this had happened; entertainment was limited on the base and even more so anything of a sexual nature. If someone wanted something more than the use of their own hand they would have to find another on the base in order to satisfy their lust. It was especially true of those in the same mining groups with at one point Malachi, Johnny, and himself having shared a bed during a particularly long mining run.

As Johnny continued to kiss Samson though this felt different, the last time had been lust fueled by a particularly successful deep mining run. This felt hungrier, almost like a need as Samson felt the other male's tongue pushed past his lips. Saliva ran down their lips as the kiss grew sloppier and just as the appendage began to stretch long enough to press against the back of his throat. He pulled back and once more nearly fell down as he tried to comprehend what was going on.

It was at this point that Samson got a chance to really see what his friend looked like, the other miner staring down at him with bright purple eyes. Johnny also seemed to be drooling a similar deep purple fluid, which as Johnny reached a hand up to his own lips found had a bit of the liquid as well. Before he had a chance to completely process what was happening though the once bigger miner found himself getting lifted up and tossed down onto the bed.

"Someone is horny," Samson said with a grunt as he felt a pair of hands rub down his back after he was tossed down on his stomach, though his euphoric haze was tainted by the feel of something... strange. "Hey, I think you may have put enough lube on your dick man, you're dripping all over me."

When he heard nothing he tried to look back in order to see what was going on, but a heavy hand quickly pressed his head back down on the pillow. Even in his drunken stupor something didn't feel right about it, like the other male was wearing some sort of strange glove that only had three thick fingers on it. Though he could have normally just tossed the smaller guy off of him to see what was going on he was too inebriated, and at this point horny, to care about it. It wasn't the first time he let someone else be on top and since he was a bit impaired it was just as well that he felt that thick cock inside him.

It appeared that the copious amounts of lube came in handy as Samson braced himself for the insertion, only to have the head pop past his relaxed ring of muscle rather easily. As he let out a groan the miner heard something else that in his lust-fogged mind sounded it a bit strange, hearing something like a low buzzing noise as he continues to feel his inner walls get spread open. Stranger still as he felt the cock continue to slide its way inside him it felt... unnaturally smooth, like Johnny was using a dildo on him except that he could still feel it throbbing. It was all starting to get a little too strange and despite the pleasure that was radiating from the penetration he used his strength to turn around and ask what was going on.

Even though Samson was able to get onto his back that strange feeling cock remained inside of him, and despite his room being dark he could see that something wasn't wright. Johnny's entire face looked like it was covered by some sort of black and purple striped mask, and his eyes looked bigger than normal as well as being a solid purple. It was an instantly sobering effect as he asked his fellow miner what was going on, and when there was no response he tried to push him off only to recoil in horror when the infected human's lower and upper jaw opened and stretched wide. The purple rubber tongue waved about like a tentacle before it darted down and with expert precision pushed itself into the mouth of the other creature before pushing its head down and completely enveloping his face.

It didn't take long for the writhing human's muscles to begin to relax as the creature that was formerly Johnny began to do its work. The change had already started even before he had gotten his cock inside the creature, which by now had turned a bright purple and prehensile in nature. It was not an ovipositor though, at the moment that was a gift only their hive king possessed, but what he had gotten was just as effective. He had been given the ability to produce powerful drones, which is what he felt happening beneath him as his own body continued to transform.

Johnny's back muscles, the skin on top of them already partially assimilated with glossy purple, stretched and shivered as something began to push out of his shoulder blades. Had he not been so engrossed with the conversion of the male beneath him he would have reveled in the ecstasy of his newest evolution, the translucent purple wings continuing to unfurl from his back like a butterfly that had just emerged from its cocoon. As they continued to grow bigger the mutated flesh on his body continued to spread like wildfire, forming chitinous plates to protect his body as something similar was happening to the male beneath him.

With the transformative substance being pumped into him from both ends Samson's body was practically quivering, the human's brain so soaked in lust-inducing chemicals that it could only focus on the stimulation coming from the cock inside him and the tongue that was practically down his throat. It was so intense he failed to notice that he was also growing new appendages of his own, as the normally tanned skin of his muscular body began to shift into a deeper lavender hue a rather large lump began to stretch out just underneath his arms. As the muscles of his already impressive chest began to grow thicker the swelling of his sides looked like something was trying to break free as it stretched out, eventually the tips growing and forming into a pair of very alien hands complete with five double jointed dexterous fingers.

Samson's new arms looked bizarre beneath the still relatively human ones, but as they went up and grabbed the hips of the alien creature to try and spur on the winged alien rubber insect it wouldn't be like that for long. The corruptive substance not only spread out form where the other creature was penetrating, which had transformed his cock into something similar to his own, but had also been steadily pushing out from where the assimilating creature's head had wrapped around Samson's. With the infestation complete there was no reason to keep their newest convert in such a state anymore and Johnny pulled off, Samson letting out a sharp hiss as his completely mutated face pushed out with a pair of mandibles from his maw while it grew into a blunt muzzle.

At this point the creature laying on the bed had lost the last of what humanity remained, the last of his very powerful physique growing in to make the formerly muscular man looked like a powerhouse. With the extra pair of arms and new body the alien that Johnny had created would make for a formidable opponent to any that may dare to try and stop them, as well as help in the capture of new prey. As the rubber spider-like anthro came his cum formed and shiny white strand that would prove to be exceptionally sticky except for the purple and black skin of the one who created it and their kind.

With the potent mix of chemicals no longer being delivered directly into his brain it gave Samson's bind a chance to clear, but when it did he found that he no longer thought as he did before. The human emotions of fear, anxiety, and everything else had been replaced with a fierce instinct to spread and breed just like Johnny had done to him. Though his higher functioning intellect and memories remained they were nothing more than evolutionary leftovers as the two rubber creatures continued to rut together. Their mating wouldn't last long though, Samson blinking a couple times as the last of his changes resulted in feeling new eyes opening up next to his old ones until he three sets now to better hunt his prey, and soon the two wordlessly got off of one another and went out the door and back into the mine.


Meanwhile back at the medical bay Dr. Elliot Larson had just finished cleaning up all the strange purple goo that had been spread everywhere, the doctor grumbling at the miners having no sense of decency or respect for what he did. With the mining community being so small there wasn't much for him to do, save for the occasional accident that he could help repair. Serious injuries like loss of limb would require the miner to be put in emergency cryo before being shipped off to a station that could give him the treatment and rehabilitation that they required, he was mostly there to keep everyone up to date on their medical charts and nutrition. As a result they thought it funny to mess with him since they believed he didn't have enough to do, this being the latest of a long line of pranks that he had to clean up and dispose of.

Though he wasn't fond of the cleaning Dr. Larson was fond of getting those responsible in trouble, so in an effort to try and figure out who the culprit was he had taken a sample of it and put it in the mass spectral analyzer to get a chemical composition of it. It looked like some sort of machine lubricant but he wanted to know in case it was the off-chance that it was something more... biological in nature that he could possibly get a DNA sample and really nail the prankster to the wall. Just as he had put the last of the bags into the disposal for incineration the computer gave a loud beep to let him know that the analysis was complete.

"It's about time," he grumbled as the went over to the analyzer and clicked on the results section. The first thing that popped up was the chemical composition and when he saw a particularly large purple spike on the readout a smirk appeared on his face. "I should have known that they would use some sort of Falchorite derivative, probably some sort of celebration for hitting the vein."

His grin grew even wider when he saw that it had detected biological elements as well, knowing that they he was going to not only get the one responsible but also nail him for wasting company resources. When he pulled up the biological profile however his feeling of victory turned to one of confusion as he looked at the results. It appeared that whatever they used was not human, in fact as he watched it appeared that whatever he was analyzing had shifted its composition during the test to the point it confused the computer and gave him inconclusive results. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before and his thoughts turned to the bag of medical waste that was sitting underneath his storage space.

Before he could decide on what to do next however the door to the medical bay opened and one of the miners he recognized as Alfonso staggered in while holding onto his stomach. "Doc, you gotta help me," the rather large man said as Elliot quickly grabbed his personal protective gear before helping with injured patient. "Something... someone attacked me I think..."

"Get on the examination table quickly," the doctor quickly said, helping him get over to one of the ones that hadn't just recently been washed and helped him get onto his back. "Now you say you think someone attacked you, do you know if they used a weapon or was it something else? Where do you feel the most pain?"

"That's the thing doc, I don't feel any pain..." Alfonso stated as he continued to hold his stomach. "But there's this bizarre feeling like... something's inside me, wiggling around. Like one of those big parasites you see on those documentaries..."

"Well I don't think there's anything like that living around here," Elliot quickly replied as he warmed up the full body scanner. "My first guess some sort of lower intestinal rupture from where you're holding yourself, or maybe even appendicitis. I'm going to look through your medical record quick while the scanner is going and we'll see what's going on, the fact that you're not in any pain is a good sigh so make sure you relax and stay calm while the scanner is running."

Before the scanner could begin though they had to strip the miner down naked, Elliot putting up a privacy field that would also help contain any possible infections as his patient did what he was told. As the pants and underwear came off the doctor immediately noticed two things, the first was that it did appear that the other man's gut was slightly distended and the second was that he was half-erect. Though it was a symptom to note it was something that was rather perplexing to him. The first thing that he had to do however was see what the scan said and look up the medical charts, starting up the former before going to his workstation to check the latter.

About five minutes later Elliot had just finished reading through the important points in Alfonso's medical history when the scanner alerted him to something that it had found. He went over to the display and saw that it had diagnosed the patient as most likely having terminal colon cancer, something that made zero sense after what he had read up. When he went to the scan itself however it had identified a foreign mass that took up a large section of the man's body, though as he looked closer some irregularities began to show. Since he wasn't sure exactly what he was seeing he grabbed his recorder and spoke into it while he continued to note things on the scan.

"This is Dr. Elliot Larson," the doctor started as he usually did. "This recording is for patient seven-one-six, also to be referred to as Alfonso. Patient came in stating discomfort in his abdomen, and though there were no pain there were a few markers that indicated that he might have suffered some sort of gastro-intestinal trauma. Patient also stated that he thought that he might have been attacked, though patient also appears to be hazy on the details and has made little sense past that. A full-body scan was done and significant foreign mass has been detected; while it could be something that the miner has ingested or possibly introduced into his system rectally, the scanner was having a hard time of identifying it, plus I see certain aspects of the surrounding tissue that look like something might be growing-"

Before Elliot could continue on the emergency alarm went off in the suite that he had just put the patient in, the doctor dropping the recorder onto the desk as he ran over to see what was happening. When he got through the privacy curtain he saw the large man shaking and spasming on the table and he went over to the drug dispensary panel to get an auto-injector filled with anti-seizure medication to try and stop the man from having whatever was happening. At the same time he ran an emergency diagnostic to see what was causing it, hoping that he hadn't had a stroke or something of that nature. Just as he got the medicine though and turned back Alfonso let out a loud cry... right before his completely erect member spurted several loads over everywhere.

What he saw caused the doctor to pause, the auto-injector still in his hand as the miner flopped back down onto the table, his chest heaving up and down and his eyes still rolled back into his head. Elliot was at a loss for words, never in his life had he seen someone cum without even touching himself and then pass out. With the apparent crisis over he put the auto-injector back in the dispensary and moved to do a manual examination of his patient. It appeared that everything still looked fine, though when he got to the stomach area he noticed there was a bit of additional swelling and what looked like veins popping out of his skin.

But when he got to the erection the doctor found that the miner's stomach wasn't the only thing that had become swollen. Not only did it look... thicker, maybe even longer than the last time he had seen it but there was a large bulge at the base of it that wasn't there before. With the patient still out cold the doctor took his fingers and gently examined it, finding at whatever was there seemed to be mobile. Though the miner's body shuddered a little there was no other response as Elliot took his fingers and slowly slid them up the shaft to try and get whatever was inside it to come out.

There was another loud moan that came from Alfonso's mouth as the object popped free, the purple spherical object coming to rest on the abdomen of the male after being expelled. There was also a bit of purple fluid that came out afterwards that Elliot recognized, his curiosity turning to concern. He grabbed a nearby tray and scooped the object onto it before walking back with it to his medical lab. Questions swirled in the doctor's head, all of them stemming from this latest discovery, and he hoped that at least some of them would be solved by his examination of this strange object that just came out of a male's dick.

"Continuing patient notes," Dr. Larson said into his recorder once he had gotten a sample from the object into the analyzer. "Patient produced a strange spherical object after an orgasm along with purple fluid that I will be including the analysis of in my notes." The doctor continued to watch as the computer spat out data at him on the readings that it was getting from its latest sample, leaning forward slightly more with every new finding. "It appears that the object being examined is some sort of... egg, but instead of carrying any sort of life embryo it contains an extremely concentrated amount of a virus that I have never seen before..."

Elliot had to put down the recorder and put his full attention to the readout, seeing the alien DNA that he had witnessed in the fluid popping up once more. Though the computer, as well as himself, was making assumptions at this point he extrapolated that whatever this strange virus was had infected the miner. It would make sense, but if that was the case and his body had somehow produced these strange spheres then where did he get exposed in the first place? It drew a very worrying concern that this planet might not be as dead as they thought after all as he turned back to do more tests on Alfonso.

But as he walked back and went through the privacy curtain once more Elliot gasped slightly when he found that his patient had disappeared. The only thing that remained in the area was the clothing that the miner had walked in with and a pool of purple liquid, and since he hadn't given him a gown or anything to wear that meant that he was wondering around somewhere naked. He quickly walked over to the intercom and buzzed for the head of the mining station, holding down the button for a few seconds to try and get their attention immediately. As he stood there and waited for a response he felt something drip onto his fingers and when he looked over at his hand holding down the button he saw more of the strange goo had suddenly appeared on his gloves...

The doctor felt his stomach drop down to his feet as he saw more of it splatter onto his hands, slowly looking up to see where the source of it was coming from. When he got to the ceiling he saw the miner hanging there like some sort of insect, large splotches of his skin turning to a bright purple as more of the goo leaked from him. The infected male's head turned nearly completely backwards to look down at him and he saw shiny purple orbs where the miner's eyes had been, their gaze meeting for the briefest of seconds as a pair of antennae sprouted from his forehead. Just as Elliot's brain got the signal to run to go to the rest of his body the mutating creature dropped down and twisted its body in mid-air before landing on him.

In the matter of seconds Elliot felt his back hit the cold metal of the floor and heard the thud of the creature's hands and feet doing the same. As they did so the impact caused the joints of the mutant miner to shift into the opposite direction, the musculature of his hands and arms rapidly thickening to look more like his legs as his body transformed right before the doctor's eyes. Though the miner's arms had transformed into another pair of legs Alfonso's torso remained very human-like and as the pops and cracks of his spine could be heard his body stretched and contorted until he had more of a tauric configuration. When Elliot tried to squirm out from underneath this new body he was pinned to the ground by one of the hind legs that had grown monstrous and insectile with its purple plating glinting in the light.

Elliot continued to struggle to get free as the prehensile cock between the new forelegs of the creature began to get lowered down towards his mouth. The shiny, slimy purple flesh of the tentacle-like appendage continued to flail about in front of the doctor's face before it was finally low enough to reach his mouth, more of the goo dripping down onto his face as the tip of it darted forward like a snake and pushed his lips open. With the doctor's heart racing from fear and horror it served to pump the potent aphrodisiac that the creature had evolved through his system, Elliot's body quickly overwhelmed with both lust and relaxation in order for the creature to do what it needed to.

As the ovipositor continued to push its way into the mouth of the male beneath him Elliot saw that more changes were happening to the body of the creature above him. A pair of new arms grew from the torso of the mutating male as his face stretched out into a muzzle, mandibles growing from it as the infection reached its critical mass. A thick, flat appendage stretched past the rear of the tauric creature, forming a sort of sudo-thorax that gained the same plated appearance as the rest of his body. The biggest change however was the second, much bigger cock-like ovipositor that sprouted between the hind legs of the creature that caused it to practically fall forward and push even more of itself into the doctor beneath him.

Even though Elliot was heavily sedated by the lust-inducing chemicals being pumped into his system he was still aware enough to notice that at the base of the front ovipositor had begun to bulge out. At this point the tip of it was stretching out his throat, the goo that it was covered in somehow suppressing his gag reflex as the egg traveled down the fleshy tube. For a few seconds it got stuck when it reached the lips of the human but when the very dexterous hind leg of the creature went from holding him down to rubbing against his groin it caused his mouth to open in pleasure. That was all it took and the doctor's eyes practically bulged from their sockets as it stretched his mouth to the limit before going down into his throat.

There was nothing that Elliot could do but swallow it as the egg left the tip of the cock-like appendage and went into his body, feeling a gush of fluid push it down before the creature pulled out of him. His first instinct was to try and cough, but there was nothing that came out as he could feel the egg still traveling down into his body. Through his hazy thoughts he saw the large insect-taur turn and leave him, its two ovipositors sliding back up into its purple and black molded body before going through the door. After a few seconds the surreal situation had felt like it had never happen, the only indicators that it did was the purple goo left behind, the miner's clothes, the heavy feeling in the doctor's stomach, and the throbbing erection in his pants.

Slowly the doctor got to his feet, his lust-addled mind telling him to go and find someone as quickly as possible. He went the opposite direction the bug creature went, which had been deeper into the mining area of the facility, and made his way towards the residential area. The entire time his hand was pressed against his stomach as he felt the egg shifting about inside of his body. As he remembered what he had found in his scans Elliot's need to find someone drastically increased as he walked into the relaxation area and found someone sitting and watching television.

"Dr. Larson!?" the miner shouted as soon as he saw the doctor stumble into the room, the concerned man running over as he saw him stumble in. "What on earth happened to you?"

"I was... attacked..." Elliot said, though as he thought about it his infected mind made him immediately doubt such a claim as he was helped over to a chair to sit down. "I mean... I don't know, I was just in the medical wing... something happened..."

"So someone attacked you in the medical wing?" The miner asked, Elliot shaking his head even though that did sound right to him. "Here, let me get you something to help clean whatever that is off of you and then I'll call the supervisor while you calm down. Just try and get your story straight before he gets down here, alright?"

Elliot nodded and watched the miner go to one of the small fridges where they kept water for the miners to get while on-duty. The longer that he sat there the more his corrupted brain seemed to wonder why he had come down here in the first place... though as he watched the other male bend and stretch to get things he couldn't help but feel a twinge of desire run through his body. All the workers here were so... virile, having to examine their muscular bodies all the time and seeing their hardened physiques had always gotten him hot and heavy. Or at least he thought they did as he licked his lips, a purple film forming over them as he started to get up...

...not even noticing the bulge in his stomach starting to deflate as the egg inside him hatched and spilled its viral contents inside his already mutating form.

Bugging Out (3/10)

Back in the drilling station the three miners on duty were busy celebrating, drinking from the bottle of cheap champagne they managed to smuggle down with them during their shift. Behind them the computer displays flashed with the declaration that...

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Bugging Out (1/10)

The planet Dathmoth was barren, desolate, and unable to sustain any sort of life with its acrid atmosphere and sulfuric storms that constantly ravaged the surface. Any space freighter that happened to pass by it wouldn't have given it a second look,...

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The Warrior Within

The Mecha Research Institute... an almost magical place where the most advanced in battle and utility suits were created. Most people never even got to be on the property, much less see in side any of the buildings. There was always one exception...

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