Wolves in the Locker Room

Story by Cinos on SoFurry

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Authors' note: I left the age of these two out just because most people don't like cubs. :3 You can imagine them being just as young as you want though, and I recommend it. The story is a bit unpolished but I've moved onto other ones so I'll post it now.

There they were again, in the locker room after the gym pass. And as always, Skal was extremely shaky and nervous. All of the nakedness around him never failed to arouse him, especially since most of his class was slim and quite fit. It was always a pain to hide this, and it kept getting harder, his sex drive growing with age. There were some days he wished he was just straight like everybody else, not attracted to his own gender. How likely was it he'd ever find a mate, or even have casual sex, being a lonely, gay wolf?

He was pondering these things again as he slowly undressed, stealing glances of others doing the same around him. They had such well-formed bodies, necks he could just nibble on forever, and... cocks he would like nothing more to suck. Pleasure them and get pleasured in return, have them blow their loads in his muzzle... Damnit. Skal blushed at the thought, shut his eyes and hoped nobody would notice. The short daydream had his wolfhood poking out of it's protective, fuzzy sheath already. Maybe he would keep his boxers on a little longer.

He slowed down taking his sweaty clothes off, waiting for others to finish first and head for the showers. Some were painfully slow, and Skal had to pretend he was digging through his backpack for something in order to not seem suspicious with the delay. The musky scent of their sweat made sure he wasn't losing his erection anytime soon. Eventually it was all empty around him in then room, the rest now finally done. The sweet scent still lingered in the air though, and Skal couldn't help but inhale deeply, the fragrance filling his mind with fantasies about what would probably never happen, and his lupine cock with blood. He rubbed himself a little trough the fabric of his tight boxers, where the precum was already soaing through the material, groaning softly to himself, sure that everyone had left.

Then he got an idea. A quite dirty idea that made him blush again. Since everybody had left their clothes here, he could... could revel, if not in their bodies, at least in their smell? But wouldn't that be a bit depraved, sniffing their underwear? Then again, they need never know. That's right, he told himself. Nobody needs to know. And with that, he begun digging through the locker next to him. None of these were actually locked, since everyone trusted each other - he felt a bit guilty for that, but kept repeating his reasoning mentally. The locker belonged to Fenrir, one of the absolutely hottest wolves in his class. His jet-black fur, bright green eyes and stripey hair... and he was muscular too. Very strong-looking, flat stomach, tight... ass. Skal felt like slapping himself for those thoughts.

Nontheless he kept shuffling through his things. Now where were those... ah. He found the boxers, grasped them tightly and brought them up to his muzzle like a thirsty wanderer in the desert would water. And then he couldn't resist anymore, and started rubbing the soft fabric against his wet nose, pining the musky aroma. His other paw has just reached his glistening and fully hard cock when he heard somebody cough behind him. Reality came crashing in again like a thousand freight trains into Skal's mind. "Oh dear god, kill me now..." he muttered, dropping the boxers and slowly turning around. "This... will be fun to explain..." was the only sentence that stuck to him from the millions that were going through his head. That is, until he had turned around, paws in fists in case he would have to fight.

Black fur was the first thing he saw. Perfect. *Utterly perfect*. As if it wasn't bad enough that he was caught sniffing someone's pants, he had been caught by the owner of them. "Err, this... isn't what it looks like..." he started, sensing he was treading on very, very thin ice. "I was..." he stopped mid-sentence as he looked Fenrir in the eyes. The bastard was grinning. Not furiously angry. Still embarrassed, Skal still couldn't bear looking at the handsome wolf for long, and he let his gaze drop. It was about then when he noticed Fenrir's thick cock was hanging halfway out from it's sheath, the bright red a delicious contrast against the pure dark fur. Not knowing what to make of anything anymore, Skal sat down on the bench again with a loud sigh and buried his face in his paws.

Fenrir spoke, his deep and husky voice as soothing as ever for the slightly younger wolf - but the message took him several minutes to understand. "Hey, Skal..." he begun, muzzle still split by the broad smile. "...I'm not going to ask why you were, well, doing what you were doing, but..." he coughed again "It seems like a poor substitute for some real action. Come on, look. I know you want to." Fenrir also sat down on the opposite bench, took a firm hold of his long wolfhood and started caressing it, letting out a soft moan as his rough pawpads touched the sensitive flesh. Skal perked his ears at this. He slowly opened his eyes, and the sight he saw caused his own cock to rapidly spring to attention again. Fenrir was pawing off right in front of him. Spellbound, awstruck and almost hypnotized, his paws quickly found his own cock, and in no time he was moaning along with his crush, the both of them almost mirroring each other's movements as they worked up their arousal and pleasure. Fenrir motioned Skal to come closer, and he immediately obliged. Sitting down next to the older wolf, he was going to keep pawing before Fenrir hugged him hard and pressed his muzzle against his, licking his nose and lips. Quick to respond, he opened his mouth, and there they were, locked in a kiss, raspy long tongues entangling with the other. Skal was in heaven. Here he was, kissing the most handsome and strongest wolf in school. His paws sought out Fenrir's cock without thinking at all and started pumping it as he had pumped his own before, slick precum quickly coating it. Apparently very experienced in this game, the older wolf immediately did the same, both their moans only muffled by their kiss.

After what seemed like an eternity, they broke the kiss, both panting heavily. Fenrir recovered first, leaned close to his lover's ear, and whispered. "You seemed so eager to smell it before... so go ahead. Taste it, even... " he coaxed the less experienced wolf. Skal stared at him with huge googly eyes. Did he hear that right? Sensing his insecurity, he took him by the shoulders with his strong paws, applying just a little pressure for him to get down on his knees in front of him. The point finally went through, and there he was... kneeling before Fenrir in the chilly locker room, his throbbing wolfhood right in front of him, a clear drip of precum formed on the tip. He loved the view. Admiringly, he touched it again and he murred approvingly. After a split second of doubt, he extended his tongue, touched the base of his cock, licked it all the way to the top in one smooth move, making sure he got the precum - subconsciously noting this had to be what sex tastes like - he slipped his lips over the top. Fenrir moaned, and Skal had never felt so right. He loved everything about the cock in his mouth. How hot it was, how it slid across his sensitive lips as he pushed his muzzle deeper onto it, the taste, the delicious musk... it had a very soothing effect on him, and even when Fenrir locked his paws around his neck to keep him where he was and started to slowly fuck his face, he didn't care. All that mattered wad the succulent vulpine cock in his mouth - and that was what he concentrated on. Sucking on the massive meat like no tomorrow, bobbing his head up and down on it... it all came naturally to him.

Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Fenrir, as busy as he was grinding his maleness against Skal's soft, wet mouth. "Murr, you're such a good cocksucker, little wolf... just... unh, keep doing that and-" his sentence was interrupted by footsteps approaching from the showers. Fenrir and Skal stared, dumbfounded, at each other for a very brief time, before stumbling into a nearby toilet stall and silently pulling the door close behind them - just in time, because more of their class just apparently got done with their cleaning. Fenrir sat down on the toilet, looking slightly annoyed. From his expression Skal figured he didn't want to let the rest of them know he was gay, and he didn't blame him. Eventually, however, his attention returned to his still-burning arousal, and he noticed that Fenrir, now intently listening to what went on outside, also was fully hard still. A mischievous and dangerous idea thought struck his mind. He squeezed out some of the hand moisture creme from a tube near the sink and experimentally fingered his tailhole with his fingers coated in it, still unnoticed by the other wolf.

He carefully approached Fenrir and sat down on his lap, cock getting conviniently lodged between his buttcheeks. The black wolf twitched but managed to keep silent, but with an alarmed look on his face. It was Skal's turn to have fun now, and he quite enjoyed grinding his slippery tailhole against his lover's maleness, who was in turn grinding his teeth trying not to groan out loud. Soon Skal felt he wanted more. Resolutely, he took a firm grip of his prize, placed the tip at his tailhole -Fenrir looked rather panicked, breathlessly mouthing "no"- and sat down. The first thing he felt was a sharp sting of pain as his hole was stretched by the massive cock, quickly followed by Fenrir's teeth on his neck, biting down hard to muffle his moans of pleasure, hot breath and saliva warming his skin as he unwillingly penetrated his tighness, cock rubbing against the silky insides.

In one delicious move it was all inside him, up to the knot. Skal rested for a momented, panting heavily and letting his tailhole accomodate the huge intruder. His eyes were glazed over with lust as he slowly began moving up and down on Fenrir's pole, long and deft movements. Fenrir grabbed his hips and met each movement by thrusting his hips upward, everytime a little more of the knot fitting inside. But with both being so aroused already, and the extreme tightness of Skal's tailhole, they grew closer and closer to orgasm, thrusting growing faster and more erratic. Outside of the toilet stall they could hear the last persons packing up their clothes, the soft steps as they walked towards the door, opened it... the seconds were unbearably long, and the second the door slammed shut, Fenrir howled out loud, thrusting mindlessly upwards while pulling Skal down. The knot slipped inside with a slight pop and in that second they both came. The cock inside him filled him up with squirt after squirt of hot lupine cum, to the point of stretching his insides, all the pent-up arousal exploding forth in a massive climax, as Fenrir kept whimpering, howling and snarling as he twitched and trashed about in the throes of pleasure. Skal was much the same, his rear clamping down on the massive tool inside him as he lanced out his cum, both on his and his lover's fur, their movements rubbing it in and making the soft fuzz tangled and messy.

Finally spent, they collapsed into each other's arms, Skal's head on Fenrir's chest, cock still slowly pulsing inside him, knotted to him like some kind of ferals. "Mrrh... you have no idea how much I've wanted to do this..." the bigger one whispered, now relaxed, as he traced little circles around the smaller's chestfur with his fingers, lingering over the nipples. "I'm glad you did... it was wonderful." Skal replied, before grinning. "I have the evening off, actually..."

(C) Night-Cloaked Hunter | [email protected]

As Natural As You Could Be

**Author's note: Both characters are anthropomorphic despite how one may act. :3 Be 18 or keep your eyes away form this and blah blah blah. This is also the first yiffy story I wrote, even if I didn't post it first, so be gentle with it. \<\_\<...

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The Grey, Sad Wolf

**Thank Studphish for the ideas (even if you don't know him) and for helping me with feedback... couldn't have written this alone. It was loads of fun to write, though, and very different in content from what I'd usually do. I hope I got the emo part...

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