A Walk in the Swamp

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story if based on a character created by Fatchaos, a three headed Hydra named Yellow, Red, and Blue. The story concerns her first encounter with a raptor named Flick, and her first love affair. It was interesting and challenging to write about a character who for all practical purposes is three-in-one as each head has a distinct personality of its own. I?d like to hear how readers think it turned out.

A Walk in the Swamp

They watched from their hiding place as the hunters passed, prepared to fight if necessary; Red in charge, but preferring not to if possible. Had it been a lone hunter, well, that was one thing, but a large well armed party was another. That was the problem with humans, too damn many of them. You kill one and ten come looking for him. So they kept quiet until the party passed, and remained that way for quite some time after.

Finally, with a soft hiss, Red finally raised her head to take a look around.

"Anything?" Blue asked, Yellow looking from sister to sister nervously.

"They?re gone", hissed Red.

"Good! Yellow said, now give me back control!"

"Not yet, Red said, they?re still in the area, we could still run into them."

"Blue!" Yellow hissed.

"Sorry sister, I agree this time." Blue said.

"But she?d had almost full control for three days!" Yellow whined.

"That?s because there have been so many damn humans running around lately, Red hissed in annoyance, we?ve had to move our lair two times in a month!"

"I still think we need to move a lot farther away, find another swamp or marsh to make our home, Blue said, they?ll find us again sooner or later if we stay near here, and next time we might not be so lucky."

"Why can?t they leave us alone? Yellow hissed, I don?t like to kill them."

"Well I do!" Red hissed.

"They hunt us because we?re different, Blue said. They never try to talk to us or anything; I don?t think they know we?re intelligent."

"Well I don?t think THEY?RE intelligent, Yellow said, stupid humans!"

"We?re a monster to them, Red said, so I say we act like one and tear them apart anytime we get the chance, then maybe they?d leave us alone!"

"Come on Red, Blue said, you know that would only make it worse. They?d just get some hero to come after us, maybe one we couldn?t defeat."

"I think Blue is right, Yellow said, we need to just leave, find some place without any humans to ruin it. I?m tired of sleeping in the mud too; I want a nice warm cave."

"Well, I guess it would beat sneaking around all the time, we haven?t even been able to find any decent food for days." Red said.

"So we move?" Blue asked.

"Yes!" Yellow hissed.

"Very well." Red reluctantly agreed.

"When do we leave?" Yellow asked.

"No time like the present, Red said, the humming asps are back out, that?s a good sign the humans are gone, at least for now."

"Yes, Blue said, the little dears are a good sign we?re OK. I wonder why we don?t scare them off too."

"Because we?re a reptile too, and we don?t hunt them. They know we?re no threat." Yellow said.

"I think she?s right, Blue said, so who?s going to be in charge?"

"Well, since we?re more interested in running then fighting I vote me. Yellow said, it?s my day anyway!."

"Hey, Red hissed, you can?t vote for yourself!"

"Who says?" Yellow hissed back.

"The rules!" Red said.

"WHAT rules!?" Yellow hissed.

"The rules we ALL agreed too!" Red hissed loudly.

"Be quiet, Blue hissed, they?ll hear us! And Red is right; we agreed we can?t vote for ourselves!"

"Oh yeah, right, I forgot." Yellow sniffed.

"But anyway, Blue said, I vote for Yellow. If we need to run she?s best."

"That?s because she?s Yellow in more ways than one!" Red snapped.

"Red! Blue hissed, that?s not nice! You know our sister is NOT a coward! She does quite well in a fight!"

Yellow, sniffling, just lowered her head and didn?t say anything.

"RED!" Blue hissed.

"You?re right, Red said, I?m sorry Yellow, that was mean and I didn?t mean it. I?m just frustrated; I hate to leave our swamp. And Blue?s right, if we have to make a run for it you?re best, so I agree, we?ll give you control."

"It?s OK, Yellow said, I hate to leave too."

They all concentrated for a moment, then Yellow had full control except for her sister?s necks and heads. She took a good long look around, all three sniffing the air, heads turning from side to side, but the natural sounds had returned and the small beautifully colored humming asps were darting through the air after insects again, so they knew it was probably OK to move. They moved out of their hiding places in the rushes and onto firmer ground.

"Well, Blue asked, which way?"

"Deeper into the swamp, where else? Red said, just like we always do. There has to be someplace there aren?t any humans!"

"Don?t bet on it." Blue said pessimistically.

"Or at least someplace with ones that will leave us alone." Yellow hissed.

"Yeah, right!" Red hissed.

„I agree, Blue said, sister, get us out of here."

The Hydra turned to face what was basically south, and pushed her way deeper into the thick swampy jungle like terrain. And the heat and humidity, insects, and rather unfriendly plant live didn?t bother her much. Her thick hide and scales turned the sharpest thorns with ease, and was invulnerable to insect bites. She was, after all, a denizen of the swamp herself. But not so much out of choice as necessity, if she tried to live anywhere else she would most likely be hunted down and killed in short order by scared humans. Which was; in truth, a real shame, because actually she was a rather nice creature despite having the reputation as being a man killer. Fact was she only killed in self defense, and unfortunately that was far too often, and she was good at it.

But in the defense of paranoid humans; who, let?s face it, do get dumped on a lot, she was a truly fearsome sight. She was pretty large, but not near as large as the dragon she resembled in some ways, nor was she winged. She was a bipedal reptile, her rough hide and scales a tan color with green stripes and markings, her grayish belly bands running from under each jaw down to the tip of her long graceful tail. But what truly made her stand out was she had three heads, each with an entirely different personality. That was what probably scared the crap out of humans; and others, more than anything. It was just too darn weird. No one ever bothered to ask the Hydra what was going on, they just figured anything that weird, with all those heads and fangs, had to be evil, and therefore, had to be destroyed. The problem was she could be just as nasty as she looked if you messed with her. After all she was a carnivore, and her four toed feet and four fingered hands had wicked deadly claws, and having three snouts full of razor sharp fangs allowed her to easily take on several opponents at the same time. Plus a lash from her tail could break a back or arm with ease, and so far she hadn?t lost a fight. She was not someone to get on the wrong side of, but overall preferred just to be left alone.

Her heads were of course her most unusual feature; it?s kind of hard to overlook someone with three of them. They were identical except for their coloration, and they chose their names based on their individual colors. Each had a pattern of colored diamonds on the back of the neck, one on the top of the snout, their crest and eyes. Their crests weren?t really hair, but were a cross between hair and feathers. Yellow on the left, Red in the center, Blue on the right. One might think it was confusing to have three heads on one body, and that they would be constantly fighting and struggling for control, but as it turns out each one had full control of the body for a full day on an equal rotating basis. They could relinquish control to one of their sisters by unanimous consent though. It was weird, but it worked, and they themselves had not the least idea how. To be truthful there was

some fighting, but no more then there would be between other „normal? sisters. In actuality they got along quite well. And they were definitely female, the large firm band covered breasts gave that away beyond a doubt even if their cloaca didn?t, except to other reptiles of course.

They walked along, each head keeping a lookout in a different direction, each with its own thoughts. They knew very little about themselves other then they were young, and except for one another, very lonely. They had never met another Hydra, and knew very little about their own kind. Their earliest memories were of a basilisk that had taken care of them, that is until he was slain by humans and they barely escaped. That was one reason why Red hated humans, she had been awake when the attack came and the basilisk died defending them. Her sisters; waking from deep sleep, had disjointed and confusing memories of the event, but she remembered it vividly. She took it on herself to be her sister?s new guardian; she felt they were much too sentimental and not ruthless enough. But down deep she longed for new friends too, and greatly missed the gentle old basilisk.

Tongues licking out to taste the air, eyes sharp, they moved cautiously through the thick growth and shallow water. Men; for all their faults, were very devious hunters, and despite their natural abilities they had been ambushed more than once. Yellow knew in such a situation her faster and more nimble responses would be a big advantage. And if forced to fight those quick moves were just as useful, she could tail slap a foe and bite and claw another at the same time, while her sisters took care of any others. And, well, if she got mad she couldn?t be responsible for what she did to an attacker. Then she freaked out and was impossible to control until she?d had a good sleep, and always woke up with a headache. But her sisters were always there for her.

They paused at the edge of a large channel of sluggishly flowing water, and faded back into the undergrowth to take a closer look around, and figure out what to do. Blue did her best to remain alert, but the hot humid air and sound of insects droning caused her fall into a kind of wakeful doze as she often did. She thought that maybe she didn?t get quite as much of a blood flow as her sisters as she tended to sleep much more, and got tired and worn out much easier. She knew she was smarter than her sisters, but didn?t push it. One thing was sure though, they loved one another despite their differences. All they had were one another.

They had no idea they were being observed from the opposite bank, the raptor?s coloring blended perfectly into the background, as did their own. But they had been moving when he spotted them, and he hadn?t. So he knew exactly where they were, but had no idea WHAT they were.

Flick was a southern swamp raptor, and like all his kind was a natural predator, but unlike the feral northern raptors he was intelligent, as his loin cloth, spear, sling, and quiver of short throwing javelins proved. He was on his own, having left his tribe to try and find his fortune. In short, he was treasure hunting. His people had legends of a great lost city somewhere deep in the southern marshes and he was bound and determined to find it. Traveling through the flooded overgrown swamp was slow going even for him, so he decided to try and find a waterway and a boat, or a handy log. He had just squatted down in some thick rushes when he saw the large three headed beast appear on the opposite bank. He didn?t know if it was an animal or intelligent as it was naked and wore no jewelry, he?d never seen anything like it. He?d heard rumors of multi-headed monsters, but never seen one. It was female though, and rather pretty except for the weird multi-heads thing. Like females of his own kind it had very prominent breasts, which he had no doubt lactated blood like all reptiles who breast fed their young. And as with mammals the males of his kind liked breasts, and he was no exception, he was definitely a tit fan. He was so engrossed in looking at the strange female reptile he

at first didn?t notice the band of human hunters stealthily moving down the bank towards her. But when he did he had a quandary on his claws.

He could fade back into the rushes and avoid both the strange female and the humans with no trouble, but there was a good chance the humans would notice the female before she noticed them, and they were well armed. Like all his kind Flick had no love for humans, and she WAS a fellow reptile. So he decided to at least give her a warning. He dug a sling stone out of his pouch; and with deadly accuracy threw it at the female, and it hit the head with the blue crest.

Blue snorted as the stone bounced off her snout. She hadn?t seen what smacked her on the snout, so naturally assumed Red had done it. So she nipped Red and hissed. Red in turn, startled, angrily nipped Blue back.

"Knock it off!? Blue hissed.

"YOU started it!" Red snapped.

"Did NOT!" Blue hissed in rage.

"Yah-huh!" Red snarled, nipping at Blues neck again.

"Will you two knock it OFF!" Yellow growled.

Flick watched in slack jawed amazement, still not sure if they were intelligent or not, but at least they could talk. And the humans heard too, and had slowed their approach to the arguing multi-headed creature, and got their weapons ready. Damn it, Flick thought, flinging another stone, this one hitting the Yellow head between the eyes.

"RAARRRR!" Yellow hissed, and bit Red?s neck, Red bit her back, and Blue bit both of them while Yellow; having control of their body, strangled Red, each convinced another had started it.

This is ridiculous! Flick thought, and stepping out of the rushes started jumping up and down and pointing at the humans, who seeing him pointed back, not sure what was going on. Was the lizard man trying to be friendly, or making rude gestures?

Blue finally noticed the antics of the raptor, and gave a loud hiss.

"Knock it off sisters, look over there!" Blue hissed.

As one all three heads turned to look at the raptor, saw he was pointing at something, turned to see the humans sneaking up on them, and with a shriek Yellow dived into the water amid a shower of spears and other pointy objects. Her sisters, pretty much having no choice in the matter, came with her.

Flick, his duty done, melted back into the rushes after making what were definitely rude gestures at the now enraged humans who realized their sneak attack had been foiled.

The Hydra swam deep under the water, strong sweeps of her tail propelling her gracefully through the cloudy liquid. While not her element, like many reptiles she was a natural swimmer. She swam a ways downstream, then pushed into the thick reeds bordering the waterway, and carefully lifted up her heads to take a look around.

"Gag, cough, splutter! Red gurgled; you could at least have warned me we were going for a swim!"

"Not enough time, Yellow replied, those humans almost had us."

"Well, if Blue hadn?t decided to bite me none of this would have happened." Red said.

"You smacked ME on the snout first!" Blue hissed.

"Did NOT!" Red hissed back.

"Girls, Yellow interrupted; do you think that lizard guy had anything to do with it?"

"Well, if Red didn?t smack me someone did, Blue conceded, so I guess it could have been him."

"Why?d he warn us anyway?" Red asked.

"Maybe he was just being nice." Yellow said.

"Yeah, right!" Red hissed.

They all lifted their heads up, ears twitching, as they heard shouts on the other bank.

"I do believe we should be leaving", Yellow said.

"I concur." Red said.

"Oh yes, lets!" Blue added, and they silently slithered farther into the rushes, staying on their belly until safely out of sight.

Flick move swiftly and silently through the dense growth and pools of stagnant foul smelling water. He was so busy thinking about what had just happened; and wondering about the strange female, that he wasn?t paying as close attention as he usually did. He entered a small clearing, started across, got about halfway, and plunged into the quicksand as he broke though the covering of dead leaves and other debris. With a loud hiss he tried to grab at the edge, but was too far out. He gave another hiss of dismay as he slowly sank in up to his waist. The swamp didn?t care if he was experienced or an amateur, intelligent or animal, quicksand is an equal opportunity killer and will welcome anything into its deadly embrace. He knew he shouldn?t struggle, but growing panic and terror made him flail helplessly, quickening his descent, and soon the thick sludge was sucking at his shoulders. No, he thought, by my ancestors, not like this! As the gurgling mud brushed against the underside of his lower jaw he gave a loud wailing hiss of despair.

The Hydra paused, "Sisters, you hear that?" Yellow hissed, getting affirmatives. She cocked her head, listening carefully, as another faint hiss came filtering through the undergrowth, her sisters also listening attentively.

"That way!" Blue said, pointing with her head. "I agree." Red said, so Yellow moved them in the indicated direction.

They slowed after awhile, having heard no more calls. But remained alert, the calls had been ones of distress, and suddenly a loud wailing hiss of terror came from close ahead. Hissing, they moved in that direction.

The raptor, his snout just above the surface of the quicksand, watched as the bushes suddenly thrashed, and to his surprise the three headed female suddenly appeared.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Red hissed.

"Hey, it?s that lizard guy!" Yellow said.

"Please, please...don?t let me die like this." Flick begged.

"Well, of course we won?t, silly! Blue hissed, Yellow, do something!"

"I say we leave him, Red hissed, we don?t know who this guy is! He might have been working with the humans."

"Don?t be stupid, Red, Yellow said, he warned us ABOUT the humans!"

"Pleeeeaaasseeee!" Flick pleaded; his nostrils lust barely above the surface now.

Yellow spun around and stuck their long tail out over the quaking surface of the quicksand, "Quick, grab our tail!" She hissed.

"I, I can?t, Flick squealed, my arms are stuck! I, urrgggkkk!"

"Stick our tail under the quicksand where he can grab it! Red hissed, hurry, he?s going under!"

Flick gave a wet gurgling scream as he slid under, and then suddenly felt something poking him in the chest. He grabbed it desperately, and it was slick scaly tail, and he held on for dear life, digging his claws in.

"OWWW!" Red hissed.

"Pull Yellow, pull!" Blue yelled.

Grabbing small trees and bushes for support Yellow slowly moved forward, slowly pulling the raptor out of the thick gooey mud. He emerged like some sort of mud monster, to stand on the bank slobbering and hacking up globs of goo.

They turned around, and Blue softly said,

"You?re safe, you can let go of our tail now."

"Yes, please do!" Red hissed.

Flick realized he WAS safe, and still trembling managed to pull his claws out of the female?s tail, a rather pretty tail. He realized he?d dug them in almost to the hilt, and saw some blood on the tail. That must have really hurt, he thought.

"I, I, I?m sorry I hurt your tail, Flick said, and thank you, thank you for saving my life. To die like that..."

"Think nothing of it, glad we could help, Yellow said, what?s your name?"

"Thank you for warning us about the humans." Blue said.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks all around, hooray, now we?re even, Red said, Come one Yellow, let?s get on the road. Have a nice day little lizard."

"I will now, thanks to you." Flick truthfully replied.

"Awww, we need to help him get cleaned up." Yellow said.

"You can lick the mud off of him if you want, Red hissed, I?m not going to help!"

"I suggest, Blue said, that we find some clean water where he can get cleaned up there. I also suggest we stick together for now, just in case those humans haven?t given up looking for us yet. You know how they can be."

"Good idea, Yellow said, come on...um?"

"I?m sorry, my name is Flick." Flick said, following the female as she moved into the undergrowth.

"Pleased to meet you Flick, Blue said, I?m Blue, and these are my sisters Yellow and Red."

"Hiya!" Yellow hissed.

"Hmmpphhhh." Red hissed.

Well, thought Flick, I think I know where their names come from, certainly makes it easy to remember them! He followed close behind his strange savior as they moved through the swamp, the mud slowly drying on his body caking him in a thick layer that broke off in chunks. He wasn?t terribly concerned about being covered in muck, when traveling in a swamp that was pretty much unavoidable at times, but he did want to clean off his weapons before they were damaged or ruined by the wet mud.

A short time later they arrived at the edge of the undergrowth, and across a narrow channel of fairly clean water was a small raised island.

"I do believe we have found a good place to rest and clean-up." Yellow hissed, her sisters nodding agreement.

They plunged into the shallow water and quickly reached the island. Then while the Hydra sat in the shade and licked their clawed tail; it wasn?t much of a wound but it did sting, Flick waded into the water and cleaned himself off. He stripped off his loincloth and washed it, wrung it out, and hung it over a convenient bush to dry, along with his belt and quiver. Next he dunked himself and scrubbed his hide and scales with sand until he was nice and clean. Then he got out of the water, and sitting cross legged he began to carefully clean his weapons. He was facing the Hydra and hid nothing from them as he was not especially concerned about being „naked? in front of a strange female. After all he was a reptile and didn?t have anything „hanging out? that might offend, was used to being naked in front of females as many in his tibe went naked, and she was a different species even if she WAS pretty. His experiences with sex had been few and limited to females of his own kind, but he knew inter-species sex was common, but it had never really been an interest of his. So he had no idea he was giving the Hydra something of a thrill.

It didn?t take the sisters very long to clean off their mud caked feet, and after that Yellow licked their clawed tail. But when the raptor did a strip tease and sat down to clean his weapons, giving them an unimpeded view of his male cloaca, he had their undivided attention. He was a dark green color overall with red markings, and his crest was blue, and like their own was closer to feathers then hair. He had a slim muscular body, four fingers and toes with sharp claws, snout full of fangs, and long sinewy tail, pretty typical of the males of his species. And to them it was obvious he was male, while his penis was internal the mound of his ballsac was made more prominent by his current posture.

"He?s cute!" Yellow whispered.

"He?s naked!" Blue whispered.

"So what, so are we!" Red whispered, but stared just as intently as her sisters.

Though fully mature their experience with sex had been somewhat limited and un-gratifying. To date they had mated twice with large swamp lizards, both feral but interested in them, and while wonderful the couplings had been fairly brief, their „lovers? leaving after having satisfied their mating urge. This had left the Hydra unsatisfied, wanting more of that wonderfully intense pleasure. So while she wasn?t a virgin she was pretty damn close. And they had never engaged in masturbation, since they all felt what their body felt no matter who was in control self pleasuring would have just felt, well, too damn weird. And this was the first intelligent reptile they?d run into, AND he was male. The sisters did not have any inhibitions against cross-species sex, their own experiences having all been of that nature. So they were...interested, but not really sure what to do. So far the male had shown no interest in them; at least sexually, so they weren?t sure how to let him know their own interest. So for now they watched, sneaking peeks at the exposed male, each with their own conflicting thoughts, but felt their mutual arousal.

Flick had been aware of their scrutiny, but wrote it off to natural curiosity about a stranger. He had sneaked a couple peeks himself; she was enough like females of his own kind to be considered quite attractive by raptor standards, even if the multiple heads was somewhat disconcerting. Had he known the rest of the Hydra?s thoughts though he probably would have been terribly embarrassed. Finally satisfied with the condition of his weapons; he?d cleaned them carefully and oiled the shafts; he got up and put his loincloth back on. He wore it more as a „fashion statement? then for any real practical reasons. His tribe had occasionally dealt with humans, so the „fad? had started as a courteous way to not offend humans. The females still went topless though, screw what the humans thought.

"Thank you again for saving my life." Flick said.

"No problem", Yellow hissed, Blue nodding in agreement.

"So, what brings you to our neck of the swamp?" Red asked.

"I?m looking for a city." Flick replied.

"Hmph, Red said, the only city around here is that human one on the Dunger River, and it?s a dump."

"No, not that stinky place, Flick hissed, the one I?m looking for is supposed to be in the great swamp somewhere, and is abandoned. Supposedly it was built by Reptiles thousands of years ago."

"Reptiles, really? Blue said, that sounds intriguing!"

"Oh, it is, Flick said, my tribe has legends about it going back to before we can remember, handed down for hundreds, or thousands, of years. Look, I even have a map!"

Eagerly Flick took an oilcloth wrapped scroll out of his pouch, the fragile old document protected by the water proof cloth. It showed the Dunger and other Rivers, some recognizable islands, but mostly was a large blank indicator of unknown swamp, but showed an island somewhere in the interior with what looked

like a temple or castle drawn on it. Attached to the scrolls wooden roller was a small worn gold statue in the shape of a lizard.

"My great-great-grandsire visited the lost city many years ago, and returned with stories of huge buildings and incredible treasures." Flick said as the Hydra pondered the map.

"Looks like a five year old drew it." Red said.

Yellow nudged them, and hissed angrily at Red.

"You said treasure, Blue asked, what kind of treasure?"

"Well, unfortunately this little stature or charm was all he brought back, he lost the rest in the swamp." Flick said.

"Maybe that?s all there was. " Red said.

Flick, missing the sarcasm in her voice, said, "Oh no, he said there were storehouses full of treasure of every kind, gold and jewels, weapons still as perfect and sharp as they day they were made, and more!"

Blue said, "I?d love to hear some of the legends." And Yellow nodded.

"Booooring!" Red hissed, but was outvoted, and she complained until Yellow held her snout shut until she shut up.

Then, while Red slept (or pretended to), Flick regaled them with the legends and stories of the lost city. Blue listened intently, as did Yellow-except when she was looking at a cute bug or was otherwise detracted.

They were so engrossed in the story telling they didn?t realize how late in the day it was until Red broke their reverie with a loud "I?m hungry!" when she woke up.

They agreed to spend the night on the island, it was surrounded by a „moat? of water, dry, and there was firewood. Perfect. While the Hydra gathered wood Flick stripped again; again getting ogled, and dived into the water. He emerged shortly with several nice big fat fish wriggling on his spear, and the sisters all gave big appreciative fang filled smiles, even Red was impressed. Since Yellow was still in control she prepared; and cooked, the fish using spices from a small container Flick carried. Her sisters were quite contented to let her retain control as she was the best cook of them all. Blue wasn?t too bad, and Red just preferred to eat something while it was still wiggling, but did appreciate a well prepared meal. Soon the smell of cooking fish filled the air, and all four of them were salivating.

Flick flicked a final bone into the water, and said, "I have not eaten so well in since, well, I can?t remember! You are a skilled cook Yellow."

Yellow blushed and ducked her head, and said "Really?"

"Yes indeed sister, Blue said, you?ve outdone yourself again."

"Yeah, pretty good chow." Red admitted, having eaten more than her share; as usual, but then they did share the same stomach.

They talked aimlessly for awhile; making small talk, but were soon nodding off, Yellow already snoring loudly, as their full bellies and delayed strain of the rather eventful day finally caught up to them. The fire had died down to a few faintly glowing embers by then, so they said their good nights. Flick curled up, head

tucked under his tail, and went to sleep almost instantly, exhausted after his terrifying near death experience. He had dreams; or rather nightmares of a sort, about his near death in the quicksand, but they all ended well when the strange, but pretty, female arrived to save him again. But in his dreams they mated afterwards, so for the most apart his dreams were quite enjoyable. He gave happy little hisses every now and then as he slept, his tongue flicking out to lick imaginary nipples.

The sisters took turns keeping watch, starting with Red, then Blue, then Yellow, one head always raised and alert. The sisters too had rather erotic dreams, all involving the male raptor. Surprisingly Red?s were the most intense, and involved rather rough mating scenarios in which the raptor took her brutally while she screamed in pleasure, and she gasped as she slept, tongue lolling from her mouth. Yellow and Blue?s sexual fantasies were somewhat gentler. Towards dawn Flick woke up, and talked Yellow into going back to sleep, and stood watch until the sun came up. As he kept watch he looked at the sleeping Hydra, again realizing how pretty she, or rather they, were. To him Hydras had been legends, tall tales to scare hatchlings, yet here he was in the company of one, a rather nice one. He liked all of them, Red was bit gruff; but he respected that, Blue was pleasant, and Yellow was a bit of an airhead but seemed to be the one most interested in him. As he looked at her slender graceful form he wondered what it would be like to...., but no, that was silly. But still he felt a stir in his cloaca, his dreams faintly remembered. He stared at her awhile longer, imaging what it would be like to feel her writhing under him.

It was a quiet peaceful night, and they all slept well despite their rather energetic dreams, awakening fully rested. After some more fish for breakfast; including some edible plants Blue found for extra flavoring, or to eat by themselves, they were ready to move out. It was Blues day, control of their body having converted to her at midnight.

"Well, uh, thanks for the fish." Blue said, Yellow nodding.

"Um, which way are you heading?" Flick asked.

"None of your business." Red hissed.

"Red, be polite!" Yellow snapped.

"We, Blue said, are going south, deeper into the swamp go get away from the humans that keep hunting us."

Which our own hunters would probably do too; Flick thought, but didn?t say so out loud. "I?m going the same way, the map says south. Um, how about we travel together, just in case we run into those humans again?"

"No way!" Red hissed.

"Yes, way!" Yellow said.

"Well, I?m in charge, so I vote with Yellow, Blue said, we?ll travel together for now. It?ll be safer that way."

Red just hissed in annoyance, "Well, I?ll be keeping an eye on you lizard boy!" Probably stab us in the back, she thought.

"Then it?s settled", Blue said.

They let Flick lead the way to start since he at least had some idea as to where he was going. An abandoned city sounded pretty cool to Blue, Yellow

thought it was neat, and Red thought it was bull. But Blue was in charge, at least for now, so Red just grumbled every now and then.

Since it was easier to move in a line they took turns on „point?. Since it was easier for the Hydra to push through some of the denser growth she usually took point in thicker areas of undergrowth, and Flick took lead in more open areas since he was smaller and would be less noticeable. He also kept a very sharp eye out for any more quicksand having learned his lesson. The swamp was treacherous, but they avoided its hazards with relative ease. They made good time, and thankfully saw no more signs of humans.

Flick watched the Hydra forcing her way through a tangle of vines and creepers and was impressed by her grateful strength. She was twice his size, her long necks making her much taller as well, and her body was lithe and trim, like his own. As he watched her sleek hindquarters and tail he wouldn?t have been normal; at least for a reptile, if he hadn?t had some more rather vivid fantasies. And her scent, made stronger by the hot humid air, was enticing. It was spicy and musky, not unlike females of his own species. She wasn?t in estrus, but like humans reptiles; at least the intelligent ones, enjoyed sex just for pleasure. And she really WAS pretty, and it had been a long time for him.

The Hydra had been having similar fantasies about the raptor, all three of them staring rather blatantly at his hindquarters when his back was turned. He was a good looking male, the sisters didn?t quite drool, but weren?t far from it. Blues and Yellows sexual fantasies were rather vivid, and even Red had to admit she wondered what it would be like to mate with a strong male. As a result of their mutual interest their scent began to change, but slowly and not very noticeable at first. They weren?t even aware of it themselves at first.

Flick became aware of it first, a subtle change in the scent of the Hydra. At first he wasn?t sure exactly what that meant, but not for long. He?d mated with females before, and while he knew she wasn?t in season he also knew she was becoming...receptive. He had mixed feeling, her scent was increasing his own stirrings of lust, but since she was larger and rather intimidating he wasn?t sure if he?d be able to act on his urges, or if it would be a good idea to try. If he had misread the signals and she became offended, well, that would not be good. But still, he was pretty sure she was interested in him, and was somewhat flattered.

They pushed on through the swamp and jungle for several more days, thankfully seeing no further signs of human incursion. Their way was made easier by an abandoned boat they found, no sign of the former owner to be found. The boat had no paddles, but Flick cut good sturdy poles from some suitable hardwood trees and they made good time as they poled through the twisting waterways.

The whole time a kind of tension had been slowly building. Both were increasingly aware of; and interested in, the other. The problem was neither knew how to act on those interests. The sisters became increasingly frustrated, they had not told their interests to one another, but their mutual body sent them all the same feelings so they knew anyway, but none would admit it. This made them irritable with one another. As for poor Flick, he was slowly going crazy from being in the company of an; to him, increasingly desirable female, who despite reeking of lust made no move to encourage any advances. Fortunately, being a reptile, he had admirable control over his own signs of arousal. He didn?t want to find out what might happen if he got a raging boner in front of them.

It was Blue who noticed it first as the poled through a water weed clogged channel, the going slow and tedious. It was her day, and instead of dozing as she usually did when one of her sisters was in control, she was alert. Red was staring at Flicks butt and Yellow had her head hung over backwards and was snoring.

"Flick, Blue said, did you see that stone in the water back there?"

"No, Flick replied, I must have missed it."

"It was mostly submerged, Blue said, but it was square, it wasn?t a natural rock."

"Rocks in the middle of this swamp, Red hissed, you two are nuts? There?s nothing but mud!"

"No, look! Flick said excitedly, more stones! I think we?re in an old canal! This is artificial, look how straight the channel is!"

Red, skeptical, lifted her head up as high as she could, and looked around. Just beyond some rushes she could see a large tumbled down building of some kind.

"You know, Red hissed, I think the little lizard is right! Blue, push over to the right bank, there?s an old building of some kind!"

Flick yelled down from the top of the huge pile of stones, "I can see other buildings; they?re all over the place! And we?re on an island; we came up an old canal right into the middle of the city! We found it! The City of the Reptiles!"

The Hydra was almost as excited as Flick was. Blue was intrigued, Yellow was exited, and even Red was impressed. It?s not every day you discovered a long lost city after all.

Flick was everywhere, scampering over the ruins like the lizard he closely resembled. Though bipedal he could easily go to all fours to climb up obstacles, and like a lizard his claws could find the smallest crack or imperfection to cling to. The Hydra was content to let him do the climbing, not that she couldn?t, it?s just that she was twice as large and twice as heavy. So she was content to remain on the ground, and there was plenty to see at her level as well.

"You know, Blue said, these hieroglyphics look almost like High Dragon, but the structure is confusing. This passage seems to say "Glory to Dragnar?s Mighty Butt", and this one seems to say "Death to Cuddly Puppies". I?m sure with a little more study I could figure it out."

Red thought it was incredibly boring, and Yellow just nodded her head, not understanding a word. But Blue was in her element, and since she was in charge, well, everybody got to look at the moldy old rocks with funny pictures whether they wanted to or not.

As they worked their way towards the center of the city the ruins became even more impressive, and in better condition. And despite the age it was obvious some of the damage to the buildings was not natural, a great battle or natural catastrophe had taken place who knows how long ago. And there was a solemn and reverent air to the place, a great quiet and sadness, which made them keep their voices low.

Blue stopped to study a huge monolith covered in inscriptions, the top half broken off and shattered, was lying nearby. Flick went on ahead to look around. Blue was starting to get the hang of the ancient hieroglyphs, and was able to partially make out,

"Erected in Honor of the Glory of the Third Century of the Rule of Drakkor the Mighty and his Victory over the...." And there it ended, the rest scattered in fragments.

"That?s a reptile name", Red hissed.

"A dragon name." Blue said softly. She?d heard ancient legends that once dragons had their own mighty civilization, before being reduced to solitary beasts living in caves being slowly hunted to extinction by man and others. Was this city part of that civilization?

About this time Flick came walking around the corner of the monument, startling the Hydra.

"Damn it Flick! Red hissed, don?t sneak up on us like that! I almost bit you!"

Flick didn?t answer; he was staring fixedly at a clenched fist.

"Flick, you OK?" Yellow asked worriedly.

Flick opened his hand to reveal a small pile of gems, rubies, diamonds, and others.

"I found it, he whispered, great-grandsire?s treasure, he was right, it?s REAL!"

At first Blue wanted to stay and try and decipher the rest the shattered monuments inscriptions, but her screaming sisters finally convinced her otherwise, and they followed Flick at a dead run, barely keeping up with the lithe raptor as he leaped over fallen logs and blocks of marble and granite. They entered a great square facing a huge building that could only be a temple, and a dark opening gaped at the base, the huge stone doors lying fallen and shattered. Flick stopped, took a glow stone from his pouch, spoke the activation spell, and holding the brightly glowing stone over his head lead the way into the dark, a cool breeze blowing from the opening like the breath of some sleeping beast. The Hydra turned her heads to look at one another, and then followed. As he went Flick activated other glow stones, but many were feeble and only flickered or gave a dim glow. But it was enough. They entered a large chamber, and stopped and stared.

Red?s mouth fell open, Blue goggled and swallowed, and Yellow passed out from sheer excitement. She woke up soon though, her sisters worried licks bringing her around.

Flick was strangely silent, and was bowing before a huge statue of an armored dragon that stood on a pedestal in the middle of the huge vault.

The Hydra walked over to him, and Blue asked, "Who was he?"

"I don?t know, Flick said, but he must be worthy of respect or they wouldn?t have built this shrine to his memory."

That certainly made sense, so the Hydra bowed her three heads as well, both of them paying silent homage to a long dead and forgotten Emperor. Who knows, maybe somewhere he noticed, and approved.

Despite urges to run and jump and scream in exaltation they managed to keep it toned down to the occasional loud hiss or screech of discovery. And there was much to discover.

Soon the Hydra was draped in a fortune in gold chains and bracelets, necklaces adorning each scaly throat, bracelets and bangles on each arm, and a large heavy belt of gold links secured around her waist.

Flick found a spear, the shaft a lightweight metal, un-rusted or tarnished by time; the delicate looking blade cut out in filigree designs and patterned like watered steel, but razor sharp and untouched by time. He spun and whirled with it, going through training routines, amazed at its lightness and balance. Spinning he came to stop and threw the spear with all his might at the huge root of a tree that had breached the wall of the vault, and it penetrated to the hilt with ease, and when he pulled it free it slid out just as easily, the blade still as sharp as before. And there were racks of such spears, and swords, and every other manner of weapon, as well as armor for dragon and other reptiles of every kind.

Blue also examined the intricate and beautiful freizes and carvings covering the walls of the great vault. They depicted dragons, raptors, wyverns, and other kinds of reptiles performing ceremonies or scenes from great battles. And to her; and her sisters delight, there were Hydra?s depicted as well. They seemed to hold places of high honor or respect in the illustrations. And there were depictions of great feasts and celebrations, and sex. Yellow blushed a little at the sight of the rather blatant illustrations of various sexual acts and positions, Blue stared in fascinated interest, and Red felt her lust flare at sight of the lewd pictures, the detail was amazing.

"We need to show these to Flick!" Yellow said.

"What! Are you crazy!?" Blue and Red said at the same time.

"Well, you do know, Blue said, we could kind of, um, hint, that there are some, er, interesting things in this part of the vault, let him find them on his own."

"Sounds good to me." Red said. But if Flick noticed the explicit pictures he didn?t mention it.

Red thought, Geez, what do I have to do, tear his loincloth off a rape him? But she kept her thoughts to herself.

Finally after several hours of exploring the huge treasure vault they left and went back outside into the warm humid air. Flick carried the spear and a few odds and ends he had tucked in his pouch, but the Hydra had only kept a few small gold and ruby bracelets for one arm, and one that fit her tail a foot from the tip.

"What aren?t you taking more treasure?" Flick asked.

The sisters looked at one another, and finally Blue said, "What would we do with it? After all, we live in a swamp. And if humans; or others, found we had a great treasure that would just give them another reason to hunt us. Besides, it doesn?t belong to us."

"Why didn?t YOU take anything else?" Red asked.

"It belongs to my people, to all of us. I took the spear because I am a warrior, but like yourselves I have no use for the rest. But I did take these." Flick said, and held out his hand. In it where three pairs of matching ear rings, large intricately worked gold loops inlaid with different gems. One pair had rubies, one blue sapphires, and the last yellow diamonds. "For you, he said, to go with your beautiful eyes."

The sisters for once where speechless as they let Flick attach the earrings to their ear crests, dipping their heads for their turn.

As he attached the gold and ruby earrings to Red?s ears Flick couldn?t help himself, and ran his fingers through her crest. "Your crest is beautiful, he said, all of them are."

Finally Yellow let out a screech of delight as she looked at her sisters finery, Blue had an almost distant look on her face, and Red finally said,

"Thanks, that was very nice of you, you?re OK."

It got a little awkward until Blue finally said, "Oh my, it?s getting late, we?d better find a place to camp."

They settled on an ancient stone porch that still had the roof intact, it had a hole in the center for a smoke hole which made it perfect, so while the Hydra got a nice fire ready Flick used his nice new spear to bring down a large swamp deer, at twice the normal range of his old spear. Exhausted from their long day they didn?t bother to do much more then sear the meat, and devoured the still largely raw deer in record time. As they rested with full bellies, dozing in the warm night, another matter came to a head. Surprisingly it was Red who took the first step, having decided that Flick was a nice guy after all. Perhaps it was the gift of the earrings, or more likely she?d known it down deep from the start, but she wanted him, and was sure her sisters felt the same. Plus in the close still air under the porch their scents were overwhelming, and Flick was as aroused as the sisters as he responded to their pheromones.

Yellow was sound asleep and snoring loudly as usual, Blue was dozing heavily as was her norm after eating, but Red; who had control of their body, was alert, her eyes reflecting the firelight making them look like they were glowing. Flick was dozing too, but Yellows rather loud snores were keeping him awake. He?d just about fall asleep, and then,

"Sn-a-a-a-r-k, snooort, sn-a-a-a-rk, mumble-grunt, nummm. snort, SNAAARRK!"

"How do you ever sleep?" Flick finally asked.

Red hissed in amusement, and said, "We?re used to it, but sister dear IS a bit vocal I must admit. Come here; let me show you something, it shuts her up sometimes."

Curious, Flick stood up and walked over to the Hydra, and squatted down.

Red said, "Watch this." And gently put a finger over each of Yellows large nostrils.

"Snuff, snuff, snark!" Yellow said, and then turned her head over backwards and starting sleeping peacefully and much more quietly.

Red and Flick both gave soft amused hisses. "Works every time" Red said.

Flick looked at Red?s glowing eyes, and said, "You love them, don?t you?"

"What kind of question is that? Red said, of course I love them, they?re my sisters!"

"I mean you?d take care of them even if you weren?t, well, joined." Flick said.

"They need someone to look after them, Red said, we?ve had a hard life, there?s no one else to look after them."

"Well, they?re lucky." Flick said.

Red looked at Flick, his own eyes reflecting the firelight making them look like gems, and realized; not for the first time, what a handsome male he was, and his scent and nearness made her urges unbearable, so she lowered her head and licked his snout, a long slow sensuous lick, her intent clear. Just before she finished his own tongue snaked out to lick her own snout, and their tongues entwined for a few seconds before sliding back into their mouths.

"Are you sure?" Flick asked breathlessly, hoping.

"Oh yes, Red hissed, more sure then I?ve ever been." Reaching up she took his arm and pulled him down next to her, her snout rubbing against his, their tongues exploring one another mouths as they hissed in lust.

Flick ran his claws gently over the large firm mounds of her breasts, her large rubbery nipples rigid and swollen, her scent growing more powerful by the second.

"What about your sisters?" Flick gasped.

"What about it? Blue said, I?m fine with this, I don?t know why we waited so long in the first place!"

Yellow kept on sleeping, snoring again, but not as loud.

Flick explored the Hydra?s large body, her wonderful breasts getting lots of attention from his tongue, curling its split tip around each nipple in turn. Red and Blue watched him intently; their breathing getting heavier, giving soft hisses of pleasure and nipping at his head playfully as he stoked their dimly burning lust into a full conflagration, hot rushes of pleasure and intense need washing over and through their body as their breasts and nipples responded and became more and more sensitive, the folds of their cloaca beginning to soften and release their signal that they were ready for him.

Flick was in heaven, he had never been so aroused before, the size and erotic beauty of his unusual lover helping to increase his own lust and need. As her cloaca begin to open and bloom for him the intense scent of her need filled the air and he gave a guttural hiss of pure male lust as he went into rut. Her hands roamed his body and caressed it, her snouts nibbling and nuzzling his own snout and his crest, their tongues everywhere. Finally, unable to resist that call, he moved further down on her body to the source of that incredible scent, and her once hard and protective hide had softened and spread to reveal the dark red lips of her sex, wet and glistening. With a soft snarl he pressed his snout to her sex and began to lick, running his tongue deep inside, tasting her readiness to mate. Red threw her head back and gasped, while Blue watched intently, panting, her eyes glowing in the firelight.

Yellow, still asleep; but feeling everything, had been having increasingly erotic dreams, and clacking her jaws, smacked, and said.

"Ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhh!" and woke up with a loud snort. She froze as she felt the slick wet tongue deep inside her sex, snorted, looked, and screeched "OH YEAH BABY! It?s about time!"

All three sisters? heads twisted and bobbed as they gasped and hissed in pleasure as Flick explored their sex, taking his time much to their mutual delight, the feel of his slick warm tongue wonderful. Finally Red hissed,

"Ohhh, damn it, that?s enough, we need, gasp, ooohhhhh, we..we...!!"

Flick reared up on his haunches, his snout dripping with her sexual juices, his tongue licking over it. His penis jutted up, rigid and rampant, dark red in color with a scalloped corona and raised ridges, pearly pre beading on the tip. He opened his jaws and gave a deep guttural hiss, his whole body quivering with barely restrained need.

"Oh my, I was wrong! Red hissed in admiration, he?s NOT a little lizard!"

"Yessssss!" Blue hissed throatily, and Yellow just stared and drooled."

Even by raptor standards Flick was well endowed, and despite their size differences the sisters knew they weren?t going to have anything to complain about. Nope, not at all. With equally guttural hisses of need they spread their legs wide, their cloaca gaping, and Flick; civilization gone, only a rutting animal remaining, threw himself on top of his mate and mounted her, and all three heads screeched in ecstasy as his penis penetrated and slid deep into their slick eager sex. They kicked their legs and clawed at him, they claws skittering over his tough hide. Flick threw his head back and gave guttural hisses of pleasure as he thrust into her.

Red gripped the base of Flicks tail to help him penetrate even deeper, their belly bands rasping together as they coupled, Flick fucking them with fast powerful thrusts, grunting and hissing in pleasure.

"Ohhhh, yesssssss, pant, yes, yes, uggghhh, yesssss!" Blue gasped.

"Uh, uh, ohhh, UGGHH, he, I, gasp, more....don?t stop, don?t...!" Red hissed.

Yellow just flung her head back and forth squealing in pleasure.

Flick clawed at the females breasts as he fucked her, he?d never felt such pleasure, such an intense building need for release. The scent and taste of her sexual juices still filled his nostrils and mouth, the feel of her hot, wet, slick sex embracing his throbbing penis as he thrust was indescribable. And she was so beautiful, so very beautiful. He raised his head gasping, eyes clenched closed from the effort, and three tongues licked over his snout and into his mouth, three snouts nuzzling his as loud hisses of pleasure filled his ears. It had been so long, and it had NEVER been this good before. Finally his increasingly desperate thrust built to a point where it became unbearable, and with a deep shrill grunting hiss he climaxed, his balls throbbing and pulsing as his cock pulsated and pumped cum deep into his lover.

All three sisters threw their heads back and up, jaws gaping wide, their whole body shuddering in ecstasy as they experience their first full orgasm. At first they made no sound other than a faint keening that slowly grew into bellowing roars that echoed throughout the abandoned city, causing everything that could to run for cover.

Flick started to pull out, but Red tightened her grip on the base of his tail, and hissed,

"Not yet, more please!" And Flick was only too glad to comply with the breathless request.

The next coupling took longer, but was just as intense and feral, the sisters reveling in the services of their mate, having never experienced such pleasure in their lives. Flick was lost in a daze of sexual euphoria, the slick warm feel of his

lover?s body, the tight embrace of her sex, her heady musk, the taste of her tongues in his mouth, it was sheer bliss. He thrust and thrust, never wanting to stop, but all too soon his second orgasm exploded in his loins, even more intense and longer lasting than before, and she clutched at him and all three sisters screeched in pleasure.

This time Red let him go, and with a gasping moan he pulled out and lay across her belly, hands gently rubbing her breasts, her own arms loosely embracing him. He raised his head, and hissing softly each sister gave him a long nuzzle and kiss, their tongues licking his snout.

"Mmmm, Blue hissed, that was, was...."

"Yesss, it was." Red said.

Yellow didn?t say anything; she was still busy nuzzling and „kissing? Flick, who kissed her back just as passionately.

Flick, his rut subsiding, didn?t say anything either. What could he say? There were no words to describe what he?d just experienced. It had been an intense ecstasy that had left him more satisfied then he?d ever felt before. For now he was content to lie on top of his wonderful mate and rest, but he wasn?t through. On no, not at all. And he could tell from her scent she wasn?t either.

"You know, Red said, running her tongue down his back, I?ve always wondered what a lizard tastes like." Her sisters knew exactly what she meant. Gently Red rolled Flick over onto his back, and they went to work.

Flick lay gasping, his mouth open and panting as he sucked in air. The Hydra?s strong arms held his own arms firmly, his head cradled between her fantastic tits. Red had her tongue coiled around his cock and was gently sliding it up and down his shaft, the forked tip caressing its head. Blue?s tongue was coiled around the base of his cock and was licking and caressing the soft bands and folds of flesh around his cloaca and his balls mound, both of the sisters hissing in pleasure and enjoying the taste of his sex. Yellow was „kissing? him, her tongue deep down his throat, his own tongue lolling helplessly from the corner of his mouth as he tried to cope with the unbelievable pleasure. He?d never had a female do this kind of thing before, let alone three! And the pleasure just kept building. He gave a gasping moan of ecstasy as Red?s tongue sped up, one of the forked tips pushing into his urethra slit.

"Please! He gasped, I can?t....anymore...PLEASE!" Then he gave an ear splitting grunting hiss of ecstasy, long ropy strands of cum splattering across Red and Blue?s snouts as his straining penis bobbed and pulsed.??AHHHIIIISSSSS!!"

With delighted hisses the sisters pressed their snouts together to lick the hot cum with flicking tongues, having never tasted anything so delicious before, Yellow joining them for her share. Flick almost came again as their tongues cleaned his penis and belly of every last drop. Red let him go and he rolled over, and taking each sisters head between his hands he kissed them long and passionately to thank them for that wonderful treat.

To his surprise; and delight, he realized after an interval of kissing and fondling their perfect breasts that he was good for another round. The sisters were of course equally delighted. His penis aching and throbbing again, he caressed and kissed them as long as he could, holding back, wanting to prolong the pleasure of making love to them. Feeling his rut returning, his need overwhelming again, he rolled off of them and stood up, his slick penis glistening in the firelight. Knowing

what he intended the Hydra rolled over onto to all fours, and crouching, lifted her tail and presented herself.

Flick licked his snout as he looked at her wet dripping sex, swollen to overflowing with his and her sexual juices, thick drops of cum dripping from the slit, the sight the most enticing and beautiful thing he?d ever seen. He pushed her tail further to one side, and positioning himself he mounted her as she gave soft squeals of pleasure. He took her long and slow despite his rut, leaning across her back to gently bite and nip at the base of her necks, those necks writhing and weaving as the sisters hissed and keened in ecstasy, occasionally one regaining enough control to turn and lick and nuzzle his snout and crest as he serviced her. When he finally brought them both to a gut wrenching orgasm of excruciating ecstasy they all gave long gasping hisses of pleasure and release and Yellow even passed out briefly. As he pulled out Flick realized he had one last enjoyable chore he wanted to perform.

The sisters lay on their back, legs spread, as Flick cleaned their sex and belly with his long sensuous tongue, inside and out, gently rubbing and squeezing the large nub of her clitoris. Midnight had come and gone some time ago and Yellow was in charge now, her trembling hands gently holding his head as it bobbed and dipped, soft wet slurps audible.

"Ah, ah, uggghhhhh, ahhhhhhiissss!" Red gasped.

"Oh, oh, I, uggh, it, it?s...." Blue moaned.

"Yes, yessss, that?s it, that?s nice, don?t stop, yessss!" Yellow hissed.

As Flick?s busy tongue brought them to yet another orgasm Red gnashed her jaws in agonized ecstasy, Blue gave a low guttural moan, and Yellow hissed, "Oh YESS, JUST LIKE THAT, THAT?S ITTTT!!!!!!", their body bucking and writhing as their legs kicked and they pushed his snout hard against their quivering sex.

Later as they lay tougher, Flicks arms around her as he slept, the sisters took turns gently licking his snout and crest until they too fell into deep contented sleep. No one kept watch in the last few hours before dawn, but there was no need, the night was peaceful.

Yellow woke up first for a change, and lifting her head looked around sleepily. There was no sign of Flick, but his spear was gone, so she rightfully assumed he had gone hunting. She looked at her sisters affectionately. She?d never seen Red looking so, well, happy. As often as she squabbled with Red she knew it didn?t mean anything, she loved her sister and just wished they got along better sometimes. Blue was conked out, her mouth open slightly, her tongue flicking in and out as she slept. Yellow envied Blue?s intellect and ability to read and write, and often wondered why Blue even put up with her as she knew she was a bit of an airhead. She gently licked and nuzzled her sister?s snouts.

"Wakey, wakey, you lazy bums!? Yellow hissed.

As usual Red snapped wide awake almost instantly.

"Oh, hi Yellow, Red said, did last night really happen?"

"An how." Yellow replied.

"I don?t know about you, Blue said sleepily, but I hope it happens again, soon! Speaking of which, where is lover boy?"

"Out hunting, I assume, Yellow said, he was gone when I woke up." Then added, "I don?t know about you, but I think I?m in love."

"Definitely." Blue hissed with a yawn.

Blue and Yellow both looked at Red, and said "Well?"

"OK, OK already, Red hissed, I?ll admit he has his uses."

"Uses! Yellow hissed, is that what you call it? I say he?s the best fuck we?ve ever had and I want MORE!"

"Definitely." Blue hissed.

"OK, OK, Red said, yes, that would be nice. Satisfied?"

"Frigid!" Yellow hissed.

"Bimbo!" Red hissed back.

"Cool it ladies, Blue said, the fearless hunter returns bearing gifts."

Flick had woken up fairly early, despite the nights rather strenuous, but extremely enjoyable, activities he was used to waking at the same time. Quietly he disengaged himself from the Hydra?s embrace, and stood looking down at the wondrous creature who had become his lover. He gave a soft affectionate hiss, and gathering his spear went to see what he could come up with for breakfast as he was starving, and he knew they would be too. Mating takes a lot out of you. He left his loincloth off, it wasn?t needed, if his lover went naked, then so would he. He had been successful hunting, he usually was.

The sisters hissed in approval as they saw what he was carrying. A very large turtle and three of the large rat like water mammals that were common in the swamps and marshes. They used the turtles shell as a large pot to prepare their feast, and with the spices the raptor carried, and the plants Blue knew about, they soon feasted on a thick meaty stew and roasted water rat, greasy drool dripping from their snouts as they gobbled and ripped meat off of bones. Between the two of them they demolished two of the rats, leaving the third one and enough stew for lunch.

Their bellies full and satisfied it was now a time for relaxation, among other things. Flick lay down beside the Hydra and the sisters nuzzled his snout affectionately and he nuzzled them back, one at a time, his tongue entwining with theirs as his tail slid slowly up and down her own tail near its base. That intimate request that only lovers allow soon had the desired result, and as she spread her legs for him he lowered himself onto, and into, her, hissing in pleasure as his rampant penis slid between the soft slick lips of her sex. Red gave a guttural grunt of pleasure, and both Yellow and Blue hissed contentedly. He serviced her slow and easy, making it last as long as possible, the Hydra holding him close, the sisters taking turns „kissing? him while the others ran their tongues over his straining body, tails entwining to lock them together.

Red was in a state of total sexual euphoria, she had never dreamed such pleasure was possible, the feel of the raptors hard cock sliding in and out of their sex was indescribable. She had always wondered what it would be like, and now she knew and was as happy as she could ever remember being. He was such a strong fine male, worthy to be her mate, and the way he made her feel! She turned her head from side to side, gasping and hissing in pleasure, and when he pressed his muzzle to hers she kissed him deeply and long enjoying his taste and scent.

Blue was also in sexual nirvana, grunting deeply and clenching her jaws in response to his thrusts, enjoying every second. It was so nice to finally be mating with a male who was intelligent AND could satisfy them. She was amazed, and extremely pleased, that such a simple physical act could feel so fantastic, and gave a loud grunt as he sped up his thrusts. What a mate he was! So...much...pleasure!

Yellow nuzzled and licked Flicks muzzle, her tongue also exploring the rest of his body. She?d never had such wonderful fun before, and was totally in love with their mate. She?d known from the start this was what her and her sisters had wanted, and needed, so badly. And that hardness inside her, oh, and his hands kneading and fondling their breasts, wonderful! She gave long soft hisses as they ground together, the raptor seemingly insatiable, which was just fine with her! She certainly knew she was!

As Flick serviced the Hydra he felt a kind of contentment he?d never know before, was glad he?d finally found a mate that was so very special. Her slick warm belly bands and scales, full firm breasts with large rubbery nipples, even her three heads were wonderful, she was perfect, beautiful and exotic, and his. And the embrace of her slick warm sex as it swallowed and caressed his aching cock went beyond mere pleasure. He was exceptionally well endowed for a raptor, and had never mated with a female who could accommodate him so easily, and last as long as he did before climaxing. And the feeling as her tongues explored his body, one sister kissing him as the others caressed his body, was unbelievable. It was as much a joining of their beings as it was a physical act, each of them totally giving themselves to one another freely and willingly.

As he fucked them nice and slow Flick realized he loved all three of the sisters, and had no favorite. He liked Red?s brash air of competence and strength, Blues gentle friendly disposition and intelligence, and Yellow?s love of life and happy go lucky nature. Despite their individual flaws together they made a perfect team, each with their own strengths reinforcing their sisters. He gently bit the base of Red?s neck causing her to shriek in ecstasy, and realized that, yes indeed, he was one lucky raptor.

About an hour later; a very strenuous and pleasurable hour, they all collapsed in exhausted sexual bliss. They had each climaxed several times, Flick taking her from the rear the last and longest time while she clawed at the ground and hissed in ecstasy, heads flailing frantically in response to the almost unbearable pleasure their mate was giving them. Afterwards they cleaned one another off, Flick quivering in sexual bliss as three tongues licked his cock and belly bands, the Hydra grunting and kicking feebly as his tongue made her squeaky clean, inside and out. Each had learned what the other liked; and was capable of, and both were more than pleased with their partner.

They ate lunch, and while the Hydra took a nap to get ready for the „next round? of mating Flick decided to do some exploring. Finding the lost city had been his dream, and he still found it hard to believe he?d actually found it. And there was so much to see, the great shattered ruins covered acre after acre. Huge tumbled building slumbered under living blankets of plant life, and scattered amongst them were statues and other monuments to long forgotten rulers and heroes from the Age of Glory. Finally he reached the edge of the city and saw something that worried him, signs of humans, lots of them. For some reason they didn?t seem to have entered the city, and once he had to take cover as a fairly large band passed by in long flatboats, and as he watched one made gestures of warding at the brooding ruins. They?re scared of this place, Flick realized, they must think it?s haunted. Maybe it was, but since he was a reptile maybe the ghosts welcomed him as so far none had confronted him. That was interesting, and good, as otherwise he knew the city would have long since been stripped of its treasures. But now he had to warn the Hydra.

To his relief the Hydra was still snoozing away in the shade of the porch, all but for Red who was keeping watch. He crouched down and gave her a long kiss, running his claws through her feathery crest, he just loved the fiery color. She kissed him back, her eyes soft as she hissed in pleasure.

"I?m afraid I have some bad news, Flick said, I saw signs of humans on the other side of the city, lots of them. But they seem scared of the ruins, and don?t appear to ever enter them."

Red gave hiss of dismay, humans! Here? It seemed no matter where they went there were humans! How such soft fragile creatures managed to breed and spread all over the place was a mystery. But if anything they were persistent, and very dangerous.

When Blue and Yellow found out they were equally dismayed. Blue said maybe they could contact the local human tribes and let them know they were not dangerous and only wished to be left alone, but Red and Yellow both let her know what they thought about THAT idea in rather loud voices.

Flick left to scout the rest of the cities border to see if there were any more signs of humans, but the sisters chose to remain behind as they were just too big to move around in the sparser cover in and around the edges of the city. Besides, they had things to discuss with one another.

The sisters were having an argument, which was not really that unusual, but this time it was serious.

"I say we stay with Flick, Yellow insisted, we all like him; I know you do too Red so don?t deny it, and he, well, he?s perfect!"

"I DO like him", Red said. A lot, she thought. "But we can?t stay so close to humans, you know that. Sure, some might be scared of the ruins, but I?ll bet not all of them are, and sooner or later they?ll let greed and curiosity get the better of their fear. And anyway we?ll need to leave the city to hunt after we?ve thinned out the local game. We have to move on."

"Blue, Yellow said, what do you think?"

"I really like Flick too, Blue said, but I agree with Red. If we stay here sooner or later the humans will find out and we?ll just have to move again. If he wants to come with us that would be nice. The Gods know he?s a fine male and as good a mate as a female could want, but if not we?ll have to go on our own."

"But I love him! Yellow cried, if we leave we?ll never see him again!"

So do I, Red realized, but said nothing.

Blue just looked sad.

When Flick returned he had more bad news. Humans everywhere, including a rather large settlement to the West. Only the South was fairly open, but even there he?d seen plenty of signs of human incursion.

He was very sad when the Hydra told him of her decision to move on, to try and find a place even deeper in the swamp where they could live in peace. But he was going to stay and explore the city more thoroughly, and then return to his tribe with news of his find. If he could he?d convince them to join him here, and maybe try to rebuild the glory that was. But he respected their decision, though it saddened him greatly.

Before they left the sisters helped Flick to conceal the entrance to the great treasure vault; her strength allowing her to pile great slabs of marble and stone over the portal completely concealing it from sight. A layer of dirt and the jungle would soon camouflage the site in new greenery. The Hydra took nothing other than the one armband and a tail band and of course their lovely earrings. They had no need of treasure. Though intelligent they lived as basically an animal, and to them the treasure was useless other then as decoration. Flick took only enough to prove his find to his fellow raptors, and his wonderful spear and an all metal collapsible crossbow that shot short deadly quarrels with incredible range and accuracy.

They spent one more night in one another?s arms making long slow love, their hisses and cries of pleasure filling the night, and in the morning reluctantly parted after a final long embrace. As the Hydra slowly disappeared from sight in the thick jungle growth Flick perched on top of a large pile of tumbled marble blocks so he could keep her in sight as long as possible, and when she turned to look back one final time he raised his spear and she waved at him, then turned and vanished into the jungle. He sat there for a long time thinking about how much he?d miss his strange and beautiful mate, and vowed he?d find her again one day. Already he missed her.

As they moved cautiously through the swamp Yellow was quietly crying, and for once Red had no snide comments to make as she was barely keeping herself from showing how she felt herself, and Blue was just quiet and dejected looking. Red gave Yellow a sympathetic lick, which was gratefully returned. They?d already agreed they?d visit the city from time to time, especially during mating season, as they were pretty sure they?d find him waiting for them. That realization finally cheered Yellow up, and soon she was her usual cheerful self again, much to Red?s annoyance, and Blue just smiled as her sisters bickered.

The End


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