Trash & Steam

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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Three work for a trash collection company and end up going to a relaxation steam room for some fun.

Trash & Steam

By Skipai © 2020

The sun had not even come up yet as the raccoon pulled up on his motorcycle outside one of the tall buildings in the industrial estate. Dressed up in tight black leather, the raccoon turned the key as the sound of the engine died off and slowly, he pulled each of the leather gloves off. The long fingers patted the gloves, the claws were well groomed to be short and sharp with a few scratches here and there on the hard surface. Slowly, the raccoon undid the strap and gently pulled the helmet from his head, the unmistakable bandit looks from the dark black around his eyes, the lighter brown fur outside.

It was then that the raccoon noticed the rat, the tall rodent looked at the raccoon. Most rodents were slim, but not this one. He stood at around six foot and was built like a mountain, the large muscles on his arms, legs and chest that stood out. The rat wore the usual work shirt and leather sleeveless jacket and a cigarette hung from his snout. He waved a large hand towards the raccoon.

Lee stepped from the motorcycle after ensuring the leg had been placed down and slowly put the gloves into the helmet before he placed both into the small container on the back and locked it. He then walked over slowly towards the rat as he smiled. "Morning Jack, all ready for another exciting day of collecting other people's trash?"

Jack inhaled on his cigarette and then pulled it from his mouth between two muscled fingers and blew out the smoke at Lee. "Yeah, yeah. So thrilling dealing with other people's rubbish. Oh, speaking of which, before I forget, you know there's a union meeting tomorrow evening?"

Lee leant against the wall beside Jack and nodded his head, the raccoon saw the cigarette being held out to him and he took it before taking an inhale and then handed it back to the large rat. "Yeah, I'll be there, but hoping management will catch on that paying more is the wise choice."

Jack laughed. "Yeah and I'm unable to lift a feather, can't see it happening." Lee pushed himself from the wall. "Is Benji in yet?" The raccoon saw the rat nod his head. "He's checking out the truck, you best go and get changed, we're set to head out soon." The raccoon nodded and headed into the building as he heard the seagulls start to wake up in the distance.

The changing room was a bare affair, no decorations, just a bricked up wall here and there, an old notice board that had seen many better days and various pieces of paper from management plastered over it as the raccoon looked at the schedule and frowned. "Great, more hours cut." Lee spat at the parchment and turned to go towards his locker and grabbed the small combination padlock and twisted the round dial a few times to unlock it. Inside the locker was his uniform, dirty as with everyone else's. Slowly he took the uniform off from the hanger and began to exchange his leather jacket, pants and bikers' boots. The raccoon made sure to carefully fold them up as he placed them inside before he stood there in just his briefs. The room felt cold as he reached down to scratch at his bulge and then slowly got dressed.

The first thing that went on was the grey t-shirt that used to be white, various stains were still on the fabric, now dry as he pulled it over his upper torso, the fabric stretched over the strong muscles of his chest and belly. Then he stepped into the overalls and carefully placed his tail through the hole at the back and pulled each side up as the arms slipped in and then zipped up the front.

Lee sat down on the bench as he worked on the heavy steel toe cap boots and carefully tied each one up securely. He sat there for a moment and looked at the various photos inside the cabinet door and smiled. Various small pinups of naked males hung there, one was above the others and that was another raccoon naked while leaning against a trash can. With a sigh, the raccoon got up and closed the locker, locked it and headed back outside.

Lee stood next to Jack again as he leant against the wall and frowned. The rat turned to look at the raccoon and nodded. "You saw the notice then?" Lee shook his head. "How much more are they going to cut from our hours?" The raccoon clenched his fists as the rat snorted. "It's their new drive isn't it, save money."

The rat handed over the half-smoked cigarette and Lee took it before he inhaled it once more, the raccoon handed it back to the rat who replaced it back to hang off his snout once more. Lee exhaled as the smoke billowed from his nostrils and mouth. "They've been doing it for a few years now, surely they've saved enough to pay the debt?"

It was then that the rubbish truck came around the corner and both pushed themselves from the wall as it came to a stop and the large head of the elephant poked out from the driver's side. "Okay ladies, smoke break over. Got to get moving before management pops another blood vessel."

Jack gave a sly grin at the elephant. "Oh shush, you worry too much grandpa." Benji waved a large fist at the rat. "You're not too old to get a smack." Lee grinned and the elephant turned his head towards the raccoon. "And same goes for you, now come on and Jack, cigarette out, I can't stand the smell."

Jack pulled a face but he spat out the cigarette and then stamped on it with his large work boot and put it out before they both got in, Lee went in first as the raccoon sat in the middle and then Jack sat in at the end, the large rat pulled the door shut and he nodded his head as Benji drove the vehicle out from the depot and the three started their drive to their location.

Lee pulled the folder from the dashboard as the raccoon looked it over and spoke. "Right, we're in the East side of town today than the West. Company has started to put them onto a fortnightly collection trial."

Benji nodded his large head as his trunk moved up to adjust his cap while he kept two hands on the steering wheel. "Right, gotcha."

As the morning went out, the truck slowly made its way down one of the alleys as it came to a stop. Benji looked outside of the window as he waited while both Jack and Lee jumped out and walked around the side. The stench of the refuge that they had collected already along with the fumes from the running engine filled the air. Jack looked at Lee. "Your turn, I'll operate the machine." The raccoon nodded his head and walked over to the first trashcan and he picked it up easily, the large arm muscles bulged as he walked back quickly, pulled the lid from the top and then tipped the contents into the bay before he was away again. Jack waited until Lee had brought two more filled trashcans and while the raccoon went off to do the forth, he pressed the button as the loud machine came to life as it ate the trash and began to crush it within the large metal container.

Lee came up to the next trashcan, the raccoon was used to the smell but this time around something was different as his nose twitched and he gripped the handles on the side and attempted to lift the bin from the ground. "What the..." Lee said as he attempted again and muttered. "Fuck, what's in this?" Lee straightened his knees and rubbed his lower back before he lifted the lid and looked inside.

Jack came up alongside him. "Hey, what's the hold up, you're going to annoy Benji again." The rat looked inside the bin at the same time as the raccoon and they both looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Is that...?" Jack said as Lee nodded his head and turned around to yell over the sound of the truck engine. "Benji, get over here will you, we have a problem!"

The whole truck shuddered and moved as the large elephant climbed down, the massive nine-foot-tall male thudded as each step vibrated on the ground as he came up, slowly putting on his work gloves. "Why, can't you lift a bin?" He scoffed and then went silent as the two frowned at him. Benji looked inside the bin and raised a brow as well. "What the fuck."

Jack spoke next. "I know right? You thought you seen everything and then you have this." Lee placed his hands on his hips as the raccoon frowned. "What's the procedure on this?" Both Lee and Jack looked at Benji who lifted the trashcan for a moment and then placed it back down onto the ground again. "There's at least two of the fuckers in here, who puts a car engine into the trashcan." The sound of the elephant was clearly not amused as he looked about the trashcan for signs of any number on it. "Fuck, no number on this one, can you two stay and wait while I go radio this in?"

Jack leant against the wall of the alley as he reached into his pocket and pulled a packet of cigarettes out and Lee frowned. "Are you serious, the stench of oil from that thing is enough to set it alight." Jack looked at the trashcan and frowned before he placed the carton back into his pocket again and folded his arms about his chest.

Lee looked back at the truck and saw Benji stood there on the ground with the wire stretched out from the cabin as he spoke into it. "Yeah, we found it on Fifth Street. Two engines inside a trashcan, it's a health hazard." The elephant frowned. "No Pete, we can't bloody well put them into the back of the refuge truck." Benji frowned as he listened. "Listen you shit, don't care if you're banging the boss's daughter, I'm not going to put those things in this truck. Now be a good boy and send out the hazardous truck." Benji listened to the voice on the other end. "Costs too much, I'm about five seconds in climbing into this cabin and coming to ram this truck up your arse. Just send the fucking hazard truck." Eventually Benji nodded and spoke. "Yeah, we'll wait here." Then he reached into the cabin and hung the radio on the hook before the elephant walked back to where the other two were.

The raccoon looked at Benji. "Are you unemployed now?" Jack gave a smirk as Benji frowned. "The little shit wouldn't have the balls. Another truck has been sent out to continue our route while we wait for the hazard team." The elephant leant against the brick wall of the alley and folded his arms about his chest. "And Jack, I hope I didn't catch you trying to take a smoke near that thing?"

The rat shook his head. "Wouldn't dream of it." Benji nodded as he looked at his watch. "Good, now we wait." The wait took over two hours and in that time, another trash collector truck had come and reversed, the large grizzly bear, Paul came over to look at the trashcan and was just as stumped to the situation but he nodded to the three as he and his team left once they had emptied the other trash. Benji had already turned the engine off from his rig as the three waited quickly until they saw another truck pull up just outside of the alley and two exceptionally large alligators came out and walked towards them. "Heard you had a problem?" One of them said as they both arrived and all three pointed to the trashcan.

"Good grief." One of the alligators said as they both looked inside the trashcan and looked back at the three. "Glad your boss called us up, this is a potential hazard in so many ways." Benji frowned. "Didn't want to, wanted us to put it in that." The large elephant pointed over his shoulder as the two alligators frowned. "Fucking idiot, okay we won't be long in dealing with this and then you can get going. Need a few forms filled and signed by all of you." They were handed some forms by the alligators as both walked back towards their truck.

The three of them walked back to their truck and climbed into the cabin as each one took turns with the clipboard to fill out the various details that was asked of them.

Outside the two alligators brought along a sturdy trolley on wheels as they approached the trashcan, they were just as big as Benji but even they both took care to lift the heavy trashcan as they lowered it onto the cart and looked at road below. "Damn, been leaking, we need to get this secured and get the sand to soak this up."

Slowly the two managed to get it put into the back of their truck as they came back to clean up the mess as the three ventured from their own drivers cabin and walked over with their forms filled. One of the alligators not working on pouring sand over the oil spill nodded. "We'll be investigating the engines, see what serial numbers are on them and find out who owns them."

Jack nodded. "Think you find the culprits?" The alligator holding the forms shrugged. "Depends if it was local or fly tipped. Can't say for sure." Benji nodded. "Well, take care with that thing." The two alligators nodded. "We will, you lot take care now."

When all three were in the cabin, Benji picked up the radio and spoke into it. "Trash collector A25B has successfully transferred hazardous material to the hazard team. Orders?"

The radio came to life as the sound of a voice came over. "Return to base, you're done for the day." Benji replied. "Roger that." And put the radio down before he turned the ignition and slowly drove off down the alley way.

The truck came to a stop at the depot as all three climbed out and looked at an exceedingly small mouse came storming up to where Benji was and yelled. "Who the fuck you think you are, talking to me like that on the radio."

Benji looked down at the small mouse. "An idiot, that's who I was talking to back then." Lee and Jack watched as the colour of the small mouse ears began to get deeper red than normal. "I'll have you fired! You hear me, you won't be able to find work again!"

The loud bang that came from within the depot as Benji took one step forward before his large foot came crashing down, drained all the blood from the face of the mouse as he glared down at him. "I think not, little one." The elephant glared at the mouse as he spoke. "You didn't follow city procedures, you put staff at risk and if you dare fire me or anyone else, I'll make sure the whole city knows."

The mouse shook slightly as Benji knelt and glared as best as he could eye to eye but still towered over the other. "The next time you pull this shit, I'll step on you before I'll scrape you off the floor and drop you into the nearest slop bucket around here, so piss off out of my sight before I get the union involved."

And with that, Benji got up and walked around the open-mouthed mouse as he made his way to the changing room. Lee looked at Jack who rolled his shoulders and glared at the mouse. "Not exactly afraid of you, is he?" Then the large rat walked past, followed by Lee as they all entered the changing room.

Benji was already at his locker, the large elephant pulled the door open as he gave a sigh and rested his large head against the cold metal frame. Jack walked up behind and placed his hand on the back and patted it. "Think that will keep him off us for a few days." Benji grunted as he rolled his shoulders. "Shouldn't have to, don't like threatening stepping on someone like that."

Lee took off his overall only from the sleeves as it fell and hung about around his hips. "It's okay, I know you wouldn't but as long as he thinks it's a threat." Slowly the raccoon moved to work on his combination again to open his locker once more and slammed it open.

Jack kicked at his own locker; the rat looked at the other two. "We need to chill out, how about we dump this place and go off to the club, relax in a steam room, does that sound good to you both?"

Both Benji and Lee looked at the rat and then they looked at each other and nodded. "Actually yeah, let's do that." Benji said as he slowly began to undress and pulled off his t shirt from his massive frame. Slowly all three removed their clothes and headed to the showers to wash themselves clean.


An hour or so later, all three had pulled up in their own vehicles as they looked about the carpark. After they approached each other as a group, they headed into the main foyer of the building and smiled at the male fox that stood behind the counter. "Hello again sirs, do you want your regular room?" The fox smiled at them both. Benji nodded his head as he took his card from his wallet and handed it over.

The fox smiled. "Special rate as usual, appreciated that help last weekend moving stuff." The fox slid the card through the reader and handed it back along with another card. "Take as long as you need." Benji took it and then he and the other two left the foyer as they headed into the corridor.

The corridor was painted dark red with red lights lined up along the ceiling in various places, slowly the three moved until they reached a room and Benji swiped the card as the lock beeped and the large hand pushed the door open as all three entered it. Lee was the last to enter as the raccoon closed the door and locked it.

Slowly, all three began to undress again as they picked a seat to sit down in, the elephant sighed as he pulled off his large shoes and socks before he looked at Jack who was busy wiggling out from his jeans, the rat plump bulge showing underneath the tight briefs he wore, white with yellow triangle cheese shapes. Benji looked at the raccoon who pulled his t-shirt off as his muscled chest could be seen. The elephant smiled as he looked down at his plump stomach, it was round, but he knew it was muscle underneath the layer of fat.

Benji got up as he pulled his own t-shirt from his large torso, the large grey chest had thick hair between his breasts, the large round belly stuck out as he relaxed and made it fall down slightly over his belt. The large hands moved to unbuckle his belt before he allowed his jeans to fall to the floor and Benji stepped out of them.

Jack and Lee looked, Benji was once again going naked underneath his pants, the elephant wearing no underwear at all as his large thick cock hung there like a tree branch, the massive grey balls swung about as Benji turned around to place his pants down on the chair and he smiled at the other two and then headed into the other adjoining room.

The sound of a bench creaking made Jack grin as he slipped out from his briefs and tossed them to the chair where his other clothes were and ventured into the other room himself.

Lee was the last to enter the room and he closed the door behind him as Benji started to pour cold water onto the hot stone with his truck. The liquid spilled out as it hissed and slowly the room began to steam up as Lee found a space on a bench and sat with a happy sigh.

Jack rubbed his groin, the rat sighed as well as he looked to where Benji was and leaned closer to him. The rat whispered in his ear as the elephant nodded his head and slowly the rodent slipped off the bench and knelt in front of the large elephant who spread his legs apart. Lee watched as more steam came from the centre of the room as Benji turned a knob slowly so that water dripped now and again from the ceiling. With a large hand, the elephant beckoned the raccoon over as Lee got up and stepped over to the bench and sat down next to the large elephant.

With a large arm, Benji wrapped it around the waist of the raccoon as he looked downwards to where Jack had begun to lift up the large penis with his rodent hands and started to nuzzle the head with his nose. The loose skin at the end of the foreskin rolled about as the rat snuck his nose into it and took a big inhale as he sniffed the deep elephant musk from the moist cock head held within.

Benji turned to look at Lee as his cock began to swell and get larger within the rat's hand and he lifted his trunk until it patted the top of the raccoon's head while he leaned in and gave Lee a kiss on the lips.

Jack pulled back the skin as he saw the folds stretch and the big fat pink flesh of the head show, no longer hidden by the thicker grey skin of the penis. The rat slowly slipped his tongue out as he licked at the slit of the penis and got a reward of a large glob or pre that formed against his tongue. That rodent held the large cock with both hands, feeling the member get heavier with each pulsing throb, the blood enlarging the shaft. Jack opened his mouth as wide as he could and slowly slipped the head of the penis into his mouth and started to suck on the salty cock.

Benji and Lee watched as the rat made slurping sounds, the wet saliva dribbled down the shaft as his pink fleshy hands rubbed the pre and saliva up and down the pole until it began to look slick from all the bodily fluids.

The trunk of the elephant slipped downwards as it brushed over the chest of the raccoon, searching and then finding the nipple of the left breast. Benji moved the tip of his trunk as it rubbed against the nipple which firmed up with Lee gasping, his own penis lifting from between his legs, with a thick glob of pre. The steam made his shaft wet from little droplets of water as they heard another droplet of water fall onto the hot stone in the middle of the room to bring more steam into the air.

Jack moved his head side to side as he worked more of the thick cock into his mouth, the rodent felt the length press against the tongue and roof of his mouth as it flexed and it took all of his arm strength to keep it down. With a loud gasp, the rat pulled away from the wet slick shaft and smiled as he let go and the large penis jumped upwards to slap the fat belly with a loud noise of skin contacting other skin.

Jack got up as he turned around and slowly, he edged backwards towards the elephant who moved his arm and trunk from the raccoon. Lee watched as Benji helped the rat up as his strong arms reached out, the large hands took hold of the hips and he lifted the large rat up like he weighed nothing at all and slowly he lowered the rat down towards his throbbing cock.

Jack felt the hot penis head of the cock press under his tail, the wet pre squirting out as he took a deep breath and slowly the rodent felt the elephant pull him down as his anus opened up to the large head and slowly he gasped as it slipped inside, followed by the shaft.

Jack felt his belly bulge out slightly when more of the large shaft sunk into his anus, the rodent panted heavily as his cock throbbed in the steamy room, all wet from the water and the thick line of pre that flowed down the fleshy shaft, over his balls. With his legs wide, the elephant felt the rat rest his legs on the outside of his own and the rat leant against his soft round belly while being held by the large strong arms.

Lee saw the trunk move again and it felt around his chest, sliding downwards, then the sensation of air breathing out from the end as it felt around his flat muscled stomach, then further down and Lee gasped as the trunk slipped his cock into one of the moist nostrils and his breathing felt like he was being sucked. Lee gripped the edge of the bench with his hands and felt himself humping into that trunk as his cock spurted pre into the nostril, it felt moist and warm, the warm air that blew out over his dick felt wonderful.

Benji was in control of both males, the elephant used his strong strength as his arms lifted up the rat and pushed him down onto his shaft, it bent as it sunk deeper into the male, the bulge moved up a bit more as Jack gasped loudly, then felt himself being lifted up again before he was pushed down once more as the shaft of the elephant bent slightly before it inched a bit more into the tight back passage.

All three males were wet, the steam made their skin and fur drip with water as the rat panted heavily, tongue lolled out to the side as he allowed himself to be manhandled by the more powerful male that he was sitting on. The elephant cock swelled and throbbed as the larger male grunted with each thrust of his hips, the dick sunk further into the tight passage of the adult rat, the elephant continued to hold onto the hips tightly while his trunk moved up and down the erect raccoon cock, sucking and blowing away.

Lee humped into that trunk, the way it felt around his dick, so soft, so warm and the way it slurped from its slimy insides mixed with his own leaking slick pre. The way that the bench started to bounce now as the elephant increased his speed and power of each thrust that the raccoon felt himself bouncing on the wooden bench as his cock thrust a bit deeper each time he was lifted into the air.

With each passing second the heat that came from the trunk got hotter and hotter around the raccoon's dick, which only throbbed as he felt the muscles inside it squeeze as it milked the member. Lee reached and wrapped a hand over the trunk and helped to stroke his cock from within while he panted heavily, the balls clenched from time to time as he started to get near to climaxing.

Benji opened his mouth to breath, the elephant now fully slamming his cock in and out of the tight rat's arse, the large head of the penis slamming into the prostate time after time which made the rodent cry out in shock, both pain and pleasure which made his dick jump up and the rat gripped his penis and began to wank it quickly. It only made his back passage to grip around the large dick which made Benji thrust harder and faster even more.

With a cry coming from all three of them, they all climaxed at the same time as the raccoon penis spurted thick ropes of his raccoon spunk into the trunk wedged over his penis. Benji sucked it up as he tasted the rich taste from Lee, the elephant slammed his hips upwards and felt his cock swell and explode with his own thick cum which quickly made the rodent's belly swell from the pressure and then it squirted out from his anus violently to cover the elephant's balls, legs and bench with the thick white cum.

Jack's cock jerked about noisily in his hand before he felt the elephant climax inside of him, the hot cum splashed over his abused prostate and instantly his own cock exploded as thick ropes of his cum shot out into the air, landed on the hot stone and hissed before evaporating into steam itself, leaving just a few marks on the stone itself. This continued as more of his spunk splashed about over the hot stone until the spurts got weaker and then landed on the floor before it dribbled down the shaft, over his own fingers and then mingled with the elephant's that he was impaled on.

There all three panted heavily as the trunk slipped away from the raccoon cock and then wrapped around it as Benji stroked Lee's dick idly while the raccoon panted heavily alongside Jack who remained impaled on the large dick. All three of them sat there as more water dripped onto the hot stone and for the time being, they were all content to rest and enjoy the afterglow and who knew, perhaps during their off work hours for that day they may have gone a few more rounds, but perhaps that's for another time.

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