Ho-oh and the Phoenix: Mythical Pleasure

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Vellura, a phoenix, slips through a portal and finds herself in the Pokemon world with the glory of Ho-oh shimmering above her...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Ho-oh and the Phoenix

Mythical Pleasure

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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Vellura chirped sadly, the brilliant, blue phoenix's head hanging as she waddled slowly through the cave system, having spent more time in there looking for those who were important to her of late than she had up in the arms of the clear, blue sky. It was where her home was, truly, in the arc of the clouds with her glorious wings spread wide. In the dark of the cave, for Xigfeldo could see perfectly well and had no reason to illuminate every inch of his cavern system even for those that he cared about, there was no such light to lift her heart and lift her wings.

But just where was everyone?

The phoenix shook her head, anxiously clicking the edges of her beak together as she looked around, every last nook and cranny beckoning her inspection as if she thought that Svea herself may have been hiding from her. The hydra was kind though and she was sure she wouldn't play such a dirty trick on her, not even if that damn raptor goaded her on into it. He would do it though, Keither, she was sure of it, her mood souring even as her avian vent dampened, just a little, at the thought of the parts of him that she did indeed like. If she could keep those parts of him and not worry about his smart tongue and mouth...

Vellura's thoughts drifted. Well, that was not completely true. She liked his tongue and his muzzle too well enough under the right circumstances. The raptor simply had to be a little more forthcoming with just how he put them to use.

A sparkling light caught her eye and she hustled at a waddle, regretting that she had spent so much time laying the last time. Maybe if the eggs had been a little more eager to slip from her, things would not have been so difficult, but the healthy clutch had, at last, been laid, left to rest and weight in a nest constructed by Xigfeldo and his magic, something that would allow them to remain warm at all times. She suspected, however, that he may have had a bit of help from a purple dragon at some point in learning that trick but he was a side more versatile in his skills, considering that he was a hybrid.

But what she found in the largest cavern of all drew her up short, beak falling open, her eyes so wide that they near enough seemed to pop out of her head, framed by tender slivers of blue feathers. The portal cave was normal to every other member of Xigfeldo's family by that point but, alas, there was no one there to show her just how it worked as the sparkling, dancing slivers of shattered light flitted in and out of one another, the portals spaced around the room seemingly at random intervals. So sharp was the fluttering light that she could not count them, her eyes constantly drawn to another and another, ruffling up her feathers as she tried to take it all in at once.

"Well... So, that's what that dragon has been up to!"

She chirped and wove her head back and forth, fluttering and fanning out her tail-feathers to shake the dust from them. There was something more there, something that made her feathers prickle, standing up as he looked into one portal after the other, seeing weird and wonderful worlds, worlds that she had not yet experienced but was woefully behind on the pleasure of. Vellura held her breath, chest shuddering with the weight of what she was about to do, fluttering her wings and spiralling up and up, lifted as if her body, lighter than light without her clutch of eggs to weigh her down. There were more portals, higher portals, and something in her chest sung for them, one, in particular, sparkling with all the colours of the rainbow, like a wing that had been slashed across the spray of a waterfall, holding the spectrum if only for a moment.

Her eyes gleamed. That one. That was the one!

Bold in the pursuit of lust, she took a deep breath - the last she would have in the world that she had grown up in for a while - and plunged through, coolness washing over her as she was swept up and away, wings spread and yet not doing anything at all to guide her path. The challenge of adventure stretched out before her, spinning and whirling through the passage of the portal, flashes of colour and bright lights surrounding her as she was taken further and further from the world she knew, feathers fluttering and heart gentle.

I'm coming!

_ _

So, she was, although to what end, the phoenix was still yet to find out.

The portal opened up all of a sudden as if she was being forced down a narrow tunnel and squeezed out the end, squealing and squawking as she fluttered, caught off-balance even though she was airborne. Something wasn't right and she gasped, twisting and turning, flipping over in the air, scrambling in a way that was less dignified than she would have liked to appear. Feathers flew off in all directions as she caught herself, putting her body back the right way up with a huff and a sigh, tail draping down.

"What am I doing?"

Not that it was a bad thing to go on an adventure through the portal but that things were not destined to quite as smooth as she thought, peering down, a tall, tin tower protruding elegantly like a monument from a thick canopy of trees. There seemed to be a town down there, like some of the communes that more friendly dragons created when they banded together, but her curiosity as to the nature of the tower with something glittering gold at the pinnacle had to be satisfied. And just what else was she there for when a break from such reality, her daily life and grind, afforded itself to her?

Spiralling down, she took it in, landing gently between two statues of what seemed to be some kind of large bird. Even the statues were bigger than her but whatever material they had originally been crafted from was swept away by the age and wear of time, darkened with debris, though they appeared as if they could be polished and brought back to their former glory too. She eyed them dubiously, pecking at the beak but not daring to drape her wing over to get off some of the muck. That would have sullied her feathers a shade too much for Vellura's liking.

The gold that had caught her eye seemed to be some sort of monument, something to frame the setting of the top of the tower on three sides, leaving Vellura standing in the open fourth, her back to the edge of the roof. Swinging her head about, she eyed what lay before her with due caution, for the roof sloped down sharply where the edge dropped away, white clouds scudding away across the sky as if they too were trying to make way for something.

What she did not know that something and someone greater than her lay in wait, a glittering fragment at her claws drawing her eye, beak dipping down to inspect it. Vellura may as well have been walking in the steps of a prophecy for how beautifully it all came together, chirruping softly with a warbling croon, her eye for detail and, of course, anything that sparkled, pleased as she turned the strange object over in the cup of her wing.

"A...wing?" She tilted her head to see it better, all but one patch of sky above her darkening, though not from anything natural. "It's a wing? A rainbow wing?"

Holding it, she turned her head from one side to the other, a screech rising, building, high up in the atmosphere. And it was there, in a shaft of brilliant sunshine that no mortal creature could have conjured up for themselves, that a bird far bigger than she descended, their massive wing-beats pummelling the air, shaping it to their will.

Vellura may not have known just what a Pokemon was but she knew true glory when she saw it and beauty too, a large, golden-yellow beak rounding out but hooking too, hinting at danger and fear behind that beak. The bird's feathers were a striking, stark orange like the climax of the setting sun, a rich shade that could not be replicated by the brush of any artist, wings outstretched to a band of white, the very tips of her feathers tinted with green. The colours should not have, truly, gone together but the splendour of the creature above her could not be denied, paling to a white underbelly that struck Vellura as the shade of the sun when one looked straight up into it on a summer's day - it was that white.

There were claws too, extending down into wicked tips, although they only stretched out when the bird came down to land, easily four times the size of Vellura who stepped back, politely still, to give them room. Whether the strange creature was a male or a female was beyond her at that point, though the phoenix could not help but murmurs her soft appreciation under her breath as the huge bird spread out their tail, fanning it into shades of gold, sparkling like the glory of the sun itself, white tips topping off the ensemble, which was more of a work of art than a mere creature like the phoenix, as wonderful as she was in herself.

Puffing up her chest, Vellura met the Pokemon head-on as they landed and left their wings outstretched, seeming larger and more imposing than ever simply from the effect they created. When she did not immediately, however, dip her beak down to the ground in the expected bow, the golden bird ruffled their feathers and surveyed her with a curiously glittering, observant eye.

"Little one, do you not know who I am?"

Wide-eyed, Vellura shook her head, though she could not help but gawk, everything all the more splendid for being about to bear witness to it up close and personal.

"No..." She chirped, swallowing her words, hastily clearing her throat. "I mean, of course not - I've only just got to this world! But your feathers..."

She stared, the lower part of her beak hanging slack as she practically drooled.

"Your feathers are glorious!"

Pleased, the Pokemon ruffled them up and preened as if they had only disturbed them so that they could slick them softly back down into place again.

"Thank you, that is most kind."

Vellura tilted her head to the side, trying to work out something that, perhaps, was impolite to ask directly but was likely going to come out anyway. The bird's voice sounded light but came with a raspy undertone of something male, the two genders blending together in the note of her tone.

"Hm..." It was too much but she had to say it anyway. "You are...both genders, both sexes, aren't you?"

If there was anything that could have drawn a creature of such legends aback, it was that, the bird's head shooting up as they let out a strangled squawk. How had she known?

"Y-yes..." She said at last, fighting not to stutter as she peered down at the strange little blue bird that had entered her domain, calling her down with the rainbow wing of legend. "But how in Lugia's name did you know that?"

Vellura chirped, flapping her wings, pleased that she had caught on so quickly. Being around Xigfeldo had taught her a thing or too, at the very least!

"Yes, of course," she said, parting her beak in a phoenix's grin. "Two friends of mine - oh no, three, that just leaves me out... Well, three of them are hermaphrodites too, though they tend to prefer either being referred to as male or female when needed. It's not too often needed though as we always know who we're talking about."

"If you do not know who I am, then it is I that is being rude for not introducing myself."

Nodding respectfully to the bird that she saw as one of her charges, the Pokemon spread her wings, allowing Vellura to bask in the full glory of her radiance.

"I am Ho-oh, legend of this world," she announced, though it was hard for her to remain grave when her wings lifted her, breastbone proudly pushed out. "And my name, though few know of it in this tongue, is Radiance."

Vellura's eyes widened.

"Oh... Oh, I am so sorry - I had no idea you were so important! I'm new here..."

Stumbling over her words, she shuffled her wings back against her body and nodded back politely, as was the avian way of it. How embarrassing to not know when she was talking to a legend! Keither would have a fit if he found out that she'd made such a faux-pas.

"Oh, I should introduce myself too!"

But Vellura was already in a fit, stumbling over herself even though she did not quite devolve to stuttering, trying to get all her words out at the same time and in the right order too - just how did that work? The tin of the roof warmed beneath her claws simply for the nature of being in the presence of Ho-oh and the legendary bird seemed to smile down at her, even though such a beak could not actually smile.

"Little one, I think your sweetness is quite enough. Though, please - tell me your name."

That was something, at least, that Vellura could do, drawing herself up tall and announcing it as if she was truly in the presence of a grand hall of dragons and gryphons and other creatures too that were all waiting for her, waiting to receive her. That was how Svea had taught her to present herself, as if the world was watching and she was the one there to adore every second of it. Even though the hydra was not always able to do as she taught, her words of wisdom were passed down from many generations that had gone before and it did Vellura good to hear them, listening attentively.

And it did her good before Ho-oh, the bird of Legend across Johto.

"My name is Vellura," she announced, a smile in her eyes as she presented herself, wings spread. "And it is a pleasure to meet you!"

Extending a wing, Ho-oh brushed it over Vellura's head and she could not help but respond with a surprised chirp and a croon. Such a soft touch should not have brought such a luxurious shiver to her body but she could not help but lean into it, breath catching, chest filling with air, though every bit of her seemed warmer than she had been before. Was there even a blush in her cheek? Vellura swallowed, heart beating a little more quickly than was comfortable for her. What was wrong with her?

Radiance stepped back, allowing her space as she spread her wings wide, easily dwarfing the smaller phoenix.

"Come... Fly with me. It has been some time since I have had company in this world."

And then Radiance was up and gone, leaving Vellura chasing her, though her heart soared, a phoenix who was always up for a challenge. It was hard not to be after spending so much time with Xigfeldo and Keither in particular, both of them often butting heads when it came to friendly competition and a little more than that. So it was with due strength and vigour that she hurled her body skyward, using the downdraft from Ho-oh to shape the air to her will, scooping it up and thrusting it back behind her. Getting up high enough, for speed did not seem to be Radiance's forte, Vellura parted her beak and sang her heart out, looping and turning and spinning in the dazzling sunshine, unknowing of all that had possessed her, without due reason, to be suddenly so outspoken.

She was watched too, Ho-oh's beak parted as Radiance took her in, how her feathers glittered in the very sunshine that the legendary bird created, controlling so much and yet, at the same time, so very little at all. A legendary creature had rights and rules in the Pokemon world but companionship was the most difficult to obtain when there were so many Pokemon to bring light and life to, acting as the balance to oppose Lugia. Where both of them had the potential to bring destruction to the land, they tried to seed only life and prosperity, though their powers thrummed through them demandingly, seeking attention that only the warmth of another soul could truly give. And it was that company that Ho-oh had sought for many centuries, older even than Xigfeldo as she watched the phoenix cavort, expending her joy if only for those eyes.

But those eyes were ones that saw the smooth, sleek lines of her body, admiring just how her tail flowed behind her in a sweeping arc as she even turned over, looping backwards on herself to invert her world for a moment. Vellura was a skilled flyer and, although it may not have taken all that much to arouse Ho-oh at that moment, she was ready to see just what the tricksy nuances of company could do for her.

Vellura did not notice but Radiance rumbled a throaty growl that did not seem natural coming from an avian's beak, a slit at the base of her stomach revealing her cloaca, which was well tucked back into her feathers. Arranged so that her shaft was closest to her stomach with her feminine passage and anal passage splitting off inside her, her shaft pushed its way out, eager to be known, a slender spire that was twisted slightly along the length. Whether that was for the pleasure of a partner or for her own was something that Radiance was due to find out, not having mating in over a century, her need rampant and not an ounce of shyness present about it.

But, for the moment, she would watch and wait, the phoenix spinning in a twirl of sapphire and aquamarine, shifting through so many subtle shades of blue that it was difficult even for Radiance's eyes to keep up with her. She would have had to have been celibate or somewhat chaster to hold back from becoming aroused at such a sight, her vent slickening with her juices, gleaming around the base of her maleness. Her shaft twitched and bobbed lightly with the flex of her body during flight, though it was a majestic part of her, like so many other things, the tip tapered down very neatly so that it could pry open any partner, no matter how succulently tight they were.

Vellura, however, was a cannier phoenix than Ho-oh gave her credit for, the shaft that had appeared catching her attention. With the tenor of an eagle zeroing in on their prey, she whipped about, beating her wings backwards to keep herself in place, if only for a moment before dropping, shooting up to Radiance with enough speed to startle even her.

Yet it was not an attack that the phoenix had in mind and had not then uncovered what she could do in that world, strength flowing through her veins. No... Oh no, she was a creature of softness and sensuality, always warm and thriving with a need to breed that never truly went away. It was always there, lingering in the wings, driving her on, forcing her to seek out partner after partner, all for the end goal of seeing her belly swell up fat and heavy with more and more eggs than ever before.

Tipping her wings, she fluttered up to Ho-oh's stomach, brushing up against her cock with a low, throaty croon that sent a delicious tremble through Radiance, right down to the drifting tips of her fanned-out tails.

"I think there's something you need..."

Oh, she'd been learning from Xigfeldo, most certainly, suave and sweet, though her eyes sparkled with the lure of sexual pleasure. They teased her, gently, for being so horny after she'd laid a clutch of eggs and that was just why Vellura had been looking for her strange little family in the first place, heat simmering inside her, her body still ripe and fertile, wanting to be bred. She didn't mind being a breeding hen one bit but she could not have said, quite honestly, that she'd ever been with another bird before - not even one who was more of a similar size to her.

The bird did not seem to need much convincing, wings and hearts lifting them up and up, the clear blue sky carrying them along. Holding no fear of falling like a stone from the heavens, Vellura teased her body up against the larger bird, heart hammering, ears roaring. Could she do it? She was so much bigger than her, that cock massive. Though Xigfeldo was large too and his body did not adjust the size of his cock, naturally, to suit her size all that much anymore, her body stretching to accommodate what she wanted each and every time they came together.

Vellura took a deep breath, eyes meeting Radiance's. No words needed to be spoken as Radiance tucked her claws around the smaller bird, guiding her to her cloaca, the slit where her shaft throbbed and pulsed, drooling thick, fat droplets of pre-cum into the open air. Who knew what anyone below them was going to think if they bore witness to that!

But that was not the main event of it as Vellura softly submitted, allowing her body to be drawn down and down, Ho-oh carrying her along, trusting the larger bird to keep her safe as slowly, so very slowly, her sex was pried open. Just the tip eased in and Vellura exhaled, wings fluttering, Radiance sculling her wings sideways as if she was paddling through water, the sky merely another canvas in her powers that she could paint on as she willed. There was no fear of falling in her mind for she had never fallen, her cock burrowing deeper and deeper with every beat of their wings into a slit that was so very tight and deliciously so that it made her head spin.

The phoenix was far from done though as she chirped, encouraging Radiance, even though she was breathless, over onto her back, able to use her wings in such a way that the two of them could stay airborne even like that. It allowed Vellura to use her body, however, to the best of her ability, teasing down, not needing to fly, only thinking about the pleasure of her body and just how she could share that with another soul. More and more of that cock fed into her as the phoenix allowed her weight to sink, even using the little trick that she had had in her arsenal the time she had lost her virginity, instinct taking over. Unable to thrust and grind on the dragon, she had twisted and turned her body around and around, practically corkscrewing herself down onto the dragon's cock - and that was just what she had in mind to ease bit after bit of Radiance's length into her too.

It worked, slowly but surely, the world turning around her, a wisp of faint, white cloud floating across her vision. But Vellura neither saw nor felt any of that, the caress of the wind a cold lick on her feathers up there in the air where no one could touch her, catch them. There were no interruptions and Ho-oh's gasps and sweet murmurs were music to her ears, even sweeter than phoenix-song, as she eased down and down, forcing more than half of that delectably huge cock deep up into her cunny.

It was there and only there that Vellura conceded defeat, twisting back and forth as pleasure exploded in her heart, in her loins - everywhere at once in a way that simply was unprecedented. Her climax closed her cunny around that shaft, massaging and pulsing, and, through the clamour of orgasm, Vellura was dimly aware of Radiance gasping, the massive wing-beats that kept them aloft faltering, if only for a second. It was enough to drop them a few feet, weightlessness sweeping over them, before Radiance caught them again, a low, throaty croon rising up and up, filling Vellura with trembling light and warmth even through her pounding climax.

There was more to come, however, as the deity who had held back from such pleasures for over a century, finally, erupted in bliss, keening out shrilly and turned them both so that their heads were the highest point of their respective bodies, claws grasping at Vellura to keep her in place as the phoenix's talons scraped through Ho-oh's thick fluff of feathers. It was just as well that she had that protection in the heat of the moment as thick spurts of cum filled the phoenix, sending Vellura soaring straight into a second climax with no respite or rest between them that a soul could have possibly have discerned.

And Radiance wasn't about to stop once such pleasure had been snatched up in her claws, keening and twisting as she sent more cum than she had ever produced into a small, willingly yielding body. Vellura's body couldn't handle all of it, drooling and splattering out into the open air beneath them, wings pumping, but what she did contain was forced into her womb, belly swelling pleasantly, fat and warm and full as if she was, once again, heavy with eggs. More and more flowed into her, warming her from the inside out, and she crooned and keened, rubbing her beak up against Ho-oh's chest and stomach, the large bird carrying her, supporting her, their bodies together in the most intimate of ways.

Yet even then they had to come down from such a climax and such a high, panting and keening, twisting together, that thick length of shaft tucked up deep and tight within Vellura. The twisting along the length kept it locked inside her as they floated down and down, trembling against one another, back to the tin roof. There was one place, at least, where they could rest and Radiance focused on safely and soundly getting them back to where their aching bodies could revel in the afterglow, as sweet as it was.

Trembling in the aftermath of climax, Ho-oh guided them back to the tin tower where she had been called down, laying Vellura back on the roof before the monument, their chests and sides heaving for breath. There would not be time to take such a thing as rest, however, as Radiance allowed her shaft, with a groan, to ease from the phoenix, more than two-thirds of the increasingly thick length covered in Vellura's juices. Yet the phoenix was too quick for her, slipping beneath the larger bird's body to reach her cloaca.

It happened too quickly, too sweetly, but Vellura's tongue swept down the length of her cock, moving her head so that she could enjoy it all, lust after it all. The little phoenix wasn't put off in the slightest by a partner that was larger than her, lust singing through her heart as passion thrummed up thick and fast. Sure, she needed a break but there would be more still to come on weakly shaking legs, a smirk in her eyes, dipping down to tease her beak too into the wet edges of Radiance's cloaca. Ho-oh may indeed have been a bird of legend but even a deity like her had to let loose once in a while and, frankly, the phoenix was surprised that it had been so very easy to convince her. Maybe some things were just destined to be easy like that?

The beast above her groaned and Vellura's chest tightened with emotion. To be able to make another soul feel like that, experience things in that way... Was that not the very best thing of all that one could hope for? Of course, she wanted her own pleasure but companionship was in her blood after spending at least some of her younger years with the company of herself alone - not for any particular reason but simply because she had not considered that there was something more that she could explore and enjoy. Xigfeldo and those that he had introduced her to, of course, had changed all of that for her but that did not change the fact that she leaned into the company with the hunger of a bird who had been starved and yet never quite found herself filled up to any true measure with sustenance.

But she'd keep trying for as long as her heart beat to find her life's purpose, her belly swelling with seed and eggs over and over again, taking her pleasure along the course of it. Even as she nuzzled the edge of her beak into Radiance's slit, teasing in deeper to find the sweetness of her cunny-slit within, she moaned lightly, revelling in every moment. For was that not, truly, what life was all about, enjoying one another's bodies beneath the warmth of a glorious sun that tickled down the length of her back, her wings wanting to spread out simply to glean more of it?

There was more, yes, so much more, and Vellura lost herself in the moment as her beak tickled into that softly feathered vent, feathers brushing her face in a kiss that was almost more intimate than the locking of one beak with another could be. She inhaled softly, chest expanding, but there was still something that she needed, an emptiness in her vent, wanting to feel the edges of her cloaca straining to take something that could be said to be a little too big all over again.

Licking the edge of her beak with her tiny, pert tongue, Vellura drew back with a chatter of her beak that could, in some circles, have been considered a purr.

"I think you can get all of that into me," she breathed, eyes alight and tail flipping up to waft the sweetly soft scent of her sex around, though she did not know if Ho-oh was into anything like scent play, like the others. "I can't push down enough onto you to do it... But _you_can!"

If Radiance had had eyebrows, they would have shot up to be presented with such a challenge, tail-feathers fanning out, the lingering heat within her unbearable. Her cock had not even softened one bit after orgasm, betraying the potency of her need, and dripped, splatter after splatter of luscious pre-cum dripping forth to mark the tin roof. Later, maybe worshippers of her would wonder just where it had come from but Vellura was right there before her, willing to make even more of a mess than she had made with her last partner, so very long ago.

"Do you really think you can take all of it?"

Radiance smirked, losing her regal air as she came down to the level of one that, well, was solely interested, at that time, in the pleasures of the body. Maybe she didn't have to hold herself so highly all the time. She'd only just come to know Vellura and yet the phoenix made her skin tingle beneath her feathers as if she was moulting - only in a good way, not the itchy way!

Puffing her chest up, Vellura fluttered her soft eyelashes at her, giving the larger bird her best "boudoir eyes".

"Why don't you try me and find out?"

That was a challenge that Ho-oh was more than willing to take but it was not the sweet phoenix's feminine passage that would take the brunt of her pounding right then and there. Oh no, Radiance had something all the more delectable in mind and once she'd taken it Vellura would love it too, she was sure. Alas, there was only so deep she could push into a feminine vent, as she well knew, but there was another opening within a cloaca that could be pried open and pleasure gleaned from, as she knew from earlier liaisons.

Covering the smaller phoenix's body with her own, Radiance crooned as she pushed into her, teasing open her cloaca and seeking out a different entrance, one that was not slick with need inside her. It could so easily be the wrong or the right hole if she was not careful but Ho-oh knew that she had struck gold when Vellura gasped, head falling back with her beak open in a shrill, yearning keen.


_ _

She pushed in, stretching out the phoenix's anal passage within her cloaca and driving deep, that part of her body just as well designed to be stretched. Yet that part of her did not come up against a cervix and a womb, as was the case with phoenix anatomy, and could go deeper, her cock probing, teasing, questing for the full-penetration that she had been aching for all along.

Vellura spread her wings out, flattening her body to the tin as it warmed beneath her, yielding and surrendering absolutely everything she had to give and so much more. That cock was driving into her whether she changed her mind or not and she wanted no more than to feel full, so very full, her womb surely already swimming with cum, waiting to fertilise the eggs that her body would release as the result of the breeding. She shivered, not yet knowing what the hybrid birds would look like but her heart pounding fiercely for the care she would give them, setting them on the right path in the world as she nurtured them all to the very best of her ability.

Yet the tease of a shaft up into her backdoor entrance allowed her to grind back, panting softly, beak hanging open, wanting more, knowing that it would make the breeding all the more potent for the want of it all. It was a trick that only and often those with both sexes contained within them knew and she was fortunate, so very fortunate, that she had found someone that knew that, inch after thick inch of cock disappearing up inside her.

Her body stretched and stretched around it and she keened shrilly, twisting, wanting more, trying to shove her own body down past the halfway point. Cum sloshed about in her womb, forced past, during their first interlude, her innermost barrier from the sheer force of Radiance's thrusts, panting heavily though no breath would ease the tension in her chest, breastbone thrust up wantonly. Radiance drove into her, lightly using the weight of her own body against the phoenix, although it was the rock of their bodies coming together that did the most for her, grinding that cock deeper and deeper, tantalising her with what was to come.

And, still, there was more, Vellura's head spinning, feeling as if she was freefalling and yet soaring too both at the same time. Nothing made sense in a collide of sensations, panting and heaving, her chest fluttering for so very much needed breath. It was Ho-oh, of course, that was the one in control, smirking a little as she bore in, though it was difficult for even her to hold a regal air as she became flustered, feathers sticking up in all directions. Her golden crest above her shimmering face, feathers glinting in the strong sunshine, rose vibrant and tall and she keened out as shrilly as to match Vellura's cries of pleasure as she took that anal passage as if it was her birthright to claim it. Maybe it had been. One could never be quite sure just how Pokemon destinies worked, strange things happening when different kinds came together.

But neither of them cared about something like that as Radiance's cock pressed up through the thin wall of flesh, a barrier at best, that separated the phoenix's anal entrance from her cunny, the entrances within her cloaca delicately spitting off where they were protected by her outer vent. Pleasure arced through even though she was not being penetrated in the traditional sense of breeding, Vellura's shrill cries echoing across the land, although neither of them had it in themselves to care who heard them. Who, after all, was about to challenge such a deity as Ho-oh amid a breeding romp, her cock rammed up into a fresh piece of feathered delight?

Oh, but Vellura was exquisite, even to one who had thought that she'd experienced all the sexual pleasure there was to have during her lifetime. Ho-oh squirmed as she more down, intent on getting every last inch of her shaft inside, forcing the issue as Vellura warbled, crying out for more, always more. The phoenix was as insatiable a soul as she had ever come across and there was simply no way she could have possibly have denied that body as it tightened luxuriously around her, seeming to pulse and ripple as if the phoenix was actively trying to give her as much pleasure as possible.

She knew, however, that Vellura was too far gone in lust, feathers slick with cum and a splurge of her own arousal, to be thinking about giving pleasure to another. No, that just came with the territory and Radiance grunted and groaned deep in the back of her throat, need rising, her crotch aching and tingling with the fervent need to breed. She'd only just cum but, even then, it felt as if she had not climaxed in another century, swings spread for the sun to warm them, giving her more and more power as her need sang through her soul.

There was only one thing for it and nothing was about to stop the deity from taking her fill, gasping as, at long last, the entire length of her cock was sealed within a tightly wanton hole, her chest heaving, feathers darkening in patches. Though that darkening was not from sweat, as that was not how their glands worked in releasing excess heat from their bodies, but drops of cum and feminine arousal splattering up to coat them, the driving thrusts of Radiance's throbbing length forcing Vellura's cunny to contract. Even with the tightness of a cock shoved into her cloaca too, her body could not help but ripple and push, forcing out some of the cum that had been poured into her, whimpering and rubbing her beak on the tin roof as orgasm trembled through her, a slow burn.

Up and up and up, orgasm came with a song and nothing of a dance, pleasure unlike anything that Vellura had ever experienced before singing through her. Her feathers tickled, standing up and out from her body where her skin reacted, warm and tingling, every last fibre of her being aching for something that, even in that moment, she was drowning in. Ho-oh was larger than Xigfeldo when his breeder's body adjusted itself, instinctively, to match her size, but Radiance had none of that going for her - which only served to make the deviously delicious stretch all the better for the lustful little phoenix.

To say that she lost sense of time and place right there and then would have been an understatement, the sun beating down, heating her feathers, something that Vellura may have wanted to bask in if things had been different. But there was the pursuit of lustful pleasures still to be had as her passage clenched down, trying to seek out every last drop of pleasure that it could while even the cock of the one taking her trembled for its own release and attention.

Alas, it was a slower climax to come the second time around and Radiance grunted throatily as the gutsy little phoenix, even in the throes of orgasm, worked avidly for it, pushing her body up, feathers fluttering, a blue one floating off as if it was going to be swept away. The larger bird caught it at the last moment though, tucking it into the crook of her claw as she bore down, panting heavily, chest shuddering for great, gasping breaths that did not fill even her massive lungs to any sense of completion.

"I..." She tried to force out the words, light-headed and trembling with need. "It's...coming."

But it wasn't coming. Radiance only wanted it to come, orgasm lingering beyond her reach as Vellura's anal passage was forced to take her, squeezing down as the phoenix simply could not relax her muscles completely for a moment longer. The sphincter closed down and Radiance gasped, almost losing it right there and then, though the passion that she sought was still beyond her grasp as she beat her wings for extra leverage. The resulting gust buoyed her up and it was with a dominant keen that she drove in, using the weight of her body to pin Vellura, forcing her body to give up the tension that prevented her from thrusting into that tight, inner passage with all the raw abandon that she'd wanted in the first place.

All the phoenix could do was lie there and take it, fanning her wings out flat on the warmth of the tin roof, imagining that she saw something in Radiance's eyes above her. Not love, no, that would have been silly, but something lighter, something more jovial - a hint of hidden passion? Maybe that was something that the phoenix would be able to explore at another time, however, near enough delirious with pleasure as her body failed to tell the difference between one orgasm and the next, her delight rising, tingling, thrumming through as if she was in the midst of one, constant climax that never truly left her.

The pleasure mounted and mounted, threatening to overwhelm her, but Vellura was too practised a lover, thanks to her strange collection of friends, to let something like that strip away her pleasure. She keened and rolled her head, releasing tension, even seeming to tingle down to the tips of her wings even though, of course, feathers had no feeling in them. It was only where they connected to her body that there were nerve-endings and she spread them as flat as she could, gasping as that cock disappeared into her tight hole over and over again.

Closer and closer - ah! It was coming. Feathers gleaming, Ho-oh cried out, spending her triumph to her subjects below, all that cared to hear it, her thrusts increasing in speed, her pace frantic. More, she had to have it, just a little more. Orgasm was there for her to take, dancing just beyond her reach, and the deity hurled herself towards it with the passion of a long-lost lover, each to deliver the climax that both she and Vellura craved, at that moment, more than anything else in their hearts.

At the point of climax, Radiance scooped her up, lifting her higher, massive beats of her wings easily taking them away from the rooftop once more. In such a mating position, the two of them could not quite lock claws but the thought was there as the avian's talons dug lightly into the phoenix's sides under her wings, reassuring her without saying anything at all that she was safe and well, that she would not be allowed to fall.

Midair, giving herself over completely and utterly to a bird that could have dismissed her without a second glance, Vellura screamed out her strongest climax yet, the pulsing waves peaking, cresting, powering through her. If she had been flying, she most certainly would not have been able to stay aloft any longer at that point, all strength leaving her body as she trusted Radiance to look after her, her body dwarfed by the deity. And Radiance did her well, holding her close, supporting her with her own body, even as orgasm pounded through her like the hammering of a hurricane, whipping up gale-force wings around them, tossing them to the roof below.

Of course, the only winds present were from Radiance herself as her wings flapped but one could not deny the sheer, raw force of the jets of cum that shot from her, her internally held testis finally granted the divine release that they had needed. One orgasm would never be enough for her and that climax thrummed through like the plucking of feathers in a moult, bringing such relief that, even then, it was all she could do to stay aloft and take care of her precious charge, a rare gemstone, too as she filled the phoenix with her seed.

The tower swayed, the world breathed, her orgasm flowing forth, pump after pump of thick, virile seed flooding the wrong hole but the right hole too. It could be both things, Radiance thought, although it was hard to catch onto any single trail of thinking as she drifted down, back to the swaying tin tower. The tower needed redoing, she was sure, for it did not seem to hold her weight well anymore, though that was something for another time as Vellura's stomach bloated up with her cum more and more, pressing up against her lower abdomen as the phoenix squirmed delightfully and moaned out loud.

Oh yes, she was a one for the pleasure that two bodies could bring together, there was no doubt about that, but Radiance was prepared to lay her gently back as she spent every last drop of her orgasm inside her. She did not want to sully Vellura's feathers but she could not stop trickles of cum from oozing out, rejected by the tightness of her anal passage, despite the stuffing of her shaft. More and more slopped out over Vellura's tail, soaking it through, but that was something that would have to be taken care of a little later as the phoenix crooned, claws loosely flexed as she lay there, dreamily staring up at the perfectly blue sky.

"Mmm..." She moaned, rolling her head back and forth, though she could barely move with the heaving swell of her cum-filled womb and anal passage, everything strained deliciously tight. "So full... I haven't had... Not... Not like that..."

Her meaning was somewhat clear and Radiance chuckled, drawing out of her with a soft grunt as her cock ached for more, though the time to rest had come. It stayed hard even as it was graced with the open air again, a messy cream-pie left in its wake as cum and arousal drooled from Vellura's cloaca as if it was merely the entrance to a well-bred cunny.

"There now," Radiance crooned, settling down as if to roost with Vellura tucked under her wing. "Rest now, for I am sure you have a long flight ahead of you to return home."

Blinking sleepily, Vellura chirped but the words that left her beak surprised Ho-oh as much as they warmed her through, a little, warm body pressing up to her that was more important, all of a sudden, than all those that she had overseen for so many years.

They had not seen her. Vellura had. And the phoenix had something to say. Something that had never before crossed her mind and that she, suddenly, had to let out.

Now or never.

"I think you should come with me."

Sometimes, one had to take a chance.

Radiance gasped - not a very regal thing for a Pokemon deity to do - but the phoenix was already asleep, feathers puffing out softly as she slumbered, fat and heavy and happily drooling cum. She was completely unaware, in blissful unconsciousness, of the driving heart rate she had caused, Radiance's beak falling open.

What could she answer to that?

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Pregnant Cravings

**Pregnant Cravings** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A raffle prize for Bloodgod245_ _ _ _ _ Julian purred, nuzzling and preening at his best friend's mother's neck. Sandra was a full-bodied, lusciously curvy in all the right...

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Submitting to Her Needs

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