Summoned. Chapter 3.

Story by veilunlifted on SoFurry

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---The third of a five part commission for ookamikaetcal.---

The carriage ride is rudely interrupted by a family of bandits, which simply put, is a distraction for sure.

However, after getting out of that Jam, Wuf starts to see Elykan as less of a captor, and more of fate, knowing even more now than ever, resisting him could end horrifically, but obeying is starting to feel good, really good, not to mention the benefit of doing what he asks, even if she had a choice, would she take it?

A third chapter with 2,400+ words, jeez, I really don't think 1,500 is a reference point anymore, I am definitely writing more and more each time, and I have no problem with that.

I'm legit enjoying the story so far, I hope you all are as well.

My first battle scene, although, not too deeply a battle scene, given Elykan is a pretty convincing fella, and just the right amount of lewdness in between chapters, but I know my commissioners are fans of lore as well as lewdness, so, it works.

Happy uhh, carriage ride, fapping?-Veil

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It was more like a dream than Wuf cared to admit, the clear influence that Elykan had over her actions was hazy to remember, but she was well aware that it happened. "May we close the windows?" She found herself asking, her exposed breasts proved rather irritating as the crisp air blew through the open shutters of the carriage made her nipples uncomfortably hard, Elykan's chuckle indicating that it was intentional. "I'm afraid not, the sun's heat would cook us if not for their breeze." He replied, sarcastically. Wuf wanted to yell, to make her displeasure known, but found herself simply smiling, and nodding, without a word.

It was sorcery, that much was certain, but how did a General obtain it, how did he have this power, and more pressing, how can she break it? The thoughts came to a quick and abrupt ending as she felt her body quake in shock, a bump in the road sending them both upward. "Gentry, eyes on the road, will you?" Elykan said, angered as he turned toward the driver window shutter. Wuf noticed in that moment, her freedom returned, not wasting a moment, she lunged for the door, and quickly grasped her discarded tunic with her other hand. Elykan had no time to stop her, as the door was thrown open, his gloved hand reaching for her, narrowly missing her hair as she fell to the dirt. Wuf scrambled to her feet as she looked back, the glare of Elykan matching hers, clearly angered, as she stepped back on the dirt, she was greeted by a far more fear instilling sight.

Gentry was motionless, both of his hands in the air, as a cloaked figure held him at the end of their crossbow, two more cloaked figures walking toward the carriage, their crossbows aimed to the door, and to Wuf. "Oi bruvs, I think we got us a royal, kinda stupid to be unguarded innit?" One spoke up, as they approached. "The coin for a princess oughta be pretty high mates!" the figure on the driver's seat said, motioning toward Wuf If not for the weapon, and clear robbery, she would of felt flattered at the compliment. "You thinking they from the city eh?" The third cloaked figure said, removing his cloak from his head, a scruffy, young, dirty hog's head greeting her, as he grinned. "Nah, no princess mates, but a regal girl always pays."

"If there was ever a poor choice you fellows made, this was it." Elykan said, calmly stepping down from the carriage, the three bandits all had removed their cloaks, three hogs, brothers no doubt. "Oi ya fuckin' poofter, yer the one bein robbed, how's about ya drop that pretty sword of yer's" Said the oldest of the three, dropping down from the driver's seat, his crossbow lining up with Wuf's head. "Or yer pretty bitch meets it." Elykan calmly chuckled. "You've one part of that correct, she is indeed my bitch, but do you know of who you rob?" The third Hog must of known, his fear becoming noticeable as he gripped hold of his crossbow tighter. "Aye, I do...but ye have no army here Blood-render, drop the sword." "A poor choice." Elykan said. "Very well, if you want my sword, all I need..." He started, as he turned and faced his attackers, smiling widely "Is for you to drop your bows first..."

Two complied, their crossbows hitting the ground instantly, the older Hog turning his attention to Wuf, as she desperately backed closer to the carriage, her eyes on her dagger, still laying where Elykan had placed it on the seat cushion. "Good, here, have my sword, you on the right, pick it up." Elykan said, his grin unmoving, as he removed his claymore from the sheath, and tossed it to the ground, only briefly looking back at Wuf, her dagger, and the older Hog, before turning back to the two he had entranced. "I'm no regal, please consider that..." Wuf said, as she placed her foot on the carriage stairs, before she could finish, the Older Hog simply snorted and took aim with his bow, his hand nearing the lever. He would of fired, if not for Gentry, his own sword being suddenly driven into the older Hog's torso, a quick, and sudden lunge from the higher ground giving him ease, dispatching the Older Hog.

Wuf grabbed her dagger while she had the advantage, and stood at the ready, Gentry pulling his blade from the now lifeless body of the older Hog, and looking to her. "Please don't try it, I've no quarrel with you..." Wuf pleaded, Gentry standing his ground, his bloodied blade at defensive stance. "Good, good, now introduce it to your brother there..." She could hear Elykan say, garnering her attention, as she watched in glamorization. With little emotion, the second Hog bandit had Elykan's sword in his hand, and with no hesitation, plunged it into his brother's chest. "Wonderful, now, join him." Elykan beckoned, his hands at his hips.

The legends were true, and proven in front of her, as Wuf watched the last of the bandit Hogs pull the blade, and fall upon it with a thud, Elykan walking to their body, and pulling it, cleaning it with his enemy's tunic, and re sheathing it. He had dispatched a robber party without breaking a sweat, his driver and his words took out three no doubt career highwaymen. This revelation both impressed Wuf, as she was one of very few who had seen the Blood-render in action and lived, and terrified her, as the reality of her helplessness set in. In that moment she decided that pleasuring the General may indeed be an awful future, but it could be much, much worse.

"I apologize you needed see that, it is sadly common." Elykan said, Gentry climbing back into the driver's seat. "Shall we proceed?" Wuf didn't even look into his hypnotizing eyes as she nodded. "We shall..." Elykan, surprised at her willingness, assisted her into the carriage, and shut the doors, as Gentry cracked the whips, she attempted to keep her glare at the ground, but slowly felt the familiar haze of control being lost. "You seem to be under the guise it is my smile, dear bitch." Elykan said, demeaning but gentle. "It's actually my breath, if you could believe that." "I'd not noticed, sir." Wuf replied, her eyes going blank once more. "An ability that won me many skirmishes, bestowed upon me by a shaman, I try not to worry of the circumstances, more enjoy the benefits." Elykan explained. "Not that it matters, you seem to be enjoying your new position..."

He was right, her natural fight was slowly disappearing as well, with such a subtle threat, as what had just occurred miles behind them looming, she felt little desire to attempt to fight him, but the taste of his member, his warm seed, his generally handsome and intimidating presence, her fate could of been worse, at least she had his affections. "What is my position, anyway, sir?" She asked, under his spell but still able to conjure a sentence. "Ah, how glad I am you asked, you'll learn it all when we arrive. In the meantime, silence yourself." She complied, and returned to looking out the window, hardly noticing that Elykan was smiling, not in control, but in comfort.

"PORTCULLIS!" Screamed a guard, as the massive steel and wooden gate raised, the carriage approaching the massive stone walls of Kevan City entered Wuf's view, her mind hardly recognizing it as reality. She had lived in a shire all her life, the massive towering walls were mesmerizing, as the carriage entered the city, her nostrils were filled with the smells of cooking, flowers, and metalworking rather than the familiar smell of waste and chamber pot dumping. "Is this, The Capital City?" She asked, of her own accord, Elykan softly smiling. "It is." The carriage rolled smoothly along the cobblestone paths, unlike any dirt she had seen, as children dressed in immaculate white clothing played with some odd round shape, which they kicked between them, something Wuf was unfamiliar with, as the carriage entered another, smaller gate, and came to a stop.

Elykan exited the carriage first, two men wearing nearly identical armor to his, just less regalia and ranking, one a lion, the other a bear, taking their knees and hollering "Hail Blood-render." Elykan dismissing them with a wave as they stood. "Sire, how was your trip, scouts reported an attack?" The Lion asked. "No attack, just three bandits wishing to meet God early, I obliged." Elykan replied, motioning to the carriage. "Always so accommodating sire, shall we see to your new guest?" The Bear asked, walking a step to the carriage. "If you could, she is feisty but should offer no resistance, is that not accurate Wuf?"

She was helpless once again as she exited, her boots touching the stone of the city ground, not under Elykan's control, simply in awe of the city and it's surrounding, ominous structure. If not to be his captive, she would want to explore every brick, but coming to her senses, she breathed in deeply and sighed. "Yes, I shall not fight." The Bear and Lion took positions at her sides. "Walk." The Bear said firmly, motioning toward a wooden door of a nearby building. She complied, not wanting to quarrel with the large soldiers, as Elykan walked off to their right to parts unknown to her.

The minutes turned to hours, as Wuf was put through several different facilities, being bathed by a strange woman, being dressed by a flamboyant rabbit tailor, and even being measured and physically examined by a mask laden healer. All of these no doubt to prove her worth to Elykan. "She's no doubt a half breed, but the General desires her, so, she has my approval." The healer said to the Bear who awaited her. "Very well, I shall see her in." He motioned to Wuf. "Come, the tailor has prepared you a garment." The Bear walked Wuf into yet another door, inside, a mannequin stood wearing a short, yet functional, elegant but not gaudy, orange and black dress, the kingdom's insignia embroidered into the back.

As she dressed into the dress, the sound of a door opening in the other room was heard, the Bear took a knee and was dismissed once again. "Sire, she is a wonderful pick, I pray to obtain a wench half as bestowed." The Bear said, coughing as he was struck in the gut by Elykan's closed fist. "You shall never speak to my pet as a wench again, Bartholomew, should you enjoy a demotion." Wuf was surprised, as she stood idly by in her dress or uniform, that Elykan was defending of her in her absence. "Of course, ugh, s- sire." The Bear said, standing back up, and leaving the room.

Elykan entered the room, laying his eyes on Wuf, licking his canines as he did, unable to contain his excitement as he was not wearing a single piece of armor, his outfit more casual, a simple orange leather harness, tunic, and common slacks, as he looked Wuf over, from the leather shoes to her bathed hair. "The Gods have indeed smiled upon me." He said, walking toward her. An inkling of fear entered Wuf's mind as she felt the finality of the situation. "Now about that explanation, sit yourself down, for your last chat as a free woman..."

Two hours, two long, explaining hours, as Elykan explained what a curse being the Blood-render was, what a fiery sadness he had brewing inside him, what an incredible life he had lived, and more importantly, why he had chosen Wuf. "Fox? Are you certain...?" Wuf replied, she knew full well of her half breed Wolf side, but was to this point unaware of what remained. "Certain, and wanting...Now, on your own, I ask you, any objection?" Elykan said, his hand moving toward his pocket. She could of fought, but why? was her answer even hers, no matter, she knew what she wanted, even if she didn't want it at all. "Sebastian owns the farm, if I agree, you swear it?" She asked, her final resistance caving. "Every acre, and the status of crown protected, he'll die a wealthy man." Elykan said, his hand pulling a black collar, a tag dangling from it of the Kingdom's insignia, with a red 'E' branded into it's center. "Kneel."

Wuf dropped to her knees, and bared her neck, a combination of his control, and her eagerness, her life had been so uneventful, the chickens would be safe, her closest friend benefited, whatever she personally wanted would pale in comparison. Or was that just the control setting in, she couldn't help but feel that only one week ago she would of died in defense of that farm, but now she dismissed it as a past life, her mind blanker than she had ever felt it, as she basically signed her life over.

Elykan clasped the collar around her neck, tightly, but not too tight as to harm her. "Now, as fun as having you listen was, I do not want YOUR pet..." Elykan firmly said. Wuf felt as if she was awake, yet drifting into slumber as her eyes felt heavy, yet remained open. Elykan removed his belt. "You will obey me, for now until the kingdom's fall, you are my property, say it, say what you are." "" Wuf said, her mind draining, she hardly could remember how to breath, his power over her growing deeper than ever before. "What is your purpose?" Elykan asked. The answer pouring into her mind and out of her mouth with no thought required. "Your pleasure, sir, I exist to milk you." She rattled off, her smile growing, her loins dampening once again, as the dress's function was obvious, it offered no obstacle to her folds. "Wonderful, so do your job, now!" Elykan ordered, as he lifted her head to face him, his shaft was cleaned since she last saw it, as she locked eyes with him, his member pulsing with life.

As she felt his cock slip into her accepting, much more eager mouth, she couldn't figure out how to describe this feeling, her actions were not her own, but she was beginning to accept it, love it, and most powerfully, need it. She found it harder to think, and with a firm bob of her head, she was unable to.

The Blood-render of Kevanim had secured another victim.

Summoned. Chapter 4.

The days of tending her innocent, tame, and otherwise unexciting poultry had started to feel almost like another life to Wuf, as her mouth that once spoke of prices and favors, was filled with the pulsating, appreciative cock of her master. "You are...

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Summoned. Chapter 2.

It may have been only four days, but it felt as if time was crawling for years, as Wuf laid upon her feathered bed, wearing the same usual garments of a laborer, not at all interested in impressing anyone. Her request to depart to the Capital City...

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Summoned. Chapter 1.

The kingdom of Kevanim was at peace, not an arrow's flight or a sword's draw in nearly two years, an unspeakably calm time for the peasants and royalty alike, which was also an uncertain time, but one appreciated. When the cities had been nearly burned...

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