
Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#7 of ACS

All links in this document are denoted with square brackets, [thus].

Location 06.22

Experiment 2009-11-23_TIN-CAN.mtx

Primary researcher: Harry Pearson


TS 12612.47



Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 1978-05-11

Race: Mixed

Weight: Approximately 64 kg

Height: Approximately 1.63 m

Volunteer: Yes

Allergies: None





Artifact TIN CAN


Artifact is a roughly 2000 cubic cm lab-grade chemical canister, containing air with standard sea-level atmospheric composition and pressure, and approximately 60% by volume of an unknown substance.The outside of the canister has a US DOT Class 6.2 (Biohazard) HazMat Diamond.

The canister, along with [four similar full containers], [one similar empty container], and [miscellaneous other items], was removed from the home of [SECURITY LEVEL BETA REQ'D], long suspected to be [SECURITY LEVEL BETA REQ'D]. LEOs had received reports of an animal in the nearby woods, and [Containment-Recovery personnel bought it down]. [The creature] was contained, and CoRe personnel were authorized to investigate the house and laboratory of [SECURITY LEVEL BETA REQ'D]. Suspect was missing. Conclusion was that suspect had been killed by, or turned into, the creature.

[No detectable sentience.]






Artifact has some kind of transformative effect upon subjects exposed to it.


[Full transcript available.]

Experiment began at 2009-11-23, 12PM MST.

The subject, [among others], was offered a large sum of money to participate in a "sociological study", over the course of a single weekend. The subjects were chosen because they had no dependents and little family and social contact. They were instructed to tell no one about the experiment, and were transported under sensory deprivation apparatus for purposes of "objectivity".

The subject was placed in an "apartment" with a large-High Definition Television, gaming collection(with online features disabled at the hardware and software levels), DVDs, and books culled from his wishlists at several online stores. The food available was chosen from observation of subject's purchasing habits, such as microwavable pizza, various potato chips and similar snacks, and various soft drinks and iced tea drinks. All were told they could leave at any time. The "apartments" were all disguised Faraday cages, preventing any outside communication once door was sealed. Other subjects in the experiment were given similar accommodation.

The artifact was placed in an airtight Plexiglas container in the apartment, and subject told not to touch or open it.

The subject introduced to the testing area, and the experiment began.

Subject: Nice.

Subject deposited jacket on coat rack, and began to look through the DVDs and video games available near the home entertainment system.

Subject: Wow. Half of these aren't even out yet.

Subject slotted a highly-anticipated mystery game into the PlayStation 3.

Subject: (jokingly) Oh Ethan. Your very brokenness and angst warms my heart.

Subject played video game for roughly half an hour, making occasional jokes to herself about "Jason" and "sway-capture".

Subject: Who's paying for this?

Researcher: Pardon?

Subject: Who is paying for this experiment?

Researcher: A private foundation.

Subject: A foundation for what?

Researcher: That doesn't concern you.

Subject: I only ask because I'm not sure what the point of all this is. And why didn't I have to sign a release form?

Researcher: We'll have you sign it at the end.

Subject: And what about that can over there?

Subject paused the game and began to rise.

Researcher: Ignore it. In fact, if you open it, you'll forfeit your payment and be removed from the premises.

Subject stopped and returned to the normal testing area.

Atmospheric sensors recorded an increase in air pressure inside the Plexiglas container.

Several minutes later, subject began to approach the artifact again.

Researcher: On pain of death, do not open that can.

Subject: What does that mean?

Researcher: Open it and we kill you.

Subject: What? Why?

Researcher: It's a dangerous virus.

Subject: What? You put me in a room with something that could kill me?

Researcher: It's a reverse psychology test.

Subject: So you want me to open it?

Researcher: No. We don't "want" you to do anything.

Subject: So you want me to do something.

Researcher: Uh...

Subject: I get it; you want me to do something.

Researcher: Sit down or we shoot.

Subject: I don't see why you won't share

Subject continued toward the canister. She was then removed by force from the testing area and questioned. She claimed to have a strong desire, to the extent of being a fetish, involving opening the can, that she "had it forever" and frequently browsed websites on the subject. Subject returned to testing area, and immediately moved toward the artifact.

Subject: I think you guys are just bluffing. You wouldn't kill somebody in a study, would you?

Senior Researcher ordered CoRe personnel to stand down.

During the period before subject opened the can, subject had an increase in heart rate, breathing speed, and body temperature.

Subject moved to kitchen, looked under the sink, removed the fire extinguisher, and used it to break the Plexiglas container surrounding the can. She picked up the can, directed the nozzle at herself, and turned the knob. An unknown black substance exited the nozzle and sprayed all over her chest and the lower portion of her face. Researchers observing claimed the volume of substance which emerged was larger than the maximum volume of the container.

Researcher: Are you all right?

Subject: I'm better than all right. I'

Researcher: How long have you had this fetish?

Subject: I've had it forever.

Researcher: How did you find out about it?

Subject: (pause) I've had it forever.

Researcher: How did you find out about this fetish?

Subject: Look, I said I've had it forever, okay?

Subject's clothing began to decay where the substance touched it. It has difficulty with the various seams, presumably due to the doubled layers of fabric. The loose pieces of fabric slide down her body and clothing, spreading the substance over it. Strangely, certain pieces began to slide upward and to the sides as well.

Researcher: Roughly how old were you when you first discovered this fetish?

Subject: I don't know. I've had it forever.

Remnants of subject's clothing which reached the end of her body stopped moving and fell to the ground under normal gravity. After they dissolved completely, the black substance moved toward the subject. Most of the subject's shirt and upper undergarments had been destroyed by this time.

Subject: Ow. Stings a little.

Researcher: What stings?

Subject: This black stuff. It's, uh, dissolving me.

Researcher: What?

Subject: No, it's okay, this is good. It's a good feeling.

Subject has an expression of pleasure on her face.

Researcher: Do you know the names of any other members of this fetish community? Is there a website you could give me?

Subject: I don't know. I've had it for--I don't know any names or websites. Just Goggle it.

Researcher: You mean Google?

Subject: Yes.

Portions of the subject covered by the black substance began to drip. The drops moved across her body to any area not covered, and covered it in the substance.

Researcher: Didn't you say that you browse websites like this all the time?

Subject: Yeah, but--

Subject cocks head, as if listening to something.

Subject: I don't remember the websites.

Researcher: Yet you browse them all the time?

Subject: Yes.

Subject's lower stomach collapsed into black gel, which began to run down her body. Large hole now present in subject; researchers are able to see through to other side. Subject's expression briefly changes to one of pain.

Subject: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Substance pulls itself up her body. Portions of body touched by the black remain black. Substance now covers her stomach, most of her right breast, portions of her left breast, portions of her inside upper thighs, and her vulva and the surrounding area.

Substance finishes flowing upward, eventually occupying the area where subject's lower stomach was. It can be assumed that subject's upper stomach had been consumed by this point as well. Substance continued to spread over subject's chest, completely covering her right breast, most of her left, most of her upper thighs, all of her genitalia, and most of her hips and buttocks.

Subject: That's hot. I am so horny.

Researcher noted Subject's voice used infliction inconsistent with statement.

Researcher: Do you need any help?

Subject: I'm good.

Researcher: This is an extremely specific form of pornography. Most fetishes tend to have a few, centralized websites. Ever heard of "The Black Ball" by Solos?

Subject: No.

Researcher: "The Adventures of Bertie Bunnie" by Eulalie Quentin?

Subject: No.

Researcher: "Network Capable" by BTFWFH?

Subject: No.

Researcher: And yet these are all very popular stories among the fetish community you're a member of. I just looked them up.

Substance began to flow upward along subjects neck and face. Researchers observed an expression of pain briefly appearing on the subject's face when it contacted her eye and soft tissues. Subject's hair was covered by the substance, presumably absorbed, and then absorbed into her body.

Substance covering subject eventually made it impossible to obtain readings with real fidelity.

Sensors indicate the heat signature of subject at this point is similar to subjects, but covered in a strong insulator, like rubber. Audio analysis indicates subject yells or cries out at this time before being silenced. Silencing is roughly concurrent with sharp drop in subject's temperature.

After several minutes, the substance began to collapse and draw in on itself to match the approximate size and shape of the subject.

Subject's legs had reshaped themselves to a generally animal, then specifically canine, form. A "tail" had grown from subject's tail-bone, and her genitalia had disappeared entirely.

Her breasts had been flattened, and her upper torso had gained an androgynous appearance. Short claws were visible at the end of their hands. The most prominent alteration was to her head; her human features had been smoothed over, and replaced with a long-muzzled dog's head, though no actual features were visible.

Researchers attempted to initiate contact with the creature.

Researcher: What is your name?

Subject turned to the observation window and walked up to it.

Subject: Deliquesce.

Researcher: What are you?

Subject presses its hand against the observation pane.

Subject: Hungry.

One of the researchers noted rubber seal around observation pane was being compromised. Emergency Procedure EP-12A activated. Observation area evacuated. Testing area flooded with foam. Experiment terminated.




Artifact is a creature, roughly 90 kg, consisting of a substance chemically similar to latex, as well as an unknown substance contained in [the canister] used in [Experiment 2009-11-23_TIN-CAN], which produced the artifact in question. [Samples of the substance] were obtained from the testing area. Substance is similar to that which makes up [three other creatures] produced in [similar experiments].

Artifact resembles a humanoid creature, with roughly canine-shaped legs and head. Hands appear to have "claws" attached to them, and their shape seems to suggest that of a human-canine hybrid. Artifact is androgynous; it has no obvious genitalia, or secondary or tertiary sexual features. Given its limited shape-shifting ability, this may be deliberate.

Artifact should not be allowed to contact any latex or rubber, or any derivatives thereof. Artifact's containment area includes psionic disruption apparatus, but personnel handling artifact should report any "voices" or compelling feelings to their superior immediately.


Artifact TIN CAN


After [Experiment 2009-11-23_TIN-CAN], the volume of the container's liquid contents seems to have increased by roughly 32%.


Artifact BLACK TAR.mtx


Samples obtained from testing area for [Experiment 2009-11-23_TIN-CAN], after being expelled from TIN CAN by test subject. Contained in several plastic containers. Appear inert. Robotic handling recommended. Total weight 2.6kg.



The subject was completely transformed. The artifact has not revealed whether it retains her earlier memories.

Results of the other experiments in this set were consistent with this experiment, with one exception. See NOTES, below.


It is not known whether the intended effect of the artifact was to cause the transformation, of if it escaped its creator's/discoverer's control during or after an experiment.

[CoRe personnel investigated subject's background] in greater detail after experiment. Subject's Internet and purchasing habits did NOT indicate the presence of the fetishes their claimed.

In experiments conducted with the other canisters, subjects removed during portion of experiment when they felt compulsion to touch the canisters displayed results consistent with this experiment, including their claim to have fetishes inconsistent with their Internet browsing and purchasing habits and lack of information on the fetish community in question.

Most subjects would also attempt to open the artifact even at risk to themselves and/or personal harm. Several endured pepper spray, sleeping gas, and barbed wire. [One] demanded to be removed from testing area after a certain point, complaining of "the voices" and "the compulsion". After he was removed and his defecation cleaned up, [a statement] was obtained, and the subject is currently [under observation]. Ironically, said subject was the only one who might have actually had fetishes in question, [according to CoRe personnel].

All of the subjects took new names in their altered forms; [Enol], [Pourbaix], and [Devarda]. Their canisters also increased the amount of their contents. The one who resisted mentioned [Aludel] in his statement. His canister decreased the amount of its contents by roughly 50%.

It is not known how the outlying subject resisted the compulsion. It is not known what would result if one or all of the canisters were filled.

Consider testing artifacts with deaf and blind subjects, as well as those wearing sensory deprivation apparatus.

Consider testing with artifacts and subjects in psionic disruption apparatus, as well as Plexiglas containers.

For safety reasons, all testing areas and materials within were destroyed.


"ACS: The Compulsion in the Can"

by Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin

2010 Creative Commons 3.0 By-SA-NC


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