daddy big mac PT2

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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here it is the final part to this story, it was kinda hard but there you go male pregnacy my first atempt there might be more but i think it'll just be you know a good start hope you enjoy,

part one:

part two: your here

A few weeks went by but nothing had happened to big mac, he was slightly rounder but he had no morning sickness and would work just as hard as normal.

It seemed the potion had no had the effected on males maybe it would on females but not males.

"Well I guess it didn't work big brother, oh well you can always get another one from a surrogate mare or one of them used only for making babies mares"

Applejack said to him petting him on the head

"We can always keep on mating until you get pregnant I've no worries about that"

Gray bone said kissing mac rounded belly making him blush

"Its alright big brother ah didn't want a little sister or brother even if it would be fun getting there cutiemark"

Applebloom said smiling

"Sigh your all right but I wanted my own child, guess we'll just have to be good friends gray bone"

Mac said kissing him and rubbing his round belly

That night after another good mating and fucking one another both stallions lay there looking into the night then gray bone had an idea.

"Maybe it didn't work on you but it might for me! After all I'm more girl like, I mean walk wise but also what if you were to change your sex organs?"

He said looking at the very rounded pony he loved

"Nope! Ah ant's having my cock n balls swapped for a set of boobs and pussy, but ah like the other idea"

He said rubbing gray's belly and looking at him blush

"It's worth a shot besides you can rut me and it'll mean maybe two kids"

He said blushing looking at his flat ish belly and Mac's

the next day mac went to the zebra who said that he was looking more rounded and that her potion had worked to a point were even the morning sickness was gone.

Mac said that it had not worked as he was only getting larger from eating odd foods and from not walking much and rutting.

Zercora laughed and made him another pregnant potion he took it and went home the zebra smiling and knowing that mac was indeed pregnant with at last two kids guess that other pony was quite the productive pony she then went back to mixing up more potions and looking though books that she had got from twilight.

As mac got home he groaned something kicked him he then thought it was himself had to walk different now but then he felt it again he was pregnant!

He ran home and told everyone the good news then his gut/belly moved there was something in there everyone was happy more so was gray bone who kissed mac and said that it was time to set up the nursery for there kid.

There was a room that was used to store farm stuff that was cleared and after painting it pink on the lower part and blue on the top as they had no idea if the baby was male or female they'd paint over the pink or blue when it was born, after they made a cot and got some baby clothes from pinkie who blessed the room so that no nasty nightmares or bad evil things would get in she then threw a party or a baby shower for big mac.

After that everyone went to bed mac lay there in the bed groaning as he got comfy his mate then kissed him and rubbed his cock.

"Does someone want some fucking?"

He said rubbing and licking Mac's cock up and down as it throbbed and dripped pre

"Eeyup but I have a gift for you in my saddle bag the potion drink it and you become like me"

He said pointing to the bag which gray bone got and gulped it down

he then felt odd but at the same time horny he lifted his tail and with a bit of awkward moving Mac's cock slid into his hole making him clench and moan out loud.

Mac started to thrust as best as he could this stallions hole now felt just like a pussy at the same time gray felt like his pussy or tail hole was a pussy he thrust back onto mac who thrusted and then snorted out loudly as he came into gray bone who came too shooting his load all over the floor gasping and panting he felt the sudden burning and heat going away as Mac's seed filled him he pulled off with a wet slop then pushed into mac lightly and fucked him both enjoying it a lot.

After that both lay in the bed which was getting smaller but they had no care for now it was a waiting game.

In the morning mac groaned getting up and then went into the bathroom and was sick he groaned at the same time gray hoof came in and he took was sick but yet after that they both felt great.

Both knew that they were pregnant they kissed and had breakfast and went to work.

A few months later Mac's belly was now only just not touching the ground gray bone's was the same but mac felt his belly move he knew that he had two in there gray bone had maybe the same it was hard to tell.

The next morning mac woke up and was sick along with gray they took it in turns to throw up in the bucket they then went to the fields to work.

Mac had been feeling pains all throughout the day as he walked around he groaned and let out a fart but it was a very wet fart he then looked back and saw the puddle! He then felt a pain that made him groan out and tighten up his belly as his rear legs spread.

"Ah gray I think my waters just broke I"

Was all he could say as a large contraction swept over him making him lift his tail up and push like he was going to poop

as mac moaned out gray's belly moved he knew something was up, he walked over to were mac was and saw the puddle he then called to applejack to get the cart he ran to mac and told him to breath mac was panting and could feel the contractions one after the over his tail lifted up as his hole made odd noises applejack came flying over with an empty cart she had also used her magic powers from being one of the main six to call in the other ponies who came to her.

Twilight and rarity used there magic to lift mac onto the cart Fluttershy and dash went to the town to tell everything to move and clear a path as applejack and pinkie pie with rarity and twilight pulled the cart to the hospital mac all the while groaning in pain why did he think this was a good idea?!

As the ponies rushed into town rainbow dash pushed the cart from the rear Fluttershy helped gray bone by helping him to keep up by being there along side him.

As they got in the hospital the nurses were stunned to see a male pony in labor they rushed him to the birthing sweet.

There they gave him some pain killers on a mild setting so as to not harm the baby.

At that point they told mac to push he did with a grunt at first there was only a bit of poop but then a nose peaked out of the ponies hole making him cry out and clench at that point one of the nurses got a bar spreader and put inside him mac then pushed again and the head came out then the legs and the body he cried out in pain all the while gray bone wasn't there he then got into the hospital and went to mac, mac groaned and gave one big push his rear legs spread as wide as they could go he then heard and felt the wet plop as he pushed his first born out moaning out and spraying seed onto the floor.

The foal was kicking and breathing it was red and had a white mane but it was a girl the nurses cut the cord and then mac gave another cry as his hole began to stretch again another one his belly was now smaller then normal the foal was the size of a filly or little smaller it got up and walked around the nurses gave it some milk and it drank it down.

Mac cried out as another head pushed its way out making him cry out as his hole widened he now knew how mares felt he pushed and with a wet slop and a push the second one was out.

All the while the other ponies looked on twilight taking notes rarity had fainted Fluttershy joining her but then waking up to see the cute new foal pinkie pie jumping up and down rainbow dash blushing deeply as she watched on the apple family looking on as they saw two new members to there family.

The next foal kicked and got up mac falling to the floor the birth had tried him out his belly was now just very rounded as if he had eaten a load of cake but he was no longer pregnant the other foal was white but had a red mane it was the same size and was a boy he looked around and was given a drink.

The two ponies kissed each other as mac was taken to the recovery room the two foals were put into there own plastic tubs weighed and there birth noted.

At that point the princess came into the room to meet the new family members this too everyone by surprise.

"Princess Celetia what are you doing here?"

Twilight asked as she nuzzled her and hugged her teacher the other ponies bowing down

"well I came here to see the new born's I need to see if this was possible and it clearly was there not monsters but normal ponies now when there old we'll see if there like normal ponies or like there fathers"

She said looking though the window to see the two ponies in there cribs sucking on there hoofs and milk bottles

"Well I think this covers it how it happens though I have no idea so I just put magic potion and luck"

She said handing the paper work her

"Thank you my student now then lets go meet the father or fathers"

She said walking to the recovery room were mac was breathing deep and drinking a lot of water

she blessed them and saw that another one was on the way gray bone smiled and nodded at that point the two fast asleep foals were handed to mac who held them and gave them there names,

"There names will be"

He said looking at the first born red with white name and tail then to the other

"This one is going to be apple bone, and this one called boneless apple"

He said kissing them and sighing as he started to sleep gray bone kissed and said thank you to everyone,

everyone left and left them along later on in the night gray bone groaned and then felt his back all wet he looked and there was a puddle he cried out for a nurse and started to breath he walked or waddle over to the birthing place and pushed he only had one in him but boy did it hurt he now knew how mac felt his hole being widened to more then any stallion flare he'd taken or any knot from anyone even a dragon's cock wasn't as big as this.

He pushed and had an orgasm as the head pushed its way out and then with a wet plop another one was born it got up and shock itself the afterbirth was disposed of and they feed the new foal it was red but had orange hair! Like Mac's gray bone went to mac and watched him wake showing the new born to him.

They kissed and named it big apple tree bone, they both then rested.

A few days later all were free to go they went to the farm and now had three new members granny smith loved them even if it was messed up and wrong but she loved them and they loved her.

Mac and gray bone didn't have any more after that they had enough but still fucked and filled each other up after a head days work the sex of the pony that gray bone gave to was male.

A few years later applebloom was teaching them how to get there cutie marks they did big apple tree bone got a bone in the shape of a apple tree as he knew how to treat dead or dying apple trees, boneless apple got hers in taking the skin off an apple with her teeth which was very good she could also de-core and apple too, as for apple bone? He got his in knowledge he knew all the apples and could even lick one and know his mark was an apple but it was a zap apple.

The whole family where complete; one night mac looked at them all asleep and kissed gray bone who rubbed mac cock and then showed him a potion.

"Care to make some more cutie~"

He said mac kissed him deeply and threw the potion out of the window and fucked him hard into the night

gray bone knew that there was to be no more pregnancy around here for now but it was worth a try the two lived happy as one and loved there kids even if they turned out to be odd balls.

~the end~

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