Falling Down - Part 2 (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!

A very long commission for Pokemonmanic3595. So long, in fact, that it's being split into two parts!A hiker named Adam falls down into an odd society of pigs, ruled by food and sex...

More confusing phrasing from Nathan left Adam speechless and confused...until Nathan stood up in front of him, turning round and giving Adam quite the nice view of his chubby cheeks and cute piggy tail. Oh god. He really WAS going to go up the rear entrance! Still in the fog of afterglow, Adam didn't have the ability to get up so quickly, so the pig just raised his hands to try and shield himself from the inevitable impact of Nathan's rear end...but that didn't really help much. Nathan let out a sigh as he sat right down on Adam's face, putting all of his weight down onto Adam and feeling the pig's snout wedging right between his ample rumpcheeks! "Ahhh, theeere ya go. Give it a kiss while you're down there, wontcha?~"

Nathan's teasing words were muffled for Adam, but what the pig was saying was the least of Adam's concerns! He had a warm, sweaty pig ass smothering his entire face, his snout poking right up against a flexing, teasing pucker...he had expected this to be a lot grosser, but Adam soon came to realize that the only strong anything down here (besides the damp sweat) was a powerful, musky odor, one that seemed to be coming from deeper within Nathan...but, ugh, he didn't want to be shoved up in THERE! It was warm, and wet, and gross, and...soft, and musky, and the pressure from Nathan only kept up on his face as the pig's body kept the rest of him down as well. It seemed like the only place Adam COULD go was deeper inside Nathan...but how...?

Well, he was about to find out. Nathan kept the pressure up on Adam's face until the two of them reached a breaking point, Adam's snout sliding up inside Nathan with a wet, slimy *shLORP*. Adam felt like he couldn't breathe, the movement intrinsically making him want to take a deep breath but having only the muskiest of air available for him to breathe in. The walls on all sides of his nose, so slimy and wet and rubbing all over, starting to pull and tug him deeper into Nathan's body...ugh, he tried hard to just not think about where he was or what was happening as Nathan's asshole started to stretch and swallow up his face! For his part, Nathan just grunted as he reached back to pull apart one of his cheeks, wiggling his ass down further onto Adam's head as he felt his pucker continuing to stretch wider and wider to allow the pig to slide on inside. He hadn't had a rump meal in quite a while, so his rear end most likely wasn't in the best shape to do it right off the bat. Would need to stretch it out...

Good thing he'd be doing plenty of stretching in the next few minutes, for sure! The spent cock between his legs continued to twitch and throb as Nathan just kept slurping and sucking Adam deeper into his bowels, his hungry pucker starting to work its way over the top of the pig's head and getting close to his neck as well. Adam had decided that being calm would be the best way to navigate this, but it was difficult when every breath he took felt like he was breathing in cotton candy! Whatever air there was in here was so musky and thick, and only seemed to get stronger as he was pushed deeper into his new friend's bowels. God, he could even hear the grumbling of the hungry stomach ahead of him; only feet away, yet so far away at the same time. He would be twisting and turning through all sorts of corners inside of Nathan before he ever got there...

"Haaah, you're a lot easier than I thought you would be, Adam~" Nathan teased as he felt his pucker start to slip over Adam's shoulders, the pig's body starting to be stretched to its absolute limit as it took in the broadest part of Adam's form! Speaking of Adam, he was starting to feel quite the squeeze as more of him was pushed inside as well; it was quite apparent that Nathan was being pushed to his limit. It was already quite a tight squeeze in here, but the bowel walls were being stretched quite tight by Adam's shoulders...the pig's squirms felt like they weren't even moving the world around him anymore, because they were already stretched so tight! Adam wanted to yell in retaliation for Nathan's teasing, but the squeeze was so tight that he could barely breathe, let alone make the effort it would take to speak at a volume Nathan could hear...so he just grumbled, feeling the bowel walls around him steadily feeding him deeper into Nathan's guts, easily slipping over his chubbier belly which slid in with a satisfying *pop!*. "Aghnnn, so full..." Nathan moaned afterwards, the pig slowly starting to pick himself up off the ground. His stomach sloshed to and fro with every single movement he made, Nathan reaching underneath his swollen stomach to help brace it a little bit as he eventually managed to to get to his feet...what was left of Adam was still dangling down to the ground, emerging from between his plump cheeks, gradually slipping a few inches deeper every now and again, even with gravity starting to help him now!

Nathan started to waddle over to the group orgy as he finished up his rump snack, his stomach almost immediately catching the eye of a few participants on the fringes who made their way over and started to fawn over the pig's fat, squirming stomach. "Oh gosh, who's the lucky one that got scarfed down today?" one of them asked, placing their hand on Nathan's belly while the pig chuckled in response. "New guy, actually. Just fell down here a few hours ago. Showing him how things work around here..." he responded, hefting his belly up and down to accentuate the last bit of his sentence! He grimaced for a moment, clenching his pucker tight and feeling - and hearing - a few more inches of Adam sliding up into his rear, little more than the pig's limp hooves dangling from between his rumpcheeks now. Adam could vaguely hear a few new voices around him among the churning and sloshing of the stomach around him, but he couldn't exactly tell what they were talking about...hmmrf, he had other problems right now. Namely, that it would only take one more clench to pull all of him inside of Nathan! He was crammed so deep inside of his new friend now, the gurgling and groaning of Nathan's stomach only getting louder and louder as he was pushed through turn after turn of slimy pig bowels. There really was nothing he could do at this point, nothing but trust Nathan that this was really how things worked down here, and brace for a long trip inside of his new friend.


And then, Adam was gone. Gone from the outside world, at the very least, reduced to little more than a squirming, fat belly bulge inside of Nathan. "Hrmmmf, there we go~" the pig groaned as he felt Adam continuing to work their way towards his stomach, Nathan's spent shaft straining against the bulge in his midsection...Adam had a long way to go, that was for sure. The pig could barely move as the walls around him coaxed and ushered him around corner after corner of Nathan's bowels, feeling the world sloshing and swaying around him as his predator waddled out of the orgy room and to somewhere else a bit more private. God, it was so slimy and tight and musky in here, every breath Adam took felt so difficult and thick...the prospect of curling up inside Nathan's roomier stomach was starting to sound nicer and nicer. Perhaps he could at least get some sleep in here...

Nathan made his way through the crowds of pigs as he walked through the main "atrium" of this society, getting a few looks and rubs at his stomach as he searched for a spot he frequented often whenever he had such a big meal. A dark corner, behind one of the large mud buildings that housed most of the pigs. "Aah, yes..." the pig said to himself as he nestled up in the corner, his swollen, kicking belly resting in front of him and his arms resting upon that fat gut as he felt Adam working his way deeper into his stomach. A long day of showing around the new arrival was starting to hit him, and he would need some time to recharge his batteries... Adam drifted in and out of consciousness a few times during his trip deeper inside of Nathan, the massaging of the walls lulling him to sleep before a lurch of the pig's belly jolted him back awake...eventually, though, the pig did feel some things about his surroundings start to change. The walls started to push him forward with more direction, the pig grunting as he was smushed up against a fleshy wall before it gave way and Adam was plunged forward into an even wetter, fleshier world. Almost immediately, Adam was soaked in all sorts of fluids and enzymes, stomach walls around him rubbing them all so deep into his body...the pig could hear everything going on inside of Nathan's body as well. The thumping of his heartbeat. The steady, slow breathing as he started to fall asleep. It all surrounded him, echoing around him and making him feel as though he was part of the world that enveloped him. He wasn't quite digesting, but he was most certainly having his strength sapped by all of this squishing and smothering and everything else that was happening to him...goodness, this whole journey had worn him out so much that he was starting to find the prospect of curling up inside Nathan's stomach and taking a nap while it did what it pleased with him to sound rather nice! So nice, in fact, that he might just go through with it...

There wasn't a sun in the sky to set, but the underground world of these pigs still got darker and darker as night on the surface came about. Most of the pigs had retired to their dwellings for the evening; though there were a few seedier characters lurking around looking for a meal, some fun, or perhaps both. Thankfully, Nathan was tucked off in this little corner of his, so people didn't get any bright ideas...though, the loud growling and churning of his stomach probably would have attracted some attention anyway! And though Nathan might have received some clandestine belly rubs from a few passersby in the night, when he awoke, pretty much everything was exactly as he had left it.

The pig let out a long, satisfying stretch, as well as a yawn that turned into a rumbling belchas it continued. The pig smacked his lips a few times, before looking down to his stuff, still as fat and full as ever...but he was definitely starting to feel the energy boost that came along with keeping someone in your stomach and absorbing their strength all throughout the night! Adam was still sound asleep inside of his friend's stomach, and given how much energy has been sapped from him, he would probably be passed out for a few more hours, at the very least! At least with the pig not panicking and squirming around so hard inside of him, it would be easier for Nathan to safely pass him along. And, well, he already had a pretty secluded place to do it in, even with the hustle and bustle that came with mornings around here! His stomach roared and lurched right as he thought about letting Adam go, the noise of his belly just providing more reason to do what he was already thinking about doing...

So, the pig slowly got to his feet, feeling his gravid stomach swaying and sloshing so wonderfully loudly with every movement he made. He hunched over and squatted down in the corner, beginning the long and arduous trek for Adam as his stomach rumbled and groaned before a powerful shove from his insides started to push the sleeping pig right back into Nathan's bowels right back the way he had came. The pig groaned and huffed as he felt his insides rearranging so much, the bulge that Adam made starting to subtly sink deeper into Nathan's gut as he slinked and slid his way through those musky bowels one more time...guh, Nathan probably should have just coughed Adam up, but it was past the point of no return now! The pig just kept pushing and pushing Adam out of him, hoping to get as far along as he possibly could before the meal inside of him awoke and started to stir.

And, to his credit, Nathan actually did get his meal pretty far along in his body before Adam finally woke up. All the way to his colon, in fact! Adam slowly came to after about a half hour of grunting and pushing all around him, finding the increase in the amount of space he had in here to be quite comfortable as he came to and started to rub and squirm inside. The pig wasn't quite sure what was going on yet, only that he was definitely not in Nathan's stomach anymore...and, that this place did feel somewhat familiar to him as well!

Nathan groaned loudly as he felt Adam starting to wiggle around in his colon, the pig feelings so much weight sagging between his legs all the while. "Guhhh, just hang on in there kid...you're getting close..." the pig moaned out loudly, his guts really starting to churn and groan as Adam worked his way deeper inside of them...they wanted this pig out, and they wanted him out now! The fleshy, tight bowels around Adam started to kick into overdrive, undulating and rippling over his body and pushing him towards the exit at quite a breakneck pace! The space he had been enjoying was gone in almost an instant, the bowels squeezing the life out of him and sending him on a beeline towards Nathan's rectum. But the worst part throughout all of this? It was that Adam was still absolutely starving!

The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel started to slowly yawn open, Adam being pushed forward into Nathan's rear end proper and starting to get confirmation that, yes, he really was inside of Nathan's ass again. At this point, it wasn't even that shocking or gross or anything like that, the pig just wanted to see the outside world again! And, as Nathan continued pushing and grunting in that muddy corner, the world was starting to be revealed to Adam...though, it was still framed by Nathan's pink, blotchy rump cheeks for the time being. The larger pig squealed as he felt the deepest parts of his body getting stretched out, his asshole starting to strain open as Adam's snout and head slid right out of it, Adam shivering as the rapid temperature change hit him all at once. For a moment, he almost wanted to recede back into the warmth and tightness of Nathan's guts! But with Nathan pushing and pressing down so forcefully, that would be almost impossible. No, he just had to let everything take its course, musky slime dripping off of his body as more of him slid out onto the cold, stone floor. His head popped out with a wet *shPOP*, leaving Nathan's pucker clenched like a tight shirt collar around Adams neck as the pig gasped for warm air and started trying to pull his arms out of Nathan's bowels. "FUCK, there's still so much of you..." Nathan swore, feeling his guts stretch impossibly wide as Adam continued trying to pull himself out, so much weight still swaying around in the lower half of his body. But, at the same time, he was so fucking close. Just a few more minutes of pushing... The two pigs gasped out simultaneously as another few inches of Adam's body slid free, Adam growing a weak smile on his face as he felt Nathan's bowels starting to let him slide his arms up and out. It was still a bit of a struggle, but those arms were free in a minute or two, the ability to brace himself against the ground much appreciated from the pig. Collapsing onto the ground was the last thing he wanted to do after hours upon hours of being pushed and shoved through all sorts of slimy, fleshy caverns! And, once Adam's shoulders slipped free, the rest of his body started to follow, Nathan's asshole more than stretched enough to allow Adam to start really wiggling his own way out of Nathan. In just another minute or two, Adam was able to slump against the ground, half of his body free in the outside world once more. Nathan's jaw started to go slack as all of his pushing and grunting paid off, the pig now just able to enjoy the feeling of such a large weight sliding out of him as Adam continued to crumble in a pile beneath the larger pig's ass. "Hah, hah, fuckkkk...you okay down there?" Nathan asked, more than ready to crumple to the ground with him once the pig was all out of his system! Adam slid out so nicely, the pig being able to pull his legs out of Nathan's bowels and finally feeling his feet slip free...and there Adam was, laying in a puddle on the floor, his entire naked body dripping with slime and fluid. Still shivering, and absolutely destroyed by the long trip he had through Nathan's body, the pig slowly rolled over to faced the sky. He only had one thing to say.

"Can I eat now?"

"So you're sure I can just grab anyone out of the crowd?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Nathan. After he cleaned himself up, the two of them had travelled back to the main hub of sorts in this place, looking to find a meal for Adam. "Oh, yeah. It happens all the time to everyone. I mean, you can also go to these restaurant-type things where people who want to be food offered themselves up, but those guys can be pretty...weird sometimes. I prefer just snatching some random person up...they all understand."

Adam still wasn't sure if Nathan was being serious or not. The idea of just snatching someone out of a crowd and scarfing them down without any pretense whatsoever, it was kind of insane to him! And, like, how was he even going to do it? It seemed impossible, but the transformation had to have done something to his body to make it possible to eat things so large and whole...and, damnit, he was so hungry. There was only one way to find out if this was going to work! Adam started to step into the crowd of pigs, grabbing a random one by the shoulder and tugging them out, Nathan standing by to watch and help Adam out if necessary. A lot of these pigs looked pretty similar, so when Adam stared into his meal's eyes, he got a bit of deja vu...the feeling quickly faded as his stomach rumbled, though!

The pig had a clear expression of confusion on his face, one that Adam decided to clear up before he just opened wide and scarfed him down. "Sorry, I'm just so hungry..." the pig offered, feeling his meal starting to squirm and squeal a little bit in his grasp as he opened wide. "There you go! Open wide like you're having the biggest yawn of your life!" Nathan coached on the sidelines, being close enough to make sure everything could go okay without interrupting Adam's meal directly. Adam opened his jaw as wide as it could possibly go, hearing his joints starting to pop a little bit before he placed his meal's face right on his tongue...this was the part he had been dreading. If the pigs he would be eating for what might end up being the rest of his life didn't taste good, this would be an absolute hell! But, thankfully, they didn't really taste like much of anything, honestly. A faint, almost bacon-like flavor, and that was about it...but Adam did love his bacon! At this point, the pig was just starving though, not really looking to savor the flavor of his meal and more looking to just fill up his stomach. So he got to work, gripping his meal's shoulders hard and cramming the pig's head into the back of his mouth.

Despite Nathan telling him it would be fine, Adam had still expected quite the struggle from this random pig that he snatched off the street. But, it actually WAS a pretty simple and calm experience, all things considered. This pig understood that they were just lunch today, and that they needed to clear the rest of their schedule for now! Adam guided the pig's snout towards his flexing, clenching throat, Adam still surprised by his own bodies stretchiness and pliability as he started to try and take a swallow. It took...more than a few attempts, Nathan vaguely coaching him in the background through choking and gasping for air, but...holy crap, he was doing it! The pig's head slid nicely into his throat, bulging out his gullet in ways Adam couldn't even imagine were possible. He couldn't stop himself from rubbing a hand over his throat as he reached downward with his other one, feeling his meal's belly up a little bit before pressing inward and trying to lift them up a little bit. It was clear that he was having a little bit of trouble handling the full grown pig while also trying to swallow him down, though...so Nathan eventually stepped in, waving Adam's hand away. "I've got it, just focus on swallowing..."

Nathan wrapped his arms around the pig's legs, taking a deep breath before he started to lift them up into the air and over his head, essentially funneling the pig right down Adam's throat! All Adam had to do, like Nathan said, was swallow...so that's what he did. He took sloppy gulp after strained swallow, feeling the pig inching their way down his gullet with every timid *glrk* and *glnk*. He had worked the pig down up to his neck, and his lips were starting to spread around those wide shoulders...but, geez. If he was already straining so much to get down the pig's head, then he had no hope of fitting his mouth around these broad, bony protrusions! Nathan could see the dejection on his friend's face, though, and he started to kick into overdrive himself, pushing and shoving forward to try and fit the rest of this pig inside of Adam. There was so much going on at this point that Adam had trouble even staying on his feet, all the weight being shoved and pressed inside of his body along with Nathan constantly shoving him backwards making the pig lose his sense of balance rather quickly. All of that elbow grease was getting him somewhere, though, those shoulders finally slipping their way past Adam's lips and plunging themselves write down his stretched-out gullet! The sudden increase in weight was the straw that broke the pig's back, though, Adam sent careening backwards and landing flat on his ass! The tumble didn't impact the consumption process all too much though, honestly; Nathan just leaned down as he chanted and cheered Adam on, continuing to push the pig further down his throat as he wrapped his hands tight around the meal's squirmy legs.

"There you go! The hardest part is over!" Nathan chanted, Adam only groaning in response as he lay on the ground, bracing himself against the floor with his hands as he continued trying to work down the rest of this meal. The pig's head was starting to sink past Adam's collarbone now, making Adam feel even weirder as he felt parts of his body get stretched out that he had never even thought about before. It was as if there was something huge stuck so deep in his throat, something that just would not slide into his stomach no matter how hard he tried. It felt like his stomach sphincter just would NOT pry open...


But the next swallow Adam took forced it to happen. The pig felt his stomach lurch as his meal's head slipped inside, already bulging out his belly a bit as their legs became the only thing sticking out of the pig's maw. The positioning of the pig inside of Adam lended itself to better leverage for the novice predator, gravity starting to help the rest of his meal get sucked inside along with the strong grip of peristalsis since his gullet was absolutely full now. Adam thought he was going to have more than a bit of trouble with breathing when he did this, but it actually seemed that he was able to breathe through his nose just fine...something that he hadn't noticed until now, honestly! Being able to pace his breathing like this definitely helped the pig to finish off his meal. Breathe, swallow. Breathe, swallow. All he had left to get down was those long legs. Just a little bit more...

While Adam finished his meal up, Nathan took his hands off of the pig's legs. Adam was more than able to finish his meal now. Instead, Nathan got down and sat in front of his friend, reaching out with both of his hands and starting to slowly and lovingly stroke over Adam's growing stomach. "Mmmh, that's such a big gut you've got going on there..." Nathan flirted as he rubbed his hands all over Adam's belly, the chamber continuing to grow and swell while Adam slurped down the very last of the pig's legs. He couldn't believe that he had actually done it. There was a whole pig inside of him!...well, besides the hooves that were still sticking out of his mouth. And, geez, he was starting to feel really full now...just one more swallow, though...

Adam snuck his tongue underneath those hooves, curling it up along the flat ends before slowly starting to pull them inside. They slipped past his closed lips, and after a moment of tasting and adjusting them in his mouth...

*gggLLllnk~* "hhOHHHhh my god...hah...huff... I *cannot* believe I just did that." Adam remarked as he was finally able to speak again...inbetween labored, raspy breaths, that was. Nathan proudly rubbed over his gut as it continued to stretch to sizes that Adam couldn't even imagine. He felt full, so impossibly and unbelievably full...but there was a euphoria about him as well. Yeah. He could get used to this.

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