Unexpected company chapter 1

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#1 of Unexpected Company(novella)

This is a story commission that I have written for Saphirafafnar: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saphirafafnar/

Description: Felran, a dragon raised by a human with scholarly inclinations, visits a library in search of an answer to a dilemma, only to find a different and far more pleasurable solution to a lifetime of loneliness.

Felran(c) belongs to me

Midnight(c) belongs to Saphirafafnar

***Unexpected company chapter 1***

The free city of Khalinadabad boasted one of the biggest and emptiest rune libraries Felran had ever been in. Carved into the heart of the mountain around which the very city was built, the rune library looked like a grand, endless cave with darkness for a ceiling and uneven splotches of light on the far left and right that hinted at its finite stretch. If Felran flew high enough to the top, he would find the same smooth, perfectly straight dark surfaces like the one he looked at, with thousands upon thousands of gold-edged rectangles embedded into the stone itself. There were no ledges as far as he could see, so the question of how any creature could access the knowledge stored within the upper runes kept circling his young, confused mind while he tried solving the simple puzzle in front of him.

By tapping the dark middle of such rectangle with a mana-infused claw, Felran urged the white runes to flare into existence upon its surface. Turning the hypothetical pages, as his human father liked to call the process, became only a matter of tapping the designated rune on the right and left lower corners of the current rectangle, and the information rearranged itself to match the request faster than the eye could blink. At the bottom, each golden rectangle had a silvery layer to apply various filters to more effectively sift through the information. Quite the clever mechanism for a dragon whose feline-like paws had troubles turning the pages of books and handling scrolls of ink-written works.

Finding the desired 'book' was also simplified by the magic permeating the rune library. By tracing the runes pertaining to the title of a work with the tip of a claw in the air, Felran activated the magical signature of that particular source of information, a rippling thrum that pinpointed its exact location.

He flew back and forth through the empty library, the stale, cold air ruffling his mane and chilling his hide despite his protective scales. This was a rare opportunity to find out more about the birth of magic, and whether the Darthanas Ascendancy was just a bluff perpetuated by conniving humans or if a god truly lived among them; a god that gave magic to the magicless during the times of the Great Purge, when the living embodiments of the four primordial elements snuffed out almost every form of life in a bid to purify their world of the blight of civilization.

No dragon truly cared about the land of the humans and their history, even though most of them visited their grand cities to indulge in the pleasures they offered. The various waypoints scattered throughout every city and kingdom allowed easy travel between distant lands and different worlds, uniting all of the magic bearers for the singular goal of creating a strong alliance in the event of another Great Purge, when elementals would once again roam the land and turn the magic of every mage against them.

That was why Felran had to learn about the different sources of magic, and whether they still existed out there in the world or had been extinguished forever. He went through various works, each more tedious than the latter, until fatigue got the better of him. After he let out a toothy yawn, he flew towards the exit of the library, only to stop in front of it and fly to the side to conceal his presence when the distinct scent of a dragoness greeted his nostrils.

The soft patter of her claws became more noticeable the closer she got to the mana barrier that kept the elements at bay, save for anything else. He expected to see her any moment now, his heart beginning to pound with a mixture of excitement and apprehension at meeting a dragon of the opposite gender here, of all places, where he least expected company.

The sound stopped. A head poked through the shimmering barrier, scouting the darkness for reasons that eluded Felran. Then again, life in the bigger cities carried its own perils, even to grand and imposing creatures such as the dragoness that slowly made her way into the hall, oblivious to Felran who crouched low in a spot where light did not reach.

Felran held his breath as he gazed upon the outline of the dragoness. In the dim lighting of the library, only her outline stood out, curling in the most beautiful and suave ways. Exquisite, and unique enough to stir Felran's curiosity.

He took a step forward, making sure to put enough weight onto his feet for the audible squelching of his soft paw pads on bare stone to announce his presence.

"You have my greetings," he said, the thick shadows engulfing her frame suddenly intimidating to a dragon who loathed surprises, especially ones that might have ended with him pinned beneath her paws, should he act too late.

The dragoness visibly tensed up when she heard the sound of Felran's footsteps, her elegant body turning around to look upon the stranger, her deep amber eyes plenty visible in the dim light.

"Greetings to you as well," she said, folding her previously stretched wings casually, somehow aware that he posed no threat to her. "What friendly creature do I have the pleasure of stumbling upon within this old place? Certainly not a dragon from around here, given your coloring and...presence."

Her pause bewildered Felran. She withheld something, but what? Her fluffy tail tip swept around her as she studied him, her dark, slate-grey coloring blending her far too well into the environment.

At first, her regal poise gave Felran pause, her unwavering confidence hinting at more than just her ability to defend herself. Not that she had to worry about that. Felran loathed conflict as much as he disliked lofty scholars who pretended to know everything whilst knowing nothing.

He raised his head and straightened up a little as his amethyst eyes regarded hers, two golden pools glowing in the dark.

"Plenty of dragons visit a rune library, though not many possess the skill or the willpower to use it to its full potential." He dipped his head in acknowledgment at her greeting and perked up his ears. "I'm Felran, scholar, wanderer, novice elementalist, and completely lost when it comes to navigating this labyrinth of knowledge," he added, more to put her at ease than anything else. As a scholar, he found that the spoken word had a fickle nature compared to the written one, open to interpretation, always debatable. She had called him a friendly inhabitant of this rune library, and friendly he planned to be to her.

"You are indeed more lost than you think," the dragoness said, walking to a nearby wall, settling on her haunches in front of it to tap on a few runes with her talons. Immediately, the room slowly illuminated in a soft white light, revealing more of each other to the both of them.

Calling her one of the most beautiful dragonesses Felran had ever seen was an understatement. She had slender yet strong limbs, equipped with perfectly curved claws at the end of her slim toes. Her perked crest enraptured him for a moment with its long, expressive length, and the blend of fur and scales looked far smoother and regal on her than it did on him!

"You may call me Midnight," she said plainly, flicking her tail and undoing a knot in her mane with a forepaw to make herself more presentable. "You can keep me company if you wish, presuming you remain silent and observant. The sooner I'm done with my search, the better for both of us, rrr?"

"What are you looking for?" Felran enthusiastically volunteered to help, only for his gaze to sink at the sound of Midnight's faint, treacherous chuckle. He had heard that before in females that intended to spend their time with him in any other way but research and studying together.

"Perhaps I'm looking to guide young, impressionable drakes through the inner workings of an abandoned rune library they clearly heard of from outdated, ancient scrolls."

"I...it wasn't scrolls, but a human who...nevertheless, it's so vast! So rich! So imposing!" Felran tried to mask his ignorance while nerves dashed rampantly through him. He would not only disappoint his human father if his search came empty, but himself for bragging to him about his readiness to venture further into the civilized world with the purpose of expanding his knowledge to their mutual benefit.

"I believe that it can still be of use," he tried to turn this situation around in his favor, his smooth voice slightly thinner due to nerves, "I made this library my unofficial den during my stay in Khalinadabad, so I ought to know a little about it. Tell me what you are looking for, and I may yet surprise you."

Midnight slowly approached him in that deliberate, graceful way of hers, looking around to appear interested in his offer and calm him down rather than displaying genuine curiosity with a place she must've visited many times before. "I could tell you of the things that keep me up at night; unresolved mysteries that may find their answer here. I could enumerate all of the lost knowledge that drakes like you still believe to reside here, when in truth, it had been relocated long ago. But if you prefer a less esoteric answer, I'm also looking for company, curious as that may sound."

He took a step back at her approach, uncertain on how to act. Stand his ground? Greet her in a more physical way? He decided to lie down onto his belly, the weight of his body suddenly too demanding to his tired limbs as he watched her approach.

"An interesting option for a lair, to be sure. Few still visit it, and it is so grand that most of the time, you won't even encounter one another. Perhaps we should approach this matter from a different angle, and have me be the one who offers you aid. It's been a while since I met a drake as vulnerable as you."

Felran considered pressing the matter forth, his curiosity tingling. Her tilted head, along with her scrutinizing gaze, made that thought vanish from his mind, replacing it with an immediate sense of urgency. He had to...reply to her, didn't he? Yet how, when his mind suddenly turned blank? She was so close now, her form towering above his splayed one, her nostrils twitching with noticeable interest in his scent.

"Vulnerability is a matter of perspective. Maybe that's what I want; to keep an appearance that one expects of me at first glance, only to surprise them afterwards."

As if! Her words rang true. Felran had always shied away from battles, and interaction with other dragons wasn't his strong suite. Making them feel at peace with his presence by adopting a more casual stance worked in most cases, but Midnight seemed as perplexed by his behavior almost as much as he felt stupid for humiliating himself before such striking dragoness.

"Surprise them how?" Midnight's soft, alluring purr began to thrum within her throat, her audible excitement at finding a new male to undoubtedly toy with sending shudders down Felran's spine. "How many visitors have you had prior to my arrival, exactly?"

Felran's breath caught at that question. Aside from her, he had encountered no other living being while in the rune library, which to a young and inexperienced male was more of a boon than a curse. "There's a few who visit. Few is better than many," he said, considering to stand up, but ultimately deciding against it as he flicked his feathery tail tip from side to side. "At least to me. I am...still researching proper ways to interact with other intelligent beings."

Research. As if the majestic dragoness before him was nothing but a blank slate in the stone, like the others spread throughout the rune library. He looked away, almost certain he weirded her out by now.

Midnight chuckled and leaned her snout down. "Mmm, you cannot research that which is wholly unpredictable and can act in a near infinite amount of ways. Bipeds have their lore and customs, quadrupeds are forever influenced by their instinct, and both groups are subjected to the environment they grow in, which is as varied as a dragon's features and coloring."

She further drove her point home as she reached out with a forepaw and pressed it against his. "For example, you cannot ever truly know what I might do at any given moment, and all the research in the world cannot reveal my intentions to you."

Her gaze trailed down to that tail tip and then back up until she was making full eye contact once again, her golden pools as mischievous as before. "I guess the question is what are you going to do this time, now that you are required to interact with me. Will you attempt to dismiss me? Study me? Court me?"

Her longer, draconic toes gently curled around his shorter, stubbier ones while her snout inched so close to his they almost touched. Curiosity and intrigue oozed from her playful yet confident expression, one that told Felran more about her than he cared to know.

She is the first dragoness I've been around for more than just a friendly greeting, while I count among one of the dozens of males she encountered, Felran thought, but shrugged out the thought right away. Too heavy, too mechanical, too rigid for a wild beauty like her. She was a creature of instinct, of infinite cravings and desires, just like she hinted.

Her paw began to caress his, making Felran jolt slightly and wrap his jaws around it lightly, instinct getting the better of him for a moment. He whimpered and apologize with a lick as he understood the tender nature of the contact, and looked up at her, trying his hardest to maintain his composure.

"Why would I try to court you?" he inquired, trying to prolong the discussion for long enough to get a better understanding of her. She stirred his blood like no other being ever did, and his tail twitched restlessly, faster and faster the longer her paw sat on top of his. He stared at her claws for a moment, their ebony tips kissing his soft scales, before he raised his head, his snout bumping into hers accidentally.

Midnight's purr flared brighter, as if to drown his submissive whine for daring to touch her with his nostrils where only her mate should. Her tail began flicking with renewed enthusiasm, sleek wings lifting and spreading a bit to show their uniform dark grey color.

"I may not be able read you like one of those rune plates, but the longer you live, the better you get at interpreting the signs one transmits and you..." her words gave way to her excited warble, her crest raising in unison with her attractive vocalizations. "You haven't been with a female yet. You haven't rested at one's side, you haven't stroked or licked her, and your young, sensitive, and oh so eager member has never basked in the warm, slick need of a partner who craves you so much, her lust is dripping down her folds and into the grass like morning dew."

Her demeanor took Felran completely aback. It was both hard and simple to determine the exact thing she wanted from him, her bold approach and air of mystery she exuded making it impossible for the young drake to guess the purpose of this encounter. Given her size and confidence, she could either pin him and force him to submit to his betters or take the slower, more tedious and infinitely more frightening of easing Felran into her games.

"I think the best way to understand another is to experience interaction and feel the different aspects of it to truly understand it. And even then, it changes every time you switch the individual, but a portion of what you have learned remains, and that is knowledge you can use to your advantage."

"You...are not here for research, are you?" Felran found himself asking before his body stiffened involuntary from her touch. Her snout--it touched him again! Not only that, but its smooth, scaly surface brushed against his short, sensitive mane fur, sending warm shivers through his frame, urging his tongue to flick out of his snout on its own accord and plant a wet lick across her jaw. His mind swam for a moment, heavy with a swirl of emotion, each more foreign to him than the previous.

Then, she drew back, casting that inquisitive gaze upon him once again. "That felt good, didn't it? It doesn't matter that we know nothing about one another when faced with the temptation of physical delight. That is what instinct is all about."

Felran nodded his head, whimpering softly as he licked his muzzle, as if to make sure her touch had, indeed, been real. Very few made physical contact with him, and even fewer from the very first meeting. His heart thundered in his chest, and his mane fluffed up as he looked at her, at a loss of words.

"We can learn more about one another if...if you tell me why you are here." His mind suddenly turned blank when the dragoness canted her head in bewilderment, his wits stolen by those sparkling amber pools in which he found himself sinking in. "Ah, yes, interaction. It's important, very important," he stammered, the lust bubbling within him addling his very thoughts.

Midnight gave a sly grin. She seemed to enjoy just how much he was struggling with this as her snout slipped forward again and rubbed against his, her nostrils taking in his scent a bit as she stepped closer once more and placed both of her paws atop his this time.

"Mrrr, you certainly are quite an interesting and dare I say cute dragon..." her voice faltered while she rubbed her neck against his, purr flaring a pitch brighter when Felran instinctively recoiled from the too quick and invasive touch. "So shy and unsure on how to approach others and yet so capable and skilled in research and knowledge. Quite an interesting mix, made all the more apparent by the obvious interest you take in all sorts of research, be it dry text or the reason behind the warm, wet licks of another." She leaned forward more and let her tail sway firmly and slowly side to side, making it nigh impossible for him to determine what she planned to do next.

Felran's muscles turned taut with apprehension once again as her snout inched forward to brush against his once again, only this time, her tongue greeted him as well. His breath hitched in his throat for a moment, the sound of her intrigued whiffs audible to his perked ears.

Did she...by any chance...take an interest in him?

Felran wasn't prepared for meeting another dragon, least of all one of the opposite gender, and a curious and bold one at that. The touch of her paws upon his made him jerk a little, yet her grip was also soft, almost reassuring, and her soothing voice lessened his apprehension a little.

"I'm not...what you are looking for," he stuttered a little, "I've come to this library to research ancient magic, not...whatever it is that you are offering." The last part escaped him before he had the chance to suppress it, but he legitimately wanted to know of her interest in him. HIM! A scholar who squirmed from a mere touch!

That blissful tongue of hers drew a short yelp from him when it dragged over his cheek a second time, followed by a rumbling purr at the third caress. Unable to think of a convincing reply, Felran licked her in return, the dabs of his tongue at her snout short, awkward even.

"Interaction with another dragon is... I'm no good at it. Not good with dragons, so different and heterogeneous, unlike the words on a page that are constant, never changing."

He brought his tail along his side, the feathery tip idly swatting at her forepaws that stood pressed against his. His flared nostrils took in her delicate scent, so potent and alluring to the mind of a lonely dragon. It triggered that untimely reaction, the one he couldn't control, making him squirm slightly and try to tug his forepaws out of her grip and leave before she learned of how utterly vulnerable he truly was down there.

Midnight seemed both amused and genuinely interested in his next move as she watched and continued her slow advance, her shuddering nostrils picking up both his rising scent while her eyes caught note of the way he shifted and squirmed. It was as if she began to realize that his body seemed to defy him as she pinned his forepaws more firmly and gave his ears a little nip and tugging. She wanted to show him that, although she was not here to seek him out, she now took a liking to seeing how more she could make him squirm and enjoy the awkwardness he was clearly experiencing.

The hardening grip around his forepaws didn't bother Felran that much at first. He already had to deal with the growing problem between his haunches. A little nip and tug on his ears seemed almost trivial to him, now that he practically simmered. His forepaws pinned down, all he could do was scratch at the dark marble floor with his hind paws, and flick his tail faster than ever as his gaze darted back and forth. There were numerous entrances through which he could escape, the nearest to him located right behind the dragoness. Maybe if he...

"Shouldn't this be an important topic of research? A life-changing one, even?"

Her words made him perk up, their snouts touching accidentally once again as the tension-filled drake mistook his trajectory. AGAIN! He apologized with a whimper and a lick on her cheek, his gestures instinctive as his mind churned with pent-up embarrassment.

"Perhaps, but I was sent to find other, even more important things," he repeated, "This is a rune library, so it is only appropriate that we focus on its teaching rather than dwell on base desires."

"Base desires you call them, yet they are the reason for the existence of everything that walks and breaths and lives," Midnight said, relinquishing her hold on him so that she could get up and make her way to the exit.

Felran's heart jumped in fright at the prospect of her departure. Redundant texts often were abandoned in favor of more promising ones, and if she somehow chose to abandon him and search for a better candidate for whatever she had in mind, he...he would...

He would do nothing, for there was nothing to be done. In fact, Midnight's presence had upset his inner balance more than any other dragon did, awakening new and bizarre sensations within him that flustered him a great deal!

"I prefer a more practical approach in my studies," she said, turning around and charging at Felran faster than he had time to react. Her momentum carried her straight into his side, and her lowered brow and horns did the rest. Somehow, pain seemed but a distant discomfort to the drake who found his belly exposed to the whims of the dark dragoness and his haunches parted further by her curiously strong forelegs.

"The earliest knowledge we amass is how to fend off attackers, and some of the best memories I have involve the brawls with my siblings. The further we grew, the more the rules of the fights changed, for just like you, males simply have a habit of showing," she said to his half-erect member that throbbed with desperate want for attention that Felran had tried to subdue for far too long.

"Should I teach you how it feels to mate, just like I taught my beloved brothers?" The dragoness purred as she clambered over him, her motions slow and suave like those of an experienced hunter. "Or should we get acquainted with each other first?"

Felran did not know what that meant, nor did he want to partake into her depraved ploy despite the warmth of lust coursing through him and the quickening throbs of his engorging shaft. He growled his intentions to her, but the sound came weak, closer to a mewl than a resolute intention to deny her.

"Prrrr, don't tell me this is your first time below a female as well," Midnight's elegant mrowl flowed into his ears, accelerating his pulse to the point where his temples practically pounded under the waves of lustful nerves. "You've never played with the opposite gender? Not even once?"

"Never," Felran confirmed. "I...don't do this...often." Her words instilled an irrational panic into his heart, veiled by perverse excitement. Whatever she had in mind, Felran knew he would only make a fool of himself if he resisted, and his plight allowed for no room of escape either way.

To further reveal her intentions, Midnight turned around, straddling him in a slow, tantalizing fashion, one haunch on every side. Her forepaws began to slide up and down his more vulnerable lilac sides, the tips of her claws rustling against his soft scales, the massaging tips of her toes undoing the knots within his muscles, making his fur rise with instinctive excitement as the drake let out soft, shuddering moans.

"I can tell," she said, continuing her sumptuous massage. "You can study my sex while I melt the ice within your taut muscles. No sniffs, no licks. Just a glimpse of how the opposite gender looks down there."

He should have looked in her eyes, like she did, but given the novelty of this experience, Felran couldn't help but stare at her inferior half, at how her haunches hovered above him, her female parts exposed before his very eyes. Felran bit back a growl, and swallowed the lump in his throat at the alluring sight of her dainty slit. It stood out, trapped amidst a slate grey sea, oozing a fragrance so pleasant to his flared nostrils nothing else in the world mattered to Felran but that particular spot.

Against his will, his head snaked forward, his nostrils lustfully gliding across her slit to take in deep, hungry whiffs of her potent scent. The allure of her thick, feminine miasma stole away Felran's wits, making him release a drawn-out, mewling growl before pushing his tongue past her lips in his rush to sample her maddening taste.

Such a rich blend of thick and smooth odors! Such savory aroma! The pheromone-filled concoction urged Felran's forepaws to latch around her haunches, his toes curling inwards, claws holding desperately onto her haunches as the drake began to eat Midnight out with lewd, audible lapping of his tongue. His shivering snout was all over the place, brushing against her nethers with fast, desperate movements as his tongue pushed in all the way into her slick passage, stretching away her shuddering muscles and rolling their sweet offering back into his mouth.

The intoxicating sweetness stirred him to no end, a rumbling growl igniting in his throat as the drake began to shove his snout lightly against her underbelly with every thrust of his tongue. So caught into the fetters of her scent he became, that his haunches began to buck, his hindpaws curling around thin air as he began to thrust weakly. Now fully erect, with his ridges and barbs flared due to the potency of her scent, Felran picked up the fluid motion of his tongue strokes, lapping at Midnight's pussy as if it was his last meal in this world.

Midnight gasped in surprise with the young drake's unbridled excitement. She did not expect him to be quite so bold and voracious, even though the fully-engorged member throbbing in front of her oozed the strong, potent scent of a male who had yet to mate. That stirring, intimate knowledge that she was his first made her tail sway and arch further to grant him better access to her sex, her snout brushing against his vulnerable yet rigid tip to smell and taste the bead of precum crowning it. Felran's liquid excitement bore the pungent staleness specific to young dragons who preserved their first seed for a female, bespeaking of the great and all-consuming longing that lay trapped within his jolting length. The potency of his musk enflamed her desire to take him in her mouth, to suckle and lick his virgin cock until he finally flooded her with the thick, rare treat that a male's first release was.

"So hungry for another's company," she barely managed through her continuous, pleasured growl that Felran's ministrations flared brighter and stronger. The way his snout shoved against her, the caress of his pebbly scales across her nether lips, and the thirsty tongue lapping at her insides caused the dragoness to arch her hind legs and hiss. It was a soft, mellow sound full of bottled want, coaxed forth by the tongue that braved her tight, heated passage, causing her smooth walls to ripple and clench lightly. "And I thought I was the one craving for intimacy..."

Her words trailed off in a sweet, pleasured sigh as her hips pushed down to press her slit tighter against Felran's lips, giving him what he so clearly wanted. Her stance widened a bit to force her lips to pry open and grant him better access to her spread tunnel, only for the dragoness to immediately regret it. With more room to maneuver, Felran shoved his tongue into her deeper than ever, his lips slurping the dribbling fluids escaping the edges of her rift while his surprisingly mobile appendage swirled and twisted within her, stimulating her beyond what she expected from an inexperienced male. Her hind legs began to shake and tremble, claws pattering and skidding across the marble floor in sheer desperation to retain their footing while the dragoness' body threatened to collapse under the weight of unfathomable pleasure.

"Slow...down a little..." she pleaded in spite of her instinctive humping of his snout. She wanted to climax. By all the gods, she yearned to fulfill that deep, intimate, perverted desire of climaxing her pent-up nectar over an unsuspecting male's face, yet she couldn't help but notice the increasingly desperate throbs of Felran's cock. Now that she crouched lower, his shaft bobbed right in front of her snout, his barbs prominent, his nubs of flesh tight with purpose, his ridges swollen to their limits with the noticeable need to spill his burdening seed.

Afraid that the strong, pheromone-filled concoction of her climax might push him over the edge without the need of physical stimulation, Midnight nuzzled, then began licking the barbs edging his tip. It was a short, rushed lick, yet even that caused Felran's member to convulse and the young drake to whine in both need and reluctance, aware that if she kept at it, he'd shoot his seed outside of her. She should have indulged that foremost of fantasies. It had been too long since a male's first seed erupted within her. Too long since she kept her cheek pressed against his, listening to his sweet cries while he poured all that he had into her.

But more than anything, she wanted to taste the product of his great and burdening longing straight from the source.

Enraptured by his strong, virgin musk, Midnight let out a low, deep, lust-filled growl as her tongue curled around his erection, the warmth and slickness of her saliva drawing short, desperate spasms from Felran's cock. Guided by the frantic heartbeat that bespoke of her fright at having the young male ejaculate from the sheer overwhelm of this situation, Midnight quickly guided his hard length into her warm mouth, lips pressing and rubbing over it to stimulate both barbs and ridges. Her nostrils flared to suck in a deep, much-needed breath now that he filled the entirety of her mouth, pulling him ever deeper. With him finally secured in her mouth, the dragoness shifted her focus back to her own roiling pleasure, grinding her slit against his snout to smear her sweet wetness over Felran's nostrils while her wings flexed out for extra balance. Now that she had full control of the situation, the dragoness' initial panic with spoiling this far too special moment began to subside, leaving room for wanton lust to flood her as she began to suckle and savor every inch of Felran's overly tight girth.

Felran brought his hind legs together in an attempt to stop the inevitable ascent of his pleasure, but he was too weak. A heated surge traversed his member. His tip bloated helplessly wide in preparation to unleash the hot essence traveling across the dragon's swollen girth. He was going to burst, and all he could do was lick the hefty juices coating his snout and let out an overpowering, thinning moan before burying his tongue deep inside her once again.

Felran's hindquarters jerked up, pushing himself deeper, rubbing the flared ridges of his member more along the delightful softness of Midnight's tongue in preparation for the immense load rushing through his cock. His toes flared all the way to the sides, and his body spasmed with a ruthless jolt as the first wave of his orgasm threatened to hit him in full force.

The dragoness' soft moans and shudders began to escalate as well, stirred forth by Felran's young, delightful enthusiasm. His bottomless eagerness to sample all that she had to offer, along with his impatience to finally cum stoked her pleasure to no end, and she sought to augment that by rubbing her slit over his snout in unison with the bobbing motions of her head that carried her lips closer and closer to his slit, until they finally kissed it. Now that she took every inch of him into her mouth, Midnight focused more on the individual features of his malehood, letting both lips and tongue squeeze and rub heavily over the barbs and ridges to maximize the stimulation he felt from every little effort she gave. Her paws held onto him more firmly when he began to protest against cumming into her muzzle instead of her pussy a little, aware that even if she was to switch positions, the young male wouldn't be able to hold his seed back long enough to maneuver him into her folds instead of her mouth.

To further reassure him that this was what she wanted, Midnight flicked and curled her tail down around his neck as she loosed a sweet and passionate growl, her reverberating passion trailing through his length before she huffed and took him deeper, her throat muscles tightly constricting upon that barbed tip. At the same time, her tight heated walls rippled and squeezed as they tried to trap his tongue and snout within her, leaking messily as she began to thrust against him more fully and grind that slit heavily against his lips in return.

As Midnight continued to feel that growing need in him grow rapidly, she began to bolster her efforts all the more. Her paws squeezed and kept him securely in place as she slurped and sucked harder and more determined, eyes closing tightly as she felt the initial pulsing and throbbing swell to the point of no return. She knew he was on the edge, and hearing his moans and cries made her want to push him further as the sweet strings of her nectar flowed all all over his snout and even cheeks while her walls tensed and squeezed with that extra need of her own, letting him enjoy more copious taste of her own sweetness as she thrusted a few times, nice and hard, while crooning out her bliss at being the one to initiate him into the world of boundless pleasure.

With a rumbling cry, Felran pushed his tongue all the way inside Midnight's pussy, shoving his snout against her vent as moan after moan rolled from the bottom of his throat. The first hearty spurt of draconic cum leaving his member felt unbearably good, as did the rest of his fast, thick spurts. They left his squirming member in a hot, sudden rush that never seemed to end, his essence thick, creamy, and quite potent and savory. He had kept that burden inside him for so long, and now, he finally let go of himself, his vision whirling from the potent surge of bliss flooding his frame.

The dragoness paid extra care to letting her lips and tongue get at the tip and ridges and as she felt his hips and crotch jerk she readied, burying the entirety of him into her mouth and taking that entire cock deeply as he thrusted and braced for the warm, heavy eruption of his hot fertile essence. Just like she anticipated from his scent, Felran erupted into her mouth with the strength and passion specific to a male who had never known the bliss of an orgasm, the thick yet rich staleness of his seed all too fulfilling to a dragoness who took great delight at guiding young males through the realm of carnal delights.

Felran only had time to catch a quick breath and lap at Midnight's cunt before he choked on his own, climactic cries. His slit contracted long and hard around the base of his spurting member, sending rope after rope of his fresh, fertile essence inside Midnight's maw. Felran kept jerking, thrusting, grabbing, licking to stoke his overpowering climax. The shame was gone, replaced with the dire need to breed, to cum. All he cared about now was the sticky heat of his own seed spearing out of his tight tip, flooding Midnight's maw more and more.

Though she wanted to continue stimulating him, the great amount that Felran reserved for his first female forced her to seal her lips and swallow every drop of his offering as she shifted and angled with his erratic thrusts as he climaxed way harder than most normally would due to that long wait.

Midnight let her lips and muzzle continue to suckle and slide upon that hard shaft as her tongue curled all the more tightly around it while battling to concentrate as her hips and tail swayed and pressed up and down against that assaulting tongue and muzzle. All that licking, all that bucking against her in that rough, feral, almost dominant way to get to her honey riled her up to no end, making her crave for her own release now that Felran had attained his.

As she worked to get all she could despite some of his abundant seed leaking from her lips and maw at times, she herself began to thrust hard and much more directly now as she couldn't cry out with her maw full of both cock and cum. As her folds stretched and speared over his muzzle tip, she too tensed and shuddered as her walls rapidly tightened and rippled twice as heavily while her tail curled around his neck tightly when her ascent was complete, that tongue and snout far more surprising than she anticipated. Her hidden, intimate desire to climax over Felran's face also contributed in making her pleasure all the sweeter, especially when the drake audibly whined and lapped with wet squelches of his tongue at all that she had to give him.

What a rush. What an exhilarating feeling. Felran paralyzed for a moment, his snout pressed tight against Midnight's folds, his tongue deep inside her as his hindquarters shook and shivered out of their own accord. Her tongue, coiled tight around him, squeezed every drop of scalding essence spurting from his cock, exerting a pressure so blissful upon his ridges that Felran let out a stifled yowl.

Still caught in the frenzy of lapping at Midnight's folds and slurping her sweet, slimy juices, Felran didn't allow the spasms wracking his body to stop him. He sniffed and huffed desperately at her shivering vent, pushing his tongue deep inside her, using his nimble lips to nibble at her meaty folds to prolong those ecstatic shudders rippling through her muscles.

Her tail embraced his neck tightly, reassuringly, urging his paws to press down upon her haunches harder to hold her in place as he doubled his efforts. His tongue strokes became short, desperate, erratic, the only thing that mattered to him in this world being her clamping walls and the treats hidden inside Midnight's trembling sanctuary.

The drake loosened thin, shuddering, sporadic cries when Midnight's body quaked. Her haunches buckled for a moment, the claws of her hind paws scraping at the floor for purchase as her tunnel collapsed upon Felran's tongue for a brief moment, only to loosen and drench him in in a thin film of potent wetness. Felran squeezed his eyes shut for a moment against the deluge of pheromones, shoving his snout against her shivering pussy with terse, needy thrusts, his lips brushing against her nethers, and his tongue twisting and writhing inside her, scooping up all that she had to offer.

His mouth filled with the most delicious nectar he had ever tasted, Felran growled his need for her--a deep, feral sound uncharacteristic of a scholar such as him. Only, he was a scholar no longer, but a dragon, voracious for cunt. As such, he lapped at her with greedy strokes, disregarding her shudders and moans, brushing and pushing his snout against her folds in desperate attempts to coax more of that intoxicating nectar out of her.

He only stopped to gasp for breath, panting from his moment of great pleasure, his soggy snout drenched in her juices. The more he breathed, the more the grip of his instincts lessened, enough for the haze of bliss to dissipate and reveal Midnight's snout to him, her chin bearing the shameful stains of his ivory essence.

"I'm--I am...I'm so sorry...I couldn't...couldn't hold back..." he mumbled in between the terse tongue strokes rolling across his snout to wipe away her juices.

What had he done? What had happened? Did he just...inside her mouth?

Sudden shame froze Felran in place, guilt ramming against him harder with each ragged breath he took. She must have wanted to inspect his malehood, nothing more; taste him, just like he tasted her.

But he came. By the four elements, he came so hard, so much, so...

He sought refuge into her cunt once again, giving her a thorough cleaning. It was the least he could do, after losing control over his senses for the first time in his life.

Midnight gasped and panted in surprise at the renewed attack on her soggy nether lips. Despite having cleaned her fully, he still had that zealous tongue lapping across her lips and pushing its way through them, trying to get that much more. She pondered for a second on whether to draw back or fulfill his fantasy, and in the end, she ended up burying her now swollen folds right on his snout as they stretched and clenched over the tip of it heavily, letting him enjoy all that she had to offer as the fluids gradually trickled down as she thrusted and let her tight sex work over tongue and muzzle tip, her moans and heavy breaths intertwining with Felran's.

Felran continued to lap at her sex, the numbness brought by her intoxicating scent preferable to the harsh realization. He came, inside the very mouth of this dragoness, yet she didn't seem to mind it. On the contrary, her swollen folds kept shoving against his snout, begging to be tended by his swirling tongue as he tried his best to slurp every trace of delightful dragoness essence.

Her flesh turned a deeper shade from her hefty arousal, the extra heat pushing Felran that extra step forward into pleasuring this lovely creature. He shifted his snout across her folds, nudging them, rubbing them thoroughly while his tongue made quick work of her insides. A few swirls and thrusts, and her hindquarters shuddered for a second time, basking Felran in his much-needed reward.

Midnight soon beginning to shiver and shudder a good bit extra as the heightened sensitivity grew beyond what she could imagine at this point. Her tail curled and stroked at his neck that still was very much in reach and as she began to tug and gave a few harder grinds, she finally hit a second climax, basking him with that rush of nectar yet again. It wasn't as heavy as before but still a nice treat to share for his diligent efforts. Before he had the chance to completely wear her out with a third orgasm, Midnight pulled away and grinned brighter than she did in years, her face the picture of utter fulfillment.

"I think somebody is a bit addicted, aren't they? Not that it's a bad thing, given that too few males gave me the attention that you showed me, and during your first intimate encounter with a female nonetheless..."

Her frame shifted off him as the dragoness spun around and laid down on top of him, with their bellies pressed together so that she could gaze into his eyes. "I never expected a shy and bashful dragon to prove so...resourceful and endearing."

Her tongue flick across the tip of his snout took Felran aback, as did her next thought.

"I enjoyed you far more than I anticipated, and I can only imagine how much you'll savor the feel of my sex around your eager, throbbing cock. But not right now, of course," she took the words right from his mouth, silencing him with another lick.

"You need time to recover, just like I need a moment to familiarize myself with your beautiful form better. I think I'll start with the paws," she said as she turned her head to regard one of his limp hind paws. "They seem so soft and smooth compared to mine!"

***End of chapter 1***

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Unexpected company chapter 2

**This is a story commission that I have written for Saphirafafnar: [https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saphirafafnar/](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saphirafafnar/)** **Description:** The mysterious dragoness going by the name of Midnight invites...

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