Nothing Better Than Body Heat

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#80 of Incest Stories (Others)

The first of our "Body Heat" YCH auctions is here, just in time for the weather to start turning! We've waited out the frozen months of summer, but this piece is sure to get you fired up and ready for some spring heat.

Within is the almost unfortunate tale of Church, who sets out on a quest to be the first person to reach the top of Mount Staggerclaw. His bravery and tenacity are admirable, but they almost become his downfall when he ends up on the edge of hypothermia. In the darkness, he imagines taking his last breath, only to awaken in the warm and cozy home of a pair of husky twins.

Rainier and Reina agree to nurse the man back to health with earnest, but they want him to head back down to town when he's feeling better. He argues that he wants to continue on, but they can't let him leave in his current state: he'll need a body better equipped for handling the cold and treacherous conditions.

Luckily, they have a salve that will do just that for him, and his journey to become a husky begins...but other side effects kick in as he starts transforming into a creature that catches the eyes of both of his new siblings!

Commissions are open! And for the next two days, they're on a massive go get some!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Their words were just barely able to echo over the sound of howling winds as Church trudged his way up the side of the mountain, but their whispers of caution were no longer a quiet warning.

Those voices, preserved in the back of his mind, were screaming at him to turn around; there was still time for him to abandon his foolish quest and make his way to the nearest plateau. He had just enough in his supply kit to survive a night if he could find shelter from the cold, and in the morning, he'd be able to flag down a rescue, if he didn't freeze to death in his sleep.

"Just because they don't have the stomach for glory doesn't mean that I'm quitting now," Church muttered, though he was fearful to open his mouth wide enough to make the sounds. Blood trickled lazily from split lips, and the relief of warm breath passing over them was immediately followed by the pain of their sensitivity.

Raw skin radiated with agony and begged for another layer of clothing, but there was nothing left for Church to wrap up in. He'd only brought as much as he needed to make the trip up to the top and back, but reaching the peak of Mount Staggerclaw was a feat that had only been accomplished in legends and rumors.

Church was determined to be the first one to come back alive from the trip, and with modern technology, he'd be able to not only get photographic proof of the feat, but he could record himself making the momentous climb in real time and high definition.

Of course, to do that, he had to survive the trip to the top first, and like every explorer that came before him, there was a point where he had to continue the journey alone.

With good reason, no one had ever seen the peak of Mount Staggerclaw on foot. Pictures of the summit only existed because of helicopter tours, and naturally, that wasn't enough for a man like Church, who reveled in the thrill of conquering nature.

"Perhaps it's revenge," he whispered, struggling to draw a breath at such a dreadful height. Thin oxygen was already causing him to lose his balance, and the setting nausea would have left him tossing up the last of his food...if there wasn't so much anguish in breathing. "Perhaps, I...should have given back more to the world...instead of taking and taking..."

He was sure that his momentary clarity about the way he'd lived his life was just delirium setting in. He laughed about his darkest moment despite the very real threat of death following him like a loyal hound, and as he took a deep breath to make the sound, he fell backward and landed flat in the snow, staring up into a snowstorm that blotted out the comforting light of the moon.

Church didn't know that reaching for the stars would cost him a final chance to see the majesty of the night sky one more time, but slowly fading consciousness turned howling wind into the most pleasant white noise he'd ever known; it made sleeping in the face of his own demise all too easy.


It truly didn't matter that he'd just been plucked from the clutches of the reaper by a delicate and friendly pair of paws: there was no way to come out of a nearly comatose state without feeling as if he'd been through a rude awakening.

Had he managed to carry onward up the mountain a little further, Church never would have been in the range of Rainier's nightly search, but passing out where he did was like a final chance from Mother Nature to give not just the world around him, but his own life the care and attention they deserved.

It was a blessing that would take a few moments to sink in, after the shock of being resuscitated wore off.

"Looks to me like he's starting to come around. I can't believe he's still breathing..."

"He was just barely breathing. No exaggeration: I think if I found him a minute later, his heart would have already stopped beating."

The heavy gasp that came before Church shot upright was enough to prompt both of the huskies to turn and rest a paw against his chest. His lungs were desperate for the fuller oxygen of a lower altitude, and as fortune would have it, he'd been carried some distance down the mountain before he found shelter.


"Eaaaaasy there, stranger," Rainier address him first. "You've been through a pretty horrible ordeal, and your heart is probably in a very delicate state right now."

Fearful as they were that he might start hyperventilating, Church was a well-conditioned man, and as the shock of waking up was eased away by the comforting glow of plentiful candlelight, the heaving of his chest gave way to a slower, albeit heightened heartbeat.

"It's a good thing my brother was doing the night watch," Reina said. "I almost never search that high up the mountain, but we noticed your party going by earlier in the day, and when one of you didn't come back down before sunset, well...we had a bad feeling your expedition would end like this. I'm terribly sorry that you weren't able to make it to the top."

To meet such a kind and welcoming pair of strangers made Church feel as though he'd woken up in a fairy tale, and as blurry eyes fought through the fog, seeing that they were canines only completed that allegory, and left him wondering when they were going to fatten him up for consumption.

It was a much milder hysteria than the one he felt before he nearly froze to death, but he was still understandably on edge as he looked around the small, cozy cave that the dogs called home.

"Yeah, I..." Church trailed off, surprised that someone would be sympathetic with his quest, rather than admonishing him for his foolishness. "T-thanks, I think. Thanks for saving me, Rainier."

"Keeping guys like you out of trouble is our favorite pastime," he claimed. "And in the morning, we can help you back down to the bottom, if you like. There's a shuttle service that runs twice a day, and it should be able to take you back into the nearest town to get a lift to wherever you call home."

On one hand, Church couldn't believe his luck. He didn't think he deserved to be alive, and given what it took for his life to continue, he knew he didn't have any guardian angels left to spurn.

Even then, he couldn't shake whatever it was inside of him; that very core part of his being, that left him eager to chase the peak of the mountain.

"That's really very kind of you to offer," Church admitted, "But I'll have to decline that offer. If there's any way I can pay you for taking care of me, I'd be glad to, but as soon as the sun comes up again, I'm heading to that peak."

The twins looked at the man with disbelief, before sharing a solemn gaze with each other.

"Your determination is admirable," Reina replied, " know you'll die before you reach the top, right? The air is thin, the wind is bitterly cold, the slopes are treacherous...and you're ill equipped to head back down the mountain, much less to travel up to the top. You'd never make it."

"People have been telling me that I'm stubborn my whole life, sister. Telling me that I can't do something just makes me want to do it that much more."

"If you're that eager to die, I guess we can't stop you from going out and trying," Rainier answered with a sigh. "But if you're going to make such a foolish attempt, you can at least let us level out the playing field for you."

Church perked right up at that offer. "You've got supplies to help me out?"

"We have a few things we can spare to outfit you," he continued, "But more importantly, we can give you a few natural enhancements that'll make the climb a bit more bearable."

" speak about it like you've been to the top before."

"Of course we have!" Reina chimed in cheerfully. "We do it once a week, just to keep ourselves sharp."

Just because he felt his jaw dropping didn't mean that Church could stop it from happening. His eyes, already sunk from his ordeal, threatened to bulge out of his head in their shock.

"...Everyone living near the bottom thinks it's uncharted still, don't they?"

Church nodded silently.

"Well, I guess that makes us the first," Rainier admitted, almost nervously. "S...Sorry...if that messes with your whole conquest of Mount Staggerclaw thing."

To that day, there was never a mountain that Church couldn't climb. There wasn't a peak he hadn't reached, a trail he hadn't blazed, all just as long as he set his mind to it...but they'd all been documented by someone else.

This was his chance to finally be the one to blaze a new trail in a world that was almost completely mapped out, and just as casually as that, the opportunity was taken away from him.

After a brief, mind-breaking blink, Church merely chuckled. "That's...probably for the best, honestly," he regretfully admitted. "I don't suppose whatever your other offer was is still on the table?"

"Oh, that?" Rainier remembered. "Well, that's a rather heavy decision to make, if you don't have to."

"You've still got my interest."

"It has to do with this," Rainier procured a small bottle of viscous liquid from a table near the cot where Church was resting. "Believe it or not, this salve is derived from canine DNA...and when applied to a human body, with a little help from a canine applicator, it can have some pretty dramatic effects."

"...Interesting as that sounds, I don't think that I do believe it," Church replied. "You rub some oil on my back and suddenly I start sprouting fur?"

"It doesn't go on your back."

Church recognized the sternness in Rainier's tone. "Oh. Oh," he stammered. "So it's...lubricant?"

"Effectively," Rainier confirmed. "And it has to be absorbed in the most intimate way possible. Tossing this on your back would just be a waste of something priceless...but...there are better ways to put it to use."

He wasn't sure how he missed all of the signs leading up to this conversation, but as he looked around the modest cave, Church felt like a fool: his clothes were hanging above a small fire to dry, his body was naked under a mountain of warm, fur blankets, and other than their own coats of fur, the husky twins were completely undressed, unlike the upright animals he was used to seeing.

"Not to sound crude, but...did you only rescue me so you two could get some action?"

"We rescued you because it was the right thing to do," Reina explained. "The action was always an optional step in getting you home safely."

Even though her explanation was innocuous enough, Church couldn't ignore the lusty glaze that was resting on her stare.

"But if I do this...I could still see the top?" Church asked. "I just wouldn't be the first?"

"Hardly fair to put yourself in the same category as us, until you become one of us," Rainier suggested. "But if you decide to go through with it, we'll go to the top with you and show you how it's done. We'll even let you take credit for being the first one up there!"

Living in such a desolate place, Church could understand why the canines would be desperate for a lay, but being so far away from societal norms, the huskies wouldn't have to worry about people who turned their nose up at relations between humans and uprights.

They were making a bold assumption that Church wouldn't turn his nose up at the offer, but fortune, as it often did before, favored the bold.

"If you're gonna sweeten the deal like that, I guess I'd be a fool to say no..."

"Glad to see we're all in agreement here," Rainier countered with a quick, fang-filled grin. "I think you'll be very happy with your decision."

Reina pulled the blankets from his naked body and tossed them aside, offering him no shame, and showing none of her own as she looked down at his member. Like the rest of his body, it initially compressed with the chill, but being surrounded by vital warmth left it looking delightfully plump as she admired it.

"I don't suppose you mind if I go first, Church?" she asked, as she knelt down over his cot and took the vial from her brother.

"Oh,'re both gonna have a turn?" he asked, but even as his hesitance became apparent, she began pouring the slick fluid over his cock. It hit with a slickness of cooking oil, and even the slightest brush of her pawpads over his tender flesh left him to suck in a gasp as his body remembered that pleasure was something it could feel. "And he's just gonna watch?"

Even for twins, Rainier and Reina were unnaturally close, as Church quickly realized. He expected to be lead to another room or a private area, but Rainier just crossed his arms and smirked at the squirming human as Reina sat upon his thighs and trapped him in place.

"I'm not gonna pass up a chance to catch Reina in action. She's damn good at what she does," Rainier claimed. "Besides...watching a human become an upright is just fascinating to see. It'll be over before you know it."

Discomfort came along with delight as Church felt his cock stiffening, but to perform in front of an audience, especially a related audience, left him squeamish at the moment of truth. "I, uh...I didn't know it was gonna go like this," he said nervously, trying to come up with an excuse to sneak out of his arrangement. "Maybe we should warm up first...?"

"This is warming up," Reina told him. "In fact, I think you'll agree that there's no better way to get warm than sharing some good, old fashioned body heat..."

His expression spelled hesitance, but his cock twitched with an eager pulse as she backed the warmth of her sex into his tip. Coated with the salve, he would have passed inside easily without any foreplay, but as he quickly found, there was a different moisture waiting for him at the point of entry.

Silently, Church wondered how long Reina had been thinking of that moment to already be so aroused.

Not so silently, he offered a gasping thanks to her for enveloping his cock in forbidden, canine heat.

"Don't worry," she silenced his cry with a single digit, resting it against his lips. "I'll nurse you back to health in no time, Church..."

Her body moved down the length of his cock so easily that he didn't have a chance to know the intimate clench of her inner walls until she was wiggling from side to side and squeezing him with skilled, eager muscles.

She could have made him cum right then: she knew it, and he remained at her mercy, wondering if she'd put him through that kind of embarrassment.

"Like I'd let you off the hook that easily," she teased him as if she could read his mind; no doubt, she saw the fear in his eyes, and then the relief as she slowly lifted her hips and left his glistening shaft exposed to the cool air of the cave.

With only his tip still inside, Church shuddered at the chill, and let out a sigh of relief as her warmth bathed him again. He didn't know that the pause was just a tease for Rainier, who took that brief moment to admire his sister's handiwork...and the plentiful, dripping flesh of the adventurer's twitching manhood.

"You're m-making it hard to tell if this is a p-punishment or a gift," Church did his best to admit, but speaking clearly when his body was so completely overwhelmed with ecstasy proved a difficult task. "Which one..._nnnff..._w-which one is it?"

"It's whatever you decide to make it," Reina told him. As her paw drifted from his lips, he felt facial hair rapidly gathering to the cleft of his chin, and what started as dark, warm stubble took less than a minute to grow into thick, snowy white fur. "But for me, this a fucking gift, Church..."

Her body was more than he could handle for long; though it was only around smaller, quiet circles, Reina was famous for what she could do with her inner muscles, and Church was only getting to learn them for the first time as she clenched down around his flesh.

He was brought so close to his release that he nearly forgot the subtle changes that were spreading over his form.

"There's a little m-more to it," Church tried to explain, though his words were broken apart by the gasps of pleasure he could no longer abate. "And I c-can't hold it back!"

Reina knew just what he was getting at: the curl of her tail swished about with new, eager delight as she pummeled the lucky human into the floor, but with each pass of her hips, the man below her looked less like a human male, and more like he was trapped between the selfish tugs of a canine body, trying to pry him out of a human mold.

His tongue spilled over the edge of his lips as he tried to cry out in orgasmic bliss; a rapidly forming muzzle captured that long, wet flesh only moments later...but there were other messes that a human body wasn't made to contain.

"You sure can't," Reina answered him with a sultry, melting grin. "'ve been climbing this mountain for a while, haven't you?"

Another firm push of her inner thighs against his lap milked a fresh burst of cum from his body, and as she slowly lifted herself, trails of seed poured down from her parted folds like trickles of water bursting through the gaps in a weakened dam. Their bodies weren't exactly compatible, but she was still huffing quietly as she captured her breathe once more, and Church, for his part, was lying back in even greater exhaustion than he felt when he awoke.

His cock was just starting to shift toward a more canine shape when it finally fell out of her welcoming entrance. She giggled at the cute display of it easing back down to size, but her expression tilted to curiosity, and then outright concern as it kept shrinking further and further back...until only the tip was still visible above the surface of his flesh.

"And what's that s-supposed to mean?" Church asked, still riding the afterglow of his orgasm to such a degree that he hadn't noticed the shrinking just yet. "More than you were expecting?"

"A lot more," Reina admitted, "But...humans don't usually have that problem when they're done, do they?"

"...What problem?"

Reina set the tip of a digit against the still shriveling tip of Church's member, and even that subtle push forced more of his flesh to meld back into his own body. She tilted her head as the tip of her finger sunk in thereafter, as if she was dipping it into a shallow dimple.

"Looks like we might have used the wrong salve, Reina."

She looked up at her brother with a cocked brow. "What do you mean?"

"Turns out you're not gonna have a new brother after all," Rainier claimed. "You're gonna have a new sister..."

Tenderness spread up through Church's torso as he rested flat on his back, and new sensitivity buzzed as Reina's fingertip followed the path of a slowly growing slit. Flesh shifted into itself just in time to be covered with a thin, warm layer of fur as expected, but some of the leftover seed on Reina's paw guided her finger into the entrance of something that felt disturbingly familiar.

"Oh...o-oh shit ," Reina stammered in fear as she pulled her pawtip back, seeing the guise of fresh arousal on the pad of her paw. "Church, I...I didn't mean to..."

Nipples that grew large and tender at the top of his torso were being joined by a row of others down the front of his body, reflecting the canine anatomy that he continued to take...but there was nothing male left about the figure that he'd taken. The subtle shift of weight and curves continued even after the cleft of a newly made womanhood took its final shape, and breasts swelled with a slow, entrancing gate.

The human male that entered couldn't possibly be recognized as the female husky that she'd become, and as the aftershock of a climax faded, the panic of their new reality began to set in.

"Wait, I...I'm s-stuck like this?!" Church tripped over her words as she gave Reina a demanding glare. The tone of her voice was already starting to change, and words that started with a pubescent crackle shifted to a higher, sharper tone as she stared down her new sister. "Did you know something like that could happen?"

Reina turned her gaze to the wall of the cave. "You didn't have much of a problem with the idea when we were just turning you into a husky..."

"That was for survival ," Church reminded her. "I never agreed to give up my dick!"

Rainier was trying his best not to laugh, but the words were humorous, even in the middle of a tense situation. "For what it's worth, you do make quite a beautiful addition to the pack," he said, hoping that might excuse the chuckles that he tried to hide behind his palm.

Church huffed and narrowed her eyes on him as they filled with the same icy blue tone that his new siblings already held. "Do you really think that now was the best time to bring that up?"

"Considering that you're already leaking on the floor...yeah. Yeah I did."

There was no way around the side effects of the salve, and one of them was the continued arousal that burned through Church in her old form; it was just as lively in her new body, if not intensified by the change.

"Well, I'm glad you're having a little fun with it," Church groaned. "Fucking...w-when do these things stop growing?"

"They're called breasts," Reina told her. "And it usually takes about a decade, though I think it'll be a little shorter than that, in your case. Do they hurt?"

Church gave her a quizzical stare. "They...well, yeah. Now that you mention it, they are kinda tender."

Her new sister crawled closer to her side and rested her soft, skillful paws over the full mound of each breast, covering the sensitive nipples with a comforting touch. "I'm afraid that's perfectly normal for the growth process. If you try to focus your mind on something else, it'll help with the pain until it subsides."

"I've got a few ways I could help her out, I'm sure."

Reina and Church shot Rainier a glare, but he was unphased by the look.

"You can't be serious," Church said. "You just watched me fuck your sister!"

"Yeah, and? I've watched plenty of guys do that. I fucked some of them, too, and that was mostly out of desperation...for once, I've got a genuine, dripping female...and she's a flesh-and-blood canine, to boot."

That Rainier continued to be so stalwart was mildly concerning for Church, until she felt a thrill run through her body at his rapid advance. She never had a chance to move from her current pose before he knelt between her legs and hiked them up into his arms, despite a jealous stare from his sister.

"You...y-you two are insatiable, aren't you?" Church asked, still bewildered by what she was seeing.

Rainier knew how imposing he could be; more than once in the wild, he was mistaken for a monster in the process of trying to save someone, and occasionally, it was better to knock out a weary traveler than it was to let them run away in fear, when their fate was to freeze to death.

This was a different kind of imposing, and though Church hadn't been paying attention to him at the time, she was getting an eyeful of just how aroused Rainier was from watching the earlier show.

The sight of his cock was impressive enough: warm and pinkish red, decidedly canine in shape and showing just a hint of the knot that waited within the sheath. The heat of it against Church's body left her trembling in his grasp as he continued scooting closer, pushing her thighs back and forcing her new, tight petals to roll up with the rest of her body.

Reina was rolling her eyes at the display and pretending that it didn't turn her on...but she had her wits about her more than her brother. "Just don't forget that she's still a virgin, Rainier. At least try to go easy on her?"

"You let me play with those tits of hers, and we've got a deal."

Church glared at him for talking about her like she wasn't right there, and with a frustrated sigh, Reina eased her paws from her new sister's chest with a final, affectionate squeeze. "If he's going too hard...just give me a poke and I'll whack him upside the head with something."

"That's very sweet of you to offer," Church admitted, giving a soft giggle. "Will it...will it hurt that much?"

"Only if he doesn't listen."

"You two aren't giving me nearly enough credit for what a delicate lover I can be," Rainier argued. "You really ought to know better, Reina."

For some reason, Church never made the connection that the two likely slept together from time to time. Given the isolation of their current home, and how open they were with each other...he felt silly for not assuming it in the first place.

"Then prove it," Reina demanded. "And welcome out new sister into the family like a gentleman...instead of a brainless mutt."

Rolling his eyes, Rainier grabbed the tip of his member and rubbed the underside of his shaft over Church's clit, teasing the only part of her former cock that remained. "I know, I know...nice and easy to start," he said, moving his length with such practice and fluid motion that it betrayed his bulky size and strength. "She'll be begging me to go harder before it's all said and done. Just watch."

"You say that like I wasn't going to," Reina joked.

Church was too bewildered to keep up with just how forbidden the whole exchange should have been. It was bad enough that she'd slept with an upright animal in the first place, but now, she was in the middle of an incestuous hovel, and a man that could be considered her brother was leaking precum into the subtle fur that covered the top of her pubic mound.

Guided by her natural arousal and that same leaking mess, Rainier pushed the tip of his cock up to her petals and pushed, but feeling resistance, he stayed upright over her, halting there.

"That's weird...f-feeling it from the other side," Church admitted. "I never would have guessed it felt so warm to a woman..."

"Warm, wet and's awfully nice, isn't it?" Rainier asked, continuing his exercise in restraint as the full, tapered tip of his manhood eased past the first layer of her resistance. Inner muscles clenched down on the tip by reflex as the new husky was deflowered, but it was the slow, easy pace that helped Church to handle her first penetration. "And you're just letting your body do what comes naturally...just like a good girl."

The words set off a reaction that Church didn't know she was capable of: her newly formed tail was swishing back and forth all on its own as she held still for the first pass, and seconds passed like hours as she wondered at the myriad of different pleasures that could come from one organ.

Her body was a versatile and amazing thing, and she was learning it in the capable paws of a very eager husky.

"I wouldn't k-know what else t-to do," Church admitted, gasping quietly as the entirety of Rainier's impressive length came to rest inside of her. The stretch of his wide, girthy base kept her inner muscles milking and straining, but he held still, allowing her body to adjust to the mass at a comfortable pace. "Should I just...t-take it?"

"If that's what you want," Rainier offered. "I'm more than happy to take the lead."

Having that pressure removed was enough to send a wave of bliss over Church, who no longer had to worry about performing in a body that she didn't know. It was still foreign enough to her that being penetrated felt odd, but the deliciously heavy weight of a male inside of her was a delight she hadn't anticipated.

Rainier never left her wanting for long, and as a slow, easy pace developed, she tried to learn the right time to roll her hips back against him as he started leaning his actual weight into every thrust.

"Your nipples are getting harder," he murmured, finally leaning in close enough to cup her full, ample breasts in his paws and give them a tender squeeze. "But everything else is so nice and soft...feels amazing to hold them, Church. You've really been blessed with quite a pair..."

"You know that we've got more to offer than that," Reina pointed out. "She's got some other lovely assets that you've been I'm gonna hog them all to myself."

Church wasn't used to being pampered like this as a human, much less like a husky, but she was curious how her new form would be taken and used in the future. To have her breasts stroked and worshipped was every bit the pleasure she expected, but to feel a long, wet tongue sliding between her new, untouched pawpads was quite a surprise.

That Reina could look so erotic in licking between the gaps of her toes wasn't quite what Church expected, either...but she was glad for the touch when a harder, faster thrust left her toes curling.

"You'd think we just welcomed a queen into our midst," Rainier joked. "Getting turned into one of our own and praised like some kind of goddess..."

Church felt her eyes rolling back as her mind tried to keep up, but the multiple touches were bringing a rapid onset of sensory overload. Her tongue spilled right over the edge of her jowls as she was bounced against the floor of the cave, taking a nice, easy fuck from her new brother. Her breasts heaved, but never went far when his paws were there to capture and tease them.

Her inner walls fluttered, but this time, it was with a new, rapid that Rainier knew better than Church.

"Not to put you on the spot, my dear...but we're both getting really close," Rainier suggested. "And there might be a few side effects if you let me finish inside of you..."

Church offered Rainier an almost giddy stare. "And j-just what will I turn into n-next?"

Rainier's expression was a bit more solemn. "A mother, actually..."

The twins kept right on going, but Church felt suspended in time for a moment with the gravity of that decision.

She might not have been thinking clearly, but when Rainier pressed his full weight down on her body and rested on her, chest to chest, she could only imagine that warmth he offered being a part of her forever.

New, sweeping emotions stole away any sense of reason as she clenched her dangling legs around his lower back.

"I believe...'f-fill me with pups' is the expression?"

Reina was more focused on her own paws then, and how deep they were rubbing against her mound as she watched her brother act like a true, proper canine: Church's voice spurred him into a ravenous beast, drawing a series of sharp, rapid thrusts from him that were met with a shrill cry from the newest husky.

Higher and higher her voice climbed, until there was only a squeaking whimper of disbelief at how such a large body could move so fast. Inexperience walls couldn't muster any resistance to the weight of a thick, bulging knot, and the quiet schlip of it spreading her tunnel further open overwhelmed the desperate, canine panting that escape her lips.

As Reina observed, she felt new moisture trickling over her pawtips. She didn't care if it was wrong: she couldn't help being aroused at the sight of her brother's sack as it tensed, pumping full, plentiful loads of cum into the silenced Church. Such a tight entrance and such a perfect tie left her completely speechless, and for his part, Rainier was reduced to a low, powerful that asserted his place as the first, and perhaps the only male who would ever get to claim her.

Her mind was completely blank, save for a swirl of earthly delight that kept her swimming in place. As her womb was utterly flooded with canine seed, she managed a sideways glance at Reina, who was smiling with her own warm, aroused affection.

They were an odd pair of twins, to be sure...but they couldn't have been happier to welcome a third...and perhaps, many more into the fold.

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