Xenobiologist - Mind Flayer Mantle

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of Dr. Manny, Xenobiologist

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.

Dr. Manny Xenobiologist

Mindflayer Mantle

Manny looked out the porthole of his observation room. Stars flited by like specks of light dotting the infinite darkness of space. Blue hummed as it controlled the ship's slipstream to their next destination. Spotter had sent Manny what he could from the classified info that Naru had passed along. There was only a single piece of data from a navigation core. The wolf wanted to do more, feeling as if he were forever indebted to the tanuki. However, what Manny was chasing after this time would be a greater risk to the wolf than any job he'd had in the past.

The tanuki thought about it, "Almost seems like a lifetime ago," he sighed. About a decade ago, Manny had met Naru while on a Union mission to initiate first contact with a sentient fungi species. The wolf was an orphan, taken in by the very people who killed his parents and forced him into the life of a child soldier. They were known as the Scarred Legion and performed smash and grabs all over the quadrant. Their blood thirsty tyrant of a leader had just started to make a name for himself on the edge of the sector, till he crossed paths with Manny.

On the same planet, Naru's scouting party had tailed Manny. Their boss had decided he wanted to take Manny's ship for himself. The doctor found Naru's party on his ship, but all of them were dying of a mysterious illness. Manny had detected the fungi's spores were toxic to mammalian lifeforms and had taken the precaution of taking an EM suit for his meeting. The scouting party did not know about the species currently occupying the planet and when they attempted to steal the ship, Blue had locked them all into the cargo bay. By the time Manny and Blue synthesized a counter agent to the spores, all of them had died except for Naru.

The wolf's body had a long road to recovery as the counter agent only prevented the spores from killing him. Manny and Blue spent half a year helping Naru with physical therapy. Over that time, the slave soldier learned about life beyond fighting and fear. Naru was like a little brother to the tanuki, tagging along with Manny for a while. Then the day came when the doctor told him that he had nothing to fear anymore because the tanuki enlisted Commander Spotter and Union ships came to bombard all of the Legion's bases from orbit. The wolf begged to remain with Manny, but the tanuki knew Naru had so many options to choose from now.

Manny was not surprised to hear that Naru became the most revered bounty hunter on the frontier systems just a few years later. The wolf literally carved out half a moon to get to one of his bounties. On Portalis Prime, they have a statue in the wolf's honor because he killed their criminal king during his coronation ceremony, honoring a technicality in their archaic laws that allowed them to establish a democracy. Naru is heralded as a hero on the fringe of Union space. Manny was never surprised at any of this. Naru was a natural warrior and with Manny's care, replaced blind loyalty with a level head.

Manny's nostalgia was broken when Blue's voice emanated from the comms. "Manny, we're here."

"Dock the ship. The asteroid base is supposed to be abandoned, scan for any signals or life signs," Manny said as he headed towards the airlock. The tanuki pocketed some items from his equipment locker. It had been a long time since he felt the need to carry a firearm, but he couldn't afford that luxury this time.

"Manny, the scanners are being blocked by a dampening field. I can't see anything closer than half a kilometer into the instillation."

"Great... That bastard never made anything easy in my life, why would hunting his ass down and putting an end to his existence be any exception?" Manny muttered to himself.

"I don't think you should be doing this alone. Please, let me call Naru or the Commander..."

"Blue, I can't drag the commander into this. He's already risked his career sending me this classified information. If it weren't for the sheer fact your and my existence is even more classified, we wouldn't have got this far. As for Naru...he's risked his life enough. I can't ask him to do this," Manny said, staring at the soft glow of his power cell. He slapped the cell into his sidearm and opened the airlock.

"I'll have everything ready in case we need to make an immediate departure. Watch your back Manny," Blue said as the first airlock door sealed shut. The other depressurized and Manny had already scanned the outside of the ship. Conditions were suitable that he wouldn't have to don his bulky EM suit. The doctor opened the other door and walked straight into the darkness of the corridor before him.

The asteroid base had been running off minimum power. Life support was functioning and for the most part so were the environmental controls. Main power seems to have been cut off and the halls were left dark. Manny looked down at his scanner. It was like a graveyard as far as the scanners could read. The giant void of the chamber past the docking point gave absolutely no readings. Whatever's powering that dampening field must be draining the rest of the base's primary power. The doctor hate not being able to look before he leapt, but this would be one of those times.

Manny passed the dock threshold and followed a dusty path to a large area they had been mining out. The base was an abandoned mining rig and had been decommissioned due to a lack of funding. At least on all official reports. The doctor knew this base was used as a hide out for an old colleague who he had presumed to have been dead. He found a comms station and produced a power pack from his pocket. The tanuki slapped the module into one of the auxiliary ports and the machine began to power on.

He started to look for anything resembling a log before an incoming connection notification took over the screens. Static danced across the screens before an image of a white rat appeared. "Finally, the damn thing connected... Holy shit! Dr. Manny?"

The tanuki's eyes went wide in shock before snapping into a fierce glare. He barred his teeth as he saw the rat on the screen. "Carter, you fucking piece of shit!"

"Hey! That's 'Doctor' Carter," the rat snapped back.

"You're going to need a doctor when I kick your ass!" Manny shouted. He slapped his scanner into the other auxiliary port and began to connect the ship's computer to trace the signal.

"I can't believe it's you. What the hell are you doing?" the rat said, tilting his head as he watched the tanuki continue to press buttons while his other paw raised a middle finger to Carter.

"Yes, it's me. I'm the one who's been blowing up hideout after hideout to find you. You stole my research you rat bastard!"

"Oh come on Manny. I borrowed a few notes, it's not like you didn't get your doctorate. Besides, we're not supposed to exist according to the Union. Why are you looking for me now?" the lab rat asked as he leaned back.

Manny glanced up and noticed the rat's unusual chair behind him. Upon closer inspection, the xenobiologist realized it's an enormous horse shaft. Pinned beneath the rat and giant cock, was a great Adonis of a horse. From the camera angle, Manny couldn't see much else. He watched as something squirmed beneath the flesh of Carter's throne. "You took a lot more than some notes!" The tanuki spat.

"You wouldn't acknowledge my work, what I could do with all the things you've discovered. I'm so close to perfecting it, you can't stop me. I'm sure you've been curious now about that dampening field. You see, I left one of my little creations behind, somewhere on that base. I assume you'll want to try to shut off the dampening field or dispatch of it before it dispatches you," the white rat said as it leaned back against the tower of stallion cock behind him.

"Why the hell would I take the time to do that instead of just blowing this place from outside?" Manny asked as he received confirmation of the connection source has been detected. He saved the coordinates to his helm computer. He started off back to his ship before the comms station started to beep and flash red.

"Because I just had this console send out a distress signal. Every pirate and rescue ship could be at this base in about an hour. Did you bring an entire fleet with you to blow up this base? If not, you can't really risk letting that thing slip out of here. You know the risk of escape Manny. Best of luck!" the rat waved his paw and the screens shut off.

"Blue, try to warn off any ships that make their way here. I've got to shut off the field and find this thing. For all I know, Carter's trapped the field controls and it's just going to blow me up. I can't risk letting anything escape if it's true though," Manny said as he turned around and headed for the cavern.

"Acknowledged. Until you can shut off the field, I won't be able to radio you...Manny? Damnit..." Blue swore as it watched Manny's life signs disappear into the dampening field. The ship's communication array began to power on. Blue knew he wouldn't be able to persuade every single ship, it could only hack so many ships at a time. It sent a coded message for backup against Manny's wishes, the entity just had a 'gut feeling'.

Meanwhile, Manny had made his way deeper into the facility. The dampening field controls couldn't be too far from the main generator. The center of the instillation should only be another few hundred meters from the docking bays. It seems like most of the remaining power in the facility was dedicated to life support and the dampening field. Manny couldn't get any of the doors to open and manual override was on the other side of the hatch. He scouted around the cavern and saw a faint glowing light.

The tanuki trekked across the cavern to the light source. His ears swiveled about on high alert as he could only hear the crunch of ground asteroid beneath his feet. Manny found the light through a window that led into what appears to be a control room. He couldn't find any handles or latches to open the window, so he tried to kick it in but couldn't even scratch it. He found a sizable rock nearby and tried to smash the glass in. It bounced right off whatever this damn window was made of, and the thump echoed across the cavern.

"Fuck this," Manny said in anger. He stepped back and drew his sidearm and shot the window. The energy discharge blew the glass right out of the frame and into the room. The window looked just wide enough for the chubby tanuki to slip in. As he tried to push his way in, he felt his gut block him from moving any further. He could see the panel for the field control just out of the reach of his paw. He tried to use his gun to extend his reach just far enough to tap in the shutdown sequence.

The confirmation button lit up and Manny wedged himself as far as he could to use the end of his wapon to tap on the console. His grip slipped and the gun landed on the button before sliding off onto the ground. Normally the tanuki didn't have a problem with the extra weight he carried, but it was moments like this when it greatly inconvenienced him. Even more so when his communicator chirped.

"Manny, looks like you got the field shutoff. I'm scanning now...Oh fuck! Get out of there, it's on top of you!" Blue cried out.

"You've got to be shitting me, I'm stuck in a fucking window. I can't move and I just...god damnit!" Manny shouted as he felt something sharp dig into his shoulder and leg. Something incredibly strong gripped on to him and ripped him out from the window, tossing him into the cavern. The tanuki tumbled along the dust and debris in the cavern. With the field shutdown, auxiliary power kicked in. The work lights in the caverns started to illuminate.

"Are you ok?" Blue asked when things got quiet.

"Yes, whatever that was actually gave me a hand out of the window. I'm defenseless at the moment," Manny said as his eyes darted around the cavern. Whatever grabbed him had shredded large holes into his outfit, but nothing else seemed damaged.

"I'm busy dealing with incoming ships. Wherever that thing disappeared to, I lost it on the ceiling of the cavern."

"Great, keep them out. I'll deal with this thing somehow," said the tanuki. There was no way he could get his weapon unless he went back to the doors and hope the power was restored. He didn't seem to have much of a choice if he wanted to dispatch Carter's pet. Even with the dampening field down, Manny's scanners had a hard time detecting the thing. It was good at masking its life signs from his handheld scanner. The only thing that gave the doc any comfort was motion still registered. He would occasionally see a blip on the ceiling as he trekked back to the doors to the control room. It seemed to be following him, but always outside the glow of the light.

The raccoon dog reached the doors and saw that the control panel appears to be powered now. As the pistons in the door released, it was slow to slide open. The gap was wide enough for him to slip through. As soon as he walked past the threshold, his scanners blipped again. "Shit..." was all he could get out before something wrapped around his neck and arms, tugging him back out into the cavern.

This time his attacker shredded the remainder of Manny's outfit, leaving the xenobiologist completely naked. Manny struggled as dark gray tentacles coiled around his arms. Two others wrapped themselves around his ankles as he tried to kick and pry the thing off. What he couldn't see behind him was a huge alien squid. Its tentacles pulled the tanuki against a large leathery membrane as it tackled him onto the ground, prying his arms and legs into a spread eagle position.

Unable to struggle anymore, he felt a couple rubbery appendages wrap around his neck. They didn't appear to strangle him, but unable to see anything other than the ceiling of the cavern and the thing probing at the back of his neck only served to worry him further. The tentacles around his throat suddenly tighten as he felt something dig into the back of his neck. He couldn't cry out as he felt a sharp pain of the creature biting into his skin. The pain faded quickly, and a numbness spread from the incision.

It was such an odd sensation, something pushing against his spine and into the base of his skull. It was an odd pressure as something started to push its way into his brain bucket. Within seconds, his body went limp and it started getting hard to focus. A sudden lethargy washed over him, and he struggled to think. The creature held onto him tight, making sure its larva was properly implanted into the host's brain tissue.

The worm like grub burrowed around the tanuki's brainstem. It attached itself gently and began to familiarize itself with its host's neurology. Manny began to feel a wide range of sensations, from crying to bursts of laughter stifled by the grip around his neck. His body convulsed a bit before going limp again. The next noise to escape his throat was a deep moan. He could feel his cock start to get hard and before it was even fully erect, his tip was leaking out cum. His body kept spurting out shot after shot of creamy seed as the grub enjoyed the flood of endorphins it got each time it forced the host to come.

Naru turned out of a small tunnel and found Manny twitching on the ground and covered in spunk. The wolf saw the creature wrapped around his friend and quickly disintegrated it with his phaser rifle. "Manny! Wake up!" Naru barked as he cradled the tanuki in his lap with one arm and slapping him in the face with the other.

The tanuki blinked a few times and his eyes seemed to come back into focus. "Naru?" he groaned.

"Blue called me, let's get you out of here quickly. More ships are on their way." the wolf said as his wrist scanner detected no serious injuries. The bounty hunter scooped up the chunky racoon dog and ran back to the docking bay. "Manny, are you ok?" asked the wolf.

The tanuki only groaned and passed out. His leg would twitch every so often as his cock kept spurting all over himself and the wolf. Naru whimpered and ran to Manny's sickbay. "Blue, something's wrong with Manny. Set the ship to take off and then get back here, I don't know how to work any of these scanners," said Naru as he laid Manny down on a bio bed. The ship rocked a bit as it disengaged the docking clamps and exited the base. Blue appeared with a brilliant flash above Manny, flooding the room with soft blue light. The glow faded from the crystal as it activated all the various consoles.

Images appeared and graphed everything going on inside the tanuki. Immediately an alarm sounded, and a holographic model of Manny's brain appeared above the bed. The highlighted region had an indicator flashing with print, "Anomaly detected. The image seemed a bit fuzzy around the edges. The computer couldn't detect which cell groups at the point of contact belonged to Manny and which belonged to the anomaly.

"Did you get a good look at what did this to him?" Blue asked the wolf.

"Yeah, it was some giant squid looking thing, had him on the ground wrapped up and just jizzing himself like that time we had that edging contest that lasted over a month."

"Didn't need that last detail, but I think I know what were dealing with here. It's bad, and if I can't remove it, it's going to kill him and turn his face into one of those squids."

"Holy shit, what can we do?"

"I'm literally working on that right now, let me just think!" Blue sass manifested into a soft, pulsing glow. The computers ran several simulations and data streamed across the various surfaces of the crystal. Blue literally dinged like a bell as inspiration hit. "Okay, I think I can remove the anomaly. It's feeding off hormones that's flooding his brain. If we can push it even further, I should be able to map out where it merged with Manny and remove it before it's too late."

"Okay, how do we do that?" Naru inquired, tilting his head a bit.

"Well, you can uh...try stimulating him," Blue said, fading in color a bit.

"You mean like...this?" Naru asked sheepishly as he reached out a gray paw and tweaked one of Manny's dark nipples. As he pinched and tugged on that nub, Manny's cock flexed and shot a rope of cum across his belly. Blue looked at the scanners as the wolf continued to molest the tanuki.

"Yes, it's having a reaction. The scanners still can't establish a pattern yet. We need more stimulation!" Blue said.

"You got it, boss," Naru said as he continued to tug and pull on Manny's nipple while wrapping his other paw around Manny's modest dick. Naru licked his leaking tip. Immediately another spurt of cum splashed across the wolf's broad tongue. His large muzzle easily engulfed the tanuki's meat and he began suckling and slurping. Manny's back was arching as Blue's plan started to work. The larva was going crazy. It was so overstimulated, it started to convulse. This caused Manny to writhe and shudder as he came harder and harder.

Naru slurped and swallowed the unbelievable amount of seed spilling from the faucet in his mouth. Blue saw the scanner finally establish a pattern match. "This is it! I got you, you little bastard," Blue said as a beam of blinding white light shot out from the crystal. It struck the tanuki's forehead with advance scientific precision, Blue disintegrated the anomaly from Manny's brain tissue in a perfect removal. Almost instantly, the doctor stopped convulsing.

"Manny? Can you hear me?" Blue asked as it shined an inspection light at the tanuki's eyes, checking that the proper reflexes were still intact.

The tanuki cracked open an eye and shut it immediately as he felt blinded by the light. Satisfied, Blue let out a sigh of relief.

"I can hear ya, Blue. Fuck, my nuts are sore, that thing really drained the life out of me. Still...Thank you for saving my life aahhhh..." Manny let out another weak moan and passed out again.

Slurp slurp slurp...

_ _

"Um...Naru, you can stop now, Manny's stabilized," Blue said as he watched the muscular wolf continued to slurp on the doctor's bits. Moments before Manny's rescue, Naru had shot several missiles into the asteroid base armed with fusion thrusters. They would activate and push the base into the nearby sun, destroying it completely. Blue set the autopilot on Naru's ship to follow theirs as he plotted a course to the nearest Union base.

Finally, safe from danger, Blue could only worry about Manny and his quest for Carter. It almost cost the tanuki his life today. Then again, Blue felt partially responsible. When it broke into this reality, it destroyed the fabric of local subspace. This effect would disrupt any FTL drive for thousands of lightyears around the Elysian system. Were it not for its extradimensional abilities, Manny would probably be dead. As it learned about the inhabitants of this universe, it could see quite easily how the knowledge and research at Manny's old lab could be used to cause massive destruction on a cosmic scale.

The crystal floated around the ship, humming an ancient song it found in the databases. "She works haaard for the money, so hard for the money," The crystal stopped as it peaked around a corner of the sickbay entrance. It could see Naru had crawled into the bed with Manny, the gray wolf's arms were wrapped around the Tanuki as he cuddled Manny close against his chest. Blue almost let out a soft aww before it spotted something moving. Upon closer inspection, Naru wasn't just spooning Manny, but apparently forking the unconscious tanuki as well. Blue floated in and threw a blanket over the two before turning out the lights. "You're such a slut."

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