Dazzling Ponyta: Salya's Time with the Herd

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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After meeting with Xigfeldo, Salya the Saladactyl finds a Ponyta on her travels with a lure all of her own...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Dazzling Ponyta

Salya's Time with the Herd

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commission by Saphira Fafnar

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Xigfeldo, a dragon who had entered Salya's world through a dream, was hardly slow to hasten back to bring the rest of his clan to meet her too, seeing more fruitful endeavours where such new creatures lay. He didn't know what Pokemon were as a whole but assumed them to be something like dragons as an overarching species with many other sub-species beckoning off within that range. Whether he was right or wrong did not matter to him, though it excited him further that his abilities seemed to be different there and, well, he could not wait to see just what he could do with his feral form on his return.

Salya, however, took to the wing, soaring over the land as she passed into a new area, finding her way through the mist. Those that claimed that flying through dense fog was a difficult endeavour were a little out of their depth, she thought, as one merely had to fly straight, trusting their wings to hold them. The Salazzle-Aerodactyl hybrid steadied herself time after time again, not knowing where she was going, but the moment the fear entered her life would be one that came to a swift end for her. Salya, after all, was not a fearful kind of Pokemon with her tail-ribbons streaming softly behind her, spreading a little of her essence and pheromones behind her for the water-type Pokemon in the ocean below to enjoy.

Yet land had to come sooner or later and she was not a fool to think that she would be left with her wings spread forever, waves crashing beneath her on a choppy, ragged sort of sea that surely turned many a stomach. But she was not one who had to float or swim across it and could glide and flap, conserving her energy, until she found land once more, a harbour and human beings that she avoided carefully. They weren't really her speed when it came to finding her way in the world.

It was a new land, however, and that sense of adventure tingled in the depths of her soul once more, bidding her to fly onwards, to seek out what new Pokemon may have been there. There was that tug again and, although she flew further and further from where Xigfeldo, across the ocean, had come to meet her, she knew, somehow, that he would find her again. Not because there was any kind of unspoken, romantic bond between them or anything like that but simply because he was that tenaciously determined. That and the fact that she'd left a stream of her scent behind her to lead the way, if he was canny enough to follow it. Salya smirked. With how that dragon had gone for her, she was sure that he was.

She did not know where she was going but she could carry herself there well-enough, the pull on her heart growing stronger and stronger. Somewhere, out in that strange, new world, was someone that needed her, even though she did not either know who she was looking for. That feeling had come to her a few times already and, in fact, had been the thing that had lead her to Myrika the Miracle Mew in the first place, so it was not something that she took lightly. It was there, burning through her, a subtle warmth that could not be ignored, though she stared down with great interest at the sweeping forest of trees that she did not recognise from her land. They seemed to be illuminated with little lights in the growing twilight and she crooned curiously to herself, tail swishing and altering her course, the path of her flight drawing her down and down and down, so very gently all the while.

"Well, well, well..."

Murmuring to herself, she tucked in her aching wings and plunged through the trees, darting by a fungus-like Pokemon and another that was shaped like a strange Aipom, though he was more regally coloured in white and purple, a solemn face heralding her passage. The other Pokemon did not catch her interest, however, even as she dropped through a rustle of deciduous leaves, flowers brushing her hide. They would be a passing fancy in comparison to the fruit she was about to partake in, though the draw was there, thrumming up thick and fast, brimming over within the span of Salya's ribcage as if it was urgently striving, with each and every thud of her heart, to make itself known.

She landed gently, softening her claws into the moss, wings on the ground for balance, using them as if she was a quadruped, even though she was most at home reared back on two legs, wings spread to show off her glory. Salya's nose twitched with how fervently inhaled, so many new and exciting aromas flitting to her nostrils as she twisted back and forth, even panting lightly. Sometimes, even a Pokemon like her could become overwhelmed by too much stimulation but that was by the by when she could push on and learn so much in a new land, the chirps and squeals of Pokemon in the glowing, bioluminescent forest rising with the mere sweetness of her presence. Licking her lips in a damp cooling of saliva, Salya purred, clicking her teeth together as her eyes shone. And she hadn't even used any of her pheromones yet... Did she even need to?

And it was there she saw her, her nose extended towards a mushroom sprouting from the forest floor with a very peculiar expression on her face. On first glance, she was something of a Ponyta but the creature before Salya could not possibly be just a Ponyta with her pink and cyan mane, fluffed up like a sweet treat that she'd once had in the dream world where anything was possible. Even that soft fluff was wrapped around her fetlocks too, giving the horse-type Pokemon the appearance that she was walking on clouds, although there was something more delicate than ever about her form as she shifted her weight from hoof to hoof.

A small horn rose from the centre of her forehead but it was barely noticeable in the fluff of her mane, Salya aching to touch it, even though she knew herself that that would have been considered exceptionally rude in any culture of Pokemon. Yet she was one that liked to lean into things, her senses tingling, lips breaking into a smile, the slightly smaller Pokemon not having noticed her as yet. There was no polite way to announce herself as she sat back on her haunches, careful to flick her tail out of the way, clearing her throat as that little pony focused intently on her inspection of the fungus that had so captivated her.


As soft a greeting as it was, Salya could not help but startle her, the Ponyta leaping and spinning with such a comical gasp that Salya could not help but chuckle, eyes glimmering with mischief. Anyone would have thought that she'd planned it with such amusement thrumming through her but the pink Ponyta's eyes locked onto her without an ounce of fear, hide shivering in that equine fashion, individual muscles flicking and twitching in active response. Flight or fight, indeed, was a powerful thing when instinct kicked in...

"Oh!" The Ponyta, if that's what she was, shook her whole body as if she needed to shake off the surprise, snorting heavily. "You shouldn't sneak up on Pokemon like that! You don't know who's out here!"

Salya chuckled, stepping forward, the proud arch of her chest cockily pushed out as if she was trying to draw attention to herself. It was as if, in a way, she didn't truly need to, however, the Ponyta's eyes already roamed her, near enough popping out of her skull.

"You don't know that I'm not from here," Salya said, smirking lightly as she winked. "I may be the fiercest thing in this forest."

The Ponyta rolled her eyes and scoffed openly, startling even Salya into a burst of a giggle as she pawed scornfully at the ground.

"Oh, please," she shot back. "Everyone knows that that's Moonbeam, she's always terrifying, like she's woken up on the wrong side of the bed, every day... Actually, make that every hour."

Salya chuckled and spread her wings, flapping them as her heart pulsed a little harder, seeming to skip a beat even if that was not quite the sensation that she was trying to describe. It was the flutter of nerves and the anticipation of excitement that teased at her chest, opening up her ribcage in a gasp of breath that did nothing to ease the jitters there. It was funny how anxiety and excitement could feel so similar at times but the little Ponyta filled her with such energy - and a strange sense, simply, of life and living too - that she could not stay still, raising the large, leathery flaps as the cool air caressed them. The display drew a soft gasp from the Ponyta and Salya grinned, the ribbons of her tail sweeping back and forth across the forest floor, soft and moist with different kinds of moss.

The Ponyta considered her for a moment, lifting a fore hoof and putting it back down again, though that indecision was not to remain a part of her in a way that would be detrimental. She was so sweet and yet there was not a jot of innocence about her, Salya licking her lips as she twitched and leaned in, wanting desperately to close the distance between them as much as she too naturally wanted to wait and see just how things wanted to play out. In the quiet chirp and warble of the living forest, she could not have faced a more delicious conundrum.

The Ponyta, however, tossed her head, a smile on her lips, though the look in her eyes was not one that Salya, even with all her time and skills, could discern.

You don't need to make me want you more...

"I'm Aurora." She stuck out her hoof as if to shake and Salya gingerly took it in her claw, the fluff of her fetlock sweeping over her wrist and the edge of her wing. "It's nice to see a new face around here. Those that pass through always seem busy getting somewhere though."

Salya cocked her head, tail twitching. Could it really be that easy?

"Is that so? Well, I don't feel the need to move on as yet. Maybe I could keep you company for a while? And I'm Salya."

After all, the pull had ceased, letting her know unequivocally that she was where she needed to be and that brought with it such a settling of her heart and emotions that it would have been uncomfortable to leave. Aurora, however, was an enigma in herself, shaking her head and backing up, though it seemed that it was not Salya that was expected to leave at that particular moment at least.

"Yes, you can stay around here, no one's going to send you off, but I'm going to the ceremony," Aurora said, casting a look back at the strange Pokemon over her shoulder, mane ruffled gently. "You can come with me, if you like?"

A smile pulled at her lips, though the secret she held there was locked behind it. Of course, in such a new place, Salya would only follow, heart lifting as the many colours of the forest gave it the appearance and illusion of being deep within a cave or even a mine of rare gemstones, everything illuminated and even what was quiet and dark joining the rest of the bioluminescent glow as Aurora paused slowly and reverently to brush her horn to the toadstools that did not fit with her image of it.

The herd and the ceremony were to be found in a clearing that did not seem large enough to hold the sheer number of shimmering, equine bodies, though it was there that Salya was treated to her first glance of a regal Galar Rapidash, their pink and cyan, pastel manes falling in a sweet glance of colours that, truly, should not have gone together. They did not hold the stark contrast of her hide and she earned herself some appreciative looks as the equines moved amongst one another, shifting and jostling for position as the moon rose to its highest position, full and round and gleaming as if it had been called there by the equine Pokemon themselves.

"Oh!" Aurora leapt forward, hooves skittering over the damp grass. "It's starting!"

Salya was left chasing after her, Aurora blending into the crowd as the hybrid followed closely. It was strange, even then, that no one questioned who she was or where she had come from, though Salya was glad too to not have to go over the usual explanations of how she was a hybrid and the long flight, indeed, that she had taken to get there. The herd smiled at her, parting to allow her to jostle her way through with a smile and a flick of her tail to join Aurora. Maybe they were more used to visitors there than the Pokemon in her land were? Times had, after all, changed, as they were always want to do.

"What's the ceremony?" Salya said, huffing a little more than she was proud to admit as her flanks shuddered with breath, using more muscles than needed to satisfy her lungs. "I... Huff, damn it. How do you move so quickly?"

Aurora grinned and flitted back and forth before her eyes, dancing from one hoof to the other so swiftly that not even Salya's eyes could catch up with her.

"Can't you use Agility?" Aurora giggled. "It's great fun!"

That was something that Salya did not doubt but it had been a long time since she had pulled up that move from her Aerodactyl side. It was not one of her best and having access to so many moves meant that she could not practise them all frequently, leaving her rusty where she may have been better-placed to use some that she was out of touch with. In a world where she was confident in her own abilities, however, and moreover her sense of safety, it was not a big deal, even though she could not have said that she particularly liked being outdone at all.

"Alright, alright," Salya grumbled. "Oh, you're going to have some interesting things soon, I'm sure, you won't just be able to bounce all over the place like a crazy pony when he comes."

Aurora stopped, head tilted to the side.

"When who comes?"

Salya grinned.

"Of course, you don't know..."

And, even though the ceremony was starting, the elder Rapidash of the tribe gathering at the head of the group, their horns illuminated in Dazzling Gleam. She should have been spellbound and, truly, in the glimmer of starlight lighting up the clearing and shimmering bodies, it was hard to concentrate on telling her story but, without Myrika there, Salya brimmed over with the desire to let the words flow. She was a social Pokemon most at home in a group and Aurora tucked her legs under her body, settling down for the long haul even as the Salazzle-Aerodactyl hybrid tried to make it as short a story as she could.

However, she didn't make it easy for Aurora as she told her story - of course, that would not have been in keeping with how Salya liked to make friends. She was yet to find a Pokemon in the world that was not open about their sexuality in a sense that they were prudish and she keenly recounted the details of how Xigfeldo had found her on the shoreline and taken her there, how good it had felt to have a strong body over hers. But it was the tale of his large shaft somehow moulding itself to the shape of her body down by the lake that she recounted with far more relish, leaving out no details even as others clustered around them, as enraptured by what she had to say as Aurora was.

The little Ponyta could not have expected such lewd words to flow from Salya's mouth as they did then but there was more to her new friend than she knew. There were times to come and times to pass and she gulped softly, keeping quieter than she had ever been before just to listen, even the flightiness of her hooves stilled and quieted, if just for the moment. The excited energy, in time, would return to her and she would bounce and probe and blush - yet still ask question after question as if she had to know every last one of the deliciously sordid details for no real reason at all.

"He's coming back soon," Salya finished with a flourish, not unaware of how her vent was parted and her pheromones leaking out, although that scent was something, as yet, that the Ponyta and Rapidash of that habitat were not familiar and wise to. "And he said he's going to be bringing more. Apparently, there's a little raptor, he said that was like a dragon. A bird, a phoenix..."

Salya licked her lips, giggling softly as Aurora trembled.

"Do you like the sound of her? I don't remember her name but I'm sure everyone will know. She's not cool-blooded but she reminded me a bit of Articuno, but I don't like to assume. There's more too, though I don't know what a hydra is and other dragons, his daughter that's like..." Salya pursed her lips, finding the right words - she wanted to get it right. "Like a Stantler and a dragon-type too? He was a dragon, that much I can say, but even with as big as he is he can just fit inside you! It's uncanny!"

She shuddered bodily, tongue draping cheekily out over the edge of her jaws.

"And delicious..."

Aurora sucked in a breath, though she faced away from the Salazzle-Aerodactyl, her need evident to those around her but not Salya. Salya was too caught up in her own need for once, though that was not entirely a bad thing. She just liked remembering, experiences fuelling her on as her vent drooled out her juices, ignorant to the needs of her body as, truly, they had always, without fail, been met for her. That was just the way that it had always been even as a Rapidash behind her dropped his nose softly to snuffle at her vent, lip pulling back very lightly as he sifted through her scent. He did not shimmy close enough to disturb her or even waft his breath over her sex, however, called back to attention by another in a higher position than him with a guilty snort and regret in his eyes.

He would not be disappointed for long, however.

Aurora rocked her hindquarters back lightly, tail trying to flag as much as she strove to keep it softly pinned. Its fluffiness, however, did not lend itself easily to being kept down and she nickered quietly, bobbing her head as she tried to work through the mind-boggling enormity of all that Salya had revealed to her. It was right and it was wrong - were they new Pokemon coming to their land, like Salya? Or were they something else entirely? Theirs was a country caught up in turmoil and, fairly so, used to changes, though she could not have said either that the encroach of those who wanted to bring a tease of passion to the world too was such a bad thing.

Yet it distracted her, hide quivering lightly and tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth, need rising. The pony sucked in needy breaths sharply through her nostrils but she could not have known just how much of Salya's pheromones were in the air, a new scent that made her nose quiver as if she was about to sneeze, only it was a building of twisting tension that came, at that time, with no release.

She swallowed a groan. Why couldn't she talk? What should she say? There were words there, so many words, but the cluster of equine-Pokemon bodies around her had her needier than ever, her marehood twitching under the cover of her tail, even though she doubted (with a cheeky grin) that every last one of the Ponyta and Rapidash knew too just how needy she was. She'd never been very good at hiding things like that, despite holding off the sweetness of her pink sex for one who truly made her heart leap and pound. Maybe it was about time that she let that side of her go too?

Either way...it was going to an interesting ceremony indeed for one very keen little pony.

"I think you're going to like this ceremony very much," Aurora said, swallowing to clear her throat for the words as if they came forth with a little difficulty. "But you're going to go up against me first!"

Salya blinked.

"What do you mean?"

Yet there was no time for that and she was simply going to have to wait and see as the sky lit up, the Rapidash casting Dazzling Gleam higher and higher, hearts lifting with the flare of light. No doubt they woke so very many nearby slumbering Pokemon as they sweetly teased into their ceremony, the lights flickering and dancing, playing Psychic through the midst of it all. Salya gasped softly, standing up tall for the best view, and Aurora giggled beside her, rearing up onto her hind legs in a play to see if she could be taller than the Pokemon that was soon to become an oddly close friend of hers, even if neither of them knew it at that moment.

For their world had a way of bringing together Pokemon that were meant to be together and a scatter of Swift, the stars tinted pink in the glow of the Rapidash's abilities, cast across the sky itself like shooting stars, a beauty in a moment that was destined to be brief. And yet there was more and more for her to adore, spellbound and lost in a moment that was bigger than her, a Rapidash even shocking her with Mystic Fire, which was a move, indeed, that she had not seen for many years, not since she'd climbed Mount Silver, though she'd been but a young adult then, new to the ways of lust and love.

The memory still warmed her through, however, and she added her crooning voice and calls to the neighs and squeals, a cacophony of sound that, somehow, blended together into a Pokemon song. It rose and fell and took her heart right along with it, the world pausing around them, waiting for them to be done with a ceremony to bring light and life to the land, to sing of the times gone by and all those times that were still left to come. It was a celebration and a kind of praise and, still, a sense of longing too, losses felt keenly by the heart of the herd as Salya shared it all right along with them.

Yet the ceremony was not for her, as much as she leaned into it, her body relaxing more and more as the life-blood of the herd carried her up and away, deeper into another sense of reality in that land. There was something different about that place, the Galar that they had come to, and she wanted to see it all under the gleam of moonlight, shooting stars crossing the sky as her heart pounded, rising in her chest. It was as much a part of the herd as they were of her, in that moment alone, never alone and one of a whole, something that closed a loop in her heart that she had not even realised had been open to begin with.

Bodies shifted around her and she relaxed, letting them warm her, though her body could not help but respond. They did not realise either as her aroma wafted through them, covered up by the scents of the forest, but it was there nonetheless and nostrils flared, picking through it and taking it all in as one larger stallion even raised his head high to lightly sift through her scent with a curled lip. No one registered just who it was coming from, however, and there was more of the ceremony still to come, energy and passion rippling and pulsing through the herd like a murmur or a whisper that spread and spread.

Eyes fell on Salya and one another, need rising, flourishing up full and fast like the first buds of spring. Those had to blossom and so did their passions but not quite before the ceremony beneath the stars and dazzling glitters of fairy-type displays had come to their due close.

Stomping, Aurora rounded on her, tail flicking, raised much higher than she would usually have carried it, although her problem was more pinning it down that anything else. Something softer and muskier than her own aroma caught Salya's attention, jerking back to reality with a gasp and a pull of a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Had she really been so caught up that she'd missed something so obvious? That wasn't like her at all...


Aurora pushed, jabbing the larger Pokemon with her horn when she did not immediately spring into action, and Salya screeched, wings flapping.

"What was that for? Get off me!"

Yet her protests fell on deaf ears as the Ponyta tussled with her, cotton-candy mane puffed up and eyes glinting with wicked glee. Space cleared around them as the others backed off and Salya suddenly found herself in the middle of the herd, her and Aurora on show with no one there to act as a buffer.

Grinning and tossing her head, Aurora let out a shrill whinny.

"You can fight me!" Aurora grinned. "It's time for the display and, well...shouldn't you be able to work out what comes afterwards with all you've already told me?"

It was not the time for Aurora to be cryptic but it did not seem that Salya was about to get any more out of her as the Ponyta lowered her horn and pawed at the ground, stomping and prancing, revving up a move. High Horsepower did not need time to charge but Aurora made a show for it as the rest of the herd gathered, watching and neighing, stomping and rearing, all there to watch and see just how one of their youngest would come into her own that night.

It was all for show, however, and if it was a performance that they wanted, Salya was more than happy to give it. All around her was evidence of equine need, shafts dropping, slipping from where they were kept hidden within a Pokemon's body, mares turned with flagged tails to show off what they too had to offer. It didn't seem to matter how they paired up either, whether with males and females or those of the same gender coming together, and she shuddered to take in the raw, lustful display, even as she was the one who was supposed to, seemingly, be putting it on.

Aurora wasn't messing about though, the Ponyta's hooves pounding the ground as she flung herself forward recklessly, horn pointed directly at her target.

"I have a few tricks for you, young one," Salya purred, lifting her head as the Ponyta charged. "You'll have to do better than that."

Agility was not a move that came easily to her but she could still do it, regardless of how rusty she was. It may have not been the most graceful dodge but she managed it nonetheless, Aurora squealing as her move missed, spinning and ramping up her own Agility in a blue of blue, hooves flying.

"Too slow!"

But it was not the time for Salya to mock Aurora, however playfully it was undertaken. Everything ramped up with the heat of the herd around them, other pairs splitting off for their own manner of erotic fun and, yes, battles too, although they were decidedly low-stake in their execution. They didn't need to win or lose, just show off their skill, yet Aurora took it seriously as she flared up a flash of Dazzling Gleam right in Salya's eyes, making her gasp and back off, scrabbling for distance that would allow her to come back to her senses with a little more clarity than how she had begun.

A ripple pushed at her side and then another and Salya cursed under her breath, the lick of Flamethrower pushing urgently at the back of her maw. But that was a strong move, a very strong one indeed, and she couldn't just throw it out anyway without knowing where Aurora was, the pony pushing her around with Psychic, battering her defences. A Shadow Claw yielded no results and she was forced to leap into the air, a Body Slam at the tip of her claws in time to knock the Ponyta back from another Charge that may well have been devastating if it had hit. Salya could not have said quite what her special abilities were but the Ponyta was quick and flighty, perhaps her manner of treating it all as one great game lending her some sort of advantage that, even then, Salya would have been wise to pick up on.

"Getting tired?" Aurora giggled, tail wiggling lightly. "You can't keep up with me!"

And yet that Ponyta joy was invigorating the barest, most basic of forms, Salya digging her claws into the moss as she readied herself again. Aurora, of course, was hardly phased by that Body Slam but Salya had a little nuance of a move waiting up her sleeve that, under normal circumstances, should not have worked on either a Ponyta or a Rapidash boasting a certain ability, but that she knew, above all else, would work.

It was a long-shot and not one that she had, admittedly, had to try in a long time, but Toxic was a devastating move that she usually only pulled out in times of dire need. Luckily, no times like that had come to her in recent spells and she grunted as Aurora managed to land a quick hit of Quick Attack, just enough to knock her off balance as her muzzle swam with the poison, simmering down the flames that, only a short while ago, had tried to flare up there.

Aurora leapt but she was not quick enough to dodge the spray of poison, laughing wildly as she kicked up her hooves and the herd rumbled. Such a daring move! But not one, surely, that would hurt her, just throw her back - what was Salya planning? They saw more to the Salazzle-Aerodactyl than Aurora did, though that could have at least partly been due to the throb and flow of the Pokemon's scent flooding the area. Of course, being so close to Salya, Aurora had gotten a direct hit of it, her marehood swollen and puffy even as she strove to keep her mind on matters of battle alone.

"Nice try!" She nickered, pulling herself up onto two hooves as she daringly reared. "But it's not over yet!"

If she'd been more aware, Aurora would have known that it was, indeed, over but, with a wild cry, she lunged for Salya again, her horn lowered, tip glinting with sharpness in the heat of the move. Salya was big enough and strong enough to withstand Psycho Cut, of course, and it was never one that was meant to land, only to knock her back, but what Aurora did not expect was her hooves to falter, a strange sense of fading coursing through her.

She shook her head, slower and slower, the distance between her and Salya seeming to become greater rather than less. No longer was she charging but it would have been a far cry indeed to expect a Pokemon with Pastel Veil to know what poisoning felt like, considering that that was the very ability that should have been able to prevent poisoning.

"What..." Aurora shook her head, tongue pushing out over her bottom lip, eyes wide and strained. "What... What have you...done?"

Salya crooned and flicked her tail up, a smirk on her lips.

"Do you concede defeat?"

It would have been more satisfying still to pin her but that was for another time, perhaps sooner than she realised, as Aurora snorted and hung her head all the way down to the ground, submitting with a bodily shudder. It only took a nod from Salya for a Rapidash to trot in with the berry that would heal Aurora's poisoning

"But how did you poison me?" She snorted, stomping like the youngling she was, truly, at heart. "You shouldn't be able to do that!"

Salya grinned and winked.

"Corrosion has some tricks of its own, my dear. But you'll learn. Now... Take up the position!"

Aurora flinched but whatever position it was that she was supposed to leap into was to be decided for her as Salya lunged, her body winding and wrapping around the pony's as if she knew just what to do. The Ponyta, as cute as she was, was a little smaller than her and the perfect size for such a show, the Salazzle-Aerodactyl smirking and chuckling softly as she took her pleasure from her, setting her up with her back end facing the herd, the weight of Salya half-pinning her in place so that she was still standing and yet only barely at the same time.

Shivering, Aurora's legs quaked but it was all in a good way, heart racing, a softening, sweetening scent tickling at her nose all over again as she moaned and sucked in greedy breath after breath. She could not have denied Salya even if she'd wanted to but that was something that she would only come to see in time, the Salazzle pheromones washing over her and drowning out even her own softly equine musk as she squirmed in place, heart leaping and pulsing in her throat.

Murmuring, the hybrid tightened her grip on her, nuzzling into her mane with a light rumble of pure pleasure.

So soft...

"You are still but a little one," Salya purred, "but you have so much to learn... Let me teach you."

Winding the slender ribbons of her split tail around the Ponyta's legs, she pulled them apart, grateful for those ribbons that let her use her tail in more erotic ways. As much as she nickered and bobbed her muzzle, Aurora was not really complaining in the slightest, though there was the hint of a blush in her cheeks as Salya put her body on show to the rest of the herd.

"You know you're innocent," Salya breathed, tightening her grip as Aurora struggled deliciously. "You just need a little push to get to where you need to be, don't you?"

Perhaps it had been her encounter with Xigfeldo that had made her bold but she pushed on, letting the Ponyta wriggle and squirm, although Aurora was not trying to get out of her grip, licking her lips and panting heavily. Her nostrils flared and she could not help but arch back against the thicker part of Salya's tail, her back hollowing as it dropped, a squeak on her lips that she could not contain as need roared up within her. Harder to ignore than it had ever been before, it demanded attention, churning and flaring, flames leaping and dancing. She did not know that the original Ponyta, of course, had been a fire-type, but Aurora's heart sang with the passion of the flame in that moment alone, her marehood winking and pulsing as she tried to seek out that tickle of pleasure once again.

Salya knew just how to use her mini-tails too, the split appendages long and flexible and twining around and around, pushing up Aurora's tail to get underneath the softly sensitive dock. Her virgin cunny-slit begged her attention and the hybrid smirked with the conquest, although she knew too that it was not her task to deflower her fully. No... For what she thought Aurora wanted, that would take a stallion, but she would enjoy teasing her all the same, letting her know how delightful and delicious she found her body, a glimmer of arousal already gleaming on her outer fold of soft, vulnerable skin.

Salya murmured, her attention wavering as a pair of stallions nickered before her, directly in her line of sight. Although their eyes were only on each other, the shaft throbbing beneath the belly of the one that she took to be submissive made her wish that she was on the floor beneath him too, the bottom of the trio as his mate or partner ploughed into his tight tail hole. Of course, she was only suspecting that it was tight as she was not the one taking a length of Rapidash cock, their pink and cyan pastel manes flying and wafting around as they cried out in carnal bliss.

That would have been a nice cock for Aurora...

_ _

Maybe she would have to set the Ponyta up with somebody nice, someone who could really please her when she decided she wanted to go that far. For it looked as if the Ponyta would have her pick of the herd as and when she pleased, her innocence (if it could even be called that) of her own choosing. But that was the beauty in exploring one's sexuality, how one could come into their own as and when they wanted to, a world where one was free to be exactly who they wanted to be.

And if those around them didn't like it? Well, they could go somewhere else... They didn't need to bring everyone else down with their backdated ways, although Salya herself hadn't found anything like that around her for a good while. Some may have even said that her public acts of lust and sex had paved something of a way for those who had been holding back, afraid to show who they truly were. Whether or not those rumours were true, however, was not something that she paid too much mind to.

Aurora, however, was delectable, shivering and nickering softly as she twisted in Salya's grasp, her strong legs and claws folded over her. Although most of the Ponyta's body was covered by Salya's wings, she shuddered and rocked back as Salya teased open her entrance with her tail, trying to spread her marehood with the twin tips. Her rump ribbons, unfortunately, was not quite so strong as to perform that act, however, and her pink folds sprang back together, secluding away a truly delectable pussy that was, as yet, untried in the world.

Aurora whimpered and rocked her head back and forth, horn tilting, though she did not even consider pulling away as her breath caught in her throat. Something about the whole thing, hooves digging into the loam of the forest floor, the cries of her herd around her, felt right and, maybe, that was all it had to be. Salya purred softly, breath washing over her folds as they pulled and twitched, eager for something that Aurora's mind knew and yet her body did not quite as yet.

"Such a keen one... So ripe..."

Salya trembled over her, twisting her head around to see just how her the slim tail-ribbons slithered into the Ponyta, only able to as there was so little resistance to be found in her wet, slick passage. It probably helped that her vent was flushed and swollen too, seeping out her juices and her pheromones, flooding the air, and Salya spared a moment, teasing the sweetly pleasurable ribbons back out again, to waft it around, letting those in the near area feel the effect of her too, need rising and pumping up thick and full and strong like the shaft of a breeding stud.

It was as intoxicating to her as it was to the equine Pokemon and Salya moaned, pushing her mini-tails inside again, a squirming wriggle of the slender appendages that had Aurora gasping and panting inside her. Despite the weight of the Pokemon on top of her, she whimpered and arched back, her back dropping as it hollowed, hindquarters rising. She needed it, needed it all, heaving and gasping for breath, her flanks shuddering with the sheer, raw force it took to suck each and every last one of them down. Just when had breathing been so difficult for her?

It should not have been so and, yet, it still was so as the squirming, wriggling lengths of her mini-tails coaxed itself deeper and deeper, finding a 'button' within the pony that made her stiffen and gasp without actually drawing in any air. Hollowly, her sides shuddered, nostrils flared, eyes wide without seeing anything at all. Aurora could not think, could not breathe, could not do anything but imagine, at the very least, that she was nickering to Salya, begging her to continue the teasing thrust and wriggle of her lovely, gorgeous, amazing rump ribbons.

There was much she could do with those ribbons and she slithered them over the Ponyta's clit, teasing and flirting with the pleasurable nub of flesh. If she had been close before, she was even closer then, stomping and nickering, her hide quivering with the need to climax despite raw desire coursing through her.

She had to have it!

Orgasm hit her before she even realised what had been happening, Salya forcing her over the edge with the thicker part of her tail, closer to the base, pressed up against the nub of her clit, fleshed-out through the folds of her marehood. It pounded through her as if she was being blasted with Psychic over and over again, though not even Aurora could have put words to something like that in the heat of the moment, a whimpering, moaning mess in the midst of the herd as they cried out their praise of her having her first orgasm with a partner. Everyone knew that Aurora had not yet chosen, of course, but that was something for her to decide as and when she was ready. That didn't mean that they would not, however, encourage her on.

Salya murred, only wishing that she could better taste the pony's juices as she twisted around, releasing her from her pin even as her nose quested up under that soft, pink tail. Aurora panted in the afterglow, coming down sweetly and slowly with her legs shaking terribly, though she would not have wanted to be anywhere else. With such pleasure wracking her body, it was too much, even then, for Salya to scoop her tongue softly into her sex, parting her folds, tasting of her essence even if, for then, it was only a sample.

And the pony needed a rest too.


Salya turned to face the herd with a purr, licking her lips as two stallions jostled to face her first. "Who's next?"

It was as if she had her choice of partners... Oh, wait, that was true. The Saladactyl could have anyone at all in the herd that she wanted for she was the new exotic thing in their midst and they'd already seen just what her tail could do. What more could she do for them?

Salya purred, the taste of Aurora lingering on her lips as the pony disappeared into the crowd, dazed and yet still cared for by her peers, dipping her muzzle sensually as a stallion pressed up over her. The throbbing length of his meat quested for her lips and she giggled like the slut on show that she truly was as he coaxed it into her mouth, pushing up to the back of her throat even as she twined her tongue softly around him.

He'll have to learn to take it slow...

_ _

Yet that was not something that she could vocalise as her mouth was stuffed full in the best way possible, resting on her fore claws at the points of her wings, her rear end raised invitingly. It only took a moment for another stallion to take advantage of her open offer and she growled lewdly as he forced his length into her, seeking out her vent as if it was a target for a different kind of horn to be speared up into. Her cunny closed around him, her vent still as tight as it had been on her first mating, and she ground back at him in raw, desperate need, although it was a kind of need that Salya had never, not even once, had go unsatisfied.

Just what would one such as her want with a partner, after all, that did not satisfy her? And, with the herd, she could have all the partners she wanted time after time after time again...

The thick length of horse-meat throbbed in her mouth and she slurped every last bit of it down lewdly, a softer ridge of a medial ring raised where his equine heritage was denoted, yet the Rapidash glowed with vibrant energy above and around her. He could not be confused for something as common as a Mudbray, no - he was magnificent and he deserved more than to be treated as such, her tongue winding around and around, coaxing him to the edge so swiftly that it would have been impossible for either him or anyone else watching to deny the extreme nature of her particular brand of talent.

And yet it was Salya's body too that was left primed and ready for orgasm as her skin prickled with wanton heat, her fire-typing tingling with a lick of flame just beneath her skin. She could let it loose but, oh, it was so much more fun to simply let it burn, her slit closing and clenching around that long, devout shaft as it ploughed her depths, though she could not help but wonder, just a little, whether the stallion that it belonged to was impressed that she could take all of it.

Her head tried to roll, pleasure building, pressure mounting, her need rising more and more with every moment that dared to pass. Alas, she was greedy for it all, snatching up every, little, fine sensation that she could throw herself lustily into, need crashing through in a muffled scream of ecstasy. Breath rushed around the stallion's cock in her mouth even as he jerked and spurted but she was more focused on her own orgasm, the pounding rush of pleasure unlike anything else as she arched and bucked and did everything possible to grind back onto that breeding rod filling her so perfectly.

No stallion could resist the lure of such a rampant riding and the Rapidash to her back snorted and leaned heavily over her, hindquarters rounding and tucking, as he spent himself into her too. It would have been a far cry, of course, to ever assume that her rippling, pulsing pussy would have not been more than enough to send him tumbling over the edge, though Salya was, sadly, not in a position to bear witness to how he lost control of his abilities too, sending off a brilliant flash of Dazzling Gleam that, if all eyes had not already been on them, would have easily have rendered them the centre of attention.

Yet such was the case that everyone there wanted Salya's attention and her first two stallions were jostled away from her as she panted and slurped up the last drops of cum from her lips with a lewd groan. One round would never be enough for her, her body aching for more, a rippling need that her thrashing tail conveyed in its search for any manner of release of tension. Of course, she was not to be denied even a moment of pleasure for herself as the stallions slipped away to be replaced with a Rapidash and a Ponyta, who appeared a little scuffed-up as if he had lost his own battle too, the younger of which turned his horn away shyly as Salya's tongue flickered out curiously.

Nudging the smaller Pokemon in the side, the Rapidash grinned cheekily.

"Come now, little brother..."

The Ponyta was clearly of age, despite his blush, gangly with long legs that were yet to morph into the sleek, sensual limbs of a Rapidash. His older brother grinned and dropped Salya a cheeky wink that she returned in kind, slipping onto her back with her wings spread out wide and her hind legs curled up towards her body. Her cunny was left on full display and the Ponyta, who had to be a virgin too, gasped and whinnied shrilly, his nostrils fluttering even as his older brother snorted encouragingly.

"We can share..."

Salya, however, had to guide him into her, the Rapidash allowing his brother to be coaxed into the Saladactyl first of all, the ribbons of her tail wound around him to tease him forward, step by step, until his cock pushed into her. It was a slow, sensual penetration, her body rippling with shuddering shivers, though the Ponyta was no better, his deflowering complete on the eve of the ceremony that the whole herd had been waiting for. His shaft slid into her to the hilt as she moaned, eyes half-lidded and her pheromones flooding out. It was only a little but a little was more than enough for a Pontya to find himself in his aura of sexuality, panting hastily through flared nostrils as he powered down against her, even dropping to his forelegs as he bucked and found some sort of clunky rhythm with his hind legs, hooves digging into the moss.

Her mouth was to be taken yet again and she slurped up the older Rapidash's length with due relish. His cock was a lighter, pastel pink too that was simply delicious, though even his pre-cum was sweeter in flavour, driving her on to hungrily cover his length with her saliva, tongue working overtime as the moans of the herd rose around her. The equine-type Pokemon did not seem to care whether they were with same-sex partners or otherwise; all pleasure was allowed when it came to them, the ceremony and their passions. Yet Salya could not deny a slight leaning towards those of the male persuasion, the slick, throbbing length pulsating before her very eyes as she swirled her tongue luxuriously around the tip, drawing the cock-head up into a flatter, more bulbous swell.

Above her, the Rapidash nickered and she knew then that she could tease him no longer, taking his cock into her mouth and slurping it up deep. It was thicker than the last one she'd had and she whimpered around it, lost in the moment, as the Ponyta ploughed her full, getting into it, although his movements lacked the finesse, perhaps, of a more seasoned lover. That was okay though as she could more than help him along his way, show him the ways of lust and passion, and her vent was the best he could have ever hoped to find for his first time, rippling and twitching around him, teasing him closer and closer to orgasm.

Her body was but a vessel for pleasure and Salya gave out everything she took in tenfold, moaning and squirming, suckling on the shaft driving up into her maw as if there was nothing else in the world for her. It was how sex swept away everything else from her mind that made it one of the best things for her, her world narrowing to delectable sensation, grass tickling her hide as the moon gleamed down from so very high above. The forest would not sleep that night as the herd took their pleasure but the cock pounding her muzzle thrust in harder and faster than ever, though the stallion had to hunker down and flex his hocks to get down to the right level for even a mouth suspended on Salya's long neck.

That was okay though. All of them could work together for mutual pleasure, even though it was, of course, the youngest of them that reached his high first. Unable to hold back for even a single breath of a moment longer, the Ponyta's sides shuddered and he flagged his tail, spending his load in a proud, shrill whinny that completed his deflowering. Of course, his orgasm was not wasted for the filling of pony-cream he delivered unto her, hot, thick ropes of seed splashing into Salya's vent.

She moaned around the cock in her mouth, relishing in the filling, but it was right then and there that her second climax washed over her, a throbbing rise of flickering, dancing flames singing of her fire-type heritage as another helping of cum poured straight down her throat. Purring around his length with all the strength she had left in her body, she kept her head forced up from the ground as the Rapidash above her nickered and stomped, tail flicking, spending himself into her mouth as his younger brother slipped from her vent in a slick, gleaming drool of cum to herald all that had taken place.

Yet there was more, even as the brothers took their leave of her, leaving the hybrid Pokemon warm and heavy with their seed, her belly even a little bit swollen from the cum they'd poured into her, although she could not tell whether that had come from her vent or her mouth. Who was, really, to tell on that count? It didn't matter anyway, not as the rest of the herd pressed in around her, throaty nickers and questing neighs querying, oh so very politely, whether she was up for a little more, that was, of course, if she wasn't too tired.

They were polite, too polite, and Salya sprawled out beneath them with a smile stretching her lips wide, claws extended for two cocks that were, a little too eagerly, stuffed into her hold. They would do for a tease and, well, she would do so much more than that as the stars glittered so very high above, bearing testament and witness to all that had come to pass while she waited on the attention of those who had come from another world. Still, if they would not hasten along their way to her world, she would have to find them too, and she had surely planted enough seeds of desire in Aurora too for her to want to find them too. She wouldn't be surprised if she did not find the pony again after the ceremony, off on a hunt for the ones that could do more than Salya could with just her tongue.

There were still many more in the herd after her attentions, however, and there was no time for thought as she teased her tongue into the slit at the tip of a stallion's cock, letting him nicker and throb with raw desire. They wanted her, yes... Every last one of them wanted her.

And just who would Salya be to deny them?

Dreaming Reality: Part Two

**Dreaming Reality** **A Dragon Crossing to the Pokemon World** ** ** **Part Two** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ Truthfully, Xigfeldo was a dragon of his word when it came to that, even...

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The Bliss Massage

**The Bliss Massage** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Dargon_ _ _ _ _ "Good morning!" The robin behind the counter of the tastefully set-aside and decorated massage parlour, which was attached to a leisure and...

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