sweetiebelle likes them big

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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another story with my pony OC shire so yeah goodbye anybody that clicks on this

It was a nice day in pony ville, the CMC's where all grown up each had there own mark on there plot.

Scootaloo's was a flaming scooter as she knew how to recover from a crash and burn.

Applebloom's was a tree, but only because she had nursed a small apple tree from the grip of death and looking after it ever since.

Sweetiebelle's was a peace of paper with the words track on it, she could keep track of all the paperwork in rarity's place and at school and at college but there was something else on her mind.

"Okay, I bring into order the first meeting of CMC since we got our cutiemarks, our first order is what do we now?"

Applebloom said looking at her friends

"How about we got out and look for more blanks and let them into our club house?"

Scootaloo said,

Sweetiebelle in the mean time was looking at Applebloom's brother big mac; she bit her lower lip and smiled.

Sweetiebelle and the rest of CMC where now in there teenage years, but they didn't think of sex, well scoots and apple didn't.

"Applebloom, is your brother still seeing our old teacher?"

She asked looking at him working

"Yes, now what are we going to do about CMC? We have our cutiemarks so where do we go now?"

Applebloom reply

"how about we just keep it going, I mean we'll be having kids some day, plus I bet there will be others who where like us"

Scootaloo said

Sweetiebelle sighed and exited

"Hay where you going?"

The two asked

"I have to look after rarity's shop, I'll see you later"

Sweetiebelle said sighing and looking at big mac

Sweetiebelle had a big crush on stallion's that had more down there.

She enjoyed the bigger stallions, but because she was so young most of the stallions in college where not that big, and if they where they just wanted to be friends.

Sweetiebelle got into rarity's shop then started to short out paper work.

She sighed and as she at her desk then started to day dream about a big stallion.

"Oh hello there I'm sweetiebelle, who are you?"

"I'm big then big, I see you like big ones"

"Oh yes, the bigger the better, you seem big but are you?"

"Indeed I am, I'm part zebra and you know how big they are"

"My indeed, let's see then"

The stallion lifted his leg as his cock slide out from his sheath, sweetiebelle smiled, but just as she was about to suck and lick that wonderful meat he turned into a bell.

Still dreaming sweetiebelle looked and saw a pony had come into the shop.

She sighed and stopped touching herself and went over to the big ailcorn pony.

"Hello, welcome to rarity's shop, she's not in at the moment, but I am, how can I help?"

Sweetiebelle smiled big

"Yes, has rarity finished the 4 dresses for the princess? Only there needed for this weekend"

The big pony said turning and looking not seeing any pony then looked down and saw her

"Um I'll have to check, give me a moment"

Sweetiebelle went behind the counter and looked though the paper work then found 4 orders for the princesses,

"Here we are, um yes they seem to be finished"

Her horn glowed and out came 4 lovely hoof made dresses fit only for the 4 princesses,

"Lovely, I'm not sure if they where free or if the princesses had to pay for them either way I have a bag of bits"

He said getting them and putting the bag on the counter

"It seems they where 400 bits each, that's cheap I've seen the princesses have dresses for 800 even 1000 bits"

Sweetiebelle said getting out the paper work and signing it,

"Say, what's your name?"

The big ailcorn said

"Sweetiebelle and yours?"

She said blushing a little

"Shire, the last of the shire ponies turned alicorn"

He said checking over the bits in the bag

At that moment Sweetiebelle's brain went into over drive, shire ponies where known for there size, she then looked under him and saw his sheath and balls not too big but she wondered.

As she got the dresses out she dropped her quill and picked it up getting a much better view

"Um this might be out of the blue but do you have a mare friend shire?"

She asked hoping he's say no

"Sadly no, every pony that sees me uselessly runs from the size of me, in both areas"

He said with a wink

"Oh my well can I see how big you are? I kinda have a thing for big ponies"

She said brushing her tail on his face

Shire just smiled and let her, he lifted his back leg and then his horn glowed and his balls got bigger.

Sweetiebelle blushed and moved in and cupped them they where so big and round.

She then licked them smelling the musky smell and then put her ear to the sack and heard the seed inside.

As she got up she blushed.

"You're so big, I hope your cock the same"

She said looking at him

"What do you think that was near your ear?"

He said smiling

Sweetiebelle looked and there almost touching the ground was his cock, it was longer then anything she had seen.

She moved to it and touched it, it throbbed in her hoof, and she then gave it a lick and was really hoping she wasn't dreaming.

As she licked shire moaned, she heard this and licked more, she then saw the small puddle on the floor of pre.

As she licked the tip she felt the globs of pre, it was so sweet, she blushed and tried to deep throat the stallion.

But then the door went and she stopped, thankfully shire was a good player.

As she went to the desk he just pretended that he didn't know his cock was out.

"Sweetiebelle how's the shop?"

Her sister asked

"F-fine, I was just showing shire here the dresses you'd made for the princesses"

She said blushing looking a bit flushed

"Oh yes there ready for you, I do hope that they like them, I made them how they wanted them"

Rarity said putting the dresses on shire's back after he'd paid

"Bye dear, drop in any time"

Rarity said as he flew off to canterlot

"Please come back"

Sweetiebelle said under her breath

That night sweetiebelle tossed and turned in her bed, her body alive and wanting pleasure.

She kept replaying that moment though her mind, the size and the warmth of that shire pony's cock.

She then woke and gasped her body sweaty and dripping, she then looked under her sheets.

There by her mare hood was a wet warm patch, she had had a wet dream.

She sighed and went to the window.

"If only we could meet again, you'd be my first and then I'd maybe move to smaller stallions, knowing that I could think of you as they sex me"

She sighed but then heard rarity talking; she went to have a look

In rarity's shop was princess twilight, she was talking with rarity.

"Oh dear, I wouldn't miss this for the world, plus I really want to see what you look like in that dress"

She said sipping some wine

"I looked great, but it'll be nice to see you all again, I hardly get to see you, what with all the princess stuff"

Twilight said sipping the wine as well

"You can arrange the transport right? I'd hate to go on that train, it takes so long, and I need to get ready with hours not a few moments"

She said brushing her mane aside

"Don't worry rarity, I'll have the carts to take you to canterlot, it'll just be nice to see you again"

Twilight said smiling

Sweetiebelle smiled, she would be going too, and she knew just who she wanted to see.

She went to bed smiling and knowing that soon she and shire would be as one.

A few days later rarity was loading up the cart that was to take her to the castle.

Sweetiebelle was helping too, but there was one big suit case left over, she would get into it at the right moment.

"How come I can't go? I'm not as troublesome as I was when I was younger, please rarity!"

She smiled

"No, your not old enough, there will be adult ponies there and posh ponies"

Rarity said sipping some tea

"Oh like blue blood"

Sweetiebelle smiled evilly at that

"DON'T say that name again"

Rarity said her cup shaking a little

"Okay then well I guess I'll be off"

She said running inside then getting into the truck which had 4 holes easy to walk with under them

Rarity then saw her friends all get into the cart, and then Applejack noticed the trunk.

"Hay rarity, what's the matter? There not letting more then 20 cases on the cart?"

Applejack said pointing to the case

"Oh no, that must be one sweetiebelle forgot to load on, not her fault"

Rarity picked it up and put it on the top of the cart groaning a little

"That was heavy, I must have packed more then normal, well it is a trip to the castle, I must pack everything I need"

She said getting into the cart as the 10 Pegasus ponies took flight

"Soon shire I'll be with you"

Sweetiebelle said looking out from a flap that was over a sticker on the trunk

A few hours later and the cart landed outside the castle gates.

The guard pony there let them though and then the cart stopped, the ponies where let out but not the luggage, sweetiebelle looked on.

The cart then went into a shed and then the 10 ponies and the driver left.

Sweetiebelle looked and then saw some ponies smoking as they looked at the cart.

"Looks like rarity's here tonight"

One said sighing

"Yeah, only that pony would bring load of trunks to a one night stay"

The other said puffing the cigarette then stamping it out

"Sooner we get this done the sooner we can get to the kitchen to help ourselves to the food before it goes out"

One said unloading putting the bags on another cart,

Sweetiebelle was then put on the cart with a thud,


"You say something?"

The one on the cart said

"No, did you?"

The one pulling the cart said

"Well that trunk was heavy, hope it's not fragile the way we chuck them around"

He and the other laughed

"Oh I'll have to have words with the princess about those two"

Sweetiebelle said looking from out the top of the trunk as the side where the hole was on it side.

The two ponies got to rarity's room and dropped the bags off with another thud.

Sweetiebelle hoped that this was going to be worth it, after that she now felt like just going home.

She looked and flipped the trunk over then she put her legs though the holes and started to walk.

She walked to the door then walked along the hallway, but her plan was floored, no see where your going hole in the front.

Sweetiebelle crashed around the hall ways until a royal guard confronted her.


He said making sweetiebelle run and crash into a wall with a thud

"What is in the trunk will come out or be destroyed by magic!"

The guard said a few others there their horns glowing with magic,

"Don't shoot please!"

Sweetiebelle said getting out of the trunk

"Name and what is your reason for being around here?"

The guards said

"It's um run away fast"

She said

"Run away fast?"

The guards looked at each other then heard running hoofs


They said going after her

Sweetiebelle ran and then turned but the castle was like a maze.

She was then back where she was both guards coming from both ends.

She learned on a wall and sighed the wall however gave way.

Sweetiebelle fell down some steps and groaned, she was in a hallway, it was dark but there were some candles on the wall.

She followed them then heard music, the area she got to was then carpeted, red carpet old and used but still nice.

She looked and heard the music playing; she then looked into a room.

In the room there was a bed and some very cool features, an on sweet bathroom, a hot tub and a very cool writing desk.

She walked in and saw that the record player was at an end.

She carefully picked it up and put it on the holder, she then looked around, and in the room was nothing but old pictures of farm ponies.

She then heard hoof steps, looking for a place to hide she dived under the bed, it was dusty and full of feathers.

"This food is nice, huh? Who put my record player needle on the holder?"

He looked as he ate some cake from the party going on upstairs,

Sweetiebelle could feel the dust going up her nose, she then felt shire sit on the bed.

The nose was now raging, like a chilli pepper was up there, but sweetiebelle stopped herself from sneezing, but then it happened.


"Bless you, huh wait that wasn't me...EEP BIGGER THEN BIG RAT UNDER MY BED!"

Shire said dropping the plate and flying up to the ceiling which was low, he then lifted up the bed

"I'm not a, ah choo! A rat, just an s-s-AH-CHOO store away"

Sweetiebelle said getting up

"Oh sweetiebelle, how'd you get in here?"

Shire said landing and dusting her off

"I came to see you; after all we didn't get to finish our little fun"

She said smiling

"Well you could have just sent a letter to the princess, instead of coming here"

He said picking up the mess he'd made

"Look at you; covered in my old feathers and dust, well I suppose that gives me an excuse to clean under my bed"

He said smiling

"Please do, you don't have a dust spell?"

She asked not moving in fear of her body moving and letting dust go everywhere

"Even better, a shower"

He said using his magic to turn it on

Sweetiebelle smiled and went into it, she then washed off the dust and then dried herself, her belly then rumbled.

"Sounds like someone's hungry, c'mon I know there is great food in the main hall"

Shire said walking out of the area they where in, he then went along a hallway and then up some stairs and then opened a door and there was the main hall alive

"What are these hallways?"

Sweetiebelle asked

"Just old ponies quarters, now then get under me"

He said

"Bit early for that isn't it?"

Sweetiebelle blushed

"Not that yet any ways heh, get under me so I an hide you, I'm allowed to be here as I'm a cleaner"

Sweetiebelle understood and got under shire

He then walked to the food table and then she went under the table.

Sweetiebelle looked from the other side of the table and with her magic got down some chips and drinks.

Shire and her drank and ate the food, she then looked at the cake but it was uncut, had peace's out of it but it was needing to be cut.

Shire got out from under the table and cut two slices he then put one under the table.

Sweetiebelle ate the cake and smiled enjoying it.

Shire then got under with her as she lies on her back belly very full.

"Wow, so it's true what rarity's says, the food here is much nicer,"

She burped

"Not really, it's just made to look fancy, why do you think the cakes are here almost ever party? They make the food, celetia just uses her magic to make it look like its worth loads"

Shire said eating some cup cakes.

After a while sweetiebelle was feeling not so full to walk back to shire's area.

She smiled but then remembers the case and saw it being put near celetia as a guard talked to her, she then waited as celetia took the mike.

"Ponies, I'm told that a pony has come into the castle and has escaped, I need to stay here and remain calm,

My guards are looking around for the pony that was in this trunk"

She used her magic to bring it into view

"Ah that's where it got to,"

A pony said sweetiebelle look and shire was gone and up by celetia

"Cleaner? This is your trunk?"

She said looking at him as well as the guards

"Indeed it is, bad trunk, you know not to wander off like that"

He said as he moved and whimpered

"Now, now don't be giving me that sad whimper"

He said turning as it got close and bite him on the plot

"OW! Now, now, no need to get AHHH!"

It started to chase after him and then grabbed him and swallowed him

The ponies around laughed including celetia and sweetiebelle.

The case then burped and opened up showing no pony but only feathers, it then licked its top and looked at the other ponies jumping and wanting to eat them.

Shire then appeared and locked his muzzle.

"You should know trunk, never eat a ailcorn, as they just go though and out the other end"

Shire said as ponies looked at him confused

"Like corn, because corn is the only thing we can't digest"

The floor laughed and returned to partying

Shire walked over to the food table putting the case down and letting the pony under the table get in.

He then left and got back to his area putting the trunk down onto the bed at that point sweetiebelle got out.

"That was too close thanks for saving me back there castle cleaner"

She said dusting herself off and looking at the room she was in,

"Welcome to the old slave changelings quarters left in ruin until I made them better well to live in"

He said smiling as he walked her into his room

There was a lot of nice thing in there mostly old things the young filly blushed as she knew what she wanted she wanted to go to the princesses bedroom

"Castle cleaner, do these hallways lead to rooms or are they all fallen in or filled in to block them up?"

She asked looking at him and down a hall

"There all open I cleared them and made them safe why were do you want to go?"

he said looking as he lead the way down the dimly light hallways that only just were big enough for him

"To the princess room"

She said not telling him why

they walked along some more rooms all full of dirt and old castle stuff flags books that were mouldy and wet old carriages and other neat stuff until they went up some stairs and then opening a door they were in the princess celetia's room.

Sweetiebelle looked and gasped it was better then she thought.

Going in she jumped on the bed but then knew why she had come here going into the princesses wardrobe she pulled on a certain string and the wardrobe turned there showing a whole load of sex toys one that she wanted was there too.

Grabbing it the castle cleaner blushed how did she know about that?

Getting onto the bed sweetiebelle used a spell and made her body go rubbery but only in one place she then pushed that green dragon dildo into her pussy moaning as she took it.

"Ah yes! This is what I need sorry to use you castle cleaner but I ah need this toy your nice but I'm still young maybe in a few years yes I'll take you but I knew of the princesses toys and she only has the biggest and best in the land"

She said pulling it out and going to the door were they had come from

"But that's the princesses not yours hay wait!"

He said running after her

In all the rush the toys were left out in the open as there were other ponies getting a tour from the princess she opened her doors only to close them as she said that there was important letters from others that were for her eyes only.

Locking the door she used her magic to put the toys away but then saw that one of her toys was missing the dragon one, one of her most used toys too.

She then felt a draft and going to the wall she found the old entrance for the slaves she knew who had taken the toy.

Going out she let the ponies walk around at that point she told the guards to watch them as she used her magic and opened one of the doors to the slave's walkways.

It was dark and using her horn she light the way getting dirt and cobwebs on her dress and in her mane walking down these gave her chills her memory's flooding her mind of how that one changelings stood up and over powered them and they fled only to come back all be for different reasons but she knew.

Getting to a bigger opening she saw all the old stuff from the past she sighed then heard voices walking along soft she couldn't use her wings no space she listened.

"thanks for helping me, this will be a great toy to use at our next sleep over, I know applebloom has her one and Scootaloo has any from rainbow dash but I don't have any, last time I got one from rarity's she told me I was too young for this"

She pushed it into herself moaning the castle cleaner blushing

"Well why don't you buy your own? Pinkie pie would help you find one as she does that very well knowing everyone even me"

He said with a blush as he showed off his mare pussy which was a donkey's one

At that point celetia used her magic to blow the lights out the candles

"Ah! Dark lights on!"

Sweetiebelle said but it was no good

"Darn breeze hold on"

The stallion said lighting them back up then they both saw a rather dirty and dusty princess

"Huh, I don't remember that being down here life sized celetia stature hmm it can join the others that were left down here"

He said about to move it

"I'm real and I want that back"

She said using her magic to pull the toy away from sweetiebelle

"No! I need one gimme!"

She said holding it the princess using her hoof to pry off the young filly on the toy

The castle cleaner stopped them both;

"Look enough, okay so sweetiebelle you need a toy but a big one yes? And you princess need this as you like it well I think I have a way of pleasing you both"

He said as he told celetia his idea

She nodded and there was a flash of light and there was another one of the dragon dildo's sweetiebelle smiled and hugged the princess.

They then went back to the party rarity was shocked to see her younger sister there but she told her about the idea of coming here and well taking something of the princesses for a dare.

The princess forgave her and in the morning they went home the only extra bit was the toy and at the next sleep over all three got to use there toys enjoying them very much so.

As for the princess? Well she uses that toy but now has someone to help her needs the castle cleaner with condom on he'll fuck her any time any where and she loves it.

~the end~

daddy big mac PT1

It was a lovely day in the pony kingdom even better in the apple orchards. Three ponies were hard at work bucking apple trees and bringing the apples home ready for pies and cider. Applebloom would collect the empty baskets from the cart moving them...

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the great and powerful cum dumpster

There was a flash of light and the crowd went ooh as a blue pony appeared and waved her cape she bowed and started by pulling out from a chicken from a hat she then pulled out three chicks and an egg. She then put the egg in the hat and showed that it...

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posh meets country

It was a great morning in the CMC clubhouse, all three ponies where talking about how appleblooms cousin was coming to visit. Bab seeds were visiting for a week, she wanted to tell her friends that in her own home town she took had started her own CMC...

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