Good girl Rewritten Pt. 4

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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#14 of The Devil's Plaything

When Demiurge first laid eyes on the second human Sebas had brought home, he was positive he had seen a ghost.

The Arch Devil had been summoned to the throne room, and as he made his way down the main hall, he saw an unfamiliar female facing away from him, busily dusting the many paintings adorning the walls.

It must be the one Solution had mentioned to him earlier.

'I do hope to have a front row seat for the ass chewing Sebas will no doubt receive for this.' The demon sneered. 'Lord Ainz will be furious. Maybe I should simply save him the trouble and kill her now.'

As he drew closer, she turned and looked at him.

He almost stopped dead in his tracks, and his breath caught. His Arch Devil's normally nimble brain came to a screeching halt, but his body managed to continue to carry him on his already charted trajectory.

She possessed the same striking cobalt blue eyes as his last pet, and her hair also cascaded in loose, golden waves around her shoulders. Her delicate features were nearly identical, and her lips were full, perfectly molded with a prominent cupid's bow. As he approached her, her scent was remarkably similar as well. They both smelled strongly of Lilies in bloom, but whereas his previous pet of had the effervescence of the sky before rainfall, this one's shared aroma of Lilies was complimented by orange blossoms and peaches.

There were so many uncanny similarities; the only real difference was she one was a little shorter, and maybe three to five years younger. She was barely twenty years old, her body still spare with adolescence and soft curves.

It had to be her little sister.

Children of the poor or indebted to the wrong people were often sold into human trafficking and sexual servitude, and it was not uncommon for them to be broken up and shipped to different brothels. The odds that Sebas just happened to hand-pick the perfect stray to bring into Nazarick's walls were astronomical to none.

And yet, here she was.

'With my luck, she most likely possesses the same acidic attitude...'

As though prove him wrong, the human then dropped to her knees and lowered her head, in a most submissive and respectable gesture. Almost as if he himself had trained her to do so.

Demiurge was genuinely taken aback...and already getting hard.


As he passed her by, he could smell fear emanating from her. That was to be expected.

He permitted her to rise without turning towards her to ensure she wouldn't notice the massive_ erection he was now sporting. He did not want her to fear him _too much; not yet, anyways.

"Th-thank you, Master." She said quietly.

'She already calls me Master. She's perfect.'

He fully intended on making this one his new pet. He had a chance to start over, and he would not waste it. To Hell with Sebas, she was going to be his, even if he had to take her from him by force.

He took a few minutes outside the throne room to calm his raging and very visible...problem, and went inside. After the meeting, Demiurge anxiously waited for the rest of the Guardians to exit

"Lord, if you have a moment, might I ask what you intend to do with the human?" Demiurge asked.

"Honestly, I have not yet had a chance to contemplate it in depth, as it was just brought to my attention two days ago. Apparently it as kept from me for nearly a week, which I find extremely displeasing. And considering he has already been warned against this behavior, I will most likely wipe her memory and have her released in a nearby city." The Elder Lich mused. "I cannot continue to encourage such reckless behavior."

"If I may, Lord, I would consider keeping her as my own personal servant, with your approval, of course. I observed her this morning, and she seemed competent enough to keep my quarters tidy. I could also use an extra hand in processing hides at the ranch. If you are amiable to this, I could make use of her." Demiurge proposed, tucking his hands behind his back.

"Hmmm...I will certainly take that into consideration." Ainz said, and sincerely.

Demiurge smirked.

'I'm not hearing a "no"...'

"Thank you for hearing out my proposal, Lord. Please inform me when you have reached a decision as how to proceed." The demon bowed deeply and left.

The demon knew if Lord Ainz had no intention of giving her to him, he would have said so then and there. This meant his chances were good.

And Demiurge could not have been more pleased with the result of the following meeting which would decide her fate.

"I would like this human as my personal servant. I have watched her clean and deem her competent enough to keep my personal quarters tidy, and having her around would certainly lighten the amount of work placed on Pestonya." He made his purposes for having her seem practical and unselfish.

"An excellent idea, Demiurge. And I'm sure as far as Pestonya would be concerned, it was not selfish at all. I grant your request." The Elder Lich concluded.

The ruler handed her over with so little fuss he thought Lord Ainz was toying with him.

But he wasn't. Demiurge had won her because his earlier proposal was exactly what Ainz needed to hear in order to make his decision. It gave Ainz an option to compromise with the Butler, but also discourage his habit of bringing home strays. Giving her to the demon meant she received sanctuary within the Tomb, but it also meant Sebas' least favorite Guardian was given ownership of her.

Sebas put up resistance, of course, but it did nothing to sway his Master's decision.

She was now his. The demon's heart swelled with excitement.

He had already had maid staff prepare her room and put fresh sheets on her bed, and ensured everything in her bathroom was in working order, in hopes she would become his pet, and he was not disappointed.

Demiurge gave her as much time as possible to get settled and grow accustomed to his presence.

Which was absolutely excruciating. When he had brought her to his Floor and lead the human to her room, he managed to maintain his composure and tell her when dinner was, but then she thanked and bowed to him;

'Respect! Submission! I didn't even have to ask for it! She's fucking perfect!'

The demon had to turn around and leave that fucking minute before he pounced on her.

'Fuck, she smells so good.' It was almost enough to make him lose control. His tail was wagging like a puppy's as he reluctantly left her to her own devices.

The demon waited at least four weeks before asking her to clean his personal quarters, when he was sure he had developed the resolve to not instantly take advantage of having her trapped in is room.

She was startled by him when he spoke to her. She jolted and almost dropped her feather duster, but she still tried to be as respectful as possible, and turned to look up at and face him anyway.

She was such a tiny thing. A little porcelain doll to the towering Devil.

'How adorable.' She had nerve, he would give her that. Just like her sister. As long as she kept a tight leash on her tongue, he would tolerate it.

"You seem to be rather nervous. Do I frighten you?" He asked, curious as to what sort of answer she would give him. He preferred an honest one, but would not be surprised if she lied out of fear of offending him.

He saw the wheels in her head turning, her cerulean blue eyes searching his face cautiously, trying read him and his intentions. His tail swayed as he narrowed the distance between them, and watched her eyes widen. She was obviously terrified, as he could smell fear all over her, but also...

'Whats this?' A new scent rose to the surface, it was sharp and...

"...N-no." She lied, meekly looking up at his towering form.

_'Impossible.'_For the first time in his life, he doubted his acute sense of smell. But he had never scented what he believed he was currently identifying coming from a human before, at least around him. He had to know for sure.

Demiurge unexpectedly grabbed her by her shoulder and fisted her hair tightly with his other hand. She yelped in shock as he yanked her head back, exposing her throat, bringing his face down into the crook of her neck inhaling.

No, he wasn't wrong. Still, he could not believe it.

"You aren't a very good liar." He hissed in her ear, his voice was silk but threaded with steel. "And you reek of fear."

'And arousal. You want me.'

The demon could not stop himself; he had to be damn sure there was no room for doubt. His tongue flicked out in a brief lick against her flesh, and his eyes rolled in his skull.

It was real.

"I can even taste it, it is so strong."

'Walk away. She isn't ready yet. She needs time, especially after you grabbed her. Why weren't you more gentle?' He scolded himself.

"I strongly advise against lying to me. Because chances are, I will know the truth."

'I do know the truth. I know you want what I am so ready to give you.'

It took every ounce of the demon's strength to leave her standing in the hallway and not fuck her shape into the floor.

Demiurge returned to his quarters and flopped down in his ivory chair, and opened a scroll he had no intention of reading; its purpose was to hide and hopefully forget the massive erection he again had zero control over.

That was extremely frustrating. He had not had that little of control over his own body since he had first met Malphas.

He waited patiently, but did not count on her coming as ordered after he had undoubtedly scared the Hell her.

He had been too rough with her in his disbelief of what he was sensing. But never in his lifetime had he smelled arousal emanating from a human, because of HIM.

Sure, human females he paid for sex feigned it, but he always saw past the poorly acted facade. It had gotten so tiring, no, insulting, to know they were closing their eyes not in pleasure, but to imagine someone else was touching them. Someone who didn't have a steely tail or pointed ears or diamond eyes. The noises they made were always so pathetically exaggerated that it was the worst kind of turn-off and he even started paying extra just to gag them.

To his surprise, he then heard a knock on his door.

'I'll be damned...'

He permitted entry. The human meekly peered around the corner of the door like a curious kitten before opening it the rest of the way and he'd be a fucking liar if he said he didn't find it most endearing. She was incredibly brave to still come to his quarters after he had touched her. The demon admired that.

And for her to look around at the remains of fallen members of her species which decorated his room and _still_have the nerve to stay, was nothing short of impressive. He knew then without a doubt she would be able to handle him. He watched her discreetly from his peripheral as she held her ground and cleaned as thoroughly as she could in her obvious state of anxiety.

Everything was going smoothly until she stepped in the still-standing puddle of blood left from when he had slaughtered her mouthy sister. He never cleaned it, nor would he let Pestonya touch it; he kept it around as a morbid reminder that he was a monster of the worst kind.


"I would like you to scrub that before you leave." He said, deciding she could go ahead and get rid of it now that he had an opportunity to change things, and she jerked with a start. He couldn't help but grin.

She was as jumpy as a rabbit.

"Yes, master." Even in her fear, she maintained a respectful attitude, which pleased him to no end.

She returned with a bucket of soapy water and a scrub brush, and she knelt down to scrape at it. He watched her face pale in horror as closer examination and the smell of death revealed the old stain to be blood.

If only she knew whom it once belonged to.

But this was a necessary evil. She needed to know exactly what he was; and how she could end up if she ever dare to give him attitude like her sister had.

She cleaned in one direction but as she hit the baseboard, she then turned with her back to him and began to lean downward.

Demiurge saw her maid's dress hike up as she was facing away from him, and she started carelessly scrubbing away.

'Damn it.'

It got worse...or better, depending on which angle he looked at it. Worse because now he was so hard it hurt, and better because he was given a glorious view of what he was soon to touch. The demon's eyes widened and he completely stopped breathing when he noticed her underwear was practically nonexistent- a mere scrap of lace.

His mouth went bone dry and his cock strained against his trousers and throbbed with painfully unsatisfied need.

Her heart-shaped ass was to fucking die for.

'Holy Hell.'

Demiurge was a longtime appreciator of the sleek and graceful lines which coalesced to create the masterpiece known as the female form. But what always captivated his eye the most were the beautiful, softly rounded curves which shaped the hips and rear.

Demiurge was without a doubt an aficionado of asses.

'And I just discovered a fucking Rembrandt.'

She inclined further downward and scraped the spot harder, and unbeknownst to her, she was treating him to a sinfully scrumptious view of her rear, framed in white silk ruffles and bare except for where her black garter straps bisected each cheek from the tops of her stockings to the connect with the hidden belt.

And she still smelled of arousal...his primitive instincts were going hysterical in their clawing demand to breed her as she reeked of ripe sexual desire and then assumed the position of a female presenting herself to fucked from behind.

Demiurge was cursing in ancient tongues in his head.

He swallowed, and fought the urge to clench his fists around the scroll in his hands. He then failed to prevent himself from imagining kneeling behind her and pulling her underwear aside to slide his rigid cock into her.

'Fuck, she's petite; she would be SO tight...and if she actually wants me, soaking wet as well.'

The demon felt warmth oozing over his thigh, and was vaguely aware that he was leaking precum all over himself.

She grunted slightly and huffed as she scrubbed, and it was fucking torture to his heightened sense of hearing.

_'Shit...'_If he weren't so turned on, he would be thoroughly embarrassed to have been so affected by a human, of all inferior things. But with his cock as hard as it was, he was beyond caring.

The demon felt his pulse throbbing in his shaft, and he was breathing rapidly, but quietly.

'Keep scrubbing. Don't turn around. Just keep making those beautiful noises.' His eyes slid shut, and he snared his lower lip between his fangs.

She continued to scrape away, and panted softly as she put her back into it.

How would his name sound on her lips, breathed in such a way?

The filthy things he would do to her just to hear her say it...he imagined crawling on top of her in that position and nipping the back of her neck while rolling his hips into hers, showing her just what she was doing to him.

'I'm going to make her scream my name...'

Demiurge felt a heat rise to his face, and tension tightening in the base of his spine. He was dripping at an alarming rate, but he simply couldn't help himself.

Would she moan for him? Beg him for more? Would she liked to be fucked hard and fast? Or soft and slow?

He could not wait to find out...he wanted to feel her legs wrap around his waist as he lifted her to fuck her into the wall. He could just hear the gasp of shock that would rush from her lungs as she felt his girth push into her. She was so small, it was doubtful she could take him in his entirety.

How would she look on her knees before him? How would those perfect, plush lips feel around his swollen, aching head?


Oh, no.


He bit his tongue, but it wasn't enough.

'NO! Not now!'

He dug his claws into his thigh, and again, it was useless.

'Too late, here it comes.'

He was actually going to come in his pants, like a fucking teenager during a wet dream, and he had not touched himself once.

_'Please don't turn around...'_He silently pleaded, knowing he had to be blushing to his pointed ears. He casually brought a gloved hand up to his lips, as though to contemplate what he was reading...but he still had to sink his fangs into his finger to keep himself silent as he began to soar...and then spurt.

Fuck, he was coming so was a miracle he stayed as quiet as he did.

Demiurge had his first hands-free orgasm just by looking at her ass, scenting her desire and hearing vaguely sexual noises as she cleaned.

'Oh, she is absolutely a keeper...' He licked his lips, and grinned a wolfish grin.

Demiurge was admittedly entranced by his new pet. He tried hard not to get his hopes up; after constant and cruel rejection, he was repeatedly reminding himself to be cautious in his enthusiasm.

But scent doesn't lie. She wanted him, and he could not help but to be excited. He wanted to do things differently this time. Demiurge did not want to simply own her, he wanted to be needed by her. He wanted her to trust him in the way Malphas' bicorns took to and trusted him. He yearned for and envied that seemingly unspoken bond.

The demon did not count on her coming back that night, though. Humans were emotionally fragile, and he knew her nerves must be frayed after such a day. Still, he waited for her, on the off chance that she may.

Needless to say, Demiurge was thrilled that she returned with his dinner that very evening, and had not tried to send another maid sent in her place.

"Your dinner, my Lord." She bowed at the waist before her master.

"Excellent." He said, and permitted her to rise with a brief motion of his hand.

Demiurge set aside the scroll he was pretending to peruse over and stood, and stalked to the table. She delicately set the plate before him at the table as he placed his napkin in his lap,and she leaned over the table next to him, to lay out his silverware, and he could smell her...he was overtaken by that sweet, citrus bouquet that was once again laced with arousal.

Curious to see how she would react, but not wanting to be too obvious, he decided to make a move which could easily be dismissed as accidental; so he lightly brushed his tail over the back of her thigh.

She jumped with a start and dropped his knife.

"Please, f-forgive me!" She stammered in startled shock.

She bent over to pick it up, and again he was granted an even closer and more glorious view of her derriere.

'Her ass... will be the death of me.' Again, his imagination began to run away with him.

She fumbled before clumsily picking it up, and she turned back to him, thoroughly discombobulated and reeking of anxiety.

"It's quite alright." He said and he smirked, more than a little amused by her jumpiness. It was like watching a kitten learn to interact with a large dog with all of its precious puff-ups. He anxiously awaited the day she would rub against him rather than startle.

"Please, allow me to get another one for you!" She pleaded, and turned to leave to retrieve it.

'No! Please don't leave!'

The Arch Devil caught her wrist.

"Something this minor is no issue." He assured her with the ghost of a smile. "Stay."

He held out his clawed hand for her to pass him the knife, and was pleased when she relented.

The demon took it from her and cut the steak open with surgical precision. He inhaled deeply, scenting her; she was nervous, watching his every move. He then closed his eyes and drug the flat of the dripping blade across his tongue, not letting a drop of the sweet, bloody juices go waste.

"Perfection." He purred, his crystalline eyes sliding back open to lock onto hers, his tongue curling over his fang.

'I'll bet you taste sweeter than every flower and fruit in the desert.'

The demon watched her pupils dilate, and her her chest expand with a stifled gasp. The scent of her arousal spiked.

He decided to break the ice with small talk.

"So...are you sleeping well in your new quarters?" He asked, his gaze never faltering from hers.

"Y-yes, master." She said quietly, snapping her out of the trance he trapped her in. "And thank you. I've never had a room of my own before."

"Is that so? And why is that, if you don't mind me asking?" He probed, and took another bite of steak.

"Um...we used to be locked in a designated room until the day was over, and after so many hours those of us who could not work anymore would sleep in a closet until the next shift, or the next client would arrive." She timidly explained.

'Others touched her. MINE. They will die. I'll kill every single one of them, until no one but I share your scent.'

"That _is_unfortunate." He said emotionlessly, hiding his rage under the surface. "However, as long as you serve under me, you will have your own quarters, clothes, and whatever else may be necessary for your functions."

"I am very grateful for that." She bowed her head respectfully. "And I noticed...none of the other cleaning staff have their own room. Tuare said she has to sleep in a main bedroom with the rest of the maids." She said.

"Of course. You're a personal servant, not mere maid staff." Demiurge practically scoffed. He did not mean for it to come out as thorny it had, but she was far more than a mere maid in his eyes.

She was HIS.

The demon could see the wheels in her head turning.

"You are assigned specifically to the 7th Floor, _my floor,_and the kitchen; not the entirety of the Tomb as they are. Therefore I shouldn't need to be barging in to the main bedroom designated for mere maids every time I need you for one thing, or another." Her master specified. "Hence, why you have your own room, near your master."

He could tell she still didn't quite grasp the gravity of her situation.

"To be blunt, it means I own you." The Arch Devil said with a insidious grin. "You are bound to me, your master; like a pet, you are mine to play with and stroke when I please."

He watched her body went rigid as she finally understood.

'Oh, are mine.'

She said nothing else, seemingly unsure how to respond. Which was fine. He would learn how she truly felt about him tonight, when he came for her in her dreams.

Demiurge's crystalline eyes darkened behind his spectacles, and a sly smile curled one end of his lips as he crawled up her body with predatory intent, like a stalking panther.

Lillith came to; realizing what was happening, she panicked and tried to cover herself with the sheets beneath her, but he grabbed her forearms, stopping her.

This was a typical reaction, they always freaked out at first, so he did not allow her initial response to discourage him.

He himself was fully dressed, he did not want to overwhelm her by exposing himself completely. Still, she struggled, but he did not get angry or reprimand her. She was frightened enough as it is. He slowly lowered himself, preparing to breach her.

The demon casually brought both gloved hands further forward to hold her wrists down on either side of her face, as though her panicked struggling was no real inconvenience, while simultaneously he was easing himself inside of her, inch by inch.

'Fuck yes, so sinfully tight...'

He stared down at her, watching her reactions with intense interest. There was pure and utter disbelief in his servant's eyes as the full weight of what was happening dropped on her like lead. She gasped and hissed, with both pain and...something else. Something other than fear.

'I knew it.'

Demiurge closed his eyes, his lips parting as he savored her warmth and wetness, and gave a low moan as he sank deeper and deeper until he was fully buried within her. He pulled out slowly, and just as leisurely thrust back in. He licked lips, and then his eyes snapped back open, and their were fangs in the vicious grin that crept over his face.

She was letting it happen, but she wasn't..._enjoying it_yet. That had to change. There was power in pleasure, and if he could make her truly want him, show her all he had to offer, he would own her completely. He needed to try a few different things to learn what got her off.

He then reared over her, and held her wrists firmly against the bed as he unexpectedly slammed inside her. She cried out as he began to forcefully fuck her, and he plunged again, and again, and again, giving her no time to adjust to the savage change of pace.

'No? Something deeper? Maybe a little more aggressive, like teeth?'

Suddenly, he lowered his body to lay flat against her, to allow himself to sink deeper than before. Demiurge nestled his head against her neck and sank his fangs into her flesh in a gentle bite, arching his back before the plunge. He pounded forward, and her jaw dropped open in a loud gasp.

'There it is...'

He sucked at her throat, and she whimpered in pleasure.

Victory soared through his veins at the sound of her surrender, letting him in, and he struck the spot again, and ran his tongue over the pulse of her neck. Her arms ceased their straining against his grasp, any fight in her draining away under his ministrations.

' like to have your neck teased, is that it? Danger does it for you?'

An intrigued hum left his throat, as if he knew he found the right spot. He bit down again and plunged hard, hitting the same bundle of nerves with perfect precision; she mewled and arched into him.

'Good girl...see? I can make you feel good. All you have to do is let me.'

She leaned her neck to the side, giving him greater access.

'What a good girl...'

"You like that," He murmured huskily against her throat. "don't you?"

Her face flushed and she let out a low, airy moan in lieu of a response.

'I'll take that as a yes.'

His servant's eyes fluttered closed, and she let out a needy whine, wordlessly pleading for more, he grinned against her skin.

Seeing that she was going to let him have his way, he shifted, uncaging her legs from beneath him. She instinctively locked them around his narrow waist, trying to pull him deeper into her as another wet throb of desire pulsed between her legs.

The demon was more than pleased with her response, he was fucking ecstatic. She was clinging to him, holding on to him like she never wanted to let him go.

She was so tender and responsive, so wet for him. And she actually wanted more.

Wanted. He felt wanted. Not just tolerated, but desired, needed. What a wonderful feeling! Only Malphas had made him feel that way in such an intimate manner.

This was going so beautifully.

"Master..." She whimpered, and the demon gasped at how she breathed that word.

"Look at me." He said, the order soft but still laced with the sharp steel of a warning.

'Don't close your eyes. I need to know it is me you are coming for, and no one else.'

She actually obeyed, and met his gaze, and Demiurge smiled softly at her. He wanted to fucking melt into the deep, blue arctic waters of her eyes and never come back. He wanted to tell her she was beautiful and such a good girl for letting him be him and give her anything and everything her sister had rejected, whatever it took for her to believe him. He wanted to mark her all over so everyone would know she was his, and his alone.

Demiurge freed one of her wrists to slide a hand under her rear, raising her hips up to meet his thrust for thrust, and he bared his fangs as an animalistic growl left his lips; he felt her tighten around his shaft. She moaned his name, and his returning groan was guttural as he came undone, and she awoke, breaking away from his spell.

His name on her lips was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

Now Demiurge knew without a doubt she was not only receptive to him, but _attracted_to him. He had made her feel good, and she didn't seem repulsed by his inhuman features. And for the first time in his life, he felt as though he were emerging from the darkest circle of Hell and into the sunlight for the first time. He to be himself. Desired.

Demiurge felt...happy.

'I hope you find someone better. Someone who makes you happy.'

'I did it. I finally found someone, other than my brother, who might make me happy.'

It was safe to say the demon was nothing short of smitten with her.

Demiurge tested the waters not long afterwards by making a comment about her ass. He had intended it to be more of a compliment, but after it came out of his mouth it sounded more lewd than he had intended it to. Even he cringed a little at the crude slip of his usually smooth and silvery tongue.

Shit, was he actually nervous around her now?

Perhaps it was not the most tactful way in making a pass at her, but he deemed it effective in getting his message of sexual interest across. As expected, she was either too embarrassed or too afraid to respond.

'I almost wish Malphas was here to call me an asshole.'

But she didn't tell him to fuck off, so he would say it went relatively well.

However, the following day, he turned the corner of the hallway and much to his surprise, saw her again bent over the table, carelessly dusting away. Once more he took in the view of her lovely rear, beautifully exposed to him.

As he drew closer, he could swear he saw her catch a glimpse of him yet she remained in that position, as if not to see him. Surely she would kneel if he were in her field of vision, so that couldn't be possible. He stalked up behind her, and yet she continued to sweep the feathers of the duster across the table, as if he didn't exist.

'There's no way she doesn't see me.'

But she still didn't kneel or acknowledge him. He heard her heart begin to race, betraying that she was indeed aware of his presence.

Why was she suddenly ignoring him?

'No...please don't act like her. Things were going so well...' His heart sank, and unfamiliar panic began to set in.

This was an alien emotion, and he recognized it as the same one that gripped him when he came home that night to smell blood drenching the air, only to find his pet dead.

He bent himself over her, caging her with his arms and chest, pressing himself close over her back. While it was slight, he still felt her tense. He swallowed around the growing lump in his throat, the same one he felt clog his airway when he read the suicide note, and he nuzzled her neck lightly in a desperate attempt to earn some sound of approval, something that would assure him everything was okay between them.

'Remember how this felt? It was so good, right?'

She still said nothing. No happy chirp or soft, sweet moan. Nothing.

_', no, NO!' _

It was like he suddenly didn't exist. As he feared, she was ignoring him, disrespecting him, shutting him out and not giving him a chance to be something other than a monster, just like her older sister had.

His hope was smothered.

'Please don't do this to me...please let me be different.'

That cut Demiurge so deeply. The light she had bathed him with drained away, once again leaving him hollow.

He should have known better than to try to be happy, to try to make things better. Being nice never got him anywhere. This was why he didn't like to feel.

"Don't touch me, you monster! I want you to leave me alone!" Those caustic words flashed through his mind.

'You're a monster. And that is all you will ever be.'

Rage. Fury.

The demon saw red as the unfamiliar, complex emotions and his frustration then channeled themselves into their default of anger and hatred.

Anger. Hatred. Those were familiar, those were safe. He knew how to respond with those all too well.

He lowered his head to her ear.

"Have you forgotten how to kneel?" Demiurge hissed in her ear. She involuntarily shuddered beneath him.

Finally, a reaction. He watched the hair of her nape flare. The demon could smell fear blooming all over her, and she started to inevitably tremble as she did so.

"Do you honestly believe you can ignore me?" He chuckled darkly. "It seems you suddenly lack proper discipline and respect. Perhaps I should correct that." He then traced the shell of her ear with his devilishly long tongue.

She let out a small whimper as her breath hitched in her throat.

'You wanted the monster. Know what it is like to finally have his full attention.'

The demon grinned against the side of her neck, and his gloved fingers wove into her scalp as he threaded his hand through her golden hair, harshly yanking her neck back and effectively pulling her up off the edge of the table, and flush against his body. She yelped in shock and the feather duster fell from her hand, clattering to the floor. With a silver flash he brought his wicked tail to her throat, the long spikes pressed threateningly against her jugular.

"I think you have earned a punishment." He hissed, his words like a sharp and silver like a blade.

She still would not speak, which was really beginning to piss him off. He did not understand what had changed between them; he had honestly though they had a connection in the dream, and even before that, but now...

He didn't understand. She had been so respectful and submissive up until now.

'Fine. I'll MAKE you submit to me.'

He was a predator, a wounded one, so he did what any wounded predator does when it feels exposed. He bared his fangs and claws and made himself as threatening and terrifying as possible.

The demon then ground against her sharply, and a gasp of shock burst from her lungs. He withdrew his tail and took a small step back to release his hold on her hair, and he then suddenly wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck instead and gripped her shoulder. He took full advantage of his grasp and pinned her to the table roughly, her rear aligned with his crotch.

"Lo-Lord, I..." She stuttered to apologize.

"Lord DEMIURGE." He growled.

"Lord Demiurge..." She corrected herself. "I apol-"

"It is far too late for apologies." He cut her off with a low, menacing laugh. Her words were fucking meaningless to him at this point.

He was pissed. He had a taste of what he had wanted, needed, and it had been beautiful. And now, because of whatever unknown reason, no, because of HER insolence, it was spoiled.

Demiurge's armored metal tail slipped beneath her dress which then skillfully lifted the hem, displaying her most vulnerable area to the Arch Devil and his gloved hand quickly followed, slowly and deliberately skimming his clawed fingers up her thigh. She tensed beneath the sharp points that very lightly, but threateningly grazed her skin.

He then smelled her arousal spike, and that was a small glimmer of hope that whatever it was they had wasn't false.

But it wasn't enough to stop him. He had so little faith in hope anymore.

'She still wants me. But why is she acting this way?'_He was perplexed, but still more furious than anything. Whatever her reasoning was, it would not stop him for punishing her for her disrespect and worst of all, _hurting him.

His hand paused after reaching its destination, silently daring her to beg him to stop. To the demon's surprise she held her tongue.

'So she really does want this. But she cannot go without a reprimand, or she will only do it again.'

He proceeded to shred the thin cloth there with his talons, exposing her entrance to him completely. He freed his member but rather than just jumping right into fucking her, he decided he wanted to torment her as much as she tormented him. Make her feel that same level of fear and panic and confusion. So he glided the cold metal tip of his deadly tail dangerously over her slit.

He wanted to laugh when she froze and the color drained from her face.

'A little difficult to ignore that, is it not?'

"What is used depends on whether or not you choose to bow to me from this point forward."

Still in utter shock, her words died in her throat, so he daringly started to press the point of his tail ever so carefully, centimeter by centimeter, into her. Any attitude she had before rapidly drained away as the magnitude of the situation dropped on her like lead. She glanced back at him, he witnessed the terror blooming on her face.

The raw, unbridled fear in her eyes made him insanely hard.

" "P-please, please don't! " She choked out as she pleaded for mercy, a sharp edge of panic in her voice as she dreaded the shredding spikes that followed the next segment of his tail. "I-I will, I will bow! I promise to obey!"

'Damn right you will.'

Demiurge slowly withdrew the living weapon, satisfied by her surrender. He shifted closer, and rested the hot weight of his length over her rear, and she sucked in a frightened breath.

'You should be scared. Because I fully intend to make this hurt.'

The Arch Devil was so angry with her, he didn't care if this ended in rape.

"A wise choice." He held her firmly in place as he began to slowly force the silken crown of his member into her slick heat. "But your insubordination will not go unaddressed..."

She moaned as he buried himself almost to the hilt, reaching the end of her channel with almost an inch and a half still unsheathed.

He was pleased to find she was just as hot and tight as he had imagined. Still, she had sucked so much of the pleasure out of it by wounding him that he could not thoroughly enjoy it; which only pissed him off more.

His claws grasping the back of her neck tightened their grip, sinking into her flesh deep enough to draw forth little droplets of blood. A low groan escaped his lips as her walls clenched and quivered around him, attempting to force out his impressive member.

The demon looked down on her, watching her face with heated interest as the human arched beneath him, reading a complex mixture of fear, pain and anxiety as he pulled back halfway only to plunge himself back into her just as deeply. His prey twisted beneath the savage thrust, a broken cry tearing from her throat.

'It didn't have to be this way. This is your fault.' He growled, furious that she had spoiled what he had so desperately wanted to be different.

He leaned forward and swept the crimson droplets off her neck with his tongue, relishing and rolling the coppery taste of his prey's blood around in his mouth. She suddenly cried out as the new angle he positioned them in brushed against a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves, that same place he located in the dream.

Good. He still had an advantage over her. It was a spot so deep only he could reach it with his fingers or cock.

He drew his member out tortuously slow, and then slammed home again. She tried to arch, struggling to stay upright as her legs were suddenly weakened by the overwhelming sensation. Initially he thought it was an attempt to wrench out of his grasp, but she then pushed back against him, apparently hungry for more. Suddenly the scent of arousal was overpowering the fear pouring from her pores.

He was undeniably perplexed; his slave was beginning to enjoy the punishment that usually scared the absolute Hell out of humans. It both frustrated...and fascinated him. But still, he needed to get his point across, lest she fail to learn from this and disrespect him again.

"Master..." She moaned breathlessly.

She said it again, and oh, how he loved hat sound on her why was she doing this to him?

'Don't. DON'T . Don't feel. Feeling hurts. Feeling disarms you. Makes you weak.'


He responded by arching his tail over their heads like a scorpion and slamming it a hair's breadth away from her face, splintering the wood of the table. She gasped and jumped at the sudden impact.

"I will allow you to live...for now. But should you _ever_disrespect me again, and I will rip you apart, limb from limb." He rasped, reminding her of just how much danger she was actually in. He had not forgiven her, nor had he expected her to enjoy this. But he had no intention of stopping.

She tried to nod.


Demiurge maintained his death-grip on her neck with his left hand and released her shoulder in order to push her further onto the table and roughly lift her right leg, using the leverage to sink himself in deeper. The nameless maid's jaw dropped in a silent scream as he sheathed himself completely, stretching her to the limit.

Demiurge drew a sharp breath through his fangs as his organ pulsed inside her. She shifted beneath him, and he aggressively forced her down flat into the table, stilling her movement. He snarled, sinking his talons into her leg, piercing her flesh in warning.

'Don't you fucking move. Don't you dare fight me after what we had before. You took that away from me!'

"Don't you dare resist. You _will_accept your punishment." His voice remained stern and dripped with feral voracity as he had utter control over her body, and he refused to give her anymore leeway. Without warning, he began to violently drive into her. She keened at the sudden hammering, her wail tinged with pain. He pushed into her with indomitable force. She shrieked, and he slapped her ass hard.

"Plea-not...not so hard. It hurts!" She whined.

"You're hardly in a position to tell me what to do." Demiurge cruelly laughed. "The pain will serve as a reminder to behave yourself."

He slowed momentarily to lower his head to hers. "Believe me...I could do so much worse to you, and no one would care to stop me."

The demon then resumed his savage pace, and took what he wanted.

But then she whimpered like a beaten dog, and he detected the scent of salty tears.

'I hurt her. How can things change if all I do is take and hurt?'

He argued with himself to stop caring, but then he heard his brother's voice scolding him for killing another pet by breaking her pelvis when she didn't come for him like he wanted, so he fucked into her so hard and fast that he shattered her bones and ruptured organs.

He decided he could at least give her share his pleasure rather than only selfishly taking it all for himself this time, even if he felt as though she didn't deserve it.

The demon angled his hips, honing in on that exquisitely tender place that only he knew how to find, she moaned and arched beneath him, her channel involuntary clenching around him.

She glanced back at him, and his crystalline eyes narrowed intently at his victim, his fangs bared; his features were etched harshly with what could only be construed as rage and hatred.

'I'll let you feel good, but I don't have to like it.'

She gripped the table's edges desperately for support so hard two of her fingernails snapped and she mewled, completely helpless against the vicious assault. He fucked into her mercilessly, and felt her tightening around him, on the edge of release.

"I own you..." He hissed in her ear, and then sank his teeth into the flesh with a bruising bite between her neck and shoulder, marking her as his newest plaything. His toy. His slave. But it could have been so much more if she had only not shattered his hopes.

"Now scream for your master."

The nameless maid obeyed, her cries echoing through the 7th Floor as he returned to slamming into her with all of the force of a tidal wave. Her walls clamped down around his throbbing shaft as her climax violently tore through her, the aftershocks wracking her body as the wave of sinful pleasure came crashing down. Again she screamed for him, this time the Arch Devil's name. This sent the Demiurge over the edge, and a long, low groan ripping through his chest; he thrusted hard one final time before his organ heaved, and spilled into his servant.

But he still felt cheated. Angry.

"I believe I'm going to have quite a bit of fun with you." Demiurge said and then groaned as he pulled out, his voice low and velvety, but he was far from satiated. "But I do hope you live longer than my last pet..."

'I can no longer promise I won't kill you like the rest.'

Good girl Rewritten Pt. 5

Demiurge collected her plate and fed the remainder to Azazel. He decided she had earned something tastier than mere steak for her compliance today. She remembered to kneel, although it was with a small reminder, but he could not blame her for not...

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Good girl Rewritten Pt. 3

Lillith lie anxiously waiting for her Master to return in eerily deafening silence. She estimated it had been approximately four to six hours since Demiurge had drug the lamb away. The broad smear of blood on the floor had dried, and she was ashamed to...

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Good girl Rewritten Pt. 2

A total of sixteen hours had passed. The floor was beyond uncomfortable, and as cold and unforgiving as her Master, so Lillith decided to make use of the empty chair. She had a feeling he may not approve of it, but she was in serious pain at this...

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