Sins of the Past (7/12)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Sins of the Past

Ryonir has been plagued with the lack of memory ever since he was found running naked down the side of the mountain. Forty years have passed since that fateful day and it seems that he might be getting on the path back to his past.

Cover art by Royz

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Despite their initial embarrassment at the start, which was capped off by the caravan leader getting a message from Artemis and the town guard stating if that was how Ryonir was going to handle the dragon they wouldn't have a problem from the sound of it, the trip itself proved rather uneventful. With their trip going over a main road from the border to the capital there wasn't expected to be much in the way of difficulty aside from a few wild creatures that might have strayed in from the nearby woods. As they got through the last city halfway between the border and the capital a new enemy began to rear its ugly head... boredom. Many of the men alleviated such feeling during the night with drink or gambling or the occasional pleasures of the flesh from one another, likely one of the reasons why they had approved of what they had heard from the hills that first day.

For Ryonir and the others they mostly kept to their own group, setting up their campsite a few meters away so they wouldn't have to hear them even though they weren't much for talking themselves. After their initial time together the fact that Ryonir and Zefrit had to keep away from one another until they figured out what possible effects that necklace had was also taking its toll. It was clear neither had gotten enough of one another, but aside from a quick kiss that they gave each other there was nothing else they could do. Even without the necklace on Ryonir had found there were some lasting effects from rutting while it was on, mainly the formation of tiny black scales on his chest that had likely been hidden in the bruising from the ogre hit.

Things appeared to fare no better for Samiel and Flynn either. The other elf had almost completely stopped talking, remaining silent while they traveled in the day and burying his nose in his books during the night. For the werewolf he seemed to be getting increasingly agitated about something, though he wouldn't tell anyone that asked him what it was. At the moment he was just sat in front of the fire rocking back and forth while rubbing his bare feet with his hands.

When it was clear that no one was going to say or do anything Ryonir announced he was going to turn in for the night, which prompted Flynn to say the only words of the night in asking if he needed him to use his poultice on his chest. Ryonir quickly refused, not knowing what the archivist would say when he saw dragon scales growing on him, and then followed up by saying he was just tired before going into his tent. As he settled into his bedroll he kind of wished that he would be able to get some of that healing salve, even with the strange dreams it caused him it also knocked him out right away too. As they got closer to the capital, and by proxy somewhat closer to the Frostward Vale mountains, sleep had started to elude him more and more as it was replaced with the singular memory of being chased through them naked before running off that cliff.

The other thing that was causing him distress was the intense need for release he was feeling as well. Ever since he had tried to be with Zefrit his lust had continued to grow, but when he attempted to relieve himself he saw his fingernails start to grow into claws and knew actually doing something with the dragon would likely cause a worse reaction. He hoped that he would find an answer to that when he got to the capital... otherwise he might succumb and fight Xarlix as a dragon himself. Even with those two things though he still managed to find himself drifting off into a restless slumber.

But even before Ryonir opened his eyes again he knew that he was still dreaming, hearing the wind howl just like before. When he opened his eyes he found himself in the darkness, though there was a bit of light piercing the clouds as snow seemed to be coming down hard outside of the large cavern. Once more he found himself near the shadows of the one he assumed to be Xarlix and was able to see his head even more clearly than before. Unlike the last few times they had interacted he seemed not to be paying attention to him, the scene reminding him of his first forays into this space as the massive dragon let out a loud sigh.

"I tire of this same conversation," Xarlix stated, shifting his head over towards the other side of the cave where Ryonir couldn't see. "My horde grows stale and my minions hungry, to what do I give them if not what I pillage from those foolish human settlements? It's really their fault you know, attempting to claim land that they know belongs to me."

"That's not true and you know it," the second voice belonging to the mystery dragon said. "We have overlapping territory, one of the few that still chooses to try and share with you, and you don't think I see when your little minions go out towards the other settlements? I've gone to the cities and seen what they do, leaking information that there are precious ores in your hills and fertile land in your valleys."

"But there is, my sweet," Xarlix rumbled in what could be translating as chuckle. "My kobolds do not lie about such things, nor do they say there is no dragon in the hills above it. The fact they keep coming back is merely a testament of how inept they are as a species, I'm really doing the world a favor by culling them."

There was a moment of pause, though Ryonir could hear a deep sigh coming from the other side. "I know deep down you don't believe that," the other dragon said. "Though I fear the reason is that because I also know that you like to terrorize them for fun. Are you sure there's no way I could change your mind in the matter?"

"Mmmm, perhaps if you give me that little trinket you have hidden away," Xarlix replied. "I think such a gift would make me reconsider."

"Not on either of our lives..." the other dragon replied before a sudden blast of cold and snow seemed to rush into the cavern and blow against Ryonir's face...

When the elf awoke he thought that maybe Zefrit had taken the cold water bucket to him again, but after a quick examination of himself he found that he was completely dry for once. When he poked his head outside he saw the only one awake was Samiel, the werewolf looking over at where the human encampment was nearby. "They didn't put out their fires," the man said, scratching his head as he continued to watch. "Normally by now even the rowdiest of the bunch have gone to bed and they put out their flames to make themselves less of a target for bandits."

Ryonir looked over at the encampment himself and as he watched nothing seemed to be amiss, but the werewolf's senses were much sharper than his own and with everything else going on he decided it was worth a check. He told Samiel to continue to keep watch before ducking into his tent and grabbing his armor. Once he was suited up he nodded to the other male and the two of them went over towards the merchant tents to make sure they were alright.

At first it seemed like everything was as it should be; a number of humans were practically sprawled out of their tents while others were just lying on the ground with half-full bottles of alcohol in their hand. When they actually stepped foot in the camp however it was starting to look like a different story, Samiel sniffing the ground as he went to one of the merchants and attempted to wake them up. When the closest one was non-responsive, he turned him over and was shocked to find something sticking out of his lower back. It looked like a small twig at first but when he carefully removed it he saw a sharp, crudely forged arrow head on the end of it. When he turned to Samiel he had also picked up a scent, a low growl escaping his throat as fur began to sprout on the exposed areas of his skin.

"Goblins..." the transforming werewolf said, his voice growing deeper by the second as he practically ripped off his clothing to reveal his expanding form. "I know that stink anywhere..."

"These men aren't dead though..." Ryonir said as he stood up, gently sniffing the arrow head before tossing it aside. "I think they used some sort of knock-out poison, but why do that if you're just going to sack the caravan... unless... the caravan's not the target!"

The two immediately turned back and ran towards the camp, already seeing the shadows of small creatures amidst their site. Almost immediately afterwards they heard the roar of Zefrit as both Samiel and Ryonir closed the distance and leapt into action. Immediately the werewolf began using his claws and teeth to rip the smaller creatures apart as the dragon knight hacked his way over where his dragon had slept. Before he could get there though he saw the silver-scaled creature stand up and spin around in place, flinging the green-skinned creatures off of him before pouncing and attacking the nearest one.

It didn't take long for them to drive the creatures off, about a dozen goblin bodies racked up amongst them as Samiel spat the goblin blood that had gotten into his mouth on the ground. "That was close..." Ryonir stated before looking at looking at Zefrit. "You alright?"

"Yeah, they didn't get a hit through my scales," Zefrit said as he padded up to them. "How about you two?"

"We're fine," Ryonir replied, looking over at the werewolf who opted to remain in his beast form. "I think we must have gotten the jump on them or something, probably wasn't expecting a werewolf survivor or for me to be awake." Once more the elf looked around, his gaze going between the dragon and the werewolf. "Hey... where's Flynn?"

The other two looked around and didn't see the elf either, then all turned at once to the tent that belonged to the archivist. Ryonir swallowed hard as he called out Flynn's name and didn't a response, not even movement. When nothing happened the second time they looked at one another before slowly approaching it, Zefrit looking away slightly and the werewolf watching in earnest as he grabbed the tent flap. When he ripped it aside all three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't find a dead body lying there... though it quickly turned to concern when they found there was nothing there save for a bedroll and a pile of books.

"Well... that's not good," Zefrit commented as Ryonir closed the tent flap and the three turned back towards the fire. "Has anyone ever heard of goblins taking hostages?"

"Once..." the werewolf growled. "But it was actually bait to lure an entire group of soldiers into a trap, then once they had killed them all they killed and ate the hostage as well. At least that's how the story goes..."

"All of this doesn't feel right," Ryonir said, looking back at the human encampment that was still quiet. "You stealthily take out an entire group of merchants and guards, which goblins aren't known for, only to leave the big prize and go and risk your lives to... what, kidnap a single elf? Finish off the last werewolf survivor?"

"I would like to see them try," Samiel growled.

"You might get your chance," Ryonir said as he knelt down and looked at the disturbed grass that led out towards the woods. "Some of the ones we injured retreated with the rest of them, with that nose of yours I bet you could track them from miles away. We follow them into the woods and get Flynn back, and maybe if we're lucky find out what's going on with them as well."

"Wait!" Zefrit shouted suddenly, causing to the two to look back at the silver dragon that was staring at the caravan. "Unless we wait for the others to wake up they might go on without us and then we won't have their protection to get to the capital. Not only that but who knows how long we're going to have to track them... now I like Flynn a lot, but if it comes between him and the mission you know that we have to complete the mission, especially if Xarlix is as close to being set free as you said."

Ryonir suddenly felt the weight of the world fall on his shoulders as he realized he had an extremely tough decision to make. The werewolf companion was urging him to track down these goblins and get Flynn back, though he suspected that his primary motivation was for revenge instead of rescue. On the other side was his dragon companion warning him that any delays could have disastrous effects if he went off trying to save someone that might already be dead. Would he be able to just leave his friend out there to die, the elf thought to himself before looking back to the Frostward Vale... and if Xarlix did wake up could he live with the death of thousands of souls being burned alive by dragon fire?

Finally the dragon knight gritted his teeth and balled up his fists as he finally forced his mind to make a decision. "Zefrit, pack up the camp," the elf ordered, looking between the both of them. "Including Flynn's stuff. Samiel, try to see if you can find the trail and tell us if its strong enough that we can track them now; if we can do it tonight while they're still moving we might have a chance of catching up with them before they get too far away from the road."

Samiel's tail began to wag frantically as the werewolf launched himself out into the field, leaving him and Zefrit to get everything put away for transport. "I hope you know what you're doing Ryonir," the silver dragon said. "One life in exchange for thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of people is not my idea of a good trade..."

Once they had gotten everything packed away they took one of the caravan horses to hold their stuff in order to leave Zefrit open in case he suddenly had to fight. As they started moving into the grasslands they were quickly greeted by the werewolf that announced he had their scent, then darted back off through the fields. With the tall grass and the moon being somewhat obscured by clouds it was hard to keep track of the werewolf, more than once having to call out his name just to see his head pop up dozens of yards ahead of them. Eventually the grass transitioned to trees and as they reached the tree line the three stood over two goblins that had their throats slit.

"They executed their wounded..." Zefrit said in disgust as the werewolf continued to sniff around.

"It means they were traveling too slow with them," Samiel explained. "This is actually a good thing, means they thought it was safe enough to take them out without them being found. Their camp is probably not too far in the words at this point, I can practically smell whatever vermin they caught along the way that they're making for their meal."

"Let's try to do this with a little bit of stealth then," Samiel replied, the werewolf's ears drooping slightly at that. "Well, at least until we rescue Flynn, then as long as they don't have any ogres waiting in the wings then you can go to town and slaughter the rest of them. Sound good?"

The lupine creature eagerly agreed and Zefrit was left behind with the horse, his draconic form not suited to sneaking around in the underbrush of the woods. For Samiel he was so silent that more than once Ryonir had to look around to make sure they were still together as they went further into the woods. True to the werewolf's word it didn't take long for them to reach where the goblins had made camp, seeing them doing all manner of vile and disgusting things. As the two sat in the bushes however they saw something else that caused them both to look at one another in concern.

Trolls... there were only two of them but they were notoriously hard to kill, especially since their fire mage and archivist was currently captured by them. They didn't see Flynn anywhere out in the open, but their search did find several poorly made tents over in one corner of the encampment. The two of them kept their heads on a swivel to make sure that they didn't encounter any patrols on the way. Eventually Samiel leapt up into the trees, his body agilely bouncing from branch to branch without so much as a leaf falling down.

As Ryonir got to the first set of tents he found his first resistance, namely a goblin that was idly watching out in the forest for anyone coming straight at their camp. Goblins were definitely not known for their tactics, the elf thought to himself as he came at the creature from his side. Though he could have extended his blades he decided to keep it up close and quiet, getting around the goblin before taking the claws of his gauntlet and wrapping it around his throat while the other covered his mouth. In the next second the creature crumpled to the ground with his throat missing as Ryonir wiped his gauntlets in the ground to get the blood off before checking inside the first tent.

Almost immediately the elf was knocked over by the powerful smell of alcohol, having to put his hands against his nose to not gag as he saw dozens of large jugs that contained some manner of rotgut that the goblins probably brewed themselves. The next one was also a bust, mostly just large sacks that laid on the ground that were likely there to feed the trolls, Ryonir not wanting to know what they had contained as he had heard rumors of their dietary needs. He left that one be and quickly moved to the next one, though he had to stop behind a tree as two of the goblins moved from the main fire area to the alcohol tent. Finally once the coast was clear he looked in the third tent and found Flynn tied up to one of the test posts... but he was not alone.

A kobold... likely the mastermind of the caravan attack and possibly the one that wiped out the werewolves as well. It appeared that the elf was still in good condition aside from a few bumps and scrapes on his face and where his clothing was ripped. The reptilian creature was looking at something in some sort of book and holding some sort of crystal encased in a leather stick. Whatever he was attempting to do was probably not good, but with Flynn in the middle of the room and the kobold between the two of them there wasn't much that he could do.

Ryonir needed something to draw the creature out... but after looking around the only thing he could find were some sticks and rocks. It was the best he could do however and after finding one of the bigger stones he took it and threw it against the side of the tent the kobold was on. It seemed to do the trick though, the small draconic creature looking up before grumbling to himself and hopping off the stool he was using before heading out of the tent to investigate the source of the noise. The elf quickly popped out from the stump he had been hiding behind and darted into the tent, Flynn's eyes widening in surprise as he saw the other elf come in and cut his bindings.

"Wasn't sure if I was going to see you again," Flynn whispered as he rubbed his wrists while Ryonir worked on the bindings on his feet. "Bastards got me in my sleep, must have dosed me with something because when I woke up I was here tied to a tent pole." As soon as the rope snapped Flynn got up and the two made his way to the door, but at the last second Ryonir turned back to grab the stuff the kobold was working on. "We don't have time for that, just leave it!"

"It might link back to Xarlix!" Ryonir hissed back quietly, closing the book and packing it away before grabbing the strange jeweled rod. "Alright, let's get-"

Ryonir stopped mid-sentence as he and Flynn were standing right in front of the kobold that had opened the tent flap to go back inside, the eyes of the scaled creature going wide as his head darted between the two of them. "Two elves..." the creature said as his voice got louder and higher. "Of course! Master Xralix-"

Before the kobold could say anything more Flynn held out his hand and muttered something in the language of magic, a fire rune appearing on his hand before he closed his fist around it and the creature was suddenly engulfed in flames. "What are you doing?!" Ryonir said as they saw the kobold staggering backwards and attempt to pat himself out. "He's going to warn the others!"

"He was going to do that anyway with the way he was screeching," Flynn retorted as he looked over at the goblins. "This way we give ourselves a head start as they try to figure out what happened to him, plus kobolds are basically fire-proof anyway so hopefully... they..." the elves took a step outside of the tent as the flaming creature ran into the tent that Ryonir knew was almost completely filled with alcohol. "Oh cr-"

The night sky was suddenly lit up with a fireball as the kobold ignited the goblin swill the second he ran into the tent, Ryonir feeling Flynn grab him and turn him away from the explosion just as the concussion wave from the blast hit them. Both elves were blown off their feet as chaos erupted around them, though it was accompanied by a sharp ringing noise in the dragon knight's ears as he coughed and rolled onto his back. When he tilted his head up he saw the tent had been obliterated, nothing more remaining of it than a smoking crater as all the trees around it were engulfed in flames. When he turned back over onto his stomach he saw Flynn lying a few feet away from him crumpled up against the remains of the kobold's tent.

As he crawled his way over he could hear over the buzzing noise the sound of more screaming and the roars of a werewolf, indicating to the elf that Samiel was fine too. When he got to Flynn he feared the worst, but as he put a hand on him he heard the other elf cough and slowly get up to his feet. Ryonir told Flynn to stay there, giving him the bag with the book and handing him the rod with the diamond set into it before staggering to his feet and heading over to the main camp area. As the ringing in his ears subsided he saw Samiel dealing with one of the trolls, the other one that was closer to the tent lying there with his arm and leg blown off his body.

Ryonir summoned all the strength he could and launched himself forward, extending out his blades and pushing them into the back of the troll that was focused on the werewolf clawing at him. The creature let out an inhuman, guttural cry and turn back to face him, lifting the elf off his feet and nearly slinging him around since the blades embedded in him were still attached to his forearms. With the troll swinging back and forth to dislodge the elf Samiel jumped forward and grabbed onto one of the tusks of the creature, pulling him downwards and continuing to claw and bite as his face until both of them were thrown off to the ground. As the two quickly got back to their feet they saw the wounds they had just created starting to close up, the troll huffing and flexing his muscles before charging at them.

With the werewolf and dragon knight both fighting they had the advantage of flanking the creature, but it was quickly becoming clear the damage they were doing to him just wasn't enough. Any time Samiel or Ryonir landed a solid hit on the troll he would just regenerate while they attempted to score another one. He also wasn't showing any signs of fatiguing, which the other two couldn't say the same as the heat from the growing fires was causing them both to sweat. Just as Ryonir landed another stab in the midsection of the creature he was tossed aside once more and the werewolf took a hit that landed him back in the scrub brush behind him.

Ryonir tried to pick himself up to block but his exhausted muscles were refusing to budge, watching as the troll leapt up to crush him with his sheer mass. Just as he was about to make contact there was a flash of silver and suddenly the green-skinned behemoth went from about to pound him in the dirt to staggering back until he fell into the growing flames of the underbrush and was quickly immolated. "Not going to heal from that," Zefrit said as he turned back, looking at Rynoir on the ground with a grin. "Figured you might be in trouble when I saw what could have been mistaken as a sun appearing in the middle of the night."

"Not a moment too soon," Rynoir replied with a cough as he staggered to his feet, the dragon quickly coming to his aid and helping him up. "That thing was about to turn me into paste. How about you Samiel, you alright over there?"

The brush that the lupine creature had been launched in rustled for a bit before he saw a furry hand break through and give him a thumbs-up. "Take that as a yes," Ryonir said before turning back towards the tents. "What about you Flynn, you still there or did you get kidnapped again?"

"That would be rather embarrassing to have to be saved twice in one night," Flynn replied as he brushed the dust and ash off his clothes. "Though I am grateful that you came and saved me, part of me thought you were just going to go on with the mission without me."

"We wouldn't dream of it," Zefrit said as he gave the biggest fanged smile he could. "You're part of the team, got to help us find out about Xarlix and how to defat him." When both Ryonir and the werewolf that popped his head up looked at the silver dragon his head bowed down low slightly. "I'm just... going to go back and make sure the horse is tied down where I left it."

After taking a few minutes to recover and get their bearings the three searched the goblin encampment to see if they could find any other evidence that led to the kobold's involvement, but with fires increasing in intensity and the kobold himself blown into quite a few pieces they didn't find anything else. They weren't coming out of the encounter empty-handed though, they still had the book that the kobold was looking over and the rod he was using. Flynn said he would hold on to both for them and see if he could decipher anything from it before they walked their way back to where the caravan had been.

With the time they had taken to get to the encampment and back, plus the encounter itself, they made it back to the road with the sun high in the sky and found nothing but empty road. From their best guess the poison used to knock the humans out wasn't very strong and they probably woke up from the explosion in the forest and decided to leave immediately. Though Ryonir was disappointed that they were going to have to travel the rest of the way alone they were at least half-way to their goal, they would just have to be careful of those they met on the road from now on and make sure to protect Zefrit from any overzealous dragon hunters.

One thing the group didn't mind however was the peace and quiet they got when they set up camp, not having to hear the boisterous or drunken yells of the merchants as they continued to stay close to the main road. The encounter with the goblins seemed to have lightened the mood between the group quite a bit, Flynn talking once more and Samiel more at ease now that he had his revenge. It was a good thing too, the dragon knight thought as he took a quick flight up with Zefrit and saw the lights of the capital city ahead, because they were about to get to the capital with their only plan being to get into the registry of dragons and ask if there were any other dragons that hung around with Xarlix. When they landed they found that Samiel had made food and Flynn was sitting there with the book that the kobold had been pouring over.

"So did you find anything useful in there?" Ryonir asked as he and Zefrit walked into the radius of the fire to warm themselves from the chill in the night air that rolled in from the Frostward Vale.

'Not yet I'm afraid," the archivist replied. "This is going to be a very slow translation, kobolds typically use a style of draconic that is commonly referred to as low draconic. Some of these scribblings I've never seen before in my life... but if I use context clues from other pages I think I might be able to get a rough estimate of what our flambéed friend was looking for."

"We could definitely use a win there," Ryonir said with a sigh. "If for some reason the Aborran capital doesn't allow us to look at their records then we're going to be attempting to fight Xarlix blind, which we might be doing anyway if my lead turns out to be nothing or it's just the dread dragon playing with us."

"Don't forget we also have the artificer we can go to!" Zefrit stated.

"Artificer?" Flynn said, looking up from his book. "You mean about the rod?"

"Well... I mean there are a few things that I think we need to see a professional magical item enchanter for," Ryonir said, trying to sound convincing before shifting the attention over to Samiel. "You're from this region, do you have any connections at the capital that you might be able to use in order to help us get to either the registry or an artificer of some sort? We could use every advantage that we can get our hands on."

The werewolf thought about it for a second, his tail sill flicking about despite having changed back to mostly human form a few hours ago. "My... old alpha had some people that he did business with whenever the pack wandered the woods north of there," he said, looking down in lament at the thought of his former leader before attempting to perk up again. "I believe I remember the names he used to use to refer to them, if we get inside the capital and I see them I can point them out to you."

"There's a lot of city that we can be wandering," Flynn stated. "But if it means not being engulfed in dragon fire when we encounter Xarlix then I wouldn't mind a few days. It appears that so far we've gotten lucky and not seen any black death in the skies as of yet."

Though everyone in the group nodded including Ryonir, the dragon knight found himself immediately looking into the fire afterwards. Even with their rescue mission only taking the day it was only the most recent of mounting delays this trip seemed to have. There wasn't a ticking clock that they could refer to; Xarlix could break free in the next second or after a hundred more years, but the fact still remained that if it happened and he could have stopped it then he would still feel personally responsible. Part of him wondered if this dread he had about not being able to stop the dragon was something that Xarlix was doing to him, making him push himself to the limit and even past it in order to try and get to him and be unprepared... especially if he had listened to his initial gut reaction and abandoned Flynn to the goblins and that kobold.

Before he even realized it he found himself standing up and walking out of the light of the fire, letting the darkness of the night envelop him until his eyes got used to it. As the cool wind blew he looked directly at the Frostward Vale, watching the large gusts pick up and carry clouds of snow and deposit them further down the side of the mountain. Somewhere around there was Xarlix, and though he felt like he could run there he knew he was still days, maybe even a week away from reaching the base of those hills. As he sat there and stared he suddenly became aware of another presence next to him, looking over to see Zefrit sitting down next to him.

"Seems pretty ominous..." the silver dragon commented as Ryonir wrapped his tail around the elf's body. "I know that you consider defeating Xarlix your top priority, but do you really think that you're going to find your past up there on those mountains too?"

There was a long pause before Ryonir finally answered, sighing as he leaned over and set his head against the silver dragon's body. "I don't know Zefrit, I honestly don't..." the elf replied finally. "It could be that all we find up there is the same as anyone else, nothing but snow and rocks. Still, even if it is nothing I have to try, a slim chance is still a chance."

"but what if..." the dragon started to say, trailing off for a few seconds before swallowing hard and continuing on. "What if you go up there and find something you didn't want to know, something that you didn't want to remember in the first place." Even though it was hard to see in the night Ryonir could see that the dragon was starting to get very emotional. "What if there's a reason you left those memories up there in the first place?"

"Hey, Zefrit, it's alright..." the elf replied, rubbing a hand against his flanks to calm him down. "Whatever we find up in that mountain we're going to find it together, that's all that matters." Though the silver dragon didn't quite stop the tears running down his face it appeared Ryonir was starting to get him to relax, a small grin on his face. "And if you have to save me again while I run away from a swarm of angry kobolds while butt naked then you can say that you were right and we'll never come back here again."

That managed to get a chuckle out of the dragon and the two remained sitting there for a while, their bodies pressed against one another as they watched the mountains. Eventually Ryonir felt the siren song of sleep, and though he wouldn't mind falling asleep next to the silver dragon they both knew they still had to be careful. Hopefully soon that wouldn't be the case, the elf thought to himself as he slid into his bedroll, and he could actually spend some time with his new dragon lover. Dragon lover... the words sounded so strange in his head but when he found when he repeated them in his mind a smile crossed his face as he drifted off to sleep...

Sins of the Past (8/12)

It only took another day before the group of four walked into the capital of Arborrna, the dragon knight leading the way with the other three trailing behind them. They had placed Zefrit in the middle and it was clear from the initial looks they got...

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Sins of the Past (6/12)

Suddenly a blast of cold hit the elf in the face and his eyes shot open as he sputtered and coughed. "Ryonir!" Flynn shouted as he tossed the empty bucket aside, patting the other elf on the back as Ryonir tried not to choke on the liquid going down...

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Sins of the Past (5/12)

The next time Ryonir awoke he saw that it was still night outside, the sounds of crickets chirping filling the air as the only light came from the flickering of fire on the other side of his tent and the pale light of the moon above. When he attempted...

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