Blessing of the Satyr Part 1

Story by DamonTeli on SoFurry

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Damon encounters a mysterious forest during his daily travels. Some strange and naughty magics seem to be abound within.

This is my first ever short story so be gentle. Part 1/2. I wrote this little story for my own amusement. And don't worry part two will be a lot more FUN.

Blessing of the Satyr Part 1

Damon the rabbit wandered though the Western fields near his home doing what most alchemists/herbalists do in fields, scrounging in the dirt looking for interesting herbal reagents. He was not having much luck at all this trip so far awarding him only a few cuttings of useless but tasty red clover for the bunny to snack on, and some marshmallow he could mash into a soothing balm.

But a snack and a few measures of cheap skin balm wasn't worth anywhere near his time. And he was determined to keep at it until he had something useful enough for his experiments.

He picked up the pace bounding over the short hills and small rocks, his skilled eyes able to easily see nothing of note but green grass and countless tiny white flowers dotting the rolling landscape. The sun had past its zenith a couple hours ago, and he realized he needed to find a different area if he wanted to find something valuable before dark.

He left the green barrens behind until he saw the edge of a forest. Damon realized he had never actually been to this part of the wilds west of his cottage. He opened his journal in confusion; flipping the pages to the hand drawn maps of his explorations he saw a blank area. He previously assumed that there were only miles of boring grassland in these parts. He took out his pencil and scratched in a few preliminary markings he was fond of using for symbolizing forests. He could be artistic later. He needed to check this place out.

He walked closer to the forest and his eyes widened as he realized how huge these trees were! When he was further away he couldn't get a sense of the scale of these trees. They had to be three times the height of a normal oak tree , and the diameters of the tree trunks were such that one could carve a small cave from the wood. Damon was confused, he was well aware from his studies that such huge trees existed but their were not supposed to be any examples in this entire region of the continent.

He entered the forest and looked around. Although the trees were truly huge they were not very densely packed allowing a good amount of light though the needles of what he now assumed were giant conifer trees. There were a wide variety of plants around, wild cherry, pomegranate, and elderberry trees somehow existed between the partial shade of the giants their branches loaded with so much fruit that was Damon amazed that their branches were not sagging. In fact something was very very off about all the plant life in this forest.

Never mind the fact that many of these fruit trees were not supposed to be able to grow in the clime of his region. From afar the fruit seemed totally flawless, not a single pit, cut, insect bite or discoloration marred the fruit. Fruit that looked to be totally and uniformly ripe and usually large. This wasn't natural as surely some animal would jump at the opportunity for such a feast. No fruit had fallen to the loamy forest floor either, and Damon could not resist a large and succulent pomegranate that hung from one tree.

He reached up and beheld the largest pomegranate he had ever seen, easily the size of a small melon. The red and strangely flawless fruit was heavy and as Damon cracked the thick skin open he spied red edible seeds much larger than normal. He took a handful of seeds and popped them all into his mouth. Damon's eyes dilated as his taste buds were bathed in a most delicious flavor, the flesh of the seeds were so sweet yet so sour and perfect that he could not help but reflexively shallow the seeds whole.

Now totally distracted by what he could only assume was the food of the gods he plunged his short bunny snout into the fruit. He ate the entire fruit not just the sweet red pulp around the seeds, the white and normally inedible inner flesh tasted of warm and sweetened cream, and he was sure the thick red skin of the fruit made his own saliva taste like the finest wine.

Damon's face was covered in red juice and pulp as he finished. "Oh by the stars that was good. I couldn't stop myself", Damon thought to himself. Now full and satisfied Damon walked away from the grove of fruit trees before he was tempted to try to eat every edible in the area.

As Damon walked deeper into the forest his mind started to wander. He wondered if the hunky wolf he met at the local tavern a few days ago was still in town? He really hoped he wasn't just a passerby or traveler, he would love to ask such a stud on a date. Maybe if we could wiggle his ass just right he could get that tall and handsome specimen to break him in half on what had to be a thick knot... Wait was he thinking about now?

Damon realized that his heart was racing out of control and his skin was burning hot! He felt his manhood start to swell with blood. He braced himself against a tree and tried to slow down his breathing. He was successful at preventing himself from collapsing though sheer lust alone, but his penis still rapidly hardened. The outline of his dick how clearly visible though his tan shorts, the pressure was now becoming painful, his large throbbing member wanted out now! Desperate to save his favorite pair of outdoor shorts Damon unbuttoned them and fell to the ground, literally trying to wrestle his shorts away from this groin, his dick so swollen that it was actually pinning his right pant leg to his thigh.

With one final pull Damon managed to free his shorts and the moment his turgid member was free of its cloth prison it sprung front and center, hard, throbbing, and proud. Now covered in sweat Damon winced at the sight of his dick. It was covered in veins and was nearly bright red from the excessive blood contained within. It was mildly painful and Damon was worried, he had never been so hard before, not even when he was a teenager full of the hormones of rabbit puberty.

Under his shorts Damon was wearing a stretchy blue and white thong. The pouch for his junk was now useless their was no way his dick was getting back into his thong it its current state. He was just thankful that his monster erection simply popped out of the underwear instead of ripping them. He stood up and easily stepped out of his skimpy underwear tossing them aside; they served no purpose right now they was just awkward and annoying.

Damon still moaned in lust and he quickly realized that he wasn't going anywhere until he purged the boiling heat in his blood. He was lucid enough to remember that pomegranate had a reputation as a very mild aphrodisiac. This was anything but mild! But a super pomegranate must mean a super charged libido. He would need to study this later...

But right now he needed to get off before the magical fruit caused his dick to burst from lust alone!

Once again he took a few steps back to brace himself against a tree and this time he allowed his fantasies to flow into his mind. Accepting them. Damon's nipples hardened as he panted and moaned whorishy; thoughts of getting railed by the huge wolf from the tavern became increasingly vivid, as if they were more than simple day dreams. Damon had a huge bubbly butt that was his bodily pride and joy, and we swayed his hips side to side against the tree as if to unconsciously entice a strong mate. His body was now on autopilot, one hand on his throbbing dick, one rubbing his nipples, his butt swaying to and fro with the practice and skill of a veteran erotic dancer.

Everything was way too sensitive. Even the gently rustling wind caressing his fur was like the embrace of a long lost lover. His hefty balls had a deep and needy ache, and as he reached over with one hand to rub them he noticed they felt slightly larger then normal. Damon had always been very well endowed. He usually was packing a 10.5 inch cock and a pair of balls the size of medium sized apples. Right now however he his balls felt the size of the largest of apples, and his cut cock was easily an inch longer due to the sheer pressure of his unnatural erection. Worst was the feeling in his prostate. It was violently throbbing and was surely bloated with a dangerous amount of his bubbling cum. If Damon wasn't distracted and was somehow able to visualize it he would have been able to view his taint throbbing as the swollen organ actually started to displace tissue in that area.

Clear precum was dripping from the end of his cock in such volume that at this point the stains on the loamy floor could of passed for a full load. But this was nothing but an appetizer.

He picked up the pace now using both hands to rub his penis as quickly as he could. All of the slick clear precum thankfully made a wonderful lubricant. And lewd slick noises and Damon's soft moans were all that one would be able to hear in the relatively peaceful grove. Damons dick started to throb violently as if it was trying to escape its owners grasp. Damon was now so overheated that he felt that he was taking a bath in heated oil despite the shade and the brisk early autumm breeze.

It felt as if his dick was going to simply burst and his pulsating prostate felt like it was going to literally implode. He knew what was going to happen next. His legs gave out one more and he plopped down at the base of the tree; his bubbled muscular rump luckily functioned as a perfect pillow. Not that he was in any condition to even care about something as mundane as pain from falling to the ground. He only cared about one biological imperative. Damon needed to cum. Now.

He felt a wave of euphoria crash into him and a thick, white, and creamy jet shot forth from his member! He winced as a mild sharp stinging sensation from the base of his cock to its parted tip. The discomfort was result of his poor urethra stretching; forced to eject semen at a speed and volume never before seen. The stream of creamy liquid lust shot over 30 feet. The stream nearly as thick as his thumb. Damon's lower abdominal muscles squeezed tight as if to assist in expelling his load. He couldn't even shout out effectively as he was partially paralyzed by a Nut of such violence that it would of terrified him if his brain wasn't swimming in enough testosterone and dopamine to nearly shut down his higher brain functions.

Ten extra potent shots turned to ten, fifteenth, twenty. It pooled in a puddle, one inch, two inches, nearly three inches before it started to spread out in a strain of cum of shocking diameter. It felt endless. But thankfully for Damon it wasn't, and the shots started to gradually taper off. And after one last "small" shot which traveled far enough to splash his left foot pad in a coating of off-white goo his orgasm came to an end.

And unearthly afterglow consumed Damon. His tongue lolled in his mouth. He never felt so sleepy; the lust that had nearly driven him mad just seconds before was snuffed out with such speed the world was spinning. The orgasm was so satisfying that in that moment he couldn't imagine ever being horny again in his entire life. The world faded to black as his head rolled back against the tree and unconsciousness claimed him.

Damon awoke with a start. From the orange glow on the horizon it was dawn. He had surely fallen asleep while exploring in the plains. "Man what a weird dream", he said to himself. However as he looked around at the giant pine trees and the rows freakishly large fruit trees he realized it was not dream. "What the Hell?", he said as he noticed his legs and feet were coated with a dried crust of what could only be his cum.

What the hell was he thinking? Eating a strange and unnatural fruit in the middle of a forest that shouldn't even exist in this area? Felt good as hell though. Damon chuckled to himself. He saw something in the corner of his vision while eyeing his thankfully deflated cock and sore balls. It was some kind of plant growing about a short distance in front of him. He cocked his head in confusion. He was sure that there was just dirt and short grass before. Maybe he didn't notice it in his lustful stupor last afternoon?

Damon got up and walked towards it. He was now certain it wasn't there last afternoon. It was similar to a sapling about 6 feet tall but it was devoid of any leaves. The arm thick trunk was smooth expect with what resembled huge woody veins. Damon blushed at the thought before shaking his head to clear his naughty comparison. He touched the wood and was surprised that it felt hot; burning hot even! "What kind of tree is this", Damon said in astonishment. The trunk also appeared to be oozing some kind of thick white sap. Well aware that milky sap was often a sign of poison in plant material; Damon looked around for his alchemist bag. It was thrown haphazardly near the tree he came his brains out next to the other day. He winced at the sight of it. He must have been truly horny out of his mind to treat his prized handmade alchemy bag so roughly. He walked over and took out a wooden sampling rod, what those in the trade sometimes called "A fancy stick", and he dipped it into the sap.

The sap was sticky and thick. He eyed it with curiosity and then carefully took a whiff. Damon gulped and dropped the stick. The sap reeked, it reeked of what could only be male musk like nothing Damon had ever smelled before. It actually smelled kinda nice it wasn't a dirty smell. It was warm, potent, spicy, rich and healthy. The kind of smell that made Damon very happy for his own attraction to the same sex. He felt his cock start to get half chubbed before he took a few deep breaths to calm down. Damon looked down to pick up the stick. He wanted to collect more of the sap to filled a glass collection bottle. This stuff he was sure could fetch a fortune as a scented oil alone. And it probably had more... exotic uses. Damon saw the stick and he also saw two large round objects at the base of the small tree.

"OK, it is official there is some fertility magic about this place", Damon said with a bemused expression on his face. Two honeydew melon sized fruits rested loosely attached to the base of one side of the tree. Damon stepped a few steps back and laughed out loud without restraint. This small tree looked like a set of cock and balls. Branch-less, veiny, and covered in white sap that smelled like the musk of a thousand rutting bulls with two huge fruits at the base. This was absurd.

Damon guessed that the pool of uber pomegranate infused nut juice he had sprayed here last night had grown into a tree thanks to the strange and primal forces in this sex infused place. Damon was a bit concerned. Life and healing magic were often considered to be positive forces but he knew that it also had a reputation of being difficult to control. Still those fruits looked awfully tasty. And all that cumming last afternoon had left him parched. Maybe it was the smell of pure masculinity coming of the obscene tree, maybe it was the primal sex, virility, and health magic soaking this grove starting to effect his mind. Maybe it was both. Maybe Damon just wanted to.

Whatever the reason he threw caution to the wind and grabbed one of the huge fruits and ripped it off the thick vine that secured it to the tree. It was less like a melon in texture; it was more similar in appearance to a freakishly large coconut. Complete with hair like husk and thick hard shell. However the fruit was white as opposed to brown. By the stars it was heavy! It felt like it was filled with lead as opposed to water or any normal plant milk. Shaking it he did sense there was some kind of fluid inside it though. Damon reached into his bag and pulled a small folding wood saw from his kit.

Damon cut a small opening in the thick shell of the magical ball-fruit. He peered inside and saw a thick white liquid within. And the Smell. The smell was otherworldly, it was even more musky then the sap on the tree, but it also smelled of honey, hot spices and boiled plums. Damon's mouth started to water uncontrollably. He couldn't stop himself! He needed to try it!

Straining to hold the weight of fruit it took great effort for him to put the small opening to his lips. The moment he took the first sip he knew it would be impossible for him to stop. Words cannot describe the taste. It was every tasty thing Damon ever knew in existence soaked in liquid male funk.

_ Gulp Gulp Glug. _

He drank and drank. Only taking brief breaks to breathe. The thick miracle mixture filled his stomach. There was so much but he didn't care. Once he had drained the first one he took his saw and punched a hole in the last fruit. He fell on his back and placed the last fruit to mouth. He damn near inhaled the contents. His stomach was so distended it looked like he had swallowed a melon. In reality he just about did if you wanted be technical.

Damon drained the last drops of The Perfect Food and let the empty shell roll away. Now shockingly light without their delicious contents. Damon sat up and held his bloated belly. "Oh great. My diet is ruined", Damon said. "That wasn't so bad. Man this place is great!", he said. Suddenly he felt a great boiling in his gut. As though some creature had some alive in his belly. He felt a bit dizzy as well. Something was very wrong.

"Oh no", Damon said in shock. He started to feel incredibly hot. The sky and trees started to spin and the pressure in his belly felt like it was skyrocketing.

"Damnit damnit all! I'm so stupid! What was I thinking! I'm going to die from drinking some weird crap from a tree that looks like a dick! What is wrong with ...", Damon was about to complete his self deprecation when suddenly.

_ Burrrrrrrppppp! _

Damon let out an earth shattering burp that lasted for a good 20 seconds before stopping.

Damon blushed in embarrassment. He was very thankful that no one was around to witness his horrifically bad table manners. The heat and bubbling was gone. Not only that but his freakishly swollen belly was gone somehow too. He had his flawlessly flat belly back.

"That's all? Oh..well at least I didn't grow three dicks or something. I have to get out of here before I make any more stupid choices, "Damon thought to himself. He gathered his bag, underwear, and shorts. He quickly put his clothing on and high tailed it to edge of the forest.

He exited the forest quickly and ran into the Western Fields. Panting from his ordeal he took a look around at the edge of the forest. He really wanted to make a sketch of the giant trees. They were clearly not mundane trees, nothing in that place could have been truly mundane. But as he did he nearly dropped his notebook in shock.

It was gone. The trees. The Forest. Gone, and he saw nothing but a hilly grassland. Just like the rest of his surroundings. "Waa what", Damon said under his breath. Damn his luck. This was the find of the year! Who knows what kind of wondrous reagents that place could have been hiding!

Damon started to curse and stomp at the ground. He kicked the dirt and grass with his powerful legs, sending clots of dry grassland soil flying. He was so angry! He was sooo hot! He was soooo horny! He wanted a nice long fuck and he didn't care if he was giving or receiving. So long as his partner was a sweaty, healthy and willing male stud. That would make his day. Make all of this disappointment melt away in a tide of steamy fur and creamy musky man milk.

"Wait...what no! Umm Yes!! No ahhh!", Damon screamed as his mind was bombarded by sexual images of countless men. All in their prime, muscular, naked and sweaty. None of the studs in his mind had sexual organs anywhere close to small. He saw dicks that reached their owner's feet and balls the size of prized pumpkins at the largest. But none of the hot male bodies swirling before him had penises smaller then a foot, or balls smaller than large coconuts. Pure virility incarnate. Something did click in the rational side of his mind however. They all had muscular goat legs and thick beautiful curling horns crowning their heads. They could only be satyrs.

Damon grunted and held his head. It felt like something was drilling into his skull on opposite sides of his head. Just forward of his long lop bunny ears. He rubbed the spot and could feel something breaking the surface. He grabbed a small mirror from his kit. He opened the mirror just in time to see two horn stubs starting to grow from his head. He legs started to itch and the lust was getting worse by the second. "Or better", he thought.

No! This wasn't right! He had to fix this! He had to get home.

He started to run towards this home with all his natural rabbit swiftness. The ache against his head pounded again and he felt his penis getting ever more erect in his shorts......

End of part 1

Blessing of the Satyr Part 2

Part 2 Damon the Rabbit jogged though a grassland filled with small yellow flowers. It was the middle of the afternoon and the sun was high in the sky. The scene could be considered peaceful if not for the frantic motion of the brown and cream furred...

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