Hunter's Lust

Story by Belenes LeSabre on SoFurry

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I looked around uneasy. In the distance a volcano was spewing out its poisonous breath into the sky and the sun was about to vanish behind the horizon. The sand underneath my paws was of a bright brown color, dry as dust and very fine. With every step I seemed to sink into it for one or two inches. Every movement became a burden.

I had wandered for days, not allowing me to take any break, I was filled by the wish to finally support my clan with a sufficient amount of food again. I had left the area of the "striped long sabers", had followed the course of the river downstream and was now standing here. I was in a foreign territory. I had intruded it and the relatively fresh scent marks, as well as the conspicuously placed scratch marks, showed me that the hunters of the foreign clan couldn't be far away.

I sighed silently and looked around.

I thought: "What would happen, if the others would come across me at this place?"

Many of my clan ensured me repeatedly that I was a really handsome looking male. This might be possible, but it would probably be of no interest during my intrusion. Above all was a harassing question: Who were the owners of this territory. Was it also the striped ones, was it the long sabers or the chaste yellows?

If it was it the striped ones or the long sabers, then my problem would be smaller than feared. If it was the chaste yellows though, this would be my perdition. The chaste yellows had declared war to the long sabers and the striped ones and as a striped long saber I united everything in me the chaste yellows hated.

Nobody in sight far and wide. I deliberated where I should go and finally turned into the direction of a close by forest. A few minutes later the thick green had devoured me.

I literarily raked through the dense high fern and eluded the trunks of the giant mammoth trees.

"Mammoth trees? Mammoth meat? What enchanting words." These thoughts crossed my mind.

Scions of horse tails and wide cedar fans patted against my nose, arms and legs. As I stepped on a branch it sprung up and hit me in a sensitive place. I had to struggle for air for several minutes and I clinched my teeth to prevent, that I wasted my remaining breath on a pain-filled scream. When I had come back to my senses I continued my journey and reached a small lake by sunset.

I bend over the surface of the water and observed my reflection in the remaining light of the setting sun.

My name was Belenes and I was a saber tooth cat. I belonged to a subspecies with striped fur and extraordinary long saber teeth. Like all saber tooth tigers in the known world I, too, walked upright, was capable of speaking, writing and drawing. In ancient times only chaste yellows existed and no striped ones. The chaste yellows are no anthros but quadrupeds with the same skills like us anthros.

We were created by an intermixture of striped big-cats and chaste yellows.

Someone must have been very bored in the past. In any way our striped greatgreatgrandmother gave in to a chaste yellow greatgreatgrandfather and became pregnant.

Unfortunately we were treated like lepers and unclean ones. Everything that was not chaste yellow was unprotected game for those saber tooth cats.

While I pondered about my clan's and my own fate darkness had finally come and bathed everything in a pale light. No more birds were singing and everything was dead still. So awake had my eyes watched the surface of the water just moments ago, so abruptly they became heavy and I fell asleep, while I was still sitting.

The first light beams of the rising sun tickled the tip of my nose and my eyelids. I awoke and yawned full-hearted. Slowly I put aside the cedar branches, which I seemingly had used as a blanket and rose. I plodded slowly towards the water and put my left hand into it. It was pleasantly warm and inviting me for a bath.

I was alone, dived into the floods and enjoyed the refreshment.

Suddenly I heard a crack in the brushwood and froze. Somebody was there and seemed to observe me.

"Who's there?" I called unsettled.

I received no answer.

"I have noticed you. The crack in the brushwood has betrayed you, so you can come out."

And something really did move. The cracks became louder and the fern and bushed were pushed aside. At this very moment I realized that I had left my battle axe at the bank, as well as my bow and arrows and my shortened javelin. A foolish mistake, for which I could have slapped myself, but I couldn't change it now.

And then he was standing at the bank. He stood there and looked at me first, then at my weapons. He seemed to be irritated, but not afraid.

He was a saber tooth cat like me, but his fur pattern looked different. He had stripes, just like me, but they were more like schemes and not so pronounced.

"Who are you?" I asked surprised.

"My name is Andrew" answered the foreign male and his voice clang in me eerily. "And who are you?" he asked back.

"Oh, pardon my rudeness. My name is Belenes."

"Are you new in this region?" asked Andrew curiously.

"Indeed, I come from far away and I am searching for food for my clan."

He nodded. "I could have guessed that. Why else would you intrude my territory."

"Your territory? Do you intend to say that this entire area is your territory?"

He nodded affirmative.

"I am very impressed", I retorted and dived under quickly.

As I dived up again I saw Andrew holding my battle axe in his hands, turning it around. I held my breath. What was he up to? Did he want to challenge me or simply take me down?

"Would you please put the axe down again to the other weapons? She is only meant for self defense," I said with a firm voice.

Andrew did as he was told and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Wow! What for a male, this Andrew.

"I don't need such weapons. My claws and teeth are sufficient for attack and defense. But I would like too much to fight another saber tooth, to match my strength with a member of the same species."

I thought about it and came out of the water. My fur was soaking wet and every feature of my body was clearly visible. Andrew looked at me evaluating and his look remained at my testicles and shaft a moment longer than it should. And I had the impression that there was a slight smile visible in his face.

"How do you wish to fight? With which weapons? With body armor or without?" I asked doubting.

Andrew was well-built and extremely muscular. Without weapons and armor my chances were very slim.

"We will fight with hand and feet only. Body contact is completely allowed, but no biting. No additional weapons, no armor. We will be nude during the fight."

What was this going to be? A courtship fight for a female? But there was no female for which one could start a courtship fight.

I agreed, even though I knew it better and swallowed the uneasy feeling. I was just about to ask what would happen to the looser, when Andrew already flew through the air like an arrow and landed on his feet directly in front of me, where he hit me abruptly to the ground.

I gasped for air, struggled up and backwards, but caught myself again. I hissed and hit his liver with my fist. I surprised him with that. He coughed, choked for a moment, but pulled himself together faster than I had expected. He only needed a few seconds before he attacked me again. He jumped at me and tore me of my feet. We landed in the sand with a dull sound and wrestled. I pushed him away and jumped up. Less than 10 seconds later I had suffered from a mighty paw blow at my flank and blood was running out of four deep fissures, soaking my still wet fur in a red color.

I became really angry. So far this fight had been more like a ritual, but now it had turned into bitter seriousness. I flexed my claws consciously and roared at my opponent.

"That's it, Belenes", shouted Andrew pleased. "Defend yourself as good as you can. I love well-fortified males."

I jerked mentally. He couldn't mean that serious.

"He couldn't possibly be...?" I thought and ended up in the sand again.

Andrew had jumped into my legs and had swept me off my feet.

We had formed a ball again, spit in rage and hissed aggravated.

We rolled around through the sand, the grass and back through the sand for hours, until we finally splashed into water.

Suddenly Andrew roared, let go of me and rushed back onto the dry bank.

I remained lying, lifted my head and started laughing. "What's up, big saber tooth cat? Are you afraid of the water? Has your strength left you or are you just a coward?"

The tomcat fletched his teeth and narrowed his eyes. "Respect! You are good and you have a good ally in the water. Let us rest and eat something. I had captured a large amount of prey and put it into the fern over there." He pointed in the mentioned direction.

Andrew fetched loin steaks of a Gaur, while I started a fire.

A few minutes later the pieces of cedar wood cracked in the warm flames and the meat spread a delicious smell.

The sun wasn't in full zenith anymore and the heat was simply oppressing.

"How can you manage to keep up such a territory on your own? Don't others try to take it away from you?"

Andrew smiled mildly. "Nobody dares."

"What? Why that?"

"Well, I could have something contagious. Ever thought about that?"

I startled. I couldn't afford a disease, not with my task.

He looked into my eyes deeply. "That was a joke. I don't have anything contagious, at least homosexuality is no disease. But sadly many don't want to have anything to do with a gay big-cat."

I gulped. Where have I stumbled into? A gay saber tooth tiger? Was this the reason the fight had been so odd? Did he want to test me?

"Belenes! Don't worry. If there is no sign from you, I won't touch you. Please don't start thinking that a homosexual runs around with a steady erection."

I sighed in relief. All members of my clans were heterosexual and had a steady relationship. This now was totally new for me and made me feel unpleasant.

"Relax and grip it", he said. I slid back and opened my eyes widely.

"How do you mean that?", I asked and tried not to look between his thighs.

"You won't see anything you don't want to see", he said and sighed. "Well, one can't accept so much tolerance right away. It is nice though that you didn't run away by now and still sit at my side. Despite that I was talking about the meat, nothing else."

I nodded and felt guilty for having implied him libidinal behavior. And regarding the meat he didn't have to invite me twice. I gripped some of it full hearted. He did so, too and we gnawed joyfully at the bones. Time went by and we talked a lot, chi-wagged about trivialities. Andrew told me a lot about his youth, how he realized that he was different and that females didn't interest him. And as he continued to talk I suddenly realized that I was banned by his lips, sucked in every word he said and that his voice echoed in my ears in a more and more pleasant way.

Andrew stopped in the middle of the sentence. "Is something wrong with you? You're acting weird." I shook my head. "I... I..."

He smiled at me.

"I... just asked myself how it feels like when you..." I coughed and felt an unpleasant heat rising in me.

"What interests you?"

" I wonder, how you feel. I mean, your fur, your muscles..." I silenced and looked down to the ground.

Suddenly the saber tooth cat laughed out.

"Are you asking out of curiosity or do you feel something? An inner unrest perhaps?"

I nodded hard and looked deep into his eyes. The final beams of the setting sun reflected in them and gave them an eerie wild blaze.

I rose nervously, turned around and walked to the lake bank. I looked over the water surface and sighed. What was happening to me? What was the presence of this tomcat causing in me? Was I gay, too? But I was together with a female and I enjoyed the time we spent together, as well as the fulfilling sex. Had I deceived myself so much?

Suddenly I felt warm breath at my left shoulder.

"You are extraordinary attractive, Belenes. Don't be afraid of that. You just have to be absolutely sure that you want it."

"I do not know and that is the problem. I do not know what I want and I do not know what I feel. I very happy with my female, but something is missing and I can't explain it. Your presence has broached questions in my, which never had any meaning to me so far. How can it be that, from one second to the other, I stark asking myself how you feel like, how it feels like to nestle with you and how it feels like to give in to another male?"

"Those questions are totally normal und we all have to face them sooner or later. The most important thing is not when and under which circumstances you make new experiences, but how you make them and which consequences you draw out of them."

I nodded and understood what he intimated.

Ashamed I folded my arms in front of my chest, breathed deeply and closed my eyes. As I opened them again Andrew was standing in front of me and smirked. "Do you want to show me how to swim?"

I goggled and my jaw dropped.

"So far I was really afraid of the water, but I, too, learn new things", said Andrew and walked carefully towards the bank and truly put one paw after the other into the water. He made a step, then another and then he suddenly sank down on his knees and dived shortly.

I frightened at first, thinking something had happened to him, but as he appeared again and grinned at me cheekily I know how to understand his sign.

I went to him, took his left hand and pulled him determined up to me. "I want it. Now and with you", I whispered and twitched slightly.

What was I doing? Damn, had I lost my mind? I shouldn't do it, but then I would never find out who I truly am and how I really feel. My thoughts were spinning and I also asked myself, what my clan and my female would say, if this really happened.

Andrew was standing next to me and held my shaking hand. "Are you really sure?"

"Yes", I answered quickly, before my courage left me again. Had I really said that now, or was I just dreaming?

"Don't be afraid. Relax and let it happen. Come to the grass with me, it's more pleasant for both of us there."

The sun had vanished behind the horizon, had blushed deeply and escaped now of what was going to happen.

Andrew implied that I should sit down in the grass. I did as I was told and my pulse increased clearly. He himself sat down next to me and looked deep into my eyes. I felt how he started to gently stroke my right cheek and how his other hand grabbed mine and held it tight.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed his tender touches and started to growl silently.

Suddenly Andrew loosened his grip around my hand, took my head and kissed me. His tongue bored deeply in my muzzle and explored my pharynx. I twitched back involuntarily, but I bethought myself quickly and gave in to his desire.

His breath became heavier and his movements faster. He stopped kissing me, smiled at me once more and blinked at me. I looked at him excited and my heart was racing.

He gave me a kiss on the nose and then pressed me, slowly but determined, into the grass. "Remain lying and let me work" he said and already slipped on my lap. I remained still and just observed him and my body. Andrew stroke my chest and belly gently. He massaged my abdominal muscles and let his fingers dance skilful around my foreskin bag.

I moaned stimulated.

"Ah! I knew that you would like this", he said silently and observed with interest my steadily growing and emerging penis.

Only seconds passed any my manhood shined, long and hard, in the moonlight.

Andrew licked his lips greedily, slid over my thighs, bend over and spread his buns. As he slowly let himself down on me I slipped into him without any resistance.

We both moaned in lust.

While we were lying in the grass and I seriously doubted the reality of this situation, Andrew finally became active and moved more and more hectically on me. With every movement his penis emerged more and hardened. He had closed his eyes and breathed heavily. I sucked in every detail; saw his athletic muscles over me, his strong arms on me, his fluffy balls on my lap and his mighty spiked joy stick over my belly. I felt a quickly increasing warmth in my abdomen.

A few seconds later the moment had come. We snarled and roared almost at the same time, as our drive discharged. While I deflated my warm white carriage into Andrew's gut, he only sprinkled a few drops of his semen on my belly fur.

It seemed almost like an apology, as he swiftly rose and licked away the few sprinkles of his lust from my belly fur.

"I am sorry, Belenes. I already held back and didn't want to overcharge you by flooding you."

I looked at him taken aback. "You shouldn't have done this. I was absolutely aware of what awaited me in that moment and I am, to be honest, a bit disappointed."

"Oh, never mind. I am not that important."

"Oh yes, you are! You are important to me."

Andrew sighed and smiled embarrassed. "That is lovely of you", he whispered and bit playfully into my right ear.

I rose, passed him and went to the bank of the lake again. Having reached it I stopped and turned around to him.

"What's up with you, big saber tooth male? Don't you want to find your freedom as well?"

I showed him, what I meant, bent over slightly and put aside my fluffy stumpy tail.

Andrew stood behind me, almost immediately after that. I felt his warm breath in my neck and his big spiked penis between my butt cheeks.

"Are you really ready fort his?", he asked insecurely.

"Yes, Andrew, yes", I just whispered and closed my eyes.

I expected a stinging pain, but something completely different happened. He entered me without any problem, penetrated my sphincter, bored into my innermost and filled me with a feeling of complacency.

Andrew growled sensually, while he moved in me and stimulated his penis between my butt cheeks and in my guts. I opened my eyes and saw how he grabbed around me, held me tight and close to himself with his left hand and how his right hand was clasping my, again aroused, penis. His thrusts were deep, hard and extremely dominant, but at the same time he massaged my penis spikes with an incredible tenderness and glided skillfully over the shaft.

As he put his head over my left shoulder I realized how the saliva dripped off his saber fangs over his hand and my foreskin bag. At the same time his thrusts became shorter and rougher. His movements told me, that he had almost done it.

He massaged my penis with more and more hectically movements, wanted me to come simultaneously and I wanted it, too. I allowed his lust to carry me and within seconds I was also short before reaching my climax. Just like on command we tore open our muzzles and roared out our entire lust above the sea and into the forest.

Andrew tore his head up into the air, clawed into my left loin and pressed my buttocks firmly against his pelvis. Not a single drop of his blistering cat lust should fall on the ground. It should all fill me and belong to me.

I stared over the lake, while I roared and I could see in the moonlight how my semen shot high over the water surface and finally unified with the cold floods.

He separated from me relaxed, I turned around and we kissed passionately. After this we lay down into the bank sand and fell asleep.

I awoke and startled. The sun was already standing high in the sky and I looked around. I was lying in a comfortable chaise and was covered with a light blanket.

"Hello, my beloved", said a female voice to me.

I turned around and rose. It was my tiger girl, standing in front of me. She had no saber teeth, but she was gorgeous and the most wonderful tiger girl, who ever existed and ever will exist.

"Hello, my darling", I replied hoarse.

"Have you slept badly? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No, no. I'm fine. Everything is all right", I answered quickly.

"Well, than it seems the time to say goodbye has come", said my tigress.

"What for a time?", I asked confused.

"Well, you wanted to strike out and search for food for the clan. Have you forgotten about that?" She looked at me intensively.

I shook my head. "No, no. Of course not. But you're right, I should get going."

We said goodbye in a very hot manner, I packed a few things together and started walking into the downstream direction.

After the settlement of my clan had become out of sight I suddenly heard somebody coming after. I stopped and turned.

There he was. He had run after me. He was panting exhausted, but it was him.

"Who are you", I asked insecurely.

"My name is Andrew and I was sent to accompany you."


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