Back to the Lab (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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A quickie commission for ArenGoldie! Aren once again returns to Noire Corp to help out with his naga friend Ishika's latest experiment...

"I'll be there in like, 20 minutes..."

Aren hung up the phone after saying that. The white tiger had been woken up from a pleasant dream by this phone call, which came from his friend Ishika. Ishika was a scientist working in the lab at Noire Corp, a company dedicated to "the weird part of science" according to their company motto. The tiger would often get to these calls, and go over to help Ishika with whatever he was testing for the day, get a little bit of a commission on the side...the catch was that he almost never knew what his naga friend had in store for him! It was a different feeling every time he walked through that door, and today would be no different.

The Noire Corp building was a relatively unassuming thing, a place that Aren had seen countless times before. He pushed open the front door and immediately took a hard left, making his way down the stairs to the basement, where the lab actually was...every time he made his way down here, the place looked entirely different, so the tiger braced himself for any number of possibilities.

But it was actually rather normal. If there was a default configuration, then it was this. Gray concrete floors and walls, polished and cleaned to a spotless perfection. In the center, there was a large table, one that almost looked like an operating table of sorts. From one of the corners, Aren heard his friend's familiar voice, the naga slithering out of relative darkness to meet the tiger. "Aah! Perfect timing, Aren. I've got a pretty simple experiment today, just a few pieces of equipment to test out. If you'd be so kind, just lay on the bench and we'll get started immediately..." the naga said...but Aren wasn't really listening to the naga. His eyes had been caught by something else. Ishika was usually nude from the waist down, but his...bits were also usually contained deep inside of his body, so it wasn't really like he was exposing himself. But now? Ishika had his hand down there as soon as Aren walked in, the reptile's hemipenes having emerged from his slit as he shamelessly stimulated himself. The tips were already drooling out precum, to boot...

"Uhh, what are you doing?" the tiger asked as he walked over to the table, pointing to the obvious heat that the naga was packing! "Ah! Just getting ready. Now, just go ahead and take a seat, and we'll get right to it..." Ishika continued, ushering Aren over to the table as the tiger wore quite the quizzical look on his face. "Alllllllright..."

Soon, Aren was laying flat against the cold metal, the naga scientist pulling up the straps on both sides of the table to secure the tiger in place. Though this was a little weird at first, Aren had gotten used to it over the countless experiments he had done for the naga in the past. What was a bit out of the ordinary was the fact that Ishika was playing with his hemipenes the entire time, the naga stepping away for a moment to dig through some drawers and such before finding what he was looking for, one hand still stroking and rubbing over his junk as they swelled and twitched at full mast. In the naga's other hand was something that almost looked like a raygun of sorts, the chassis of the weapon absolutely covered in all sorts of dials and displays and pulsating wires. "Ooooh, what's that?" Aren said as soon as he saw it, the tiger's eyes lighting up as Ishika stood before him, completely aroused and looking ready to go.

"Quite simple, really. It's a plasma pistol that I modified with some teleportation technology to do some interesting stuff. You'll see what it does in a moment..." the naga said as he started messing with the dials and such on the side of the device, taking a moment or two before both of them heard something click into place. "Ah! There we go. You might feel a bit dizzy..." the naga said as he pointed the pistol right at Aren!

Aren flinched as a wave of green energy shot out of the tip of the gun, completely enveloping him in the energy and making his head spin with what was happening, to the point where he had to close his eyes just to get his bearings again! The world was swirling and spinning all around him, his stomach turning as the buzzing of the gun firing filled his ears...

And then it all stopped. The tiger was left with some residual dizziness, but otherwise, it was like a light switch had been flipped off. But, when the tiger opened his eyes, a lot about the world had changed around him. Namely, those straps that were holding him so tightly had all but disappeared! He was free to move about, though with all the dizziness he wasn't exactly keen on it. But as Aren looked around...god, the table he was laying on looked absolutely massive. Had he...was that thing a shrink ray!?

And as soon as Aren had that thought, his eyes locked on the now-giant naga standing in front of him, a sly grin on his face and hemipenes still throbbing and drooling. "Oh, ho, ho! I can't believe it worked perfectly the first time..." the scientist commented as he stepped to the edge of the table, reaching down and flopping his cocks onto the steel bench before leaning down and picking up the small tiger, despite Aren's clear discomfort with the entire idea! The tiger squirmed a little bit in his naga friend's grasp as darkness surrounded him, light thankfully shining into his eyes a few moments later as he was pushed out through an opening in Ishika's hand. All he could see were the drooling, musky tips of the naga's cocks, both of them looking more than ready to swallow the tiger down without a second thought! "Sssso, which one do you want to go down? They both lead to the same place, after all..." Ishika teased, huffing as he humped against the table a little bit while bringing the tiger closer to his genitals...

"Uhh, can I choose neither of them?" the tiger asked with a nervous chuckle...he could just smell the musk of the naga's pre-cum at this point, the fact that he was getting closer and closer to his friend's bits starting to really make his heart pound. "NO, you have to choose one! And hurry up, before I pick one for you." Ishika snapped in response, jerking his hand forward and mashing Aren up against the tip of his first shaft! The tiger was suddenly immersed in the pre that had been drooling out of the tip of the naga's cock, sputtering and spitting as some of the musky, clear fluid ended up in his mouth and eyes. "Haaahh...perhaps you would enjoy this one, it certainly seems hungry for you~" the naga teased as he pressed Aren against the tip even more, allowing the tiger to feel the flesh of the naga's shaft starting to clench around his snout! But, just when the tiger thought he was going to slide right down, he was suddenly pulled away from the snapping cock...the tiger had a brief moment of respite before Ishika's hand moved him to the other cock. "Or perhaps this one would be more your style..." Aren heard Ishika tease before the naga started to rub the tiger up and down his shaft, using Aren as a makeshift toy of sorts! The tiger's fur was absolutely smeared in musk and precum as Ishika rudely grinded him up against his meat...the only thing Aren could smell was Ishika's thick musk, spicy, heady, and even a bit intoxicating...geez, he must have artificially enhanced it somehow! There was no way he smelled this...STRONG normally. And now that smell was all over the tiger as least there was the possibility of him becoming nose blind to the smell over time! But for now...

Ishika nuzzled Aren's face against the tip of his second shaft one last time before pulling him away, the tiger absolutely soaked in pre! "Time's running out! They're both hungry, don't leave them waiting..." Ishika teased, Aren still trying to get his eyes dry from all the pre - the tiger wasn't even thinking about the naga's question. "Uhhh...the second one, I guess????" the tiger finally shouted, picking one at random so that Ishika would get it over with and shove him inside already so he could get his bearings! And, thankfully, the tiger was gonna get just what he wanted.


Ishika moaned out as he gripped Aren tight, shoving the tiger forward with all his force and feeling the small cat sliding nearly halfway inside of his hungry shaft! The flesh clenched and squeezed tight around Aren, gulping down the tiger with ease and starting to pull him deeper into the naga's package. "Hhhssss...yes, this is going perfectly..." Ishika moaned as he started to stroke over his shaft more, Aren already slipping further inside to the point that only his tail and feet were even visible outside of the reptile's drooling tip! All the while, the naga's other shaft was still as hard as ever, even though it wasn't currently getting a big meal, Ishika stroking over both of them together and giving his package a hearty squeeze.

Aren could definitely feel that squeeze, though it was difficult to distinguish from all the other tightness and muskiness that was constantly surrounding him. The walls just tripled and her clenched all around him constantly, pulling him deeper into the naga's was at this point that, with most of his body now swallowed up, the tigers started to wonder about where exactly he would end up. He wasn't, uh, familiar with his reptile friend's anatomy, so he really had no idea what was going to happen to him next...though he also wasn't exactly able to think straight with all the pre in his mouth! It almost felt like he was under water, immersed in all this gooey liquid that constantly got up his nose and in his mouth, powerless to stop it from being rubbed into every inch of his fur!

With one last, lovely *shlurrrp*, Ishika gasped as the last of his friend disappeared inside of this talk, a small bulge traveling down the bottom side of his cock as Aren wiggled and squirmed for the slightest bit of extra room. And, well, he didn't get that extra room most of the time! The squirming seemed to make this whole process move faster, though, so the tiger gave it his best effort, even though he was starting to get pretty tired. And after another minute or so of squirming and squishing through musky cock flesh, Aren finally felt the squishy stuff ahead of him starting to yawn open and push the tiger out into a new chamber. Aren really had no idea where he was, but logically...he had to be inside of the naga's balls now!

The sack was contained inside of Ishika's body, Aren only showing as a small bulge beneath the opening of the nagas hemipenes...and Aren was definitely feeling the squeeze from being packed into such a tight, small chamber! And if it wasn't already more than snug enough for the tiger, there was also plenty of thick, musky cream sloshing around inside of here with him, the naga's body having produced more than a fair bit of cum during the arousing process of shoving the tiger inside! It was a challenge for Aren to keep all of this stuff out of his mouth and eyes, the tiger's head disappearing underneath the bubbling concoction a few times...

Having finished gobbling up Aren with his hungry shaft, Ishika leaned back to get up off the table, both of his throbbing shafts locked tight in his grasp as he felt Aren wiggling around inside of his balls. "Hhhssss, yes...get comfortable in there, Aren~" the naga huffed out, not even sure if the tiger could hear his words over all the fleshy and bubbly noises of the concoction he was sloshing around with inside of there. It wouldn't be much longer before the tiger joined the mixture, anyway...!

Aren rubbed along the encroaching sac walls to try and relax Ishika the best he could, hopefully getting the naga to cum him out in the process! It was starting to get really warm and tight in here, those walls just continued to press in on the tiger and mix him up even more with the thick naga cream...eugh. Aren's body was absolutely soaked in the stuff at this point, to the point he was starting to even feel his skin and fur tingle a little bit! oh, jeez, what was going on in here?

Ishika could sense the growing discomfort and panic from Aren inside, the tiger's wiggling starting to transform into more of a pointed struggling as his strength continued to fade. "Jussst relax. the experiment will be over soon..." the scientist cooed, taking a hand away from his shaft to rub over the small bulge inside of him, trying to coax Aren into more of a relaxed state.

Unfortunately, all that rubbing did was mix Aren up inside even more! The tingling feeling was continuing to spread throughout the tiger's body, a heavy sleepiness starting to take over Aren's brain as he slumped into the sack walls that continued to squeeze and knead against his body. Guh, what was happening...? His consciousness was so cloudy, and it was difficult to focus on anything, let alone the prospect of escape. It just felt like the tiger was melting away, both physically and mentally!

Ishika huffed and humped his hips forward a little bit as the bulge inside of him started to soften up. Aren was making his transition into snake jizz rather well! Ishika's balls were so full that some of the stuff was starting to leak up through his shaft, even without the snake working his cocks anymore! He was feeling fit to burst, but the snake needed to collect as much of the stuff as possible to finish his experiment, so Ishika just grabbed a vial and bottled the stuff up as gently as he could, feeling all that new load sloshing around inside of him. "Well, I hope that reformation potion we've been testing works..." the naga said as he finished up his work, idly playing with himself every now and again while he waited for his body to finish up...

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