
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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A thoughtful tale of Chaos in the Balance - By SwampRat

(c) 1992 The Rashathran Society

The Castle had stood on top of the hill for as long as anybody remembered. Few

trod towards it, for no one lived there. Or if they did, none of the townsfolk

ever saw anybody. Some foolhardy adventures went into the woods, as did sheep

and cattle herders. Those that returned refused to speak of what horrors they

had witnessed. Sometimes a bull or lamb would return.. Changed. It's eyes were

strange and it didn't act like a normal animal. However, those sharp enough to

hide the animal from the prying gaze of the priests, found themselves much

rewarded for their pains. The rams never mated, having eyes only for the local

lads. But the wool was of exceptional quality and the animals lived 20 years or

better. The bulls also did not care for cows, nuzzling men instead. But they

pulled with a will, and were docile enough to let children play around them.

So, even though the priests wanted the strange animals burned, most scoffed at

them, and a few prayed to the castle to keep the bounty continuing. That was

until Chaos came.. The Beastmen wandered through the woods.

The city had been easy.. Too easy! What was in the Castle? And why did it sit

so still? And why did it tug at them so strangely. Every minute they stayed,

the harder it was to think clearly. Lust and wanton clouded their thoughts, and

sometimes fingers grabbed furry butts instead of weapons. Their Leader, a large

stag-like male also felt the tug. He didn't understand what was going on

either.. But The God of Change wanted them there. Perhaps it was Slaanesh's

territory. Perhaps that was why his retinue acted so strangely.. And if

something didn't happen, and Soon, They would be doing more than just fondling

themselves and growling. And he would join them! The retinue of Khorne fared

much worse.. They were ripping at each other in their bloody wanton, and with

each fresh kill, the horrible pleasure of mating lust washed over them. Even

the Blood-Hounds seemed ill-at-ease.. Chaos spawn danced merrily amongst the

banners, disrupting everything. Life-Alterer took to the air, lifting himself

over the field to stare at the castle. Something momentarily touched him.. He

was free! Free to soar the winds..

His body no longer belonged to any god. It was his! He screeched in joy.. Then

his wings no longer held him up and he plummeted. Something roared above him

and he felt claws grip his body. He turned to look at his benefactor.. An Eagle

the size of a house held him gently. "What puny wings.. How is it you are able

to fly at all?" The huge ones barely flapped, catching the updraft in

tree-sized feathers. "Catch hold.." The bird did a barrel-roll and flung the

Lord Of Change up in the air. Then rolled back again. Life-Alterer had time to

see the ground way below him.. Then a huge neck was under his legs. He grasped

the feathers, feeling the same pleasure rush through him again. What he could do

with such a creature in his camp. The animal laughed eerily.. "I follow no

god.. And you have nothing to tempt me with. Yes, I can read minds.." The

Greater Demon of Tzeentch didn't know what to do next. The Eagle decided that

for him. With one might flap of it's wings the animal came to rest in the

field. Put it's head down and allowed the demon to scramble off. Stood looking

at the being with one dark eye.

"If you are thinking of tackling the Castle.. I would suggest you return to

whence you came. If you were to bring half of Chaos with you, it would not be

enough to dislodge a stone. That is The Castle of ThumBumping.. Perhaps you

have heard of it?" The demon stared at the creature for a moment. "Maybe.. In

some rumors..." The Eagle laughed again. "It exists. I know it's Master

personally! Do not worry, I shall not tell him of your arrival. Those who fled

before you have done that already. Fare Thee Well, being with tiny wings.."

Then the bird launched himself into the air, Before the Greater Demon could

remember a spell, the creature was gone from sight. Blast! He would go back and

see what Tzeentch had to say about This wrinkle..

* * *

The followers of Nurgle were packing their tents and leaving. Not even so much

as leaf-rot could be spread in the strange trees. Indeed, some of the

PlagueBearers were finding themselves cured of diseases they had fostered! This

was too much for the Greater Demons.. The Bloodletters were also ready to find

other game. The insidious Pleasure was creeping into even the bloodiest

Champions.. A few stayed, just to see if They could overcome the dreaded

Pleasures and Kill for their God. The gaudy banners and revelers of Slaanesh

were conspicuously absent from the goings-on, which made Cange shake his

antlered head in frustration.. His own mentor had returned with a strange look

and simply sat, staring at the castle through the trees. Again, he had to

chastise his retinue for laying together. But felt the throbbing as a male

sauntered past, butt wriggling.. Or was it just his imagination. Night fell..

Inside one of the spires a mirror was uncovered. A lantern with alternating

pink and blue plates was lit by a candle made of a waxed penis. The beam that

came out was a strange color.. It focused on the forest surrounding the


The beam swept all who lived in the trees.. Animals stopped, enraptured. Some

made their way towards the castle, heedless of barriers. Others shuddered in

orgasm, then went on their way. The Parties gathered in the trees fared much

the same. Sentries had a time not dropping weapons and following the exodus

towards the stones.. Those who did sleep found their dreams twisted with scenes

of debauched orgies.. The Followers of Khorne jerked upright, and those of the

strongest fortitude killed themselves outright. The weaker ones were altered..

Their swords vanished, no longer able to take the Pleasure. Items and tattoos

with the Symbol of Khorne were changed.. They most resembled a broken Symbol of

Slaanesh, Bound by a wheel. Those of Tzeentch did better.. They were used to

insanity and only felt the Lust. The morning came with reddened eyes and growls

as paws went where paws were not supposed to.. The Beastmen fared worst of all.

They could barely contain their need, and many vanished from sight, sometimes

in pairs.. To return later, panting. Their eyes gleamed with new knowledge and

reeked of male musk.. 'Damn Slaanesh Outpost! Had to be..' Cange, Stag-headed

Champion of Change, shook his head.

He gently shook the winged Demon's arm. "Life-Alterer.. We Must do Something.

The Beastmen are mating with each other. Those of Khorne now sport new runes

and cavort with them as well." Then he stood back, listening to his master..

"Too weak.." The Greater Demon of Tzeentch stood, unfurled his wings and patted

his Champion on the shoulder. "I am doomed.. If you wish to leave, do so. Our

god sleeps.. And I am doomed. But even as I die, I shall live again." He

stepped slowly, then faster and faster towards the Castle. Ignoring both pleas

and tugs on his personage, the winged creature leapt into the air.. A beam of

yellow came from one of the turrets and hit him square in the chest. He

screamed.. As they watched, his arms merged with his wings which became huge.

His head altered, becoming more bird-like. And his body changed as well.

Instead of the puny claws of a parakeet, he now had talons. There was an

explosion of feathers.. And where a Demon whose body had been twisted by Chaos

into a parody of a bird, Now flew a Great Golden Eagle. With barely a flap he

wheeled and flew over his ex-retinue.

"My Friends.. It is Wonderful! To truly know the wonders of flight.. I Am no

longer Life-Alterer, Follower of Tzeentch. I am now Skyfus, Eagle and Monarch

of the Air.. Do not mourn for me. I prefer my new life.." He screamed as only

an eagle can.. And another answered! He turned to greet the bird.. "So. We have

another Brother.. The Master said we might." The same creature that had saved

his hide only yesterday flew with him. "Master.. Then you do worship a god?"

The other chuckled. "Do you feel like worshipping some stupid deity? Or Racing

me to yonder peak.." With a laugh, the darker bird hit a thermal and soared

upwards. "As I said.. I am Friends with the One who resides inside." Grinning

to himself, Skyfus found his wings automatically finding the currents to carry

him forward. He flapped once.. And was propelled forward by a furlong!

Laughing, he wheeled towards the Castle. He had to thank whoever lived there

for his new life.

* * *

Cange stared at the receding figure. A minotaur put a hand on his shoulder.

"What we do now?" He stared into the brown eyes. "We can leave.." A snort

negated that idea. "We can fight whoever comes out of the castle.." He turned

as a sound filled the air. Solemn and at the same time gay.. The drawbridge was

lowered and a party filed out of the Castle. Armor shone with resplendence.

Ribbons and banners of various colors heralded the coming of Somebody

Important.. "Skihfig." One of the Beastmen stopped stroking another and came to

the Champion. "Bring me my Glass of Sight.. We may be fighting." The growl

wasn't heartening. But the animal did as he was bade.. The goatish creature

brought back a spyglass and grabbed the male's butt. Cange growled himself.. It

was getting harder to hold his feelings in check. But, he Had to.. His Master

had proved too weak, and paid for it. Now, it was up to him. He pulled the

glass apart and studied the banners. They were written the Human Tongue!

"Siris, Lord of Changing Pleasures. Come and play a while with us.."

Slaanesh, and Tzeentch? And why were the symbols broken, and bound by a wheel?

Centaurs and Minotaurs held huge axes that gleamed as only highly polished

weapons can. Humans, Beastmen.. Even Animals walked in stately procession. They

split and Cange damned near dropped the glass. And not because his Lieutenant

was nibbling on his nuts either.. He glanced down, stifling a moan as the thick

lips slid around his erection. Dropped a hand to stroke the bull's horns. He

looked once more through the glass, then tossed it.. "Grab Ass and Screw

Yourselves Silly!" The cheer was garbled by already full mouths.. Cange

grunted, twisting in the horny monster's grip. The image still burned in his

brain. A creature, robed in green, with runes so powerful they shimmered the

air was walking towards them. A Silver Dragon.. With eye-shadow and painted

nails. Leth Tzeen Slaa.. Lord of Lustful Change. Another banner was even more

interesting. It was a Wheel, with four arrows radiating from one side. On each,

a rune from a God of Chaos was etched. On the other side was a Single Arrow,

with the rune for Law. Above them was a word.. 'Khasahk'. The ancient word for

Chaos.. With it's mirror image.

In the middle was the symbol 'Eye of The God' - The scale upon which all deeds

and attributes were weighed.. But, it was upside down. On either side of the

wheel was a strip of color. White for the Chaos side, and Black on the Law

Side. The entire banner meant 'Negation'. He had heard of them before, but had

believed them to be stories of Chaos Spawn.. And here was one walking up to

him. One Who Negates All - A Servant of The Balance. He gritted his teeth, as

he felt his body change.. Now a deer body went with the head. Cloven hooves

where feet used to be, and his dick grew.. To the pleasure of the bull who

knelt in front of him. No longer just a man-beast, the animal retained his

hands, but the rest of him was pure Bovine. The Beastmen were unchanged..

Unless they had a Major attribute.. An Ex-servant of Khorne who had gotten his

gods face as a reward, now had a doggish snout, and a much kinder disposition.

A pair of were-bears danced as their dual personalities were welded into one..

The large bruins now had the knowledge and intelligence of men. The ex-Servant

felt somehow different.. No God! He felt no omnipotent presence hovering over

him. Nobody to account to.. Except himself.

A grunt as the animal sucking at his groin made his nuts ignite. And he

hungered for what the largish testicles that swayed so wonderfully between the

wide legs held in them. But, there was time.. Time to do whatever he chose to

do. Then another orgasm blew his reasoning mind apart, and he hunched the

wonderful mouth with rutting abandon.

* * *

"What did I tell you?" The dragon, who was a Knight before he became scaled,

smiled. "Litters, Please.. Our guests will be tired after their ordeals." And

throwing off his robe, the reptile shrank to barely 6 feet in height and jumped

into the fray with both hands. Banners were tossed to one side and for some

time the only ones who were Not involved in an orgy was a green-scaled

lizardman, and a Reddish Goat-like male, whose horns had grown to resemble a

Skull, and stood beside the Banner of his Champion. Who also happened to be his

lover.. Let the others do as they pleased. One caress from a scaly hand would

give him more mind-bending pleasure than a hundred matings! Not that he minded

mating.. And if asked would be happy to show another his subtle skills. "It

looks like we shall need Litters to carry the Litter-Bearers.." WarFang

chuckled. He enjoyed his new role.. And Still wore the Marks of Khorne Proudly.

To show others there was a way out.. If one had the Guts to take it! He still

had the desires and wants that led him to the God of Blood, but now he wanted

to Maintain the Balance.. Before, he burned with Blood-Lust. Now his lust was

held between his legs..

And if somebody didn't spell him, he was going to cream his robe! "Drop it..

It's just a piece of pretty cloth. Nothing more." The Beastman hung his head

for a moment.. But only for a moment. Then the banner was in the dust, and his

robe followed it. The animal was like an army of horny pixies.. Paws everywhere

at once. A willing mouth or fresh cock to be used as the various beings

needed.. And even as he burned with ecstasy, he could still step back and see

what would do the best work. Tweak this nipple or Squeeze that butt. A pair of

aching nuts that needed a gentle hand to coax perhaps one more load from. A

maleness left without a hole, or a tongue wishing it had something to play

with. The male, in a robe made of shadows, grinned and walked to the banner. He

pulled the cloth out of the frame and ripping a strip free, put a simple spell

on it. Then reached into nothingness, out of which came a sword. He wrapped the

material around the hilt and laid it on the gray robe.. "You are indeed worthy.

Perhaps our paths will cross again.. Fare thee well, friend and body-warmer."

The lizard felt a tear well in his eye. The pain was brief but staggering..

"We are not automatons.. We do feel. And it is Those feelings that keep us who

we are. Remember, You walk the path of the Gray now. You can wield any weapon

or power. You can hold untold wealth in your hands.. But, you may only keep

that which will best serve the Balance.." His mentor had told him those words

at their parting. And given him The GateWay. The sword that literally tossed

beings into other dimensions.. Including It's Owner. The Staff was his because

it was a part of him. It was a tuning fork, and not a piano. But his stay was

over and he had another place to be. He lifted a hat which had been forgotten

in the rush. And tossed it above him.. As the hat touched his head, he seemed

to vanish into it! The spinning material continued downward, ribbons streaming,

to land with a soft plop on the empty field. A certain cart, which had been in

a storeroom was also missing. None of this was noticed until late in the

evening when all the revelers returned. And a certain Beastman found himself

the owner of a blade that talked.. And a crystal pendant that glowed. He hugged

the strip of cloth that formed words in his mind, and let the tears flow.

A being who much resembled a dog, but whose muzzle was white from age, held his

shoulders. "It is good to mourn. As long as one doesn't make a habit of it.."

The animal shook his head. "That's what He would have said.. Will I ever see

him? Of course I will." He shook for a moment, then leaned into the robed

chest. "I am being foolish.." A paw that should have been dust ages ago,

stroked WarFang's neck. "No. You are being mortal.. And remember, Only those

with intelligence can feel pain at losing someone. At one time, you would have

been angry that he didn't stay long enough for you to add his skull to the

growing pile you had been harvesting for the monolith." The monster nodded,

sniffed. Smiled and lifted his head again.. "How long have you known Shadows.."

The wolfen gave the goatish one a cup of wine. "Since he was a human. Still

looking for a path to follow." He poured another and drank it. "Come on.. if I

know that lizard, he has prepared another feast. How he manages to hump all day

and Still have enough energy to want to all night is beyond me." The Beastman

lifted his sword free, feeling it hum. "Not yet.. But there will be a time when

I shall need you."

He replaced the gray-handled sword, named Demon-Crusher for it destroyed the

works of Chaos, and followed the elder down. But he wove the cloth in his

horns, so it would always whisper advice to him..

The End


BUNNYFOX.TXT (M/M, Semi-NC, Seduction) By SwampRat (cl) 1997 Gay Furry Association This one is based on a drawing I saw of a rabbit pushing through the snow, arms wrapped around himself, only a muffler tied around his neck. And Fox could...

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BULL1.TXT A shortie.. - By SwampRat (c) 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1992 The Rashathran Society The Bull looked over his new surroundings. A well-weathered paddock, a trough full of water.. He had eaten earlier. This was going to be...

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BOYDRAG.TXT - M/m, Semi-NC/Mind-control/Vore, Dragon/Boy - October 09, 1999 By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association This is Not how this story started out.. It started with a line in a Wonderful book: 'Don't stick your arm in a dragon's...

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