"Dog Sitting Gone Right" - Story by Kaz

Story by kazthehusky on SoFurry

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Well! Finally glad this one's finished. A very long commission by a delightful snow leopard named Sandy. Sandy wanted a continuation of Apache's story, and the two worked it out and we made it happen! I hope you guys enjoy the long weekend with Rufus and Donut! Feel free to drop a fave/comment/watch and PM me for your very own commissions!

WARNING: Bestiality Ahead

WARNING: Scat Ahead

WARNING: Watersports Ahead

Dog Sitting Gone Right - Story by Kaz

Part 1: Friday; Chapter 1: Murrning Coffee

Apache, the red-furred dragon, stirred in his sleep. After the events of the previous day, he'd been exhausted, completely ready to sleep for hours and hours. However, his two excitable guests weren't about to let that happen. Donut and Rufus, two huge Great Danes, were staying the weekend, supervised by the dragon. They were frisky in more ways than one, as Apache had happily discovered the night previous.

Rufus was a gorgeous dog, boasting a beautiful sleek grey coat, looking flawless when brushed. His tail was usually wagging, curved to a sharp point at the end. His ears, attentive and always on the move, were pointed in a graceful manner. His muzzle was tight, not much sag to the flesh there, inquisitive and oddly intelligent brown eyes gazing out of his large head. Generally speaking, Rufus was an impressive beast of a dog...sexually speaking, he was even more impressive. His balls were quite large, even for a dog his size. Nearly the size of oranges, they dangled and swayed when he moved. His sheath was nestled snugly underneath his belly, housing a monster of a canine cock. In fact, it could be said that Rufus was more of a miniature horse than a dog.

His companion, Donut was much the same. The equally massive dog was more of a traditional Dane, in that he was a beautiful light tan color, his fur almost shimmering in light. His muzzle and features gave him the slight appearance of being somewhat goofy or silly. Out of the two Danes, Donut was definitely the sillier of the two. Between his legs was a package just as impressive as the one on Rufus. Both dogs were stupidly hung, and as Apache had found out last night, definitely not averse to using their size.

Speaking of Apache, the dragon himself was a sight to behold, enough to drive any man (or woman) crazy with desire. The first thing you'd notice about this sexy dragon was his pristine red fur. It was odd and out-of-place on a dragon, which is part of why it stood out so much. The other part was the exact shade of red that it was. Bright enough to almost blind with the sun glinting off of it just right. On Apache's beautiful red fur were series of chevron style markings, a darker brownish black color, accenting the bright red perfectly. His face was strong and handsome, with a touch of femininity. A black stripe of fur ran down from his forehead to his chin, turning into a thick chinstrap-style coloring. Accenting this chinstrap was a mane of tufted fur, creating a beard on the dragon, a stark pearly white color. Small bits of fur were white around his eyes, along with a bony ridge wrapping partially around the outside of each eye.

His eyes were a gorgeous shade of bright purple, almost glowing it was so bright. He had hair on top of his fur, a swept back mane of deep brownish black to match the color of his markings. There were a few golden feathers that almost seemed to grow out of his head. His two horns were nearly straight, going backwards from his forehead. Bright clean white just like the rest of his white parts. He definitely looked beautiful - his colors weren't dulled at all.

Further down his body hung his large balls and plump sheath, the same shade of deep brown as his markings. His toned inner thighs matched this coloring, the muscles thick and bulging the fur a bit. Not too much, just the perfect amount to show the dragon was in shape and healthy. Inside his sheath, nestled away, was a thick pink member, ridged and avian in design. If fully erect, there would be a few fleshy protrusions from either side of the head, like spikes but much more pleasurable.

The dragon and the dogs had retired to Apache's bedroom for the evening. Apache's cozy modern style home was on the higher end of things, and his bedroom was no different. A beautiful four-poster bed occupied a large space against the windows. Being a four-poster, it even had a canopy of sorts! Though it wasn't very decadent, just a thick soft taupe fabric stretched across the four posts. Hanging down on all sides were sheer curtains, though Apache kept them open on the sides of his bed. Aside from the bed, the furnishings were more modern still, a cubical dresser against the opposite wall, dark wood with a mirror balanced on top, plain and rectangular in shape.

Apache's workstation was kept in the front room, so other than the bed, dresser, and a small sofa, the room was bare of furnishings. The hardwood floor had a soft, plush rug laid across it at the foot of the bed. The walls were a muted greenish blue color, didn't stand out too much but looked very nice next to the sleek hardwood flooring. A single ceiling fan with a few bulbs was the illumination for the room, an unused lamp standing next to the bed.

The bright morning light streamed between the curtains, casting rays onto the sleeping dragon and causing him to stir, Apache groaning as he slowly returned to consciousness. The dragon blinked a few times, stretching and beginning to sit up against the headboard, letting out a loud yawn, rubbing his eyes as he fought to wake up. The activities of the day before left him worn out and a bit sore, which explains why he slept in past his usual time. Once he'd woken up enough, he peered over the edge of the bed, grinning at the two sleeping dogs. He'd just had to confirm to himself that yesterday had really happened. The sight of the two huge Danes mixed with the filthy odors in the air confirmed it.

He carefully made his way out of bed, not wanting to disturb the dogs until they were ready to get up. Throwing on a robe to cover his nudity, he looked back at the bed and grinned wide. He'd left a thick, sloppy puddle of dog cum where his ass had been, tinged brown from the filth inside his ass. Reaching back a finger to check, he felt a heated sticky mess still caked between his cheeks. Pulling his fingers back, he pressed them to his nose, inhaling deep as the smell of bestial dog musk and scat invaded his nostrils. What a lovely smell....

Already in a good mood, the dragon made his way through the house, into the kitchen. He whistled quietly to himself as he fixed up his coffee, sitting down at his computer and switching it on. He wanted to treat the dogs today, give 'em something nice as a reward for their behavior last night. So he pulled up maps of the local area, searching for some sort of dog park or place where the dogs would have fun, maybe meet some other dogs and socialize. It took him a bit of browsing, and by the time he finished his first cup of coffee, he'd found what he thought was the perfect place. A cozy, quiet dog park not too far from his house.

He refilled his coffee, opening the back sliding door and stepping out into the crisp morning air. He took a deep breath, sighing happily, grabbing a seat on his soft outdoor chairs, setting his coffee on the table. Most of his adult life had been spent fantasizing about being fucked wild by a dog, and it had finally come to fruition, in a way he could've never expected. It was extremely fulfilling to live out his fantasy like this. And yet, he already craved more of the hot, throbbing thick dog meat that had ravaged his asshole the night previous.

He could picture it in his mind, it all started when he let one of the dogs lick him. Before he knew what was happening, he was being pushed, prodded and turned so that he was on all fours like a good bitch, and then their cocks were inside of him, on both ends. It was lewd, messy and fierce, the dogs pounding away at his ass like a jackhammer. He could still hear the squishy, wet sounds in his head if he closed his eyes. Feel the dogs' hot breath rolling over the nape of his neck as they took turns claiming him, marking his insides with more than just cum...

He looked down and chuckled, wrapping a hand gently around his now-exposed member. These thoughts had gotten him aroused, and he wasn't in a bad position to take care of it. Spreading his legs out on the soft chair, the cool morning air rustling his fur, he reached his fingers down under himself, pulling out a thick gob of the gooey mess from his ass. Mostly cum, with a little piss and shit thrown in the mix. The perfect lube...As soon as it touched his throbbing shaft, he arched his back and gripped the chair arms with his free hand. Holy fuck that felt good. It was heated, extremely so, and nearly sent him over the edge at one touch.

Biting down on his lip, he brought his free hand down under him, and shoved two fingers into his sloppy yet tender hole, feeling the wreckage the dog's knots had left. And like that, he slowly fingered himself, his other hand going nuts on his cock, squeezing and stroking with the mess, all sorts of lewd squishing noises coming from him. He imagined he was bent over, getting fucked by the Dane's huge cock again, and he couldn't help but let out a sharp moan, a jet of precum squirting out of his cock.

As his fingers ran over those two fleshy protrusions on his cock, the fleshy nubs, the fingers inside of him ground against his prostate again and again, and it wasn't long before he was biting on his lip hard to stifle a howling moan, rolling his eyes back a bit and digging his fingers as deep as they would go, arching his back against the chair as he came hard, his balls tightening up a bit, jets of cum spraying out. Some landed on his face, some on the ground, and a jet even landed in his coffee.

As it finally died down, he huffed, his chest heaving as he panted and shivered. God that was good. He was turning into one hell of a sexual deviant...or perhaps he'd always been one...as the thoughts trickled through his mind, something warm and yellow started trickling out of his cock, and before he knew it he was pissing over the chair and down onto the patio, the acrid musky stream pattering against the cement of the patio, splashing onto his bare feet. He shivered but didn't stop himself, grabbing his coffee, stirring it with a messy finger, and tilting his head back, eagerly gulping it down. Yeah....this was going to be a hell of a day. Hell, this whole weekend really...it was glorious.

Chapter 2: Let's Go To the Park!

After his 'refreshing' morning coffee, Apache made his way into the bedroom again, looking in on the sleeping dogs as he grabbed a fresh change of clothes and a towel. He'd have to try and get cleaned up, at least a little before going to the park. While he and the dogs didn't mind or even really notice his filth, he was more than sure a few members of the public would take notice and he'd be asked the leave. That wouldn't do, not for the doggies.

He set his clothes down in the bathroom on the counter, stretching and looking in the mirror. He had a few scratches along his sides where the dogs had gripped him, just seeing the scratches made him shiver. He disrobed, tossing his bathrobe over the counter and stepping into his large shower, pulling the glass door shut. Due to his particular interests, he'd had a larger-than-normal drain installed in his shower, to accommodate larger things going down. He knew he was going to need it as he turned the hot water on.

The first thing he did was squat down low, huffing as he pulled his cheeks apart. He hadn't actually tried to push anything out since yesterday, but now that he was in the shower he figured he'd give it a go. Aside from cleaning up the floor and rinsing off, he hadn't really 'cleaned' anything. Squatting low as the hot water ran over his fur, he grunted and stuffed two fingers into his slightly sore hole, pulling the folds open and pushing hard. There was a sickly wet sound as a rush of sloppy shit left his hole. It splattered down onto the shower floor, rinsing down the drain easily. He let out a moan as he pushed a bit more out, feeling the sticky heat of cum still mixed in with the shit. On the tail end of his bowel movement was a smattering of piss, rushing out to help wash his shit down the drain. With his fingers still in his hole, he felt every last bit of hot mess rush past his hand, sticking to his fingers a bit, getting in between them.

When he felt pretty empty, he slowly stood up, staying bent over and spreading his cheeks, letting the water rinse away any excess mess, fingering himself slowly as he did so, using his fingers to hook and pull out any cum left inside. He nearly made himself have to jerk off again, but stopped just on the edge, rubbing his cheeks as he stood up, grabbing some soap and getting to work on the rest of the shower. The water running on the bottom of the tub was brown, a few permanent discolorations lining the bottom of the tub. Not that he minded, of course. He closed his eyes and made sure to clean himself as best he could, washing up his hair at the same time.

When he finished rinsing off, he stepped out of the shower onto the bath mat with shaky knees, grunting a bit and shaking his head gently to clear the water from his ears. Toweling off, he pulled on his clean clothes, not bothering to wear deodorant or cologne, deciding he was clean enough. Once fully dressed and cleaned up, he tossed his dirty robe into a bin, making his way back into the kitchen. He'd turn off the coffeepot, having had enough for the day. Now it was time to wake the dogs and get them ready to go.

As he stepped back into the bedroom, he chuckled watching the dogs. Donut had managed to drape himself across Rufus in their sleep, both dogs snoring happily. He stooped down and rubbed Donut's head, scratching gently and talking softly, trying to rouse the beastly dogs. "C'mon guys, we've got ourselves a playdate today. Gonna take you guys out to the park!" He beamed as he scratched Donut's head gently. On hearing the word 'park' both dogs jumped up so fast it startled the dragon, and he straightened up laughing. From dead sleep to tail-wagging excitement in a matter of seconds, the dogs nuzzling against Apache's legs and crotch, doing their morning stretching.

"Yeah, that's it boys. We're gonna have a good day today! Tell ya what, we'll go outside and you can do your business, then we'll go on to the park. Sound good?" Apache was just as excited as the dogs. If he were canine, his tail would be bounding back and forth. Instead, his thick heavy tail swept side to side across the floor a bit in his excitement, as close to 'wagging' as dragons would come. He made his way into the kitchen, sliding open the door. He already heard the dogs galloping towards the back door. He chuckled. Sometimes, they even sounded like little horses.

He leaned against the counter, watching the dogs run around the yard, exerting their morning happiness as the romped around, tails wagging like mad. Even after his lewd encounter yesterday, he couldn't stop staring at their anatomy. Puckering holes that he could now vividly remember tasting, his tongue shoving inside of them, soft anal flesh caressing his lips...dangling heavy nuts slapping up against his ass while he was bred....it was all too real. Before he could stop himself, he had a boner again.

He chuckled and shook his head to clear his thoughts, noting that neither dog seemed interested in going to the bathroom. So he whistled sharply for them, nodding his head towards the front door when he got their attention. Both dogs came bounding into the house, and he laughed at them, tossing them each a treat from his jar, reaching down to scratch their heads. After looking at the map enough times, he'd decided that a walk would do them all good, as opposed to keeping the dogs cooped up in his car. That was no good for them. Plus, they loved exploring and they were pretty well behaved on walks.

So Apache made sure he had his wallet and phone, and leashed up the dogs with their heavy-duty retractable leashes. One in each hand, he started with them out the door, locking up and pocketing his keys, bouncing happily down the sidewalk. He'd wave to people as he walked along, the massive dogs drawing some odd stares from passing pedestrians. Mostly people smiled and waved though. He kept the pace of the walk moderate, every now and again staring down at the bouncing balls and winking holes of the dogs, looking away before he pitched a tent. He'd definitely planned to 'reward' both of the dogs after they returned home from the park. Some more experimentation sounded like just what they all needed.

Rounding a corner, the park slowly came into view, and both dogs knew before they even saw it. The sounds and smells of other canines rushed to their noses, setting them on edge. Donut and Rufus were goofy, friendly dogs, more interested in a casual playful mood with other dogs than anything else. Though their size was definitely intimidating to other animals, they were really just big goofy overgrown puppies.

The park was beautiful to say the least. A wrought-iron fence wrapped around the visible borders of the park, though some edges were not visible as the park was so large. Inside the fenced park an absolutely huge field with rolling hills and bright green grass. Tennis balls and other toys littered the grounds, some from current occupants, others left by the management for dogs to play with while there. A few furs stood around, playing Frisbee with their dogs, or visiting with other dog owners. Aside from the fence, there wasn't a structure in sight.

Ringed around the visible end of the field inside was a thick copse of trees, completely blocking view. One couldn't see anything through them, not the fence on the other side, and barely even the light. It was like a miniature forest surrounding the huge fields. A dog's paradise. There were a few signs posted at the entrance, warning dog owners to keep track of their animals, and only to detach leashes when the park gates were securely closed.

Apache made his way into the park with Donut and Rufus, shutting the gate tight behind him. He grinned and unleashed the dogs, patting their hips lovingly before he himself took off jogging through the field, heading towards the back, where it wasn't as populated. Of course, being social animals, Rufus and Donut stopped to investigate the other dogs on the way towards the back of the park, and Apache nodded and made polite small talk with the owners. Collars jingling, the huge Danes continued bounding after the dragon towards the back of the field. With a large expanse at their disposal, Apache picked up a few nearby sticks. They were big enough for the dogs to play with, big enough that they didn't pose a choking hazard or anything.

And so in the bright mid-morning sun, Apache started tossing the sticks around, making sure to put them in opposite directions. The dogs seemed happy to sprint after the tossed sticks, retrieving them and carrying them back to Apache, tails wagging and eyes begging for another throw. They continued like this for some time, until a particularly wild throw landed the sticks deep into the thick 'forest' surrounding the park. Both dogs stopped near the edge of the bush and tree-line, noses pointing as they whined, looking back at Apache.

The dragon rolled his eyes and jogged over towards the tree-line, chuckling at the silliness of the dogs. "Oh, you guys could've gone and got 'em, jeez." The dogs didn't follow him into the trees as he went after the sticks, and he laughed again. "What're you guys, chicken?" He'd been watching the place where the bushes opened into the park as he ventured into the trees, and didn't even notice the thick root in the path before him. His foot hooked under it and he turned, gasping and throwing his arms out to brace himself. With a heavy 'thud' and an 'oof' from him, he landed on his hands and knees, his foot tangled in the tree root. Annoyed, he started to tug at it, still kneeling on all fours there. The fur on his neck tingled as he felt a presence.

Turning, he noticed that Rufus and Donut had ventured into the trees with him. Behind them, not a glimpse of the park could be seen, and in the woods here it was completely dark. Both dogs were slowly stepping towards him in a way that almost creeped him out. "Guys, quit playin, I'm stuck!" He groaned and tugged at his foot some more, quickly realizing the dogs were not playing at all.....

Chapter 3: Rough and Dirty

Apache wasn't scared of the dogs by any means, he was just a bit put off by the way they were 'stalking' him. As he struggled with his foot, he realized exactly what they saw. He was on all fours, his ass waggling back and forth, completely helpless....the dogs intended to capitalize on his misfortune. It was times like these that he wondered if the dogs were really just...dogs. As much as the thought of being brutally taken in the woods by the beasts aroused him, he just wanted to get up and get out of the darkened woods. However, Donut and Rufus had other plans for the dragon...

The first thing he felt was a rough tugging at his waist. Looking back, he realized Donut had sunken his teeth into the dragon's waistband, tugging fiercely on the dragon's shorts. He felt the same tugging begin on the other side, and it wasn't long before both dogs succeeded in yanking down his shorts, revealing a dirty pair of underwear, skidmarks lining the back, yellowed sweat stains in the front. He swallowed hard, his shorts at his ankles, and the dogs teamed up to pull down his underwear too. His ripe, sweaty ass was bared to the dogs, his balls and sheath hanging below, sheath already swelling up. This was going to be a hell of an experience, and he fought to remember he had to be quiet or else they'd get caught...

He grunted and felt the breath whoosh out of his chest as Donut jumped onto his back, hips thrusting wildly as the dog sought to pierce the dragon's ripe sweaty hole. It was greasy enough and well-fucked enough that it wouldn't need lube...Not that the dog would care if it did. The wildly thrusting hips caused the heavy balls to pound and bounce off of his thighs, and before he could brace himself, he found Rufus standing in front of him, pressing hard against his face like they had the day before. He could tell instantly that Rufus had to use the bathroom. The tailhole was taut and gave off a rank odor of dogshit.

As Rufus silenced him with the anal kiss, Donut pressed forward and found his target, and the wild fucking began. It was sloppy and wet, the thick cock spreading him open and sending pulses of pleasure up his spine. Instead of crying out like he wanted so badly to do, he firmly pressed his lips to the taut anus pressed against him, sucking hard on it. Rufus bore down, and moments later his bowel movement began. It was wet and hot, the shit sticking to Apache's lips as it slid into his mouth. He closed his eyes and started swallowing, shoving his tongue underneath the incoming log to dig into the dog's hole.

It was a rancid, bitter taste that overwhelmed him, and the smell was no different. But he craved it, needed more. He ate out that dog's ass like it was the best meal he'd ever eaten. As his body adjusted to the powerful deep thrusts Donut was giving, he started to press back into the thrusting, helping Donut dig deeper, dislodging some of his own shit in the process, adding to the sloppy wet sounds coming from his ass. For whatever reason, these dogs lasted longer than any other dogs he'd seen in person or on video...it was unnatural, but Apache loved it.

His hole gripped and massaged the veined canine cock as it plowed in and out, quickly spreading brown across his ass cheeks and crack. He was a total slut to the dogs now; doing anything he could to please them. As Rufus' bowel movement finished up, the hole squeezed around his tongue, pressing outward to give him a sloppy brown kiss, but Rufus wasn't moving just yet. He let the dragon's tongue dig deep inside, scraping the hot steaming filth from deeper in the dog's ass, getting a real ass-cleaning from the hungry, lustful dragon.

Apache's cock bobbed out of its sheath, swaying between his legs, untouched as the breeding continued. He already felt signs of Donut's knot ripping in and out of his abused hole, and he closed his eyes, arching his back as best he could. He felt something pressing hard underneath his belly and opened his eyes, looking down to see Rufus down on his stomach, backing up underneath him. His eyes went wide as the dog nestled underneath him, holding him up. Moments later, he felt a heat pressing at the tip of his cock, a beckoning warmth as Rufus started grinding his sloppy asshole across the dragon's cocktip. Teasing Apache, goading him on.

He was in no position to thrust or even try, and Rufus seemed to sense this. The dog angled himself so that he could do what he wanted, and with a lewd, hot squelch, Apache felt himself sliding inside of the dog's hot dirty asshole. He almost immediately felt the squishing of dogshit around his cock from deeper inside, but that only made it hotter. He had no idea the dogs would like being penetrated like this. Rufus seemed to crave it. The dog started throwing his hips back and forth, riding Apache's cock as Donut helped by nailing the dragon's asshole, hard.

The huge, softball sized knot rammed against his weakened hole again and again, until it forced its way inside, that familiar painful feeling of being forced open sending a spike of pain up Apache's spine, quickly replaced by pleasure as his cock was milked by the eager Dane beneath him. He didn't know if he could hold back much longer, and his body began to tremble as the dogs used and abused him, making him their personal breeding toy. Instead of staying tied like most dogs, Donut ripped that knot out and then pushed hard, squeezing it back inside. Again, he began to knot-fuck the dragon, his cock throbbing hard inside, each pulse caused the dragon's tailhole to tighten up, milking the dog's cock.

It was at that moment that he lost control, biting down on his lip hard enough to almost draw blood, tossing his head back and closing his eyes tight. He felt himself lose it, his balls spasming and drawing up slightly as he unloaded into Rufus' ass. Rope after rope of hot dragon cum poured into Rufus' dirty ass, mixing with the shit to create a wet, sticky mess inside like the one that was left in his own ass the day before. After a few more bucking thrusts, Donut buried himself, resting on Apache's back and panting heavily, his tongue dribbling drool down the back of Apache's neck as the dog unloaded into his ass.

He felt the wet warmth spread through him and it almost made him lightheaded. So much that he didn't even notice Rufus pulling off of his dick, crawling out from under him, slowly standing back up. He did notice when Rufus slammed his freshly-fucked oozing hole against the dragon's lips again though. The fresh taste of his own cum and another load of steaming dogshit made him close his eyes again. The sticky warmth spreading up his own ass slowly tapered off, and he pressed his lips obediently to the dog's hole, sucking once more on the slimy, greasy anal flesh, feeling the dog tremble as he pushed...

A hot jet of his own cum mixed with wet dogshit sprayed into his mouth with some force, streaking right down his throat. It was slimy and thick, and went down with an audible gulp. Like that, Rufus continued pushing, making Apache suck his own dirty cum out of the dog's ass, cleaning him deep once more. Apache's tongue was digging around inside the sloppy ass he thought he'd already cleaned, but there was still more shit inside. And every bit he could reach was eagerly scraped out and swallowed, leaving a thick slimy trail of brown on his tongue in the process.

Donut was still buried inside Apache's loosely winking hole, the dog's knot pulsing as the last of his orgasm pumped deep into his bitch. And shortly after, instead of dismounting, Donut pushed and began to empty his bladder, a new hot warmth spreading up Apache's abused ass. He knew instantly it was piss, remembering the wet feeling from the day before. He squeezed his cheeks a bit to help clench his hole, making sure every last drop of the hot piss stayed inside his ass along with everything else.

Finally, Rufus seemed to be running on empty, his asshole bulging outward against Apache's lips again, no more mess coming out. Apache's lips were stained with it, strands of thick slimy shitty cum dangling from his chin. He breathed hard, his hot breath rolling over the dog's freshly-cleaned ass. Looking down he noticed a thick syrupy puddle of white beneath Rufus, the dog had creamed from the sloppy rimjob! Donut dismounted nice and slow, making sure Apache felt every second of that knot spreading him as it came out.

With one final lewd squelch, the canine cock slipped from his dirty ass, leaving his crack coated in his own shit, wet and humid from the sweaty fucking that had just taken place, a bit of piss dribbling out of his hole, running down his ballsac and into his underwear below. Shakily, he found that all of the furious breeding had freed his previously trapped foot, and he was now able to slowly get to his feet. The dogs seemed finished with him....for now.

His head was spinning as he pulled up his underwear, feeling them softly squish against his ass as he pulled his shorts up, his dog-shit caked cock retreating into his sheath, everything still freshly in his mind. He'd just been taken hard in the public dog park, had his dick 'ridden' by a feral dog, and forced to suck the slop out of said dog's ass...all while being roughly mated by an equally large dog and filled with cum and piss. It was a mind-numbing experience, and once again more than he could've hoped for.

Out of breath, he patted the dog's heads awkwardly, watching their own cocks shrink back into their sheaths. Making sure that he was presentable, wiping shitty cum off of his face, the dragon shakily made his way out of the woods, the dogs in tow, tails wagging happily. They definitely seemed pleased with what they'd just done to the dragon....he couldn't blame them. It had been the best sexual high he'd experienced in a long while.

He tried to keep his head down without attracting attention to himself as he and the dogs headed for the gate once more. His hands trembled as he leashed them up, whispering about what good boys they were before opening the dog park gate for them. He looked back, remarking in his mind about what an amazing idea it had been to visit the park with the dogs today...he'd had one hell of a rewarding experience for sure.....

Part 2: Saturday; Chapter 1: A Morning Surprise

The rest of Friday had gone by fairly uneventfully. The occasional wince from Apache as he sat, or the dogs begging for food and whatnot. The dogs just acted like...dogs for the rest of the day. Even when Apache laid down, nothing was out of the ordinary. Donut and Rufus curled up on the rug like they had the previous night. Because of how exhausting the day's endeavors had been, Apache found himself drifting off to sleep a bit faster than he normally would. He'd twitch every now and again in his sleep, kicking around and tossing about.

Most of the night passed uneventfully, Apache sleeping soundly and deeply. It wasn't until closer to the morning that something of note happened. Donut stirred in his sleep, gingerly getting up so as not to disturb Rufus, who was still snoring soundly. The big Dane moved towards the door, pawing at it gently. However, Apache had closed the door tightly, leaving the dog no way out of the room. His ears perked up and he looked towards the bed for a moment. Apache was still asleep, stretched out over the bed, his chest rising and falling slowly.

Beyond the thick curtains, the morning light was just turning a bright shade of blue, the sun not far off from rising. Donut carefully padded around the bed, sniffing and examining it. He came back around to the side closest to the door and sat on his haunches, looking up. The dog appeared to be measuring the distance from the floor to the bed. After a few more moments of measuring, he pushed himself off the floor and leapt carefully onto the bed, his weight displacing the mattress a bit, causing Apache to stir, but not awaken.

Donut was up to no good - the dog knew he wasn't supposed to be on the bed or any of the furniture for that matter. Apache and the dogs' actual owner had them trained to stay off of furniture. However, the dog seemed to sense that Apache was unable to do anything in this moment. So Donut gingerly stepped over Apache, leaning down to sniff at his bare, exposed belly, snorting gently a few times before deciding on a course of action.

The dog crouched down low over the sleeping dragon's belly, in an unmistakable "shit" position. And so a few moments later, the dog's winking tailhole opened, and a steaming, somewhat mushy load of dogshit oozed out, dropping right onto Apache's belly. The warm squishy sensations would've tickled the dragon, but he didn't wake up yet. Instead, he unconsciously moved his hand to his belly, landing it right in the hot mushy dogshit, spreading it across his belly as his hand rested there, the shit spreading easily between his fingers and into his fur. He'd sigh in his sleep, having some sort of happy dream, a smile across his muzzle.

As the smell of dogshit spread throughout the room, Donut finished his dump, tailhole clenching and quivering, pinching off a last foul log of shit, the dog standing up and looking down on the sleeping dragon. Now that his bowels were empty, there was only one last thing to do. His hind left leg raised an he turned just a bit, and moments later, a thick hot yellow stream of musky dog piss started jetting out of his sheath. The first push splashed onto the pillow, soaking into Apache's hair, but a slight adjustment had the rest of the piss spraying right onto the dragon's face, into his slightly open mouth even. He blearily started to stir and wake, his eyes opening and closing immediately, realizing what was happening. He was being used as a toilet!

Apache lay there, pretending to be asleep still, keeping his mouth open and working his throat muscles. The musky piss coated his tastebuds and ran down his throat, the seemingly endless stream marking him. As Donut finished up, the last few jets of piss sprayed down Apache's chin and trailed off onto his chest, the dog finishing and sniffing the dragon's chest and stomach. Seemingly satisfied, he jumped down and resumed his position on the carpet with Rufus.

Apache sensed the weight leaving the bed and opened his eyes finally, his head and chest dripping in hot dog piss. He'd been caught completely unawares, but that wasn't a bad thing. Lifting up his hand, he reached up to wipe his face, resulting in a thick brown smear of dogshit caking into his facial fur. He growled low, tugging off the blanket by his ankles. Now completely uncovered and waking up even more, he thought of what to do with the dogshit so it didn't get on the bed. The musky piss was going to stink up his bed for long enough; he didn't necessarily want to add shit to that stink.

He grinned as an idea came to him. Wearing a tight pair of his old dirty briefs and nothing else made this easy. The dragon pulled up the waistband of his underwear, away from his body, slowly standing up off of the bed. The motion caused the slimy thick dogshit to slowly slide down his lower stomach, into the inevitable home of his underwear. The squishy hot shit instantly smothered his sheath and soaked into the fabric, staining the crotch brown as it slid down and settled. He used his free hand to grab the back of his undies, pulling them taut so the leg holes wouldn't open at all, trapping the shit around his genitals. Closing the underwear, he let out a soft moan deliberately grinding the shit against his genitals, feeling it squish and coat every inch of his pubic area.

With his new 'package' firmly in place, Apache shuffled out of the bedroom towards the bathroom, a grin a mile wide plastered across his face. He couldn't have asked for a better way to be woken up than this. As he licked his lips, his tastebuds erupted with the musky bitter taste of piss, reminding him that he'd been given more than the shit on his stomach. The dog had marked him as well, essentially claiming him as his bitch. The internal marking Donut had done before was one thing, but this was a dog's true show of dominance, and it excited Apache beyond words.

Somehow managing to make it into the shower without losing a drop of the thick and mushy dogshit, Apache let go of his briefs, turning on the water as they fell to the floor of the tub with a 'splat' and a scattering of brown. He shuddered a bit as the cool water heated up, spraying down his body and washing off bits of gunk every now and again. After a long day yesterday at the park, Apache was ready to relax and rest at home today, perhaps browse through websites and be lazy.

As the shower continued running, he chuckled as a step forward smeared the bottom of his feet with the dogshit. It was washed off by the warm water moments later, but still. That squishy hot feeling was definitely welcomed. That's how he'd gotten his start with these nasty fetishes actually. Finding and stepping in the freshest dogshit he could find. It'd mush and mash between his toes like thick, chunky mashed potatoes, arousing him all the same.

Slowly he'd wash himself off, not really worrying about soap as he was staying in for the day. The last bit he washed was his hair, careful to rinse as much of the piss out as possible - yet the scent would still linger. That's how he preferred it now, having been marked. He was proud that Donut would take such a liking to him. He wondered if Rufus would try something similar. The thought filled him with a surge of pleasure, and he had to actively fight to keep from getting an erection.

His shower finished, he cranked off the water and stepped out onto the mat. Physically clean of filth and grime, his fur glistened in the bathroom light and the morning sunlight coming through the small window. However physically clean he was though, he still reeked like dog piss, dogshit, and his own foul musk and mess. He'd have it no other way. Since he'd forgotten to bring clean clothes in his rush to the shower, the dragon made his way back into the bedroom to grab some new ones. The one thing he never washed though was his underwear. Skidmarks and various funk stains on the crotch made them fun to wear. Today was no different.

Pulling on a dirty pair of underwear, he threw on a t-shirt and some shorts, making his way to the coffeepot, turning it on and opening the kitchen backdoor for the dogs. He'd likely leave it open all day so they could have some fun outside, enjoy the nice weather and all. With his coffee in hand, Apache sat down at his computer desk, switching it on for the first time in a few days. As it loaded up, he whistled to himself, sipping his warm coffee every now and again.

The dragon navigated to his web browser and opened up his various communication and social media sites, browsing through the new content. Nothing too exciting just yet. His eyes gleamed as he caught sight of a few lewd images posted to his social media. Typical of his online buddies, the furverts. As he checked on his dog-sitting ad, he sat a bit straighter. There was a new comment on it, requesting a personal message. Whatever could it be for? Perhaps a new customer?

Apache let his fingers fly over the keyboard as he opened a new private message with the user, guy named "Clyde". Tapping out his message, he inquired as to what he could help the guy with. He sat back on pins and needles, tapping his fingers on the desk and watching the message. Was it too much to hope for that Clyde was awake and waiting for message like the dragon? It was a damn early hour for most people after all.

A soft 'ding' almost made Apache drop his coffee. Setting it down carefully, he skimmed Clyde's message. The guy was asking about prices and whether he could meet the dragon in person before he brought his dog over. He was going on vacation in a few months apparently, and would need constant round-the-clock care for his dog. Apache trembled as he typed out his reply, listing his pricing information and typing out his address, letting Clyde know that he was more than welcome to come and see Apache in action, explaining that he was sitting for another friend currently, two Great Danes.

Waiting for a reply was like torture! Eventually, after a few sips of coffee, Clyde's reply dinged in. He would be looking forward to coming over in just a few hours, hoping to meet the dragon and discuss business with him. Apache grinned and replied that he'd see Clyde soon, exiting out of the web browser and sighing happily. Another customer? So soon? His business was growing... little did he know that Clyde was going to be much more than 'just another customer'....

Chapter 2: Apache's Kind of 'Fun'

The few hours after his conversation with Clyde were spent in eager anticipation. He busied himself tidying up the house, lighting incense and making sure that most if not all of the smells were gone. Donut and Rufus watched lazily, lounging in the middle of the living room carpet, tails swaying to and fro as Apache cleaned house. From room to room he went, dusting a bit even, something he rarely if ever got around to. Straightening furniture, wiping down surfaces, it kept the dragon nice and busy as he waited to meet the prospective customer.

Apache found the time passing quickly, what with cleaning going on and occupying his mind. He'd left the door open for the dogs, and noticed them running and out from time to time. Finally, Apache glanced at his watch, noting that it was nearly time for Clyde to arrive. If on time, his new customer would arrive within the next half hour.

Apache turned on the coffeepot, not knowing if Clyde was a coffee drinker or not. He figure it'd still be polite to offer. As soon as it had finished brewing, the dragon poured himself a cup and set a spare mug next to the pot, sitting down on the couch, sipping his coffee and checking his watch every few minutes. After what felt like an eternity, the doorbell rang, and Apache beamed as he set his coffee down, making his way to open the door.

His jaw nearly dropped as he opened the door, not having been prepared for what he saw upon opening it. Clyde was standing there in a faded pair of cargo shorts and an extremely tight-fitting tee. That wasn't the part that almost dropped Apache's jaw, however. The part that did that was the sheer handsomeness of Clyde. He was a beautiful Clydesdale, with a glossy coat and well-groomed mane of hair casually flipped over his head. He was proportioned in a very appealing way, plenty of muscle, a fair bit of curve to his hips, and the tell-tale 'bell-bottom' fur effect on his hooves that set Clydesdales apart from other breeds. He was a perfect picture of masculinity, like an anthro Adonis in all of his muscled, toned glory.

He smiled and nodded his head at the awestruck dragon, chuckling. "It's nice to meet you, Apache. Heard some good things about your dog sitting business, was recommended by a friend actually." He stepped into the house at Apache's motioning, the dragon shutting the door behind the stallion. As the beefy male walked past the dragon, Apache caught a raw blast of man stink. It was masked slightly by cologne, but Apache could definitely recognize the potent funk of unwashed male genitalia. He spent a bit longer than he probably should have whiffing the stallion's raw scent, before straightening up and smiling.

"Yeah, definitely good to meet a potential customer. Glad you've heard good things. I mentioned it in the messages, hope ya don't mind but I've currently got two dogs I'm sitting for the weekend. They're really friendly though!" He looked around for the dogs, and almost as if on cue, they came bounding in the backdoor, tails wagging as they approached the newcomer, noses going crazy as they sniffed at the horse's feet. "Here they are now, that's Rufus and the other one's Donut. They're good boys!"

Clyde seemed at ease with the dogs, smiling and reaching down to pet them, sending their tails wagging that much faster. The dogs seemed to instantly bond with the stallion, being extra friendly and nuzzle-y towards Clyde. He definitely didn't mind, giving them a bit of attention before standing up and turning to Apache again. "So I suppose we should sit down and chat for a while, yeah?" He looked around the house for a moment, noting how clean and fresh it seemed to be.

"Oh, of course! I made coffee for us, didn't know if you drank it or not. Figured it'd be nice to offer anyway. I've got soda and water too." Apache bustled into the kitchen, turning to gaze at Clyde while waiting on an answer. This gave him a brief window of an excuse to stare at the stallion. He couldn't help but wonder what sort of anatomy the stallion was packing in those pants. Whatever it was had to be sheathed, there wasn't a dick-bulge. Instead there was just an immense sagging bulge that outlined the horse's thick and heavy balls, clearly the low hanging variety. Apache coughed and looked away before he gave himself away, smiling at Clyde.

The stallion seemed to almost notice the dragon's gaze, smirking and flexing his muscles a bit before answering. "Yeah, I drink coffee. I like a bit of cream and sugar if ya got it. I suppose I'll just park myself here--" He was indicating the seat in front of Apache's computer. At the time his mind was fogged with the raw scent of the stallion's stink and he couldn't see a reason why the stallion shouldn't sit there. It didn't occur to him until after Clyde sat down that he'd left his browser open, and his bookmarks bar was far from SFW, explicit bestiality sites listed along with a few specific videos he'd bookmarked with such names as 'Husky sloppy fucked by feral dog' or 'Dragon broken in by massive stallion cock'. He brought over the cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, sipping his own, watching Clyde as the horse sniffed and sipped at his own coffee. "Thanks pal" he said, holding his mug and looking up at the dragon.

Apache felt a blush in his cheeks. He knew the stallion was just waiting for the dragon to make conversation, but he couldn't help but feel that gaze was about something else entirely. He reached back to scratch his head, nodding politely. "Heh....so Clyde. Suppose we should get to know each other a bit, yeah? Make sure you're comfortable with me as a person before ya go leaving your dog here." He was at a loss for what to say, never really being a good conversationalist. He sipped his coffee again, almost drooling as his eyes raked the stallion's body.

Clyde adjusted himself a bit, sitting sideways in his chair, cocking his legs open and getting comfortable. With his new position, the dragon's eyes honed in on a hole through the stallion's shorts, right on his crotch. Beneath, it was clear the stallion wasn't wearing underwear. So Apache got a good view of one of the horse's hefty nuts, the flesh visibly greasy and slick with sweat. Above that, when the horse shifted just right he got a glance at a wrinkled, fleshy sheath, though still no indication what it was hiding....

"Well, I do a lot of work with my hands. Repairing stuff, working on cars, that sort of thing. When I'm not working I'm usually at the gym, or jogging. For 'fun' I would probably say I'm likely to be found at the beach with a beer, sun bathing in the buff. How about yourself, Apache?" The horse shifted again, and his sheath came into view of the hole again, the wrinkles stirring just a bit but nothing else. It was almost as if the horse was teasing him...Apache shook the thought out of his head.

"Me? Well I stay home a lot, the dog sitting gig is my income really...so when I'm not walking the dogs or playing fetch, I'm usually playing on the computer, social media and such." He pointed towards the computer in front of Clyde, which made him turn his head and look. The horse noticed the screen wasn't blank, so he browsed over the article in the browser about which sorts of shampoos worked best with Great Danes. The stallion stiffened up and froze, prompting the Dragon to follow the logical path of his eyes.

He swallowed hard, knowing exactly what the stallion was looking at. How stupid of him...he'd left his private life right there on display and expected the stranger to what...be okay with it? He looked down at his feet, a heated red blush creeping into his face though it wasn't visible due to the shade of his fur. Slowly, Clyde turned back towards the dragon. However, the look on the stallion's face wasn't one of disgust or horror...it was a look of someone planning something. Apache's head was down however, so he wasn't looking at the stallion anymore.

Clyde grinned and set his coffee down, stretching slowly before speaking. "On the computer, eh? You kinda left your browser open, and I couldn't help notice your bookmarks. Looks like you get up to an entirely different kind of 'fun' don'tcha?" He snickered and shook his head. "Don't worry about it, pal. Different strokes for different folks, yeah?" He took another sip of coffee, his gaze locked on the dragon now, measuring his reaction.

Apache was shocked that the horse didn't storm out of there and never look back, report him to the police or both. As he looked up, he noticed that the horse had repositioned himself again, aiming the hole in his crotch right at his sheath. Now this looked more than deliberate, judging by the awkward angle at which he was holding his legs open. Making eye contact with the dragon, Clyde would reach down and stuff a finger in the hole in his crotch, rubbing at his sheath, passing it off as an itch. As he pulled his hand out, the sheath finally started to part. Out of the depths of the sheath came the stirrings of a thick horsecock. The spongy tip pressed against the hole in the stallion's pants, barely out of his sheath by a few inches. Clyde was....showing himself to the dragon.

Apache didn't know how to respond to the lewd display, but that didn't phase Clyde. He moved again slightly as his cock started to push further out of his sheath, straining against the pants. Clyde just stared the dragon down, sipping on his coffee as this happened. It only took a few moments, but the thick horsecock tore through the already-strained hole in the shorts, bursting free and waving lewdly in front of the dragon, just fully on display, erect and pulsing.

Apache felt his own shorts becoming painfully tight as an erection tented it, and he stared openly at Clyde's throbbing horsecock, the tip beginning to flare out. Apparently Clyde took pleasure from showing off like this. It definitely seemed that way. As the dragon stared at the throbbing cock, he heard Clyde's voice again, a more commanding tone to it. "Why don't we have your kind of 'fun'".... Oh boy. Apache had definitely gotten himself into a situation for sure...

Chapter 3: Horses Are Fun, Too!

Apache swallowed the lump in his throat hard, groaning softly as he eyed the massive horsecock waving in front of him, hanging out of the tear of Clyde's shorts. It had been so abrupt...the stallion must've been working at the hole while his back was to Apache and he was reading those bookmarks. Those damned bookmarks. Clyde's expression was one of lewdness, the smirk spreading across the horse's muzzle making Apache very flustered, the throbbing tent in his own shorts not getting any smaller.

The horsecock itself was a thing of pure beauty. Light pink flesh mottled with brownish-black spots and lighter brown ones, a pure and gorgeous horsecock. The head was flared at the peak of Clyde's arousal, revealing a slightly protruding urethra, round and always open a bit. Not gaped, but a natural horse's state of the urethra being perfectly circular and open, surrounded by a crevice in the head that ran all around the urethra. It gave off a strong smell of musk, giving Apache the distinct impression that Clyde hadn't washed it that morning after sleeping and sweating all night.

Clyde spread his legs open wider, deliberately waving the cock back and forth, even reaching down to stroke it lewdly before the dragon. "Now, then is that any way to service your guest? Get on yer knees boy, show me some real hospitality!" He snickers and raises a brow, veins running up that marbled slab of dick, the entire organ pulsing hotly, larger than any cock Apache had played with before - larger even than the Danes dicks, and that was saying something.

The dragon knew his place, and the dominant tone in Clyde's voice reminded him exactly what that place was. He bowed his head and blushed so hot it made his face start to sweat, slowly crawling down onto his hands and knees. "Yes, sir..." He managed to groan out. Now at eye-level with the thick stallion dick, Apache took a deep breath. The tangy funk of unwashed balls was pouring out of the stallion's crotch, and it mingled sweetly with the dick musk that was pouring off of that godly fuckrod. Apache exhaled, his breath tickling the head of the cock, making the flare wink slightly, squeezing inward.

The first thing he did was reach his paw up and try to grasp the incredibly thick cock, finding himself unable to wrap his hand entirely around it. As alarming as that was, the length was more incredible. Nearly a foot and a half in length, the thing jutted out from Clyde's manly crotch, begging to be worshiped by some dickslut. And that's exactly what Apache was going to be. Holding the cock as best he could, he'd feel Clyde's pulsing heartbeat through the veined flesh, and it sent his own groin wild with lust. The dragon panted as he leaned in, his hot breath washing over the horse's crotch. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and attempted to take the plunge.

Now, this was exactly what Clyde had been waiting for. The welcoming open mouth, the eager lil' dickbitch that Apache was...it was perfect. Without any warning, he'd lean forward fast and grab Apache's head, forcing his hard horsecock into that open mouth, stretching it so wide it was most likely painful at first for the dragon. Without thought of the dragon's well-being, he jammed that immense cock as far as he could down the dragon's throat, hearing a muffled series of gags and half-coughs as the dragon struggled to accommodate him. "Yeah, that's the spot. Fucking milk my cock, ya slut...nasty ass feral porn all over yer computer...you love being abused like this don'tcha?"

Apache closed his eyes, as an involuntary tear rolled down his fur, the horsecock spreading him wide orally. Wider even than the dog's knots had. All he could do was reach up and rub what little of the cock wouldn't fit down his throat, using both hands to pleasure the stallion, feeling his throat muscles doing all the work, convulsing and squeezing in tight around the thick cock. The flare was painfully wide further down his throat, and he definitely felt that. It actually made a noticeable bulge near the base of his throat. It was like being throat-knotted....the idea was so hot he almost came on the spot.

Clyde could sense the dragon's arousal and licked his lips. His next maneuver was very risky. He leaned down and grabbed Apache's head, holding two tufts of hair on either side as he spun the eager slut around his cock, carefully rotating him so that he was no longer on all fours - instead he was now on his back, the horse standing over him, squatting as that powerful cock spread his throat open. It was a risky maneuver that could've resulted in the stallion's cock being bitten, but he had a feeling Apache was used to his throat being raped like this.

Apache flailed his arms a bit as gravity shifted and he found himself on his back, resting on the floor with nearly a foot of horsecock jammed down his throat. Now his drool, which was previously building up around the corners of his mouth, ran down in thick streams, puddling on the floor under his head, a mixture of Clyde's precum in there also. He huffed through his nose, breathing shakily and hard as he started to suck the best that he could.

"Yeah that's right, yer a good lil' dragon bitch aren't ya? I know what you want...you want this thick horsecock somewhere else, don'tcha?" He grinned down and started to squat and raise himself rhythmically, fucking the dragon's throat. As he did this, savoring the velvety wet warmth of the dragon's throat muscles, he pulled his shorts apart, ripping the fabric and tossing the used things away. His pendulous ballsac dropped free, and every time he'd dip down to thrust in again, his balls would slap against the dragon's head, leaving a greasy imprint in his fur. Before he pulled out, he carefully spun himself around, keeping that horsedick pushed deep into Apache's throat as he spun. In this new position, the horse yanked up hard, pulling his cock out of Apache's throat with a loud 'slurp' sound. Before the dragon could catch his breath, the horse squatted over his face again, this time rubbing his dirty balls all across the dragon's open, gasping muzzle.

Apache was flooded with the scent of a true alpha male, the horse's smells overpowering him as he lay there drooling, letting Clyde do whatever he wanted to the dragon's body. And that's exactly what he did. Clothes ripped and were thrown aside, leaving the dragon bare, his waving cock already spitting gobs of precum onto his belly. Dazedly, he leaned up onto his elbows as he noticed the smell was lighter. The horse had moved away from his face, and was now kneeling, his muscled hands grabbing Apache's legs and raising them up as he scooted forward. The first indication he felt of what Clyde was going to do was the spongy fat flare squeezing between his cheeks. The second was his ankles resting firmly on the horse's shoulders.

Clyde grinned down at the dragon and winked. "Hold on tight cowboy...yer in for a hard, fast ride!" At these words, he gripped Apache's ankles and slammed his hips forward, lodging his fat flare inside with a squishy 'pop' sound, the spongy flesh expanding wider than anything apache had ever taken. This caused the dragon to scrabble and claw at the floor, yowling in pleasure and pain, drool streaming from his mouth as his ass struggled to accommodate the horsecock.

The sudden penetration left the dragon's mouth wide open, his attention unfocused...Donut, the craftier of the Danes, had moved over towards the pair mating on the floor, and started sniffing around Apache's open mouth. He was yowling something fierce as Clyde hollered out about how tight and warm he was, the horse daring to thrust an entire foot of powerful muscled cock up the dragon's ass, ripping him wide open.

Donut stopped his sniffing and turned around, ears going down as he began to assume a very familiar position. Clyde recognized it and grinned wide, pistoning himself in and out of the sloppy warmth, feeling Apache's squishy shit deep inside begin to smear his cock, keeping it hot and wet for the nasty sex. "Yer about to get a nice lil treat, dude....yeah that's it keep moaning my name like that ya lil bitch. This is what ya really love, isn't it?" He was brutally fucking the dragon, the stallion's eyes closing for just a second as he managed to hilt, an entire foot and a half of horsecock lodged up the dragon's ass, wider even than the Danes' knots...the flare made a bulge in his abdomen, but he couldn't see it...he was preoccupied with something else.

Donut had started to push, his dirty asshole aimed right at Apache's gaping mouth. As Clyde looked on, Donut began doing his business. Thick, wet logs of shit squished out of Donut's ass, slipping directly into Apache's unsuspecting, yowling mouth. His eyes shot wide as the familiar flavor of dogshit coated his tongue, and he almost gagged, being caught off guard like that. Instead of complaining though, he balled up his fists, rolling his eyes back and swallowing down every last bit of dogshit that he could, some of it slipping out of his mouth and down his chin. Donut finished pushing out and squatted down lower for just a second, rubbing his shit-caked asshole directly across Apache's tongue, leaving a nasty brown streak right up the dragon's tongue.

At that moment, watching the dragon gulp down fresh steaming dogshit while getting railed by his own thick horsecock, Clyde lost it. He slammed forward so hard that he jostled Apache's body forward, and he held himself there, leaning down over the dragon and pushing Donut aside. The horse locked lips with the drooling, shit-mouthed dragon, sucking hard on his lips as he made out sloppily, swapping the shit around. The entire while, his flare opened up wider still, dumping nearly a literal gallon of horse spunk up Apache's ass, bloating his belly a bit, those greasy balls resting against the dragon's furred ass-cheeks, leaving a wet imprint that'd stay there for the next few days.

Apache struggled to hold onto consciousness, but he was overwhelmed with what had happened...vaguely, he felt the cum inside of him, and the tongue, and he felt something else - a hot stream of piss spraying over the both of them as they made out. But that was all he could take. He came so hard it actually hurt, and his eyes slowly rolled back into his head as he started to slip into blissful darkness, unconsciousness. Horses were fucking fun....he'd definitely remember that after today!

Part 3: Sunday; Chapter 1: Afterglow

Darkness slowly began to fade, light replacing it. Apache was slowly waking up, blearily blinking a few times, looking up at the fabric spread across his four-poster bed. As he slowly awoke, he noticed several things. First of all, he smelled a mixture of dogshit, urine, and rank body odor on the air. Secondly, his tailhole was painful and wet, a heated sticky fluid leaking from it. And thirdly, he was on his bed, when he remembered last being on the kitchen floor.

Realization set in as he remembered what he'd been doing last. He'd been being stuffed hard and wild by his potential client Clyde, the stallion. Donut had joined in and used Apache's head as a toilet, specifically his mouth. These things explained the odors he smelled, but why was he on his bed? He'd passed out on the kitchen floor with a horsecock lodged up his insides...Puzzled, he sat up slowly, coming to his elbows on the bed. Blinking blearily, he looked around, nearly jumping out of the bed at what he saw.

Lying next to him on the bed, sound asleep, was the Adonis of a stallion, Clyde. The horse was completely naked, his massive horsecock retracted into that wrinkly sheath. Underneath him was a small damp stain where his balls were resting, indicating that he definitely hadn't showered. One arm cocked up under his head, the source of the musk was clear; it was Clyde. The stallion must've carried the dragon to bed and then went to sleep next to him. Apache didn't know how to feel about that just yet.

He gingerly got out of bed, creeping out of the room towards the kitchen, still in the buff himself, a sticky strand of shitty cum hanging out of his ass, stuck to his cheeks and dripping onto his legs. He could feel it oozing as he moved, but he didn't care right now. The dragon looked at a clock, noting that it was a few hours earlier than when Clyde had showed up. How was that possible...unless...he must've slept through the entire afternoon, evening, and night. All from a rough, brutal breeding by a horsecock. Dear gods was it good though...

Switching on the coffeepot, Apache opened the back door and stepped onto the patio, breathing in the crisp morning air, the sun only an hour or so away from rising, rays of light already starting to spread. He didn't know if Clyde was particularly dangerous, nor did he really care. Right now he was caught in an intense afterglow, just remembering what he could about the steamy encounter on the kitchen floor. The dragon made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on the patio, groaning as he felt a jolt of pain upon sitting.

Sipping his coffee and spreading out in the chair, he sighed and looked around the yard. Piles of dogshit were everywhere, he hadn't bothered to pick up a single one. Though it seemed as though Donut at least had found a new preferred 'toilet' to use. That was so strange, almost human in intelligence. It made him grunt a bit just to imagine the dog continuing to behave like that. Hell, now he wondered how Donut behaved at home...how he treated Mike. If he had to describe the dogs' behavior this weekend, he'd describe it as dominant alpha male behavior. During mating season. With the twist that the dogs were employing kink.

Apache shrugged off his thoughts as the dogs bounded out the door, tails thumping excitedly. Rufus approached the dragon and jumped up, resting his front paws on the dragon's chest, licking at his face happily. As he stood there, Apache felt a hot stream of liquid coursing down his chest, stomach and groin. Looking down, he noted Rufus letting out a thick stream of musky morning dog piss. The dragon grinned and chuckled, reaching a hand down to stroke the sheath playfully, basking in the warmth of the urine while Rufus licked at his face.

He even opened his mouth for the dog's tongue, closing his eyes and frenching the dog like some kind of slut, his hand now more actively playing with Rufus' sheath, the dog humping excitedly as his cock grew into the cool air, the piss faltering off as Apache began stroking the rigid dog meat. It was hot and slippery, and the dog seemed to enjoy the handjob immensely, his tongue slipping faster in and out of the dragon's mouth, hips pumping like he was fucking a bitch. It wasn't long before Apache felt a slippery fat knot bumping against his hand, and he quickly moved his hand down, making a ring with his index finger and thumb, wrapping it around the thin part of the dog's cock behind the bulbous knot, tugging to simulate a tie.

Moments later, the dog tensed up, and a new hot liquid started spraying down Apache's body, this one stickier and just a bit thicker than piss, but not much. Rufus came all over Apache, and he loved it, bathed in it, let it soak into his fur, run down into his sheath and coat his balls. When all was said and done, he leaned back and gently pushed Rufus down, the dog wagging his tail and nuzzling at Apache's knee, earning a series of scratches on the head.

A chuckle from the doorway nearly gave Apache a heart attack, he quickly spun around, remembering that Clyde was still there. The stallion was standing in the doorway, half-erect cock dangling out of his sheath, a smirk on his face. "You're real good at 'taking care' of dogs, that's for sure..." He winked and reached down to scratch his nuts, making them bounce as Apache watched. "Pretty damn good at taking care of horses too, if ya catch my drift." He licked his lips and winked again, stepping back inside to grab a cup of coffee, soon joining Apache on the porch outside.

Apache didn't know what to say. He hadn't invited the horse to stay the night, but on the other hand he didn't feel like he had a choice in the matter, which turned him on. The dominant stallion was going to take what he wanted whether Apache liked it or not. It was pretty hot to be honest. Apache reached back and scratched his head, chuckling. "Yeah, I guess so...you know what they say, practice makes perfect!" He sipped his coffee and watched the horse eagerly, his ears flicking around a bit as he did so.

Clyde stretched for a moment, his rank odor wafting over to meet Apache's nose, reminding him of how dirty the two of them were. Apache still had clumps of dogshit matted throughout his facial fur, some even stuck in his 'beard'. The dragon leaned back and rubbed his sheath a bit, setting down his coffee and spreading his legs open to let the cool air wash over them.

"Yeah? Well c'mere and sit on my lap and get some more practice with my morning wood, slut," Clyde said. The way he said it made Apache straighten up, biting down on his lip. He'd been ordered to please the horse. Not asked. He stood up slowly, walking over to the horse's chair, bending over and spreading his ass cheeks as he did so, revealing his sloppy, dirty asshole. Shitty cum was smeared everywhere, almost as if the horse had freshly fucked him while he was unconscious. Instead of backing away, Clyde reached up and grabbed both of the dragon's hips, pulling that ass back into his face.

Apache blushed hot red as he felt the horse's thick muzzle spread his cheeks, a soft, warm pair of lips soon pressing roughly against his own anal flesh. The horse started licking at the hole, his thick tongue slurping up some of his own cum and Apache's shit, making the dragon tremble at the lewdness of it. Before long, though, the horse was pulling the dragon away from his face, licking his lips and grinning as he hoisted his erect horsecock high, standing it straight up. "Go on then my pretty little slut, sit on it..." He commanded, lust in every timbre of his voice.

Apache did as he was told, slowly bringing his still-sloppy ass down until he felt the familiar thick spongy flare at his backdoor. He was still tender, and winced at the dull pain as he sat down on the cock, pressing with his ass downward, trying to force that flare in. It really was massive, at least double the size of the Danes' knots. His ass was broken in however, and with a lewd wet 'slurp', he felt the familiar intense pressure in his ass as the flare expanded inside of him, filling him with meaty horse dick.

"Ah hell yeah, that's it. You know your place, don't ya? Just a breeding bitch for a buff masculine stallion like me, aren't ya?" He slowly gyrated his hips as Apache began to sink lower on that cock, the horse spreading his legs wide to give the dragon room. His balls were dangling over the edge of his seat, hanging low and swinging with every gentle movement the stallion made. Soon enough, Apache was all the way down, his stomach showing that bulge again where the horse's flare penetrated him deeply. He'd reach down and caress his belly, rubbing over that bulge gently as he clenched and wriggled side to side, teasing the cock while it was rooted all the way inside of him.

"That's the ticket...I'm gonna rail that ass into next year while your dogs watch...or maybe even join in, who knows..." He grinned and leaned in to lick Apache's ear slowly, trailing thick horse saliva up the side of the dragon's face, marking him in a way. That's when Apache felt a strange bulging pressure in his gut, and reached down to hold it. He could just feel the horse's cock through his stomach, and it was surging with something...then he realized. The stallion was pissing inside of him, swelling his belly up!

The dragon whimpered and held his belly as it inflated ever so slightly, not too much, but enough to make a noticeable pudge as the horse emptied his bladder. Once it was done, Apache had little time to prepare. The horse was holding the dragon's sides and lifted him up a bit, that cock dragging over his insides, the spongy flare teasing every inch inside of him as it moved. And then, held up in the air, the stallion began to thrust hard and fast, burying his massive bone again and again.

The thick sloppy squelching filled the morning air as Apache held onto the horse for balance, his eyes rolling back again. He was determined not to pass out again though, and he bore down with his ass muscles, moaning out the stallion's name cutely, submitting completely to the dominant stallion's will. He noticed Donut start prancing towards the two and kept his eyes on the dog, his tongue hanging out and drool pattering down onto his already-messy lap, watching Donut continue to approach slowly, the same as he did in the woods of the dog park....

Chapter 2: Doggies and Horsies and Scat, Oh My!

Apache gripped the horse as best he could, holding tightly as Clyde's massive flared cock pounded deep inside of him. Donut's cold, steely gaze was the same as it was that day in the park, and Apache swallowed nervously, eyes on the dog. Clyde seemed to take notice of the approaching canine and slowed down, keeping himself still and leaning back with Apache on his chest, breathing heavily into the dragon's ear.

Donut was on a mission however, and knew where he was going. The Dane was tall enough to make this work it seemed. Rearing up onto his back paws, he planted his front paws against Apache's chest, and start jabbing around with his crotch. He was at the perfect height to accomplish his goal, and soon enough he was wedged between the stallion's legs, his thick doggie dick unsheathing and starting to press hard against the horse's cock and Apache's ass.

It dawned on him what was about to happen. He bit down on his lip and closed his eyes, feeling the doggie dick start jabbing against his sore asshole. Almost like it was made to fit, the thick canine cock slid in deep right alongside the horse's cock, the dog panting and drooling over Apache's chest and belly. Apache gripped the chair arms with his hands, letting out a piercing howl as the dog dick slid home alongside of the horse's fat cock. And like that, the fucking resumed.

It was powerful and hard, the two dicks gyrating inside of him, one canine one equine. He could feel each deep thrust, stretching him out like no toy ever could. Clyde let out a growl, holding Apache tighter and biting down on his ear, breath coming in hard, hot pants and grunts. The feeling of frotting with a feral dog's cock inside the warm, sloppy asshole of someone like the dragon - it was overwhelming. As both dicks continued to piston in and out of the dragon's wrecked asshole, they pulled steadily more scat out along with them, splattering it onto the patio and down over their legs.

Each thrust resulted in a sharp, fast moan from Apache, his breath shallow and fast. He had already came from the deep penetration, splattering across his own chest and the dog's fur, soaking in as his cock refused to soften. Along with the brutal assault on his anus itself, the dual dicking was brutalizing his prostate in ways he never thought possible, keeping him in an almost-constant fog of pleasure. Donut was even whimpering at the blissful encounter, thrusting his hips fast and hard to keep up with the stallion.

Bouncing up and down as shit squirted between the two cocks, Apache's eyes rolled back and again he fought consciousness. That's when the unexpected happened. Rufus had been watching everything happen, and the Dane jumped up excitedly on the table next to the threesome, turning and squatting just as Donut had the night previous. Apache and Clyde were both too caught up in the pleasure to stop him, and so they watched as the dog's dirty asshole flowered out, brown budding from the hole, squirting out across both Apache and Clyde's head. Most of the shit splattered onto Apache's face because of the angle of the dog's ass. The thick, sticky logs fell into Apache's open, moaning mouth, reciprocating the shocked effect it had last night when Donut did it.

Clyde even went for it, opening his mouth to let whatever excess he could fall in, surprising Apache. Though he had little time to think about that. He was too busy railing the slut hard. "Heh...t-that's how you fuckin like it ain't it? Ripped wide and brutally pounded? Ya dirty lil slut!" He'd run his hands up and down Apache's chest and stomach, massaging him as he continued to pound him. The dragon's pudgy piss and cum-filled gut bounced with every hard thrust.

Just when he thought he might pass out from the overstimulation, Donut pressed forward hard enough to make both Apache and Clyde squeal. That huge knot squelched inside of the sloppy hole alongside the horsecock, lodging Donut into place, the dog's hips still gyrating, but unable to knot-fuck the dragon due to the tightness of the added horsecock. Knot lodged into place, Donut leaned in and stuck his tongue deep into Apache's open mouth, pushing whatever shit hadn't been swallowed right down the dragon's throat as he frenched the dragon just as Rufus had, flooding his ass with cum.

The combined tightness, wetness and warmth of what was happening inside Apache's ass caused Clyde to lose it also. He whinnied and neighed, tossing his head back and slamming all the way in alongside the dog's knot, his flare opening up in the slightly bulging belly. And out came another torrential load of sticky hot cum, Apache creaming himself for a second time, cum splattering over Donut's body. Through all of this, Rufus had remained in position dumping his shit onto Apache's face, marking him and using him like a toilet...now he'd finished, and he turned to lift his leg, making sure to bathe the two of them in piss, streaming it down their bodies, the dog and horse both cumming hard inside of Apache.

When all was said and done, Donut yanked his knot out and wandered off into the yard, wagging his tail the whole way. This let a gush of cummy shit flood out of Apache's ass, until it tightened around the horsecock, plugged again. Clyde's orgasm lasted a few moments longer than Donut's, but soon enough he too was pulling out, lifting Apache up and off his cock, setting him down in the other chair again. He laid back in the chair, looking down at his shit-smeared cock still oozing strands of musky horse cum, and he chuckled. "I tell you what boy, you're a good lay...think the dogs appreciate that too..."

Speaking of the dogs, while Donut had run out to the yard to play, Rufus remained on the table, jumping down momentarily and pawing at Apache, then the ground. Seemed like he wanted a turn with the slutty dragon. Apache waved him off, panting heavily and trying to regain composure as his thoroughly ruined ass oozed cum, piss and shit from both the dog and the horse. However, Rufus was not prepared to take 'no' for an answer...the huge Dane ran around the back of the chair and headbutted it - hard. Apache slipped forward in shock, falling to his hands and knees almost painfully, looking around for Rufus.

The Dane marched around front of Apache, rearing up and planting his front paws on the dragon's back. Seemed the Dane wanted some oral pleasure, perhaps understanding that the dragon's sloppy ass wouldn't feel as good after being used so brutally. Clyde leaned back and started rubbing himself, smearing Apache's shit up and down his cock, licking the remnants of Rufus' shit off of his lips, watching the dog's hips start to move, his sheath dangerously close to Apache's mouth.

The dragon knew what was coming, and he opened his mouth obediently. Sure enough, moments later that thick dog cock pushed into his mouth, hammering fast and hard, leaking watery precum against his tongue. Apache reached up and cradled the dog's balls, rubbing them in his palm, fondling them, tugging on them. All while he sucked firmly on the thrusting cock in his mouth.

Clyde stroked a little faster at Apache's eagerness, the stallion thrusting his cock through his hands, biting his lip as he edged towards yet another orgasm. Rufus was closer though, his body tensing up as he slammed himself in again and again, the knot bouncing off of the resistant lips hard, almost painfully for poor Apache. However, Rufus was again not going to take 'no' for an answer...with an almighty brutal thrust, the dog left claw marks up Apache's back, his knot forcing the dragon's jaw wide like the first time, digging deep into his mouth.

The pain from the sudden oral knotting gave Apache no choice but to close his jaw as quick as possible - this meant closing his lips around the thin end of the canine cock, behind the knot. As the pain ebbed away, that knot seemed to swell even more, plugging his mouth as the majority of the cock was angled down his throat. He breathed through his nose, pulling back gingerly to try and dislodge the knot...no luck. Rufus was in there tight, and for good reason.

With a sharp howl, Rufus unloaded down Apache's throat. Every swallow of the watery, musky dog cum was just about painful to his already-swollen belly, fluids sloshing around every time he moved. He had no choice now though, Rufus' large knot saw to that. The dragon did his due diligence on the thin end of that cock, sucking and slathering it with saliva, closing his eyes as a jolt of pain shot through his jaw while Rufus came.

Clyde hollered out "Oh, fuck yeah, slut!" Before losing it himself. He could visibly see Apache's throat muscles contracting as he swallowed the hot dog cum, and that sent the horse's hips into overdrive, white spunk spraying into the air, raining down onto the patio, coating himself, Rufus and Apache. His balls tightened a bit as he came, his orgasm sending him panting just like the first time, his chest heaving as he rested his arms on the chair, trying to regain his breath.

Apache creamed once more, his thick shaft pulsing and spitting out a smaller load than before, all over the patio while he drank down the dog cum. The thoughts running through his head were about how much he'd experienced in this short weekend. As his jaw pulsed with pain, the knot showing no signs of swelling anytime soon, he thanked some higher power for his luck this weekend. Clyde got out of his chair and patted Apache's head, making his way back towards the door. "I'll catch up with ya through messages...you can sit for my dog anytime ya want, ya lil slut...." He winked and headed into the house presumably to dress and leave. Apache wouldn't' know for a while...Rufus' knot just wouldn't shrink!

It was then that he remembered he had the owner of the dogs coming to pick them up today, and he had a hell of a lot of cleanup to do in just a few short hours. He tried tugging at Rufus' knot, trying to pull off, only to get a growl and a jolt of pain through his jaw once more....well, it definitely looked like he'd be waiting until Rufus was ready to try and get free....

Chapter 3: Everything Fun Ends Too Soon~

After what felt like an eternity but was really only forty five minutes or so, Rufus pulled out of Apache's mouth, a strand of cum connecting the cock and Apache's mouth. Leaving Apache to his business, Rufus ran out to the yard to play with Donut. Apache groaned and struggled to stand, making his way as quickly as he could for the bathroom inside, his belly gurgling. Making it to the toilet, he sat and held his belly, pushing gently.

That was all it took, a whoosh of fluids exiting his asshole along with leftover sloppy shit. He flooded the toilet bowl for what felt like ages, his hole pulsing and pushing out the slop from the day's endeavors. When all was said and done, his entire body was sore, the dragon struggling to stand from the toilet, wiping haphazardly and flushing. He glanced at the clock on the wall and panicked a bit. He had less than two hours before Mike would show up to collect his dogs!

He hurriedly jumped in the shower, not even closing the bathroom door he was so focused on cleaning up. He scrubbed himself hurriedly, washing away any evidence of strange things, watching the discolored water swirl down the drain until he was clean of filth. He grabbed his soap and shampoo, washing his body and hair at the same time, working it deep into his fur, closing his eyes as he rinsed himself off.

Turning the shower off, he toweled off, groaning and looking around the bathroom. Flashes of the weekend hit him, and he fondly remembered moments such as cradling a crotch full of dogshit, and his most recent use of the toilet. Biting on his lip, he shut the bathroom door on his way out, heading through the kitchen towards the bedroom.

As he walked through the kitchen, he glanced at the sloppy spot on the floor where he'd been brutally taken by the horse the day before. It was still fresh in his mind, sending a shiver of pleasure up his spine. He couldn't relive it for long though. He got to work scrubbing the floor with his cleaning agents, making sure to clean up every inch of the puddle they'd left, throwing away the shitty cumstained paper towels when it was done.

Still naked, he carried the tatters of clothes that had been left into the bedroom, throwing them into a pile in the corner, rifling through his dresser for a quick and appropriate outfit. Seemed like another pair of shorts and a tee was at hand, another pair of dirty underwear reminding him of his lack of cleanliness that weekend. A glance at the bed brought to mind images of Donut using him as a toilet, pissing and shitting over him in his own bed...and then that Adonis of a stallion sleeping next to him this morning. He was in a daze, hardly believing it all had happened.

Closing the bedroom door on his way out, he walked past the computer, blushing as he remembered the trip to the dog park, starting as a quick browse of the internet...being pushed down, held down, and taken by the dogs one at a time, forced to suck the shit out of their dirty asses, clean them like a bitch. That's exactly what they'd made him this weekend. And oh...Clyde...he'd met Clyde sitting right here in this chair, unaware of what the stallion was going to do to him.

Shaking his head to clear his lewd thoughts, he struggled to hide his erection as the clock wound down, and he walked into the living room, grabbing the carpet cleaner and scrubbing up the stains that were there. A vivid flashback of how it all started with Apache lying on his back right here in the living room, the dogs curiously exploring his body and quickly turning him into a breeding station. He scrubbed the carpet a bit more vigorously than he needed to, trying to scrub the lewd out of his mind as he went.

The last place he went was the backyard, with a large shopping bag and a rag. Using the rag, he slowly picked his way through the yard, collecting the various droppings the dogs had left over the weekend, remembering the first time he'd fantasized about them, right here in his yard. Their hanging balls and winking holes on display so lewdly, it'd caught his eye the moment he was alone with them.

Speaking of the dogs, Donut and Rufus themselves were lying near the back of the yard, tails wagging lazily as they enjoyed the fresh air, watching the dragon...something almost human in their gaze as they looked on their breeding slut. Just the thought of being regarded by dogs like that had Apache hiding a boner again. Finishing his rounds of picking up shit, he stood near the back door, looking at the last place he'd been, the patio chairs.

The cushions were askew, fluids drenching them and the concrete beneath. The raw smell of fresh sex, shit, and cum assaulted his nose as he drank it all in, taking pleasure in his most recent debauchery. His asshole was still sore from being reamed by two fat cocks at the same time, filled with two different kinds of cum and piss...He even reached back and gingerly touched his asshole, wincing as the soreness had begun to set in hard.

Sighing, he whistled for the dogs, gesturing into the house, watching them bound happily across the yard. He'd done his best to make sure he'd cleaned every inch of the house, removed any evidence of wrongdoing, and now it was time to wait for Mike to arrive. He closed the sliding door behind the dogs, tossing the baggie of dogshit into the trash, reminding himself to collect it later for...reasons.

Apache made his way to his computer, sitting down and firing up his social media, a fresh mug of coffee resting on the desk next to the keyboard. As he sipped it, he typed up a post which he'd put on several sites. Even while typing the post his mind was filled with naughty images of the animals he'd encountered this weekend, his own body being used so brutally by them...it was bestial for lack of a better word!

"I had a very memorable weekend with two amazing dogs. Great Danes named Donut and Rufus. These two are some of the most lovable animals you'd ever meet. They're sociable, fun to be around, and just sitting for them was a pleasure. I'm happy to say I'd repeat this weekend's experience any time I could!" At the end of the post, Apache included his standard contact and pricing information, encouraging readers to contact him for their dog sitting needs.

He sighed and sat back in the chair, exiting out of his browser for now, making sure nobody else would stumble onto his private life by mistake as Clyde had. He could still smell the horse, the manly stink wafting through the house, likely only noticeable to Apache because he'd been so intimate with it. To anybody else, the house would smell clean and fresh.

Apache gathered the things Mike had left with the Danes, glancing at his watch and smiling, almost sadly. Mike would be there within the half hour, and he already missed Donut and Rufus. So he called the dogs to him and ruffled up their fur, reaching down to tease each of their sheaths playfully, showering them with kisses and adoration. "You guys come back anytime you want, okay?" His own tail swept back and forth behind him, his version of 'wagging'.

The dogs seemed to share his sentiments, pawing at him and whining, like they didn't want to leave. They knew however that they couldn't have stayed forever. The one thing Apache could say about the dogs was that they were more human in their intelligence than any dogs he'd ever met before. It was eerie a bit, but mostly impressive.

The doorbell rang and sent the dogs into a waggy panic, and Apache stood, walking to the door slowly. He wanted to drag out every moment he could. He deliberately thought of each sequence of lewd events that'd happened over the weekend one last time while he walked to the door, opening it and smiling widely at the deer, his friend Mike. "Hey, Mike! Good to see ya. I have to say, Donut and Rufus were incredibly well behaved. We had a blast this weekend, isn't that right boys?" He reached down and scratched Donut's head, scratching underneath Rufus' chin.

Mike looked to be in a hurry, checking his watch every few seconds and shifting his weight back and forth. Though he did lend the dragon a smile as he pulled out his walled, fetching the agreed upon amount of cash. "Hey, glad you guys had fun. Thanks again for sitting on short notice man. I threw in a little tip to thank ya for your help. But I really gotta get going. See ya around, Apache!" Mike waved and gestured for the dogs, taking their leashes and snacks, heading down the steps and out to his car.

Apache closed the door and sighed, already missing the warm and boisterous presence of the big dogs. He made his way to the computer and sat down, pulling up a few of his social media. Noticing a new comment on his latest status, he opened it, seeing a message telling the dragon he'd be receiving a private message about sitting soon, along with a few questions.

Curious as to why the request wasn't posted publicly, the dragon opened his PMs just as a new one dinged in. Reading over the message, his eyes went wide and he bit down on his lip, already thinking terrible thoughts. After this weekend, he was brave, ready to try anything, and such a request was sure to net him lots of cash if nothing else.

"Hey there! I know you sit for dogs at your home, but I had an odd request. Buddy of mine mentioned you're great with animals. I have to fly out of town for a week and I won't have anybody to look after my horses. I run a breeding ranch just outside of town, and the horses need daily care. Wondering if I can offer you a price high enough to spend the week at my ranch looking after my horses?"

Apache was already halfway typing his reply, about how excited he'd be to get out of the house and spend time with a different kind of animal. His mind was already halfway through concocting various lewd scenarios with the breeding horses....his weekend may be over, but opportunities were blooming everywhere...Apache decided he was going to like this job as an animal sitter....A whole lot...

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