Converted by the Queen

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And so we have a sequel here to the previous story, one that goes a bit more body-horror-y compared to the last one. Poor Yana, digging into a place he really shouldn't...

Commissioned by Kacacarrotcake

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Part 1:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Converted by the Queen

For Kacacarrotcake

By Draconicon

Yana was assigned to the 101st Space Marines as a communications officer, given a rifle, and told that he was probably not going to need it. As soon as the black and white cobra set foot on Artemis Prime, he found out how much of a lie that had been.

His helmet shook as he trembled, his eyes flicking from one great beast on the horizon to another, all of them covered in strange fronds and tendrils that moved like grass in the wind, waving to them as if beckoning them closer. The beasts themselves were massive, standing more than twice the height of their landing craft and showing claws that were as long as a speeder bike. Just one could probably smash the shuttle to pieces, and he was amazed that they hadn't come running at the sound of their landing sirens.

The other marines, numbering just over two dozen, waved each other forward, and one of them had to slap him on the arm to get him moving again. The long-range radio on his back slapped against his spine as he ran as fast as he could after the rest of the marines towards the colony buildings, trying to ignore the creatures in the distance and hoping that they'd do the same to him.

The sergeant opened the door, and the fate of the colonists was revealed.

Fifty bodies were strewn across the ground. Most were face-down, but the ones that looked up were creatures of horror. Their mouths were wide open, spilling out tentacles like the ones on the wild things in the distance. Fronds that ranged from three inches long to two feet lay limp and flat across faces that were muzzled and flat alike, making them look like dead flowers had grown from their necks.

Those that were face-down had different things. Their asses up in the air, their holes gaped and oozing like they had been fresh-fucked, but the air smelled like something else. Birthing slime or something like that.

Yana wasn't the only one to retch, but he was lucky enough to swallow it down again. Some of the others puked in their helmets.

"Pull it together, men, we knew we were gonna see this."

The sergeant flicked his fingers forward. Two of the marines took point, crouching down and pointing their lights down the darkened hallway. The rest fell in behind, with Yana coming somewhere towards the center. He didn't know what he was doing, didn't know what to expect, and his heart was running a hundred miles a minute.

They were a hundred feet down the tunnel, nearing a four-point junction, when the entry lights went out.

The marines behind him turned, flicking on the lights on their rifles, and Yana turned with them. At first, there was nothing to see...and then he realized why.

The bodies were gone.

"Oh shit...oh shit...oh shit oh shit oh shit -"

"Pull it together, private," the sergeant growled.

He tried, but what was he supposed to think? Those people had been ravaged. They hadn't been breathing. How did they move?

"Back up to the junction, form a perimeter. We'll set up defenses - AAAAAAGH!"

The sergeant's scream pulled everyone's attention, the marines turning from both sides to see the Doberman getting pulled towards the ceiling. Surrounded by blackened tentacles, his helmet was crushed a split-second later, and slug-like things fell from the ceiling onto his face.

Yana screamed, falling back and landing right on his ass. Ironically, it was the only thing that saved him.

Even as the soldiers unleashed a hail of bullets, shooting the thing that had grabbed their sergeant, other panels in the ceiling came loose and dozens of tentacles fell down. Half of the group was seized at the start, and the other half barely wriggled free, losing parts of their suits in the process.

Yana was down on the ground, just out of reach, and he had a perfect view of the sergeant. The Doberman was squirming, coughing, sputtering. The dog grabbed at his throat, squeezing at it, almost as if he was trying to strangle himself. His lips were clenched shut, but even then, the cobra could make out the movement of something behind -


The Doberman's jaws were forced open from the inside, his teeth showing for a second before dozens of black tentacles forced their way free of his mouth. They wriggled between the teeth, pushed out through his mouth, others wriggling out of his nostrils and waving back and forth like feelers.

This time, Yana did throw up in his helmet.

As the marines shot at the tentacles, he rolled onto his belly and crawled. The screams, the shouts for backup, the echoing sit-reps through the local communicators echoed in his ears as he wriggled away, trusting to luck and the fact that there were so many other targets to keep him alive.

He didn't know where he went. Down a vent or something, as far as he knew. He did know that he didn't stop crawling until he was somewhere else, somewhere still lit.

Slowly, the snake pulled himself to his feet, panting. The computer monitors around him still had power, and so did the security door at his leg. He slammed the button down, bolting it shut and making it seal itself down in lockdown mode. After that, he pushed a desk in front of the vent, blocking it off.

Remembering he had a weapon, he clumsily pulled it free of his back. He switched it over to flamethrower mode and pointed it at the ceiling, blasting away at the various vents and ducts until the sides were melted to the ceiling. At the very least, he could keep them from getting least for a while.

Panting in barely suppressed panic, the snake ripped his helmet off. Puke rolled out of the glass, running down to the floor as he dropped the radio on the nearest desk and started flicking the power buttons.

"Come on, come you stupid thing! Work!"

He slapped it along the top, not expecting anything, but the big blocky thing finally booted up. Heaving a sigh of relief, he pulled the antennae up, turning the dish a bit to point towards the sky, and started fiddling with the other settings along the side of the damn thing.

Gotta get in touch with home base. Their ship was still orbiting the planet, waiting for an update. If they didn't hear anything within 48 hours, they were going to torch the whole colony. Gotta get a shuttle, or back-up, or something. Gotta...gotta get out...

The cobra kept pressing buttons until there was a whine and hiss through the speaker. Grabbing the handset, he held it to his mouth, panting before he could form the right words.

"This is...this is Private Yana of the 101st. We're hit a snag and we need immediate - I say again, immediate - evacuation."

"This is home base, we're receiving you. What's the situation?"

"Complete eradication of my group. Aliens. Something. I don't know."

His hand was shaking. He grabbed his wrist, trying to steady it to keep his words coming through clearly.

"They're...they're all gone. All of them. I'm the last one."

"Are you in the colony?"

"Yes. Security, I think."

"Hold tight. We're getting another three shuttles loaded up."

"Thank you."

He dropped the handset as the line went dead. Flopping back in a chair, Yana covered his face. The shakes were coming, tears - either for the dead or just completely from fear - trying to come out. He rubbed his eyes, trying to keep them from getting worse. If things got bad, he needed to see. If he couldn't see, he was fucked.

The snake managed to wipe them away after a few seconds, but then he saw something worse.

The vent he'd come through was filled with...something. Something slippery, something slimy, something with tentacles. Yelping, he kicked the desk that he'd pushed into place. Some of the tentacles were cut off, while others were just smashed flat. There was a scream on the other side, probably someone that had been infested feeling the pain.

He slammed his shoulder against the desk, trying to keep it in place, but it was only the first invasion. From above, he could hear something moving through the vents, something coming for him. The snake screamed.

"Get out! Stay out! Stay away!"

His gun. He needed his gun. It was across the room, thrown away after using it for a flamethrower. The snake looked at it, about to go for it when the desk thudded against his back.


If he moved, then whatever was trying to get out of this vent would be able to get out. If he didn't move, then whatever was coming from the top was going to have a free shot at him if it was able to get through the welded vents.

If. If. If.

He made the decision to stay where he was. The thing in the ceiling was a maybe. The thing behind him was a certainty if he didn't block the vent properly.


Another slam against his shoulder, another smack that left him sliding forward before he could push the desk back into position. He heard another shriek from behind him, another warning that he was getting way too close to the edge.

He looked up again. Nothing yet, but there was so much darkness -


A low hum went off as the lights in the room went down. The only things left were the glimmers and flickers coming from his radio as the various monitors went dead. The lockdown on the door held, but that was the only thing that worked.

They'd cut the power. Somehow, they'd been smart enough to cut the power.

Panting hard, the cobra reached for his belt. There were grenades there. Maybe if he was quick, he could throw one in the vent, clear it out of anything that was coming through. Maybe it might even give him a way out.

He fumbled for one of them, pulled it free -


Only for one of the welded vents to come loose just above his head. The melted metal slammed down between his legs, narrowly missing his crotch, and Yana slowly looked up to see a face of tentacles and writhing tongues looking down at him. He shivered, his finger shakily moving towards the grenade pin.

The tongues were faster.


They didn't infest him. Not immediately, though he felt like they wanted to with all the tongues and tentacles that touched him every time that one of the infested creatures came close. He whimpered when they licked near his face and did his best to keep as still as possible when they moved further down his body.

They seemed to converse with each other on some different wavelength. At first, he thought that it was through all the tentacle movement, but sometimes they would turn and look at one of the others that they couldn't have possibly seen. Scent, perhaps? Or was there something different going on?

He didn't know, and it wasn't getting easier as they forcefully stripped him of his gear and clothes. The snake stood there in nothing but his scales, his hands covering his crotch as the slug-covered creatures looked him up and down. It was like they were measuring him with eyes that he couldn't see, figuring out what they wanted to do with him. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

Eventually, they gathered him up, pushing him along down the hallway with their claws at his back, keeping him moving even when he wanted to do nothing at all. They kept pushing him, keeping him from slowing down.

His embarrassment never faded, particularly as he started to find some of the other infested further on. The ones that had caught him seemed to have given over everything to their parasites, with their eyes and ears and every other orifice stuffed with tentacles of some sort or another. The ones that were further into the colony looked less terrifying, some of them looking almost normal until they opened their mouths.

The best example was a cat, a soft, black-furred thing that stood at one of the consoles. It looked at him, and for a moment, Yana thought that he was looking at another survivor, one that had done the hard thing of throwing in with his captors to avoid getting killed.

Then the cat opened his mouth, showing off six different tongues, and the crotch of his jumpsuit suddenly started writhing like a tree growing in fast-motion. The snake turned away, the cobra closing his eyes tightly to blot out the mental image that had been left in his head.

Further and further they took him into their little nest. No longer a colony, but a nest, where there was nothing that was not infested. He didn't know what they wanted, didn't know why he had gone without being infected yet, but it couldn't last forever. Sooner or later, they would do something to him.

They threw him into a darkened room at the end of a long corridor, then shut the door behind him. Yana tried to turn and run back out, but the locks were pulled. There was no way out without accessing some sort of console, and he had no idea where that would be located if it wasn't by the door.

Shivering in fear and cold, the naked snake slowly looked around the room. It was dark, the lights out and only the soft illumination from the floor giving even a sense of the room around him. It was rounded, looking more like a meeting room than anything else, and unlike some parts of the colony, the walls weren't smeared with slug-like parasites, or with the blood of the dead.

Then the lights came on, and his eyes widened.

It was another person that looked almost normal, but unlike the cat, the stingray in front of him was completely naked. She looked at him with a smile on her face, her arms crossed over flat, almost invisible breasts, and she cocked her head to the side.

"Military?" was all she said.

He nodded, and she nodded back.

Wordlessly, she got to her feet, walking around the table. She kept one hand on it, running a finger along the smooth surface, and Yana did his best to avoid looking down at her cocks. Unsure if they were natural or part of whatever was going on here, he kept his mouth shut, trying not to make things worse for himself.

She walked over to him, standing in front of him. Her purple skin color seemed to take in the light of the room and leave her glowing. Despite the natural look to her, despite the lack of any obvious horrors, he could make out some small things. Little wriggles beneath her flesh, moving along her lips or at her cheeks, told him that there were at least more tongues in there waiting to do things. The way that her belly seemed to shift a bit, bulges moving under the surface, told him that there was more inside of her down there.

Pregnant, or just...a repository?

He didn't know. He wasn't a biologist. He was just a radio technician with a glorified extra posting. The snake shivered, trying not to whimper, but the sounds were still coming up from his throat.

The stingray surprised him, reaching up and stroking his cheek. Her touch was almost slimy, the mucous that her skin produced rubbing slime along his face, but it was...comforting, in its own way.

She didn't speak, but she did move her hand up, feeling around until one of her fingers brushed against his ear-hole. He winced slightly, then gasped as something much wetter, much slimier pushed against him.


He tried to pull his head back, but the stingray grabbed him with her other hand, moving too fast for him to see let alone counter. She had immense strength, muscles that held him in place without letting him squirm away. Even when he grabbed her, trying to pull her wrists back, he couldn't even shift them in the slightest.

Something long and slimy was pressing into his ear, though, working ever deeper towards his skull. He gasped, panted, his eyes watering from the pressure that was filling his head. All the sound in the room disappeared, his ears blocked up and stopped up in a way that they had never been before.

He had to be begging, but he couldn't hear himself. All he could see was his reflection in the stingray's eyes, his body shaking and his mouth working seemingly soundlessly, begging.

Please, please...please...

The wriggling in his ears went deeper, his head feeling swollen and stuffed as they went into the middle of his skull. He gasped as something cracked. Not painfully, just...cracked, like something had broken inside. His body went limp for a moment, going completely numb from the neck down.

Cracked...spine? Skull?

He didn't know, but it didn't last long. Soon, it all reconnected, leaving him able to feel everything again, though at a step removed from what he had been feeling before. Slightly dulled, slightly less connected to him, as though he had been taken out of the driver's seat.

The stingray's fingers pulled back, her smile growing as she stared into his eyes. Her lips moved, no sound coming, but -

You are mine now, little snake.

He heard her. He heard her in his mind. And there was no way for him to forget that.

Yana tried to take a step back, but no sooner had he moved one leg than it froze in place, refusing to move any further than it already had. He struggled, straining against his own muscles, but it was like he was no longer able to control them. Instead, it moved back to where it had been, stepping into place and holding itself on the metal floor.

The slippery, slimy things in his ears kept moving forward, almost as if they were sliding into his skull and over his brain. His head felt stuffed up, his thoughts slowing, then speeding up, then slowing again, feeling almost as if something was sucking at them, pulling information in. Like a shared broadband connection that kept losing and gaining space to work.

He groaned, trying to pull his head together, trying to think straight, but it was almost impossible. The stingray gestured down at his crotch.

Get hard.

As if the words were signals of arousal in and of themselves, the cobra found his cocks growing without his consent, getting bigger and thicker with each passing second. He panted as his hips moved slowly, not quite thrusting, but more rocking forward. Little bits of pleasure rocked through his mental system, his eyes closing and then opening slowly, then doing it faster, almost like he was going through a soft reboot of something or other.

The feeling of pleasure continued until he was at full erection, both of his cocks standing out. The stingray reached down and touched them, rubbing them from side to side before nodding her approval.

They will suit.

She ran her hands up one, and then the other, leaving behind a trail of slime and -

Oh god...oh god...

He stared at the little slugs that had come out of her hands, almost like she was birthing them through her pores. She chuckled as they started moving up his cocks, sliding along the underside and topside without any way for him to fight back. He wanted to brush them off, wanted to do something to slow down the inevitable invasion of his shafts, but what was he going to do? What was he going to do when he couldn't fucking move?

The stingray circled him, rubbing her hands around his hips the way that she had done around the table, showing the same concern for a new possession as she had for a piece of furniture. Yana could only stare in horror as the parasites continued their slow advance on the tips of his cocks, the slime trails getting thicker as they got closer and closer to the tips. They almost seemed to be racing to get there, trying to beat the other little slime balls to their new homes.

The first one finally reached the top and rolled its head off his cock. It loomed over his shaft like a snake getting ready to strike, and he watched in slow motion as it lowered its head down, gradually pressing against the tip of his shaft. He watched it roll open, his urethra spreading with ease as it gradually forced the tip inside.


He tried to buck his hips forward, half-hoping that the motion would be enough to dislodge the slug, but it was too late. It wriggled forward, slimming down before filling out once more as it got deeper inside of him. Little by little, it worked itself into his cock, thickening out to get the tail end in, and then slimming down to move further.

He could see the bulge spreading out his cock, making it bigger and smaller by turns. The little ball of space that kept moving down, the slug slimy and wet and sticking to him in a way that both disgusted him and aroused him, made him whimper.

Then the whimpering stopped, forced down by the things in his head. They kept him from making a sound.

The other slug did the same at his other cock, forcing his urethra open. He could see its slime relaxing his hole, forcing it to spread in a way that it was never biologically meant to do. The sight of it was impossible, yet relaxing...natural.


He was confused, but the word was pushed through his mind as if it was the only one to fit. He groaned, trying to shake his head, but he was kept pinned by the control of the things in his head, the way that they were taking control, the way that they were forcing ideas into him that were so wrong.

The further the slugs went, the more pleasure he was forced to feel until he was panting, shaking. They reached something further down, a little nub, and then -


He managed to moan through the control they had on his mind, but it was something that they wanted, something that they expected him to do rather than something he wanted. Yana panted as the slugs were injecting him with something back there, biting and rubbing at his prostate by turns, hitting him with things that he didn't want.

As they bit and rubbed, he could feel...something. Something running through his body. His nipples were getting harder, his chest getting more sensitive. It didn't grow, didn't turn into full-on breasts, but he could feel that there was more there. One of his hands moved without his permission, running up his chest towards his nipples, and pinched.

Another moan ripped free of his lips, his pre spilling down on the ground as his cocks started to bob up and down. Something...something had definitely changed up there, and there was no going back.

Another nuzzle, another shift. More of the slugs were running up along his legs, one of them sliding between his ass cheeks. He felt it, felt the slime against his pucker, felt it spreading like his urethras had. There was no stopping the slug from wriggling deeper like a cock made of some sort of jello, making its way further into his body.

It found his prostate, too, and it locked onto it with the same intensity as the other two. Another dose of whatever it was they were biting him with, and he was moaning again.

His hips expanded, not much, but enough to make him look more feminine. He could feel the pressure of them spreading out, knew that they were bigger than they needed to be. The snake wobbled at the weight of his new butt, knew that he was no longer particularly male looking down there.

What...what's me...

The parasites kept coming, running into his cocks and ass, others moving further up his body. The stingray slowly moved back into view, her mouth opening and working, as if she was trying to remember how to speak normally.

"You...understand me?"

Yana had no choice but to nod. The creatures in his head would have known the truth and made him do it even if he didn't want to. The stingray nodded.

"I haven't...talked out loud...for some time."

She pointed to herself.

"My Ailsa. I speak for the hive, as its queen."

She was the -

A blast of pleasure and pain overwhelmed the bad thought that he was about to have about her. The snake would have collapsed to his knees if he had been free to move. As it was, he could barely hold himself together, panting, shaking, as the parasites in him took control. The slugs ran across his chest, leaving trails of pleasure behind as she continued.

"You've been given...a different purpose," she said. "We know that you...called others to...this place. I plan on...having you leave. Leave with them. And to do that...I need to hide them inside you."

"You mean -"

"You will be a carrier. A spy. A way for us to survive."

The stingray was getting better at talking as she kept going, but he was already thinking about the fate of the military up on the ship. If they managed to save him, they would probably put him into quarantine, but he had seen how that had worked down here. The parasites would get free, do what they wanted, and then they would have an entire battalion - maybe more - added to the next.

Ailsa seemed to know what he was thinking. Probably did, with what was in his head. She smiled.

"I hear you. I need no radios to communicate. The hive is everywhere, and every hive member can hear the rest of us."


"You will go. You will do as we say. will enjoy it."

"No...I...I can't..."

"You will. Because you want to live. And because you want to will serve."

The pressure of the things in his head hit him harder than ever. They smothered him, forcing him down further and further in his own mind, making him listen and obey. Yana wanted to fight, but even as she -


Yes, she. She was a she, not a he. Not with hips like those. Not with the pleasure the slugs were giving her tits.

She tried to argue about her cocks, but they were ignored. Nothing but storage for the slugs. Nothing but a place to breed more. And inside, she could feel them multiplying, getting bigger before splitting up. Her ass was already filled with the things, the little slippery, sliding slugs finding places to hide where they might catch something sliding into her.

The slugs in her head were forcing images of fucking into her mind. She had never looked at another man that way, but she knew that there had been some that looked at her in the past. Some that were still on the ship. Some that might be tempted by the slightly more feminine body.

Not a drone...not a infector...

"Yes, that's a good name for it," Ailsa said. "Infector-class."

Yana groaned, trying to fight against the mental reconditioning going on. She could feel the pressure coming from the queen before her, could feel it sliding through the group mind and felt the parasites wrapping around her brain through the blood-brain barrier, seeping in and making the neurons fire in different ways. Her hands were moving down, spreading her ass cheeks, letting the parasites sidle on into her guts.

The queen leaned forward, her mouth opening, the many tongues that she had been given as a queen sliding along lips that had spread far further than anything should have. Yana was forced to lean forward, her lips puckering up.

Three tongue-tentacles invaded her face, two running down her throat and face-fucking her, while the third pressed up into the nasal passages. It should have hurt, should have been something near agony, but instead there was a layer of pleasure behind it, forcing her to enjoy it in a way that she didn't want to.

The tentacles down her throat hit her gut and kept going, wriggling further and further down. She couldn't pull free. On some level, she no longer wanted to.

Yana panted, her body helpless in the grip of the queen, giving in and giving her exactly what she wanted. A host that would carry things further off, a set of eyes and ears that would give the hive exactly what it needed in terms of information.

And then -

"Oh, they're coming. You called them. Begged for help. And they...might burn this place?"

Ailsa didn't sound bothered. If anything, she sounded intrigued.

"We can leave some here, the old ones, the first infected. They are near death. They can think that they got them all, and you won't tell them any different. Will you?"

She wished that she could fight, that she could resist the command, but there was no way that anyone could have held back against the pressure the queen of the hive could command. The cobra bowed her head.

"I won't...your majesty."

"No, you won't. Good."

The cobra received a pat on the head, feeling her body warping on the inside, her organs rearranging themselves to make room for more of the parasites, more of the tentacles, more of the things that would corrupt and infest anything that they found.

I can't...I can't...

Yana was buried beneath the need that the hive had, her personality suppressed beneath the commands of the queen. The parasites in her mind, the creatures that linked her into the group thought, would run her body. They could carry her to her people, and Ailsa would remote pilot her through a conversation.

It was entirely possible for her friends to be fooled, to take her up to quarantine. They'd maintain orbit, keeping an eye on the planet, taking in further scans. It would give plenty of time for the corruption and infestation to be complete, and when that happened...

Well, there would be no going back. Not for her, not for anyone.

The half-corrupted Yana had gone from hating the idea to having mixed thoughts on it. She wondered how long it would take for the doubts to disappear entirely.

The End

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