Thrill of the Chase

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#93 of Commissions

The result of my raffle for Azarian about a boy training a little to hard for his own good

Thrill of the chase by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real-life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"Anticipation is the ultimate power.

Losers react; leaders anticipate."

Tony Robbins

You know those times when you want something so bad that you can taste it? That no matter how much you have built and trained your self-control, your desire is so feverish that each and every day seems like it drags on. Wanting the time to pass by even faster so that the desired goal can be reached or that the long-awaited item can be forgotten. Such is the problem that often comes with want and so to it comes often an uncontrollable obsession with want.

Many in the prime of their youth never realize this until much later in life. That desire can be tempered with a little bit of effort, no matter how badly they think they want it. But of course, there are those times when rashness overrides reason when impulse takes over and allows one to become a less-controlled version of their former self. It is during these times when youth can become evident and the naive allow themselves to show what they truly are...

Pahos was a young cheetah living in the outskirts of Arizona. His family had recently immigrated from Egypt. It wasn't much of a change since his father was American but his mother wasn't finding it quite as easy. She had never been taught English as a youngster and transitioning from Arabic to English. Pahos, on the other hand, had some lessons in the language so it wasn't so bad for him. Regardless he was still finding it hard to assimilate and make some friends.

At 13 years of age, the youngster was in the last year of what they called in the states, Middle School. The curriculum had changed from more math and science-focused curriculum to one that was engineered to immerse him in the culture and language. Now instead of learning English as a secondary, he was expected to do the same with Spanish. Many of his counterparts in class were immigrants as well but few of them knew anything about the Middle East or even about the land in which he hailed.

It didn't matter much to Pahos. He wasn't much of a student but where he lacked in brains, he was extremely athletic. Almost every sport he excelled at without even trying however, he was especially gifted at running. As a cheetah he had the native attribute of speed. He was especially adept at long term running, though he was just as good in short term dashes. As such his sport of choice was track and field, where he could use his natural born gifts to his benefit.

Within the first few months of coming to his new school, the teen had already joined the teen. The coach had taken him like hot water since the boy was a hard worker always keen on training, even when he didn't need to. Even for his age, he was a gym rat, spending a great deal of time lifting weights and running on the treadmill or the elliptical. One day while he was working out in the school he was approached by one of the older teens from high school. It was an older teen who peered over the smaller male with a smirk on his face.

"Who're you, pipsqueak?" The antelope smiled down at the younger boy.

"What do you want?" The cheetah didn't seem to keen on the other's approach.

"Just sayin' hi I guess...never seen you in here." The teens antlers poked out high above his head and almost brushed against a near machine.

"Hi?" The spotted cat didn't know what else to say. The younger boy continued lifting his barbells set by set.

"You need a spotter?" The more well-defined teen wanted to offer his help to the other boy.

"I'm fine...just leave me alone." Pahos wasn't the most trusting individual.

"Alright, was just trying to be helpful. Figured you'd want a training buddy.

The cheetah said nothing and instead ignored the Gazelle who proceeded to walk away and shrug it off as nothing. The antelope walked over towards a nearby wall which had a water jug next to the weight rack. He grabbed some of the barbells and began curling them, making sure they were noticeably heavier than the ones the cat was using. Of course, as a competitive boy, Pahos was sure to recognize the fact and couldn't help but sit up so that he could get a better look at the other teen. The Gazelle smiled as he clearly knew the other teen was looking at him.

"Impressed?" The antelope inquired since the cheetah had essentially stopped his

"I long have you been training?" Pahos wasn't about to lie as his stare certainly gave him away.

"Since I was 7 or 8. My name is Shane. What's yours?" The gazelle hesitated a moment and looked over to where the other teen was sitting.

"Pahos. Nice to meet you. What grade are you in?" The lithe cat stood up and put his weight set on the floor before approaching the other boy.

"I am a Sophmore...Guessing you go here?" Shane asked assuming since middle schoolers seldom showed up at the High School.

"Yeah, I recently transferred from Egypt." Pahos watched as the teen continued his repetitions of the workout without much thought.

"Ah, alright. Your form is pretty good but would you like some suggestions?" The Gazelle wanted nothing more than to be helpful.

"Sure, what did I do wrong?" The feline figured there was something flawed in the way he worked out or it wouldn't have been brought up.

"Well...nothing but everyone can improve." Shane stopped what he was doing and stood up.

Now that the stood parallel to each other, Pahos got a better look at just how well defined the other teen was. The Gazelle was a good deal taller. In fact, to meet the other boy's eyes, the cheetah had to turn his head upward in order to meet his gaze. Shane had a good deal of musculature in his body. Both of his arms and legs had noticeable bulges and they were somewhat impressive to the younger boy who was working towards a similar sculpt.

"So what can I do differently?" The cheetah asked as he was always willing to improve himself in the gym.

"For starters, you can wear one of these..." The antelope walked over to the locker room and anticipated the Pahos would follow him.

The feline did just that. The locker room was rank with the stench of sweat and was engulfed in steam. It was difficult to see entirely through the area but Shane seemed to know where he was going. Eventually, they happened on a wardrobe storage area where various clothing was hung. Pahos could see there were plenty of dirty clothes strewn all over the place but some of the garments looked unfamiliar to him as if it were almost shiny.

"What are those for?" The feline couldn't help but reach out and touch one, it was elastic and rubbery to the touch.

"Those are training suits. They are form-fitting and reduce both bodily strains as well as keep sweat from clinging to your body.

"I see. That sounds rather useful. Can I try one out?" Pahos was rather intrigued by the thought of having something that increased his productivity in training.

"Sure...take off what you have on down to your underwear. It's not mean to be worn on top of anything else." Shane crossed his arms and waited patiently for his new friend to change.

The cheetah did as he was told stripping down to his underwear. Pahos wasn't one much for vanity and didn't really care if another person saw him. He spent enough time in the gym to see various other boys and men of all ages in their underwear, so it didn't really phase him. The cat slid out of his gym clothes and then proceeded to squeeze on the elastic over his body. It was harder than he thought but with some effort, he was able to pull it over the full length of his body. It fit him like a glove and was dark red and black.

Pahos slid back on his regular clothes, feeling a little bit naked by the bodysuit. While he wasn't the vainest boy in the world, but he didn't want everyone in the world to see him in such revealing garments.

"Looking good...alrighty then, I'll meet you in the gym just give me a few minutes to go to the bathroom." Shane walked away from the other boy and back toward the back of the locker room where the bathroom stalls were situated.

What Pahos didn't know was there was more to Shane's plan than he was letting on. There was a brand new sports drink that supposedly increased one's testosterone. Frankly, the Gazelle was a wee bit afraid of trying it but now was the perfect opportunity to try it.

Once he had gone to the bathroom, he made sure that the other teen was nowhere to be seen. The cheetah had already left the locker room and the Antelope went into his own locker where a water bottle was stored with the new drink. It was just as clear as water so he knew the other boy would suspect nothing. Shane reappeared from the locker room with the plastic water bottle and nothing else in his hands. The Antelope saw where the Cheetah where was standing.

Pahos was doing nothing more than stretching at this point in order to burn time.

"Alright, all set to go, let me show you some stuff." The older boy picked up some free weights and placed them on the bar before sitting down on a bench.

The larger teen began to bench press the bar with wights on it one repetition after another.

"Wow your form is pretty flawless and the amount of weight you are lifting is me what I need to do, please?" The cheetah was astounded by the boy's strength as he was easily lifting two times more than what he was used to.

Shane stopped what he was doing for a moment and set the bar down on the holding area.

"For starters...try this drink. It helps my body deal with the stress of working out, even when I overdo it. It also prevents cramps, reduces sweat, and increases energy."

"That sounds...good. Does it taste bad?" Pahos took hold of the semi-transparent water bottle and looked at it closely.

"Does it really matter? Nothing that's good for you really tastes that great anyways. No bodybuilder takes protein shakes because they taste good." The older teen had had enough of the stuff to know that it tasted foul.

"I guess you're right." The cheetah popped open the lid, which was a pop-top, and began sipping on it.

The smaller boy was surprised that it didn't taste quite as foul as he thought. In fact, it tasted pretty much just like water.

"It doesn't taste that bad. Do you drink a lot of it?" After taking a few sips, the feline wiped his snout of the moisture that had formed around his lips and whiskers.

"Well no. Just whenever I work out. That's actually a new drink, I've never tried before but it's got really good reviews from the health supplement store." Shane decided to be upfront about his foregone plan.

"Ah, alright. Well, it doesn't taste that bad. Let's get back to training. Can I try the bench press?" The cheetah hadn't much done much weight training as he was afraid to injure himself.

"Sure." The gazelle stood up and got to the side of the bench in order to allow the other boy to sit down.

Pahos sat down so that his lanky legs straddled to the side of the bench. Shane overlooked him to make sure he didn't hit his head on the bar while he was adjusting himself on the chair.

"Alright...I'll lower the weight so you can start somewhere more manageable for your strength. If it's too easy, let me know." The antelope removed each side of the weights and then placed them on the floor, resting on the legs of the chair, before replacing them with lighter weight.

"Go ahead and give it a try." Shane re-positioned himself so that he was at the head of the chair and put his hands underneath the bar just in case it was too heavy.

The cheetah took hold of the grip area of the bar and began to lift it slowly before resting on his chest.

" lift up and down very slowly just to make sure you can handle the weight." The larger male wanted to make sure his friend didn't hurt himself.

The smaller male began to press upward so that the bar slowly raised from his chest. Little by little it raised. It wasn't incredibly heavy but still, the teen was struggling a little bit since he had yet to really train himself in that way.

The strangest thing about it is that each second he pushed the bar forward, it seemed to give him even greater exhilaration. The sense of pride he was getting was intoxicating. The second he managed to finish his first repetition, he felt extremely excited. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before and it made him long for more of the same.

"How was that?" The Antelope held the bar so that it could be rested on the holding place once again.

"That wasn't that bad...Can I try again?" Pahos wanted nothing more than to do it again.

Little did the cheetah realize that his formerly loose-fitting clothing was now tightly clinging to him. The bodysuit he had put on had made it harder for him to realize that his clothing wasn't fitting quite so well on him.

"Sure you can." Shane pulled the bar back up from it's holding place and rested it back down on the other boy's chest ever so slowly.

"Go ahead and give it another shot. This time try two reps." The antelope continued to instruct the boy and maintain his goal of safety.

This time was much easier than the first for the younger boy. Pahos was didn't go nearly as slow as before and was able to power through the lift was ease. So easily in fact that it impressed the Gazelle who only moments before had watched him struggle through the first repetition. The second round was just as quick as the first and the cheetah was even able to put it back on it's resting place without any help. This triumph made the cat incredibly excited, sending another shot of adrenaline through his young body.

Shane watched as the young teen below him stretched ever slowly. Little by little the garment Pahos had put over the bodysuit was beginning to rip and tear. His lingering legs were now stretching further away from the base of the bench. Before long his clothing ripped off of him...and the growth seemingly seemed to have stopped in its tracks. What's more, is there was no indication that the big cat had any idea what was happening to him. The Antelope couldn't believe what he was he had to be sure this was the case.

"Alright....stand up we're going to try something else." Shane asked as he was trying to play it off as no big ordeal.

The moment that the feline stood up, it was incredibly obvious what had happened. Not only was the formerly smaller teen bigger, but he now was evidently taller than the older male.

"Uh...what happened to me?" Pahos looked below him at the shredded clothing near the base of the bench.

"It looks like you've gotten bigger...but how?" The antelope had no idea how it was possible despite the very reality that it had just happened in front of his very eyes.

"I dunno...but this is neat! Look...I'm bigger than you now!" The cheetah was very excited about this new perspective.

"Heh...I guess you are...maybe we should get back to training?" Shane wanted to change the subject very badly and wanted to focus on a different subject.

"Sure...what should we try now?" The younger boy, of course, was keen on continuing his day of working out.

"Let's get you on one of the weight machines. Do you normally use those?" The gazelle wanted to try something different than the other boy wasn't used to.

"No, not normally." Pahos wasn't one to lie to make himself seem better than he actually was.

Shane led over to a nearby machine and showed the other boy a few reps of how it worked. It was a curling machine so it wasn't exactly the hardest machine to use in the facility. Personally he was afraid the other boy was as strong as he was now and it made him very nervous.

"Alright, go ahead and give it a shot." The antelope picked himself up and allowed the younger boy to sit.

Pahos did as he was instructed and sat down in the chair. It was an awkward position with the arm cushion literally a padded platform in front of him. He bent his arms so that they faced upward and began flexing them so that he could lift the weight with each time he brought his arm back to an upright position. Each and every time he did so his pride continued to billow up inside him. It was like a balloon that made his own sense of self even more infallible. As the seconds passed the weight became easier and easier to manage...and the teen couldn't figure out why.

Shane watched as the boy's body rose steadily in the chair. His head gradually rising above the top of the peak of the machine. His lap becoming increasingly tight under the bar which kept him stationed to the chair. Pahos found himself more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. So much so that he found it necessary to stand up immediately. The moment he did the cushioned bar that was holding his legs down, buckled and bent over.

The Gazelle couldn't believe what he was seeing. As the other teen stood straight up his body continued to creep upward, ever larger. Fortunately for the two of them, it didn't last much longer before it seemingly stopped.

" got bigger again. What's happening to you?" Nothing made sense anymore to the Antelope, it was if reality had been thrown out the door.

"I'm not really sure..but this is pretty cool and look the bodysuit still fits." Sure enough, the latex bodywear was still fitting him like a glove despite his increase in size.

"What should we do about it?" Shane couldn't figure out what was happening and pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"I dunno? Maybe it will wear off? It doesn't feel fact, I kinda like it. Hey, look...I can pick you up now...well...kind of." The cheetah was able to just briefly pick up the other teen off the ground if even for just a second it showed just how strong he actually was.

The moment the cheetah was able to lift him, Pahos felt the tips of the other boy's shoes touch his shins. Looking down he realized that the other boy's feet were visibly off the floor. This made him feel incredibly powerful. It was nothing short of exhilarating and made him feel quite powerful. Once again the thrill of pride built up inside of him and made him tingle. The sensation of was becoming overwhelming as he watched the floor beneath him slip lower and lower under his line of sight.

Shane realized as well as panic began to set in.

"Let me go!" The gazelle thrashed in an attempt to release himself from the other's grasp.

Of course, Pahos wasn't interested in hurting the other boy and so he let him go. The teen felt his ears begin to press against the ceiling as he realized just how big he was getting now. The tile beneath him began to crack under his weight.

"Get me...out of here!" The cat knew that he needed out of the building before he crashed through the ceiling.

Shane was quick to take the other boy by the hand, though his paw certainly didn't fit within his own grasp. It didn't matter as his goal was to get the cheetah out of the building as quickly possible.

Rushing out the door wasn't nearly quick enough. Even kneeling down led to a collapse of the frame of the door leading to some minute destruction near the entrance of the building.

"What do we do now?" Pahos looked back at the crumbling entrance and looked ashamed.

"Uh...I don't know?" The Gazelle was at a loss for words.

"I don't want to hurt anyone...look what I just did to that door...and I wasn't even trying..." The cheetah was incredibly nervous and afraid.

"Maybe we should call a doctor?" It was the only thing the older teen could think of.

"And what could they do about it?" Looking down at the floor it seemed the boy's growth had stopped, at least for now.

"What other choice do we have?" All the Antelope knew was that they needed a solution before the kid had another growth spurt.

"I guess your right." Pahos felt defeated and sat on his behind in order to prevent any further damage from being done.

Shane pulled out a cell phone from his pocket to call his primary. Luckily for the two of them, only a few people were out and about. Those that were stared for a bit before moving on from fear from the seemingly giant boy in front of them.

The conversation with the doctor didn't last very long before it abruptly ended. The doctor, of course, didn't believe the circumstance. Once again Shane was without any real solution in sight. So now the very real problem remained...How would they solve their little problem? Only time would tell...

A small update

Hello Everyone, I haven't been writing much lately due to the fact it's hockey season and I'm juggling that plus work amongst other more mundane real-life obligations. My pet rabbit also recently died so I just got over that little emotional trauma....

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Enlightening Enshrinement

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Something in the Water Part 3

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