
Story by sasukewuff on SoFurry

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Another bio, this one for Rowan. Rowan was a famous swimmer, and then Sasuke came along... And well, meeting the draolf has consequences for some.

Panting, groaning, and just squirming in a sea of himself, Rowan could barely take another bite. He was used to eating himself to the point of pain, but this was something new for the river otter. He could practically feel his pulse in his hide around his overblown stomach, each beat of his hard a light ripple along the vast ocean of adipose that sprawled out before the immobilized mammal. The otter had decided to try and eat like Sasuke for just one day. One. The result of that challenge was something that disappointed him endlessly but also left him as full as he had ever been. He had made it all the way to second lunch, which was an admirable thing according to his wolfdragon host, but something that the river otter couldn't help but feel a little ashamed over. He knew that there could be more eaten, that somewhere in him there was room for more to be crammed in. In his depths, though, there was nothing; he had burped out the last air bubble and let loose the last noxious fart left in him. There was, quite literally, not an iota of room inside of the otter left for him to eat. That was a fact, and yet it was one that Rowan so desperately wanted to be untrue. No one could outeat Sasuke, the otter knew that, but to come so woefully far away from even keeping up with him... Well, it was crushing. He had been lagging for a while, falling behind after fourth breakfast, and then flagging through lunch and the meals after that. But, he had still tried, and the result of that attempt had left him both thoroughly beached and in pain from just how little space was left inside of him.

Rowan knew, deep down, that there was a part of him that would always see his eating like this; a competition. It came from his roots as a swimmer long ago, and he knew quite well about the stereotype of his kind for such ventures. The river otter was also a born natural even amongst his own species, and as such, he had taken to swimming as his sport of choice for years. He had medals, trophies, plaques, and other accolades all in his room, all collecting dust as a little reminder of what he had left behind. There was a small, minuscule part of him that missed flowing through the water with graceful ease, and yet there was a far larger part that made sure that he would never crave such exercise again. The mustelid would always have that part of his psyche, but it was a part that he was trying to cram down with pounds upon pounds of food; and had been for ages. His competitive nature from years of swimming made sure that his eating was always a contest with himself, always something that he needed to improve upon despite the fact that there was only so much that he could do to improve his capacity without taking time. He counted calories, he measured his stomach, he drank water by the gallon to stretch his stomach... All things that his swimming training had taught him, and all things that translated very well into his new life of hardcore gaining.

That gaining had begun rather serendipitously, a meeting with Sasuke spawning the wanton gluttony which now ruled his very life. Every facet of it was controlled by this innate need to feed, and it had started with the very wolfdragon he was trying to outeat that day. The meeting had been by chance, Sasuke just perusing a supermarket for some reason; Rowan later found out that the draolf had a small army for that very task, so why he was going himself was still a mystery to the otter to this very day. Either way, the meeting had been rather... Unceremonious, but it had been one that stuck in the river otter's mind. The mustelid hadn't been able to get the image of the sagging, overblown, fat-filled draolf out of his head. Something in his mind had broken with that sight, and Rowan knew that he, in fact, needed to have that amount of fat in his life. It had taken nearly a week, but as soon as he got more comfortable with his need to feed, the otter had gone out and bought more food than he had even eaten in one sitting from the closest fast-food joint he could find. Bringing his haul home, Rowan looked over the spread of greasy, microwaved meat and fries and nuggets before him with a burning fire of disgust raging in his mind. There was something else in there, though, another fire in his mind that was equally as bright, and beginning to even eclipse the disgust that he was feeling.

That fire had pushed Rowan through his first real glut, and then through the food hangover the next morning. From there, it was a nightly binge that the fire spurred on, and then daily binges, then quitting swimming, then seeking out Sasuke in order to become closer to the spark which had lit that raging, ever-present need to feed in the river otter. Rowan had no idea just who he was getting in with, showing up at a mansion that looked more akin to a castle by the sea than a house for a veritable blob, but the river otter's passion for gluttony had spurred him on yet again, and from there, things went downhill, or uphill depending on how one looked at the situation. Gone was restraint, silly things like portions and mealtimes, and even clothing once the pounds really began to pile onto Rowan. No, he had become something far, far more than a simple river otter; he had become a veritable garbage disposal of food. The mustelid knew this, and he reveled in it with every single pound that he was able to cake onto his frame and every extra burger that he was able to pack away on his weekly dollar menu binges. It was glorious for him, and he savored it almost as much as he savored just being in the presence of another fur who could do what he did and an incredible amount more.

This revelry and adoration had turned into worship mere weeks after Rowan had entered Sasuke's house. The river otter was smitten at first sight, and as he ate alongside Sasuke, glutted until he passed out night after night with neither judgment or prejudice, and even got praise for ripping through clothing with his heft alone, Rowan couldn't keep his feelings quiet. The draolf being spoken for did somewhat complicate things for Rowan, but the river otter was quite content to just worship the very ground that Sasuke smothered with his bulk. In fact, he had gone so far as to do that a few times when the draolf was passed out in his own food comas, drinking in the scent of musk, stale food, and sweat that seemed to constantly pour off the slovenly mountain of greedy hedonism. Of course, that had been when he was still somewhat spry, before the pounds had taken away his very ability to lift his legs. That had been a day for him, but... At the same time, there was something about that fact which made sure that the river otter knew just how much progress he had made. It was staggering to him to think of just how much he had gained, and how much more he would gain now that even walking was crossed off from pesky activities that took precious calories from him. Rowan redoubled his efforts to worship at Sasuke's feet at that point too, having his resting spot moved to near the kitchen, just like the draolf, and making sure that he could at least see his source of inspiration at all times; the thing that had driven him to give up so much in the pursuit of food, greed, gluttony, and living without cares of anything but those three important aspects of life.

To think that this all happened in less than a year.

Rowan did know that his gains were unsustainable. Even now, as his heartbeat throbbed along the surface of his stomach and his very being ached to the core with how much he had eaten, the otter knew that he was eating himself to an early grave. Somewhere deep in his mind, he knew the low, raspy wheeze his breathing had been reduced to was dimming out the lights in his mind. He could feel his heartbeat more and more, the pulsing pounding in his ears becoming a frequent addition to the sounds of farts, belches, and gurgles that were nigh constant in his existence now. The feeling in his limbs was now mostly gone, as he hadn't been able to move his arms or legs in weeks; his feeding now came either via conveyor belt or hose thanks to contraptions that the others around Sasuke had rigged up for him. The draolf had made sure to take care of his every need when it came to food, and that was a big part of his ballooning frame. A frame littered with stretchmarks, thinning, matted fur, and a few spots that looked to have been pushed too far as they were bandaged. Rowan could tell that he didn't have long with this pace; he had added nearly 1100 pounds to his body mass in just under twelve months. This was unnatural, it was reckless, and it was something that he was going to pay for in spades very soon. He was already paying for it... But, he wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Otter," came a voice, snapping Rowan back to reality somewhat. The otter was never in reality fully nowadays, always in a dream-like haze that meant he never had to do much thinking. The pain from his latest glut had brought him much-needed lucidity, but as the food began to be processed by his tortured, vastly overstretched stomach, the river otter could feel the vice-like grip of sleep starting to grab for him. Rowan opened his mouth to respond, but only got a squeaking, light belch out instead of words; his throat was even too full of food to form words. The voice seemed to know that, as Rowan couldn't see... Well, anything past his cheeks anymore. He was at an angle so that the weight of his chest didn't fully crush his lungs, but even with oxygen being pumped into him constantly, the river otter was continuously out of breath thanks to the size of his chest, and just how fast he had gotten it to be that size.

"Oh, otter... You really overdid it this time. You know, I can see your body giving up right now. Your stomach looks like greasy paper over a balloon; I can even see a couple of the burgers you forced down earlier through it if I look really hard. You look ready to pop... And you did two courses ago." The voice was so familiar to Rowan, he knew it, but he just couldn't place a face... Or a name... Or much of anything. The voice was right though, as the river otter could feel the light fading from his eyes, eyes that could see the ceiling above him, his cheeks, and nothing else. "You're fading fast, and... Well, it was to be expected. You think gaining this much didn't come with consequences? Adult choices have adult consequences and this one... Well, this was as adult as they get. Eating yourself to death in less than a year... I'm thoroughly impressed. So, I am going to make you an offer, and one that I don't think you can refuse."

It was at that point that the otter saw something new for the first time in several days; Sasuke. The wolfdragon's face hovered above his own, his red eyes gleaming in the light of the room as his muzzle hung inches above the river otter's sunken in face. Bits of drool and food fell from the draolf's jaws as he loomed over Rowan, though the river otter couldn't feel the fat of the draolf anywhere against him... In fact, he couldn't feel the wolfdragon at all; it was as if there was just his head and nothing else above him. The voice that had been speaking to him... Had it been Sasuke? Was the draolf with him this whole time? Rowan went to speak again, but this time just a low, grainy wheeze came out; his body was giving up truly this time, and there would be no stopping it. Rowan was dying, and Sasuke had come to watch.

"I can see you slipping... So I will keep this quick. Give yourself completely, over to me." The river otter's eyes went wide as he heard this, but Sasuke didn't pause. He didn't even bat an eye as he addressed Rowan, but something about his speech was... There was more to Sasuke than Rowan ever knew, of course, but this was something on an entirely different level. This felt like, to the mustelid, that he was speaking to one of the gods themselves, and they were asking him for his soul. "Every fiber of your being, mental, physical, spiritual... If you consider it a part of yourself, I want it. And I will have it, one way or another, but I am giving you a choice here. Retain your life, your gluttony, your drive to grow and eat... And all the pleasures that come with it, of course. But, you will be mine and mine alone. You will become my meals, my prized hog to enjoy whenever I feel you are... Shall we say ripe enough." Sasuke paused, his face looming closer to Rowan's as the otter's eyes stayed wide as saucers. He was far too terrified to assess his options, especially once he saw Sasuke's neck... Just ended. There was nothing there; it was indeed just a floating head of the wolfdragon above him, nothing else. It was horrifying to Rowan, and all logical thought was telling him to flee. His pulse quickened, that last burst of adrenaline in his ailing body providing him with a moment of clarity as he realized just how far gone he was, and that there was no real choice in what the wolfdragon was asking. Sure, there was something that he could do... He could diet, he could try and call for help, anything... But all those options were over 100 pounds ago, and about 25 courses of wolfdragon-sized meals made sure that there would be no speaking. It was just Sasuke, Rowan, and nothing else. That meant the mustelid had to ponder the draolf's offer, which only took a moment to consider. He was either dead or this god's plaything... And he got to keep his life. His being. What kind of choice was that? Death or life? How cou-

"You accept, good," Sasuke said rather menacingly, opening his jaws wide above Rowan. The river otter could see the rows of teeth lining that long, wide snout clearly, and they looked... Tainted somehow, like they had just eaten a meal of pure meat before he had spoken to the river otter. The draolf left his mouth open for a moment, almost to intimidate Rowan all the more, but once the draolf closed it, he was smirking broadly enough for even the fading light of Rowan's mind to see that. The burst of adrenaline was wearing off, his heartbeat was sputtering in his ears, his brain was slowing... Rowan had just seconds left. "Well, goodbye, for now, Rowan... I'll be seeing you soon. Very, very soon..." Those were the last words Rowan heard, as the world went black even as the wolfdragon spoke above him. The otter felt his life leaving his body, sinking down into the blackness of infinity as the light was snuffed out all around him. Blackness, silence, and just infinity. Rowan was falling now, sinking further and further as his mind ground to a halt. There was nothing left, nothing... Nothing...

"Hey, wake up lardball." Rowan snorted and opened his eyes wide, taking in a long pull of oxygen. The tightness he had felt in his stomach was gone, the ache of his overstretched hide was still there... But that was it. The wheezing was gone, his heartbeat in his ears was gone, the aches of his joints were gone... It was as if he had died and been reborn several hundred pounds lighter. One cursory look into his peripheral vision showed this to be an utter fallacy though, as there was still otter cheeks in his sightline, and ceiling, that was it. Above him, though, looking up at that ceiling as Rowan took stock to just assess whatever horrific dream he had experienced, the river otter saw something that drained all the color from his brown hide. There was the floating head of Sasuke, sticking halfway out of the ceiling above him. The wolfdragon winked once Rowan noticed him, his muzzle curling into a smirk as the river otter began to pant lightly with fear. Had he just been in a dream? Had he died? Wha-

"You're mine now, ott."


Spike was hungry, though famished would better describe how the paunchy chef was feeling. He had been forced to cook all morning without having a moment to really let himself eat something. Had he tried a few samples? Sure, he always did that in order...

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Pan didn't know what day it was, what time it was, or even what season it was outside. He hadn't seen the outside in so long, or for that matter much of anything in a very, very long time. He couldn't tell what year it even was, as all that he could...

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The murky air of the basement, befouled by the lone occupant of the expansive room, hardly was even worth note for said occupant. The utter blob of excess, his heft spreading out rather haphazardly around his towering form for yards on end, was too...

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