Guarded - Episode 7

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#8 of Guarded

Being one of the biggest pop stars in the country isn't all fun and games. When Leo, also known as idol sensation Electric Blue has one too many encounters with obsessed fans, he decides it's high time he got himself a bodyguard. However when his bodyguard ends up being a no-nonsense wolf by the name of Tracey, who has seen her fair share of tragedy and has no patience for the idol's flippant ways, this ram and wolf will butt heads and the sparks will fly.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 7: I will be your shield

Life began to settle into normality for Tracey, the hours got faster and the days started going by. The tour bus became home and even comfortable. Max had gotten her a few workout items that she was more than happy to put to use.

A full week had passed since the show that sparked the video and three more venues had come and gone. The shows were fairly calm with no real issue, however now some of the fans were pointing her out coming and going from the venue with Leo, calling her "doggy guard" much to her irritation.

The video got close to two million views and seemed to spark another boom in his popularity. Neon Sunset actually halting it's way down the charts and gaining a few spots back into the top five for the week.

She had been with this ram for two weeks now. He had made her open up and talk about things she swore to keep buried until the day she died. He made her feel comfortable. He made her feel like she had someone to protect, and not just because it was her job.

Max would get frustrated with their antics sometimes, but you could tell he genuinely enjoyed spending time with the two of them and seemed happy for Leo.

Trixie and Tracey hadn't had that sparring match yet, but the two of them did make a point to have some drinks together and iron out the kinks. They had started to grow more friendly towards one another, or at least not full on hate each other.

The loud heavy crack of thunder filled the bus, the boom of sound making the ram wince and blink his eyes open. His first thoughts turned to his wolf, knowing she wouldn't be happy. It was then he realized he was alone in the bed. His heart lurched into a panic during that foggy moment of just waking up wondering where she was.

He calmed himself and then lifted an ear, hearing the sounds of huffing and panting from the other side of the curtain. The sounds of her no doubt. The ram shifted to sit up and pulled the curtain open to the rest of the bus.

There the wolf stood barefoot in just a pair of white panties and sports bra. She was on her left foot her right leg extended as if she had been in the midst of a wide roundhouse kick when he pulled the curtain. Tracey shifted her stance and stood normally meeting the ram's eyes with a soft gentle smile.

"Couldn't sleep?" Leo spoke the words as he climbed from the bed in just his boxers and moved over to his lover. The wolf's chest was rising and falling and she was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her scent was familiar and comfortable now to him.

"You know me and rain..." Tracey spoke the words feeling her lover rest his hand on her waist and guide her closer to him. The two exchanged a kiss, it wasn't full of passion or desire, just a gentle token of one another's affection.

"Do you need to talk about anything?" Leo spoke the words gently, feeling her step from his arms and move towards the side of the bus next to the TV.

"Nah... working out did the trick. Sorry if I woke you." The wolf rested her fingertips on the tinted window, watching the water rush down the outside of it as sheets of rain slammed into the tour bus.

"Funny enough, it was you not being there that really woke me." Leo gave a yawn and rolled his shoulder. "Maybe I should have you show me some moves some time, just something defensive."

The wolf gave him a grin, her eyes shining at the words. "I would be happy too, I just... all I want is you to be safe, Leo."

"All I want is to be with you..." The ram closed in on her again, gently pushing her against the side of the bus, his lips lingering on hers.

"Phtt... sappy damn sheep..." Tracey growled the words but wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her mouth to his own in a loving kiss. The two shared the exchange for several moments before she pulled from his mouth and grinned. "Got an early start, shall I drag you back to bed?"

The ram huffed out and grabbed the wolf's hips and hoisted her up off the ground. Tracey yipped and giggled as she clung to him while he held her against his chest his palms under her rear, white tail brushing his fingers. "Not if I drag you back to bed first..."

Tracey wagged her tail happily and held tight to the ram, huffing against his throat while he held her as they moved towards the bed. Another crack of thunder erupted and the dog pulled closer, reminding herself to relish the moment, to not squander this time with him.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this shit again, Max." Leo groaned the words over his cup of coffee, sipping it while sitting in the makeup chair.

"Leo, baby. This isn't just a morning show, this is THE morning show. It's nationally televised. This is like showing up on the late night shows, only... you know morning!" The rat grinned and flicked his tail about while clenching his fists.

The idol clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "I guess..." He looked over at Tracey who was sitting on the nearby sofa, sipping her own morning tea.

"Think of the fans. Leo... baby." Tracey huffed the words with a coy grin before sipping more of her drink.

"Yeah!" Max exclaimed and moved over to Tracey shoving his fist out.

The dog snorted and looked at him over the rim of her mug. "Too early in the morning for that shit, Maximillian."

The manager gives a pout and moves back over to the idol. "Anyway. This is our last stop on the west coast and the biggest city by far. We've not quite sold out yet either and since this is one of the biggest stops on your tour, it would do to drum up a bit more attention!"

"Yeah, gotta fill that half a dozen seats in the nose bleeds, right?" Leo rolled his eyes and downed the last of his coffee. "Did you at least make sure they have a competent band?"

"This show is the big leagues, baby. It will be fine!" Max huffed the words confidently then looked to the door as Trixie came in with her kit.

"I still don't see why we can't use our own guys on this shit." Leo looks at the llama and huffs. "Just do a light layer, it's only one song."

"Sure thing, boss." Trixie drolls the words out sounding bored as she gets to work on his lightning bolt, her little puffy pink tail wiggling about in concentration.

"So where to after this?" Tracey speaks up, looking at Max over the rim of her coffee mug.

The rat turns his attention to the wolf and grins. "We're heading to the east of here then we will begin swinging back up to the north through the central plains. Not a lot of stops through this leg, so maybe three shows over the next two weeks."

Tracey whistles at that. "Lot's of driving, not a lot of action eh? I might lose my mind from all the boredom."

With a sigh the manager nods. "It's going to be the slowest leg of the trip, then after that we will be on the east coast. We will pretty much spend the next several weeks dotting along the coast hitting major cities, so the pace will be very similar to here."

Trixie pulls from the idol after finishing a few quick stars on his cheek. "There you go, Romeo. A quick and dirty job that should get you through this silly shit." The llama huffs out and turns to trot out of the room.

"The label is trying to squeeze in a few more shows on this upcoming leg though, they were eager to capitalize on your single climbing back up into the top five." The rat pulled out his phone looking through it for a moment. "Yeah... looks like they are trying to secure a few more venues if ticket sells look promising here."

"You know that's because of her, right?" Trixie chimes out from the doorway, giving a nod to Tracey on the couch.

The wolf barks out in protest. "You're kidding right? Why is everyone so crazy about that fucking video?"

"Because he's one of the most trending things happening right now and you did something crazy during his show. These people are rabid for anything to do with him. However you're the last thing they expected." Trixie shrugged a shoulder.

"I was doing my job, not some stupid ass stunt for attention!" The wolf snarled the words, her cheeks flushed now.

"I know that you stupid dog! I'm not accusing you of doing it on purpose!" Trixie growls the words back and glares at the wolf.

"Will both of you please fucking chill?" Leo groans out as he stands from his chair and rolls his neck.

"Don't tell me what to do, sheep!"

"Don't tell me what to do, ram!"

Both the wolf and llama snarl the words at him almost in unison while glaring at the idol.

"Yikes... okay cool, just kill each other then." Leo quickly flops back into the chair and spins it around to face away from the two of them.

The wolf and llama glare at one another for a few heartbeats before Trixie finally sighs out and pushes a hand to her forehead. "I wasn't trying to rile you up, okay?"

"I... yeah, I'm just touchy over this. I never wanted it and it's going to seriously fuck with my career after this gig is done." The wolf growled the words and folded her hands in her lap.

"What do you mean?" Trixie asked the wolf curiously, now leaning against the door of the dressing room.

Leo flinched in the chair but kept it turned. He had already ran the numbers in his head and knew what she was about to say. Still the thought of the 'gig' ending and her leaving made is heart sink all the same.

"I mean... most of my clients are high profile political types. None of them will agree to someone that's got that kind of history trailing behind them, it would be too big of a risk. They want the faceless dutiful guard that wears a suit and does their job with no strings attached." Tracey looks away and gives a shrug. "Guess it's a bridge I will cross when it comes."

The llama folded her arms and gave a shrug. "Then roll with the punches."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" The wolf asked her flatly.

"It means you're here and this is now. You can't go back and it's going to happen regardless. Just embrace it fully instead of skirting the issue." Trixie gives the dog a hungry grin. "If the world has painted you in a light, embrace it and revel in it instead of shirking away for the shadows."

"Damn Trixie, I should have you both sit down with me and help write songs. That was pretty good!" Leo speaks the words with a grin after spinning his chair back around.

"Of course, I'm more than just makeup." The llama huffs and puts her hands on her hips before opening the door and slipping out of the room.

Tracey sat there in silence, head down and hand rubbing at her chin. The llama was right, this would get back to Mac at the office. She was his best but even she knew he would have trouble getting her work. Then there was the matter of leaving the ram. The thought of parting with him made her ache, she actually felt her chest start to feel tight at the thought of not being in his bed and sharing the bus with him.

"Tracey, I'm sorry. I never thought about the situation this would put your career in." Max spoke out gently to the wolf as he moved closer to her, his head down and his hand holding his handkerchief while he rubbed his mostly bald head.

The wolf looked at the rat while lost in thought. Her gaze then shifted over to Leo who was sitting in the chair also looking at her apologetically. "No, it's fine. I don't regret it and I would do it again in a heartbeat to protect him." Tracey gave the ram and grin. "Even if I weren't being paid."

Leo gave the wolf a smile and even through his makeup she could see his cheeks darken, his eyes seeming to grow brighter and a little wet. "Tracey, I..."

"You need to finish getting dressed, I know." The wolf grins at him and hops up, moving for the door. "I will be outside when you guys are done with your nerdy pep rally."

Tracey moved out of the dressing room and closed the door. Trixie was there waiting as if she had known she wouldn't be far behind her. The llama folded her arms and gave the wolf a look before speaking. "Look, I don't dislike you, okay?"

"You certainly liked me well enough when I was buying the other night, so I hope so." Tracey gave a grin and shrugged.

"Well if you're going to hold it over my head, I will pay next time. Fuck... anyway... I'm sorry okay?" The llama spat the words out, the apology sounding like it was painful to muster up.

She closed her eyes, thinking about things and smiled at the llama. "I'm sorry too... I know we don't see eye to eye, and we butt heads a lot, but I think you're a pretty cool girl."

A silence settled between the two of them for several moments before Trixie folded her arms across her stomach, similarly to how Tracey did it. "So... were you going to leave once your contract was up? Leave him?"

The wolf flicked her ears up and answered with no hesitation. "I wasn't, no. I want... I want to stay by his side as long as I can."

"That's good... no one else will drink with my bitchy ass, I... would have missed having someone to do that with." The llama rolled her eyes at her own words and looked away.

"Thanks, I think it's important the moody bitches of the group stick together." Tracey gave the llama a grin.

"So... about your hair..." Trixie cooed the words playfully.

Tracey flicked her pierced ear sharply and gave the llama a calculated look. "What about it?"

"I think some red would look good in it." The llama raised a finger. "Not a full dye, maybe just a nice highlight running through it."

She flinched at the words, it took her back to the days when she was a younger less jaded wolf. The dog took a controlled breath and focused on the makeup girl. "You don't say?"

The llama grinned. "Well I know he braids your hair. I could even set it up so the highlight could be braided through to create an alternating pattern down the braid."

Tracey thought about it and nodded. "I mean... maybe. Do you think he would like it?" The wolf raised her ears, surprised by her own words.

Trixie looked equally surprised by the statement and gave the wolf an amused smile. "Surprising... didn't think you would be the type to care what a guy thought."

Tracey blinked at the words and looked away. "I-I...I'm not. I mean..."

"You've got it bad, dog..." The llama grins and folds her arms.

"Eat me!" The wolf growls the words back and glares.

"Ha! That's more like it!" Trixie grins at her and clenches a fist. "Just let me know if you want it. Also remember what I said... You're in the here and now. Lick it up and fully embrace it while you can. None of us are promised tomorrow."

The llama trotted off and Tracey stood there in her thoughts. She clenched her teeth and drooped her ears. "No promised tomorrows huh?" She reached for the small silver pendant on her chest and held it in her palm, looking at the small book. "Helen... maybe it's time I stopped squandering your gift..."

"Yeah! Let's make some magic!" Max cheered the words while opening the door and trotting out.

"That's right! Time to make hopes an-" The ram couldn't finish his words as the wolf silenced him with her mouth after grabbing his jacket and pulling him down to her. The idol huffed out against her lips but eagerly returned the kiss.

The two of them stood there, outside of the dressing room kissing right in front of the stage hands and everyone. Tracey didn't care, she just wanted to taste and touch him. Finally a few heartbeats later she pulled from his mouth, her lips a shade of blue from his lipstick. "Go make hopes and dreams come true, my ram."

The wolf grinned and turned on her heel walking towards the stage area, her tail wagging about lazily. Both the rat and ram left behind her looking stunned and shocked by the sudden public display.

"That was an amazing performance. Thanks for being here this morning, Blue." The feline host a grey haired lynx spoke from the small sofa across from him. He looked about mid fifties and gave that older than your dad but younger than your grandpa kind of vibe. A perky beagle sat next to him, a dirty blonde with just enough weight on her to appeal to the soccer moms but still attractive enough for the husbands.

"Thanks for having me here, Tony." The idol gave a wide grin to the audience while they cheered and called out to him, it was about three times the size of the one on the last show and he could see several more die hard fans in the mass.

"Can I just say, that like everyone in the audience here, I'm a huge fan. I've got all three of your albums and follow all your social media!" The co-host huffed the words, her tail plainly wagging about while the audience screamed and cheered out their agreement.

"I bet you do, I can smell you from here." Leo thought to himself with an awkward grin before replying. "Thanks Carol, that means a lot to me. You know it's all for my fans at the end of the day." Blue gave a bright grin and pointed out to the audience, the whole building shaking in response.

"I bet you are, dog. I can smell you from here..." Tracey growled the words from the side of the stage while standing next to Max. She had her gloves on and was popping her knuckles, her tail wagging about in agitation.

"Relax, Tracey. I don't think the host is going to attack Leo." Max chirped the words playfully at the wolf and grinned at her.

"The smell says otherwise... but yeah..." She grumbles and folds her arms over her stomach while watching the scene.

"So... you're going to be performing tonight then?" The cat prods the idol.

Blue nods and gives the cat a grin. "That's right Tony. The show is almost sold out but there's still a few tickets left."

"And this tour is to promote your new album that came out last month, right?" The co-host chimed in, the two of them taking turns asking the questions in a practiced manner.

"That's right Carol, the album is named 'Neon Sunset' off the song we just performed." The idol raised a finger as if he had just remembered something. "Ah right, an album that everyone in your audience will be getting a copy of today!" He winked at the crowd and put his fingers together in a heart shape.

That set the whole building off with screams of adoration while Max took his phone out and started quickly texting someone. Probably to get the albums sorted out. Tracey huffed and scanned the crowd while they cheered and expressed their love, making sure no one was too happy about it.

"So, let's talk about the latest thing with you, Blue." Carol chimed in after the audience died down.

"Uh... latest thing?" The idol looked at the dog cautiously and raised a brow.

"Yes! Last week at your show fans shot that video which has been blowing up the internet. Everyone has been enamored about that wolf in it." The cat speaks the words and the ram could see the glint in his eye seeing he had caught him off guard and the reaction would be better for the camera.

"A shame really, for them to die on national television. I'm not afraid of prison but I will miss you guys..." Tracey snarled the words as she rolled her shoulder and looked like she was ready to stomp out on stage after the hosts.

"Calm down, it will be fine!" Max huffed out and prodded Tracey gently with his shoulder.

Blue smiled at the two hosts and closed his eyes, he seemed to compose himself for a moment then opened them again and gave a cocky grin. Tracey lifted her ears up sharply. She recognized the transition, they weren't talking to Electric Blue anymore, they were talking to Leo.

"Yes, my personal bodyguard. She's an amazing woman and I adore her." The ram gave the cat a challenging look and clicked his tongue. "What about her?"

"Well what can you tell us about her? Your fans are dying to know more about the woman that saved you." The dog flicks her tail about excitedly.

"Well let me tell you, Carol... That video doesn't do her justice. That wolf has been protecting me for a while now, she has saved me numerous times, just never in such a hectic and extreme situation as that. I trust her with my life." The audience clapped and cheered and Tracey felt her cheeks darken at his words of trusting her with his life. The idol waved a hand at them and nodded.

"Who knew being an idol could be so dangerous?" The cat host spoke out in a conversational tone while laughing.

"You're kidding right?" Leo spoke the words flat with no emotion in his voice. Both the host and co-host sharing a look at his pointed tone. "Look guys, I love my fans really I do. The money the fame-" The crowd started cheering and Leo pointed at them sharply and held a hand up lowering it. It was like he had a volume control over them as they all quieted down at the idol's gesture. "... The money and the fame, nah it's not really my thing. I seriously do it for them, but... let's face it, some will always take it a bit too far."

The whole studio grew silent as the idol gave a shrug. "She protects me and makes me feel safe, hell she even inspires me to work harder for my fans. Between her and my manager Maximillian. Even my makeup girl Trixie and every roadie that travels with me. All of them are Electric Blue, all of them deserve the love and adoration ten times more than I do. It's no exaggeration that I would be nothing without each and every one of them."

A humbling silence filled the studio for a few heartbeats before a lone person began clapping in the audience, then the rest joined until it was a roaring mass once more. The cat waited until the audience calmed before speaking again. "Wow, that's beautiful. Really... are they here now?"

"They all go with me everywhere, of course they are." Leo nods towards Tracey and Max at the side of the stage.

"Oh, how wonderful. Let's get a shot of them so everyone at home can see!" The co-host speaks the words out and motions for the camera man to pan towards Tracey and Max.

"Be cool, be cool!" Max huffs out to Tracey through his teeth as the camera pulls onto them and he gives an awkward wave of his hand. The wolf snorts through her nose, her stance unchanging and looking terribly bored with the whole thing while the audience cheers and applauds. The camera pulls back to the hosts after a few moments and the rat blinks over at her in surprise. "Wow, I thought you might freak out over that."

"I've been on camera before, Max. I know how to keep cool. With much larger audiences watching I might add." Tracey growls the words then lifts her ears at the hosts next question.

"So would she be willing to come out and talk to us for a few? Our viewers would love to know more about her." The little beagle barks out the words eagerly towards Max.

The wolf snarls and doesn't wait on an answer before barking out loudly towards the stage. "Only if you want your throats removed on live television!"

The lynx blinked at the display and held a hand to his earpiece huffing into it. "Did that get picked up? It did... that's just great..."

Leo sucks in a breath through his teeth and gives the cat and dog a set of finger guns. "I'm thinking that's a pass. What can I say, she's very protective of me and all business."

"S-so we should go to commercial, it was great having you here today Blue!" The lynx huffs the words out, eager to get the situation over with.

"It was more entertaining than I expected, Tony." The ram points to the audience with a wide grin. "I love all of you!"

The crowd roars and screams as the lights fade and Leo hears the mic cut in his ear. The idol pulls the ear piece and looks over the two of them with a huff. "Well that was a shit show to say the least. Perhaps putting me on the spot wasn't such a great idea huh?"

"Do you have any idea what your little bodyguards outburst is going to do to our ratings?" The cat groans the words rubbing at his temple.

The ram gives a grin. "Relax you cry baby, It will probably improve them~" Leo hums the words and starts off stage

The little beagle co-host speaks out awkwardly. "O-oh... I wasn't just drumming things up, I really am a big fan especially now after what you said about everyone you work with. Could you... maybe sign your new album for me before you go?"

The ram gives the dog a knowing grin. "I would be happy too, Carol. Should I sign those obviously wet panties you're wearing too?" With an embarrassed yip the co-host awkwardly looks away at the ram's lewd statement her cheeks flushing a deep crimson. "I will leave it in the dressing room for you." The idol waves a hand lazily as he trots backstage.

"Leo, baby... that was uh..." Max rubs the back of his head awkwardly in the dressing room while the ram wipes the makeup off his face.

"Career suicide?" He huffs out while looking at the rat out of the corner of his eye.

"Well I was going to say touching and moving, but that's also possibly accurate." Max folds his arms with a frown. "Don't get me wrong... I'm glad you appreciate me and everyone else..."

"Double the crews salary. I won't be all talk and no action." The ram speaks the words casually as he wipes the paint off his horns.

"L-leo! We don't have that kind of budget!" Max stammers with panic in his voice.

"I've got more money than I know what to do with, I will cover it." The ram turns to look at Tracey, his face pink from having scrubbed the makeup off and smiles at her.

"Are you trying to prove something my ram?" The wolf gives him a curious look.

"Nah... just..." Leo looks down to Max then back to her and folds his arms. "It wasn't just a show... when me and Max were together before this. I would always talk-"

"About how once you hit the big times, you wouldn't be some stuck up prick, and you would share the wealth with your crew because you knew how hard they had to work." The rat finished the statement for him, flipping through his phone before walking over to his bag and taking out a tablet.

"Y-yeah..." Leo smiled at Max then shook his head. "I guess these last few weeks have put things back into perspective for me." The idol sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Seeing that host looking at me like that... he was probably in his mid-fifties and this show is it. All he was worried about was the next juicy gossip line for his show, the next boost in the ratings."

The ram moved over to the ice chest and pulled out a bottle of water, drinking some of it before continuing. "Is that what I can expect? Roll around in my fame, use my staff and friends until the party ends, then maybe if I'm lucky I can spend my days on a talk show picking up the crumbs of the future celebs while trying to dig up dirt on them?"

"You've been thinking about this a lot, haven't you Leonard?" Max huffs the words as he looks over the tablet once it boots up, sorting through some things before giving the ram a questioning look. "You're sure about the salary increase?"

"Absolutely, and yes I have." the ram nods to him as Max finishes adjusting the pay rates on his tablet. "Make sure my band gets a bonus too, next to you guys and Trixie, they put up with the bulk of my shit."

The wolf leans against the door and gives a smile. "So, is this the end of the haughty and pampered little diva we all know and love?"

"Like hell it is! I will still pitch a bitch fit if my coffee isn't made right, and if I want something specific for lunch you bet your fine doggy ass, heads will roll if I don't get it." The idol huffs the words and gives a wide grin. "This is still my story and I will enjoy every chapter of it."

Tracey grinned at the ram and wagged her tail against the wall. "I can accept that, I do find your little tantrums cute, even if I do want to punch you over them sometimes."

"Leo, uh... about your outburst on stage earlier. The label isn't going to like that." Max huffed the words, drumming his fingertips together.

"Fuck em." The idol growls the words and looks at the rat, putting his hands on his hips. "Is your family set up Max? I mean could you walk away from all this right now, and never work again in your life?"

"W-well... I mean I've got eight kids Leo! College isn't cheap after all." The manager laughs and thinks the words over before nodding. "B-but yes... I probably could, if not I could easily make it on a side job."

"Yeah, and if it got tight I would help you anyway." The ram shrugged and turned to look at himself in the mirror. "What you guys said in the restaurant before... On a time limit, my stride, and what my fans thought of me. It really made me start thinking about my career and the people that make it happen."

Tracey barks out a laugh. "You're such a drama queen, Leo."

The ram looks at the wolf out of the corner of his eye and smiles. "I'm a performer, it's what we do..."

"So what are you going to do then, Leo baby?" Max walks over to him curiously and looks up at the idol.

He grins and spreads his hands. "What we've been doing all along, making hopes and dreams come true. I'm just going to do it on my terms, not the labels. They want to keep making money off me, they will deal with it."

Max gives the ram a smile and looks away. "Will you be willing to accept the consequences if things don't go your way?"

"Will you be by my side as my manager if that happens?" The ram asks him pointedly.

"You know I will Leonard, you're my friend and it's as much my story as it is your's." The rat huffs the words proudly and grins.

Leo smiles and claps a hand heavily on Max's shoulder, then looks over at Tracey with a gentle smile.

"You're a fucking idiot!" The wolf barks out at him sharply. Leo and Max both look shocked by the words as she continues. "But... you're my fucking idiot... I will watch your back through it all. It's my story now too, even if it is one full of nerds."

"Max... we've got several hours before we need to set up for the show. Can you find me a place that will fit our whole crew for lunch on short notice? I want to treat everyone for a change."

Max smiled at Leo's words and nodded. "I will get on it when we get out of here and back to the bus."

"Cool, let's go then." Tracey pushed off the door and rolled her shoulder. "Oh, don't forget that dumb dog's CD you promised to sign."

Leo grinned at his lover. "Oh you heard that?"

"Dogs and rats have good hearing, remember?" Tracey folded her arms with a grin.

"That's right Leo, also please sign it in a nice manner, don't make any wet panty comments on it." Max gave the idol a knowing grin as he packed his things.

Later that day the whole crew was gathered for lunch together. Leo told them about the pay raises and how he intended to start having a big group lunch like this before every show. He also reiterated his appreciation for everyone in person, explaining he was still a fussy diva but he appreciated everyone and planned to start showing it more often.

Everyone was all smiles and laughter through the meal, the whole staff excited for the future and the coming days of the tour. Tracey smiled at the ram while sitting next to him at the table. She closed her eyes and thought about the situation, tried to take it all in, the camaraderie of the moment and the future with all of them.

"Getting all introspective, Tracey?" Trixie spoke the words with a grin, she had taken the seat next to her, leaving the wolf flanked by the llama and the ram.

She opened her eyes and grinned at the pink haired girl. "Just taking your advice."

"So does that mean you've considered my offer with your hair?" The makeup girl hums playfully, giving the wolf an eager grin.

Leo perked his ear at the topic and looked over at Tracey curiously. "What's going on about your hair?"

The wolf looks over at the ram and smiles. "Trixie thinks I would look good with a red highlight going through it." She feels herself hesitate before asking. "What... do you think?"

The ram takes a moment to look his lover over before speaking. "I think it would look cool, but I also think you should do what you want, not what you think I would like."

The older woman looked away her cheeks dark as she barked out and showed her sharp canines. "Stupid sheep, of course I would do what I want. You think I care what you think?"

"Yes." Both Leo and Trixie speak out simultaneously.

"Screw both of you!" Tracey growls the words and glares down at her plate of mostly eaten lunch.

Leo grins and leans in huffing into her large white ear softly. "I like you no matter what, so do what makes you happy my wolf."

"Well, you heard the man. We've got time if you want to do it before the concert tonight." The llama prodded at the wolf with a playful smile.

"I didn't fucking agree to anything, damn it!" The wolf growls out the words with a glare at the makeup girl.

"I can't believe I agreed to this..." The wolf grumbles the words while looking at herself in the mirror of the dressing room, the left set of bangs crimson, the highlight flowing back along her head and down her long braided hair. The red spiraled down the braid all the way to the base of her tail.

"I think it looks good on you." Leo speaks the words cheerfully as he ties off the last of the braid he was working on. He was already in full concert getup with makeup and his tight outfit.

Tracey turned to look at him once he finished braiding her hair. She crossed her arms over her stomach and looked up at the ram, his boots making her almost a foot taller than her now. "You don't think I'm too old for this do you? I don't want to look like some... some mother or something going through a midlife crisis."

"You look great! I mean Trixie is in her late twenties and her hair is pink." The idol grins and moved a hand down to gently rub at her ear. Tracey smiles and closes her eyes, enjoying the touch. "Just don't dye your fur please... I really like your ears and tail how they are."

"Alright, I promise." The wolf grins up at the ram and grabs the collar of his open jacket, tugging him down to her. She shoves her mouth against his own, giving him a heated kiss.

Leo slides his hands along his lover's hips and back to her ass, grabbing a handful of her rear in the jeans she was wearing and pulling her body to his own. Tracey growls out against his mouth and deepens the kiss, her fingertips slipping into his blue and white locks of hair, gripping at them as her tongue pushes forward, flicking against his own eagerly.

Max walked in on them and gives a sigh as he puts his hands on his hips. "Show time is in ten minutes, you two going for a quickie? Should I come back?" He speaks the words in a playful tone as the ram and wolf pull from their kiss.

Tracey gives the rat a playful grin, her lips now stained blue from Leo's lipstick. She pulls from the idol's arms and straightens her top, giving the ram a look as she re-buttons the front of her jeans he was starting to work on.

"Tracey, your hair looks really nice like that." The manager speaks the words cheerfully as he moves over to the two of them now that they had separated from one another.

"Thanks, Maximillian. Now we just need to get you to shave your head and put face paint on. How about a bolt across your eye like Leo's?" The wolf grins as she speaks the words.

"Ha ha... I'll take no for five hundred, Alex." The rat squeaks the words out playfully.

Leo blinks in confusion and looks between Tracey and Max. "Who's Alex?"

The wolf pushes her hand against her forehead and sighs, the rat gives the idol an apologetic smile and shakes his head. "It doesn't matter Leo, baby. Are you ready to go?"

The pep talk was had and the idol made his way out to the stage. Tracey flanked the ram every step of the way until he got to his position. Max and her took their starting positions on the fringe of the curtains.

"Showtime then..." The wolf growls the words and pulls her fingerless gloves on, clenching her hands to check the fit of them. The rat grins at her and waits until she finishes before throwing his fist up at her. Tracey smiles at him and rolls her eyes before giving the manager a fist bump.

"Yeah!" Max exclaimed and grinned at the bodyguard excitedly.

Tracey leaned down and huffed at him playfully. "You should go a little crazy too, I bet Joanne would get a kick out of seeing you all wild looking next to Leo."

Max folds his arms and seems to consider the words, then flicks his ears as the intro synthesizers started up and the curtain began to lift. The performance opened the same way it always did with the crowd roaring and the idol basking in their adoration.

Tracey rolled her neck and moved to the other side of the stage, stalking the area like she were on the hunt. She had now been part of over half a dozen of these shows and the normality of it was starting to settle in. Leo did his part, the band did theirs, and all the people behind the scenes did theirs. The stage seemed a little more active today though, everyone seemed invigorated thanks to the idol showing his appreciation of them, that and cold hard cash is always a great motivational tool.

The wolf and ram occasionally shared glances with one another during the show and between songs. Leo gave her a brilliant smile after finishing one of his more sappy songs and Tracey put her hands on her hips in response and shook her head with a grin.

The show paced along past the halfway point, it was still about forty minutes until the finale started. The wolf found herself on the opposing side of the stage from Max. Her gaze shifted between watching the crowds and keeping an eye on the security staff's positions.

As if on cue when the security was spread thin and a nice big gap opened near the central part of the stage a fan hopped up on the stage. Tracey had already taken note of it, but this was different. First off, it appeared to be a guy, not a girl. Second off he didn't so much climb the stage as leap onto it and start a purposeful stride towards the idol.

A growl bubbled up from the wolf's throat, several details running through her head as she began her own movement to intercept the fan. First off he wasn't running, he was just briskly walking, his physique said he was very fit and his body language said he knew how to throw down in some capacity. It was a wolf like her, but being a male he had a much larger size difference on her.

Much like last time there wouldn't be anything subtle about this. She pushed past the curtain into the light of the stage, her white ear flicking sharply as she thought she heard the audience dial their excitement up a notch. Several of the fans had already seen what was going on and it was as if they had expected her to make an appearance.

The other wolf made a quick glance of acknowledgement towards her and began sprinting towards the idol. Tracey snapped her teeth together and made her own movements to intercept the larger dog. She was faster and easily able to cut his route off, growling as she lunged at the larger wolf.

Tracey saw the shift in body language right away as the larger wolf hunkered down and shifted to avoid the direct tackle she had intended. She shifted her own feet as she felt the larger dog grab her arm and try to roll her with the motion. It was a typical defensive counter used in judo to throw the opponent using their own inertia against them.

The bodyguard snarled a curse and moved with the motion pulling her arm from his grip and hitting the floor in a forced tumble. She righted herself and came to face the other wolf, her canines showing, her fingertips on the warm surface of the stage before she shifted into a proper fighting stance.

The band cut the music and Leo had backed up several feet, since the exchange happened practically right in front of him. The whole concert hall grew quiet at the display.

"Be a good dog and get the fuck off the stage, before I throw you off it!" She barked the words sharply, her eyes cutting to the audience and seeing several phone cameras already trained on her and the other wolf.

He gave her a grin like this had been his intention from the start. The larger wolf shifted to another stance. He looked to be in his early twenties, probably just a few years older than the idol. "Don't be like that little doggy guard. I came here just to see you!"

The larger wolf quickly shifted and planted his left foot before snapping a kick out towards her. She could have blocked it but knew how much force he was probably bringing behind it and simply jerked her head back, the tip of his boot catching the crimson bangs of her hair faintly.

Some of the fans started screaming, others began cheering. The smaller dog clenched her teeth as the larger moved in quickly with a knee kick which she again slipped to the side before grabbing his leg and used his own movement to send him sprawling forward onto the stage. His recovery wasn't as graceful as her's but he quickly spun around and set himself once more in a stance.

"You're so popular right now, people are dying to see what you can do..." The larger dog growls the words as he changes stances once more, shifting into something that looked more akin to a karate stance.

"Looking for your fifteen minutes of fame by picking on a girl, little pup?" Tracey snarled the words and shifted her own stance to mimic him, showing she was happy to show she could keep up.

"The whole internet will see my skill as an MMA fighter first hand after I take you down a peg!" The larger dog lunged in as if he were going to throw a jab.

Tracey whistled at the attack watching as his movement shifted in mid swing, the wolf was obviously going in for a grapple and she knew it. The smaller wolf showed her canines and took the blow rather than counter it. Their arms locked as they grabbed one another at the shoulder. It was a similar lock she had shared with Dan on several occasions when she lost her cool.

"Ha! You came her for fame... but all you're getting is... jail time and humiliation!" Tracey barked the words into his face, her spittle hitting his cheeks.

"Shut up you stupid whore!" The larger dog pushed on her, baring his weight and moving to pivot her body against her. Tracey had been on the receiving end of the technique multiple times from the larger judo members of her dojo.

The bodyguard shifted and let the force come as she deftly slipped down and brought a leg out in a wide sweep that caught up the larger wolf and brought him toppling to the ground face first with a heavy drop. She had purposefully grabbed his right most hand that had outstretched to catch himself, letting his head bang into the stage with a thud.

"This is my ram's stage, not yours pup. Tuck your tail and walk away, save yourself anymore embarrassment." The wolf huffed the words while disengaging from the larger dog, putting a hand on her hip looking bored. The audience was cheering and clapping at this point for her as the other wolf climbed to his feet, he was obviously stunned from the drop to the floor.

Two members of the security team were already around them with a few more closing, but none of them seemed to know what to do with the situation since both the wolves were obviously in a duel. Leo looked slightly panicked seeing his partner outright locked into a fight before him, unsure if he should try to help her or not.

"Stupid bitch!" The larger dog snarled the words and pounced at her. The two locked once more and Tracey grinned up at him defiantly.

The grip to her bad shoulder sent a jolt of pain down her spine but the smaller dog seemed to just focus it into more adrenaline. "Oh yes... this was what I wanted..." The smaller of the wolves panted the words and slammed her forehead to the larger dog's, grinning and glaring into his eyes with a growl. "You don't get this kind of action watching government..."

The large dog winced from the impact seeing stars for a moment but kept baring down on the bodyguard with his full weight once more. "Stupid... whore... you think you can beat me?!"

"I know I can beat you, puppy!" Tracey barked the words out joyously before shifting and bending her knees. The larger wolf felt the shift, thinking she was trying for a leg sweep again and bared down, keeping a grip on her shoulders so she couldn't pivot.

She let him bare down and used his weight to bring him in close as if embracing him in a hug. She snapped her knee up in a vicious blow to the larger dog's mid section. The impact made the bigger man's whole body shudder before he barked out in a gagging cough his eyes rolling up and slumped forward against the smaller wolf's shoulders.

Tracey grinned, feeling the rush of adrenaline taper off as the bigger dog practically was laying over her standing form now. "Ha... but like my boyfriend, I also enjoy putting on a show sometimes..."

The small wolf steps to the side, letting the larger one topple to the ground in a heap. Knowing she was still being recorded she casually flicked her tail towards the audience and gave the ram a knowing grin before sauntering up to him.

"Are you okay?" Her ear flicked as she heard herself on the feedback of the speakers, the feed still live in his headset.

"Y-yeah... are you?" The idol asked with worry in his voice, both of them looking over as the security was dragging the guy off the stage.

"That was nothing but a little puppy trying to be a man, get back to your fans. Tell them I'm sorry for stalling your show." She gave a grin, knowing they could all hear her through the feed anyway then sauntered back behind the curtains of the stage.

Leo blinked a few times and looked over the audience, some of them were cheering for the wolf, others were still looking stunned and there was a small murmur of chatter that was filling the whole concert hall. He looked back at his band and then to Max and Tracey on the sidelines before turning his attention back to the thousands of people looking upon him.

"S-so uh... terribly sorry about that my loves! Let's uh... hear it for my lovely bodyguard, Tracey!" The idol barked the words out into the stadium and the fans seemed more than happy to do whatever he wanted as cheers and applause started filling the building.

Tracey put her hand to her forehead and groaned as the rush of the encounter finally left her body. "Gawd that was so embarrassing... Seriously, why do these security guys even have jobs?"

Max sucked breath through his teeth and rubbed his mostly bald head with his handkerchief. "This is a disaster... the label is going to lose their minds when this gets out... I am happy you're safe though, Tracey."

"This is like some kind of gunslinger shit... the hell was that guy thinking?" The wolf barked the words then frowned at the realization of it all. "This is my fault on this one... damn it..."

"D-don't think like that, Tracey!" The rat huffed out and clenched his fists. "You're here to protect him, it's not your fault in any capacity!"

"If anything, this is going to make him even more popular." Trixie chimed in from behind them, grinning as she folds her arms.

"T-the fuck do you know?! I never wanted him at risk over me!" The wolf growls the words at the llama as she walks further back into the stage to start to circle around to the other side.

"Causation is a bitch, Tracey." Trixie follows after her, walking with her as she moves to the other side of the stage. "However had you not shown up the last few times, what would have happened then?"

"I know that! But..." The wolf frowns and folds her arms over her stomach, watching her ram on stage singing and entertaining his fans the ache in her shoulder now letting itself be known. "I don't want to take this from him... I don't want to be the cause of him losing it..."

"Are you crazy? This little stunt and the one prior is going to make his popularity sky rocket!" The llama pushed at the wolf's shoulder gently so she looked at her. "You already knew his career was on the way out right? How many pop idols make it to twenty or more?"

"I know that!" Tracey barks the words, an edge to her voice now as her tail thrashes.

"So like it or not you just gave him a major injection of popularity. If anything... you've probably extended his career by at least a year or more now." The llama puts her hands on her hips and watches the ram strut around on the stage for a few moments before clicking her tongue. "He's a pain in the ass but he really does love his fans..."

"Yeah..." Tracey stood there watching him sing and huffed out, closing her eyes for a second, trying to take the moment in.

The show came to a close and the ram and wolf found themselves back in the dressing room. "Are you sure you're okay? Everything happened so fast." The idol called out from his chair, a slight pant still on his breath.

"You kidding? He didn't have a prayer. I'm perfectly fine." She huffed out and rolled her bad shoulder, truth be told it ached like hell, but she wouldn't worry him about that.

"How about your shoulder?" The ram asked pointedly, as if he had already processed her intention to keep quiet.

"It's fine my ram." The wolf huffed the words out trying to sound bored.

"Yeah, bullshit... should I get you a cold pack or ice?" Leo was already standing from the chair as he spoke.

"Stupid sheep, you just finished working. Stop worrying about me!" Tracey growled the words and stomped over to him, shoving at his chest and pushing him back down into the chair.

Leo grunted as he hit the chair and grabbed Tracey by the wrist pulling her forward. The smaller dog yipped out as she tumbled into his lap hands resting on his chest and blinking up at him.

The ram grinned and shoved a hand against the wolf's butt, pulling her closer, feeling her breasts pushing to his chest as she slid her palms along his shoulders and embraced him tightly. "I was really scared to see you fighting, but you were really cool on stage too..." The ram huffed the words down into her ears gently.

"Nothing cool about it, I felt more like a bully than anything else." The wolf grinned and rested her forehead to his chest, listening to his heart still beating slightly elevated from his show.

"I was worried all the same. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to help you, to protect you." The ram spoke the words with a little remorse in his voice now.

The wolf snorted a laugh and shook her head. "Damn, did you forget what my job is, Leo?" Tracey grinned up at him then showed her teeth with a playful smirk. "Or does it hurt your ego to be protected by a girl?"

"It's not an ego thing. I just-"

Tracey grinned and pushed her fingertips to his lips. "I get it, I do..." She shifted up off his lap and pushed her forehead to his own, huffing softly. "You've done so much for me... Even in this short span of time... You say you want to be my rock and bare my burdens. Then I will be your shield and protect you."

"Thank you..." The ram rests his forehead to her own, then lifts his ears in concern. "But... what if he had been carrying a weapon?"

The wolf gave him a blank look like he was dumb then grabbed his wrist, guiding his hand off her ass and further up to the small of her back, letting him clearly feel the outline of the holster and gun. "Then he would of went to a morgue instead of jail."

Leo gave her a shocked look and pulled his hand away from the gun. "W-would you really have killed him?"

Tracey frowned at the look and slid off his lap, giving a shrug. "Of course I wouldn't unless it was unavoidable." The wolf grit her teeth, showing her sharp canines as she growled and clenched her fist. "But if someone were going to hurt you... yes, without hesitation I would."

His eyes shifted downward at the words, feeling his cheeks grow warm but also feeling unsettled at the thought of her doing such a thing. Tracey saw the body language and gave the ram a gentle smile. "Relax, again it would only happen that way if I had no other choice. I like to think I'm a good shot, I would always try to disable someone before killing them."

"Have you... ever shot someone?" The idol asked her hesitantly.

"Gawds no!" Tracey barked the words and put her hand to hear forehead as if she had a headache coming on. "I could only imagine the pain in the ass that would be..."

Her ear lifted as she heard a knock on the door before Max opened it and walked in. Tracey turned back to Leo and put her hands on her hips with a smile. "Relax my ram, hopefully it's a bridge neither of us ever need to cross."

The manager walked up and looked between the two of them. "Well I just got off the phone with the label. I figured I should warn them before it got out to them through the media."

"Yeah? How did that go?" The ram asked dryly as if he didn't really care what they thought.

"They asked if people got it on video." Trixie chimed in as she trotted into the dressing room with the three of them.

"Seriously?" Tracey growled, her annoyance evident.

"The label knows what side of the bread their butter is on. So long as they're not going to get sued or have to lose money over it, they will be happy for the extra publicity." Max folded his arms and frowned, the look on his face showing he didn't agree with the decision.

"Well I hope they don't expect me to start putting on a show every concert for their asses!" Tracey barked the words out, folding her arms over her stomach and glaring at no one particular.

"Fans can be stupid with their fervor, but they will sniff out a fake scene like a blood hound." Trixie hums the words while raising a finger.

"Tell that to the people that watch pro wrestling." Leo chimes in while waving a hand.

"Everyone knows that's about as real as a soap opera. No one thinks it's legit." The wolf spoke as she steps over to her duffle bag.

"Heh... well I got a backstage video of the whole thing, my blog is going to go crazy once I upload this." Trixie cooed the words as she waved her cellphone about.

"You have a blog?" Tracey called out curiously.

"Sure. I show off my cosmetology and work I do here on tour. Networking is life in this day and age." The llama speaks the words with a grin as she slides her phone back into her pocket.

"I would flip my shit and tell you to leave me off it, but I saw at least two dozen people recording me during that shit, so I guess do what you've gotta do." The bodyguard grumbled the words as she hefted the bag over her shoulder.

"Regardless the label is fine with this situation since it's just going to make you more popular, Leo baby. It also looks like they've gone ahead with the other two stops, so our stretch through the plains won't be as dull as we thought." The rat chimed the words out with a cheerful squeak.

"Cool, then they can give me a bonus for working more shows than I agreed too, help me recoup the loss I took giving everyone a raise." The idol said dryly as he stood from the chair and moved over to the mirror to clean his face off.

"Leo baby, Uh... I'm not sure-"

"Then I'm not sure I will do the other shows. Do I need to call them myself Max?" The idol barked the words out sharply, glaring at the manager through the mirror.

The rat focused his gaze back at him through the mirror and snorted through his nose. "No. you're right, I will tell them and work it out. That's my job."

"That's why you're paid the big bucks." The llama cooed the words as she walked past the rat and trotted out of the dressing room.

"So does this change things? Are we doing a hotel tonight or hopping right back on the bus?" The idol asks while wiping paint off his horns.

"We can still do the hotel tonight, but it will be a tight window to get to the next venue." The rat speaks the words as he looks through his phone, obviously checking the schedule.

"Cool. Once I've gotten cleaned up at the hotel I'm stepping out for a few hours with Tracey." The ram scrubs the last of the stars off his cheek while speaking. "Have one of the assistants get her a nice dress and tell the limo company I need them longer."

"Oh? Not even going to ask me?" The wolf grins at the ram through the mirror, her free hand on her hip, the other still holding her duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

Leo turns and grins at her and flicks his tail. "No, I'm not. I'm taking you out to dinner. A proper dinner, not some lunch date or quick bite to eat at a truck stop."

The wolf gave the ram a grin, her cheeks growing dark at the confident tone and demand for her company. "You know I'm happy to have your company no matter what, it doesn't have to be so formal."

Max rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You guys are great. Let me get out of here before it gets too mushy though." The rat flicks his tail and passed by Tracey giving her a glance. "Limo to the hotel leaves in ten minutes. I will meet you at the exit."

"Got it." The wolf grins and gives the rat a slap on the shoulder before he steps out. She then turns to the ram and gives him another smile. "I appreciate you, Leo. In a lot of ways."

The idol grins at his bodyguard and moves over to her. His hand drifts to her free one, grasping her hand and offering a faint tug as he moves towards the door. Tracey grinned and walked with him to the door. Hand in hand, the two of them made their way to the exit of the venue and on to the waiting limo.

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode!

If you enjoyed this and want to keep up with my writing, you can find me on twitterstargazer_g

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Guarded - Episode 8

Episode 8: I never liked the rain She had predicted two weeks at the most, but it never came. The drama with the doe and the encounter with the other wolf, It never came. The video's started trending like mad, it never came. Some of his fans even...

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Guarded - Episode 6

Episode 6: You're someone I think I could love Traffic was bad on the way to the venue, an accident stalling things up for quite some time. Once the bus had arrived there was only about an hour to go before the show was to begin. The roadies and...

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Guarded - Episode 5

**Episode 5: I will be your rock.** "So, if you call me a sheep again, I'm leaving you." Leo speaks the words playfully into the wolf's large white ears while rubbing at them. Tracey flicks her ears just below his chin, not bothering to raise...

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