Chapter 18: A Lesson From Brother- The Fight

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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#32 of The Devil's Plaything

After learning of his replacement as Guardian of the 7th Floor, Malphas and Demiurge have an argument which ends in a rather physical altercation.

An alternate version of how things could have gone down between Malphas and Demiurge if Malphas was initially dominant with his brother, and if their creator Ulbert had stayed alongside Ainz Ooal Gown during the shutdown of Yggdrasil.

Malphas (C) belongs to me.

I do not own the screenshot from the anime.

Demiurge cast a scarlet and gold ball of fire and hit the target from 30 yards away, dead-center in the head. The human shaped dummy burned into ash instantly and crumbled.

"Well done! I'm most pleased with your performance, Demiurge." Ulbert said with pride.

"Thank you, my Lord." Demiurge bowed at the waist to his master.

Ulbert, Demiurge and Malphas were gathered in Nazarick's training arena, practicing target strikes.

Ulbert Alain Odle resembled an anthropomorphic gray goat, his head crowned with a pair of wickedly curved golden horns. In between those horns was a beau hat adorned with steampunk trinkets. He dressed in a black suit and scarlet velvet cape, with a large crimson rose pinned on his left shoulder. The right side of his face was covered with a golden mask, resembling that of a plague doctor's.

His newest creation was performing perfectly. Ulbert had finally completed his redesign for the 7th Floor Guardian. This was the final round of tests before passing the torch from his rough-draft, Malphas, to Demiurge, and so far, so good.

He hit every target with acute precision. He passed each psychological exercise with flying colors, and was remarkably intelligent. He was, dare Ulbert say, flawless.

Malphas was the original Guardian of the 7th Floor design, and while there was nothing wrong with him, Ulbert was ever the perfectionist when it came to his creations, and still wasn't quite satisfied with his final product. Malphas was indeed beautiful, intelligent, evil, and aggressive, but Ulbert didn't think his appearance said "Devil." Demon, yes, but not Devil.

So he created the cold and calculating Demiurge, who embodied his vision to a T.

"Your turn, Malphas." Ulbert turned to him.

Malphas's ebony claws erupted into flames, and he curled his fingers into a fist until a ball of fire formed in his palm. He hurled the burning orb and while he struck the target over the heart, and it certainly would have been fatal, it was not a head-shot. It effective, but was not the perfection he believed his master strives for.

"Damn it!" He growled through clenched fangs and his tail whipped in anger. "Please, forgive my failure, Master."

"It was hardly failure, Malphas; as it was still an excellent strike. Is everything alright?" Ulbert asked. Malphas never missed a head-shot. "You seem rather distracted today."

'No shit.'

"I'm fine, master. Just a little unbalanced at the moment, I guess." He muttered as his face pinched slightly as he fought the urge to scowl and tucked a loose strand of his shoulder-length hair behind his sharp ear, his tail flicking in agitation.

Malphas wasn't ignorant; he knew what was going on. He was being tested against his replacement, his younger brother; and to make it worse, he was so unnerved by this fact that it was affecting his performance, and ultimately making him look inferior.

"Why don't you take a short break before we get back to it? Clear your head for a few minutes?" He suggested, seeing the frustration etched on his face.

"Alright." The demon said simply. He sauntered away and exited the training arena.

Demiurge watched him leave, and he knew what his brother felt right now was nothing short of distraught. He couldn't help but feel sorry for him. While there was no real animosity between them because this was their creator's decision, it still felt somewhat awkward.

"He just needs some time. I'm sure he is still unsettled by the news of his replacement." Ulbert said to Demiurge.

"Poor you mind giving us a few minutes? I will check on him." Demiurge said.

Ulbert nodded in agreement, and his brother followed his trail and left the arena.

He found Malphas in Ulbert's crafting room, moping on a work bench. His posture was slumped, his gaze listless but his handsome features were hardened with the same mask Demiurge wore to conceal his emotions.

"I'm sorry, brother. I know this must be hard for you." Demiurge said, and there was a hint of emotion in his usually stoic voice; a rare exposure of his feelings, but it went unnoticed.

"You couldn't_know. You have never been replaced, as you were created for that specific purpose." Malphas said quietly, but whether it was intentional or not, there was poison lacing his words. "To replace _ME."

Demiurge's brow furrowed and he adjusted his spectacles, but he maintained his resolve. Malphas was understandably upset.

"Perhaps not. But I came here to try to help ease your frustration. Don't be-"

"Be what? Angry that I wasn't good enough to please our creator? That when we are not satisfactory we become disposable?" Malphas snapped.

"What the supreme ones choose to do with us is just that; their choice. We can only perform to the best of our ability and hope it is to their satisfaction." Demiurge said replied rather callously.

"...I just wasn't good enough. I-I tried, but it wasn't enough." Malphas said, his voice shaking, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"For this job, perhaps not, but for another, I'm sure you are." Demiurge said reassuringly.

It was meant to be comforting, as he was positive his brother would certainly be given another function in which he can excel at and even find rewarding, but Malphas heard it differently, and took it the wrong way. He heard it as 'You weren't good enough to guard the 7th Floor, so Ulbert will simply put you somewhere else.'

Malphas glared incredulously at him, his sapphire gaze pure ice. Those words as he had taken them had cut him deep. He felt many things he had never in his existence experienced before; fear, uncertainty, inadequacy. And he didn't know how to process these alien emotions. So he responded with the only way he knew how; rage.

" Fuck you, Demiurge." Malphas growled in a tone so dark it was chilling, and rose from the bench. At six foot six, he towered over his brother by four inches, his lip curled in a wolfish snarl to expose his fangs in a threat display.

_'Seriously?'_Demiurge had tried to be understanding and sympathetic; emotions which were uncharacteristic for him and that he would usually choose to ignore in favor of familiar cruelty and hatred. When it came to his brother, however, he chose to acknowledge such humanistic feelings out of respect for him. But at this point, he was flat-out insulted.

"What, are you going to fight me now? Good luck, brother." Demiurge scoffed.

Demiurge knew Malphas could probably kick his ass, but he called his bluff as he did not believe he would physically quarrel him with their master in the vicinity.

Before Demiurge could react, Malphas grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall with a vehement snarl. The impact was harder than what his younger brother was expecting, and he grunted at the force, momentarily winded. Malphas was genuinely enraged, and at the moment could not have cared less that Ulbert was nearby.

Demiurge wasn't completely surprised things took a violent turn; demons such as themselves were naturally prone to physical aggression, and many verbal altercations resulted in and were resolved by non-lethal fights. And to only exacerbate the situation, they both also possessed severe tempers and an Alpha complex, so neither was going to back down in this situation.

Demiurge was done holding back.

"Fuck me?!" A far cry from his usual outward appearance of either sarcastic amusement or cold calculation, Demiurge when angry or distressed was pure, raw emotion. He just didn't show it easily. " Fuck you, Malphas!"

Demiurge slashed at him with his talons in retaliation, cutting gashes straight through his violet suit jacket and dress shirt, leaving deep, bleeding grooves in his chest. Malphas hissed in pain and hurled him across the room.

Demiurge twisted in midair and landed on his feet with feline grace. As soon as he touched the ground he charged at him with inhumanly fast speed, but Malphas was ready for him. He caught him before he could land another strike and rolled them both to the floor, landing with himself on top of him. Despite Demiurge's speed, he had yet to be thoroughly trained in hand-to-hand combat and Malphas was taller, heavier, and more experienced, giving him an overall edge in grappling. He straddled him and gathered his wrists, pinning them on either side of his head, immobilizing him completely.

Demiurge was panting heavily as his brother's weight compressed his ribacge and lungs, and he experimentally strained against his grasp in vain. As he had guessed, his older brother outmatched him in physical strength, and Malphas tightened his grip and forced him flat down. A low, animalistic warning growl rumbled through his chest.

Demiurge took a moment to regard their position...and looking up at his brother who had fiery rage in his eyes and his arduous breath seething through his ivory fangs, bearing down over him like a lion ready to rip his throat out, the smaller demon couldn't help but see him as dominant. Forceful and merciless, like himself. Through the rips he left in his clothes, Demiurge saw the hard planes of muscle of his heaving chest. His long, raven hair was tousled and hung wildly around his face, making him look downright feral. In his book, all of it translated to incredibly sexy. It was a sight that was equally as arousing as it was intimidating.

This was where his primal, demonic instincts took over; Demiurge's long ears flattened back submissively, and his tail sought out and wound around his older brother's like a steel serpent embracing its long lost mate.

Malphas's eyes widened as he suddenly smelled arousal heavily emanating from the smaller demon beneath him that he had been ready to rip open mere moments ago. He watched in stunned confusion as a pretty pink blush blossomed on the sharp edges of Demiurge's cheekbones, and then it dawned on him what was actually happening.

His brother was turned on.

Malphas suddenly had a flashback to the time he had walked in on his younger brother in the hot spring baths. It was shortly after they had met for the first time, before Ulbert revealed the true purpose of his creation. As soon as Malphas realized what was actually happening, he had quietly left, and Demiurge was none the wiser. While they both possessed acute hearing abilities comparable to a canine's, when they were in the presence of running water or any other form of white noise that would distort or mask sound, one could actually approach an Arch Devil completely undetected.


Malphas wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to Nazarick's hot spring baths, his steel-plated tail swaying elegantly behind him. His long hair already began to plaster itself to his face, neck and shoulders from the intense heat, and he felt sweat trickling down the thick tendons of his neck. Demiurge had magically cranked up the temperature to an Arch Devil's comfort level of a scalding 130 degrees, creating an overwhelming amount of steam. It looked as though wispy clouds had sank from the heavens to settle over the area. Even the stone pathway was pleasantly heated beneath his feet; but for a mortal it would have been the equivalent of walking on hot coals.

As Malphas approached the spring, he saw his brother already there, reclined against the slippery rocks rimming the edge of the steaming pool, his eyes closed and his lips parted in bliss. Like himself, Demiurge was nude, and had even removed his spectacles. Malphas's eyes traveled down the carved musculature of his outstretched arm that rested along the rocks as though relaxing, his gaze falling around the shadow cast upon his clavicle and the broad expanse of his smooth chest and the taut definition of his abdomen.

'Magnificent...Ulbert has really outdone himself.'

Malphas had been about to greet him, but then he decided he wanted to admire him a little longer before he made his presence known. He knew he was gawking, but he simply couldn't help himself. Demiurge was quite beautifully sculpted. Malphas had always thought he was handsome, but seeing him unclothed revealed he was nothing short of sexy.

But then a movement caused him to notice that his right arm was not extended as the left was, but under the water. Said arm shifted again, repeatedly, as though he were adjusting himself. The older demon briefly glanced back to his face to see a concentration crease form on Demiurge's brow, and his lip curling. A breathy moan left his lips, and Malphas slowed his steps to a halt, about twenty feet away.

Demiurge's arm pumped more vigorously, and the younger demon inhaled sharply, and his entire body jerked as if shocked. With the thick steam drenching the air, it dampened their sense of smell, so Malphas could not detect the heavy scent of arousal pouring from his brother, and Demiurge did not notice Malphas's presence. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to determine what was happening as Demiurge arched in ecstasy, causing his sleek, glistening muscles to flex, his eyes screwing shut even tighter and he bared his fangs as he neared his release.

Despite the water being waist-deep and not being able to see him grip himself, Malphas felt his face grow heated at the sight unfolding. He imagined how hard Demiurge's cock must be, wondered the size and shape of the weapon he wielded, what his brother was fantasizing about as he pleasured himself. The older Arch Devil felt his own member rapidly swelling beneath the towel loosely wrapped around his waist.

Demiurge was hot, to put it simply, which made this an undeniably arousing display. Malphas was attracted to both men and women, and he also felt a sexual attraction to his artificially created brother. Demiurge was devilishly handsome and a sharp dresser like himself, and his facial structure was nearly indistinguishable from his own. They both possessed angular and regal features, and the only significant physical difference between them was hair length and height. Demiurge's was cropped short and slicked back into jagged points, while his own was a little longer than shoulder-length. Malphas towered over his six foot two brother by four inches.

Malphas raptly watched in awe as Demiurge's chiseled chest heaved as he drew strenuous breaths, and for a brief and frightening moment, he saw his brother's eyes open, and he feared he had been caught. But then those mesmerizing diamond eyes rolled back into his skull, his lips parting further with each gust of breath. Demiurge arched and bucked into his hand, causing the head of his cock to breach the water as he spurt in several high arcs. Malphas's breath hitched as a gasping moan of rapture left his brother's mouth while he came all over his own face and front. He licked his lips, tasting the splattered droplets of himself that now painted his face, a low rumble of satisfaction rolling through his chest as he continued to spray semen.

The older Arch Devil swallowed thickly and slipped away as quietly as possible. The towel around his waist was no longer secure as it was severely tented outward by his own painfully hard erection, a damp spot growing on the apex at an alarming rate. And what he heard behind him as he silently retreated made his heart stop. Demiurge moaned again as he rode out the remainder of his orgasm, and while Malphas could not be one hundred percent positive, it sounded like his name was carried on the shuddering cry. But with the many cascading waterfalls around the springs, he could not be absolutely certain.

The second he was back in the changing room Malphas grasped his weeping member, and a heavy stream of pre-ejaculate poured out of the slit, pooling on to the floor. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this turned on, teetering on the edge of bursting from what he had just witnessed.

But fuck, that was so hot. The look on Demiurge's face; the noises he made...and when he came on his own face and then licked it off of his lips...after just three strokes Malphas violently exploded all over himself, spurting uncontrollably until he was finally empty.

What he wouldn't do to hear those beautiful, desperate sounds again.

He had pushed that memory into the back of his mind and dismissed it until now.

As unexpected the turn this situation had taken was, Malphas did not dismiss the advantage this gave him over his brother. Now was his chance. He could be cruel. He could tease and torment him. He could probably even fuck him senseless. Or maybe all of the above. They weren't related by blood after all, they were artificially created by a Supreme Being. So why not have a little fun?

He leaned further down, lowering his face to his, a predatory leer sharpening his features.

"You look a little flushed, brother. Is something wrong?" He teased.

Malphas witnessed the panic growing in his gaze as Demiurge scrambled to come up with a plausible explanation.

"I-I'm pissed off, that's what is wrong! I tried to comfort you, and you threw it back in my face!" He spat, the adorable pink blush still glowing on his cheeks.

"Oh, that isn't all..." Malphas whispered, and tilted his head back, breathing deeply. "You smell..." He cocked an eyebrow. "different."

Before he could answer, Malphas moved to lay almost flat against him and drug his tongue up the side of his face in a hot, lecherous lick.

Demiurge gasped, and a breathy, almost feminine whimper left his throat before he could choke it back down.

That sound on his lips..._Fuck,_that sound on his it sparked a fire of desire within the larger Arch Devil, and his member began to throb and swell in response.

Now that he really looked at him, especially in this way, Malphas concluded Demiurge was beautiful. Yes, that was the right word, as handsome is too rough a word for his glittering diamond eyes, creamy skin and glossy black hair. Words like sexy or appealing were too immediate and were too ephemeral for an eternal creature like his brother. His regally angular face was exquisite, but his form was adorned with deadly features, such as Draconian wings, curved talons, a spiked tail and sharp fangs, like an ancient oil painting made by mortals depicting the fallen angel Lucifer.

"But what I can't whether you smell like prey...or a potential mate." Malphas hissed, his carnivorous grin spreading until it showed his fangs.

Even if he couldn't be top dog before Ulbert, there was nothing to stop him from taking over that position here and now. He needed something that he could seize control of in order to regain his confidence, and in this case, he would make that his younger brother. If Demiurge was going to be taking his job, Malphas decided he would taking HIM.

"So, it seems I'm torn between wanting to devour...and wanting to dominate you." Malphas murmured huskily.

Demiurge's heart was pounding a mile a minute. His older brother was extremely attractive, he would not deny that; but he himself was Dominant by nature, yet something about Malphas aggressively holding him down turned him into a full-blown submissive; he had gone from an Alpha to Omega in mere seconds.

Malphas's eyes were like blue flame, laughing and fire bright as he had him pinned beneath him. He suddenly lowered his head and sank his teeth into the thick tendons of Demiurge's neck in a firm but gentle bite, and the younger demon couldn't have stopped the inarticulate whine of submission from leaving his throat even if he had tried. The heat of his mouth sent a shiver down his spine, and he involuntarily arched against him.

"Oh, fuck," He groaned.

"You like being held down, don't you?" Malphas chuckled, and then rolled his hips against his, pressing the hard column of his cock against him.

Demiurge cried out and writhed in place as he felt the stiff ridge pressing into his inner thigh. His heart skipped a beat, knowing what it was and where this was leading.

"Does it thrill you to know how helpless you are beneath me? How much stronger I am than you, how easily I could take whatever I please?" He rumbled in his ear.

"Yes..." Demiurge hissed. Everything he said was true, and he felt himself hardening rapidly in response.

Malphas released his wrists to tear the smaller demon's suit jacket and shirt open, sending buttons flying in all directions. To his surprise Demiurge did not take the opportunity to fight back or try to wriggle away; he was truly willing and submissive to him. He remained obediently in place and only watched him with growing and heated interest, his crystalline eyes even glassier than normal with lust.

Malphas peeled open the silk white fabric to reveal his flawlessly carved and magnificent physique; ivory skin, taut pectorals and a wonderfully toned abdomen. Demiurge watched powerlessly as he trailed his hands over the firm expanse of his chest, his breath hitching in his throat as they slipped lower to feather-lightly trace the shallow valleys of his chiseled abdomen. The hard muscles twitched under his clawed fingers which finally came to rest on his belt. He deftly unfastened it and unbuttoned and unzipped his fly, and the younger demon's cock sprang out, already at full attention.

Malphas was admittedly impressed. While the length was only a little more than average at seven inches, the circumference of his girth was nothing short of staggering; he knew if he were to wrap his hand around it, his fingers would barely meet. Just to test that theory, he did just that and proved it to himself, earning a shuddering moan from Demiurge. His breath grew light and feathered as Malphas stroked him in agonizingly slow movements. Demiurge's scent flushed his senses and was nothing short of intoxicating; it was a dark, spicy aroma that lay over top of a strong, fertile musk. It was far too tempting to resist; he needed to taste him.

Malphas then crawled backwards and lowered himself between Demiurge's legs, his head dropping to flick his tongue over the silken head. Demiurge's hands flew downward to weave into his brother's hair, a broken gasp fleeing his lips as Malphas's tongue twirled around his tip. When his lips sealed around him and he began to suck, it was all he could do not to explode in his mouth then and there.

"Fuck...I'm going to come if you keep that up..." Demiurge warned, feeling his sac draw up.

Malphas slid up and down his length teasingly slow, tortuously fucking him with his mouth and taking him deeply into his throat.

Demiurge's eyes rolled in his head, his hands pulling his hair unforgivably as he fought with every ounce of strength he had not to burst.

"Do you know what I would like to do?" Malphas whispered, relishing the feel of the blunt heat in his grasp.

"W-what?" Demiurge was so hard, he was nearly beyond words.

"I want to tie you up." The older Devil's gaze and voice darkened ominously.

Malphas tried to steady his breath and quickly messaged Ulbert and requested to delay their training for an hour, and their master mercifully agreed, still under the impression that he needed some extra time to come to terms with his replacement.

Having successfully bought them more time, the older demon got to his feet and pulled his brother up with him, and then pushed him into the wall.

"Iron Bonds." Malphas waved his and neon wheels of magenta light rimmed with ancient runes materialized and rotated before his younger brother, and suddenly his arms and legs and arms were bound in iron manacles and chains.

"I didn't say that I _agree_to being tied up!" Demiurge growled. He strained against the magically enforced steel, testing its strength, and it held fast. Had they been mortal made, his inhuman strength would have shattered them immediately.

"Trust me, you'll enjoy this." Malphas grinned carnivorously and leaned over his helpless brother, his tongue curling over his fang as he slowly ran is hands up the smaller demon's sides, feeling the hard muscle beneath his skin.

Demiurge huffed through his nose, but relented.

"You're beautiful, brother..." Malphas murmured, as he admired his magnificently carved form. His flesh was heated beneath his fingers.

Demiurge's breath came short and quick through his nose as the vulnerability of his state became more and more apparent. Malphas crushed him into the wall with his own body and then claimed Demiurge's lips with his own, his tongue sieging his mouth with brutal savagery. The smaller demon moaned into his brother's mouth, and he felt himself throb.

Malphas's hands slid up his waist, up to his chest and brushed his thumbs over Demiurge's nipples. The younger demon's jaw trembled as he exhaled a shaky sigh, as the contact with the mildly sensitive buds sent a light ripple of pleasure straight to his cock.

"Shit..." Demiurge grumbled as Malphas found one of his lesser weaknesses.

"Mmmm...I can see that you like that." Malphas hummed in contemplation. "But that isn't your favorite, now is it?"

The older Devil's hands wandered, exploring his younger brother's body, attempting to locate and map his greatest vulnerabilities. His fingers ran up and over his shoulders, and he saw Demiurge tense and stiffen as they trailed up his neck, his claws grazing his tender flesh.

" we're not so different after all." Malphas said haughtily, discovering that they both shared sensitive throats, and as he neared his brother's jawline and heard him hiss through his teeth...he learned he had especially tender ears as well, just like himself.

Malphas leaned forward and drug his tongue up the curve of his neck, earning an low moan. He moved higher up to nip the spot just below his ear, and Demiurge gasped loudly. His cock pulsed, and a bead of precum swelled from the slit.

The taller demon drew his earlobe into mouth and sucked, pulling a shuddering cry from Demiurge's lungs as he involuntarily bucked against him. A violent bolt of pleasure shot through his spine.

"This does it for you, doesn't it?" Malphas whispered, teasing it with his teeth.

Demiurge's eyes rolled back and his tail curled in ecstasy, the gleaming head of his member drooling heavily now.

"Yes, you love this..." He purred with a smirk. "you're dripping for me."

Demiurge groaned throatily in response; now agonizingly hard, and every salacious remark out of his mouth making him ache with desire. Hell yes, he loved it. He desperately needed Malphas to touch his cock, but he didn't dare give him the satisfaction of hearing him beg.

Malphas lashed the sharp, elegant ridge of his brother's ear with his hot tongue, and Demiurge almost spurt, his talons digging into his palms. He bared his fangs, fighting the urge to plead for more. His tail thrashed wildly.

"You must be rather pent up." Malphas grinned sharply, looking down to see the long strand of precum oozing from his organ. It pulsed with his racing heart, and Demiurge blushed to his ears.

"I am." He admitted and swallowed thickly, hoping it would encourage Malphas to stroke him. On the edge, it would take only the briefest contact for him to erupt.

Malphas rolled a thumb over one of his nipples again, knowing fully well what his brother needed, but cruelly denying him anyways. A frustrated growl left Demiurge's chest, and the smug bastard chuckled darkly. To only add to his distress, he turned and began to step away from him, leaving him suspended and aching.

"Please," the word slipped out on an involuntary burst of breath through his clenched jaw. Malphas's brows shot up a moment before they lowered, and a wicked smile broke across his handsome face.

"What was that?" Malphas tucked a long strand of hair behind his sharp ear.

Demiurge forced his jaw to relax and fists to loosen. He tried to think of a way to redeem the situation, to go back to before the word had been uttered. Malphas glided back towards him, his chest inches from his brother's own. He turned his head so his ear was in front of Demiurge's mouth.

"Did you say something, brother?" Malphas asked. Demiurge lunged forward with a snarl but the cold iron at his wrists held fast and Malphas had placed himself precisely out of reach. He didn't move, his head still cocked.

Demiurge bit his lip and tried to get himself under control. A bead of sweat made its way down Malphas's temple and along his jaw, trickling down the tendon in his neck to the hollow of his clavicle. Demiurge would have traded anything in all of Nazarick to lick it up. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, feeling droplets of perspiration roll down his own neck. This was so against his nature, but how desperate he was to come overrode his Dominant instincts. His armor-plated tail flicked in agitation against the wall.

Malphas hadn't moved. Demiurge watched another bead of sweat follow the same path to merge with the first. It was more than he could stand.

"Please..." he said again.

"Please _what?_What is it you are so politely asking for, brother?" Malphas hissed. His voice conveyed amusement, the arrogant bastard... he did not doubt that he would gladly stand there all damned day if Demiurge didn't concede and do as he wished.

Demiurge jerked against the restraints again, hoping by some miracle they would break, but no such luck.

"Touch me!" Demiurge said. It was supposed to be far firmer, sound like an order, the snap of command that kept his newly assigned subordinates on their toes. Instead it came out in a low, desperate whine and he cursed himself.

Even Demiurge's Command Mantra which turned mortals and lesser beings into obedient puppets dancing on his strings would be ineffective in this situation, as Malphas was far from weak-minded. Demiurge had nothing, no edge, no advantage in this situation; he was completely at Malphas's mercy.

"Touch you?" Malphas said, gripping the younger demon's chin. "And why would I do that? Because of this?"

He laid a finger of his other hand on the gleaming tip of Demiurge's weeping cock, just above the slippery slit. A long string of pre-ejaculate bobbed and dipped as Demiurge's hips jerked. It snapped off and splattered on the floor, merging with the small pool already collecting there. Demiurge grunted. He was so hard it ached. He was so hard he could feel it in his fangs, the nerves in his body were firing so hard. Had Malphas twirled the finger, Demiurge would have exploded. Instead he merely laid it there, perfectly still. He knew exactly what he was doing.

'More...more!' He internally roared.

To Demiurge's surprise, Malphas removed is finger and then unfastened his pants, pulling his own member free. Demiurge's mouth literally watered at the sight of the fully engorged eight inch length, adorned with thick veins, crowned by a glistening purple head. How Demiurge wanted to touch it, suck it, fuck it. It was beautiful.

"Please, Malphas!" the words began to tumble out of his mouth. "I'll do anything- I'm begging you, please...just touch me!"

Malphas suddenly threw his whole body against Demiurge, crushing their hips together, kissing him like a drowning man sucking in air. Their cocks slid against and over and around each other, sweat and pre-ejaculate making the friction they needed impossible. Malphas slid his hands between them and grabbed both of their leaking members between his broad palms. He pumped them both slowly, twisting his wrists in agonizing motions. Demiurge could only shamelessly murmur "please, Malphas, please," over and over until he threw his head back and came with a roar, releasing in high arcs between their bodies, his hips bucking. His breath came in heaving sobs as Malphas milked his cock, and to his surprise his brother continued to spray, so pent up after the agonizing torture. After 12 spurts Demiurge's legs finally gave out and he hung limply from the restraints, his head dropping as he gasped for breath. Malphas ran a hand up his chest and licked his palm, humming appreciatively. He tasted absolutely divine.

"You beg so sweetly, could I resist?"

Malphas was still throbbing, having withheld his release as he was far from done. He reached for the manacles and unchained him, and allowed him to weakly drop and slump over his shoulder, before hauling him to a large crafting table in the corner. He lowered him onto it so he was lying on his back. Malphas then hurriedly tore his own shirt open, growing increasingly overheated by his own desire. Before he could protest, he took advantage of Demiurge's daze and peeled his brother's pants off as well.

Malphas placed one hand on top of Demiurge's thigh, as the other gripped the back of his knee, pulling him toward the edge of the crafting table. The older Devil slid his cock up and down between his cheeks, smearing his precum over his entrance as lubrication. Before he had fully recovered, Malphas abruptly entered him in one smooth, brutal stroke.

Demiurge cried out at the violent intrusion and bared his fangs in agony, his claws sinking into his shoulders. Malphas moved his hand from his thigh, flattening his palm on the table. He pinned Demiurge in place beneath him, seating himself fully within his body; a low groan of satisfaction left his lips as he stilled to savor his internal heat, his eyes sliding shut. Demiurge panted at the sweet, fierce ache burning like a red-hot iron through his backside, and as much as it hurt, he wanted more. He lifted his hips eagerly to meet brother's, but Malphas did not move. The smaller demon growled, demanding friction but his brother would not comply.

"Move already!" Demiurge snarled when he remained still too long for his liking.

His older brother just chuckled.

"You make demands as though you have power here." Malphas said condescendingly, grinning and his cobalt eyes shimmered with mirth. "How amusing."

Demiurge's diamond gaze flashed dangerously at him, but he held his tongue, knowing he was indeed at the older Arch Devil's mercy.

Malphas leaned forward, brushing his mouth with his own in a frustratingly gentle kiss; torturing him. He knew all too well that like himself, he needed aggression to be able to get off. The raw, desperate need in his brother's eyes is what made him finally relent. Malphas's hips slowly ground against his, until he pulled a wretched whimper from him, and Demiurge nipped his lower lip with a small growl. Satisfied with his reminder of just who was in control, Malphas pushed himself back up, and at long last, gave him what he had been craving.

Malphas drove into Demiurge repeatedly, grunting harshly with each thrust. The smaller demon's head thudded back onto the hard surface, and he took each measured stroke with a throaty moan, his talons digging into the table.

Demiurge stared up at Malphas looming above him, his shirt open to bare his strong, chiseled chest to his hungry gaze. Demiurge reached up, placing one hand on his left pectoral, smoothing the tattered cloth to the side as he admired the taut muscle which now bore four seeping claw marks. Demiurge actually regretted marring his flesh; Malphas was as marvelously sculpted as he, but broader, his form more mature. While Demiurge and Malphas were both eternal and ageless as Arch Devils, they were both clearly younger and older in appearance. Demiurge could be placed anywhere between late twenties and early thirties, and Malphas looked to be at least five to eight years older than he.

As he brushed over a dusky nub, Demiurge wondered if his nipples were sensitive as well. He pinched Malphas's left nipple roughly, and earned a particularly harsh thrust for doing so. A wicked thought flitted through his mind and he pushed himself awkwardly up onto an elbow, a somewhat challenging feat in the position his brother held him in, drawing the bud into his mouth. Malphas moaned in approval when he did it, his hand cradling the back of his head in encouragement. Demiurge laved the peak with the flat of his tongue, suckling for a moment before drawing back to look at up him, and favored him with a fanged, mischievous grin. Before Malphas could question his intentions, he dove back down, sinking his teeth into the flesh just beside the rosy skin of his areola, the faintest hint of copper blossoming over his taste buds.

The sound that tore its way from his older brother's throat was a vehement cross between a snarl and a hiss. Demiurge drew back to examine his handiwork, but before he could get a good look, he felt Malphas withdraw, leaving hollow absence inside him. The larger demon yanked him off the table, looking equally as furious as he had been minutes ago when he fought with him. Demiurge felt like a rag-doll in his arms as he was spun around quickly and roughly.

Demiurge reached out blindly, finding purchase on the table's edge in front of him to stop himself from falling. Various tools rolled of the table with impact of him being slammed back down, clattering to the floor. Malphas kicked his feet apart and forced him face-down on the surface with a forearm pressing across the back of his neck, and retracted the talons arming his fingers. The younger demon gripped the edges tightly, pushing his rear back against him encouragingly, craving more of his violence, needing his cock back inside him. Malphas flipped his armored tail up and out of his way, thrusting two digits inside him instead, his other hand fisting the hair at the nape of his neck. Demiurge cried out as he held him down and twisted his hand, thrusting harshly. The smaller demon was panting wantonly, his eyes rolling back, relishing the sensation of his orgasm building again as Malphas mercilessly fingered his tight tail-hole. This was what he needed if he wasn't viciously dominating his partner; to be cruelly, violently used and abused. It had to be one extreme or the other.

"Yes...ruin me." Demiurge hissed in encouragement.

Malphas pulled on his hair unforgivably, forcing his back to arch sharply, and turned his face to the side so that he could see him over his shoulder. Demiurge groaned in frustration once again when his thick, talented fingers left him. When he brought them up into his line of sight, they were glistening with his own pre-ejaculate, and he rubbed his slick between his fingers and thumb.

"So, you think you want it rough?" He growled between clenched teeth, breathing raggedly.

"I _know_I do," Demiurge answered, breathing just as harshly, and struggling futilely to escape his grasp, just to try to get Malphas to force him down harder.

He grabbed his face, smearing his secretions across his lips with his thumb and sealed his mouth to his, his tongue surging its way inside in an savage kiss. His Dominant display was deliciously filthy and Demiurge moaned appreciatively into his mouth as his tongue tangled with his. Malphas's heart pounded fast and hard, and Demiurge could feel it where he pressed against his back, and his own heart was jack-hammering just as quickly.

Demiurge broke off the rough kiss, gasping, and licked his lips.

"I truly do hope that's the case." The look in his older brother's eyes was predatory, and a vicious grin spread across his face, all fangs.

Malphas released his jaw and yanked Demiurge's tail up over his back again, earning a venomous hiss as a sharp pain shot through his spine. Malphas's hand moved down to grasp his cock as he lined himself up at the entrance to his tight passage, allowing just the head to sink inside. His hand moved again to rest at the small of his back, and Demiurge adjusted his grip on the table, bracing himself. Malphas curled his fingers into the fabric of his shirt, gathering it, and hauled his back against him, while he simultaneously lunged forward; the force with which he thrust forth took the younger demon by surprise. Demiurge had thought he was ready for it, that he knew what was coming. Despite his preparation, Demiurge roared, a choked sob forcing its way through clenched fangs, and he didn't know if he was screaming from the abruptness and force of his intrusion, or because it was exactly what he needed.

Malphas pressed up against the length of his back, crushing him beneath him, and pulled out so that only the head remained once more. He nuzzled his neck, breathing in deeply, biting raggedly at his throat and earlobe.

"You had better do my former position justice," He murmured in his ear, "I expect you to be just as cruel and domineering as myself."

"I will, brother. I promise." His voice was a raspy whisper ending in a strangled sob as his answer earned a single violent thrust of his hips. "I will make you and Ulbert proud."

"So, tell me...were you _thinking of me_fucking you like this when you had your fingers wrapped around your cock in the hot springs?" The insufferable smirk was evident in his voice.

Demiurge's heart dropped into his stomach. How would Malphas know about that?

It was true, he had jerked off to his brother before, although it was to the idea of blowing him, but it was just that, a mere thought; though he did not deny he had enjoyed it immensely. And never in his darkest dreams would he have imagined the attraction would be reciprocated.

"Yes, I thought of you." Demiurge admitted breathily. Malphas withdrew and entered him again, only this time it was agonizing in its exquisite depth and tormenting slowness, and he couldn't even push back against him, trapped in place by his hands and body. Demiurge's eyes rolled back into his head, and every single nerve ending in his body seemed to fire in a rolling wave that didn't stop until he was pressed flush against him, and he released the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. He could feel every ridge and contour, every pulsing vein of Malphas's member. He whimpered, wordlessly pleading for him to pick up the pace.

"And why did you bite me?" His voice somehow grew teeth without losing its playful tone. His fangs were on his neck again, and Demiurge thought that this time he would claim him, branding him as his. He waited anxiously but the deep bite never came.

"Do you even know? Was it to mark me as your own or did you just want me to lose control?" Demiurge didn't answer, not truly certain of his motivations, though both reasons sounded equally likely.

"Now, I'm not at all opposed to the former," He continued when he didn't respond. "As for the latter, I'll have you know," His voice was hypnotic at this point, "that _ I am in complete control._" He nipped the juncture of his shoulder and neck firmly. Demiurge's inner muscles tensed at his words.

He removed his weight from his brother's back and then he was moving again. One fist wound in Demiurge's hair and his other hand clutched his shirt, controlling his every movement. Both his hands worked together to pull him onto his length as his hips drove forward, his pace still infuriatingly leisurely. "I want you to also know, that I am making the choice," he whispered, "to give you the brutal fucking you seem to so desperately crave, provided that you truly do crave it."

Demiurge was focused on all the things he was making him feel, reduced to a needy, mewling creature writhing beneath his brother. But still, Malphas needed confirmation from him that he wanted what he had practically demanded from him, what he was offering. Because what he was offering would certainly and inevitably hurt.

"I do want it, Malphas." Demiurge begged. "Please, I need it. Dominate me."

Malphas picked up the pace at his words, the first promised, brutal thrust coming moments after he finished speaking, and Demiurge felt like he was going to break apart under the viciousness of his onslaught. The table became a lifeline and it was all he could do to cling to it, anchoring his talons in deep as Malphas crashed against him like a raging storm. Demiurge could feel himself start to tighten around him like a vice, his second release now rapidly barrelling towards him. The angry purple head of his cock poured a heavy stream of pre-ejaculate.

Demiurge released one hand off the edge of the table and reached down to grasp his aching member and began stroking in time with his vicious thrusts. Liquid fire pooled in his loins as his internal muscles clamped down around and squeezed Malphas in a pulsating massage, and Demiurge violently came once more, screaming his brother's name.

Malphas plunged his face downward to latch his fangs into the curve of Demiurge's neck and shoulder, feeling the flesh yield beneath the pressure in a bruising, bleeding bite. The submitting demon let out a gasping moan, relishing the sweet pain of being marked. Malphas licked away the blood trickling forth, feeding from his brother's veins. The obscene sound of Demiurge's semen splattering loudly on the table did Malphas in; his cock heaved and throbbed inside him, forcefully pumping his passage full of his pearly essence. The older Devil roared his release, one clawed hand raking into the surface of the table, thrusting with each spurt until he was empty.

When the ripples of euphoria finally subsided, Malphas slowly withdrew, and kissed Demiurge's neck before scooping his limp form up off of the table and into his arms. He sat them down on the floor to recover, and laid on his side to pull his brother's back into his chest, spooning him.

Demiurge grumbled and glowered irritably, and Malphas laughed and wrapped his arms around him anyways, despite his fussing.

"Really? You are thrilled to fuck your brother but are opposed to _cuddling_with him afterwards?" Malphas said flatly, but the wide grin on his face betrayed that he was genuinely amused by such an odd quirk.

"A small price to pay for extreme satisfaction. I suppose I'll learn to like it." Demiurge sighed in exasperation. "I was designed to abhor affection outside of lust. A flaw in my creation, it would seem."

"Not a flaw. A complexity." Malphas gently stroked the side of his face with one clawed finger. "You're perfect in your imperfections, brother; Ulbert's most beautiful masterpiece. I hated you at first, but now...far from it. Now that I've seen all the magnificent details he so lovingly carved into are an exquisite creature." He admitted. "I've never enjoyed another as much as I have you."

"You hated me?" Demiurge was rather surprised to hear those words, but given the situation Malphas was put in, he couldn't really blame him for such feelings.

"I did." Malphas confessed, somewhat ashamed of his rash feelings and actions. "I felt threatened, inadequate. Uncertain of my fate."

Demiurge snorted.

"You are _HARDLY_inadequate." Both demons laughed heartily at that remark and what the underlying reference was to. "And I know Ulbert will assign you a meaningful function. You are as intelligent as I, and even physically superior. You have nothing to worry about, brother, and will undoubtedly excel in anything you do."

"I know, I...I was just so angry...I needed to channel it somehow, and now that I have, the object of my rage has now become the object of my affection and admiration." Malphas buried his nose in his brother's silky hair and squeezed him in an embrace.

Demiurge instinctively tensed and growled.

"Oh, stop that." Malphas playfully scolded him and then nibbled his ear, and Demiurge instantly relaxed. "Allow me this brief affection afterwards from now on, and I'll let you enact your fantasies later. Perhaps I'll even allow you to be the Dominant." Malphas offered.

That was such a tempting offer, Demiurge's heart raced at the idea. He would not, could not turn it that down.

"All right, then." He said with a small smile. Little did Malphas know, Demiurge was just as, if not more merciless of a Dominant than he.

To their horror, they heard footsteps drawing near and the doorknob being turned. Ulbert suddenly walked in.

Both Arch Devils were frozen in fear. They gaped at their creator, their stares unblinking and their master was also still and silent, momentarily stunned by what he had stumbled upon; other than his eyes widening in shock, his face was unreadable due to having a goat's head.

...And then he chuckled.

"I take you two have successfully settled your differences?" He asked with a smirk in his voice.

Chapter 17: A Lesson From Brother

Demiurge closed his eyes and took a long drag of his cigarette before exhaling a billowing cloud. He and his brother watched the bicorn trot restlessly around the circular pen. It was early March and a warm spring breeze carried the smoke away from...

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The Devil's Plaything

She had very little memory of how she ended up here. She did however recall a beating so brutal that she passed out from pain. Her ears rang, and she felt her eye start to rapidly swell, making her vision blurry. Another hard blow to the head. Then...

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Interspecies Experimentation Final Chapter

He noticed her look of terror, and gave a low, menacing laugh. He was going to drag out this sweet torture for as long as, as _he_ could possibly withstand. _"Why do you deny me?"_ He growled. _"Why do you deny yourself?_ It was a good...

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