Chapter 7- Welcome to the Family

Story by Canith on SoFurry

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#10 of Project Tiamat

Finally, after 2 false starts and a do over 1/2 way through (lost the save due to stupid mistake) I finally finished this one. I am not well practiced in writing sex scenes, even though I am acquainted with the act itself. Definitely need input on that point in the comments below.

Also, kudos to those who saw through the nefarious schemes and foreshadowing that I did to try to hint at what Canith would become. I hope you enjoy the ride, and the next part should be fun as well!

_ Chapter 7- Welcome to the Family _

<UEF-A 'Tiamat' - E-Deck Main Bay> June 1, 2085

_Formlessness, Thoughtlessness, Utter Stillness. These were the things he was experiencing here. He? How was there a presence in formlessness..._With these floating wisps of not-thoughts, Canith slowly became once more aware of their surroundings. Or lack thereof, as the case was. He still could not feel anything, but at the same time felt very much at peace. There was no jarring realization that he was different, no panic for the lack of sensation, visual queues, audible sounds, or and feedback from any sense. He just . . . floated, adrift in his own mind, not truly aware, but not unaware either. Taking a moment to let this soak in, this moment of utter stillness and silence, he took it a step further, quieting even his non-thoughts.

:My, my, Sky warned me you meditated, but this is quite beautiful. I don't think I have run across a clearer or more precise mind in all my life. That's a rare gift, you know. Not many are truly able to still their thoughts. Even the thought of stilling the thoughts remains, but you simply let go of the thoughts, letting them fade away.: The mental thoughts were clear as if they had been spoken aloud, but he could tell they were foreign thoughts, inserted in the front of his mind for him to 'hear'. The 'voice' was a soft, feminine purr, like silk on silk, and a true pleasure to listen to. :And so courteous too! Not even out of the pod and heaping compliments on me. Between that beautifully clear mind and the compliments, I much prefer you to Mist and his cluttered mind.:

A second mental voice became clear as he floated there. This one had a more masculine inflection to it, and echoed slightly. :I like my mind just the way it is, thank you very much. If my mind was that empty, you would simply call me an airhead, not be singing praises. Regardless, I not only see nothing wrong with any of the neural pathways, but it looks like several secondary abilities are developed as well. Telepathy is there, and from the mental surface fluctuations I can tell he is receiving, but until they try broadcasting we won't know if they are a two way telepath. Also, it looks like 'kinesis, EC, and Phasing are all developed, just not fully active yet. That's normal though. Also . . . hmm, we might need Snow to check them. I see potential for S2 for sure, not active of course, and markers that indicate it could be higher. Care to verify?:

Both voices caused him no pain, and the information was interesting. Even so, he kept his mind still. :Sure, lets see here . . . Yeah, I see the markers too. I haven't seen them this developed though. Even Snow's are less developed. They are going to need training for sure, but only after it becomes active. Otherwise they might suppress it, as has happened in the past. Anyways, what does our newest member of the crew 'think' of all this technical talk.:

Canith felt like he was being called out, so he mentally constructed the thought 'I'm not just a subject to be casually discussed like I am not here', then, thinking that he would have to 'push' it into the target mind, he followed the thoughts of the one called Mist back and 'pushed' his statement at them. Three signs pointed to the fact he did it wrong. The first was a blinding headache that felt easily strong enough to split his skull wide open. The second was the statements from both of the minds close by- The first was a startled :What the . . : while the second was a furious :_What did you just do:_moments after. The third actually happened in the moment right after the first statement- a much dampened thud echoed through whatever fluid suspended him in the pod.

Careful not to push this time, he made sure to clearly create the thought :I pushed?: in his head, which resulted in the headache getting worse, but eliciting a chuckle from the female voice. :Well, I mean, you DID project something all right . . .: Then, for the first time, he received an image instead of words. It was of the desks outside the pod, and an Anthro bat sitting by one of them checking the screens. The next moment, the bat looks like he had be picked up by an abnormally strong wind and thrown backwards into the data banks behind him with a startled expression on his face.

:I'm guessing after that little shove you have one mother of a headache, am I wrong: Came the amused thoughts of Mist. : After all, you just did a telekinetic push with no training or buffering, while at the same time overcoming some pretty serious dampening, both from the pod and my own shields. The feedback/reaction headache from that had to be bad.: Between one moment and the next, the pain went from just shy of unbearable to barely present. :There we go. With some training you won't get that, as you will know both your limits and what to watch out for. All I did was shunt the pain though- you will need some rest before you try any more feats of 'kinetic strength. Next though, now that we know you can understand the general principle of sending the energy, we will focus on sending just the thoughts. Instead of pushing, place them. Pushing forces the telekinetic muscles to flex, where placing triggers the telepathic pathways to kick in.:

Canith tried this new method. :How is this?: From the lack of bodies hitting walls, it sounded like he succeeded.

:Very good: Mist replied, with a slight hint of relief coloring his thoughts. Following that though was a puzzled half-thought, not very well developed. Something to the effect of :So fast:

:Now that we know you can two way project, lets see if you are ready to come out of the pod. The premise for the release is the same, only the neural uplink will be you projection point. Simply command the pod to 'Cycle Release Function' and as long as it's framed properly in your mind the uplink should hook into the pod's systems and run the command.: This seemed a bit off for Canith, as how would machined pick up thoughts? But giving a mental shrug, he phrased the command exactly as instructed, and a disembodied voice echoed in his head 'Command Accepted' and he felt the pressure change as the liquid began draining.

The next moment, there was a mental gasp as the female voice shared their sight with him. The image of the silver pod turning translucent met his mental eyes, and the figure within. He had felt average in the height department before, but from the looks of things he had gained at least 6-8 inches- and that was curled in the fetal position around a fairly long tail. Upon closer inspection, the tail looked longer then he was tall. The end curled down in front of the rest from the top of the pod, revealing a tip made of long white fur, with red scales as the main portion and gray as his underbelly. The white fur turned into a spinal mane tracking up the tail, and although the back could not be seen, the mane seemed to continue up it as it made a re-appearance coming up the neck and around the to of the head, between a pair of ivory horns what were swept backwards. Although he had picked dragons as the basis for the hybrid, there were also rather large ears on the top of his head, which accounted at least partially for how he had been able to hear the loud noise outside the pod.

By this point the fluid had drained enough that the mask was pulled off, and it revealed his muzzle, draconic in shape, and as he opened his eyes they were, for a moment, pure silver with no iris or pupil. Then, the color swirled a bit and emerald green eyes of a much more normal variety stared out, slightly out of focus (for obvious reasons of course!) The fluid continued to drain, and the next big reveal was his genitals. Now much more animistic in nature, his cock had a much more flared head, with odd textures running down the shaft. At the base was a knot, but even as he watched, the knot twitched once and deflated. The reason for this was right below.

His balls were internal now. Instead, where they were before was a rod, which was being pulled out, revealing a pair of feminine lips slowly releasing the dildo shaped rod being removed. As it cleared the lips, his dick shrank further and was also pulled into the slit which it extended out from, which from a glance encompassed his dual gender together. At the same time, another of the rods cleared his ass, which prompted him to fall to his knees as the fluid reached that low, and at the same time jarred him from his out of body self-voyeurism.

He looked up with his own eyes, and immediately spotted the female mental voice's owner. It was Cloud, the panther that he had seen several times on the stairs. She gave a laugh as he made recognition, and her audible voice was every bit as pleasant to listen to, rich and throaty, and full of playful mirth. He also noticed that although everything was sharper- even the colors were richer- he was not overwhelmed with it. (Probably why they keep you in the pod so long) he thought to himself. He stood, his tail immediately correcting his balance for him, as he was now digigrade in his stance. Again, for some odd reason he didn't have a problem with this either.

He gave a few experimental small hops in place, feeling out both it's actual balance and center, as well as his bodies overall weight. He felt surprisingly light. "Part of the reason you are probably noticing your lighter weight is due to both the growth of your new appendage, your overall growth, and all the changes in general. After all, you were in that pod changing for a touch over a week. That's a rather short time for the body to burn through it's reserves. Although you shouldn't have any normal issues day to day, I recommend that you slowly work back into your exercise routine, as your reserves were completely wiped out by the change" Her explanation lined up with what he figured, and he turned to look at hit tail.

Now out of the pod, he had a good estimate on length. The tail looked to be about 7 feet long total, and with a moment's thought had it moving around to his will. Luckily, it seemed the muscles in it were well developed, allowing him control over it, unlike a cat's or dog's tail. Turning back to Mist, Canith went into a bow. "I apologize for mistakenly throwing you across the room. I hope this doesn't dampen our friendship in the future." It was a more eastern gesture then he had been raised to use, but it felt more natural to him now. (Curious. I need time to reevaluate myself after this.)

Mist quickly got over his shock and got Canith to stand back up. "You are fine, honestly. I was more caught off guard then anything, and there was not a single scrap of malicious intent behind it. After all, we didn't expect you to be able to do that, and asked you to preform an unfamiliar exercise after all without explanation. I rightly got what I deserved on that, and we all got a bit of a laugh out of it after."

"Well, that does it for your first swim. I went ahead and had Will paged and had him wait in the locker room. And as a heads up, there is only three people on the ship right now that knows what you look like- and you can bet we are not going to ruin the surprise any time soon. So go say hello to Will, and have some fun. I know he has a high sex drive right now, and was practically dripping when he came sliding in here and hour ago." Cloud gestured to the locker room, and then walked back around to her desk, which she had been leaning against the front of. Canith started that way, and heard the pod click shut and begin a cleaning sequence. He also heard, mentally, something rather odd. And this oddity caused him to slow to a stop.

:_Standard bet says he ends up falling before he makes it around the corner. :_Cloud's mental voice was a seductive whisper.

:You are on, but only because you know I'm a glutton for your . . .: Mist trailed off, and Canith immediately realized why- Both were staring straight at him.

"Forgetting something?" Mist called out.

"No, just wondering why I could hear your mental conversation." Canith didn't have any reason to hide the fact he could overhear them, so he stated it calmly.

"Hmm, looks like we will need to help you with shielding fast, and have someone go into finer details later- point of fact, you are apparently extremely sensitive to thoughts- Those you were hearing just now were specifically between me and Mist. You should not have been able to pick them up.

"Interesting. One of you care to give me the crash course fast so I can get out of your fur?"

Mist quickly went over how to set up the mental shields, which Canith, already aware of his 'Center' was able to not only grasp but implement extremely quick. Once done, Canith thanked them again and headed around the corner, making sure not to stumble when turning.

Once Canith was around the corner, Cloud turned to Mist. "What the actual hell." She whispered quietly. "First he throws you across the room- by accident of course- through dampening that I have never even heard of anyone brute forcing threw, then adding to that the extreme though sensitivity?" She shook her head in disbelief. I seriously hope he doesn't develop any more abilities, because the strength of those two alone are a tad bit frightening."

Mist turned to the terminal and pulled Canith's file. "It says here that he asked some rather odd questions of Sylph before choosing his form. Also, it states here that due to the fact that he 'Chose' to be hybrid, there is a better then even odds that he's in for the full list of abilities from those various strings. Huh, except maybe cryo or pyro, but only if those don't turn up as wildcards." He turned back to Cloud. "I'm going to send a message to Snow about this one. Depending on development time, those gifts of his might just cause everyone more harm then good."

"I couldn't agree more." She looked out across the rest of the pods. "You know, it's odd. There is always people in and out of here, but for some strange reason all the pods are empty right now . . ."

Mist jerked his head up and looked around, verifying what she had noted. "This is just creepy. I could have sworn there was a couple people in here." He pulled up the login list, and saw that the last to leave was approximately an hour before Canith began waking up. "Must just be a rare coincidence."

Canith walked around the computer banks and towards the locker room, all the while admiring his new form. When he had chosen the hybrid of eastern and western dragon, he hadn't known quite what to expect. Judging from Cloud and Mist's reactions, it was a good call though. His new gait was only a little strange, as he was walking on what as a human he would have called the balls of his feet. But with the change in structure, and the addition of a tail, he had no problem maintaining a decent stride.

His new hands were another marvel. Some anthros lost the use of one or more fingers due to the animal they became, but in Canith's case he hadn't. It brought to mind two conflicting images in his head- a traditional western dragon with 3 claws and a 4th 'thumb', or dewclaw, and the image of a old Earth Japanese spirit dragon, which had 5 'fingers'. Hybrid indeed!

About this time he made his way into the locker room (he had been moving slow after all) and spotted Will dozing on one of the benches bolted to the floor. He was laying on his back, with one leg on the bench and the other resting on the floor. He had one arm over his eyes and the other over his belly. As Canith's claws clicked on the floor, one of Will's ears twitched towards him, and after a brief glance from a slightly raised arm, he went back to dozing.

Canith had decided that he would drop his shielding slightly to see if he could pick up Will's mental reaction, and he wasn't disappointed. When Will's ear twitched, he heard the mental dialogue begin.:Huh, who's coming in here? Oh, red dragon, must be Drake. Eh, Canith shouldn't be too much longer. . . Huh, Doesn't Drake have wings though. And that tail was much longer then anyone's I know . . .: The dialogue cut off as Will snapped to full awareness at the fact that there WAS no dragon on board with those features. He sprung off the bench in alarm, falling sideways in his haste.

"Canith, is that you?" Will took a moment to get off the floor, then took a good look at him. His eyes roamed to all the normal spots, face to hands, tail, feet, and slit. "I don't know my dragons too well, but you definitely do not look like a type I recognize. Is that something you came up with?"

Canith gave a bit of a chuckle, and noticed that his voice had the same reverberating quality that he noticed the captain having. "I wouldn't say I 'came up with it', but yes, something like that. Apparently, no one thought to see if hybrids could be a thing on this ship. So there ya go- one eastern/western mix, served up for you." Even Will joined in on the laughter at the last part, as Canith attempted to do a saucy wench impersonation, and managed it quite well.

While they bantered back and forth, Canith began to notice an odd scent in the air. It was musky and primal, and he began to grow erect from it. As it was, Will's tail had been wagging since the moment he climbed off the floor and realized it was Canith. When he saw the erection Canith was sporting, his tail slowed and he unconsciously licked his lips, then blushed at his reaction. Canith hadn't replaced his shielding yet, so Will's next thoughts were almost as loud as if he had spoken them aloud, :I have waited for what feels like forever for him to get out so we can fuck each other senseless, but all I seem to be able to do is stand here and blush.:

Canith took matters into his own hands for Will, and quickly closed the gap between them and locked lips, if a bit awkwardly, with him. Will seemed taken aback at first, but quickly warmed up to it. A beneficial side effect to this was Will also became erect at this. Neither made a move to break apart for several minutes, simply enjoying each other's muzzles. Eventually though, Will broke the kiss, staking a step back and looking up at Canith (who was now slightly taller then Will, but neither had noticed when Canith first came in.)

"You read my mind, didn't you." He phrased it as a statement, not a question.

"Not actively- you thoughts were out in front, and fairly loud- I am apparently very sensitive. So much so that I overheard a private conversation between two telepaths that were 'pathing privately to one another."

Will's eyes got big at that. "Wow, you must be really sensitive for that. Any other tricks I should be aware of?"

Canith contemplated this for a moment. "Did you hear a noise from the main room a few minutes ago?"

Will shrugged a bit. "Was that you?"

"Not quite. I may have thrown Mist across the room. From inside the pod. By accident." He gave emphasis to each part in turn, gauging Will reaction.

For his part, Will raised an eyebrow at the mention of throwing Mist, then his other brow joined it at the fact it was accidental and through the pod. "Damn, remind me never to get on your bad side if that is the kind of treatment you give those that cross you. That middle pod is larger for several reasons, including extra shielding of every sort imaginable. After all, any number of bad things could happen during the transformation process. But it doubles to keep reactions IN as well. I had pyrokinesis coming out of the pod, but the temp of the pod never raised a bit, but the air definitely did once the lid opened. That's unusual in and of itself, that a gift manifests so quickly- that you had two off the bat, unheard of."

"Got it, so that wasn't normal. Maybe I should mention that I'll probably be developing phasing and something called energy crafting?" Canith was more baiting for a reaction at this point, still curious as to what energy crafting was.

"Hmm, that will be quite the kit you will have. With path and kinesis already developed, it will not be long before you start training to use k-blades." Will gave no indication on what energy crafting was. Instead, he grabbed a couple towels from a nearby stack. "By the way, I'm sure you are feeling a bit itchy after your time in the pod. You were in there a week, and on top of that the pods leave a residue in fur and on scales that itches if you don't rinse it out before it dries out. At least, the parts that do not just evaporate."

Canith nodded to himself at this piece of advice, and followed Will across the hall, still naked of course, to the showers. After laying the towels on a bench, he walked over to a stall and turned on the water and beckoned Canith over. Canith obliged, and right before getting in Will snaked a paw out to grab Canith's dick, and pulled him in, eliciting a pleasurable growl. Canith bent his head into the water, enjoying the byplay of the water flowing threw his mane, and sluicing off his scales. He turned his head slightly to Will, who still had Canith's dick in his hand. "So, still thinking you want to fuck, huh?"

Will nodded an affirmative, and Canith turned Will around so that that they were both facing the wall, with Will in front of him. Then, weaving his arms deftly under Will's, he snaked his hands down to fondle Will's package. "Only if I get to fuck you first. I'm pretty sure I was smelling you in the locker room, all primed and ready for this dragon dick." He then nibbled the wolf's ear, drawing out a moan from the wolf. He then continued, "Then, if the wolf is a good boy, we go back to my room, and we can turn the tables. After all, Sylph gave me the dual gender status as well, and I think you would be perfect for my first time. So would do you say, want this dragon's virginity?"

Instead of answering immediately, Will slowly turned back to face Canith. Planting a loving kiss on his lips, he spoke quietly. "I'm practically dripping down below looking forward to it. Also, you are pressing my buttons so hard with that dirty talk, but I will attempt to be a perfect gentleman when the time comes. They both giggled a bit a this, which quickly escalated to snorting and full fledged laughing after a few moments.

Calming themselves down, Will helped Canith clean off the remainder of the residue, causing him to produce a very interesting collection of growls, purrs, and huffs. Apparently, his new body was all sorts of sensitive, and Will manipulated it mercilessly. All too soon, the cleaning was done and the water turned off. Will quickly dried himself off, then went to help Canith once again- Canith felt he could do it himself, but Will's thoughts we easy to hear- he was just wanting an excuse to have his paws all over Canith. This continued until Canith bent over to dry his shins off- I a bit awkwardly of course, as his brain was still processing the different joint structure. Will took this opportunity to strike.

Between one moment and the next he was on his knees behind Canith, running his tongue from one end of Canith's slit to the other. His dick got the tip played with for a moment, his pussy got a bit of action as Will pushed his tongue in slightly, and his slightly stretched anus even got a bit of love. The combination of these feelings had him moaning and hard again in moments, as he had shrunk a bit in the shower- even with Will's ministrations.

In a blur, Canith spun around and swept Will up into his arms, taking only a moment to appreciate the fact that he could apparently lift far more then he remembered, and that he also moved faster then he ever had. He carried him over to the bench their towels had once been resting on; then, taking his tail, used the part above the floof to squeegee the residual moisture off the bench before laying Will down on it. "It both took you long enough to sweep me off my feet, and was also thoughtful of you to clear the water off, thank you."

Canith decided a bit of revenge was in order, and moistened a couple claws in his maw. He slowly pulled them out, teasing Will as he did so, before reaching down with them and slowly worked the digits into Will's dripping cunt, which by this point was swollen a bit with his need, and drew out a low pleasurable moan from Will. He slowly worked them in and out and around for a minute, making sure to dip one in every few thrusts just deep enough to tickle Wills g-spot, which was absurdly easy to find based on the slightly different texture and Will's mental reaction when he did hit it.

Finally, with Will squirming quite a bit, Canith withdrew the digits he had used to play with the wolf and made a show of cleaning them off, quite like a cat. Then, before Will could voice a complaint, he straddled the bench and slid the tip of his dick in. Between the foreplay and Will's arousal, he slid in with little effort. Then, one of the odder quirks of his draconic physiology came to the fore- his body temp spiked alongside his arousal, causing a wave of heat to begin emanating from is dick while being buried in Will's snatch. Will let out a long, drawn out moan as this happened, practically cumming on the spot- Canith then started thrusting.

Will had not come down from his high yet, and Canith's textured dick made sure he wasn't going too any time soon. Combined with the ability to take queues from Will's mind, he quickly built up a rhythm that had him alternating groans with moans, with the occasional low howl interspersed between.

After a few minutes of this, Canith began to feel close to the edge. He still had not knotted Will, and when he gently inserted the mental image of his knot into Will's mind, Will responded vocally. "Uff, YES, uhh, uhh, KNOT ME." Canith needed no more encouragement. Thanks to the high amount of heat his dick was giving off, all of Wills muscles were looser than normal, even with the contractions from the continual orgasms. Grinding his knot just on the outside his lips, he waited until he felt the resistance give after a strong contraction and thrusted hard, overpowering the muscles in one go and seating his knot in with a wet squelch and pop.

This truly set Will off, as all the previous orgasms looked like the precursor to this one. All his muscles locked up, and his eyes rolled back, and his mind went blank. Canith only was able to give one or two very shallow thrusts before he also came, unloading more cum then he ever remembered producing into the twitching and mostly insensible wolf herm. He slowly picked him up, and leaned back, allowing them to rest comfortably with his knot still resting in Will's cunt while they rode out their respective climaxes and enjoyed the afterglow.

Occasional twitches and spasms caused his knot to stay inflated for almost 30 minutes, during which Will eventually regained his coherence. Instead of immediately talking though, they just laid there, savoring the afterglow as well as each other's company. Will played with Canith's scales and jaw, while Canith reclined and slowly waved his tail back and forth over Will's back. Eventually though, Will spoke up. "Wow. That was amazing. I don't know if I can live up to that for your first time."

"I honestly wasn't expecting that great of a reaction- normally speaking I cannot get much reaction out of females, regardless of how hard I try." Canith was being honest about this- any time he had tried before, the girls had been rather unenthused during the act, even if they had be all over him before hand.

"It probably doesn't hurt that you were in my head the whole time, did it?" Will had began to test the tie a bit around this point, attempting to pull Canith out of him.

"True, but that did bring up an interesting thought." Canith had noticed that over the course of the time that they had been cuddling that although Will had came from both sexes, Canith had only came from his male bits. "Why did you climax from both, but I didn't?"

Will smiled at this comment. "That's actually rather simple. The nerves for the female side are much more sensitive then the male's, and although they share some muscles, the male cannot get the female off, but because the female's is full body, the male gets swept up in it. So long story short, if you are top you get one orgasm, if you are on bottom, and they are good, you are looking at both."

"I see, makes sense I guess." Canith went silent then, as he wasn't quite ready to move.

"Hey Canith, I have to ask, Why did you come to the Tiamat of all ships. I have seen your amazing skills, and I can't help but wonder why you would choose this madhouse over a normal ship. I mean, I had heard that you traveled all the way from Earth, and that somehow you singled this ship out, but never a why."

Canith gave this a bit of thought. "If I had to be succulent about it, it would have to be because I was hoping to answer my own questions here. I never really fit in on Earth, and after being chased away, I guess I was looking for a family, no matter the cost. Whatever I gave up, I feel like I gained more simply in the amazing individuals on board here." He planted a kiss on the wolf's nose. "It also doesn't hurt that I was able to track down one of the ark ships of myth. Maybe I can help make them harder to find now that I am on board.

Will took this opportunity to give an especially hard tug on Canith's knot, which had deflated enough that it popped free, and was followed by a small trickle of semen, as well as a few strands connecting their genitals. "Well, could you have ever imagined that the reason for the secrecy was partially due to the fact we are sex-mad anthro herms looking for a new leg to hump when we are not balls deep in each other?"

Canith looked at Will to see if he was joking, but simply gave a huff instead. "Still worth it." He pulled Will down for another kiss. As they broke it, he spoke up again. "Looks like another shower is in order." Will giggled at this.

They managed to both get clean without pouncing each other again, although gropes were frequent and playful. Grabbing a pair of jumpsuits for propriety sake from the locker room, they headed out after drying off. As they re-entered the hall, Canith had Will wait a moment as he crept back to the main pod room. Noting that both Mist and Cloud were busy on their consoles, he shot a mental image of Will's shameless lick from earlier at Cloud, to be awarded with a low curse and a blush. This was quickly, however, followed up with an unspoken promise for another time, to which Canith simply walked back to meet up with Will and head back up from E-deck. After all, the evening wasn't quite over yet . . .

Chapter 8- Lost Inhibitions

_ **Chapter 8- Lost Inhibitions** _ _\<UEF-A 'Tiamat' - B-Deck Room 07\> [June 1, 2085] (Time:20:09)_ Canith let the door to Will's room slide shut behind him, the took a long look around after flipping the lock. Where Canith had decorated with a mix...

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Chapter 6- Down the Rabbit Hole

_ **Chapter 6- Down the Rabbit Hole** _ _\<UEF-A 'Tiamat' - Grav-Lift en route to E-Deck\> [May 25, 2085] (Time:1415)_ As the walked across the deck to the grav lifts, they were joined by Aris, the engineering lead. "Afternoon you two. What's going...

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Chapter 5- Countdown to the Truth

_ **Chapter 5- Countdown to the Truth** _ _\<UEF-A 'Tiamat' - B Deck\> [May 22, 2085] (Time:0800)_ Canith was woken up by the door being buzzed. He answered the door in just a pair of shorts. Standing in the door was an Anthro bear who identified...

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