How Fox REALLY Escaped the Lightfoots 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A small sequel to the story "How Fox REALLY Escaped the Lightfoots", in which we see what happened some time after Fox got away from the Lightfoot village. Wow, this was a long time in coming...

Commissioned by bbbuuu

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How Fox Really Escaped the Lightfoots 2

For bbbuuu

By Draconicon

Escaping from the Lightfoot tribe had been anything but easy, forcing Fox to remember the training that he'd received before going to the flight academy. Basic stealth techniques, how to run for long periods of time, how to deal with uneven terrain and the shadowy forest that had surrounded the Lightfoot tribe: all of those things and more threatened to end his escape before they began.

Thankfully, he eventually got well-past the lands of the Lightfoot, nearly back to ThornTail Hollow. The rivers running through the forest and the ocean lands near them were a massive boon to him, giving him the chance to scatter his scent so that it couldn't be so easily followed. He walked up and down the streams, zigzagging every which way to make it harder for anyone to track him.

It took four days before he felt comfortable to slow down, though, and those four days were draining for him.

Draining enough that he started making mistakes...

The water splashed around him as Fox broke the surface of the river, panting for breath after diving almost to the bottom of the river. His fur was soaked to his skin, and his ears were folded down to keep the worst of the water out of them. He shook his head from side to side, treading water as he pulled the fish he'd caught out of the stream.

Well, at least I got dinner...

He kept kicking as he looked at the rest of the school that got away. They would have made for a good bit of traveling food, but he knew better than to try chasing them. He might be able to get one or two more, but he risked losing the one that he'd already caught. Lacking any sort of hook or blade, he had to keep hold of his catch by hand, and that was easy to lose in the river's current.

Not much for anything after dinner, but better than nothing.

The vulpine pilot turned back towards the riverbank, only to freeze.

Standing over his clothes and the one weapon he had - a bone knife - was one of the Lightfoots. Worse, it was the one that had let him loose from his bonds to begin with.

"Nall?" Fox said before he could stop himself.

"Stin-king mammal. Trying to get stink out of fur?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Here for you."


The Lightfoot nodded. Keeping one hand on his spear, the Lightfoot warrior reached behind his back, pulling rope from his loincloth band. He held it like he wanted to tie Fox up as soon as the pilot got out of the water.

Which, obviously, he had no plans of doing now.

We made a deal, dammit, he thought. You fuck me against the post, I get to leave. What the hell is wrong with you?

He would have ducked underwater and let the current carry him away if Nall wasn't literally standing on top of everything he owned. Clothing, communicator, everything that would help him get the fuck off the planet. Hell, even the key to his Arwing, which was pretty damn crucial for getting back to the Great Fox. That was in his vest pocket, and he wasn't going to be going anywhere without that.

But how could he fight against a professional warrior without even a knife to his name?

"Come!" Nall shouted.

"I thought we had a deal!"

"Bad deal. Got me in trouble."

"You knew that was going to happen. Why break it now?"

"You in trouble, too."

"Not as long as I stay in the water."

"Yeah? Look behind you, stu-pid mammal!"

Fox was half-sure that it was a trick, that he would get speared by the annoying warrior the minute that he turned his head, but on the off-chance it was a legitimate warning...

He whipped his head backwards, looking upstream, and immediately caught sight of the creature Nall was warning him about.

It was a massive crocodile-like thing, one that was laying flat on its belly in the water and slowly riding the river current towards him. The head alone had to be half as big as his whole body, and the teeth were just visible through the clear water, teeth that looked sharp enough to break him in half in one bite.

Yeah. He was in trouble.

Rope or no rope, Nall was a lot less dangerous than that thing, and particularly on land. Fox broke into a quick swim, darting for the riverbank as fast as his limbs could carry him.

He made it just ahead of the crocodile, kicking himself up the bank as fast as he could, and even then, he swore that some of his tail fur was chomped off by the crocodile before he could get completely out of reach. He yelped at the air that passed by his tail, at the very least.

Before he could get himself free, though, Nall had a loop of rope wrapped around his wrists, pulling him back towards the forest and away from the river, as if he might jump into the water again to try and make an escape.

Admittedly, it was a temptation.

" me go!"

"No. Stin-king mammal escaped ropes before. Not happening again."

"You let me loose then!"

"No, you 'escaped.' Not happening again."

Nall apparently had either re-written what had happened between them, or no longer cared just what happened. Either way, Fox was screwed.

Not allowed to get dressed - and barely able to convince Nall to shove his clothes into a pack rather than throwing them in the river - Fox was marched back to his campsite completely naked. His cheeks burned as he was forced to more or less sway his ass all the way back to the campfire, his fur dripping wet and his entire body exposed.

He was surprised to see a few packs of food waiting for them at the campfire, too. Apparently, Nall had found it while he was swimming and had tracked him from the fire to the riverbank. That explained a lot.

As he was set down on one of the stumps near the campfire, the Lightfoot pulled the rope a bit tighter, dragging more lengths of it down Fox's legs until they were tied together from knee down to his ankles. It was far from comfortable, and it made running completely impossible.

Shaking his head, the pilot looked back at his captor, glaring at him.

"So, what the hell is this about? What changed?"

"General Scales changed, stin-king mammal."

"What? How?"

Nall sat down on the other side of the fire, the reptile shifting his loincloth a bit to get comfortable. He glared at the fox, and Fox blinked as he saw a new scar on the side of the warrior's face. Not that there hadn't already been a lot of those, but that one was a bit more new than the rest.

"What happened to you?"


"I mean...really, what happened?"

"...Scales wanted you. Came to get you. Tribe wanted to trade you, but couldn't, since you ran off."

That would have been a problem, he realized. The General was not a scaly that forgave people easily, and not someone that brooked any sort of rebellion from potential allies. It was more likely that he would demand a death.

"I'm surprised you got away with nothing more than a scar."

"Didn't get away. Ran away."

"You mean -"

"Banished. Scales wants me dead."

Which was...more like the General that he had come to know, he had to admit. The fact that he had to deal with someone that was that angry right now wasn't a good thing, but maybe there was a way to turn Nall to his side if he was this angry about what had happened?

Think it through, Fox. You know that you got him to fuck you and get you free last time. Maybe you can figure out something like that this time, too.

The fox shifted his position a bit, leaning a bit more sideways to the dinosaur. He could feel Nall's eyes shifting down to his hips, looking at his bare ass. Normally, he wasn't nearly this obvious with people, but considering that this guy was an idiot compared to Falco or some of the other guys that he had flirted with over the years, he figured that he needed to pull out all the stops to this sort of thing.

Plus, well, the language barrier wasn't going to help, either.

"Why did you capture me, then?"

"Scales wants you."

"But he wants you dead, too. Why help him?"

"Wants me dead because you escaped." Nall shrugged. "Gonna take you back, give you to him. Get life back."

That was going to be the hard part to persuade him out of, Fox could already tell. They were not exactly on the same sort of wavelength for what they wanted, and considering that Nall was already pissed with him, it wasn't going to be easy to make him see that that idea was a gigantic mistake.

And not just for Fox, either. Yeah, Fox would probably get killed by the General, but just because Nall fixed an error didn't mean that he was going to avoid the death penalty, too. The big Sharpclaw wasn't going to rescind his declaration of death just because the Lightfoot had fixed a situation. If anything, he would make sure that the death was only slightly less painful.

And that was a maybe, at best.

"If you take me back, you'll die anyway."

"No. Just you."

"No, both of us. The General -"

"General wants you. Not me. Tricks won't work this time."

He shivered at the thought of being put into the General's grip. He had escaped once before. Once. And he doubted that he was going to get that lucky to do it again. The only way for him to survive this was to make sure that nobody ever had the chance to put him into Scales's grip ever again.

And that meant finding a way to get through to Nall before he made the biggest mistake of both of their lives.

And I can't just offer my ass again...

That had worked at the camp because Nall wasn't able to just take what he wanted. The prisoner had needed to remain more or less inviolate, and he had been ordered not to let Fox get fucked so that the General could have him for that sort of purpose. That order was likely not applicable at the moment, particularly as Nall was not exactly part of the village anymore.

Hell, if the Lightfoot wanted, he could probably fuck Fox whenever he wanted now that they were both this far from the village. And if he wanted to...

Well, the bondage would make that easy for him.

What the hell can I even offer him? he wondered. What the hell can I do?

There wasn't much that he could think of. He might have offered the dinosaur a chance to leave the planet, but he wasn't done with the mission here yet. He might have offered him the chance to go to ThornTail Hollow, but the fact that Nall wanted to go back and try and get back to a tribe that wanted him dead told him that the dinosaur was too loyal to his own people for his own good.

What the hell could he offer? No money, no resources, no ass to give over...

The fire burned quietly between the pair of them, Fox lost in thought and Nall just staring at him.

You are an idiot, Fox. You're being out-maneuvered by a complete primitive. A tribal. What the hell is wrong with you?

Too much for him to think of at the moment, and he knew that he didn't have a lot of time. Once Nall fell asleep, he would be locked out of further conversation until the morning. He needed to get something figured out tonight.

"What about all the patrols, huh?" Fox asked.


"Other Lightfoot. Looking for you, looking for me?"

"Hmmph. All near home. Not looking far enough. Thought you couldn't get away."

"I did, though."

"Tricked me. Ran. Knew you could run fast."

"So, what, you think you're going to keep me when they find you?"

"Won't find me. Better scout, better fighter than them."

Confidence. Overconfidence, for that matter. Fox knew it when he heard it, and he knew that Nall was probably doing a lot of fooling himself in order to keep from facing the truth.

Banishment was a terrifying thing for tribal people, he remembered from his lessons. They wanted anything but that, even death. The idea of being cut off from their people, of being forced to rely on themselves rather than any of the people that had cared for them before, was a horrifying thought.

Nall wanted to avoid that, he could tell. Wanted to take back what he used to have, wanted to be a member of the tribe again.

He can't see that that's impossible.

Fox grunted, shifting against the ropes a bit, testing their binding strength against his back and arms. It was pretty good, he had to admit. The dinosaur knew how to make a good knot.

When he started tugging at the knots near his wrists, Nall chuckled.

"Ain't escaping that. Too good knots. Better than knots on pole."

"Better to try than to just sit here."

"Get any undone, get spear to stomach."

"You kill me, you're not getting back in the tribe."

The Lightfoot glared at him, and Fox knew that his bit of banter had hit the nail on the head.

There was nothing that Nall could do to actually threaten him. Not unless he wanted to lose his one chance to actually get into the tribe again. Well, his non-existent one chance, but the dinosaur believed that he had that chance. If Fox was brought back dead, then there was no way for them to turn the vulpine pilot over to the General, and without something to turn over to the General, there was no way for Nall to avoid getting killed.

The dinosaur needed Fox alive, and there was no way around that.

The pilot chuckled, smiling at his captor.

"What's the matter? Wanting to kill me already?"

"Shut up."

"I don't think so. What can you do? Hit me?"

Fox leaned his head to the side, showing just how weak his fur was, how soft his flesh was.

"You hit me the way that you'd hit a dinosaur, and you'd just kill me. You stab me, you kill me. You knock me out, you kill me."

"...Can gag you."

"You can try. I'll fight, but you can't fight back. Not as hard as you want to fight back, at least."

It was a small benefit, he was figuring out, that he was more valuable alive than he was dead. There was nothing that Nall could do to him that he couldn't do back several times over, and the other male had to hold back because he couldn't deliver any sort of death blow.

Oh, it was actually rather delicious.

He kept talking, smiling all the while.

"I think I'll keep telling you how stupid you are. Sooner or later, you might even listen to me. I mean, think about it. You're trying to give the one person that General Scales wants back to him. You think that means you'll be able to get what you want afterwards? He'll take me and then kill you so that he doesn't have to pay.

"Oh, and that means that he might go after your tribe, too, if they decide that you are worth keeping alive so that you can hand me over. And that means that you'd be responsible for killing all your people. All because you can't live with me having 'tricked' you and run away.

"You know, I thought you might be a bit smarter than most of your people, considering that you were willing to talk with me and make a deal, but no. You're just as stupid as the rest of them."


"I don't think so. I think I'm going to keep talking. For as long as I can, I'm gonna keep yapping at you."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Nall was up and stomping his feet around his side of the fire, kicking at the dirt and the stumps and everything else. Those powerful legs and sharp claws were ripping through wood and earth in equal measure, tearing everything up and leaving nothing but debris behind.

Fox wondered if he had taken it just a bit too far, all things considered. He did want to live, after all, and not push the other guy to kill him.

Suddenly, Nall stopped what he was doing. He froze in mid-stomp, mid-kick, then slowly turned to face the fox again. His snout was turned up in a slow smile, one that showed more teeth than Fox was entirely comfortable with.

"What...what are you thinking?" Fox asked.

"Stin-king mammal right about one thing. Need him alive. But don't need to hurt to make shut up."

The loincloth that Nall wore was getting pushed to the side, and the shaft that throbbed beneath was slowly making an appearance. Long, but slender - thankfully - it was starting to drip as the Lightfoot circled the fire.

Fox blushed as he realized that he might have pushed a different idea into the Lightfoot's brain. Not one that was entirely problematic, admittedly, but one that he wasn't entirely ready for. His fur might be slick, but his ass really wasn't.

Before he could say anything, Nall shoved him down from the stump, leaving him tied up on the ground. The dinosaur's claws sunk into his hips, pulling them up from the ground, leaving him face-down, ass-up, and his tail was pulled off to the side, as well.

"Mmm, remember that butt..."

The dinosaur's hot breath puffed over his backside, and he yelped as he felt one long lick over his rump. It was a slippery sort of feeling, a lick that seemed to leave more slime than it should have along his hole, but he had to admit...

It felt good.

The fox shivered as he felt another lick, and then another, each one leaving his rump a bit slicker than the last, each one making an impact on just how dry he had been, how slippery he would need to be in order to take Nall's cock. The dino kept licking him, rimming him, teasing his pucker with that tongue until it was nice and wet and slippery and -


Fox grunted as the tongue stabbed into his hole, pushing deeper with one good thrust. He couldn't think enough to say something, couldn't even think to say 'no.'

After did feel rather good.

It didn't take long for Fox's cock to start getting involved, sliding free and poking into his belly from his own arousal. His cheeks burned slightly at that, his eyes closing tightly as the tongue-fucking continued, his hole opening and then closing around the slippery thing sliding in and out of him, always giving it a little clench when it could before feeling it slide out again.

He would have been more than happy to accommodate that tongue for a while, but it couldn't last. It finally pulled out and then didn't slide back in, leaving him shivering as he felt Nall slide over him, that long cock resting between his ass cheeks, and then pressing against his hole.

"Back at village, tricked Nall into fucking you. Here, Nall just fucks."

One thrust, and he was impaled. Fox gasped, the air knocked right out of his lungs by the hard thrust, his eyes bugging out of their sockets at the harsh thrust and the feeling of being so full. His eyes kept widening as he felt the dinosaur wriggling further in, pulling himself closer, thrusting in little bucks until his cock was fully lodged in the mammal's backside.

Bit by bit, Nall seemed to edge himself deeper in, lodging more of his inches into the fox's backside. He could feel every inch sliding into him, every little bit of it working into his butt. The way that his hole flexed, the way that his insides seemed to clamp down to keep it in, told him that he hadn't lost it from his slutty days at the academy.

Soon, Nall was completely hilted with him, and Fox could feel that long, slender shaft pushing deeper than before. Being on all fours must have opened quite a bit of room for him, because he swore that Nall hadn't gone that deep when they had played around on the pole. The feeling was good, though, the rubbing on his prostate giving his cock something to enjoy.

Then the dinosaur really went to town.

With sharp-clawed fingers gripping his hips, the bound fox had nowhere to go. He grunted as Nall pulled back, the long, slender shaft pulling at parts in him gently before getting rammed right back in. The sheer length was enough to leave him gasping for breath as it hilted in him, and his eyes rolled back every time he felt it go all the way back in.

Those scaly hips were slapping against his ass cheeks hard enough to leave him bruised, and the fox lowered his head to the earth beneath him, panting for breath as he struggled to keep his head on straight.

In and out, in and out, always feeling that cock going as far as it could. All the rimming had given his ass enough lube to keep from feeling the pain of friction, but that didn't stop him from gasping for breath as that dick punched in and out of him again and again.

He gripped his fingers into fists, pulling them into tightly-clenched balls against the small of his back as he was fucked harder and harder, his cock throbbing and bouncing off his belly with every thrust. N and out, in and out, in and out, always getting faster, always getting rougher.

Nall grabbed his tail and pulled back on it, forcing him to ride that cock that much harder, feeling it pumping into his guts.


"Fuzz-butt is stin-king slut, isn't he?"

The words were annoying, but he had to admit that the Lightfoot knew how to fuck. There was no denying that much. Nall knew how to fuck, and it was hitting every button that Fox had in him.

He panted as he slumped forward, his bindings holding him in place as he was fucked harder and harder, deeper and deeper. He could feel his orgasm rushing forward in him...

No, it was there now.

Fox moaned as he came, shooting his load over his chest, his belly, and all along the forest floor. His eyes rolled back in their sockets, and he panted for breath as he spilled his seed everywhere, soaking himself with musk, with heated goo.

Nall kept fucking him, even as Fox's asshole clenched down. He swore that the dino's cock was getting bigger, but it might have just been the feeling of being so much tighter for a second or two.

In and out, in and out.

His face dragged through the mud, his eyes closing tight as he took the hard fuck from behind, getting used, getting fucked, getting filled.

In and out and in and out and in -


This time, it was Nall making the sound, the dinosaur screeching at the top of his lungs as he came. Fox groaned as he felt the sudden flood shooting through him, feeling his asshole getting stretched a bit, feeling his inner walls squelching as they squeezed down on puddles and strings of goo and cum and who knew what else.

Nall pulled out almost right away, shooting his load all over Fox's ass and legs. The vulpine pilot shivered, shaking his head as he clenched his ass cheeks and curled his toes from the mini-orgasm of his own that followed.

"Heh...stin-king slut enjoys that."

"You enjoyed it too..."

"Right for top to enjoy. Weird for bottom."

And that is exactly how it was easy to trick you last time...

Though what he was going to do this time, he didn't know. There was no way for him to wash up after this last fuck, and it wasn't like he had gotten a knife to get himself free this time, either.

Nall was still the one in charge, too, which meant that the Lightfoot was going to be holding onto him for at least the whole night. There'd be no more chances at persuasion or fighting back until the next morning, and by then...

Okay, think it through. You'll be sore and tired, but you'll still have the advantages that you have now.

Unless the Lightfoot decided to keep fucking with him on the way back to the tribe. It had been a long time since Fox had gotten a good fuck like that, and if Nall thought that fucking was the right way to keep the pilot from making trouble...well, he wouldn't exactly be wrong, that was for sure.

Fox shivered as he thought about being fucked again and again the whole way to the Lightfoot tribe, knowing that his body would have a hard time saying no to it. He might even end up like that one time in the graduation orgy, when his body had just given up trying to resist and had gone full slut.

Wouldn't that be a picture for the General to see...

Nall pulled something off the fire, and Fox realized that he was being offered dinner. He didn't bother resisting. If anything, he would need the food by the time that he actually made an escape attempt.

They both munched about for a while, filling their bellies. When Nall was done, the dinosaur poured water over the fire, putting it out and leaving the air suddenly far colder than it had been.

"Can I at least have my clothes?"

"No clothes for stin-king mammal. Makes stink more."

"Come onnnnn."

Nall didn't answer, but rather just laid down and closed his eyes. Fox groaned, rolling and wobbling until he could at least lie on his side rather than on his stomach.

He had to come up with a plan to get out of this, and fast.

The End

How Fox REALLY Escaped the Lightfoots

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