End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#31 of End Game (Season 1)

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is the final installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with plot a lot more, but still retains the lemon aspects. It takes place after the defeat of the final dark master Piedmon. This is another plotty one to wind everything up. If you want the lemon, skip to the end.


Chapter 31

And Release the Apocalypse

A furious battle raged in the lab. Ladydevimon's army along with turned allies fought against the digidestined digimon. The most surprising feature was Izzy. His black aura surrounded him as he was locked in hand to hand combat with Andromon. The battle was pretty equal, since the digidestined did not want to destroy their friends.

The rest of the battle was merely a sideshow, for the true action was between Angewomon and Ladydevimon. "Celestial Arrow!" Ladydevimon dodged to the left, the arrow cutting a small piece off her leather garb.

Angewomon screamed and rushed forward. Ladydevimon attempted to skewer her with her spear-shaped hand, but Angewomon quickly grabbed it and broke it over her knee. Ladydevimon screamed in pain.

Angemon rubbed his head. "Whoa..."

"Angemon, wake up!" Angemon shook himself awake. TK was standing next to him.

"I am fine, but I must end this battle before one of our friends gets hurt." Angemon got to his feet. "Ready, TK?"

"Ready, go for it Angemon!" TK held out his crest.

Angemon's form started to reshape itself. "Angemon digivolve to MAGNANGEMON."

Magnangemon nodded to TK and flew up to the center of the battle. His voice boomed out even over the roar of the fighting. "You corrupted our friends and our very souls, Ladydevimon. I will undo the damage you've done." Magnangemon stretched his wings out wide. "MEGA ANTIDOTE!" Magnangemon spun like a tornado. Beams of rainbow light flew out, striking every digimon in the room. The viral digimon and the digidestined showed no change, but the converted friends immediately changed.

Andromon, who was in a mercy fight with Izzy, blinked his eyes twice, and then stopped. "Human Izzy?" Andromon looked at his own hands and shook his head. "Explain this anomaly later. We have a battle to win, my friend."

The battle immediately turned. The remnants of the Dark Master's army fell almost instantly, completely overwhelmed by the superior forces. Only the battle between Ladydevimon and Angewomon raged on. The others felt like Angewomon deserved this fight to herself.

"Ha! Take this, bleach job!" Ladydevimon twirled and threw out a barrage of bats towards her attacker.

Angewomon flew straight up, avoiding the attack. "The things you made me do. The horrors, you will pay for it a thousand times over. Celestial Halo!" Angewomon raised her hands and a halo appeared over her head. She brought her hands down and the halo soared toward Ladydevimon. Ladydevimon tried to dodge, but the halo enlarged. Ladydevimon flew through the ring and Angewomon squeezed her hand tight. By command the halo constricted, ensnaring Ladydevimon. Ladydevimon fell to the ground with her arms pinned to her side. Angewomon dropped to the floor and picked her up.

"Well, it seems you have won." Ladydevimon smiled. "But indulge my last wish. How did you escape?"

"I'll do better than that. I'll show you." Angewomon turned to Kari, who was by the computer. "Kari, if you would."

Kari nodded and typed in the computer. A screen popped out. "Your cameras recorded the whole thing. You'll love this."

The screen filled with the final image of Devimon deleting. Gatomon was walking over as Tai was speaking.

"..we can't let Devimon die in vain." Tai announced. "We have to get out of here."

"I am afraid that is impossible." Gatomon smirked. "You see, with Ladydevimon gone, the entire army will obey only my command." She walked up and jumped on Ogremon's shoulder and flicked his ear once. "And I don't think you'll have anymore heroes jumping to your aid."

Suddenly a green hand wrapped around Gatomon's leg. Gatomon gasped in surprise briefly, but she was thrown against the wall and knocked out.

"Well, maybe one more hero." Ogremon replied.

"Ogremon! You're back on our side!" Mimi cheered.

"I never wasn't on your side." Ogremon broke the chains on Mimi's hand and worked his way down.

"But how?" Tai asked as his hands where released. He rubbed his wrists.

"Of course!" Izzy slapped his fore head. Ogremon grabbed the power-suppressing bracelets on his arms and crushed them. Izzy continued. "You're a virus, so the black gears would have no effect on you. You've been acting the whole time!"

"You've got it!" Ogremon smashed the machine holding Kari. He eyed curiously that the portal did not close when Kari was released, but there where more important things to worry about. "Why do you think I let you escape back in the forest, Kari? I am not just another pretty face."

"But what about the army?" Matt asked as he was freed.

"Ladydevimon had them only obey Gatomon or herself." Ogremon finished freeing the digimon. "But we have to move fast, I don't know how long Angemon can hold her off."

"But what about Gatomon?" Kari motioned to the knocked out cat on the floor.

"Way ahead of you." Ogremon reached into his belt and pulled out two disks. "These where locked in Ladydevimon's safe. I think Gatomon brought them back with her."

Ogremon handed them to Izzy. Izzy looked at the disks and smiled. "You are a genius, Ogremon." Izzy walked over to the computer and inserted the disks. He began typing.

"I also have a gift for the rest of you too." Ogremon reached into his belt and pulled out the remaining digivices. "These are yours."

"All right, Ogremon!" Tai cheered. Everyone rushed forward and snatched their digivices. Agumon, with his talented snout, helped them identify whose was whose by smell. Everyone quickly digivolved to their highest form in preparation for the upcoming battle.

Izzy smiled as he finished typing. "All right, we're prepared. Computer, run disk one, defrag program Gatomon."

All eyes turned to Gatomon as her black paw exploded into black atoms. A combination of white and yellow atoms swirled around and combined on the white stump. Suddenly, Gatomon's paw was back, as good as new. Light appeared from Gatomon's body and formed a small sphere. The sphere floated towards Kari, and the light vanished. Kari's digivice hovered briefly in the air, and dropped into Kari's hands.

"And now for step two." Izzy pressed another couple of keys. "Computer, run disk two, antiviral program Gatomon."

Invisible hands picked up Gatomon as she floated, still unconscious, over the floor. She slowly glowed bright white. Her eyes flew open, and the red from around her pupils disappeared, replaced by sky blue. Gatomon landed on her feet. Before she could say one word, Kari rushed up and hugged her. "Welcome back!" Kari cried.

"But the things I did!" Gatomon cried.

Tai placed a hand on Gatomon's shoulder. "The things Ladydevimon did, you mean. We know you had no choice. We all did things we where ashamed off." All the digimon and digidestined nodded their heads in agreement.

Ogremon peered down the hole Angemon made. "I hate to interrupt a solemn moment, but Ladydevimon's coming back and Angemon's out of it."

Tai ran back to the wall and held his arms in the original position. "I think I know away to safely rescue him. Everybody back to their positions. The digimon can hide in the army. Gatomon, think you're up for a little payback?"

Gatomon sneered as Ladydevimon's form became visible. She whispered. "More than ready."

Kari switched off the monitor. Ladydevimon shook her head and turned her gaze to Ogremon. "The hidden heroes. You and Devimon. Who would have guessed? It seems I erred when I deleted Datamon and the others. I assumed that one of them would be the one to betray me. Better luck next time I guess."

"There's not going to be a next time. Any last words?" Angewomon scowled.

Ladydevimon smiled. "Sure. COMPUTER! Activate program Apocalypse!"

Suddenly, the entire world started to shake. An enormous ball of energy appeared in the center of the lab and seemed to eat away at the very matter of the digital world. "What did she do?" Sora screamed.

"One should never take success for granted." Ladydevimon laughed. "Never make a plan without a back up plan. Program Apocalypse takes the code of every single deleted digimon and combines them into one enormous file." A gigantic gold ball with metallic claws appeared, and a dark cloaked figure appeared from the center. "I give you APOCALYMON!" Ladydevimon announced triumphantly.

Angewomon looked up in horror, a mistake Ladydevimon capitalized on. A side kick to Angewomon's mid-section sent her sprawling. Ladydevimon took off in the direction of the portal, still bound by Angewomon's halo. Just before she jumped through, she gestured as best she could with her arms constrained. and a dozen bats flew out. "See you in the future. My future!" She jumped through the gate in a flash of blue light. The bats collided with the computer, destroying it completely. The portal flashed once, and then vanished.

(This next section is basically a short version of the last two episodes of season 1, the arrival of Apocalymon, with one minor difference involving Izzy in the beginning. It's in here for plot development. If you want the lemon, it's at the end.)

Everything was gone now except for the black void and the huge creature in front of them. "I am Apocalymon, the combination of all the defeated and deleted digimon. I am responsible for the creation of the dark masters, and now, to thanks to Ladydevimon, I am free to deliver the world into darkness."

"Not if we can help it!" Tai announced.

Apocalymon just smirked. His claws turned into those of various digimon, Machinedramon, Myotismon and Metalseadramon. He fired blasts of energy at the children, in which the digimon had to throw themselves in front of to save their lives.

Izzy's eyes glowed red. "I won't let you hurt my friends." Izzy hands pulsed with black energy as his shield wrapped around him.

"I do as I wish! I have the knowledge of all those deleted, and I know how to stop you, child." One of the claws took the form of Myotismon. "Here's a little something from our favorite vampire, souped up just for you. Mega Nightmare Wave!"

Lillymon recognized that attack, Myotismon used it on her to drain her completely of her energy. Izzy was relying on his aura to protect him, but that would do nothing for an energy absorbing attack. "Izzy! MOVE!" Lillymon screamed as she flew as fast as she could to move him out of the way, but was a fraction too late. Izzy eyes flew open as his energy disappeared from his body. His aura shattered around him, and his mark of Devimon on his hand faded with his powers. Izzy looked down at his hand in shock.

Apocalymon laughed. "Back to a ninety pound computer weakling, your suffering elevates my own. Know that you will never have your power for the remainder of your life. All ten seconds of it."

"Come on everybody! Everybody attack!" Matt shouted.

"I don't think so. You haven't seen all my power yet." With lightning speed, Apocalymon's claws shot out, grasping the digimon. "REVERSE DIGIVOLVE!" There was a blinding flash of light, and when the claws where removed, the digimon were back to their rookie forms, with the exception of Gatomon.

"We're not beat yet! Come on everybody, digivolve again!" Tai shouted.

"I don't think so." Hands flew out from one of the claws. The crests where ripped off the children and held out for them to see. Everyone felt a searing shock from the anti-crest, but Apocalymon ripped them off so fast it hardly registered. The crests exploded into atoms in front of their eyes. Apocalymon laughed evilly. "Enough. Be gone from my sight."

Joe looked down at his feet, and was horrified to see his feet disappearing. "Ahhh! What's happening?!" The rest of the digidestined realized in horror the same was happening to them. They turned to their digimon to ask for help, but their digimon has already disintegrated to their torsos.

"Farewell, digidestined!" Apocalymon cried as the digidestined disappeared into atoms. He surveyed the earth below him and laughed. "Now I can subject the world to the same pain and torment that I suffer constantly."

Suddenly, atoms swirled in front of him. Apocalymon was stunned as the digidestined reappeared in front of his eyes. Even more surprising, the digimon had all digivolved to their highest level, without their crests. "But how?" Apocalymon announced.

"You're in trouble!" Sora announced.

"That's right, you're facing the new and improved digidestined!" Tai shouted.

"Everyone, group attack now!" Matt cheered to everyone.

Apocalymon snarled, and by his command, his claws flew out to finish the job he started. The digidestined attack began. Magnangemon, Angewomon, Lillymon and Zudomon took care of his claws, almost effortlessly it seemed. The two mega digimon where flying towards him. He turned his attention to them, and attacked with viral grenades and Machinedramon's Giga Cannon. Suddenly, Garudamon and Megakabuterimon flew in point position, and blazed an opening through the virus's defense. Before Apocalymon could regroup himself, two powerful attacks from Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon, disintegrating his body. Apocalymon responded with laughter. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Give it up, you defeated!" Tai announced.

More laughter. "you haven't seen my ultimate attack. TOTAL ANNIHILATION!"

"He's going for broke!" Matt screamed as Apocalymon began to destroy the universe.

Fear rushed through the digidestined veins, but was replaced by hope. The digivices glowed brightly, and formed a perfect energy cube around the final attack. The cube strained, but the explosion was contained and shrunk down to nothing.

Both worlds where saved. File Island restored itself along with the digi eggs and primary village. A portal opened, allowing the digidestined to return to Earth, after a tearful good-bye with their digimon friends. But there was one question on everybody's mind. Had they seen the last of Ladydevimon?


Carl just came out of his apartment block and strapped on his roller blades. At six-foot even, 190 pounds, he looked a little out of place here in Japan, especially with his short blond hair. But he enjoyed his job here working at the TV station. He just stopped off at his boss's apartment in Hightenview Terrace to deliver some packages. Nicest guy in the world, he even asked him to stay for his kid TK's birthday party. A small gathering of eight kids. It was kind of cute, they where playing make-believe, where a bird and a dinosaur where battling outside their building. Even named the dinosaur Greymon. Wonder where that came from? The parents where on the on the edgy side though. Somebody set off a bomb or something outside the building, and they where all talking about moving. It seemed a shame to break up those kids, they seem to make a good team.

Carl skated faster down the street. It was later than he expected. It was already pretty dark, and all the lights where out on this street, probably from that explosion. Suddenly, a blue light from a darkened alley flashed. Carl stopped and stared out of his glasses at the sight before him. A lady in black leather stumbled and held her hand against the wall. Carl skated quickly to the woman's aid. "Are you hurt?"

"What year is this?" The woman asked, and she quoted a year.

"Whoa, you're off by four years lady. Are you sure you don't have a concussion, maybe we should lie you down?" Carl grabbed her arm gently.

Surprisingly, the leather-clad lady grabbed him by the crotch. Carl gasped at the sudden sensation. He couldn't see the woman's face in the darkness, but he knew she was smiling. "Lie down with you? My, my, you are forward. I like that."

The woman's hand on his crotch moved, and the button on his jeans flew off. His pants dropped to his ankles. She grabbed his undershorts and pulled them down to join his pants. His dick was now right out, and quite rigid. In the dark, he couldn't even see her open her mouth, but he did feel her lips wrap around his dick. "Whoa, right here?" Carl choked out. His answer was a talented tongue wrapping around the head of his prick. She seemed to be trying to undo the head of his dick like a pop bottle, an almost indescribable feeling. He felt leather clad hands run up his ass, kneading his flesh as his blowjob continued. Carl wanted to hold off, to make this last as long as possible, but this lady was to good as her job, bringing Carl rapidly to an orgasm. His cum shot filling the slut's mouth with his seed. He could hear her swallow it as she removed his prick from his mouth, then he could feel his dick being licked clean. Carl was breathing deeply now as the tongue finally left his satisfied prick.

He felt strong hands grasp his knees and pull them forward. Carl feel back on his as hard, but he didn't complain as he felt her clamor on top of him. He could just make out her white breasts hanging in front of him. They seemed abnormal pale, but Carl was at the point where he didn't care. Carl was amazed she got undressed so quickly, but wasn't complaining about that fact either. He reached out and grabbed the enormous balloon-size breasts dancing in front of him, twisting the nipples until they became hard under his touch. He heard a satisfying moan as he massaged her tits vigorously. He could feel the hair on her pussy brushing up against his hard dick. She placed her hand on his chests, and lifted her ass up. She slowly lowered herself down on to his willing cock. Carl groaned, and he groaned even louder as she squeezed her hips. She was so tight it was unbelievable, and the sheer strength in her hips as she squeezed instantly brought Carl to the brink again, shooting cum straight up inside her.

Carl's dick never got a chance to relax as he felt her tight twat moving up and down. His prick, which was spent two seconds go, was already growing hard again. The woman moved with almost uncanny speed, so fast that Carl couldn't even hold on to her tits anymore. They just stood in front of his face, bouncing up and down in rapid succession with the movement on the dick. Carl just lay back now and grunted loudly as this woman brought him closer and closer to his third orgasm. The woman twisted his shirt in her hands, ripping it, as she began moaning louder and louder, signal she was almost at her climax with him. One final thrust down on to his prick sent them both off. Carl let out a large grunt of pleasure as he shot even more cum into this sex fiend's belly. He could also feel his own crotch get wet as sticky cum drained from her pussy on to him.

The woman got off him, allowing Carl to get up and pull up his pants. "Whoa," He breathed out. "I had dreams like that, meeting a beautiful woman, and having sex two minutes later."

He felt a finger run down the torn shirt on his desk. "You think I'm beautiful? I'm touched."

"What's your name?" Carl asked, hoping that this would be a regular occurrence.

The woman chuckled. "Ladydevimon."

Carl was about to comment on that weird name when suddenly the streets lights started working again, illuminating the dark alley allowing Carl to get a clear look at his lover. He screamed. White fangs came out a mouth placed on a pale white face. Soulless red eyes stared at him. He screamed. The creature in front of Carl smiled. Her red eyes flashed in front of him. "What, still don't find me attractive?" Her leather garb, which was lying in the corner, moved, and crawled up her body. Ladydevimon's hand formed into a lance, and swiped at Carl. A large piece of his shirt came off. Ladydevimon thrusted again.

Carl fell back on his skates, as Ladydevimon's weapon pierced threw the wall behind him. "My God, what the hell you are you?" He shrieked as he scrambled on his feet, out of the alley.

Ladydevimon retracted her lance as it formed back into a hand. "Hell is where you're going, and what I'm bringing. Good guess on the god though, for it's only a matter of time." She flew up and landed on the rooftop. "It's the end game for you, digidestined. I won before you even had a chance to play." She laughed and tore off in to the night sky.

That was final next chapter of my epic lemon END GAME. I had all off this planned since I wrote the first chapter, Ladydevimon as the master, Ogremon's rescue. Just took a while to write it all down. Not to worry, my next epic lemon END GAME: DESTINY'S END will be coming out shortly. It takes place during season 2 of Digimon, and to all those who've sent me requests for lemons, most of them will be in my second epic lemon. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at [[email protected]](%5C).

Edited by Bahamut X on 04/04/02. [email protected]

Phew! Fixing up these fics was one tough job. I would have finished the repair work sooner, but I was waylaid by a hard drive crash. Now, onward to Destiny's End! *Runs toward the mountain of paper containing the 70+ chapters of Destiny's End, and dives in*

End Game - Chapter 30 - Redemption

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 29 - Dark Ascendants

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 28 - Master Revealed

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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