End Game - Chapter 22 - Prophecy Misread

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#22 of End Game (Season 1)

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with plot a lot more, but still retains the lemon aspects. It takes place after the defeat of the final dark master, Piedmon.


Chapter 22

Prophecy Misread

Izzy was in his cell. The crest had worn off now, but he was still angry. He had betrayed his friends, especially Sora. Gatomon also had this infernal bracelet placed on his wrist. He couldn't use his powers.

Suddenly an explosion filled the hall. Izzy ran to the window. Looking out he saw Palmon tumbling down the corridor. She was obviously bruised and exhausted. "Palmon!" He cried.

Palmon turned towards the window, and smiled weakly. Suddenly a ball of black energy exploded under her feet, sending her spiraling head over heels. Izzy's gaze turned to the attacker, a laughing Metaletemon. "Come on now, plant girl. It was just getting interesting."

"Leave her alone!" Izzy screamed. The crest started to glow on his chest.

"Well, well look who we have here." Metaletemon walked up to the window and grinned. "I'd like to delete you too, but I have strict orders not to hurt you." Palmon had gotten to her feet and began to run again. Metaletemon threw a banana peel, causing Palmon to slip and hit the ground hard. "But she's doesn't have your level of protection. At least you get to see her last moments, and know you had the power to save her, but couldn't." Palmon was now crawling as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast at all. Metaletemon let her scramble out of view. He tapped on the glass. "Bye-bye. See you soon, you won't see her at all, un-huh." And with that Metaletemon walked leisurely after his prey.

Izzy was now enraged. His crest turned black. "No." He was logical; he can't let the crest take over. Approach it like a problem. Izzy's mind raced rapidly.

Problem: You're trapped in a room. You have the power to blast the door open, but every time you try to use the power, a bracelet shocks you on your wrist.

Solution: Remove the bracelet.

Problem: The bracelet has no lock or hitch. It looked like it was built around your wrist while you where asleep.

Solution: Remove the bracelet.

Izzy growled. He kept coming to the same solution. What was he supposed to do? Slip it over his hand? Izzy grabbed the manacle and pulled hard. The device started to slowly work its way up his hand. Izzy grimaced and pulled harder. With a burst of pain, the bracelet flew off his hand. He smiled to himself and thought. Occam's razor: the simplest solution is most often the correct one. For the first time in his life, he was glad he had his tiny hands. His skin was raw; the tattoo of Devimon stood bright orange against his red skin.

Another scream, weaker but seemed to fill the hallway. Izzy instantly snapped to attention. His eyes turned deep red. His hands glowed briefly and he pointed them to the front of the cell. A burst of black power surged from him, vaporizing the door into nothingness.

Izzy soared out of the cell in the direction of the scream. He found Metaletemon, holding a weakened Palmon by her throat. Palmon spoke in a hoarse voice. "Let me go." She cried weakly.

"Or else what?" Metaletemon shook her.

Fury filled Izzy. His aura of black wrapped around him with a large crackling sound. Metaletemon turned around, and saw Izzy floating in front of him, his eyes glowing red in the darkened hall. Metaletemon took a step back and dropped Palmon in surprise. "I really have to stop saying that." He mumbled, shortly before Izzy attacked.

Izzy smashed a stone pillar next to him, showering Metaletemon in debris. Metaletemon instinctively raised his arms to cover his face. While the stones didn't hurt him, he felt some irresistible force grab his wrists and pull them down. Izzy had his hands wrapped around his arms and was forcing him to his knees. "How many of my friends?" Izzy coldly asked. His inner fury was getting to him as the crest of ignorance slowly took over. Izzy's logic vanished. His only focus was on Metaletemon now. "Now you die." Cracks began to appear on Metaletemon's arm on Izzy squeezed tighter still.

"Not yet, I still have an encore." Metaletemon smiled. "See your green friend over there?"

Izzy turned. Palmon's form was slowly staring to break up. Izzy, even in his haze realized this wasn't supposed to happen. Metaletemon, seizing this lapse, headbutted Izzy. Izzy stumbled back, stunned, releasing his tormenter. Metaletemon ran with Izzy after him, but the monkey called back. "If you chase me your friend will be deleted. Un-huh. Revenge or her life. I'd choose quickly." And with that, Metaletemon ran off down the hall.

Izzy struggled to think. He looked at his escaping foe and back to Palmon's inert form. Beads of green floated away. Izzy realized he had no choice. He ran up to Palmon, knelt down, and grabbed her. Not knowing how, he willed his aura to wrap around her. Energy flowed from him to her. Tendrils of his aura leapt out, snatching the escaping molecules and placing them back. In a few minutes Palmon was completely intact. She opened her eyes. "What happened?" She looked up and saw two red eyes looking at her and she screamed. But then she saw the owner of the eyes. "Izzy?"

Izzy had let his anger take over, and the crest had taken control. He was part virus, so the crest didn't affect him as it did the rest of the digidestined. However, it did remove his knowledge, leaving him a shadow of himself. Simple conversation became difficult. He could only reply.


A thousand questions plagued Palmon. "How did you escape? How did you get those powers?" She questioned.

Izzy stood there dumbfounded for a second. He couldn't clearly remember. "I don't know. I had to save you." He finally blurted out.

Palmon couldn't believe it. Izzy had somehow managed to save her life from Metaletemon. How did he get this power? Then she remembered part of the prophecy


The son of fallen angels

Shall reveal his power

To save a loved one

Palmon thought about this. Izzy had the power and he used it to save her. He must be the son, and she must be the loved one in the prophecy. It all made sense. He must truly love her. It was written in a prophecy, so it must be true. "Come on, we've got to get out of this hallway." Palmon grabbed Izzy's hand.

Izzy's eyes had gone back to normal and his aura disappeared. "Ok." He nodded. Palmon lead him down the hall. Izzy stumbled along clumsily. He had difficulty thinking, plus the battle with Metaletemon and the transfer of energy from him to Palmon had left him drained.

Palmon sensed Izzy's weakness. "Come on Izzy. This cell is empty, we can hide in here for a while." Palmon walked in, making sure to smash the lock first. She didn't want someone to discover them and simply lock the door. Izzy sat down on one of the bunks. He rubbed his temples, trying to clear his head.

Palmon sat down next to Izzy and placed a hand on his hip. "Izzy, you saved my life."

"I did?" Izzy replied. "I did I guess." Even remembering the last few minutes proved to be difficult.

Palmon slowly moved her hand around on his hip. A feeling started to fill Izzy. He remembered this sensation, and he also remembered how much he enjoyed it. Palmon smiled. "I know you're the one for me. You used your power to save me. It's written in the prophecy Gennai sent us. You must love me, don't you?"

Izzy's head was now swimming with hormones as his cock started to stiffen. This combined with the effects of the crest of ignorance left him completely disoriented. Palmon could have told him he could spin straw into gold and he would have agreed. "Yes," was all he could scrape together.

Palmon snuggled up closer and started rubbing harder. Izzy's cock became rock hard. He moaned slightly and grabbed Palmon's hand and guided it under his shorts. Palmon smiled again. "I knew you loved me." She moved her head and started kissing his neck. Her long fingers encircled his dick and began running up and down the length of his shaft. Izzy groaned and turned his head and started to kiss Palmon on her mouth. Palmon slipped her tongue into Izzy's throat and started to French him. Their two tongues wrapped around each other's as Palmon continued to rub Izzy off.

Izzy pulled down his pants so Palmon could get at his dick better. Palmon continued rubbing him, but suddenly stopped. Izzy let out a moan of disappointment, but Palmon simply smiled. She jumped down from the bunk and got down on her knees in front of Izzy. Izzy's legs barely touched the ground as he sat on the bunk. Palmon removed his shorts from around his ankles and tossed them aside. She wiggled in closer and placed her hands on his hips. She slowly opened her mouth and took in Izzy's cock. She just let his dick hang in her mouth for a second, teasing Izzy for a bit. She then started to suck hard, and the same time wrapping her long and nimble tongue up and down Izzy's dick. Izzy grabbed the back of her head and held her in place, although Palmon had no intention of moving. He wrapped his legs around Palmon's back, hugging her tightly. Palmon smiled slightly as she continued to blow Izzy. Izzy's head was just awash with the beginning of an orgasm. He held on to Palmon tightly, afraid that if he let go she might stop. Izzy gripped Palmon's head almost painfully hard as he started to shoot his load inside Palmon's mouth. Palmon continued licking his dick as his cum came shooting out. She moved to the head of his dick, licking the cum down her throat as quickly as Izzy came.

Completely exhausted, Izzy slid off the bunk. He landed roughly on top of Palmon. Palmon landed on her back, with Izzy's dick resting on her stomach. Palmon wiggled around, a little uncomfortable under Izzy's weight. Izzy felt her stomach rubbing against his dick, and began to get hard again. He began to move up and down, rubbing his hardening prick against her warm stomach. Izzy smiled, and shifted her body up so that he was rubbing on the top of her pussy.

Izzy continued rubbing. Palmon extended her vines from her hands and they slowly wrapped around his hips, stopping his frantic humping. She gently guided him, and positioned him so that his dick was just outside her pussy opening. She released her tight grip, and Izzy immediately started thrusting again. His first thrust plunged him deep inside her eager cunt. He gasped at the sudden tightness hugging his dick, stopping him for a brief instant, but he quickly began humping again. Palmon moaned as Izzy's dick rubbed the inside of her pussy. She wrapped her vines around Izzy's back and held on tightly. Izzy continued humping, closing his eyes as he felt his second orgasm coming to fruition. Palmon moaned loudly as well. She came first as her pussy juices flowed from her. Izzy's dick immediately began to move faster, lubricated by Palmon's minty juices. Izzy rammed his hips as fast he could, sweating profusely. He came a few seconds later. A second load of cum shot forth from Izzy. Izzy's breathing became labored as his humping slowed until he finally stopped. He pulled out of her, his cum leaking out of Palmon as he did so. Palmon just lay on the ground, tired but satisfied.

Izzy fell with his back against the wall. The fight, energy transfer, and now the whole love-making experience had completely drained him. He was asleep within seconds.

Palmon sat up, and saw Izzy fast asleep against the wall. She was a little annoyed at first but thought to herself, we just made love right after he battled Metaletemon and saved my life, he has a right to be tired. Palmon crawled up to Izzy. She grabbed his shorts and put them on with some difficulty. She managed not to wake him though. She kissed him once on the cheek, whispering "I love you." Exhaustion began to wane over her, and she curled up on Izzy's lap, and promptly joined in Izzy's slumber.

Izzy woke up later. The crest of ignorance had run its course, leaving him his normal self. "What happened?" He asked himself. He noticed Palmon leaning against his leg, fast asleep. He was overjoyed, "Prodigious, I must have saved her." He remembered breaking out of the cell, seeing Metaletemon attacking Palmon. Right about then his memory turned hazy. He must have let the crest of ignorance take over. He vaguely remembered Metaletemon running, and then he recalled bending down and kneeling by Palmon. Palmon said something and led him to this cell. He must have fallen asleep; he was so tired from the battle.

Palmon was still dozing. Izzy decided to let her sleep, she needed her rest after being beaten severely by Metaletemon. He place his head back against the wall and started to sleep, losing himself in his thoughts. "What a weird dream I had though." Izzy looked down at Palmon, and rubbed his hand through her blossom on her head. It still was an intense dream though. "I mean she's kind of cute, but still"

That was the next chapter of my Epic lemons. I would really like to know what people think about this plot. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at [[email protected]](%5C)

Edited by Bahamut X on 18/02/02. So, how am I doing on the correction job? Comments are welcome at [email protected] As for flames, dragons don't burn. Heh heh heh . . .

End Game - Chapter 23 - An Ally in an Enemy

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 21 - True Face Revealed

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 20 - Crest of Deceit

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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