End Game - Chapter 14 - Crest of Ignorance

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#14 of End Game (Season 1)

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with plot a lot more, but still retains the lemon aspects. It takes place after the defeat of the final dark master Piedmon. Another rather long plot for this one.


Chapter 14

Crest of Ignorance

Metaletemon stormed out of his recuperation chamber, knocking a stray Otamamon into a corner. "Make way, the king is in a nasty mood today." He had spent the last several hours regaining his strength after losing a battle to Izzy. IZZY! A mere human!

The metallic monkey stormed into Gatomon's chambers. "If I ever see that cocky little know-it-all." his voice trailed off as he looked down into Izzy's face.

"Yes? You where remarking?" Izzy asked. Metaletemon backed away, tripping and falling on his ass, a metal echo ringing throughout the halls. He quickly turned on his hands and knees, half-crawling half-running out of Izzy's presence. They could hear his metal footsteps running down the hall until the sound quickly faded from their ears. Izzy smiled to himself. For years, he had been the victim of a seemingly endless supply of bullies. The thrill of actually being the one who instills fear, was indescribable.

Devimon sat on a chair, laughing at the whole display. "You see my wayward son? We have a lot in common."

"I still have nothing in common with you." Izzy said, turning back towards Devimon.

"Oh come on now." Devimon grinned. "I saw that look in your eye when you saw Metaletemon cowering like a baby. Don't tell me that if I brought one of those, 'bullies' as you told me about, you wouldn't enjoy making them cringe in fear."

Izzy wanted to contradict him, but he was right. He had already made plans to visit a few of his school aggressors. He chuckled at the thought of how they would feel being beaten up by Fizzy Izzy.

"You see?" Devimon smiled a crooked smile. "You have the seed of evil in you."

"Listen," Izzy scowled slightly at being called evil, "I only came here because you said you had some answers for me."

"And you shall have them." Devimon tapped his hand on the table. "We just have to be patient."

"For what?" Despite Devimon's assurances, he was becoming impatient.

As if on cue, Gatomon entered the room, with Tentomon carrying Matt's slumped form. "Matt!"

Izzy cried. He rushed forwards, pushing Gatomon and Tentomon out of the way. He then

launched a surprised gaze at his digimon friend. "Tentomon, what are you doing?"

"Matt's fine." Gatomon casually inspected her claws. "He's just sleeping. He's had a rather rough day. Tentomon," She plucked a black gear from her paw glove. "Well, let's just say he had a little change of disposition."

Izzy turned towards Gatomon, his eyes starting turning red again, the black aura beginning to wrap around him. "You little bitch. How many of my friends are you going to hurt?"

Gatomon waved a finger at him. "Ah ah ah ah. Now don't do something you might regret. I believe you have some questions regarding your mother, and if you delete me, you'll never get them."

The aura disappeared and his eyes turned back to their normal colour as Izzy's logical side wrestled for control. "If you hurt him anymore."

"You know I won't Izzy. If I wanted to destroy your friends, I would have done it on the way here. I don't wish any harm on you." Gatomon motioned to Devimon. "Be a dear and escort Tentomon to the dungeon. The black gear will be wearing of soon and he may be a little peeved."

"As you wish." Devimon sat up and walked out of the room with Tentomon and Matt in tow. Gatomon took Devimon's place in the chair crossing her legs.

"You know my mother, my natural mother?" Izzy asked standing crossed arm in front of the tiny figure.

"We met only a short while ago." Gatomon took a file from the table and began sharpening her claws. "I must admit, she had a large impact on my life in the short time we've known each other. A powerful woman, if I do say so. But her strength was never in her power, but her brains. All the dark masters together couldn't hold a candle to the wits of her."

"But who is she?" Izzy inquired.

"Now, now. Enough questions about your past." Gatomon dismissed the questioning with a wave of her paw. "We need to talk about the future." She jumped down from the chair and walked over to Izzy. "Join my little army here. Not only do you have raw power, but also your computer programming skills are nearly unmatched. You would be indispensable to my operation, and you'll be the most powerful boy on Earth and the digital world."

"Listen." Izzy stared down hard at Gatomon. "The only reason why I'm not disintegrating your lair is that Devimon said you had answers to my inquires. I am not a virus, regardless who or what my parents are. And I will never join you, Gatomon. I am still loyal to my friends."

Gatomon sighed and walked towards the table again. "I am afraid I must insist."

"You and what Mega digimon army?" Izzy stepped back, his eyes starting to turn red again, ready for another attack. One came, but not in the direction he was expecting. A small dart came whizzing through the air, hitting him in the neck. Izzy eyes turned back to normal then rolled up in the back of the head. He fell to the ground, drugged and out of it.

Gatomon walked over to Izzy, kicking him once lightly in the head getting no response. "I don't need an army. I have brains. And a few brains working for me as well. Isn't that right?" Datamon walked out from his hiding place behind the picture. He resented working for this cat, but he still had no choice. "How long will he be asleep for, slave?"

Datamon grimaced at the word. First a servant to a monkey now a cat. "He may have the power of a mega digimon, but physically he shares many qualities of a human." He pulled the dart from Izzy's neck. "This dart was filled with a sedative that will keep him docile for at least an hour."

"That will do. Take him to your lab, and fit him with that device we talked about." Datamon growled, and grabbed Izzy by the arms, and starting dragging him away. "Wait." Gatomon walked over to Izzy, and placed a black disk on his crest. "Ok now he can go."

"As you wish." Datamon answered.

"No," Gatomon answered. "As I command."

Datamon resisted an almost an impossible urge to attack Gatomon, but realized that would only end in his second deletion. "As you command." He choked out, pulling Izzy's form with him.

Izzy awoke, his head swimming with the after affects of the drug he was pumped full with. Hie eyes strained to focus as he made out the cell around him.

"Ah good, you're awake."

Izzy eyes completely cleared as the form of Gatomon appeared in his eyes. "You, I should have hypothesized better than to trust you!"

"You're right, you should have." Gatomon chuckled. "For someone who's so good with computers, you'd think you'd have some brains when it comes to human and digimon nature."

"Why you diminutive" His eyes began to grow red again, but this time a surge of electricity flowed through him, causing him to scream. Looking down at his wrist, he saw that some one had attached a bracelet of some sort to him. "What the hell is this contraption?"

"Oh that?" Gatomon eyed the device with a single raised eyebrow. "Just a little gift from me, courtesy of my two scientists. We can't have someone as powerful as you running around interfering with my plans. That device will give you a tiny little jolt every time you use your powers."

Izzy looked at Gatomon with fury in is eyes. Izzy never wanted to hurt anybody before, but he wanted to now. The crest on his chest grew black; it's control sweeping over him. He fell back to the ground. "What did you do to me?" His thoughts felt muddled in confused. It was hard to think clearly.

"Only single syllable words Izzy?" Gatomon laughed. "I forgot to mention my second gift. The Crest of Ignorance. One of your greatest assets was your knowledge, that crest effectively removes it, if only temporarily."

Izzy struggled to follow what Gatomon was saying, but it became harder and harder as he felt like his brain was in a fog. "I still won't join you." Izzy struggled to defy Gatomon.

Gatomon looked up surprisingly. "Amazing, you seem to be fighting the effects of my crest better than the rest of the digidestined. They all succumbed almost instantly." Gatomon slapped her head. "Of course, you're part virus. The black gears and crest effectively turn you into a virus, so you're partly immune. I guess I'll have to think of some other way to convince you."

With that she tackled Izzy, landing on his chest. She started licking the young boy across the face. Izzy feel to his back, still trying to push the cat away. He managed to push Gatomon off his face, but Gatomon just moved down to his pants. She grabbed Izzy's cock and started playing with it under his pants. Izzy was still trying to push her off, but his attempts became much weaker. Gatomon pulled down his shorts and placed one of her hand under his underwear, and began playing with his cock again.

Izzy, in his haze, still tried to resist because, because, why was he resisting? This felt good, really good in fact. He put his own hand under his underwear and began rubbing with Gatomon. Gatomon pulled down his underwear and rubbed his balls as Izzy ran his hand up and down his shaft. Izzy started groaning as he felt something come over him. He felt this before, but he couldn't remember where. All he knew is he wanted more. He increased the base of his hand, rubbing rapidly as Gatomon played with his balls. Finally Izzy groaned, and shot his cum straight up in the air. Gatomon snapped at it in mid air, catching a large wad in her mouth. She then proceeded to lick the remaining cum that landed on his cock. Izzy felt the rough muscle run around his legs, then on his balls, and finally up and down his shaft. Izzy's cock was hardening under the treatment and he was moaning loudly.

Gatomon removed her tongue after the last trace of cum was gone. "Shall I continue?" She coyly asked Izzy.

Izzy had completely succumbed to his emotions, allowing the anti-crest to take control. He only wanted one thing now. "Yes." He breathed out.

Gatomon smiled and started rubbing her tongue up and down underside his dick like a giant Popsicle. Izzy laid back and moaned loudly. Gatomon licked his cock a few more times ending at the head. She playfully licked the head of his dick until she finally slowly inserted the cock in her mouth. She still licked his shaft inside her mouth, eliciting more groans from Izzy. Izzy cock was now was at full rigidity again. Gatomon removed the dick from her mouth and stood up, placing her pussy directly over the Izzy at attention cock. She slowly bent her knees down, and let Izzy's cock slide inside her. She straightened her legs, and bent down again. She looked like she was doing deep knee bends, but the purpose was more than exercises, although she was sweating hard enough.

Izzy's head was clouded with the effects of the crest of ignorance combined with the surging hormones. The only thing he wanted was Gatomon to move faster. Izzy reached out and grabbed Gatomon around her ass, and started helping Gatomon's movements. Izzy's clothes where drenched in his sweat as he lifted Gatomon's up and down. Gatomon barely needed to do anything herself. All she did was squeeze her hips together tightly and purr contentedly and loudly. Izzy bit his lower lip as his second and more powerful orgasm shot through him, shooting his load straight up into Gatomon's belly. He fell down to his back, letting Gatomon go. Gatomon, who was just a second away from her own climax, sat down hard, taking all of Izzy's cock in. She let our a long purr as her pussy juices dripped out of her dick filled cunt and ran down Izzy's legs.

Gatomon stood up, taking Izzy's cock out of her. She crawled up Izzy's chest, and cupped his chin in her paw. "Now that we had a chance to discuss, I want you to think about joining me again, or at least when the crest of ignorance's effects wear off. You should realize that it's healthier and more fun if you're on the winning side." Gatomon released Izzy's chin, and walked towards the door. "I'll be back later, don't wait up."

Gatomon walked out of from her room, just coming out of the shower. She didn't care much for water, but it wasn't proper for the leader of the digital world to be seen covered in sweat, saliva, and cum. A few steps out she ran straight into Puppetmon. "What are you doing here? Didn't I send you to capture me prisoners?"

"Already did. One reptile, one flying pig, and one," Puppetmon swooned mockingly, "beautiful flower girl. That's three for me putting yours truly in the lead against pseudo-Satan and metal-monkey."

"Lillymon?" Gatomon cocked an eye, then smiled happily. "Good work Puppetmon, now hand over the digivices."

"Huh?" Puppetmon looked confused.

Gatomon's mood turned sour again. "You knot-head! She had the digivices on her, if you matched her up with the right digimon and digidestined, we could have a major problem!"

Puppetmon backed off as Gatomon moved menacingly forward. He held out his hands. "Don't worry your pretty little head, she's with Tai."

Gatomon grabbed Puppetmon's hand, "Come on, you idiotic door-stop. We have to get the digivices back." The two ran off, with Puppetmon leading the way.

That was the next chapter of my Epic lemons. I would really like to know what people think about this plot. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at [[email protected]](%5C)

Edited for accuracy by Bahamut X on 28/01/02.

End Game - Chapter 15 - Jail Break

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 13 - Cat and Mouse

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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End Game - Chapter 12 - Hell Has No Fury

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals...

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